African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
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Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html
Bikabes (Bicabus), I am the soldier from Esmuntanah. My martyrdom at Baramuni, Kemet saw me cut in two, along with other martyred faithful. My relics were translated to a church at Esmuntanah. ,3 Aug. calendar, Coptic Church
Boccon, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Boniface, and group of 140 soldiers martyred in Africa
Boniface, Subdeacons Servis, Rusticus, the monks Rogatus,
Caecilia with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Caecilianus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Caesarinus, Theostista, Justinian, Virgins. We were from Carthage, Africa 15 June (probably the same as Caesarius with Theoctista, martyr at Carthage, 15 June)
Caesarius (Anda) martyr with Primus in Africa, 4 Nov.
Ceasarius the African
Caesarius, martyr at Teracina under the persecutions of Roman Emperor Trajan. I denounced a suicide, proclaimed myself Christian, and was jailed. I was then thrown in the sea.
Caius, Faustus, Eusebius, Germana, martyrs.
Cactus with Secundus. martyred at Africa, 10 Oct.
Cajus, Theodore, and Leontius. We are Bishops, along with Catulinus, Florentius, and Venusta, killed in the North and Western part of Africa, 10 March.
Calaegerus and Demetrius the Archdeacon __.
Calendion, Siddinus, Saturninus, Servus, Galanus, Primigenus, Secundus, Theodotus, Demetrius, Parens, Satura, Victoria, the persecutions of Valeriana, and Firma. Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, and 15 Nov.
Callinicus (Gallinicus), martyr, I was Bishop of Oseem. Coptic month of Toba, 2
Callistratus and 50 Companions. African martyr executed by public officials at Alexandria
Calliopius with Theodore and Timothy. We are Kemet martyrs, 17 March. We are listed in the Coptic Calendar
Calodote, I am a sea captain at Alexandria with Theoctistus, and with Sarapambo, the senator in Alexandria, and Faustus, and friend of Abibus deacon martyr at Alexandria, 6 Sept, Martyrs.
Calus, with Pia.
Candidus (Theban Legionnaire),
Candidus (not Legionnaire)
Canion (Cavion), Vindonius, martyrs.
Cantidianus, Sobel, Cantidus, Kemetian by birth, martyred at Antioch. 5 Aug.
Cantidian (Cantidus), Sobel, and Cantidianus, Kemetians by birth. and others of Kemet, martyr. 5 Aug. also known as Cantidius martyr of Kemet, Martyred at Antioch. 5 Aug.
Abba Capito. In my early life I had robbed and stolen. I resided in a cave, four miles distance from Antinoe. In my 50 years of penance and worship of God, I did venture from it, nor did I go to the Nile.
I loathed crowds. I once said that "till now the common adversary has stood back from me."
Carpias, Saccus, Julius, Damias, and 400 companions. We were martyred in Africa, 27 May.
Cassian, I went to visit Paphnutius, in 395 A.D.
Cassianus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona (another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
1st Message to J.N.S.R. August 21, 2008
Come Lord JESUS
August 21, 2008
1st message
JNSR: Last night, after going to bed, I could not let myself fall asleep. It was as if unconsciously, I was expecting something. It was 30 minutes past midnight when the Word of God was given to me. I immediately got up to get some paper and a pencil:
"Before JESUS returns, the unbelieving man must be defeated. We must recognize in ourselves, that man, who prevents God from returning.
This wickedness, this proud man, fights with all his might against the forces of goodness, sharing, charity and Love of neighbor, who is God Himself (the closest to man).
We must struggle against all our evil inclinations, in order to allow the free Way through for God, and that is where our call becomes so important: "Come, Lord JESUS", liberated from all evil that was within us.
God will come to kill this Beast that took over the Earth and prevents God from coming to reign here.
We must get rid of our despicable pride, our vain glory pushing us to try to be what we will never be able to become without God: important beings. Even though we are worthless unless God dwells in us.
God made me understand that we are all guilty. This is why, in this first Message that I am writing, speaking in my own name, but using His Holy Word, which I still hear in my heart. I did fall asleep, with my sheet of paper close to me on my night table. I was full of joy and gratitude. As I woke up in the morning, I heard the wonderful voice of Our Lord JESUS Christ:
JESUS: All cycles of life are united to the cycles of the Earth, and will end at the same time, when will be born a new manner of growth which will draw everything in its flow. The Lord is the Master of Time and of Life. Cells will regenerate themselves and everything will fall into the new cycle of Life in God, where everything will be in the image of Heaven, in the holy companionship of the divine which will take form within us.
God will intervene in everyone's life, so as to start again the perpetual movement of the Earth and of Life.
For the old world is disappearing, taking with itself, pestilence and curses that were what the Earth was, without God.
God is returning. God will be among mankind, crowned with His Own Glory, and all will be in the image which God meant for His whole Creation, divinely conceived by Him, who IS, who WAS, and who is COMING.
God among men,
Men with God,
A Symphony of Love and Glory, on Earth as in Heaven.
JNSR: All of a sudden, I feared that this was just a personal illusion, so much so, that I found this overwhelming, until JESUS said to me:
JESUS: You cannot invent anything by yourself, since you already are in Me, as all men must prepare themselves to be, for they all belong to Me, and I expect them.
It is not because man thinks he has developed stumps that might help him fly that he can do it.
It is only God who will give you angels' wings.
I will speak to you, do not fear. You have fascinated my Palace with your faith and your obedience to My Holy Word.
God among men. Amen †
Jesus of Nazareth Saviour and Redeemer
for Eternity. Amen.
† † †
2nd Message to J.N.S.R. August 21, 2008
Come Lord JESUS
August 21, 2008
2nd message
JNSR: Lord, if You wish to speak to me, I will stay near You. What must I tell my brothers?
JESUS: Now, one must begin to understand oneself better, and acknowledge one's sinfulness, indeed, recognize it and readily admit it.
JNSR: I think this means sins forgotten in Confession.
JESUS: To see this, stand before the Mirror of God, look straight in His Eyes, which send back your true image, that which God gave you and which has become dull. Sometimes, it may seem so bruised and opaque, that you will need to call on Me, so that I can help you recognize yourself in the Light of God.
Those stains, those streaks, those spots of dirt prevent you from seeing your soul, darkened by all those flaws occurring since your birth on this Earth. They have to be erased as soon as you can name them. I will help you to recognize them and to really obliterate them so that they never show up again.
It is that Confession in front of My Mirror that will allow you to see Me in yourselves. And of this, we will speak of, very soon. It will be man's first step toward God. He will see himself as he is, before seeing himself in God, for he will see God who is his Mirror.
Little by little, man will then espouse the Will of God. Doing the Will of God is already being in God and God in man.
All changes in man are united to the changes of the world. All changes of the world can only come when man finally changes and man can only change by exchanging his will with Mine, his heart with Mine, his human being with the divine being, that I propose to him. This Truth is impressed deep in everyone's heart.
I intend to bring you to discover, very soon, the Mysteries of the Life in God, all the Mysteries written in the Book of Life which I am holding in My Hands.
This Time, which I am already shortening, is already felt on this Earth by some of you.
In order to avoid much unnecessary suffering to the weak ones, babies and older ill people, make it your duty to instruct all who can be instructed, by all that I give to the World, by My True Messengers. You will know them by their ease at informing you, even though they seem to you as the most useless people in the world and especially because they will tell you themselves.
God wants to intervene as a Father who protects all His little ones.
I am putting in place this instruction so that all may be accomplished at the determined and set time by the Almighty Father of Heaven and Earth.
My Confidence will signify My resolution to instruct you of all that will happen at the beginning, through to the end of that expedition, which will assure you of Peace and Comfort in the Hands of God, who comes to save you from the disastrous end of the human being, who allowed the Enemy of God to reign on Earth.
Cunning wars, kidnapping of children, and terrible spectacle of those who relentlessly work hard at destroying all that is of God. Be vigilant, the hideous enemy will begin to unfurl his troops of Evil over the entire world. When you believe that peace has come, that will be the start of the engagement of the Evil One with those who will obey him to carry out the destruction of the Earth. This must occur, but I shall come to take you with Me. I shall warn you, be ready, and keep your head high, God comes to save you.
Be vigilant, trustful, respectful of My Plan, which I will soon unroll before your eyes. Amen.
And Behold, I am coming!
Amen, come Lord JESUS †
† † †
Message to Louise Nov. 21, 2008
Message via L., V+J
November 21-2008- - -1:40 A.M.
L. began to receive a message and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other various and numerous prayers of testing the spirits)
Then the Author of Life- - -God spoke, " I tell you, My children of the U.S.A., that your financial system is in disaster and is about to collapse. The auto industry, stores, department stores, malls, etc. are all in dyer straights.
Most all your necessities, including food, is imported and therefore loaded with germs, diseases, toxins; chemicals, poisons of all sorts. Everything is contaminated even your air and water all of which are necessary for every life.
Bankruptcy consumes your country. Banks are closing and extremely soon the stockmarket will fall to an all time low.
There will be deadly famine, much illness and even death.
Unless there is a massive conversion of souls, much prayer, fasting where possible, suffering by helping Jesus carry His Cross for ALL people, everywhere- - -My Divine Justice will befall the entire earth; especially those people, those countries that have and are disregarding Me, My words, My Commandments, My Beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His ALL for you.
The stage is set, the props in place, those who will carry out My Will are ready and all who will do satan's will too are ready. Satan's chosen leaders are at their posts teaching you, convincing you that WRONG IS RIGHT! The time is come for a great, a tremendous disaster, It WILL BE and extremely soon.
U.S.A. and all the world will soon be at war. Neither side will win- - -only My tiny faithful, obedient, loving, remnant will survive or be called to Heaven. Amen! all is in the making just waiting for My signal!"
Note: Remember everything in His Timing. (not ours) PRAYER CAN MITIGATE MUCH.
Lec-What I Heard - November 20, 2008
November 20, 2008
6:50 A.M.
From the Still, Small Inner Voice
Son, jump not into a conclusion as to the destiny of souls. Each day is a struggle for eternity. Each person carries the heavy burden of overcoming the sinful self.
Receiving my son Jesus as Lord and Savior and true contrition of the heart starts the journey of faith towards my kingdom. Each person must be regularly nourished by the food of the spirit (Word of God) for transformation to occur.
he diligent study and meditation on my words to apply to life itself serve as the beacon of light that leads to the narrow way. Enlightenment comes to those who seek. Salvation cannot be left to mere chance and in fact should be the first and most important goal.
Victory comes to those who run the race and persevere. I look into the heart.
Always seek me in prayer.
7:10 Scripture References:
Revelation 2:11 "If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches! "Those who win the victory will not be hurt by the second death.
Revelation 2:17 To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.
Revelation 2:25 But until I come, you must hold firmly to what you have.
2:26 To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from my Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and to break them to pieces like clay pots. I will also give them the morning star
1 Corinthians 9:24 Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize.
9:25 Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.
9:26 That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches.
9:27 I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.
Revelation 3:5 Those who win the victory will be clothed like this in white, and I will not remove their names from the book of the living. In the presence of my Father and of his angels I will declare openly that they belong to me.
Revelation 3:21 To those who win the victory I will give the right to sit beside me on my throne, just as I have been victorious and now sit by my Father on his throne.
Message to Jorge Zavala Nov. 19,2008
Message from Our Blessed Mother to Jorge Zavala
November 19, 2008 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA
Dear children,
Today more than ever I invite you to remain close to me.
Pray for those lukewarm hearts so that they may come to burn out of love for God. Raise your eyes always to Christ and take the saints as an example in tribulations, then your lives will always be a testimony of peace.
Allow Jesus to reign in your lives and in that way the love of my Son will be the cause of your joy, even amidst a world that distances itself more and more from the Fountain of Life. I am with you to guide you along the Right Path.
Dear children, thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. I love you, I bless you and may the peace of the Lord remain always in your hearts.
Messages to John Leary-Oct.22-Nov.19,2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jesus said: My people, I told you in earlier messages that the bottom for your markets will be elusive because of the panic of investors to find a safe haven for their money. The major drops were due to financial companies that were losing money on bad loans. Then credit became tight because of a lack of confidence, so businesses and consumers found it hard to get loans or credit.
his put pressure on people, so they hunkered down and did not buy expensive items. This now is affecting all sectors of the market that now have less sales to work with. More job losses have come from companies trying to cut costs, and it has resulted in less tax collections which puts local governments into deficit budgets.
The housing crisis will take years to heal, but your economy needs some quick tourniquets to stop the bleeding of red ink. This continual downward spiral of jobs and earnings will cause a recession with possibilities of a depression if the one world people do not want to fix the economy.
These evil ones want your country to fail, so they can take it over and make you a part of their North American Union. Do not worry because I will help you to your refuges before martial law turns everything into chaos. At My safe havens you will be protected from all evil. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, and you will have no worries.
Thursday, October 23, 2008: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: My people, I mentioned in today’s Gospel how everyone would not receive My message of love and obedience to My Commandments with the same fervor. Within one’s household you could see some strong in the faith, while others could be lukewarm. This is why you could find differences or division in a family among each person’s view on religion. It is one thing to believe or not, but there is even a harder decision to make about the coming end times.
I have warned you not to take a computer chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. I am also warning you not to follow New Age teachings, and that sexual sins are always mortal sins. The most difficult decision that could divide families is when you see the signs of world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law, then you need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.
Leaving your home and possessions behind is so the evil ones do not take you off to be killed in the death camps. My protection is always with you, but be open to My refuges, or you could be martyred for your faith. Those, who will be martyred, will become instant saints.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, in this scene of facing a firing squad, could each of you stand up to this group and declare that you still believe in Me, knowing that only if you deny Me could you spare your life?
This life and death decision of choosing Me over your life is what has made many martyrs into saints. During the coming tribulation this experience could be a real life experience for many Christians. Have no fear of any trials that you will face because My help is just a prayer away. By calling on My help, you will be led to a refuge that is protected by My angel.
Jesus said: My people, compared to saving your soul and finding a safe place at a refuge, these earthly concerns of wealth or an election outcome are of less significance. Fortunes are made and lost in your stock market as you go through up and down markets. In these earthly markets you are at risk to either gain or lose.
Losses should come as no surprise in economic downturns. So do not be so attached to your wealth that it controls your life. You make prudent choices in life and in your spiritual life. Let your spiritual priorities carry more weight over any earthly concerns. By being faithful to Me, you will find your reward in heaven.
Jesus said: My people, today you are seeing mandated microchips being forced on you in your passports and soon in all of your drivers’ licenses. The next mandate by your government will be a mandatory chip in your body. I have told you many times to refuse such a chip in your body, even if you are threatened with death.
This is why I am preparing My faithful to come to My refuges so you can avoid the evil ones trying to implant chips in your bodies. During your Warning experience of a life review, you will be warned not to take this microchip in the body.
The microwave antenna in the vision is how the evil ones will send messages to the chips in the body, and they will control the minds of all who have accepted these chips, and they will become like robots. These mind control chips will all become dormant when I send My chastisement on the world. I will break the bonds of the evil ones, but My justice will be carried out against the evil people.
Jesus said: My people, you well remember in your history books when Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews and all those who refused to follow his dictatorial rule. You thought this horror of killing innocent civilians would never happen again, yet you are seeing another holocaust going on throughout all of your abortion clinics across your land. You are killing over a million babies every year, but where is the outcry over this injustice. It is due in part to your abortions that your country will be taken over.
The tribulation of evil described in the Book of Revelation is how many Christians and patriots will be exterminated in the same kind of death camps that Hitler used, only they are already present across America. Be prepared for these ruthless killings again because you failed to stop your abortions.
Jesus said: My people, once you see by My signs to you that it is time to leave for My refuges, then call on My help and I will have your guardian angels lead you by a physical sign to the nearest refuge. While you are traveling to your refuge, My angels will make you invisible so anyone trying to capture you, will not be able to do so. None of their detection devices will work. Give praise and thanks to your Lord who is telling you now how I will protect you.
Jesus said: My people, you remember well the chaos and looting that went on in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck. You also remember the race riots in the 1960s. When societal laws break down because of financial disasters, power outages, or natural disasters, it will be hard to restore order when people will need water and food to survive.
It will be during such a chaotic situation that you will see a military takeover of your nation. Order will only come as the one world people’s new world order will force chips in the body to control your buying and selling. My faithful will be protected in their refuges from the evil ones, and I will provide you shelter, food, and water, so have no fear.
Jesus said: My people, refuge living will be like communal living with My angels providing for your needs. You will be helping each other by using your own skills to prepare food and lodging. You will find much more time for prayer to keep rooted in your faith and thank Me for all that I will provide for you. You will have daily Communion either by a Mass, or by My angels delivering My Hosts on to your tongues. Trust in Me and teach this trust to your children and your grandchildren.
Friday, October 24, 2008: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: My people, I have given you this Living Water’ message many times just as I gave the woman at the well the same encouragement. You all are in a financial crisis created by the evil ones, but remember that you have Me always with you in Holy Communion. It is My spiritual food that sustains you through all of the trials of life. I am the rock of security in your life and the source of your strength.
Water is needed every day by your body, and your souls need My grace every day just as well to survive all of the temptations of the evil one. If you should fall victim to sin, then you can be freed from your sin by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. Once you are again in the state of grace, then you can receive My graces from My Eucharist in your daily spiritual Bread. Keep Me at the center of your life, and you will have My love and peace that will allow you to endure all of your trials in life.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Jesus said: My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 13:1-9) I remarked to the people when some were killed by the Romans or by a falling tower, that they were equally sinners as the rest of the people. Some people can die in natural disasters, and it was not necessarily a punishment from Me that they died. But there was a second part to My reading that everyone quickly forgets. Just as Jonah told the Ninevites to repent of their sins, then the people put on sackcloth and ashes, and I relented of the punishment that I intended to do to that town. Then again in Sodom and Gomorrah I had My angels remove Lot and his family from these cities, and I brought death and destruction against those evil sinners who did not repent of their sins. Even in your day, I am warning you as I warned the people of My day:
Unless you repent of your sins, you could perish from My punishment as well.’ I love everyone and I have mercy on you, but when sinners are unrepentant, they are asking for My justice. You have seen fire and earthquakes ruin the pornography business as punishment in California. Sometimes natural disasters are a punishment for sin. I told you of the homosexual sins and the legalized same sex marriage in San Francisco that is calling for My judgment.
Even now they are calling for legalized prostitution. How long do you think that I will put up with such injustice? I tell you these evil ones will be destroyed by an earthquake that will let their city fall into the ocean. The lesson spiritually is that you all have a choice to follow Me or not, but you must be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. My believers will have their eventual reward in heaven, but those, who refuse to love Me or serve Me, will suffer everlasting pain in the fires of hell.
Jesus said: My people, your economy is headed for hard times because your people do not want to risk buying any large purchases. With many layoffs going on, people are concerned with losing their good paying jobs and not being able to make any increased monthly payments.
Your auto companies, airplane makers, financial companies, housing firms, and any other heavy manufacturers are finding it difficult to sell anything. Soon further industries both at home and abroad will witness the same recession problems of trying to move inventory.
Many of your businesses need a good Christmas selling season to make it through the year. As business profits decline, the spiral of job losses and less money in circulation will continue. Pray that your families may find adequate employment to provide for your families. Your families and friends may have to help each other in order to keep your homes and provide for your basic needs.
The deeper your recession goes, the harder it will be for your country to recover from your financial crisis. Trust in Me to bring you through this difficult time, even if you have to leave for your refuges when you are tested with chaos and riots.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Jesus said: My people, today’s Gospel is focused on My Great Commandment of how you should love your God with your whole mind, your whole heart, and your whole soul, and you should love your neighbor as yourself. Everything you do should be done out of love for Me, for you are dependent on Me for everything that you have and need. Love binds you to Me and love of neighbor makes your love a part of My Mystical Body of My Church.
I am always with you in My sacramental Presence of My consecrated Host. Give honor and glory to Me before My tabernacle and before My Host in the monstrance. In the vision I read the scroll of Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor he has sent me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set a liberty to the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ All of you are called to help your neighbor as My example so you can feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.
As the priest read this Scripture about the last judgment (Matt. 25:31-46), you will hear this statement at your judgment on your death. As long as you did it for one of these, the least of My brethren, you did it for Me.’ So do not come to Me with empty hands, but have your hands full of good deeds for your neighbor. Remember to love Me and your neighbor not just in words, but with your actions as well. When you do such things, you will store treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I healed a lady possessed by a demon that had kept her bent over for many years. I healed her on the Sabbath and then she became fully erect without the demon.
The Pharisees criticized My healing on the Sabbath, but I told them how they took care of their animals on the Sabbath. The people rejoiced over this healing. The vision of how the road became straight as well represents how when you call on Me, I can help you on the right path to heaven without any detours of the evil one. When you pray every day, I will be at your side to protect you from harm and from the evil ones trying to mislead you. Give Me praise and thanksgiving for all of My gifts and healings that you receive from Me.
Jesus said: My people, I want your people of America to repent for all of your sins of abortion. You have the blood of these children on your hands and you must pray to stop your abortions and overturn this decision against My law. Protest these abortions in front of your abortion clinics and vote for people who are against abortion.
If your country does not change its sinful ways, you are calling down My justice, and your country will be given to another. I am all loving and I call all of you to be loving and avoid killing in any form. Do not let the devil confuse you to follow the death culture because I am a God of the Living and not of the dead. My faithful also need to be a people of the Living’ because life is too precious to kill.
Jesus said: My people, many holy priests have lived as monks in solitude and being close to Me. Venerable Fr. Solanus Casey is a special example of this holiness, even as the people have found his body incorrupt.
As you were praying over his resting place, you were drawn to this simple life that I ask everyone to seek for a better spiritual environment. When you are caught up in the worldly distractions of TV and shopping, it is hard to think about Me and your prayers. This is why when you come before Me in My Blessed Sacrament at Adoration, you have a quiet time in contemplative prayer that allows Me to touch your heart with My love.
I love all of My faithful and I desire that you make an attempt to live more simply and leave your cares with Me to take care of you. By trusting that I will provide for your needs, you can be more confident in Me with no worries.
Authenticity of Messengers:
Jesus said: My people, I am raising up many prophets and messengers in every age to give evidence of My Presence among you. Some of My servants are being visited with inner locutions or apparitions.
It is hard for My faithful to know the authenticity of every person. This is why such persons should seek out guidance from a spiritual director, and if there are any messages, they should be scrutinized by My Church authorities. Messengers should be obedient to My Magesterium in the Church. Follow these directives in praying for your discernment.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: My people, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion or adore Me at Adoration, you feel the rays of My grace and mercy touch your heart and soul. Some feel the tingling of My love permeate through their whole bodies. I am with you always in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of time.
You can always come to My tabernacle to talk with Me, and I will help you in your life’s discernment of all of your decisions. Even when you are at My refuges, you will use your monstrance to carry My Host around to the various refuges as you are seeing My rays of mercy and grace poured out on everyone.
During the tribulation, you will need this strength of My sacramental presence to give you your endurance through the attacks of the evil one. Trust in My help, and I will provide for all of your needs.
Jesus said: My people, as you view your reflected image in this vision of a mirror, so you are reflecting My image of love every time someone sees you on your mission in life. When people are in the presence of My faithful, they will feel the love and peace that I put in these souls. The graces that I give My faithful will be shared with everyone that My faithful witness My Word to.
So do not be silent, but be willing to share your faith with strangers, so they can feel My love and have My spiritual strength shared in their lives. Your example and your words speak volumes of faith to all of those around you. Give praise and glory to Me for each soul that you are able to convert to knowing and loving Me. I give all of My disciples the grace to go forward out among the nations to help harvest the souls in My vineyard.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Jesus said: My people, when you see a bad storm coming, you prepare by moving to a safe place in the basement of your home. If you have time to prepare, you may even put aside some extra food and have flashlights or oil lamps for light if you lose electricity. There is another storm coming, but it is a storm of evil that you must prepare for. I have asked you to put aside some food, fuel, and lighting if you have a famine or you do not have a smart card to buy food before the Antichrist comes to power.
Also have your car gassed, bikes ready, and a backpack loaded with your necessities when you will have to leave your home when martial law is declared. I will warn you when it is time to leave so your guardian angel can lead you with a physical sign for the nearest interim or final refuge.
Refuges would be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, faithful monasteries, prayer groups that have stored food, and caves. Once you leave your home for a safe haven, the angels will make you invisible to your persecutors. Just as you prepare for physical storms, so you should be prepared for this spiritual storm in the tribulation. Trust in My protection and My providing for your food and shelter.
Jesus said: My people, you need a bridge to get across roaring rivers, and there are many bridges to cross over the difficulties in life. This latest financial crisis also needs a way out through prayer and My help to provide for your needs.
This is a dramatic downturn that the one world people could take advantage of for their world takeover. The bridge over the coming tribulation could also come in going to My refuges. I can take bad situations and put them into good outcomes when I allow conversions of people’s souls. Keep close to Me in daily prayer and daily Mass and you will have eternal life which is better than this life of trials.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Jesus said: My people, I lamented over Jerusalem in today’s Gospel (Luke 13:31-35), but I noted how they killed the prophets before Me and they would kill Me as well. This vision of a nest is how I wanted to take the people under My wing to lead them to My Father in heaven. This is how much I loved My people and all of mankind that I would even lay down My life for all of you. In this same reading it talks of how the house of Jerusalem will be abandoned, which is a prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem. These same words could be applied to America in more modern terms.
There is an ongoing persecution of Christians when you stand up against abortion and against homosexual marriages. The morality of your society worsens every day with even proposals to make prostitution legal.
Your court system wants to legalize all that is sinful, and America will also be abandoned when the one world people take you over with martial law. You will pay for all of your sins when the evil ones will take away all of your rights, and they will try to kill all of those refusing to take chips in the body and those refusing to worship the Antichrist. Pray for My protection in this coming tribulation.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, these masonic symbols over the Presidential Seal is an indication how almost all of your Presidents have been masons. It also means that no matter who is elected, they will be controlled by the one world people. If the President refuses to follow their plan, then that person is risking their lives.
The plan of the one world people is to bankrupt America and replace your dollars with a new currency called the amero’ which will be the common currency for the North American Union. America’s days as a nation are numbered, as soon you will see a martial law takeover when everyone will lose their money.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you messages how you would lose everything when you need to go to My refuges for protection. Many did not want to hear about such messages because many are in love with their money. Now that people have been hit in their pocketbooks and have lost a fair amount of their wealth, they are looking more into the truth of these messages on the bankruptcy of America.
Once there is a changeover to the amero, many will lose even more money. When the evil takeover is near, it will not matter about your money or your house, because you will have only what you can carry. Protection of your soul and body from the evil ones is far more important than any losses of temporal wealth. Trust in My protection instead of trusting in your money or possessions.
Jesus said: My people, you have been spoiled with your comforts for so many years. You have forgotten how difficult it is to live off of the land in a rural setting. Living a rustic and simple life of prayer is very close to living a monastic life of prayer. Living at a refuge will force you to detach yourself from worldly things and make you think more of Me and your survival.
Jesus said: My people, it would be a good practice for My faithful to visit a refuge or a farm to see what it is like to live this simple life with Me and nature. I will be providing what you need, but you will need to eat and work as if you were living independently. You have practiced what to take in your backpacks. Now you need to experience what living during the tribulation will be like.
Jesus said: My people, when you are at a refuge, you will have to live without electricity. This means that you may have to cut up wood for heat, pump water from a well, and process some deer for food. These jobs and many more will require the skills of all of those living at the refuge. Those, who do not work, should not eat, even as the Early Christians lived in communities. It will be My angel protection that will protect you from the evil ones who will try to kill you.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you instructions on how to store some extra food and water for the end times. When your money is worthless, your food will have much more value. You will also be dependent on chips to buy food, but I will multiply your food for those that you will share your food with. Have no fear and share whatever you have with each other. Pray also that you will be calm throughout this trial of the tribulation.
Jesus said: My people, you all have some favorite saints that you like to prayer to for favors and special intentions. All Saints’ Day is a special reminder of how much you are indebted to the saints as intercessors for your prayer intentions. Some saints have given their lives for their faith, and their lives are models of holiness to imitate. These saints are showing you that with My help, you could strive to be a saint in order to enter heaven. Call on the saints to help you on your path to sainthood, and you will rejoice one day when you have your reward in heaven.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jesus said: My people, you have experienced a quick downturn in your stock market that started in September due to the mortgages that were purposely given to those who could not make the payments. Now the banks are holding a lot of bad performing loans and increasing numbers of foreclosures.
Your government has pumped billions of dollars of debt notes into circulation that is guaranteeing bad loans that will be lost. The large bailout measures and lower interest rates still have not turned the housing market around because too many houses are on the market.
The U.S. debts are building faster than money is being collected to pay the interest. If enough debts cannot be sold abroad, then the debts and the interest will not be paid. This is all part of a plan to bankrupt America’s currency and the government. This ultimately will collapse America’s government and your economy. This is when the one world people will take you over, and replace your dollars with ameros that are already coined and printed. This will cause riots and food problems which will initiate a martial law takeover to form the North American Union.
Watch your U.S. budget when your debts do not collect enough interest to service your massive borrowing because that is when your money will become near worthless. The interest already is the number three payout, and it takes away from other payouts to Defense, Social Security, and any Health support. The light coming in is when I will have My angels protect My faithful when you will come to My refuges because of riots and martial law. You will have to share your food when money is not available.
(Mario’s Funeral) Mario said: I am thankful to all of those who came to pay me their respects and greet my family.
I am also grateful to all of my family members for taking care of me over the years. I see now that I should not have been such a burden on the kindness of my care givers. I am sorry for any of my offenses to all of you. I always loved my family, but I had a difficult time in my later years. I do need your prayers, so do not forget to pray for me and have some Masses said for my soul. I pray that the Lord will have mercy on my soul.
Saturday, November 1, 2008: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: My people, I have told you in previous messages that My angels are marking crosses on the foreheads of My faithful that are dressed in white robes. Once you are sealed, during the tribulation you will see each other’s crosses on your foreheads to know who is with you. Those, who do not have crosses on their foreheads, are the evil ones controlled by a chip in the body.
Avoid them because they will be trying to kill you. Those, who receive a cross on the forehead, are also being marked in the Book of Life, and only those so marked will have their souls saved during the tribulation. You will endure a living purgatory on earth while you are at My refuges, but be patient through this short reign of the Antichrist.
You will soon rejoice when I will intervene and send My Comet of Chastisement to claim My victory over the evil ones. I will cast the evil ones into hell, then I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace. My faithful will grow in their preparation to become My new saints that will be ready to enter heaven.
Sunday, November 2, 2008: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: My people, My love goes out to all of you as I search for the lost sheep while the other ninety-nine are safe. You are to help Me also in life to bring back My lost lukewarm sheep who are becoming more numerous in these end days. Today, you are remembering the souls who are being purified in purgatory.
You, yourself, can witness to others of the reality of this place of suffering in My justice. Some in the lower regions of purgatory are suffering flames as in hell together with the pain of not seeing Me or having My Real Presence. Others, who have less to purify in upper purgatory, are suffering not seeing Me, but without the flames.
Some also have to suffer a minimum time before your prayers and Masses can shorten their time in purgatory. In purgatory you are making reparation for your sins and you will need to suffer until you can detach yourself from worldly cares and desires for things and wealth. When you are purified as a saint with a complete focus on My love without any other concerns, only then can you enter heaven from purgatory.
This is why I and My Blessed Mother have encouraged you to pray for the souls in purgatory with a special intention for your relatives and for those who have no one praying for them. Should you find yourself here in purgatory, those, that you prayed for, will be praying for you. As you see all of Louise’s friends and family coming to celebrate her birthday, think also of praying for each other before your death.
The more you make reparation for your sins on earth and detach yourself from things, the less that you will have to suffer in purgatory. Give praise and glory to Me for that great day when I will welcome you to your designated place in heaven.
Monday, November 3, 2008: (St. Martin de Porres)
St. Michael said: I am Michael and I stand before God. Whenever you invoke the Lord’s Name and call on me in prayers of exorcism, I will be present with the angels to protect you from any attacks of the devil. This incident with the workman falling happened right after your prayer during the Mass. The devil is unhappy with these prayers of exorcism and he will attack you through those around you to interrupt your services.
Pray for the safety of those around you so they too will be protected from the devil. You are entering into a time of persecution that will lead up to the tribulation. Whenever you sense any attacks of the evil one, call on the Name of Jesus and your Lord will come with us angels, and we will defend you from these evil ones.
Have no fear of this time because your Lord will provide for your needs and protect you from spiritual and physical harm. Give praise and glory to your Lord for all that He does to watch over you.
(At the prayers of the faithful one of the workmen-27 yr. old Brian Stump-fell sixteen feet off the ladder and broke his wrist and we called the ambulance.)
Jesus said: My people, your housing industry has had some major decreases in sales compared to last year because of your created credit crisis. Because of increasing foreclosures and bankruptcies, banks and mortgage brokers have had trouble finding credit for loans and credit worthy borrowers.
This credit crisis has also dramatically reduced car and truck sales because of the same loan problems. All of your government money fixes have not really helped your economy in the short term. The housing, financial, and auto industries are taking large losses and as a result, they are laying off thousands of workers. This has caused the consumer to cut back on large purchases because of the possible loss of jobs. Less earnings will bring in less taxes both from individuals and businesses which will result in budget deficits at all government levels.
The extent of this recession could reach toward a depression if the economy cannot be turned around. Your various markets are overly optimistic before they see how people are able to rebound from their lost jobs and lost houses.
Pray for your individual families to cope with all of the bad economic effects on their incomes and ability to stay in their homes. People will need to share what they have with their relatives until your economy gets better. Beware of any government move to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. Once this happens or national martial law occurs, refuse any chips in the body and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: My people, in this modern era and an era of the end times many are losing their faith and some faithful are not sharing their faith with others. I tell you if My faithful are weak and do not share their faith, then how dark will the darkness be when I come to judge the earth. The darkness of sin in this era is all around you, but My faithful have My Light within you, and you must be a beacon of faith and light to dispel this darkness.
Do not let your light of faith go dark, or you risk the fate of the lukewarm who are on the road to the darkness of hell. I am the Light of the world, and those, who seek My Light and share it with others, will have eternal life in My glorious Light in heaven. So shout your faith and beliefs from the rooftops so that all may hear and be saved by My Light.
Jesus said: My people, when people lose their jobs and they run out of food and money, they will turn into an angry mob looking for food to survive. They will have guns to shoot those in their way of getting the food. It is when such riots and looting begins that you will need to leave your houses for the nearest refuge.
If your home is an interim or final refuge, then you can stay because the angels will make you invisible to anyone trying to harm you. Welcome those with crosses on their foreheads, and share your food with them. I will multiply your food and you will have lodging for them to stay. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting My faithful from the evil ones and these roaming mobs. Have patience through this trial before I come in My victory to lead you into My Era of Peace.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jesus said: My people, your elections are over and your people have voted for a change based on their pocketbooks rather than for a concern for life. Your economy has taken a downturn because of the manipulation of your loans and your stock derivatives. Now that the greed for money has yielded your losses, it is the financial losses that are affecting your decisions.
But look closely at the change that you have chosen, because you also are choosing those who favor abortion and even infanticide. Your decision to favor abortion and against life will weigh heavily against your country. When you are attached more to your money and your possessions instead of protecting life from conception, then you can see the moral decay that is bringing your country to eventual ruin. Americans have made your free will decision, but now you will face the consequences of your actions.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jesus said: My people of America, you have elected a President that has every intention of undoing any Right to Life changes in your abortion laws as the partial birth abortion law. All of your efforts to stop abortion will be undone by your President-elect and the Democratic Congress. This blatant attack against My babies will seal America’s fate even quicker.
When you thwart My laws against murder, infanticide, and even legalized prostitution in San Francisco, you can expect My hand of justice to fall quickly on your country. There is even possibilities that chips in the body will be encouraged for a new health plan. Better to not have any health coverage than to take a chip in the body. Refuse any chips in the body under any pretense because such chips could control your mind. Be prepared, My people, for the coming agenda which will be forced on your people under the guise of health and security.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Jesus said: My people, today’s parable about the lost sheep in the desert is an inspiration to all of My faithful to reach out to save the lost souls from going to hell. This circular vision of life’s scenes represents the time of the Warning when all souls will be shown their sins and given their mini-judgment.
You may have been praying for the lost souls in your family. This mercy of the Warning or illumination of conscience will offer the worst of sinners an opportunity to seek the forgiveness of their sins from Me. After the Warning My prayer warriors will have the best chance for saving souls and bringing people back to Confession and the sacraments. Even if these souls do not listen to your evangelization efforts now, keep praying that their hearts will be changed after their Warning experience.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, many are falling on hard times in losing jobs, benefits, decreasing home values, and losses on the stock market. In this recession you still need to help support My Church in proportion to your changed income. Many governments are receiving less revenue from taxes, so they are having to make cuts to balance revenue with expenses. Churches and charities also may have to make some cutbacks based on their decreased income. Everyone will be facing restrained budgets, so pray for your families so they can meet their limited expenses.
Jesus said: My people, those, who do not lose their jobs, may be tested with less pay due to cut hours, no overtime, and maybe reduced wage rates. Each family as a consequence may have to limit their budgets because of less income. This may mean that you will have to live a simpler life with less expensive vacations and spending less on discretionary items. You all will have to suffer the same pain, but those, who are better off, may have to help your family and friends for their bare necessities.
Jesus said: My people, your elections are over, but you must keep praying for your new President and Congress to do the right thing in leading your country through your financial problems and your war involvement in foreign countries. The one world people control each President with their own agenda. Pray that chips in the body will not be forced on you. You may be more persecuted for taking public stands against your society’s immoral actions. This will eventually result in your need to come to My refuges for protecting your souls.
Jesus said: My people, your people are willing to give your new President some time to turn things around, but your high expectations may not happen as quickly as you want. The one world people know that their evil time is limited, and they will be speeding up their efforts to bankrupt your country and implement chips to control you. Be prepared if they move to martial law based on a created crisis as your financial crisis with credit. Pray for My help when you will need to go to your refuges.
Jesus said: My people, in the coming tribulation you will be faced with many trials and quick decisions that will be needed to protect your life and soul from the evil ones. It will be very difficult to make these decisions on your own without consulting with My discernment for your soul. Do not be hasty in your decisions, but be willing to visit My Blessed Sacrament for My guidance. I will advise you based on what is best for your soul.
Jesus said: My people, in addition to praying for discernment, you need to carry your blessed sacramentals and blessed salt to protect you from the demons so they cannot find you. You will need your blessed sacramentals and My angels as your weapons against evil. Do not rely on guns for your protection, but trust in My leading you. Remember that you are dependent on Me for everything, so let Me go before you in your defense.
Jesus said: My people, make sure that you go to Confession frequently so your soul is always in the state of grace. This is good preparation for the day that you die, but it is also a good preparation for when you may face your Warning experience. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you could face a mini-judgment in hell with an experience of that environment. Being in the state of grace will go much better for you when you should face your judgment. So pray for the conversion of sinners and encourage all of your family and friends to go to frequent Confession for what lies ahead in your future.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Jesus said: My people of America, you are again seeing a sign of your demise in this large fallen tree charred by fire. My people, you have worshiped the gods of materialism and the passions of lust, and now you are called to pay for your crimes. You have depended on your own money and wealth which is being taken away from you.
Instead of depending on Me for everything and loving Me, you relied on your own devices which have fallen on hard times. Come to Me in forgiveness so I can save your souls from this evil worship of self and things. The Israelites had their cities burned and destroyed for worshiping other gods. I am a jealous God, and I want My people to love Me and follow My ways and My Commandments. You have chosen abortions, prostitution, and the sexual sins, so now you will pay dearly in the fall of your country, and you will be purified with fire in payment for your sins. Prepare to face the coming tribulation in a short reign of evil, but I will protect My faithful in My refuges until I come to defeat all of the evil ones. Pray for My graces to help you endure this trial of purgatory on earth.
Jesus said: My people, in the fall My creation puts on a colorful show with the leaves changing colors. You enjoy taking pictures both with the fall leaves and the spring flowers. Even beautiful sunrises and sunsets inspire your mind. At other times you can enjoy looking at the stars, especially away from the city lights. All of this beauty of nature is all around you at various times of the year.
Pictures do have a way of preserving these beautiful moments. You know that the Creator is responsible for all that you are viewing, so give thanks and praise to Me that you are alive to appreciate all of My wonders of nature. At the same time it is also good for My people to protect these sheltered lands, so everyone has an opportunity to view My colors in nature. Work to protect your environment from wars and pollution of the air and water. Keep harmony among nature, and peace among mankind.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Jesus said: My people, you know at Baptism at any age, that the soul is cleansed not only of original sin, but also from all of their actual sins. Usually, the white garment worn is a sign of the white clean soul after all sin is forgiven. This font of water near a confessional means that in Confession, once your sins are absolved, you too will have a white soul free of sin just as after Baptism. Keeping your soul cleansed at least once a month in Confession is not asking too much of your time. It is better to plan your events around your prayer time and Confession time than the reverse. Your soul’s state of grace is more important than any earthly events. If you cannot find time for daily prayer and going to Confession, then you are too busy, and you need to be more spiritual and less in the world. Make time for Me in your life, and you will have an eternity with Me in heaven.
Sunday, November 9, 2008: (Dedication of St. John Lateran)
Jesus said: My people of America, I have given you signs that if your country did not repent of its sins and change its lifestyles, that your country would cease to exist. This sign in your vision of your Constitution burning up is foretelling you that your country, as you know it, is going down in flames as part of My justice.
The one world people, who are planning a world government takeover, will be taking over your country and making it a part of the North American Union. All of your freedoms will be taken away along with all of your sovereignty rights. By bankrupting your country and fears of security, your people will become subjects of the masons through chips which will become mandatory in the body. This will be the time to go to My refuges because persecution of Christians will become as it was in the Early Church, when all Christians were sought out to be killed. Trust in My protection and not in your guns or money.
Jesus said: My people, your economy is like this ship traveling slowly through the water trying to avoid the big icebergs of the credit crisis and companies laying off jobs because of reduced earnings. Your consumer is having trouble getting credit for large purchases, and they are spending less because of your recession and possible job layoffs.
This reduced demand for goods and services is what is causing the reduced company earnings. With all of the bailouts by your government, banks are still reluctant to lend money. America will be fortunate not to hit one of these icebergs and sink. The one world people could prevent a deeper recession, but they want your economy to fail and go bankrupt from your massive deficits.
Your people have saved their money in stocks and their houses, and both of these investments are losing badly. Trust in Me to provide for your protection and your necessities.
Monday, November 10, 2008: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: My people, how much I love you, and how I long for you to return to Me like the Prodigal Son. At the first sign of repentance I would lavish you with all of My graces and blessings. You are My faithful people who return to Me in Confession so I can cleanse your souls of sin. All of you are sinners, but few want to admit it and desire Me in love to make amends.
You do not want to be found at your judgment when I would say to you I do not know you.’ When you pray daily and confess your sins, I will see your sincere love. But those, who just give Me lip service, truly do not really love Me and these people are on the broad road to hell. Follow My example of love in the Scriptures and you will have My peace and love in your soul. Your time in life is short, so make the best use of your time here by loving Me and loving your neighbor in your actions.
Jesus said: My people, this physical falling apart of a church represents how some parts of My Church are weakening in their faith. The numbers coming to Sunday Mass are fewer, indicating how some souls are losing their faith. Some churches have to share priests because of a priest shortage.
Even though you see this weakness, the ones, who are faithful, have become stronger to pray for those that are falling away. When you come to My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you believe in My Real Presence, and you are witnessing who I am as St. Peter did when I asked Who do people say that I am?’ Trust in My spiritual and physical healing when you pray to Me, for I will answer your prayer in My time and for whatever is best for your soul, or for the person that you are praying for. Give praise and thanks to Me for strengthening your faith every day.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008: (St. Martin of Tours)
Jesus said: My people, this ship in the vision represents your ship of state in America. This large rope that holds the ship from drifting away represents My hands and grace that are protecting your country every day. I have made covenants with the Israelites and I make a covenant with America. When the Israelites obeyed My laws and worshiped Me, I protected them from harm from the peoples around them. When they disobeyed My laws and worshiped other gods, they broke My covenant and the Israelites suffered at the hands of their enemies.
America has helped many countries by protecting them in war and rebuilding their industries. America received many material rewards for obeying My laws and worshiping Me. But now America is taken up with the gods of wealth, possessions, and sexual pleasures. Fewer and fewer are worshiping Me on Sunday, and your abortions and sexual sins are calling down My justice. When you break My covenant, as the Israelites did, you can expect My judgment to fall against you and this lifeline that holds you to Me will be set free. Then you will drift on your own into the waiting hands of your enemies who will take you over and make you suffer for your sins.
Hold fast to your faith in Me, even if others are worshiping other gods and not Me. You will receive your reward for remaining faithful, but the rest will suffer hard times here and the in the flames of hell. Those, who refuse to learn from history, are doomed to repeat their fate, as Israel suffered defeat.
Jesus said: My people, Jonah was a reluctant prophet because he did not want to warn Nineveh that in forty days it would be destroyed if they did not repent. Even though Jonah fled, I had circumstances return him to his task. You, yourself, have had a similar message to America that if America does not repent and stop its sinful lifestyles, then America will be taken over.
You have obeyed, and have given out My messages when I asked you to, but sometimes you are concerned about telling the same kind of message over and over by different words. Some are starting to understand how present events will lead up to a takeover of America. Do not worry about a similar warning because already the descriptions, that I gave you, are taking place as you look around.
Be focused on saving souls than on mellowing My message, or being concerned about My message of destruction being repeated. Your mission is a difficult one, and people do not like to be threatened with bad news. But you must carry on and hope in Me that some souls will wake up and repent of their sins before it is too late. Pray for poor sinners every day so more souls will have the opportunity to be saved. Focus on your mission, and do not be concerned about people criticizing you or persecuting you.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: My people, there are evil people around you that are influenced by demons, and even some are possessed by demons. These are the one world people who are working to take over your country and declare it a part of their one world government under their new world order. Once they establish their reign, then it will be given over to the Antichrist to rule during the tribulation.
Because these evil ones will be trying to exterminate all Christians, I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges with My angels. It would be best that you protect your soul by carrying your sacramental weapons on your person with your rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, and blessed salt as a defense against the demons.
Once you leave your homes for My refuges, your guardian angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, as well as the angels guarding each refuge. My power is superior to all of the demons, so have no worries that I will protect My faithful and provide for your needs. Remember to thank Me for watching over you, even as one of the ten lepers, that were healed, thanked Me and was saved.
Jesus said: My people, as your auto industry is claiming that it is too big to fail, these companies are seeking a bailout from some historically bad management decisions. They have been losing market share for some time because foreign companies are subsidized by their governments and they have designed better cars. American workers have higher pay and benefits than other countries.
American companies emphasized SUVs and expensive trucks that use a lot of fuel. Their incentive was to make more money on expensive vehicles. When gas prices went very high, Americans bought high mileage and smaller cars while American companies lost their money makers that no longer were selling. Even foreign companies are seeing major cutbacks in sales because of little credit to buy vehicles. American car companies have little capital to wait out a long recession and this is the present dilemma. Your government is finding out that it is difficult to bail out bad loans, or help bail out so many of your industries that are hurting and headed for bankruptcy.
The damage to your credit availability and lost consumer confidence have been so severe that your economy will be fortunate to survive. This economic disaster continues to flounder with very little solutions. There may not be enough of an economy left after the year of slow earnings that are being forecasted before things turn around.
The one world people have planned this crisis to enable their takeover, so do not be surprised if you see martial law and your government go bankrupt. When such a disaster occurs, you will need to go to your refuges for My protection. Be prepared to leave at any time because desperate people will cause riots and looting. Pray for My help in your coming tribulation.
Thursday, November 13, 2008: (St. Frances Xaxier Cabrini)
Jesus said: My people, people, who are retired from working, still have a lot to offer with their lives. Do not let younger people talk you down as not being useful. Older parents are a support for their children and even their grandchildren. Once you retire and help others, as well as pray more, you will wonder how you had time to work. You contribute taxes and help the economy, but you also give a sense of home support to your families, and even financial support.
Some retire from one job and start a new career, or do mission work as yourself. Some become priests and deacons with more time to devote to saving souls. As long as you are alive on this earth, you have a mission and purpose for living. There is plenty to do in life, so do not waste your time on just entertainment, but see how you can make a difference in doing volunteer work or a paid job. Once you are out from under the stress of the business world, you can enjoy life even more when you see more around you that just working. Give praise and thanks to Me for every hour of life that I give you.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, I have told you many times that caves would be a place of refuge. This bronze shield being held in the cave is a sign to you of how you would be protected in the caves from the evil ones trying to kill you. The caves are always cool so you would need some warm clothes and a warm sleeping blanket along with your backpacks. Any food, that you bring, will be multiplied and there will be springs of water to drink and wash yourselves. At every refuge My angels will give you Holy Communion if you do not have daily Mass. Give thanks to Me for taking care of My faithful in this coming tribulation.
Jesus said: My people, there will be many faithful coming to each refuge, and it will be difficult for a lot of people to wait in line to get water to drink and wash up. By building a long trough for the spring water to flow, then many people at once could have access to the water needed for survival and washing. This is another example of how many people living together will have to be patient with each other in your individual needs. Trust Me though that all, who come to My refuges, will have what they need for food, water, and shelter.
Jesus said: My people, many do not realize how important it is that the farmer grows your food, harvests it, and provides storage to preserve it. I have even warned My people to have some extra food put aside so I could multiply it for those who come to your door. Food will become scarce during a coming world famine, and some may demand chips in the body to buy any food. Do not have any fear of starvation because I know your needs, and I will provide what you need.
Jesus said: My people, you are getting close to Thanksgiving Day when you have a big family meal of turkey for all of your relatives and friends. This is a special time when family, that is spread all over the country, can come together and share a family meal. In the vision the hands reaching out to you are the poor who need your help with food and money, especially in these hard times. Even when your own income may be strained, do not forget the poor that need your donations. The hands praying are also needed in giving thanks for all that you have, and prayers for your petitions for those who are sick or in financial hard times.
Jesus said: My people, when you have an abundance of food to eat, it is hard for you to imagine that some people in the third world countries have little or nothing to eat each day. This is another reason that you should send donations to agencies who buy food to feed the poor. Some of you have worked with food shelves and soup kitchens to feed the poor, and the homeless. You have seen the joy on their faces when you bring food to such needy people. Remember to send regular donations to feed the poor because their hunger never stops, nor goes on vacation. Your reward will be great in heaven for all those that you help because you are helping Me in the poor.
Jesus said: My people, sometimes near Thanksgiving Day you hand out bread for the parishioners to share as a community meal. Bread is one of your staple foods and it is linked with My Blessed Sacrament when you come to Mass. I have told you that you cannot live on bread alone. But those who eat My Body and drink My Blood will have eternal life. I am in fact the Bread of Life’, but I am speaking more of My spiritual food that is more important than physical food which you need every day for the body to live. My spiritual food feeds your soul which lives on forever.
Jesus said: My people, I am the Light of the World and My Light and love goes out to everyone. Some receive My Word and grace, and they cannot get enough joy and love from Me which is why they pray to Me and worship My Blessed Sacrament. Others may see My Light and grace, but they think that they can do everything for themselves without My help. When you truly see where all that you have comes from, you will have to admit that everything that you have came from Me. Keep close to My beacon of Light and you will be comforted. It is better to choose My Light than the darkness of sin and the devil.
Friday, November 14, 2008:
Our Lady said: My dear son, St. John the Evangelist is honoring me in the first reading, as you know that he looked after me. I am your Blessed Mother, and I will answer your request to watch over you with my mantle as you go out speaking. You are approaching Thanksgiving Day, and it is a nice touch that you are thanking me as well for watching over my children. Wherever you see my Son, Jesus, I am there also, as our hearts are joined as one. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. I love all of you, and heaven rejoices over even one soul that is converted to the faith.
Our Blessed Mother said: My dear children, I thank you for praying my rosary, and my Jesus is very happy with your prayers.
This rose that was given to you represents the symbol for those working for the Right to Life for the unborn. You should be prepared, my children, that those in favor of abortion will be lording their will over your good intentions. Even if it appears that your efforts to stop abortion are being thwarted, do not give up this fight and continue to pray for the end of abortion in America.
I want you to pray for the people of California because their recent fires are an answer to those desiring homosexual marriages and legalized prostitution. They are testing my Son, Jesus’ hand of justice in their sinful lifestyles. Continue to pray for all of America because you are being tested with financial troubles that will eventually lead up to a takeover of your country. Just as you see this cave in the vision, pray for all of your places of refuge that will protect you during the coming tribulation.
You are seeing a great battle of good and evil, so keep close to my Son’s sacraments in Confession and Holy Communion because you will need my Son’s graces to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.
Saturday, November 15, 2008: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: My people, strong faith in Me does not come automatically, but it is after a long journey of searching for what is most important in life, and that is learning your purpose for being here. You were created to know, love, and serve Me as you received in your childhood. But just as the woman was persistent with the unjust judge, you must be persistent in your faith and trust in Me every day to lead you on the right path to heaven.
Once you find Me, you have My peace and love in your soul, which needs constant cleansing with Confession. A good daily prayer life is your link of love with Me, and it also is your strength during the trials of life. Receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion is your spiritual food that feeds your soul and keeps My grace with you. Your faith in Me will give you your endurance and persistence that will direct you on the sea of life to follow the mission that I have given you.
This mission is your direction, and only by consecrating everything to Me, can you be open and shaped so I can use you to accomplish this mission. Keep Me as your main focus in life and follow My ways and My Commandments, and you will always be ready to receive Me when I return in glory. When I return and find you faithful, you will be among My faithful remnant that will receive your reward in My Era of Peace and eventually in your place in heaven that I have reserved for you.
Jesus said: My people, you experienced some difficulties in getting into this building in after hours, and it is a sign to you of what is coming with your smart cards and drivers’ licenses in taking a plane. You can use money and checks now, but soon a time will be coming when only smart cards with chips will be the only way to buy and sell anything.
Once they force you to use such chips, you will have to use your food storage and it may be difficult to pay your taxes challenging the safety in your home. Soon you will also have mandatory chips in the body which will be enforced by the one world people. This will definitely be a time that you will have to leave your homes for a refuge unless you are already an interim or final refuge. At My places of protection the evil ones will not be able to see you or your refuges, and you will be protected by My angels. Your food and fuel will be multiplied so that others may come to you for help. Trust in Me that I will provide for all of your needs, and I will also give you My graces to sustain your strength in this end time.
Do not have any fear if you do not have smart cards or chips in the body, for I will defy all of the evil ones’ intentions to cause you harm or prevent you from getting your food. Everything will be given to My faithful in due season, so have no anxiety over what you are to eat, wear, or where you are to live. Pray more for the conversion of sinners because saving souls is your most important mission.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jesus said: My people, this Gospel of the talents is a wake-up call to see how you are responding to My call to serve Me and your neighbor. It is about taking up your own cross that I have given you to bear through life ‘s trials and troubles. There are different levels of response depending on the graces and capabilities of each soul. To the one who is given more, more will be expected. Some have sought Me in My Blessed Sacrament and have worked to learn more of their faith.
These are My faithful remnant of prayer warriors who reach out as priests, deacons, nuns, and evangelists to save souls. Others with lesser gifts have not sought Me out as strongly, but they still believe and help others the best that they can. Still others are the lukewarm who know the faith, but they have become lax or have rejected their early training. These will be held most accountable because they knew about Me, but they buried their gifts. Still others never believed in Me and were atheists.
These will be held accountable because they could have searched to find Me, but they rejected even learning the faith. When all of these souls arrive at the judgment, those, who rejected Me, will find the everlasting flames of hell. The others, who were saved, will eventually come to the varying levels of heaven according to their love for Me and the works that they have done on earth in their lifetime.
I am a loving, merciful, and a just God. All of My judgments are fair and measured according to how you expressed your love for Me and your neighbor. While you are still alive, you can grow in your spirituality if you so desire, and you will be rewarded for your extra efforts to serve Me.
Monday, November 18, 2008: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you this horn of plenty because it is a sign of your coming Thanksgiving time when you thank Me for all of your harvests and all that I have given you. You are seeing people fall on hard times and you will need to help each other to survive in addition to the poor.
There will come a time when the evil ones will be allowed to take over your country and eventually the whole world. You will soon see My Warning coming to help all sinners see their way right before the Antichrist will declare himself. I have told you many times that after the Warning you will see events in a world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law that will lead up to the Antichrist taking control in the European Union.
When you celebrate Thanksgiving Day I want you to thank Me also for preparing refuges all over the world so My faithful remnant will have a place of protection to come to. At My refuges you will see food and shelters multiplied so everyone will have what you need. You all will have to pray constantly and work to help each other for your daily survival at My refuges during the whole tribulation.
Have patience during this time because once the Antichrist is declared, you know that in less than 3½ years I will come to defeat all evil and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that you will be seeing this glorious mercy in your lifetime.
Jesus said: My people, this is a confirmation that this land is a refuge where many people will come here during the tribulation.
It will be protected by My angels so the evil ones cannot find anyone here. The people, who come here, will be living a rustic agricultural life for their survival. Pray constantly to give Me thanks and praise for all that I will do for you. I will provide your food and fuel for heating and cooking.
I will also provide your water from a spring that will appear. There will be a luminous cross over this land and all, who look upon it, will be healed of any of their illnesses or chronic conditions. Trust in Me both here and at all refuges that I will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Jesus said: My people, this broken glass is a symbol of how you have broken your covenant with Me and you have refused to repent of your sins. All of the financial hard times and the natural disasters, that you see, are a further consequence of your sins. Your trials and layoffs are going to continue for a while and things will get worse before they could turn around.
The change that you are hoping for may happen in your government, but evil will continue to worsen in your abortions and your sexual sins. Without a spiritual turnaround you will not see much of a financial turnaround. It is hard for Me to send you blessings when you have lost your way in refusing to worship Me and you worship your money and your possessions instead. When you choose to follow your own way on the broad road to hell, you will need many prayers to turn your country back to Me.
Until you change spiritually, expect things to approach a takeover of your country. This is what happened to the Israelites when they worshiped other gods instead of Me. You will find the same ruin awaiting America as you continue to decay morally in your society.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Jesus said: My people, many of your factories will be closing down and people laid off as your economy continues to slow down, because people cannot buy big items and even less of other things as well.
Even in this vision you could see coal mines shutting down because some do not want coal plants to pollute the air. Instead of having an energy plan in place, such decisions could put strains on other fuels that could not yet replace coal for a fuel. As people cut back in their spending, it may not be good for your economy, but it is better for individual budgets to be living more within their means.
It has been your overspending that has caused a lot of your bad loans to go unpaid. Pray for your people to find enough work and money to provide food for your families.
From Eileen Renders November 23, 2008 = Message to Share
Good morning! Although today I had no direct message from Jesus, He did impart to me a sense of peace that I want to share with all!
God bless,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
No Message, but a thought to share!
Although there is no message from Jesus to share today for this first Sunday of Advent, there is something I personally want to share with all.
After receiving the most sacred Host, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion, I knelt in silent commune with Jesus.
With my heart open to Jesus, there was no vision or message. However, I felt an enormous sense of peace from deep within. And I was reminded how in these difficult economic times, we must keep our faith and trust in Christ. And these are the times when we must open our hearts with love and mercy to all who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Note: As always, I prayed for the special needs and intentions of all who need and/or have requested prayers.
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I
Part II
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com
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