African, Pacific Islands,Oceania Micronesia, Polynesia Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Luteran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
SATURDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Life Of Jesus (Rosary)
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Moses the Black of Scete (4th century), robber turned pacifist monk, 28 Aug. See Anihan Moses.
Moses with my sister, Sarah, and my brother we were martyrs, 19 Aug. in the Coptic Calendar
Mucus. Martyred in Kemet with Paul, 5 Dec.
Multius, I am formerly a tomb robber and bandit. But by the grace of God, turned my wicked life to service of the Lord, Jesus. One night, I was to rob a virgin’s house. But I could not break in. A vision bade me desist from my life of crime.
In the morn, the virgin discovered me, asked what I was doing on the roof. I requested she immediately take me to a church, which she did. I met the Presbyter (Elder)s and begged to be a Christian. They hesitated, but knew my reputation.
Knowing my reputation, they gave me three verses of Psalm 1, [Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the waterside, that bringeth forth his fruit in due season, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper].
The Presbyter (Elder)s told me if I would act accordingly, I would find salvation. And so I did.
Later, they taught me scriptures. The Lord provided my needs. I was baptized, and served the Church.
Murrita with Salutaris and Vindemialis (another. Martyred at Carthage through King Hunneric’s orders, about 483 A.D. Our memorial, 13 July
Mygdo with Samnes martyred at Africa, 4 July
Originally I was a hermit, before that a shepard, and herder of cattle. St. Anthony of the Desert, the Abbot , was my teacher, and I was his disciple. At 40 years of age, I became ordained. Later I established a monastery community in the Scete desert. My way attracted May members, until it numbered several thous I was against and turmoiled against the Arian heresies. 15 Jan.
Lucius, an Arian successor to Athanasius had me exiled about 374 A.D. to an island around the Nile. I had supported Archbishop and Patriarch Athanasius in his battle against Arianism. I continued to teach upon my return. The sunset of my life came in 390 A.D.Many monasteries in Libya still named Macarius.
Naffanianus, Saturninus, Faustinus, and 7 companions. We were martyred in the Northwestern part of Africa, 16 Jan.
Najra Martyrs by lews 523 A.D.
Nakjos. Beheaded at Alexandria
Narzalea, Cittinus, Seperatus, Veturius, Acllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda. We are the Scillitan Martyrs, caught at Africa Proconsularis, Carthage, two trials, we authorities ordered us beheaded 17 July 180 A.D. under the authority of Vigellius, first persecutor of Christians in Northwestern Africa. 17 July.
Nasseus, Rogatus, Malentus, Maximus. We are martyrs at what is now Renault, Algiers in 329 A.D.. We were killed in tradition by Donatists or pagans revolting. Our parents set a monument to us. 21 Oct.
Nathaniel of Nitria, 375 A.D. 27 Nov.(Orthodox Calendar)
Narcissus, martyred with Victor, Felix, Argyrus, and 4 companions. 1 Jan
Nemesius, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Nemesius of Alexandria--At Alexandria while still alive, Kemet authorities burned me in 307 A.D. during Roman Emperor Decius’ persecutions as a method of my martyrdom, after being tortured and severely beaten. As was Our Lord, I was killed between two criminals, 19 Dec.
Nemesius, Panemotis with Achilleus and Panopus, We are martyrs at Alexandria with 10 Sept.
Neopulus (Neopolis) with Saturninus. Martyrs at Kemet. 2 May,
Nereus, withSaturninus and 365 companions. . We were martyred in Africa, 16 Oct.
Nestor with Theon, martyred in Alexandria, 26 Feb.
Nicander of Kemet (Egypt) martyr (around 302 A.D.) March 16? 5 June
Nicephorus, martyred with Victor, and Victorinus. (We were clobbered and pulverized with large mortars) and Papias. We are martyrs, listed in the Ethiopian Coptic Calendar. 25 Feb. probably the same Nicephorus, Victorinus, Victor, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Kemet (251 A.D.), Martyrs. 31 Jan. (different calendar date)
Nicoforus, martyred with Victorinus , Victor the Ninivite, Ninivita, Claudianus (I had my legs whacked off), Diodorus (I was burned alive) Dioscorus, Serapion (I was beheaded). Martyred in Kemet. Some confusion exists to actually where we were martyred. 24 Feb. 27 April in some Menology, 25 Feb. in others, Roman Martyrology says martyred at Diospolis, Kemet, 284 A.D.
Nicephorus, Presbyter (Elder), at Tiberiopolis (361, 362 A.D.), martyr, 28 Nov.
Nilaras, Presbyter (Elder), likewise Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Nilammon, Martyr
Nilon, Deacon Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Nonnus, bishop of Heliopolis (471 A.D.), 10 Nov.
Nun who feigned madness. She lived in the Monastery of the Tabennesi (Kemet) Women. She did not sit with others, never insulted anyone, nor took bread, rather existing on the crumbs of the other nuns. Although she was “beaten, doused with dish rinse water, cuffed, execrated, insulted, her heart was never far from God.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 01 - ALL SOULS DAY
Eve of All Saints Day
"The saints experienced in this world such pleasure in remaining in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, that days and nights appeared to them as moments" (St. Alphonsus Liguori).
"Jesus is the only source of true peace. There cannot be hope of real peace in the world apart from Christ . . . How does Christ bring about this peace?
He earned it by His Sacrifice. He gave His life to bring reconciliation between God and man . . . This sacrifice which draws the human family to unity is made present in the Eucharist.
Thus, each Eucharistic celebration is the
source of a new gift of peace . . . The gift that Christ made of Himself is more powerful than all the force of division that oppress the world" (Pope John Paul II, Eucharistic Congress, March 11, l988)
"How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?" (Pascal).
Mother Teresa -
Prayer, to be fruitful, must come from the heart.
Meditations by Padre Pio - My children, to remain like this, unable to do my duty, is useless, it is better that I die!
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
No one is better than the next!
"The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil than we, we falsely believe that we are somehow better `than the rest of men' (Luke 18: 11)."
St. Faustina's diary -
Spiritual Counsel Given Me
by Father Andrasz, S.J.
First: You must not turn away from these interior inspirations, but always tell everything to your confessor. If you recognize that these interior inspirations refer to your own self; that is to say, they are for the good of your soul or for the good of other souls, I urge you to follow them; and you must not neglect them, but always do so in consultation with your confessor.
Second: If these inspirations are not in accord with the faith or the spirit of the Church, they must be rejected immediately as coming from the evil spirit.
Third: If these inspirations do not refer to souls, in general, nor specifically to their good, you should not take them too seriously, and it would be better to even ignore them.
But you should not make this decision by yourself, either one way or the other, as you can easily be led astray despite these great favors from God. Humility, humility, and ever humility, as we can do nothing of ourselves; all is purely and simply God's grace.
You say to me that God demands great trust from souls; well then, you be the first to show this trust. And one more word-accept all this with serenity. (55)
Dailys - -
Nov 1 Feast of the Day Information taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia
The Solemnity celebrated on the first of November is instituted to honor all the saints, known and unknown, and, according to Urban IV, to supply any deficiencies in the faithful's celebration of saints' feasts during the year.
In the early days the Christians were accustomed to solemnize the anniversary of a martyr's death for Christ at the place of martyrdom. In the fourth century, neighboring dioceses began to interchange feasts, to transfer relics, to divide them, and to join in a common feast; as is shown by the invitation of St. Basil of Caesarea (397) to the bishops of the province of Pontus.
Frequently groups of martyrs suffered on the same day, which naturally led to a joint commemoration. In the persecution of Diocletian the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be assigned to each. But the Church, feeling that every martyr should be venerated, appointed a common day for all.
The first trace of this we find in Antioch on the Sunday after Pentecost. We also find mention of a common day in a sermon of St. Ephrem the Syrian (373), and in the 74th homily of St. John Chrysostom (407). At first only martyrs and St. John the Baptist were honoured by a special day. Other saints were added gradually, and increased in number when a regular process of canonization was established; still, as early as 411 there is in the Chaldean Calendar a "Commemoratio Confessorum" for the Friday after Easter.
In the West Boniface IV, May, 13 609, or 610, consecrated the Pantheon in Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs, ordering an anniversary. Gregory III (731-741) consecrated a chapel in the basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the anniversary for November 1.
A basilica of the Apostles already existed in Rome, and its dedication was annually remembered on May 1. Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration on 1 November to the entire Church. The vigil seems to have been held as early as the feast itself. The octave was added by Sixtus IV (1471-84).
Quote of the Day That man is truly humble who converts humiliation into humility. -St. Bernard
Today's Tidbit Pius XII declared that Mary was taken up to heaven body and soul in his apostolic constitution "Munificentissimus Deus." Thus, he declared as infallible dogma a belief that Catholics had held for many years.
In this message from 1986, Our Lady speaks of purgatory and our role in helping those who have gone before us :
Dear children, today I invite you to pray everyday for the souls in purgatory. Every soul need prayer and grace in order to reach God and his love. By this way, dear children, you will gain new intercessors, who will help you , than longing for heaven. For that, dear children, pray without respite, so that you may be able to help yourself and others, to whom your prayers will bring joy (Weekly Message Nov 6, 1986).
The Book of Revelation also speaks of life after death
Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it; the earth and the heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, the book of life.
And the dead were judged according to their works, as recorded in the books. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and all were judged according to what they had done (Rv 20 :11-13).
Especially on All Souls' Day, the church calls us to remember and pray for the souls in purgatory, including our loved ones who have gone before us.
The church's doctrine of purgatory is too often misunderstood. It is not a place where the residue of sin is remitted through suffering; it is rather a process in which we are perfected until that point when we can unite in harmony with the fullness of love and life, which is God. Just as oil and water cannot mix, so too we must resemble the Spirit of God, free from sin, before entering into his life a state called heaven.
This process is veiled in mystery, but it is without doubt a benevolent concept, a gift from God who allows us, the living, to help those who have already died :
" For every soul, " Our Lady says, " prayer and grace are necessary to reach God and the love of God. "
Further, those whom we have helped to obtain paradise will in turn help us : " You obtain new intercessors, " Mary says, " who will help you in this life to realize that earthly things are not important, that it is necessary to strive only for heaven. "
All Souls' Day is an appropriate time to arrange for masses to be offered for the dead, which the Blessed
Mother recommends. Mary also asks us to pray for the forgotten dead and those in most need of God's mercy, to whom, Our Lady says, "your prayers will bring great joy. "
Messages to the Two Patricks Oct. 17-30,2008
Friday 17 October 2008
Children of My Heart, come and listen to these My Words for they are Life. They will bring you to Life Eternal. Your lives on this earth are but heartbeats; they are given to you for you to decide whether you wish to be a part of My Kingdom.
Believe in Me and believe in My Word for I have longed to speak to you in this Way.
Mankind, listen to My calls and heed My Words for your time is short and I am close at hand.
I Love you and I ask that you listen for many will be lost.
I, your Jesus, Love you, listen! Come, come back. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Sunday 19 October 2008
Children of the Light, listen to My calls and see the Truth of what I say. As this world falls ever farther into darkness, My flock will find it harder to find Me through the lies of this world. I ask that you seek the Truth now before it is too late and you will no longer be able to find your way in the darkness.
I Love you, children, and I ask that you pay close attention to My Words for they are Words of Life. Love Me by the way you live your lives. Do not allow My Love to die. I am your God and I Come soon. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Friday 24 October 2008
Look to the Truth, My children, for Truth is what I am. Only Truth can carry you through these times of darkness that you now live in. I am the Truth, the Way and the Life and anyone who follows Me will have Life in abundance. The closer that you come to Me the more you will understand the Words that I speak.
As you die to the things of this world then these are replaced with the things of Life and Truth will be your life. I Love you, My little ones, I Love you and I call to you to follow My Words to the letter and do not allow this world to influence you and so change My Words. My Words are the same yesterday, today and forever for I am the Word and I do not change. I Love you.
Friday 24 October 2008
My children, be aware of My Love. Feel it in your heart when you come to prayer; to sit at My Feet. My Love goes beyond anything that is of worth to you. It is like a precious jewel that a man finds in a field. In order to obtain that jewel, he goes and sells everything that he owns in order to buy that field so that he may have that jewel for himself.
In the same way, you must give up self so that you may come to know the height and the breadth and the width of My Love – a Precious Jewel indeed!
Find Me, My children. Find Me and bring Me out into this world so that others may know the preciousness that I Am. Love Me.
Monday 27 October 2008
Children of this world, come to the Light. Come and find Me for I wish to call you ever deeper into My Heart. Soon, now, the darkness shall descend in ways that have never been seen before by mankind. Look for the Truth now, children, while it can be still found, so many are being lost to Me in these times; so many are entering the fires of hell in their own free will. Look around you and smell the stench of sin as man accepts the lies of lucifer and sin becomes an accepted way of life.
Truth is dying, children, and this earth begins to convulse as it grasps for My Light. The darkness is descending and no life can survive without My Light. I Love you; pray hard for these times that you now enter, pray hard that you, too, will not be devoured by the darkness. I Love you. Come back before it is too late. I Love you.
Tuesday 28 October 2008
My people, My people, why do you not listen to My calls? Do you not understand the danger that you are in? This earth is but a passing place, a place of trial.
You must make up your mind, in your own free will, where you wish to be. Your lives are very short, children, and you live them as if they were eternity. Children, I call you back to the Truth: if you want to be with Me in My Father's Kingdom you must prove that by the way that you live your lives.
Time is short and still you ignore My calls. The evil one's army is ready and waiting for the Great Battle is about to begin and still you have not prepared.
Come, My little ones, look at the Truth and see how you have been blinded by the lies of lucifer. See how easily he deceives you into accepting deceit as being an everyday part of your lives.
Stand up for My Truth and do not be afraid of what this world will throw at you for when you stand up for Me I will stand up for you in front of My Father and Eternal Life shall be yours.
I am the Truth, the Way and the Life and anyone that follows Me shall have that Life too. I Love you, My little ones, I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Children, many Warnings do I give, many Words have I spoken but still you refuse to listen. What should I do, My children? Should I give the evil one freedom to destroy all creation or should I strike with the Sword of Justice?
You refuse to see in your blindness for you have allowed the evil one to influence you into desiring the things of this world rather than the things of your God. Soon, children, I shall strike this earth and all evil shall be cleansed. These Warnings I give are the last chances for mankind to turn away from his evil ways; distribute these Words that I give to the four corners of this earth so that all My children may know the Truth.
I speak of My Gospels, children. These are Words that I gave you so that you would know and be able to live in the Truth. Do not listen to the scholars and theologians of this world who change My Words; do not listen to the historians and archaeologists who try to discredit My Life for they are liars and cheats that have been deceived by lucifer in order to discredit the Truth.
I tell you, My children, the Words of My Gospels are Truth and they are Life, follow them and you shall find Life Eternal. Listen to the deceivers of this world and you shall find the eternal fires of hell where most of those deceivers will go.
Repent of your evil ways and come back to Me and I will not see your wrongdoings. I will not see how you deceived My people. I shall Love you and nourish you in My Kingdom with My Love. You are My children and I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Thursday 30 October 2008
Look at Truth and see what I am asking of you. My people are dying daily and there is no one to help them, there is no one to show them the True Path and so they are deceived and drawn into the flames of hell.
I need you, My children, to show My people that I am Alive by the way that you live your lives; show them that I am worth fighting for and that My Love is alive in you. I need workers in My vineyard but, as time passes, more and more are leaving their posts and the crop is spoiling because of lack of care. I Love you, I Love you, I Love you, please listen to My calls. I, your Jesus, Love you.
Message to littlest of servants October 30, 2008
Our Lady of All Nations has made the following request. That we pray at least one ROSARY and DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET a day for the intention that LIFE WINS in the coming election.
Urgent Message to Darrell Bennett Released Oct. 31, 2008
To be conveyed at 3:00PM on Friday, October 31, 2008, the Vigil of All Saints. Also, the eve of the First Saturday of November.
BVM to db: Let these words be conveyed to all. May they seek the mercy of God with sincere hearts.
Chapter 7
Thus the word of the LORD came to me:
Son of man, now say: Thus says the Lord GOD to the of : An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land!
Now the end is upon you; I will unleash my anger against you and judge you according to your conduct and lay upon you the consequences of all your abominations.
I will not look upon you with pity nor have mercy; I will bring your conduct down upon you, and the consequences of your abominations shall be in your midst; then shall you know that I am the LORD.
Thus says the Lord GOD: Disaster upon disaster! See it coming!
An end is coming, the end is coming upon you! See it coming!
The climax has come for you who dwell in the land! The time has come, near is the day: a time of consternation, not of rejoicing.
Soon now I will pour out my fury upon you and spend my anger upon you; I will judge you according to your conduct and lay upon you the consequences of all your abominations.
I will not look upon you with pity nor have mercy; I will deal with you according to your conduct, and the consequences of your abominations shall be in your midst; then shall you know that it is I, the LORD, who strike.
See, the day of the LORD! See, the end is coming! Lawlessness is in full bloom, insolence flourishes,
violence has risen to support wickedness. It shall not be long in coming, nor shall it delay.
1 The time has come, the day dawns. Let not the buyer rejoice nor the seller mourn, for wrath shall be upon all the throng.
The seller shall not regain what he sold as long as he lives, for wrath shall be upon all the throng. Because of his sins, no one shall preserve his life.
They shall sound the trumpet and make everything ready, yet no one shall go to war, for my wrath is upon all the throng.
The sword is outside; pestilence and hunger are within. He that is in the country shall die by the sword; pestilence and famine shall devour those in the city.
Even those who escape and flee to the mountains like the doves of the valleys--I will put them all to death, each one for his own sins.
All their hands shall be limp, and all their knees shall run with water.
2 They shall put on sackcloth, and horror shall cover them; shame shall be on all their faces and baldness on all their heads.
They shall fling their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be considered refuse. Their silver and gold cannot save them on the day of the LORD'S wrath. They shall not be allowed to satisfy their craving or fill their bellies, for this has been the occasion of their sin.
In the beauty of their ornaments they put their pride: they made of them their abominable images (their idols). For this reason I make them refuse.
I will hand them over as booty to foreigners, to be spoiled and defiled by the wicked of the earth.
3 I will turn away my face from them, and my treasure shall be profaned: robbers shall enter and profane it.
They shall wreak slaughter, for the land is filled with bloodshed and the city full of violence.
I will bring in the worst of the nations, who shall take possession of their houses. I will put an end to their proud strength, and their sanctuaries shall be profaned.
When anguish comes they shall seek peace, but there will be none.
There shall be disaster after disaster, rumor after rumor. Prophetic vision shall fade; instruction shall be lacking to the priest, and counsel to the elders,
while the prince shall be enveloped in terror, and the hands of the common people shall tremble. I will deal with them according to their conduct, and according to their judgments I will judge them; thus they shall know that I am the LORD.
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Miracle of the Rosary Mission, Inc.
Part 1/2 - Teaching from the Lord through the GIRL OF MY WILL - 05-17-2007
Gathering of Love With God's Action in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire,
Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-05-17 Part 1
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: All these power cords that are around us will be useful to us, but in our life, we have often made use of power cords that did not serve us well.
We have been incapable of understanding how they could be of use to us but we had faith in those power cords.
But what did those power cords have that could be of help to us? For most of us, we didn't know, we put our faith in something that was unfamiliar to us and this led us to a few surprises.
When we agree to let an unfamiliar thing bring us something, then we're receiving whatever enters us from its very source: if it doesn't bear graces then we're receiving evil.
Our spiritual life comes from God and therefore it must be filled with graces.
Grace nourishes us; nourish your spiritual life without grace and there is nothing; there is no nourishment, there is only emptiness.
Emptiness has power: emptiness wants to absorb what is alive in order to bring it to the void.
But we humans, we don't understand what this means: how can emptiness bring us a void? Then, we might say, But there's nothing there, so we're not receiving anything.
This is false; nothing on earth is void of movement, all is nothing but movement.
The earth was created by God the Creator, the earth is living, and all that is on earth is living through the Creator: there is movement.
It has often been said that there are species the human species, the animal species, the plant species and we believed this because this is what we were taught; there is the species that is living, and the species that is dead.
A species that is living is something we can see, it's something we can touch, something we can manipulate, but there is also the species that is dead, dead because it's made of matter: it once was and no longer is.
Let's say there's a rock and we're looking at that rock, we touch it with our hands: it has weight; when that rock is an object of value to us: it takes shape, it has a history, it takes on a certain importance in our life.
And yet, it isn't part of the species that we named: it isn't human, it isn't a plant, or an animal; why? Because to us humans it doesn't contain that life, it is dead matter.
If you take that rock in your hands and you look at it, it begins to become important to you; it shows up in your life and you care about it, you have memories of it; it's as if it were coming alive to you; it has a beginning, and that beginning is the moment when you took it in your hands.
From year to year, you will care about that rock because it holds memories: you kept it, you put it in your room, you took it with you when you moved.
What had no life has become something of importance: to you, it's alive because there are memories attached to it.
You have become attached to something that has nothing within it; it doesn't nourish your spiritual life and it doesn't nourish your earthly life, but it is important in your life, and this transforms a thing that is dead into something else: it's as if it were part of a dead species and it is becoming important in your life.
Anything that is part of a species is something that seems to bring evolution to a person; in a certain context, living matter takes shape and it evolves, such as man, man who was created was put on earth and he goes forward, he goes forward in his life; it's the same thing for what is animal and plant: each has its characteristics.
All that is dead, all that doesn't evolve, is not a (living) species, but God wants to make us understand that there is evolution within what is dead because in the very beginning, when we gave importance to the rock, there was a beginning within a certain context, and this took shape, this became important, this evolved, this was present continuously.
You see, this is what humans do when they become attached to what is dead: what is dead takes on value and he becomes attached to this.
His spiritual life, his life on earth, become attached to something that isn't alive and that, nevertheless, becomes important in his life; he becomes so attached to this that he isn't able to separate himself from it; he can become violent towards those who want to separate him from what is dead.
This is what we do in our life: we become attached to what is dead, and what is dead becomes so important to us that it seems to run our lives.
You see, nothingness becomes something that directs us and this goes against us, against the child of God who is alive.
We have learned to live with what is dead and death took what was alive, and because of this, we are in the process of becoming lost.
But how come something that is nothing can have a hold on us? There must be power, there must be something that moves even though we don't see it, it's there.
God revealed himself to us through his love, God has revealed himself to us from the beginning of creation.
When he put the breath of life into what was not life, he revealed himself to us because, through his breath of love, he entered something that came from the earth, and he gave of himself in order to communicate with it.
When God created Adam, he caused life to enter into him. Adam came alive in that instant; he became aware of his God; he felt his entire being come alive, a movement was making itself known: what had not existed before came to be.
Everything became a movement to Adam: movement was emerging and movement was entering, movement was giving and movement was giving itself again: God was giving of himself and God was receiving from himself; Adam couldn't give it was the movement that was giving.
God breathed out life and life emerged in order to go towards life, and Adam was present, was present in love, and he learned how to live with that movement, for the movement was teaching this to him, and the movement loved its movement, it never stopped moving, and Adam admired that movement; he was in that movement, he was letting himself go in that movement, and the movement was taking him, and the movement was loving him: life was within life.
We, we who are children of God, have lost that movement, that loving connection with God; we took it for granted that life belonged to us: I breathe, I see, I listen, I act, I have feelings.
All this belongs to God; this hasn't changed since Adam; this is God's movement that is within us but, over time, we have learned that we were able to control our breathing; we learned to control our eyes, we learned to control our words, our actions, our feelings.
What was it that enabled us to control these things? It is because of the disobedience we entered into the human will, knowledge.
Man chose, chose to control life through what was good, and through what was bad.
The life which had been granted by God was becoming, to man, his own life, so much so that today we believe that life doesn't come from God and yet we're always seeking the source that gave us life because in our heart of hearts, we know that one day we will pass away because we have seen, we have witnessed the death of humans beings.
But life, life cries out to life: spiritual life, it wants life, life that is in motion, life that is true, that loves.
But we humans no longer leave any room for our spiritual life; it is suffocated because of our life on earth: our dear human will.
Human will is not life; it has the ability to decide: yes or no. But this is all it has; it decided of its own accord to take what belongs to God and to turn it into whatever it desires, and when it does with it as it pleases, it bears no graces, and God's child suffers.
What we have become is due to our choices in the face of all that is before us; consequently, there are many movements before us.
In the very beginning, we said that we directed our attention toward something that has no life: matter, so much so that it became alive to us, appealing; we developed feelings, needs.
Who brought this to us? It was Satan, the master of death.
There is God a living God, an eternal God; there is no death in God, there is only light, life. However, death also exists: the death that is eternal, the death that comes for us.
Who is death other than the one who was once in the light and who became darkness? Lucifer was the light close to God, Lucifer was an angel who nourished himself with God's light, with God's beauty, but he was contemplating himself, he was nourishing himself.
When he refused to adore the Son of God, he came to know, to know something else that existed: he touched nothingness. How was he able to touch nothingness? Through his no: ?No, I will not adore the Son of God.
Therefore, he had just touched something he had never known before, and this entered into him: this turned him into a being, a being that lost the light; he had become the proud one, the liar, the one who wanted to be, the one who refused to adore.
Why did Lucifer, in one instant, want to be the Son of God? Because within him, everything had turned against him.
What he had done: was to refuse to adore the Son of God made Man, and this struck him; he became what he had not wanted to become: rejection, and that rejection was upon him; it had enveloped him, he had become a spirit of darkness.
Whatever he had been previously was becoming the opposite: obedience disobedience; faithfulness unfaithfulness; beauty (ugliness); (kindness) hatred; sharing selfishness; all he was before God was no more: eternal life had become eternal death.
Satan is eternal death, he is the spirit of death and he wants all that is alive in order to bring it unto death oh, never to wish it well but rather to make it suffer for he had become hatred; he became the opposite of all that is the Son of God on earth.
God gave all his blessings to his Son, and therefore, for everything the Son is to us, Satan is the opposite.
God gives us the truth, he is the Justice, he is the Way, he is the Life.
Satan is death, he leads us nowhere, he is darkness, he is the liar, jealousy, he is anything that leads us to perdition.
But why do human beings, children of God, want to follow the demon? What was it that made us choose evil rather than good, rather than love? Why don't we stop and say, But if I do this, I run the risk of suffering and this will lead to my moral decay? Why don't we stop there? That's because we have become attached to death, we have become attached to anything that isn't alive.
We accepted this in our life and we became attached to what was not alive, to what didn't bring us happiness; we have thought, and every one of us has thought this, that money contributed to happiness: this is a little door that was opened.
Money, however much its value, great or small, doesn't bring happiness: it's wrong to think like this.
Happiness, happiness can't be bought, happiness can't be calculated; happiness is Jesus and Jesus isn't for sale, Jesus can't be bought he gives himself: we receive his Body and we nourish ourselves with his Blood free of charge.
And yet, we don't go out of our way to see Jesus these days, we don't want to do this; we think more of buying ourselves material things, of having fun: we?ve replaced happiness with matter that is dead.
We always need something in order to be happy on earth, or so we tell ourselves; we no longer believe that Jesus will bring us joys, will bring us well-being: we are living the consequences of our choices, and this since the first sin.
The human will has said yes to death very often; the human will has taught us to become attached to what is nothing and today, we no longer contemplate the beauty of Jesus Eucharist.
How is it that our eyes are fixed on Jesus and we don't contemplate this? It's as if we felt nothing before Jesus, we doubt that Jesus is there, present in front of us: this is because we live among our worthless things.
There is so much dead matter within us, there are so many of these attachments that come from death within us that we are unable to see life.
Jesus wants to eradicate this from us: whatever Satan put inside us, Jesus wants to eradicate it.
Oh! Satan didn't put this in our soul, because our soul is spiritual it comes from God, it is life. It has known love; it knows that without graces it doesn't live, it dies, it agonizes.
So, Satan knew to put this in our flesh, this flesh that, at the moment of its creation, did not yet have life.
Don't forget that when God made Adam, he made him with matter from the earth, and that clay did not have life, not yet; it was when God breathed into that matter that life came to be.
And so, Satan, through the human will, put death in our flesh: by becoming attached to what wasn't alive, we were letting death enter us.
Cain, Cain was the first to become attached to this, for what he was doing was becoming important to him, important to him.
He was supposed to offer the best to God; why didn't he do this? Because he was looking at himself, he should have rejected this: he was looking at his works, he loved his works.
To whom did these works belong if not to God? It was God who had put life within Cain and it was with life that he worked, but he was becoming attached to himself, for God's works were beginning to become, to him, the things that Abel did not have. Abel was life, Abel was nourishing himself with life, and all that was life, he would give back.
God acknowledged his loving gesture; to God, everything was a movement of love, for he could see how much Abel admired his God, loved his God, contemplated his God.
Both were loved by God; God was giving life to Cain and Abel: at every moment, life was being given continuously.
But the human will was present within Abel and within Cain: Cain was turning his eyes towards himself because Satan was tempting him: Satan was showing him how good it felt to be satisfied with what he was doing, and this, he was aware of this externally.
Abel was looking inwardly: when he would speak to God, he would speak from within himself to God; he loved to spend moments of love with God, for he knew that everything came from God.
Cain knew that God was fulfilling him, Cain was aware that God was giving the earth graces on his behalf; Cain knew that God loved him, but what he was receiving was tempting him. That matter seemed to come alive before him: he was becoming attached to his works; therefore, his works were losing graces, for all that is a work bears the grace of God.
Therefore, when Cain looked at his works as if they came from him, he was losing out on graces because he was listening, he was listening to the Tempter, who was developing pride within him, and the more Cain became attached, the more he lived the consequences of his choices.
You see, this led him to want to kill his brother because he was feeding his pain.
When he would become attached to matter, he would always live the consequence of this before God: God gives to me, I keep part of what God gives me: I give to God what I feel like giving him. And the more he did this, the more consequences there were: this was hardening his heart.
God loved his child, God went on giving him life, God went on giving him graces, but his heart, his heart was becoming hard, was learning to look outwardly, to become attached to the external world.
And so, he came to live his suffering, for his soul was suffering; it needed his love, it needed his graces, it wanted its God, and he was suffocating all this, he wanted to listen to his self:
Why don't I have the right to please myself; there's no harm in keeping something for myself I do give him some This was growing within him through his suffering; it was his suffering that was leading him to think of comforting himself because he was being tempted by Satan.
Satan did not wish him well, he wanted to hurt him.
Satan is evil; he knows that anything that is contrary to God brings suffering to the child of God.
It's as if there are two movements and Satan plays around with these two movements: Why don't you please him and yourself? Love him and love yourself. Do as he asks you and grant yourself what you want for yourself.
So, Satan was playing with Cain's emotions; Satan, he knew that by showing him gently that he was a child capable of loving and of loving himself, by injecting poison into him selfishness he was developing this within Cain, and Cain was unaware of this up until the moment when it became too painful for him.
That's when he began to hate his brother; he did this with hypocrisy, showing it through his words, but all the while staying close to him; while speaking with him, he did not reveal what he was feeling for his brother.
You see, there was hypocrisy; all this was hurting him but, at the same time, he was choosing it. The more he entered into this, the more he contemplated himself in all this.
Oh! At times, he would have liked to say, Why do I have this feeling, why is it nourishing me? But when he thought about it, he would suffer so much!
Then he came to the point of wanting to think differently: Oh! He's the one who is doing anything he can to hurt me, he's the one who wants to offer God more than he's capable of offering. And so, he turned this against his neighbour, against his brother, because this was less painful to him: there was now a guilty party. He was no longer to blame, it was the other, and he nourished this and nourished this.
This led him to desire the disappearance of the cause of his suffering: by killing Abel, he had just caused the disappearance of his great suffering before God.
All this is to show us that in our life, we have all of this in our flesh: we have hypocrisy, we have violence within our flesh.
The flesh multiplies: when Adam made a giving being of himself, Eve emerged through God because God created Eve from Adam's flesh; when Adam went to Eve, there was multiplication because Eve bore the flesh: the flesh was bearing the flesh. When the flesh emerged, the flesh multiplied because the flesh came together with the flesh: this is how the children multiplied.
There were many children: through the flesh that gave itself, but always from the original flesh.
God brought forth flesh from Adam: in the very beginning, Adam received flesh from God and Eve received flesh, through God, from Adam; therefore, every child is the flesh of the flesh.
Up until today, we are the flesh of Adam's flesh; therefore, everything the flesh came to know, our flesh knows.
If God speaks to us like this, it's to make us understand what is in our flesh.
Who else but God created the flesh? And only God will come to strip evil away from the flesh.
God is the Almightiness; we must have faith in eternal Life; God reveals to us what eternal death has done to our flesh.
God is in the process of revealing to us why we suffer so much, and God reveals to us why we want to love so much, to know happiness so much.
There is so much suffering in our life because of our choices: Eve made her choice, Adam made his choice and Cain made his choice, and we are living the consequences of this.
Adam and Eve committed a sin, which was disobedience: the knowledge of good and of evil, wanting to take themselves for little gods, not to take themselves for God, for Adam and Eve knew who God was.
Cain, he committed the sin that made way for all other sins, for he attacked the flesh.
Adam and Eve, through their disobedience, lost something precious: the Divine Will, the Will of God, the one that is eternal, the one that gives love, that gives love over and over and that nourishes continuously, the one that knows all and that leads to knowing love forever, the one that does not separate the life of the past from the present and the future, the one that enables us to know our God, the one that enables us to know all that God has done for God's children, for Adam and Eve were children of the Divine Will nothing was hidden from them.
They were meant to know eternity, they were meant to see their God without experiencing earthly death, for the flesh was not meant to be separated from the soul: unity was not meant to be broken apart.
God is The Love, God is Three in One; they never separate from one another, for THEY ARE.
And so, we children of God, we must never separate the flesh and the flesh were never meant to be separated, were meant to always be present.
The Father knows his Son and the Son knows his Father; the Father and the Son are one and they form unity the Holy Spirit, The Love one God, one single God.
And we children of God, we belong to God, we are God's unity, we are God's love, we are the breath of God; we were not called upon to be separated, for the breath of God was not supposed to be separated, the flesh was not supposed to be separated from the flesh.
But Adam and Eve chose, they themselves chose to live in their human will; they themselves chose to become separated, and they therefore would come to know death: Adam would therefore be separated from Eve; the flesh of the flesh would, from then on, have to be separated, and a great suffering was felt, for their perfection diminished, diminished, diminished until it disappeared.
Adam's eyes were upon Eve and Eve's eyes were upon Adam: they could see God's beauty.
When they were in the Divine Will, Eve and Adam were together; even if Eve went to the right and Adam went to the left, they were together, for God's love was nourishing them, it was uniting them; how can we understand this?
Well, the Lord, he's saying, I will tell you a story.
Jesus: One day, two beings were in the same house. The man had learned to take care of his house every day; when he would see that a board was creaking, he would secure it with a nail and hammer, and the woman, she learned to make her home inviting. When there was a cold wind from outside, she would take care to shut the windows and to make a nice fire.
One day, the man began to look at his house and he became attached to his house. He heard a commotion, he went to see what had happened; the woman had taken some logs to make a fire and had accidentally tripped over a chair, and so the wood had fallen to the floor.
And the man considered what had happened and he said, You should be careful, you made a mark on my floor, I will have to repair it. And so, the woman, she picked up the logs and went to put them on the fire; she turned around and said, Today, supper will be later.
So, the man shrugged and went back to his corner and sulked; he could be heard mumbling to himself and the woman, she turned to her dishes and she began to stir vigorously with her spoon and to make noise: neither one looked at the other.
To pass the time, he picked up his newspaper, began leafing through it, and was drawn to the images he was seeing: Oh! This looks more interesting than my wife.
From time to time, she would look over her shoulder to see if he was looking at her, but disappointed because he had his nose in his newspaper, she continued cooking.
To console herself, she began tasting her batter with her finger; oh! she added a little more sugar, she added some more oh! she liked the taste: Oh! I should make this more often. And so, she began to really enjoy cooking for herself.
Do you recognize yourselves, my children? Do you see, my children, how many times the man is in the same house as the woman and yet they are alone; each one is concentrated on his or her own chores, each one would like the other to appreciate the chores he or she does but, over time, there are so many awkward movements that this becomes impossible; they are no longer capable of communicating with each other and if they do communicate with each other, the words they say to each other are always aimed at changing the other; oh! not of changing him or herself, but the other.
When Adam and Eve were living in paradise, paradise was their home; all was nothing but beauty to Adam and Eve and they would tell God how much they appreciated all this; they loved to talk with God.
Eve, in paradise, was filled with admiration before everything God was creating; Eve loved to take walks, Eve loved everything she saw, and Adam was part of this, for to Eve, Adam was the gaze of God, the beauty of God.
What was emerging from Eve was love for her God of love; wherever Adam was, Eve would feel this; whatever Adam was doing, Eve was joyfully satisfied with it, for everything was for God.
And Adam was doing the same; he would be in front of Eve and he knew that God was in front of him, for she came from God, he loved God's work; whatever Eve might be doing, Adam thanked God for it; even if his eyes were not upon her, his eyes knew where Eve was, for he knew that God had put her by his side and that this was good for him.
Everything was nothing but harmony with creation, for creation came from God; it was as if creation was a loving connection between Adam and Eve: they didn’t attribute anything to themselves, but everything to God.
They were in happiness; this is why Adam and Eve did not always need to be together: they knew they were together.
The Divine Will was doing everything for them: Adam was free as Eve was free.
God was nourishing his children; to them, nature was a movement of love and this movement of love was present for Adam and Eve wherever they might be; they both knew that the other benefited from it.
God's love was being given, and being given again and again; those two creatures of God belonged to God, and God was taking care of them.
You see, my children, human will shattered all this; human will separated the flesh from the flesh, human will no longer has faith in human will: human will reproaches the flesh for its suffering.
Man, he wants to work, man wants to give of himself, but when he becomes attached to what he is doing, when he becomes attached to matter, he becomes death, he becomes division.
Man was created for God: God created man to fulfill him, but when man becomes attached to what is dead, he becomes like a being incapable of letting God fulfill him; he wants to fulfill himself; and woman, who becomes attached to matter, no longer recognizes God; she makes herself master of her own feelings; she wants to control those around her so they can bring her pleasure: pleasure for her eyes, pleasure for her ears, pleasure in her words; she wants others to appreciate what she does.
She no longer looks at her God the way she should be looking at her God; her eyes are fixed upon herself, and she wants God to look at her: she wants.
Because she becomes attached to herself, because she becomes attached to anything that can fulfill her, she becomes nothing, she becomes what she is: nothing before man and everything to herself.
Children of love, God loves his children; if God wants to fulfill man, then he wants to fulfill woman.
God wants his children so they can be happy; he created out of love.
Satan wants you, he wants to destroy eternal life.
I come to speak in your hearts in order to shower you with my graces of love, so that you heart of stone might become a heart of flesh.
You must learn to give everything to God, you must let God open your eyes so you can see the death that has attached itself to your flesh from the inside.
My children of love, the soul, the soul needs graces.
I came on earth and I gave myself to nourish your life; my Life belongs to you, take it and eat, my children: come, come to your God.
I founded my Church, my Church is living, my Church is one; I, I am at the Head of the Church, I spoke of my members, of those who take care of my members.
I come to remind you that only my priests can nourish you with my Body, with my Blood; I come to remind you, my children, of what is written; you are my people of love; I am coming to build my world of love with my people of love.
Due to the consequences of sins, my Father's children are scattered far and wide; they have been whipped by the ungodly one, they have been forced to live the consequences of their choices before sins, for such is my Father's justice: whoever wishes to understand, may he understand.
Everyone bears his own consequences within his flesh and everyone bears the consequences of all his brothers and sisters within his flesh; every one shall have eternal life once he says: Yes, I want to live. Whoever says no, will not know life: he will come to know death.
My children, my Church has taught you, but the time is coming when the flesh will also have to answer, it will have to answer for its choices.
I shall show what the flesh is, and every child will have to answer to his God: Yes, I want to live the purification of the flesh, and God, in his love, will strip evil away from the flesh.
Those who will say no will remain in what they have chosen and death will take those children away, for they will have given body and soul to death.
My children, I am using you to help my children, and if you have been witness to God's action, you now know that your God is the Almightiness, you have faith in God, faith in graces.
I want to make you go forward, to go where you are unable to go in your darkness, in order to bring you back to the light, for in the place where you shall be with me there is nothing but light; there will no longer be yes or no, there will only be my Father's Will, and happiness will be within you like a daily shower of rain, which nourishes you, and all shall be given to you.
My children, this is before you; do you believe that I come to speak to you of Satan's tricks in order to frighten you or to nourish movements that are in your flesh? There are movements that are dead in your flesh, and I will not make you aware of them so that you may live them, but to eradicate them from you.
You need not live what you have already lived; I, I have known what you have lived, and I have accepted all this and brought it unto death to conquer death.
I resurrected, my children, from death, my Father glorified me, and because my Father glorified me, my children, you, you know that you, in turn, will be in this movement of love.
My children, we will stop here.
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: And so, we will take we will get up and we'll take some time to rest, we need it.
Resend A Note from Patsy Soto
October 27, 2008
My precious sisters and brothers in our Jesus Mercy, a few weeks ago as I was in prayer over the medal mission I was "complaining to Jesus" that since we are not traveling we are not giving out as many medals especially thinking how important it was to reach many of his children.
I was also complaining that we are running out of medals and that "HIS" Idea of sending out the booklets to the ministry members really didn't go over well since not many had returned a registration or medals to help with the medal mission.
In my complaining He quietly listened and replied that I should put a prayer packet together. Well, you know that didn't go over very well with me, and my reply was why don't YOU TOUCH THE MINISTRY MEMBER'S HEARTS AND LET THEM PUT THESE PACKETS TOGETHER.............
He didn't answer. Instead, a little while later He came back and again said I will help you put these packets I said ok show me.....Then He proceeded to show me a basket of rosaries that I had under Mama Mary's Table but I really didn't know which Mama Mary's table He was showing me.
Anyway, I did find the rosaries, then He showed me a sheet with the Rosary Prayers and the Divine Mercy Prayers, only problem was they were in SPANISH, but I knew what He was doing so I typed out the Rosary and the Divine Mercy IN SPANISH, made copies and put them in a little plastic baggie with a ROSARY and a thing I knew my daughter and I were putting these little prayer packets together not knowing where they were going....a few days later we were on our way to Mass and passed some workers on the road.
We pulled over and handed out the spanish prayer packets. I didn't think they would take them BUT ALL OF THEM GRACIOUSLY THANKED US AND TOOK THE PRAYER PACKETS!
So I thought Ok Jesus but we still had some of those prayer packets left, so I put them away and thought that was the end of Jesus Prayer Packet.....
NO, a few days pass ed and we were at Mass and I was praying my novena to the Franciscan Priests and Brothers that were Martyred that I SENT ALL OF YOU, anyway, as I was praying the novena I had the very, very sad overwhelming thought during the part of the novena where it says about the youth,
(Fourth Day - Lord, the Siroki Brijeg Martyrs were teachers and educators of their people. They educated generations in the spirit of Christian Faith, of the Gospel and of love, hope and peace. May they be today an example to the youth so that they too will be able to love You above everything else, to believe in You and Your Word, to draw closer to You.)
and I thought to myself but how are the youth going to hear about these martyrs.....BIG MISTAKE, because then Jesus answered BECAUSE YOU WILL NOW MAKE UP THE PRAYER PACKETS IN ENGLISH TO INCLUDE THE NOVENA AND A MEDAL!"
Ok, so I TRIED to NOT LISTEN but you know Jesus He keeps coming back with HIS LOVE and HIS SAD FACE so now we put together a prayer packet in English to include the Siroki Brijeg Martyrs Novena with the medal.
I am running out of rosaries and medals. I ran out of colored ink which printed Mama Mary's picture on the packet and guess what?! I was asking Mama Mary to help us with this if She and Jesus really wanted us to do these prayer packets because we had run out of colored ink. It kept saying it was empty, and I kept telling Mama Mary "WE'RE OUT OF INK AND WE DON"T HAVE ANY MONEY TO PURCHASE MORE, SO IF YOU WANT THESE PACKETS MADE YOUVE GOT TO HELP US!
That was last week, and even though the ink keeps flashing OUT OF INK we are still printing Mama Mary's picture on the packet. We found another about 50 rosaries and some more medals to fill the packets, so, ok we finished some English Prayer Packets and I said to Jesus and Mama Mary "what are we going to do with them now especially the youth that you want to get them if we aren't traveling, well they had an answer for that too!
There is a very special Franciscan Brother that handles a place where many travelers visit and guess what YUP, HE TOOK THE PRAYER PACKETS BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH AND SAID THAT HE WOULD GIVE THEM TO ALL THE VISITORS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!
Ok, so now what do w e do Jesus? How are we going to make more packets to deliver to the Franciscan each week?? This is where all of you come in.........Jesus said to write about His Prayer Packets and invite His Children to donate Rosaries, St.Benedict Medals/Crosses, Miraculous Medals, Ziplock Snack Baggies, Plain 8x10 copy paper, Lexmark Black 82, Lexmark Colored 83 Print Cartridges, also if any of you would like to make up Jesus Prayer Packets to hand out or send to me we can get them to the "Franciscans" for them to hand to all the visitors and they get lots of visitors daily from all over the world!!
BUT ALL MEDALS MUST GO FIRST TO BEN BRANDT AT Ben and Velma Brandt, HTM Medals, 1816 Deep Creek Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73131
OK,so now believe me, I did ask Jesus to help me to write all this because I would never be able to explain all of this without HIM!!!
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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