African Christians, Pacific Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia & Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black Saints, Black African, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
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Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Dabamoth (Dibamonia), my mother Sophia and my sister Bistamon. We are martyrs (my daughters, virgin martyrs). Sophia was beheaded in Kemet. 4 June in the Abyssinian Coptic Calendar.
Dalasina with Sophronius of Shanazum (Shenetom, near Luxor). We were martyred in Kemet, killed at Luxor by Governor Arrhianus' orders, under Roman Emperor Diocletian persecutions. 16 Nov.
Damalius with my mother, Patricia, and my father Theophilus, martyred by being thrown into a ditch with sand and stones placed on top of us. 16 Oct. I am listed in the Coptic Calendar.
Damian, martyr,
Damianus, son of Theodora, I am the brother of Cosmas, 27 Sept. 18 Nov. also 24 Oct.
Damias, Saccus, Julius, Carpias, and 400 companions. We were martyred in Africa, 27 May.
Daniel of Scete in Kemet, 7 June
Daniel, Hieroteus, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius, Eusebius, monks; Basil and Thomas, deacons; Nicephorus, Peter, John, Sergius, and Theodore, Presbyter (Elder)s; Timothy and Theodore, bishops; and Etymasius at Tiberiopolis (361 A.D. 362 A.D.), martyrs, 28 Nov
Daniel, see, Saturninus, Felix, Ellas, Jeremy, Isaias, Samuel, Martyrs
Datianus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Datius, Reaturs, Restivus, another Datius. Heradius, Secundius, Mark. Julian, Vincent, Augustus, and Companions. We were martyred in Africa during the Vandals persecutions. 27 Jan.
Datus, with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa. We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Dativus the Senator with Emeritus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Thelica, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa. We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
David of Hermopolis in Kemet, Sept. 16
Demetrius the Archdeacon and Calaegerus,
Demetrius, Siddinus, Saturninus, Servus, Calendion, Galanus, Primigenus, Secundus, Theodotus, Parens, Satura, Victoria, the persecutions of Valeriana, and Firma. Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, and 15 Nov.
Demetrius of Elpidius, Canion (Cavion) Vindonius, martyrs.
Demetrius, Patriarch of Alexandria, 9 Oct.
Demonsia with my brother, Acronius, and with Kemetian soldiers Ammonius, Menas, and our companions. We were burned alive in a church during the reign of terror and persecutions of Emperor Diocletian. 29 May. Coptic Calendar.
Denecutia, Secundianus, Quartus, Victorianus, Januarius, Medianus, Adauctus, Maximianus, Alexander, Proculus, Afranus, Audactus, and Deodatus. Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Deodatus. Secundianus, Quartus, Victorianus, Januarius, Medianus, Adauctus, Denecutia, Maximianus, Alexander, Proculus, Afranus, Audactus, and Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Didymus, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D. in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Didymus,Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Colluthus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan. (Probably the same as Didymus, Recumbens, Rastanus, Sarmatas, Proteas, Orion, Collotus, Plesius, and Aratus. Martyred by beheading for preaching Christ in Northern Kemet with Paul. 18 Jan).
Didymus the Soldier of Alexandria, martyr, May 27.
Didymus with Successus, Pancratius, martyrs in Alexandria, 5 April.
Dio, martyr. 8 March
Diodorus, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Serapion, and Papias of Kemet (251 A.D.), martyr. 31 Jan. Probably the same as Diodorus (I was burned alive), martyred with Victorinus, Victor the Ninivite, Ninivita, Nicoforus, Claudianus (I had my legs whacked off), Dioscorus, Serapion (I was beheaded). Martyred in Kemet. Some confusion exists to actually where we were martyred. 24 Feb. 27 April in some Menology, 25 Feb. in others, Roman Martyrology says martyred at Diospolis, Kemet,
284 A.D.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 05 - THOSE IN HELL
Monthly message to Medjugorje seer Mirjana Soldo, 11/2/06:
"Dear children, my coming to you, my children, is God's love. God is sending me to warn you and to show you the right way. Do not shut your eyes before the truth, my children. Your time is a short time. Do not permit delusions to begin to rule over you. The way on which I desire to lead you is the way of peace and love. This is the way which leads to my Son, your God. Give me your hearts that I may put my Son in them and make my apostles of you -- apostles of peace and love. Thank you!"
Reported guide Miki Musa quotes Mirjana as saying: "Afterwards, in conclusion, Our Lady said for us not to forget our shepherds in our prayers."
"Jesus seems continually to exclaim from the altar: Come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you (Matthew 11:28).
Come, He says, come you who are poor; come, you who are infirm; come, you who are afflicted; come, you who are just and you who are sinners, and you shall find in me a remedy for all your losses and afflictions. This is the desire of Jesus Christ: to console every person who calls upon Him" (St. Alphonsus Liguori).
Mother Teresa -
Would that we could be so convinced of this necessity of silence!
I think then the road to close union with God would become very clear.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Always and in everything let there be more uprightness of intention, more exactitude, more punctuality, more generosity in serving the Lord and then you will be as the Lord wants you.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
To him who has been given much, much will be expected
"Scripture bids us to be wise and `correctly interpret the word of truth' (2 Timothy 2: 15). Humility moderates our estimate of what we know and will remind us that God gave to the wise more talents than others and more opportunities for developing those talents. But of him who has received much, much also will be expected. The intellectual leader has a tremendous responsibility thrust upon him and woe to him if he uses his office of teaching to lead the young into error and conceit."
St. Faustina's diary -
Today we are beginning the third probation. All three of us met at Mother Margaret's, as the other sisters were having their probation in the novitiate. Mother Margaret began with a prayer, explained to us what the third probation consists of, and then spoke on how great is the grace of the perpetual vows.
Suddenly I began to cry out loud. In an instant all God's graces appeared before the eyes of my soul, and I saw myself so wretched and ungrateful toward God. The sisters began to rebuke me, saying, "Why did she break out crying?" But Mother Margaret came to my defense, saying that she was not surprised.
At the end of the hour, I went before the Blessed Sacrament and, like the greatest and most miserable of wretches, I begged for His mercy that He might heal and purify my poor soul. Then I heard these words, My daughter, all your miseries have been consumed in the flame of My love, like a little twig thrown into a roaring fire. By humbling yourself in this way, you draw upon yourself and upon other souls an entire sea of My mercy. I answered, "Jesus, mold my poor heart according to Your divine delight. " (178)
Holy Hour. During this hour, I tried to meditate on the Lord's Passion. But my soul was filled with joy, and suddenly I saw the Child Jesus. But His majesty penetrated me to such an extent that I said, "Jesus, You are so little, and yet I know that You are my Creator and Lord." And Jesus answered me, I am, and I keep company with you as a child to teach you humility and simplicity.
I gathered all my sufferings and difficulties into a bouquet for Jesus for the day of our perpetual betrothal. Nothing was difficult for me, when I remembered it was for my Betrothed as proof of my love for Him. (184)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day Remember that Jesus Christ, referring to the humility of the publican, said that his prayer was heard. If this was said of a man whose life was evil, what may we not hope for if we are really humble? -St. Vincent de Paul
Today's Tidbit The forty-five sessions of the Council of Constance were held between November 5, 1414 and April 22, 1418. This council was convened by Gregory XII and Martin V to end the Western Schism, which had begun when the papacy returned to Rome from Avignon. This council was attended by more than 200 bishops and in addition to settling the Western Schism, rejected the teachings of John Wycliff and condemned John Hus as a heretic.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
In the early months of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother gave this message on hell :
Today many persons go to hell. God allows his children to suffer in hell due to the fact that they have committed grave, unpardonable sins. Those in hell no longer have a chance to know a better lot (First Years July 25, 1982).
And from the Book of Revelation :
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murders, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death (Rev 21 :8).
Pope John Paul I used to teach about heaven and hell through the story of a Korean general. He died, was judged, and assigned to paradise. But when he came up before St. Peter he thought of something he would like to do. He wanted to peep into hell for a moment, just to have an idea of it. " Right you are, " said St. Peter.
So the general peeped in at the door of hell and saw an enormous banquet hall. In it were a number of long tables with bowls of rice and delicacies on them, will flavored, smelling delicious, inviting. The guests were sitting there hungrily, opposite one another, each with a plate of food.
What was happening? The guests all had chopsticks which they had to use but these were so long that, however hard they tried, not a grain of rice could they get into their mouths. And this was their torment, this was hell. " I've seen it, that's more than enough for me, " said the general and went back to the gates of heaven, where he went in.
Inside, he saw the same banquet hall, the same tables, the same food, and the same long chopsticks. But the guests were cheerful, all of them smiling and laughing. Each one, having put the food onto his chopsticks, held it out to the mouth of his companion opposite, and so they managed to eat there fill.
" Thinking of others instead of oneself, " the Pope said, " had solved the problem and transformed hell into heaven.
Application :
A verse for reflection today : " Hell is in heaven and heaven is in hell. But angels see only the light, and devils only the darkness " (Kacob Boehme).
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
April 8, 2007
Easter Sunday
Children of Humanity,
I have waited so long to tell you and to share with you all the good works and fruits created for you through My Hands. However, through sin, man rejected all that was good by choosing ways materially and physically pleasing to the body. So for many generations and years the people of humanity have been broken and unfulfilled.
Now this period is the time when My Son's Mercy unfolds; and through His Mercy, Justice comes. All who belong to me must stand tall and raise their heads and unite with one another. There is nothing to fear!
I love you and wanted to know of your love; and yet, so many are afraid. How is it that you could be afraid of the Truth, but not afraid of deception?
Do not let the eye deceive you. For what you cannot see does not mean that it is not true; and what the eye can see may mean other motives and incentives are enticing you to become distracted. Be stoic in your love of prayer. Stand firm on the grounds of Truth. Fear not those around you who dine with you, and yet may accuse you. You belong to One Creator, One Father, not a "god" of punishment, but a God Who is your Father.
(Long pause)
You belong to Me!
How is it that you are so preoccupied with life and not from where life commenced? I gave you your soul and your life. I desire you to enjoy life. Why is it you cannot enjoy the Source from where life came? All can be made anew because of both My great Love for you and the freedom I give you through your choice. Nature and humanity can change the new tomorrow into something beautiful, from what it is today, a day of mistrust and superficial friendliness.
Be genuine. Be genuine! Look to me. Open your hearts and I will fill you through My Son---through His goodness and His ways which are both Divine and human---so that you may know in your human ways how to seek and reach for the holiness and goodness of My Divinity.
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
March 8, 2007
Children of Humanity,
How gracious a God I am Who created a soul as precious as each of you, created in the likeness of God, man and woman! In all the cosmos, nothing greater is created than that here as man and woman. When the time for your redemption was at hand, My Son, Who contemplated in the most Glorious and Holy Trinity--Three Persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit--decided back too many years ago for you to know the date and time, to come in human form, pure and holy, for you.
Through His pain and suffering, His condemnation by the three judges (Caiaphas, Herod & Pilate), and His betrayal by three witnesses (Judas, Peter & the bad thief), He suffered torment in anguish and despair. He cried out on the Cross, "Father, why have You forsaken Me?"(Mt. 27:46); and before His last breath, "It is consummated" (Jn 19:30); and in surrendering, "Into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit." (Lk 23:46).
How many are there of you, children of humanity, who cry out, "Father, why have You forsaken me?" Perhaps, (long pause) perhaps the most joyous, merciful and glorious events of your lives are unfolding. If My Son Who was torn in his Body, naked and mocked, and Who died out of Love for you, cried out to Me; and if His ultimate outcome was beyond that of the Cross, but was the fulfillment of a joyful Resurrection, then would you not also be counted among the chosen? Only you can deny this grace and gift!
I bless you with tears of cleansing at every moment that your souls may be uplifted and inebriated with the Joy of My Son, and there joined to the Triune God, pure and undefiled, gracious and whole, glorious and unending, magnificent and omnipotent!
All are welcome! How many of you dare to walk through this darkness to see that the Light was always there and the darkness was that which you created?
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
February 8, 2007
Dear Children of Humanity,
I love you as your Father; and most importantly, I have given you everything that is good.
If you come to Me with open hearts, all is made anew. If you come, even with skepticism, I can make all anew. But if you come blaspheming, especially blaspheming the tremendous gift of the Holy Spirit, then you cannot be made anew. You cannot desire evil, for you must desire love and that what is pure.
Look to this most precious, Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of your Savior, and there you shall see no guile and that as she grew, Wisdom grew within her. She gave all that she had and listened even more intently, giving and giving in joy to Me.
I created a world to be free. However, it has become apparent that "freedom" is now defined in a way different from what it was originally created to mean. You think that there is time to spare; but if you look within your lives and at what you yourself have done, there is not time to despair or to spare. There is only time to be made anew and to be cleansed.
Make no mistake about it; you will know the Truth, whether it be in this your life now or when you meet my Son, your Savior. When you see Me face to face, you will know the absolute Truth. Yet, the time to see Me face to face can only happen after your purgation.
Think wholeheartedly now; and if there is any doubt, then perhaps you should make your amends now. For only those, who can rejoice in My tremendous glory, can survive forever. Those of you who desire to live your lives in your own way now, instead of as your soul was created to be, enjoy it; but do not ask why the Truth was not presented to you, for I have outlined the entire Truth. It is your free will that has rejected it.
I remain faithful, at all costs. The choice is yours.
DAILY OFFERING PRAYER - O Jesus, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christions. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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