African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
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Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Augin (Eugene), Sallita (Shallita) was my disciple. 15 June
Augusta the Empress, at Alexandria with Great martyr Catherine, and 200 soldiers. Martyrs , 24 Nov, Porphyrius.
Augustine, bishop of Hippo (430 A.D.), 15 June
(More about him in the Narratives book).
Aurelius, Bishop, Hermit
Autus, Rogatus, martyr in Africa withCatula, Victorinus, Saturninus, Salitor, Aprilis, Joseph, and Coliondola. 24 March
Avitus, Revocatus with Saturus, Felix, Saturninus, and Gelasius, Fortunatus. Martyred in Africa, 5 Feb.
Aviates, martyr in Africa withVincent, 27 Jan.
Aizan and Sazana (Abreha and Atzbeha). We are Christian kings of Abyssinia (the first, after Queen Candace). We helped protect Frumentius (Aba Salamah), from Emperor Constantius. 1 Oct. Ethiopian Coptic Calendar.
Baamin, Eudoxia with (Panammon) with my sister. We were martyred in Kemet. 20 Aug. Coptic Calendar.
Baricus, Rufinus, Marcus, Valerius Victor, Paulus, Honoratus, Donatus, Vitalis, Januarius, and Justus, martyred in Africa. 16 Nov.
Barlaam, Prince of India, Joasaph, Prince of India, and Abennar, King, father of Joasaph (4th century). 19 Nov.
Barsanuphius, Hermit,
Basicicus of Kemet (Egypt) My feet were pierced with nails. I was beheaded at Varsinus. Jesus appeared to him while in prison. 7 Aug.
Basil with Theodosius. Martyred in Alexandria, 20 Feb.
Basil, deacon. Martyr, at Tiberiopolis (361 A.D. 362 A.D.), 28 Nov.
Basilides (Father of Kings) 18 Sept. Reported brother in law of Emperor Numerianus
Basilides of Alexandria, (More aout him in the Narratives book).
Basilissa, wife of Julian at Antinoe, Kemet (313 A.D.), martyr, 8 Jan.
Bassilla, martyred with Victor and Adrio.
Bassarion the Great, 18 Aug, Coptic, 29 Nov. (Russian Rite, 6 June), 17 June in Roman Martyrology
Bassus, Antony, and Protolicus, martyrs.
Bassus and Paulus. Martyrs at Carthage, the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius. We died tortured, April 251 A.D. 17 April.
Bastamonus (Bastammonius),Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Romanus, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Colluthus, Didymus, Pantherus. Pelesius, Papas, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Pinnutius, Serapion, Papias, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius.
We preached Christ in the South of Kemet, Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria. Martyred in a slowly burning fire with Paul, 18 Jan. , with Theonas, and Hippeas, Saturninus, Serapion, and Basura (Psura) and Shabas 19 Jan. (Connected with Bahura)
Bastmus, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Colluthus, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan.
Basura, Bishop of Masil, Kemet, 9 Sept. Martyred under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian.
Batas of Nisibis (364 A.D.), martyr, l May
Batli (Amba Batli) 10 March Might be same as Batle of Nisibis
Batrabo, Ethiopian 13 July (Coptic)
Batzalota (Basalota), Michal 6 June 15 July 3 Oct. (Coptic calendar, depending on rite)
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS
St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15
She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"
Mother Teresa -
The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you."
God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty.
The Christian wife must be a woman of sound piety towards God, an angel of peace in the family, dignified and pleasant towards others.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions
"With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79).
More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7). Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good.
Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." " (La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."
St. Faustina's diary -
O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God.
When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God. And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it.
If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul. At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart.
A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)
My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self. -St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Today's Tidbit When the Bishops of the United States said that it was no longer required that meat not be eaten on Fridays, they did not say that people could no longer continue this practice as a personal sign of penance. The abstinence from meat on certain days is still a popular way of showing interior dedication to God and used as a penance to remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for us.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:
Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).
And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.
We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.
A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 16 - HERE YOU RECEIVE BLESSINGS
How the Bridegroom Comes
From this infinite Being in three persons I proceed, the Divine Word made flesh, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit in power, wisdom, kindness and every other attribute. I come to embrace fallen humanity, taking on your nature to bring you up to heaven.
Only a God could satisfy the offense to God, and love, love alone made me offer myself to the Father / for your good and descend into the womb of a Virgin, the straw of a manger, the sweat of a carpenter shop, the affronts, the sufferings and the humiliations of Calvary, to death on the cross and to be a perpetual victim on the altar for as long as there would be someone to feed on my body, my blood, and my life itself.
God touched you, enveloped you but you could not come close to him! That is why I came to make myself Eucharist, to live at your side, hiding my splendor, descending into your heart to enrich and trans¬form it. Creation, redemption, and communion are proofs that I am love, that I have always been and will never cease to be love.
Come then to your Savior, to your Jesus, who has made himself bread to feed you. Come to the God of your hopes. Come, and like Moses, adore your God and Lord.
St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15
She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"
Mother Teresa -
Your vocation, as well as mine, can be summed up this way: to belong to Jesus, to love with the conviction that nothing and no one can ever separate us from the love of Christ.
Meditations by Padre Pio - The principal self-denial takes place in the home.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Two sides to Democracy
"The growth of democracy has done much to do away with false social snobbishness and to keep men humble in their external relations. But it has also, from another point of view, weakened the respect for Goodness and Truth, inasmuch as the masses of people are generally inclined to equate morality with the general level of society at any given moment."
St. Faustina's diary -
O Holy Trinity, Eternal God, my spirit is drowned in Your beauty. The ages are as nothing in Your sight. You are always the same. Oh, how great is Your majesty. Jesus, why do You conceal Your majesty, why have You left Your heavenly throne and dwelt among us?
The Lord answered me, My daughter, love has brought Me here, and love keeps Me here. My daughter, if you knew what great merit and reward is earned by one act of pure love for Me, you would die of joy.
I am saying this that you may constantly unite yourself with Me through love, for this is the goal of the life of your soul. This act is an act of the will. Know that a pure soul is humble. When you lower and empty yourself before My majesty, I then pursue you with My graces and make use of My omnipotence to exalt you. (576)
Jesus, You know how ardently I desire to hide so that no one may know me but Your sweetest Heart. I want to be a tiny violet, hidden in the grass, unknown in a magnificent enclosed garden in which beautiful lilies and roses grow.
The beautiful rose and the lovely lily can be seen from afar, but in order to see a little violet, one has to bend low; only its scent gives it away. Oh, how happy I am to be able to hide myself in this way!
O my divine Bridegroom, the flower of my heart and the scent of my pure love are for You. My soul has drowned itself in You, Eternal God. From the moment when You yourself drew me to yourself, O my Jesus, the more I have known You, the more ardently I have desired You. (591)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day O Sacred Heart of Jesus! Living and life-giving Fountain of eternal life, infinite treasure of the Divinity, glowing furnace of Love! You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
Oh my adorable and lovely Savior, consume my heart with that burning fire with which You are inflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your Love, and let my heart be so united with Yours, that our wills may be one, and mine in all things conformed to Yours. May Your Will be the rule alike of my desires and all my actions. Amen -St. Gertrude the Great
Today's Tidbit The word "Eucharist" comes from a Greek root with a meaning similar to "thanksgiving." This term is used to refer to the Sacrament where bread and wine are made into Jesus' Body and Blood and is also used to refer to Jesus' Body and Blood
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The following was given to Marija and Ivan when they were on Mt. Krizevac with their prayer group:
You are on a Mt. Tabor. Here you receive blessings, strength and love. Carry them into your families and into your homes. To each one of you, I grant a special blessing. Continue in joy, prayer, and reconciliation (Visionary Prayer Group June 24, 1986).
And from John's gospel:
Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing (Jn 15:4-5).
The great Russian novelist, Leo Tolstoy, told the story of a man who stopped to give alms to a beggar. To his dismay he found that he had left his money at home. Stammering his explanation, he said, "I am sorry, brother, but I don't have anything." "Never mind, brother," was the beggar's answer, "that too was a gift." It seems that the word "brother" meant even more to him than money.
One of the finest things about our church is the care and concern we often have for one another. In a real sense, we all brothers and sisters. We have a stake in each other's salvation, and we have learned from the gospel to value and strengthen each other. Our church becomes our family, our fortress, and our refuge.
There is a wedding prayer that says, "Now our joys are doubled, because the happiness of one is also the happiness of the other. Now our burdens are cut in half, since when we share them we divide the load." As members of the universal as well as the church, we double our burdens in half. We become a family, the Body of Christ, instead of isolated individuals.
Today, resolve in prayer to do what Our Lady asks of us in her message: to bring blessings, strength, and love into our families, homes and church.
"Acts of private devotion [adoration] are quite necessary if we are to receive in abundance the supernatural treasures in which the Eucharist is so rich, and to pour them out upon others, according to our powers, in order that Christ our Lord may reach the fullness of His power in the souls of all" (Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei).
St. Gertrude the Great:
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. AMEN." (Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great)
Mother Teresa -
The fruit of our work, as well as the ability to carry it out, comes from prayer. The work that we accomplish is the fruit of our union with Christ. We have been called to give Jesus to the peoples of the world, so that they can look at Him and discover His love, His compassion, and His humility in action.
Meditations by Padre Pio - In family life have strong convictions, smile in the face of self-denial and in the constant sacrifice of your whole self.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Those who trust in God will avoid the venom of the serpent
"The serpents that sting us are from within and not without, we carry them in our own bosom - this is the tragedy. When the earthy treasures are swept away, those who trust in God have everything left."
St. Faustina's diary -
There will be no distinction between the sisters, no mothers, no reverends, no venerables, but all will be equal, even though there might be great differences in their parentage. We know who Jesus was, and yet how He humbled himself and with whom He associated.
Their habit will be like that worn by Jesus during His Passion, and they will not simply wear the robe [He wore]; they must also seal themselves with the marks He bore: suffering and scorn. Each one will strive for the greatest self-denial and have a love of humility, and she who will distinguish herself most in this latter virtue will be the one who is capable of leading the others. (538)
Work. As poor persons, the nuns themselves will do all the work in the convent. Each one should be glad when she is given some work which is humbling or which goes against her nature, as that will greatly help her interior formation. The superior will often change the sisters' duties, and in this way help them to detach themselves completely from the little details to which women have a great attachment.
Truly, I often find it amusing to see with my own eyes souls who have forsaken really great things only to attach themselves to fiddle faddle; that is, trifles. Each sister, including even the superior, shall work in the kitchen for a month. Every one should take a turn at every chore which is to be done in the convent. (549)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day The greater and more persistent you confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask. -St. Albert the Great
Today's Tidbit A saint is called great when they cause wide, lasting, good effects that can be felt throughout the Church. This title is applied to the saint after his or her death and marks the saint as a special example for the Faithful.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
In this weekly message from 1986, the Blessed Mother spoke of conversion and reconciliation:
Dear children, again I call you to prayer with the heart. If you pray with the heart, dear children, the ice of your brothers' hearts will melt and every barrier will disappear. Conversion will be easy for all who want to accept it. You must obtain this gift for your neighbor through prayer (Weekly Message January 23, 1986).
And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:
We have spoken frankly to you Corinthians; our heart is wide open to you. There is no restriction in our affections, but only in yours. In return I speak as to children with wide open hearts also (2 Cor 8:11-13).
In the second century, a Christian priest of Antioch, named Sulpicius, had steadfastly refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, even under torture, and was being led away to be beheaded. This was the age of relentless persecution of Christians.
On the way, a secret Christian named Nicephorus ran up to him. He had quarreled bitterly with Sulpicius and now sought reconciliation. "Martyr of Christ!" he said, on his knees, "Forgive me, for I have wronged thee."
But Sulpicius refused to speak to him, even at the place of execution. But when the moment came to kneel under the executioner's sword, he turned pale. " No, no! I will obey the Emperor. I will sacrifice to the gods. " Again Nicephorus ran up to him and implored him not to lose his martyr's crown at this last moment. But it was in vain, and Sulpicius went off to sacrifice. " Then I will take his place, " said Nicephorus. "Tell the Governor I am a Christian. " And so Nicephorus won the martyr's crown and Sulpicius turned coward, and all the Christians said it was because he would not forgive.
It is hard to know Christ if we cannot forgive and let go of the hatred and resentment we hold toward others. Pardon and peace go hand in hand. In life, little serenity is possible without the beauty of forgiveness.
Today, pray that Our Lady may teach you to forgive and forget the hurts and bitterness of the past, that you may experience the fullness of Christ's peace.
From GIANNA see:
Fair use for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
The Words of God the Father
Given on
November 26, 2006
The Feast of Christ the King
for release on
December 8, 2006
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
My Dear Children of Humanity,
Know how loved you are through my great Love and Mercy! Know that you are children, all "children of Abraham." So many children, far greater than the number of stars in the sky!
Those who come to know and desire Truth will come to know true "freedom." For this great gift today is a blessing from My Hands. This blessing belongs to you through My Son Who is King.
"Kingdom" is the word, for I say to all of you that My Kingdom is one that dwells here and now. My Kingdom come, My Will be done on earth as it is at My Throne! My Kingdom, now on earth with you, is for those who desire to live it. It is a time, a new time, a renewal for you. For all those who desire to receive, your loving Father desires to give.
My Son, Who was forsaken and Who gave His Life on the Cross, redeemed you. My beloved daughter, Mary, spouse of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, who was beside Him pleading for you, joins in this great gift of bringing and inviting all of you to "freedom."
A battle in the Heavens commences and a spiritual renewal of life embarks upon the world with the Grace of My Hand shedding loving Mercy and Kindness into your souls. How great it is to live in My Kingdom now, where I dwell! Come all, and know your Merciful Father is One who loves and One Who gives, not One Who takes away.
I love you. In the Palm of My Hand, there is the world, desperate, searching, grieving, sorrowful, fighting, and mourning; and in My other Palm is the new clay, inviting, replenishing, (long pause), rejuvenating, (long pause), freeing, (long pause, joyfully gifting, (long pause), forgiving, (long pause), protecting, (long pause), fulfilling, (long pause), and remolding all of you.
Come, (very long pause), come, (very long pause) ,come to Me (fading whisper).
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
November 8, 2006
Dear Children of Humanity,
Your will must be what My Will is for you. You cannot have My Will be what your will is. It is like what happened to Jacob, who struggled with the angel at night, across the river. (Gen. 32:23-33).
He pleaded to know who the angel was; because if he knew, perhaps he could persuade him to accomplish his own desire. The name was never revealed, and so Jacob struggled because he did not conform to My Will, but rather wanted My Will to be conformed to his.
This is not unlike the situation with My Son, your Savior, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Who also struggled at night, across the river. There He, in anguish during the night of His Agony in the Garden and Passion, struggled and pleaded, "Let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as You will." (Mt. 26:39).
The difference here is that My Son did not try to make the human will bend away from My Will. Instead, He allowed the human will to bend towards My Will. So He accomplished My Will, instead of pleading with Me and having Me conform to the human desire. The difference: Jacob did not have the Power of God, and Jesus had the Power and is all-powerful.
This is an important lesson for you to learn, for today many are seeking to persuade others to conform to their human will and their desires. However, all of you, to be free, must at all costs conform to My Will, the Will of your Father. Then, you too will receive the Power of God. Peace.
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
October 8, 2006
Dear Children of Humanity,
I am God, your Father of Love and Mercy! I tend to your souls. As your Creator, I give to you all things that are good, just as I have given before to your first parents, Adam and Eve. I have continued to be merciful through the Death and Resurrection of My Son.
How pleased I am that you come to Him, and through Him you come to Me! The sinless Virgin only directs the Way. She purifies and cleanses you, as a Mother makes ready her children for a most glorious event. I have waited and longed for you, children of humanity, to draw close to Me and to reap the tremendous gifts and fruits of my Most Merciful Love.
Throughout the generations and ages, time and time again, My most awesome Hand has had to purify you because of your lack of attention. How easily you became preoccupied and swayed away from My Word; but through My Merciful Love, I brought you back. Is it not the same today? Is it not now like it was back in the ages of Babylon, with the fighting between sons of Ishmael and Isaac? The division is tremendous, but My Love is Awesome and has been procured for all the people in the world.
You, children of Abraham, be not foolish! Do you not see the Truth of your God at hand? Evil begets evil, and Love conquers all! No treaty or bartering tool can ever be exchanged for my Most Merciful Love, which will bring you all together to the One True God. There is no victory in death caused by human hands. The only victory in death is that which rests in the Triune God!
Peace to you. Children, come! Come to rest in True Peace!
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
September 8, 2006
The Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
My Children of Humanity,
The Kingdom created for you to dwell in is one which is both glorious and wonderful! However, my first children (Adam and Eve) chose not to follow the way of the Truth. So they were exiled, as was the angel before them who fell from Heaven.
There are so many of you who pray and who are committed; and everyday as you do your prayers, you lift your eyes up to Heaven in ejaculations of praise and thanksgiving. Yet, there are so many more who do not.
My Son warned you that a time was coming when you would see wars and famines and earthquakes and fires and weather changes, but that these would not mark the end of the world. This time would be only the beginning, the labor pains of a new birth. He wanted you not to see this as an end to the world.
How wonderful it is that so many of you pray! However, if at this very moment you see yourself as one of the elect, perhaps you should look within yourself and see your own self-righteousness. See that it is better to have the fear of God than to be so secure in your dwelling place. For if you are so sure that you are safe, perhaps you should look closer at your own sin, and then you may gain the fear of God.
There is no foretelling humanity who will be welcomed into My Kingdom. It depends on your life and how you now live it. If you live your life as if it is just passing by, day to day, and you think that you are blanketed from all harm, then perhaps you had best look to see how in a moment's notice your life could be stripped from you.
On that awesome day when you bear nothing, who will be around you? It is best to find within your heart the true treasure, that being God your Father. If you go about preparing as if you are one who should survive, preparing with those among you to eat and be merry, then perhaps you too should be more aware. For if all your preparations are stripped from you, then what do you have left, but nothing? For it is only within your heart that you will find what shall sustain you---that being the true and glorious wonder of God!
How secure you can be at one moment; and then have your "freedom"---which you call it---be stripped from you, or at least threatened. But true freedom is found only in those who are enveloped in the Holy Trinity. Yes, true freedom is for you to be had!
You may not understand My Words now, even though I do not speak in parables as did my Son. But I assure you, children of humanity, that awesome day will come when you will understand them fully, not only the depth and the breadth of My Words, but also of your life.
Come! Do not delay!
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
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Part II
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YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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