African, Pacific Islands, Oceania, Micronesia, Polynesia Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Luteran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
SATURDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Life Of Jesus (Rosary)
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Procula (Procia) Martyred in Africa withMarcellinus, 2 April.
Proculus, Secundianus , Quartus, Victorianus, Januarius, Medianus, Adauctus, Denecutia, Maximianus, Alexander, Afranus, Audactus, and Deodatus. Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Promus, Ares, and Elias. We are Kemetian Christians, burned alive at Ascalon, Palestine, while we were traveling to Cilicia. 19 Dec.
Propolus, martyred at Alexandria with Serapion, 13 July
Prosdocus, martyred at Alexandria, 29 April.
Proteheas(Proteas), Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Didymus,Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus(, Recumbens), Bastmus, Sarmathus (Sarmatas), Orion, Colluthus (Collotus), Didymus, Rastanus, Pelesius (Plesius), Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius.
We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, most beheading for preaching Christ in Northern Kemet with Paul. 18 Jan.
Proterius the Patriarch of Alexandria. Feb. 28. Hieromartyr
Proterius, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Proterius, I am the Melchite (Greek Rite) Patriarch of Alexandria 451-457 A.D. I was archpriest, heading the Alexandria Orthodox (Catholic) party. When the infamous Dioscurus (452 A.D.) was relieved from administration, I succeeded him through election.
On Easter 457 A.D. , I was killed by Monophysite party members of Dioscurus in the Church of Saint Quirinus. They dragged my body, hacking it to pieces, and then burned it. 28 Feb. Coptics of the Latin Rite, 3 Feb.
Proteus. Martyred in Alexandria with Apollo, 10 Feb.
Protolicus. Martyred in Alexandria with Bassus, 14 Feb.
Psenosiris, I was a Bishop martyr in Kemet with Muis, exiled by Arians, 21 May.
Pshai is the same as Besoi.
Psoes (Psoi) of Kemet (6th century), 9 Aug.
Psoi (Bishoi, Besoi) in the 4th century, I was an abbot and follower of Saint Pachomius of Tabennisis. 30 Nov.
Psoi (Besoy), I am brother to Saint Hor. I followed my brother from Antioch to Alexandria, after Hor and our mother, Dedara, had suffered martyrdom, a heavy column was placed on my stomach, and I was crushed. 24 Aug.
Psoi of Kemet (Egypt) Aug. 16
Psoi, a friend of Amba Baula (Paul) 4 Oct. in the Coptic Calendar.
Psote (Abassadius, Amba Sada, Beshada, Abashadi). I am the bishop of Ptolemais (Psoi), Upper Kemet. I was beheaded at Antinoe, 23 Dec. Coptic Calendar.
Psote (Beshada) with Abshadius, Khemetian Bishop 19 Jan. Might be the same as Psote (also known as Abashadi).
Psura (Bissora, Abba Bassura), I am the Bishop martyr of Masil, Kemet , Authorities beheaded me with three other bishops, Sergius, Hellanicus, and Theodorus, at Alexandria. 6 Sept. Coptic Calendar.
Ptolemaeus, priest, who was son of the Eparch, priest,Iraja (Herais). with a brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest.
Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest;; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Ptolemachus, and my brothers, martyrs, 10 Oct. Coptic Calendar.
Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), I was an ascete confessor, 29 Jan.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Holy Love Nov. 1, 2008
November 1, 2008
Feast of All Saints
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here and They greet the priests in the apparition room by nodding to them. Our Lady says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, this presidential election is pivotal in the history of your nation. Pray the Rosary of the Unborn and invoke the intercession of all the saints in Heaven that the truth of life in the womb is respected and truth is victorious."
"Tonight We're extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Holy Love Ministries
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
37137 Butternut Ridge Road
Elyria, OH 44039 U.S.A.
Message line: 440-327-5822
E-mail: mamshl [at]
Prayer Center: 440-327-8006
Fax: 440-327-8017
Visit Our Website: Holy Love Ministries is an ecumenical lay apostolate committed to living and propagating the Holy Love, Divine Love and United hearts messages. These messages which support the two great commandments-love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself-are given by means of private revelation to Heaven's messenger. HLM Servants of Holy Love gather to pray the rosary for world peace, for an end to abortion, and that hearts open to Heaven's messages.
Message to Carol Ameche Oct. 19 & 26, 2008
Prayer gathering 10-19-08
My very dear one, precious and faithful children, I am your Mother. How grateful I am to see your beautiful faces filled with love, to hear your voices filled with fidelity and earnest meaning. Your hearts make My Heart nearly explode with true joy. Oh, My dear ones, (everyone in the world) you have been so faithful to My Feast days in these past weeks and months. Thank you for praying for each other.
As time goes by, you are under attack by spirits of division. Spirits of disinterest hammer at your hearts, cloud your minds and pull at your wills. Yet you have allowed this to make you stronger than ever: more consecrated, more committed to wielding this great weapon of My Rosary. You are so loved by all of Heaven, As you fight against your earthly nature, your souls shine.
When you give in to weakness or laziness, you RUN to the Sacraments, propelled by My love and the Holy Spirit of God. Yes, you see the world teetering on the edge of great danger. you answer the Father's call for more, greater preparation, all the while grasping this gift of trust that pours out of Heaven and fills your hearts with more faith than you have ever known.
Rejoice, My children. Do not fear, My children. I am with you, My children. You are Mine, My precious ones. Amen. Thank you for your love. Amen."
Carol Ameche
10-26-08 @ small prayer gathering through Carol
(this was a very powerful message, which I felt more strongly than most, that filled me with the Father's firm love for us and His intense importance for these words.)
"My very dear children, it is I, your Creator, the One Who sustains your every breath, each step you take, each beat of your heart, Who has given to you My Beloved Son as your Savior and your King. COUNT ON ME, My beloved ones, to hear and answer your every request, to supply your every need, to protect you with the might of My arm, to heal you, to provide for you in My Perfect Will. I bring you the gift of open hearts to all of My gifts, to acceptance and surrender of your will to Mine.
I speak to everyone, once again, to all who will listen in the world. I pour out the gifts of REMEMBERING today, that you are protected and much needed and READY in My Plan to march into battle in perfect confidence, even in the midst of chaos; and if one of you might be taken into eternity who has remained faithful, it will be your greatest gift at that moment.
Let there be no fear or sadness, but only rejoicing that My Will is perfect, and desires only good for each of you. Feel the strength and love in My voice: My confidence as your God, yes; but also in response to the level of trust and confidence you have accepted more than ever. You will see and remember that all is well and all will be well, whatever you see.
Oh My faithful ones, rejoice with Me that you are as united as is possible for you on this earth to the Trinity and your Holy Mother and each other, My dear ones; and there will be nothing you are unable to do at the request of My lost children (still a most important theme for us to grasp from the Father...cta).
I will send them to you with great confidence, with the gifts you need for them. Rejoice, My people, for each other and My perfect Will. Amen! Be filled with the peace of My Jesus."
More than ever, it is up to us to stop and reread these words and allow them to fill us with this peace we need so badly, to slow down, to stop and listen to them and allow them to heal us, calm us, fill us with the power of the might of God's arm and trust in His words and promises. ....)
It is such an important and critical time in our lives and all of history. Remember when Jesus said: "My Father tells you how much He thinks of you by what He asks you to do for Him and His people." And more than ever we are held in the palm of His hand, as we live out all we have been prayed and trained and waited for.) Carol
I want to share with you and encourage you to consider, pray about a pilgrimage that I will be taking with Alice Blazina from Ky. with Alex and Beryl of Queen of Peace Ministries in April, 2009, to Garabandal, Spain.
The visionaries will be there and have arranged for 40 accommodations (beds) IN THE VILLAGE for one week, during Holy Week; followed by two days in Lourdes, France right after Easter. Much more information will be available in the weeks ahead. There are only sixteen reservations left.
The cost is $3000 and includes airport taxes. The cost includes all travel and accommodations. Names of priests and other info. will be forthcoming!
Please think seriously about this one. God Bless us all, and love to you, Carol
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 03 - ST. MARTIN DE PORRES
"Oh, what a heaven the Saints found on earth in their ardent devotion to the
Most Blessed Sacrament! They indeed experienced that to none is Jesus so
lavish of His sensible graces as to those who have a fervent devotion to the
Blessed Sacrament.
What sighs of love, what sweet tears and raptures, what floods of delight and consolation overwhelmed their souls when they celebrated or approached the Sacred Mysteries! . . . Oh, let us, too, foster a tender devotion
to the Holy Eucharist; let us, too, seek this "Heaven on earth," in which the
Saints found such supreme delight"
(The Blessed Sacrament: God With Us).
Mother Teresa -
In silence we will find new energy and true unity. The energy of God will be ours to do all things well, and so will the unity of our thoughts with His thoughts, the unity of our prayers with His prayers, the unity of our actions with His actions, of our life with His life.
All our words will be useless unless they come from within.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
One day a spiritual son asked him: Father, how can I increase my love?
Reply: by doing your duty with exactitude and upright intentions and observing the law of the Lord. If you do this with constancy and perseverance, your love will grow.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
God must be the source of the humble and show it through their resources
"Before undertaking a task great or small, before making decisions, before beginning a journey, the humble will acknowledge their dependence on God and will invoke His guidance and His blessing on all their enterprises. Even though they be placed above others by vocation, or by the will of the people, they will never cease to recognize that God has made of one blood all the nations that dwell on the earth. If they are very rich they will not be `defenders of the rights of the poor' without unloading their riches in their aid."
St. Faustina's diary -
Here are a few words from a conversation I had with the Mother Directress [Mary Joseph] toward the end of my novitiate: "Sister, let simplicity and humility be the characteristic traits of your soul. Go through life like a little child, always trusting, always full of simplicity and humility, content with everything, happy in every circumstance. There, where others fear, you will pass calmly along, thanks to this simplicity and humility. Remember this, Sister, for your whole life: as waters flow from the mountains down into the valleys, so, too, do God's graces flow only into humble souls." (55)
Humiliation is my daily food. I understand that the bride must herself share in everything that is the groom's; and so His cloak of mockery must cover me, too. At those times when I suffer much, I try to remain silent, as I do not trust my tongue which, at such moments, is inclined to talk for itself, while its duty is to help me praise God for all the blessings and gifts which He has given me. When I receive Jesus in Holy Communion, I ask Him fervently to deign to heal my tongue so that I would offend neither God nor neighbor by it. I want my tongue to praise God without cease. Great are the faults committed by the tongue. The soul will not attain sanctity if it does not keep watch over its tongue. (92)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day However great the work that God may achieve by an individual, he must not indulge in self-satisfaction. He ought rather to be all the more humbled, seeing himself merely as a tool which God has made use of. -St. Vincent de Paul
Today's Tidbit St. Pirminius, mentioned in today's historical fact is important because one of his writings, book entitled "Scarapsus," is the earliest known writing to contain the Apostles' Creed as it is worded in its present form.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The life of St. Martin de Porres was characterized by two great virtues : love of neighbor and service to the poor. In the following two messages, Our Lady speaks of both :
Dear children, during these days people from every nation will be coming into the parish. And so I now call you to love. First of all, love the members of your own family and in this way you will be capable of accepting and loving all who come here (Weekly Message June 6, 1985).
Dear children, tonight I call you to pray for all the poor and hungry people throughout the world. I especially thank you because you have helped me to fulfill my plans (Visionary Prayer Group September 12, 1988).
And from the Beatitudes :
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
---Luke 6 :20-21
St. Martin, patron of the poor, was born in Peru in 1579, the son of a Spanish knight and a Negro mother. During his youth he was apprenticed to a barber-surgeon and became very knowledgeable of medicines and herbs, which he later used in his car for the poor. He became a lay brother of the Dominican Order and is most remembered for his care of the slaves who were brought to Peru from Africa.
He once said, " I wish to be the slave of the slaves who were brought to Peru from Africa. He once said, " I wish to be the slaves of God. " Upon his death in 1639, he was carried to his grave by bishops and noblemen. He is also, appropriately, the patron of social justice.
At his canonization in 1962, Pope John XXIII said to him :
Saint Martin, always obedient and inspired by his divine Teacher, dealt with his brothers with that profound love which comes from our faith and humility of service. He loved men because he honestly looked upon them as God's children and as his own brothers and sisters.
Application :
Today, let us put into practice Our Lady's message : "I call you to pray for all the poor and hungry people throughout the world. "
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 02 - ALL SOULS DAY
"The devotion to the Eucharist, together with the devotion to the Blessed Mother, is the devotion of Paradise, because it is the devotion which the Angels and Saints of Heaven also have" (Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love, Fr. Stephano Manelli, O. F. M.).
Mother Teresa -
If we really mean to pray and want to pray we must be ready to do it now. This is only the first step towards prayer, but if we never make the first step with determination, we will not reach the last one: the presence of God.
Meditations by Padre Pio - My children, to remain like this, unable to do my duty, is useless, it is better that I die!
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Blessed are the merciful!
"Humility as it relates to others is a golden mean between blind reverence on the one hand and an overbearing insolence on the other. Humble people are not rigid exacters of things to which they have no undoubted right; they are always ready to overlook faults of others knowing that they have so many themselves. Neither are they greatly provoked at those slights which put vain persons out of patience, knowing that as we show mercy to others so shall we receive mercy from God."
St. Faustina's diary -
Spiritual Counsel Given Me
by Father Andrasz, S.J.
First: You must not turn away from these interior inspirations, but always tell everything to your confessor. If you recognize that these interior inspirations refer to your own self; that is to say, they are for the good of your soul or for the good of other souls, I urge you to follow them; and you must not neglect them, but always do so in consultation with your confessor.
Second: If these inspirations are not in accord with the faith or the spirit of the Church, they must be rejected immediately as coming from the evil spirit.
Third: If these inspirations do not refer to souls, in general, nor specifically to their good, you should not take them too seriously, and it would be better to even ignore them.
But you should not make this decision by yourself, either one way or the other, as you can easily be led astray despite these great favors from God. Humility, humility, and ever humility, as we can do nothing of ourselves; all is purely and simply God's grace.
You say to me that God demands great trust from souls; well then, you be the first to show this trust. And one more word-accept all this with serenity. (55)
Dailys - -
Nov 2 Feast of the Day Today is the feast of All Souls, this is the day set aside out of the year for us to pray for the souls of all who have died, especially the souls in purgatory waiting for the joys of heaven. This feast has biblical origins, for example, in the Second Book of Maccabees, "Judas made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin, and it has historical origins because from the beginning of the Church, the Faithful were encouraged to pray for all who had died.
A day set aside for prayer for all who had died began to be observed in the Middle ages. In the eleventh century, St. Odilo, Abbot of Cluny, decreed that the monks should set aside November 2 as a special day to pray for the dead in the Divine Office, and through special prayers.
The theological ideas for this feast day are based on the fact that very few of us achieve perfection in our lives on earth, so we must remove the scars of our sinfulness and imperfection before we come face-to-face with God. This day is set aside for the Church on earth to pray for those who have died and are still preparing to meet God face-to-face.
A more recent addition to this celebration happened in 1915 when Pope Benedict XV stated in an apostolic constitution that priests could celebrate three Masses on this day. The intention for the first Mass is for a particular intention of the priest, the intention of the second is for all the Faithful Departed, and the intention of the third is for the intentions of the Pope.
Quote of the Day Let us help commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them -St. John Chrysostom
Today's Tidbit The month of November and especially All Souls Day is a traditional time for visiting graves of loved ones and remembering all the Faithful who have died. One common practice of remembering the dead is setting out a book in a prominent place where the names of the dead can be written and prayed for.
Intention of the Day Please pray for all the faithful departed
In this message from 1986, Our Lady speaks of purgatory and our role in helping those who have gone before us :
Dear children, today I invite you to pray everyday for the souls in purgatory. Every soul need prayer and grace in order to reach God and his love. By this way, dear children, you will gain new intercessors, who will help you , than longing for heaven. For that, dear children, pray without respite, so that you may be able to help yourself and others, to whom your prayers will bring joy (Weekly Message Nov 6, 1986).
The Book of Revelation also speaks of life after death
Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it; the earth and the heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, the book of life.
And the dead were judged according to their works, as recorded in the books. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and all were judged according to what they had done (Rv 20 :11-13).
Especially on All Souls' Day, the church calls us to remember and pray for the souls in purgatory, including our loved ones who have gone before us.
The church's doctrine of purgatory is too often misunderstood. It is not a place where the residue of sin is remitted through suffering; it is rather a process in which we are perfected until that point when we can unite in harmony with the fullness of love and life, which is God. Just as oil and water cannot mix, so too we must resemble the Spirit of God, free from sin, before entering into his life a state called heaven.
This process is veiled in mystery, but it is without doubt a benevolent concept, a gift from God who allows us, the living, to help those who have already died :
" For every soul, " Our Lady says, " prayer and grace are necessary to reach God and the love of God. "
Further, those whom we have helped to obtain paradise will in turn help us : " You obtain new intercessors, " Mary says, " who will help you in this life to realize that earthly things are not important, that it is necessary to strive only for heaven. "
All Souls' Day is an appropriate time to arrange for masses to be offered for the dead, which the Blessed
Mother recommends. Your parish office can inform you of the procedure and suggested offering. Mary also asks us to pray for the forgotten dead and those in most need of God's mercy, to whom, Our Lady says, "your prayers will bring great joy. "
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 01 - ALL SOULS DAY
Eve of All Saints Day
"The saints experienced in this world such pleasure in remaining in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, that days and nights appeared to them as moments" (St. Alphonsus Liguori).
"Jesus is the only source of true peace. There cannot be hope of real peace in the world apart from Christ . . . How does Christ bring about this peace?
He earned it by His Sacrifice. He gave His life to bring reconciliation between God and man . . .
This sacrifice which draws the human family to unity is made present in the Eucharist. Thus, each Eucharistic celebration is the
source of a new gift of peace . . . The gift that Christ made of Himself is more powerful than all the force of division that oppress the world" (Pope John Paul II, Eucharistic Congress, March 11, l988)
"How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?" (Pascal).
Mother Teresa -
Prayer, to be fruitful, must come from the heart.
Meditations by Padre Pio - My children, to remain like this, unable to do my duty, is useless, it is better that I die!
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
No one is better than the next!
"The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil than we, we falsely believe that we are somehow better `than the rest of men' (Luke 18: 11)."
St. Faustina's diary -
Spiritual Counsel Given Me
by Father Andrasz, S.J.
First: You must not turn away from these interior inspirations, but always tell everything to your confessor. If you recognize that these interior inspirations refer to your own self; that is to say, they are for the good of your soul or for the good of other souls, I urge you to follow them; and you must not neglect them, but always do so in consultation with your confessor.
Second: If these inspirations are not in accord with the faith or the spirit of the Church, they must be rejected immediately as coming from the evil spirit.
Third: If these inspirations do not refer to souls, in general, nor specifically to their good, you should not take them too seriously, and it would be better to even ignore them.
But you should not make this decision by yourself, either one way or the other, as you can easily be led astray despite these great favors from God. Humility, humility, and ever humility, as we can do nothing of ourselves; all is purely and simply God's grace.
ou say to me thatGod demands great trust from souls; well then, you be the first to show this trust. And one more word-accept all this with serenity. (55)
Dailys - -
Nov 1 Feast of the Day Information taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia
The Solemnity celebrated on the first of November is instituted to honor all the saints, known and unknown, and, according to Urban IV, to supply any deficiencies in the faithful's celebration of saints' feasts during the year. In the early days the Christians were accustomed to solemnize the anniversary of a martyr's death for Christ at the place of martyrdom. In the fourth century, neighboring dioceses began to interchange feasts, to transfer relics, to divide them, and to join in a common feast; as is shown by the invitation of St. Basil of Caesarea (397) to the bishops of the province of Pontus.
Frequently groups of martyrs suffered on the same day, which naturally led to a joint commemoration. In the persecution of Diocletian the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be assigned to each. But the Church, feeling that every martyr should be venerated, appointed a common day for all.
The first trace of this we find in Antioch on the Sunday after Pentecost. We also find mention of a common day in a sermon of St. Ephrem the Syrian (373), and in the 74th homily of St. John Chrysostom (407).
At first only martyrs and St. John the Baptist were honoured by a special day. Other saints were added gradually, and increased in number when a regular process of canonization was established; still, as early as 411 there is in the Chaldean Calendar a "Commemoratio Confessorum" for the Friday after Easter.
In the West Boniface IV, May, 13 609, or 610, consecrated the Pantheon in Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs, ordering an anniversary. Gregory III (731-741) consecrated a chapel in the basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the anniversary for November 1.
A basilica of the Apostles already existed in Rome, and its dedication was annually remembered on May 1. Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration on 1 November to the entire Church. The vigil seems to have been held as early as the feast itself. The octave was added by Sixtus IV (1471-84).
Quote of the Day That man is truly humble who converts humiliation into humility. -St. Bernard
Today's Tidbit Pius XII declared that Mary was taken up to heaven body and soul in his apostolic constitution "Munificentissimus Deus." Thus, he declared as infallible dogma a belief that Catholics had held for many years.
In this message from 1986, Our Lady speaks of purgatory and our role in helping those who have gone before us :
Dear children, today I invite you to pray everyday for the souls in purgatory. Every soul need prayer and grace in order to reach God and his love. By this way, dear children, you will gain new intercessors, who will help you , than longing for heaven. For that, dear children, pray without respite, so that you may be able to help yourself and others, to whom your prayers will bring joy (Weekly Message Nov 6, 1986).
The Book of Revelation also speaks of life after death
Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it; the earth and the heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, the book of life.
And the dead were judged according to their works, as recorded in the books. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and all were judged according to what they had done (Rv 20 :11-13).
Especially on All Souls' Day, the church calls us to remember and pray for the souls in purgatory, including our loved ones who have gone before us.
The church's doctrine of purgatory is too often misunderstood. It is not a place where the residue of sin is remitted through suffering; it is rather a process in which we are perfected until that point when we can unite in harmony with the fullness of love and life, which is God. Just as oil and water cannot mix, so too we must resemble the Spirit of God, free from sin, before entering into his life a state called heaven.
This process is veiled in mystery, but it is without doubt a benevolent concept, a gift from God who allows us, the living, to help those who have already died :
" For every soul, " Our Lady says, " prayer and grace are necessary to reach God and the love of God. "
Further, those whom we have helped to obtain paradise will in turn help us : " You obtain new intercessors, " Mary says, " who will help you in this life to realize that earthly things are not important, that it is necessary to strive only for heaven. "
All Souls' Day is an appropriate time to arrange for masses to be offered for the dead, which the Blessed
Mother recommends. Your parish office can inform you of the procedure and suggested offering. Mary also asks us to pray for the forgotten dead and those in most need of God's mercy, to whom, Our Lady says, "your prayers will bring great joy. "
FOR LITURGICAL CHURCH MEMBERS (Including Lutheran and Anglican, Episcopalian).
by Susan Tassone
Scripture tells us that, "For charity delivers from death and keeps you from entering the darkness"; and that "Water extinguishes a blazing fire: so almsgiving atones for sin." Our Lord says: "But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you.”
How can we doubt the merit of our spiritual alms when we release our friends and loved ones suffering in purgatory to obtain for them eternal happiness?
When we pay their debts and deliver them from the prison of purgatory, we give them the object of their desire: to enjoy the Presence of God. That's Heaven!
St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Of all prayers, the most meritorious, the most acceptable to God are prayers for the dead, because they imply all the works of charity, both corporal and spiritual."
We should not be afraid of exercising charity toward the souls in purgatory. St. Ambrose said, "Whatever we offer in charity for the dead is changed into merit for ourselves, and we shall receive a hundredfold after death."
When we work for the souls in purgatory, we work for ourselves. We lay up treasure of which God will give us the benefit in the days of trial. We are insuring a favorable welcome for our own souls when our last hour draws near.
Our Lord tells us: "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." It is pleasing to Him if we deliver a soul from purgatory as if we delivered Himself, and opened the gate of Heaven to Him.
Who is like God? No one is so good as God whose mercy is unfathomable and infinite. Therefore, our Divine Savior will do much more for us than we have done for the faithful departed.
He who is goodness and mercy itself will open for us His treasures and make us partakers of His infinite merits, and the debt we owe will be paid to the last farthing. Nothing will delay our entrance into Heaven.
In the life of St. Gertrude, we learned that from her earliest years she offered her prayers and good works for the benefit of the suffering souls. This practice was so pleasing to God that He often showed her the souls who were in most need of her help.
At the hour of St. Gertrude’s death, the devil tried to persuade her that she had lost all the merit of her good works and would have to expiate her faults by a long period in purgatory. She was in such a state of distress that Our Lord , taking pity, appeared before her. "Oh, Lord," she said, "in what a deplorable position am I!
Death approaches, and I am deprived of the merit of my good works which I have applied to the souls in purgatory; how can I ever pay the debt I owe to your justice?"
Our Lord replied: “Fear not, my child, by your charity to the dead, you have increased the sum of your merits, and not only do you possess enough to expiate your slight faults, but you have earned a high degree of glory. My mercy will reward your devotion to the holy souls, and you will soon be with me in Paradise, to be rewarded a hundredfold for all you have done for them."
During this great Month of the Deceased, that should stimulate our devotion to the holy souls. Heaven is the home of gratitude. The souls released through our Masses, Rosaries, Stations, and indulgences, will be forever attached to us by bonds of eternal gratitude. They earnestly desire to repay us. The purgatorial souls will always remember us and their powerful intercession will insure our eternal salvation.
[Note: An indulgence is granted the Christian faithful who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, if only mentally, for the dead. This indulgence is applicable only to the souls in purgatory. It is a plenary one from November 1- 8 and can be gained on each one of these days. On the other days of the year this indulgence is a partial one.]
Part 2/2 - Teaching from the Lord through THE GIRL OF MY WILL - 05-17-2008
Gathering of Love With God's Action in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire,
With His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-05-17 Part 2
Q: Have you heard of Luisa Piccarreta: living in the Divine Will?
A: The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, oh, yes! In the very beginning, around 1999, that's when I began going to Marmora on pilgrimages; and they handed out a pamphlet, and it was enough for me to arrive home and say, Jesus, you're the one who's doing the dishes, you're the one who's sweeping the floor. It was all coming to me like this.
That's what I know about her.
Q: Do you say the same thing everywhere you go?
A: The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The mission I have is to repeat what is inside me and it is to repeat what is inside every one of us here together.
We are children of the Divine Will and Jesus uses us.
Jesus, earlier, spoke within you, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, well, I hear what is inside you and I repeat; this happens in the same moment as the movement takes place.
When he says, I will tell you a story, I don't know which story he's going to tell you; however, I don't need to worry because he knows.
Since 2001, there have been gatherings, over three hundred gatherings up until now, over three hundred gatherings! There isn't a single gathering that is like another because we are in movement.
And so, Jesus, when he brings about gatherings, he heals; in this moment, you have received healings, there have been liberations.
Some happen afterwards: Well, this is what happened to me, I was healed, I did this, I did that Well, this is their business, it's between them and God; it's not up to me to know what happens afterwards, I do my job, right?! But I benefit from this.
When people allow themselves to be healed, well, inside me, there is healing as well.
When a person receives a liberation, he finds peace again more easily, and well, my flesh feels this.
You see, when we allow ourselves to be liberated by God, everybody feels this, even those who live in China.
What he said earlier, well, this is since the beginning of the world; imagine that the souls in purgatory and the souls in Heaven have a flesh that is waiting at this moment, they (our brothers and our sisters).
Do you think that they don't intercede in order to obtain graces for us so that we can abandon ourselves? They benefit from this, their flesh will benefit from this.
This is the Divine Will: movement of love.
We are children of the Light, Mother Mary told us so at the Salette; she said that she would make use of the children of the Light; and so, we are the fruits that Mother Mary revealed to us, and also the fruits of all those who prayed for us.
Why do we accept this whereas others don't? Well, this is because we continued what they, they started: praying the rosary! Because we cast aside our rosary and we have just taken it up again: now, we pray with our heart.
When we used to pray when we were very young, up to twelve years old, they were prayers of children of love, but afterwards, oh, praying at 12, 13, 14, 15 (years old) began to be a chore!
We liked listening to rock music, we turned our televisions on, everybody turned their television on; we watched to daily news: oops, a movie here, a movie there, this was to our liking. Ah! A soap opera: we were nourishing ourselves with this, but now, we're relearning how to pray.
This is Mother Mary, this is her work; prayers belong to Mary.
When we say a Hail Mary, in the second part, we say, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, and well, this is what she does.
Mother Mary, she has always prayed for us, and so, we cannot take credit for what we are today that credit belongs to Heaven, and we benefit from this.
That is what we did this afternoon and this is what we're going to do over and over again.
There are four (volumes: one) book that (was written) by the hand that I am; I would write, I would hear, I would write; I would hear the voice and I would write, and when I began going where God was sending me, they were taping what I was saying.
But I remember that in the very beginning, we hadn't started taping, and so it was impossible to remember what I was repeating; I couldn't do two things at once: being present within myself and present externally, but what he was saying was so good that people wanted to hear it again.
That's when we began taping and many tapes have been made; this is a blessing that we have.
There are some (tapes) here, but if we go back to the beginning if you could see all the tapes we have! I think I must have five or six suitcases but you can find this on the internet.
Yes, we have a little card that the Lord showed us how to make. The Lord, he's the one who does everything. So now we can distribute this and you will be able to read; the four books are on the Internet.
Q: Are the books similar to Sister Faustine's journal?
R: The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: No, the books are different; the books lead us to the purification of the flesh.
The first one is about love, love and more love, so much so that there isn't a single sentence without love.
Jesus, he says, You have forgotten love, you have been brainwashed. And so, he's coming to talk to us about it again.
In the second one, he talks to us about ourselves in relation to him.
Ah! In the third one, he talks to us about love, about the love among the children of God, the couple; he can also talk to us about the love we must have for those who have fallen into sin.
We must not be against our brothers and our sisters, but we must not accept sin.
After having completed those three, then he talks to us about the purification of the flesh, the Great Purification.
There will come a time when the Holy Spirit will make us enter within ourselves; this will take place at a time that God the Father knows.
Wherever we may be, be it at work, be it at home, no matter where, when the moment has arrived, we will enter within ourselves, and before Jesus, before the Light, we will see all our choices before sins; we will live what sin has made us live: the consequences.
All shall be done through the justice of God the Father.
How is he going to do this? He will make us aware of his love for us; with his love, we will look at our life; so don’t try to hide something, nothing will be hidden: this is God's justice.
The gatherings we hold, the gatherings of love, are to obtain graces to help all our brothers and our sisters to make it through that moment with graces.
Jesus has prepared everything; he suffered the Passion for us, he went all the way to the end for us, in order to obtain for us the strength to live what we're going to live.
The Gospel says that there will be a time when all will live in a world of love, when his Father's chosen ones will know that there is only one God; they will no longer be in evil; and so, this is what God is preparing for us: this world of love.
And this is written in the Gospel but no one ever came to talk to us about it because it wasn't yet time: now it is time.
Do you remember when we read in the Gospel that John, John wrote, wrote down everything he was seeing? But then God said, Now eat what you have written. It wasn't yet time, now it is time.
It is necessary now for what he ate to emerge; it's what we're living, and it's only Jesus who can do this he's the one who will purify since he is the Purifier.
The priest is the Christ-Priest; the priest, through his sacrament of the Orders, is the Christ-Priest; he takes care of our soul.
The priest is also a man; he suffers bodily just like Paul suffered bodily: There is a splinter in my flesh. This wasn't about sexuality, it was his human will that was making him suffer.
The Holy Spirit was making him feel what was in his flesh, that suffering that he couldn't get rid of; only the Christ Jesus could have removed this because he had already done so.
The flesh, it's Christ who will purify it, but the soul needs the graces of the sacraments, it needs the Body and the Blood of Jesus; the more the soul receives graces, the more we will have the strength to give to Jesus: the causes, choices and consequences.
Satan is going to do everything he can to prevent us from turning to the priests; this is why he has hounded priests for many, many years, because Jesus has entrusted his flock to the priests, and he knows this.
But if the priests are not as we, we would like them to be with regards to their human behaviour, they are so through the sacrament of the Orders as the Christ-Priest.
We must always pray for the human will that is in priests, so that they don't use it; and well, if they do use it, this is because we have lacked abandonment in Mary's hands, we have given up saying the rosary we have to take it up again.
We must support our priests; without priests we are lost you know this.
But Jesus, he said to us, Nothing shall prevail against my Church.
And so, he is in the process of nourishing our trust in him.
This, our purification, will not happen without some suffering don't forget this but together we will have Jesus? strength.
And so, Jesus has just said, Now go to mass.
Thank you, Jesus of love.
Message to Eileen Renders Nov.1, 2008
Went to Mass in my big dark glasses after cataract surgery and it was not only all Souls Day, but the last of my 5 Saturdays to our Lady.
Saturday Mass, November 01, 2008
Today we attended the 6:30 PM Mass at our parish, Our Lady Of Sorrows. After making an Act of Contrition, I prayed the rosary and remembered all with special needs and intentions.
Before receiving the most sacred Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, I made humble offerings to Jesus and Mary.
After receiving the sacred Host, I knelt in silent commune with Jesus. Thanking Him for His many blessings, I offered all my love. I prayed that Jesus would help me to avoid all distraction and discern anything I heard or saw in my heart and soul that might come from His Heart to mine. Then I asked Jesus (if it be His will) Speak Lord, Your servant listens.
Almost at once I heard Jesus speak to me saying, My child Eileen, daughter of darkness who has come home. You always come home to Me. I want all My children to come home to Me. Whenever one of My children comes home to Me, My heart beats fast within My breast and a tear of joy escapes my eyes.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters.
Mother of Perpetual Light 10-30-08
Mother of Perpetual Light
The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedly
from the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". On
a number of occasions alleged messages were also received from the
Eucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine",
also in poetic verse.
For many more messages and information go to
2008 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posted
daily at the web site.
We now have three complete books of messages.
You may download the complete books from the web site
See the archives for more information
(During adoration on 10-30-2008, the recipient was symbolically shown a
pasture enclosed by an electric fence containing/restraining horses. The
horses eventually become conditioned not to wander near the fence or try to
leave the pasture.
Then he was shown a "pasture" surrounded by TV sets that
were plugged in and turned on containing/restraining people. He was told
that we are being contained and conditioned inside this worldly environment
by Satan and that we cannot see outside of this environment or experience
the spiritual realm that exits. Jesus said, "The rewards are much greater
outside this fence."
Many prayer group participants, including the recipient and his wife, have
decided not to watch TV for ninety days. The above poem was also received
during adoration.)
NOTE: Johnnie is from the South and is known for his mystical experiences by many.
Last Sunday night, as I was in Contemplative prayer with our Lord in Adoration at St. Peter's Church in Covington, Jesus gave me the same Scripture [EZEKIEL - Chapter 7] as He gave Darrell. He also lead me to understand that the Illumination of our soul is very near. I first experienced this "Illumination of soul" in June of 1991 as I adored our Lord in the Miracle of Lanciano in Italy.
Jesus said: "I AM coming soon as a "JUST JUDGE." Tuesday night, I also went to St. Peter's Church to listen to Father Petar, the Priest who was selected by the Medjugorje Visionaries to reveal the secrets to the world.
He talked about a newborn child who was born with his hands stuck together as in "praying hands". When the doctors performed the necessary surgery to separate his hands, an inscription was written on this child's hands which read: "Jesus is coming soon".
The other message the Lord gave me, was Amos 3:7 which states: "Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants, the prophets."
God bless you, johnnie
Amos (fair use 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Diaspora who would not otherwise be exposed to such).
Chapter 3
Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.
In Context:
Hear this word, O men of Israel, that the LORD pronounces over you, over the whole family that I brought up from the land of Egypt:
1 You alone have I favored, more than all the families of the earth; Therefore I will punish you for all your crimes.
Do two walk together unless they have agreed?
Does a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey? Does a young lion cry out from its den unless it has seized something?
Is a bird brought to earth by a snare when there is no lure for it? Does a snare spring up from the ground without catching anything?
2 If the trumpet sounds in a city, will the people not be frightened? If evil befalls a city, has not the LORD caused it?
Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.
The lion roars-- who will not be afraid! The Lord GOD speaks-- who will not prophesy!
3 Proclaim this in the castles of Ashdod, in the castles of the land of Egypt: "Gather about the mountain of Samaria, and see the great disorders within her, the oppression in her midst."
For they know not how to do what is right, says the LORD, Storing up in their castles what they have extorted and robbed.
Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD: An enemy shall surround the land, and strip you of your strength, and pillage your castles,
Thus says the LORD: As the shepherd snatches from the mouth of the lion a pair of legs or the tip of an ear of his sheep, So the Israelites who dwell in Samaria shall escape with the corner of a couch or a piece of a cot.
Hear and bear witness against the house of Jacob, says the Lord GOD, the God of hosts:
On the day when I punish Israel for his crimes, I will visit also the altars of Bethel: The horns of the altar shall be broken off and fall to the ground.
4 Then will I strike the winter house and the summer house; The ivory apartments shall be ruined, and their many rooms shall be no more, says the LORD.
1 [2] God's choice of Israel brought its own responsibility.
2 [6] The sufferings which sinful man experiences through the permissive will of God are presented here, as elsewhere in the Old Testament, simply as caused by the Lord.
3 [9] Israel's southern neighbors, beyond Judah, are invited by the prophetic orator to witness the moral disorders of God's people.
4 [15] Ivory apartments: rooms containing furniture inlaid in ivory, similar to the pieces discovered in the excavations at Samaria.
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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