African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
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Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html
37 Kemetians killed with Pansius, missionary martyrs, for teaching Jesus. 18 Jan.
37 other Christians martyred in the Northwestern part of Africa withand including, Givalius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine,
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed and died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. ; 11 Feb.
39 Martyrs with Maximus of Carthage, Oct. 28.
400 companions with Saccus, Julius, Damias, and Carpias We were martyred in Africa, 27 May.
40 Companions martyred in the West and North in Africa. 18 Dec, with Victorus, Victor, Adjutor, and Quartus.
40 martyred others with Macarius, Theodore, and Maximus (249, 251 A.D.), Martyrs. Authorities beheaded us at Carthage. April 10.
40 Martyrs of Sebaste, Kemet, and Palestine
44 Christians martyred with Mennas, and Emiliano at Membressa in Africa,
49 old monks in Scete desert, Kemet, 30 Jan.
4966 martyrs with Secundus, Serapeum, and other Christians driven into desert by Vandals;
50 Companions and Callistratus
50 Companions, of Dunatus, Justus, Hevena and Saturninus, Emeritus Kogantianus, Victoria Kemetian martyrs, group of 303 A.D. under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian.
53 companion martyrs,with Victor and Perpetuus in Africa, 2 Feb.
54 companions with Hilarius and Marinus, martyrs in Africa, 2 Feb.
546 martyred Companions of Paphnutius. Kemet, Oct. 4, or Sept. 25
60 Christians of Suffetula, martyrs of in Byzacium Africa, 30 Aug.
62 Holy Priests of Africa, martyred by the Arians. Dec. 8
7 Children at Antinoe, Kemet, Antinoe (313 A.D.). Martyred in Africa in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian beheaded with Bishops Sergus,
8 companion martyrs with Lucentius, Paulus, Successus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Januarius, Florida, and Theocosia, martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. or 19 Jan in some dioceses.
18 companions and 23 others with Rodus, Parmenas (Parmenius), Heraclus, Elias, Apollo, and Tirinus, martyred at Alexandria. 7 July
8,140 companions of Ischyrion and Aesculapius, Martyrs of Achmin (Panopolis), Kemet. 8 Jan.; 25 Dec. Abyssinian Church.
868 others with Rufinus. Martyred at Alexandria, 22 June (23 June). 21 June.
884 Martyrs of Thmuis, in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian, 8 May. Coptic Calendar.
Nine companions with Saturninus and we were martyred in the Northwestern parts of Africa. 22 March.
Group of 330 martyrs (Theban Legionnaires) with Cratusian and Companion at Xanter on the Rhine, 10? Oct
Group of 140 soldiers suffered martyrdom in Africa with Boniface.
Monks at Zaga-Meelad, in the vicinity of Agows, Kemet (Egypt). 29 Jan.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Message to Jorge Zavala Nov. 19,2008
Message from Our Blessed Mother to Jorge Zavala
November 19, 2008 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA
Dear children,
Today more than ever I invite you to remain close to me.
Pray for those lukewarm hearts so that they may come to burn out of love for God. Raise your eyes always to Christ and take the saints as an example in tribulations, then your lives will always be a testimony of peace.
Allow Jesus to reign in your lives and in that way the love of my Son will be the cause of your joy, even amidst a world that distances itself more and more from the Fountain of Life. I am with you to guide you along the Right Path.
Dear children, thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. I love you, I bless you and may the peace of the Lord remain always in your hearts.
Message to J.N.S.R. August 15, 2008
And behold I am coming!
Amen, come Lord JESUS
August 15, 2008
The Assumption of MARY
Dictated by JESUS and accompanied by His Holy mother
and by the Apostles St. Peter and St. John.
JESUS: My child, all that you will write to bring to a close the Work that God gave you to do, will be confirmed by My faithful Apostles Peter and John, whom I have named for this, for no one on this Earth will be able to go further.
For the mysteries of the Book of Life will soon be discovered. And God alone shall tell you at the opening of this Holy and Blessed Book that the Father gave Me, already, the command to open it.
The work I gave you to do, yours and all those who have been equally chosen to help you, and in whom I have placed My Confidence and My Blessings; all those who in any manner, spread now and in the future, the Words I gave you, will also be blessed.
In the present times, no one can glorify himself for having received from the Church, the confirmation of the authenticity of the Words written in their work, truly come from the Lord of Lords. For only the Magisterium of My Holy Church can approve it, and I leave the entire responsibility to them, so as to bear with confidence that God has really spoken.
All that I approve and all that I, in My Holy Word have confided to you, can only be officially approved through an authentic Faith of your Mother, the Holy Catholic Church. And this, by listening not only to the canonized Saints, but also to the faithfulness of the Church to the Faith of her great theologians, who are the Apostles of Christ, who wrote the Gospels.
And your Holy Popes who reflect in themselves the Joy, the Sufferings and the Peace of JESUS Christ, to cite only your last two Contemporary Popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who spoke to the people, in order to bring men to God. Through the Force of the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, in a special way in these End Times.
JNSR: Our dear Pope John Paul II prescribed the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) on October 11th, 1992, which was the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, in his fourteenth year of his pontificate.
That book is the authentic reflection of the Catholic Faith of the holy Apostles, of the canonized saints and of holy Popes. Our Lord inspires me to reproduce many extracts in order to make them known to many who do not own this great work.
CCC, n° 1046 : “For the cosmos, Revelation affirms the profound common destiny of the material world and man:
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God... in hope because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay.... We know that the whole creation has been groaning in one great act of giving birth, together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:19-23).”
CCC, n° 2001 : “The preparation of man for the reception of grace is already a work of grace. This latter is needed to arouse and sustain our collaboration in justification through faith, and in sanctification through charity.”
Condition of Salvation, see 6th session of the Council of Trent:
"Faith disposes to salvation as well as humility, repentance, and hope. But charity, alone, which is a friendship shared for God founded on faith, helps to enter into salvation, and gain Eternal Life."
CCC, n° 1021 : The Particular Judgement “Death puts an end to human life as the time open to either accepting or rejecting the divine grace manifested in Christ (Cf. 2 Tim 1:9-10). The New Testament speaks of judgement primarily in its aspect of the final encounter with Christ in his second coming, but also repeatedly affirms that each will be rewarded immediately after death in accordance with his works and faith.
The parable of the poor man Lazarus and the words of Christ on the cross to the good thief, as well as other New Testament texts speak of a final destiny of the soul - a destiny which can be different for some and for others (Cf. Lk 16:22; 23:43; Mt 16:26; 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23; Heb 9:27; 12:23).”
And for those who still doubt the immortality of each soul, here is:
CCC, n° 1022 : “Each man receives his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular judgement that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into the blessedness of heaven - through a purification (Cf. Council of Lyons II (1274): DS 857-858; Council of Florence (1439): DS 1304-1306; Council of Trent (1563): DS 1820) or immediately, (Cf. Benedict XII, Benedictus Deus (1336): DS 1000-1001; John XXII, Ne super his (1334): DS 990) - or immediate and everlasting damnation (Cf. Benedict XII, Benedictus Deus (1336): DS 1002).
“At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love (St. John of the Cross, Dichos 64).”
DS : Denziger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum (1965)
CCC, n° 1042 : The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth “At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. After the universal judgement, the righteous will reign forever with Christ, glorified in body and soul. The universe itself will be renewed:
“The Church... will receive her perfection only in the glory of heaven, when will come the time of the renewal of all things. At that time, together with the human race, the universe itself, which is so closely related to man and which attains its destiny through him, will be perfectly re-established in Christ (LG 48; cf. Acts 3:21; Eph 1:10; Col 1:20; 2 Pet 3:10-13).”
CCC, n° 1043 : “Sacred Scripture calls this mysterious renewal, which will transform humanity and the world, 'new heavens and a new earth' (2 Pet 3:13; cf. Rev 21:1). It will be the definitive realization of God's plan to bring under a single head 'all things in [Christ], things in heaven and things on earth' (Eph 1:10).”
CCC, n° 1044 : “In this new universe, the heavenly Jerusalem, God will have his dwelling among men (Cf. Rev 21:5). 'He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away' (Rev 21:4).”
CCC, n° 1047 : “The visible universe, then, is itself destined to be transformed, 'so that the world itself, restored to its original state, facing no further obstacles, should be at the service of the just,' sharing their glorification in the risen Jesus Christ (St. Irenaeus, Adv. haeres. 5, 32, 1: PG 7/2, 210).”
CCC, n° 1012 : Dying in Christ Jesus “The Christian vision of death receives privileged expression in the liturgy of the Church (Cf. 1 Thess 4:13-14):
“Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not ended.
When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death
we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven
(Roman Missal, Preface of Christian Death I).”
JNSR: The Parousia is the Glorious return of Christ at the end of Times. The Church makes it part of her faith, as seen at the beginning of the Nicene Creed, but she usually thinks of the End of the world, and not at the hour of death. Thus, it is at the moment of death, and the particular judgement, that each one will face Christ, the Sovereign and Merciful Judge. Therefore, equally Glorious.
CCC, n° 1040 : “The Last Judgement will come when Christ returns in glory. Only the Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and understand the marvellous ways by which his Providence led everything towards its final end. The Last Judgement will reveal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God's love is stronger than death (Cf. CT 8, 6).”
1. JNSR The Last Judgement will come when Christ returns in glory : this elliptical phrase, could lend itself to understand that the final Judgement (that is, the End of the world) would intervene “when Christ returns in glory”. So, before the End of the world there will be, after the End of Times of sin: “the new earth and the new heavens” with “a single head, Christ, things in heaven and things on earth” (CCC, n° 1043), where “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more” (CCC, n° 1044), in “a world itself, restored to its original state” (CCC, n° 1047). Original state: the Garden of Eden.
CCC, n° 992 : “God revealed the resurrection of the dead to his people progressively. Hope in the bodily resurrection of the dead established itself as a consequence intrinsic to faith in God as creator of the whole man, soul and body. The creator of heaven and earth is also the one who faithfully maintains his covenant with Abraham and his posterity. It was in this double perspective that faith in the resurrection came to be expressed. In their trials, the Maccabean martyrs confessed:
“The King of the universe will raise us up to an everlasting renewal of life, because we have died for his laws (2 Macc 7:9). One cannot but choose to die at the hands of men and to cherish the hope that God gives of being raised again by him (2 Macc 7:14; cf. 7:29; Dan 12:1-13).”
The Salvation of pagans:
CCC, n° 1260 : “'Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal Mystery' (GS 22 § 5; cf. LG 16; AG 7). Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity.”
My hypothesis regarding Christ's Parousia, at the moment of death, claims to resolve the mystery "in a way known to God" (CCC, n° 1260).
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 22 - CONTINUE TO GROW
Jesus Christ the King:
"Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).
"How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the
gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?" (Pascal).
Two elderly, excited Southern women were sitting together in the front pew of church listening to a fiery preacher.
When this preacher condemned the sin of stealing, these two ladies cried out at the tops of their lungs, "AMEN, BROTHER!"
When the preacher condemned the sin of lust, they yelled again, "PREACH IT, REVEREND!"
And when the preacher condemned the sin of lying, they jumped to their feet and screamed, "RIGHT ON, BROTHER! TELL IT LIKE IT IS... AMEN!"
But when the preacher condemned the sin of gossip, the two got very quiet.
One turned to the other and said, "He's quit preaching and now he's meddlin'."
Mother Teresa -
We are all called to be saints.
We all have been created in the image of God to love and to be loved.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Place all your worries in God alone, because He has the greatest care of you, and those three angelic children with whom he has blessed you. By their conduct, these children will be a consolation to you during your lifetime. Take care, not so much of their scientific as of their moral education. And you should take this very seriously, and guard it as the pupil of your eye. As you educate their mind with good studies, assure the education of their hearts, along with that of our holy religion; one without the other causes a mortal wound to the human heart.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Himself to death in order to save others."
Those who trust in God will avoid the venom of the serpent
"The unfortunate characteristics of our day is that propaganda has taken the place of personal influence. Politics has become so primary in modern life, that the masses are more moved by promises than by fulfillments."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -Today, as God's Majesty swept over me, my soul understood that the Lord, so very great though He is, delights in humble souls. The more a soul humbles itself, the greater the kindness with which the Lord approaches it. Uniting himself closely with it, He raises it to His very throne. Happy is the soul whom the Lord himself defends. I have come to know that only love is of any value; love is greatness; nothing, no works, can compare with a single act of pure love of God. (1092)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day Pride makes us forgetful of our eternal interests. It causes us to neglect totally the care of our soul. -St. John Baptist de la Salle
Today's Tidbit St. Cecilia is the first of four virgin martyrs whose obligatory memorials throughout the dark of the winter season serve as lights for the faithful to follow. The others are St. Lucy, St. Agnes and St. Agatha
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To order email soroka@... or 1-866-726-5865
The following was given to the young Locutionists for their prayer group:
Each member of the group is like a flower; and if someone tries to crush you, you will grow and continue to grow even more. If someone puts you down even a little, you will recover. And if someone pulls a petal, you will continue to grow as though you were complete (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana June 21, 1984).
And from Paul's letter to the Galatians:
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up (Gal 6:9).
Sometimes we are lamps without light, extinguished, but with possibilities not realized. Well, I have come to light a flame in your hearts, should the disappointments you have suffered, the expectations that have not come true, have put it out. I want to say to each of you that you have capacities, often unsuspected, sometimes made even greater and more vigorous by hard experience.
These words of hope form Pope John Paul II speak of a great truth that hope , far from being some vague, ethereal virtue, is instead a product of practical, learned experience.
Experience is not just the best teacher; it is the only teacher. As we look back at our trials and hardships, we realize that, rather than being tragic and destructive, our difficulties have given us endurance, resilience, and patience. This is the direct outcome of going through trials. This is where hope comes from. This is where God sheds his love right where we always need him the most. It is why we have "unsuspected capacities," as the Holy Father says, why we have hope.
Today the Mother of God gives us a message of profound hope: in times of trial or suffering, we will not be crushed, but will recover even stronger "and continue to grow more and more." Today, give over to her any present difficulties, trusting in her help.
Feast of the Presentaiton of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Nov. 21st, 2008
How Mary was Presented in the Temple - by St. John Eudes (+1680)
God inspired in the Heart of the pure Virgin Mary His own intense Love for humility and abhorrence of pride. She possessed, even from her infancy, a far greater horror of pride and ambition, and a far deeper love for humility, than did all the Saints together. It was the first virtue that she practiced. She abased and humbled herself before all. She esteemed herself, and would have been happy to be treated by others, as the last of all creatures.
By the marvelous radiance of her Immaculate Conception, she beheld herself susceptible to the guilt of the children of Adam, except that God miraculously preserved her; and she considered that she might have been capable of all the sins in the world, whose source is original sin. It was this humility which attracted to her the countless graces which rendered her worthy to be the Mother of God,
Queen of Heaven and Earth. Give thanks to Almighty God who resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, and offer! him all the glory that this Maiden accorded to His Majesty by her practice of richest humility during her childhood and throughout the rest of her life.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 21 - THE PRESENTATION OF MARY
As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim. Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate.
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).
"When I am before the Tabernacle, I can say only one thing to Our Lord: 'My God, you know that I love you.' And I feel my prayer does not tire Jesus; knowing the helplessness of His poor little spouse, He is content with her good will" (St. Therese, The Little Flower).
Judgement Day
A preacher of the old school was describing the events of Judgment Day and, of course, he used Biblical phraseology whenever he could.
"Oh, my friends," he intoned, "imagine the suffering of the sinners as they find themselves cast into the outer darkness, removed from the presence of the Lord and given to eternal flames. My friends, at such a time there will be weeping, wailing and a great gnashing of teeth!"
At this point, one of the elders of the congregation interrupted to say, "But Reverend, what if one of those hopeless sinners has no teeth?"
The preacher crashed his fist on the pulpit, "My friends, the Lord is not put out by details. Rest assured: teeth will be provided!"
Mother Teresa -
We should realize that poverty doesn't only consist in being hungry for bread, but rather it is a tremendous hunger for human dignity.
We need to love and to be somebody for someone else.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Take comfort then, my dear lady, take comfort, because the sustaining arm of the Lord has not been shortened. Oh yes, He is the Father of all, but He is more so for the unhappy and even more so for you who are a widow, and a widowed mother.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
We must learn from the Humblest of Servants
"Unconscious influence is never superior. As Our Divine Lord said: `I am among you as One Who serves' (Luke 22: 27). From that basic humility came the advice to His disciples, that one who would be greatest among them should be the least of all (Matthew 23: 11). At the same time, He was never so royal as when He committed
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
Today, Jesus is bidding me to comfort and reassure a certain soul who has opened herself to me and told me about her difficulties. This soul is pleasing to the Lord, but she is not aware of it. God is keeping her in deep humility. I have carried out the Lord's directives. (1063)
That beautiful soul who is spreading this work of divine mercy throughout the world is, by his deep humility, very pleasing to God. (1083)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day When an evil thought is presented to the mind, we must endeavor to turn our thoughts to God, or to something which is indifferent. Bur the best rule is, to invoke the names of Jesus and Mary, and to continue to invoke them until the temptation ceases. -St. Alphonsus Liguori
Today's Tidbit Apocryphal texts are books that at one time were mistakenly held to be inspired by God. Apocryphal texts are not included in the canon of Scripture.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
On this day when Mary was presented, or consecrated, to God at the Temple in Jerusalem, she calls each of us to a consecration as well:
Dear children, today I am happy because many of you want to consecrate yourselves to me. Thank you. You are not mistaken, my Son, Jesus Christ wishes, through my intercession, to bestow very special graces on you. He rejoices in your consecration to him (Weekly Message May 17, 1984).
When we are consecrated to God and Our Lady, we are given a mission as well.
From Isaiah:
The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me:
He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61 :1-2
Our Lady once recommended to the visionaries that they read an account of her life entitled The Poem of the Man-God by the mystical writer Maria Valtorta (1897-1961). In chapter 8 of this work, Valtorta describes her vision of Mary's presentation at the age of three.
As background: Having been childless, Joachim and Ann had vowed that if they were blessed with a child, they would consecrate her to God at childhood, when she would then reside at the Temple with other consecrated souls, to pray and glorify the Lord in a cloistered setting, until she reached maturity.
In this scene from the book, the child Mary and her parents are at the entrance of the Temple, where the high priest has come to receive her:
The high priest looks at the little girl and smiles. Then, he beckons to Mary. And she departs from her mother and father, and as if fascinated, climbs the steps. And she smiles. She smiles in the shade of the Temple, where the precious veil is hanging. She is now at the top of the steps, at the feet of the high priest, who imposes his hand on her head. The victim has been accepted. Which purer victim had the Temple ever received?
Then he turns around and holding his hand on her shoulder as if he were leading the immaculate little lamb to the altar, he takes her to the Temple door.
Before letting her in, he asks her: "Mary of David, are you aware of your vow?"
When she replies "Yes" in her silvery voice, he cries out: "Go in, then. Walk in my presence and be perfect."
"Today I am very happy," Our Lady says, "because there are many who want to consecrate themselves to me. Thank you." Today, in the spirit of the Presentation, consecrate yourself again to the Blessed Mother, using either your own words or the prayer found for November 24.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 20 - WHEN MY SON WAS DYING
"Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its
subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).
Sunday, Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her
parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim.
Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate.
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).
Read and meditate on the following.
Then whenever hardships arise just say
"Praise God" "Thank you Lord"
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10
It is always astounding to people of small imagination that their ancestors could hate, persecute and kill saints. We imagine that we are 2000 years smarter than the people who put Jesus to death. We think ourselves wiser than the people who despised Lincoln, or St. Thomas Aquinas, or Joan of Arc.
But the reality is that saints often come to us in very repulsive forms, challenging our deepest and most cherished bigotries. They are antidotes to the popular poisons of the age. And because they are antidotes they are often mistaken for poison and hated for it. Jesus endured just such hatred.
He and His followers were assured by all the leading authorities that His lot was with the wicked and that anyone who followed Him would share His fate among the "accursed" who hung from the tree of the Cross.
But God had an altogether different opinion. He called Jesus His Beloved Son and gave Him kingship, not only over heaven, but over the whole universe as well. We shall share in that kingship, if we remain with Him. And the paradoxical sign of our share in that kingship will be our share in His sufferings and the hatred of the enemies we are called to love and forgive. Even such hate cannot touch our union with Him.
Just a Word of Encouragement from Mark Shea & Jeff Cavins
It is an honor and a pleasure to share with you our recently produced two-minute flash movie tribute to our Catholic Faith, "Proud to Be Catholic." Enjoy the presentation -- and please be sure to forward it to your family and friends!
"When we come back in the evening we have one hour of adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and [at] this you will be surprised: We have not had to cut down our work for the poor. The one hour of adoration is the greatest gift God could give a community because . . . we love the poor with greater and deeper faith and love" Bl. Teresa of Calcutta
Mother Teresa -
Each one of us is what he is in the eyes of God.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Courage, courage, children are not nails.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The treasures of self-sacrifice
"The best influences in life are undeliberate, unconscious; when no one is watching, or when reaction to the good deed was never sought. Such is the long-range influence of a mother in a home; fulfilling of daily duties with love and a spirit of self-sacrifice leaves an imprint on the children that deepens with the years. St. Francis has done much to influence painting, though he was not an artist. Great artists have influenced millions to love beauty, though their intention was never to be so remembered."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
I must never speak of my own experiences. In suffering, I must seek relief in prayer. In doubts, even the smallest, I must seek only the advice of my confessor. I must always have a heart which is open to receive the sufferings of others, and drown my own sufferings in the Divine Heart so that they would not be noticed on the outside, insofar as possible.
I must always strive for equanimity, no matter how stormy the circumstances might be. I must not allow anything to disturb my interior calm and silence. Nothing can compare with peace of soul. When I am wrongfully accused of something, I will not explain myself; if the superior wants to know the truth, whether I was in the right or not, let her find out from others rather than from me. My concern is to accept everything with a humble inner disposition. (792)
I have experienced how much envy there is, even in religious life. I see that there are few truly great souls, ready to trample on everything that is not God. O soul, you will find no beauty outside of God. Oh, how fragile is the foundation of those who elevate themselves at the expense of others! What a loss! (833)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day An evil thought defiles the soul when it is deliberate and is consented to. Our Lord placed evil thoughts at the head of all crimes, because they are their principle and source. -St. John Baptist de la Salle
Today's Tidbit In the final two weeks of the liturgical year the readings at Mass begin to focus on end times and the Second Coming. These readings help us recognize our own sinfulness and reform our lives.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To
On Good Friday in 1990, the Virgin gave this message to the visionary's prayer group:
Dear children, I am happy to see you tonight. You know, dear children, that when my Son was dying I was alone with him with only a few other women, but tonight I am happy that so many of you are with me. Tonight, when you return home, pray a rosary in front of your crucifix and be thankful (Visionary Prayer Group April 13, 1990).
Speaking of the crucifixion, St. Luke writes:
And when all the crowds who had gathered there for this spectacle saw what had taken place, they returned home, beating their breasts. But all his acquaintances, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood, at a distance, watching these things (Lk 23:48-49).
When the H.M.S. Birkenhead sank, Alexander Russell, a young officer age seventeen, was ordered to command one of the boats which carried the women and children. As they were pushing off, a sailor who was drowning clasped the side of the boat, but there was no room for even one more. A woman in the boat
cried, "Save him! He's my husband."
Alexander Russell rose, and in a quick movement jumped clear of the boat. He sank in the water, which was full of sharks, and was seen no more as the sailor he had saved was then pulled aboard to safety.
In the end, nothing is more beautiful than love. Yet as beautiful as it is, love is more practical than pretty. Real love deals with the real world, where there's no prettiness. Yet there is beauty.
The sight of Jesus bowing under the weight of the cross, his stumbling, bruising falls on the road, his cries from the cross, his sweat, his blood, his dying breath. None is a pretty sight. Yet how beautiful! Men have tried for centuries to capture the beauty in that ugliness. Some of the greatest works of art have tried to portray the crucified yet beautiful Savior.
Here is God in our flesh, cruelly betrayed, tortured, and nailed to the cross.
What could be uglier?
Nothing. Unless something more beautiful than beauty was there on that hill.
Unless the ugly horror was transcended and transformed, made holy.
And it was. Each time we kneel at the foot of the cross, as we gaze in wonder upon the suffering Servant, no beauty can compare. The glory is overwhelming.
Today, simply heed Our Lady's request in her message: "Pray the rosary in front of your crucifix with great thankfulness."
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I
Part II
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com
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