Christians Black and African Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality,
6 Sept. New Prophecies For African Diaspora Christians, Catholics: Orthodox, Coptics
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
SATURDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Venusta, and Florentius with Theodore and Leontius. We are Bishops, along with Cajus, Catulinus, killed in the North and Western part of Africa, 10 March. (Also, 19 March)
Venustus, martyred in Carthage with Fortunio, 17 April
Venustus, martyred in Africa with Catulinus, 23 April
Venustus, I was a eunuch, martyred in Africa with Fabianus. 28 June
Venustus. I was martyred in Africa with Caitius, 10 Oct.
Verena, Virgin. Tradition says I was from Thebes, Kemet. I journeyed to where the Theban legionnaires died as a martyr, Agaunum, now Switzerland, Maurice, and En Valais, visiting the tombs in pilgrimage. I traveled to Solothurn where I lived as a hermitess in a grotto, performing corporal works of mercy, piety, charity, teaching through deed, and word. 1 Sept.
Verocianus, martyred in Africa, with Chrysogonus, 22 Nov.
Verulus, Secundinus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus with 16 companions. Martyred at Adrumentum, in the Western and North part of Africa. Traditions say Arian Vandals, most probably killed us as Catholics around 430 A.D. or 534 A.D. 21 Feb.
Veturius, Felix, Gaudlosus the African, Bishop, of Abitina (Abitene?)
Veturius, Seperatus, Narzalea, Cittinus, Acllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda. We are the Scillitan Martyrs, caught at Africa Proconsularis, Carthage. After two trials, the authorities ordered us beheaded, 17 July 180 A.D. under the authority of Vigellius, the first persecutor of Christians in Northwestern Africa. 17 July.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Sept 06 THE LORDS PRAYER
Medjugorje Day By Day Sept 06 THE LORDS PRAYER
St. Louis IX, Husband, Father, King of France, (1214-1270), Feast, Aug. 25
"Even if I saw Jesus on the altar in His visible form, and touched Him with my hand, and heard His voice, I should not be more convinced than I now am, that He is present in the consecrated Host. The word of Christ is sufficient for me. I need no miracle" (St. Louis).
Sept 6 Quote of the Day - If you are to recite the Our Father well, one thing is necessary: you must not leave the side of the Master who has taught it to you. -St. Theresa of Avila
Today's Tidbit - Asceticism is the practice of self-discipline. In the spiritual life asceticism - by personal prayer, meditation, self-denial, works of mortification and outgoing interpersonal works - is motivated by a love of God and contributes to growth in holiness.
Mother Teresa -
I pray for you that the Holy Spirit may fill you with His purity. I ask the Holy Spirit to free you of all impurity body, soul, mind, will, and heart that each one of you become the living tabernacle of God Most High, and so become a carrier of God's love and compassion.
Meditations by Padre Pio - The more bitterness you have, the more love you will receive.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Eureka! The well-spring of God is easy to find!
"The difference between those who have found God in faith and those who are still seeking Him is like the difference between a wife, happy in the enjoyment of her husband's companionship, and a young girl wondering if she will ever find a husband, and perhaps trying to attract men by the wrong approach.
Those who search for pleasure, fame and wealth are all seeking the Infinite, but the seekers are still on the outskirts of the Eternal City. Those with faith have penetrated to their real home within the Infinite and have found the "peace which the world cannot give."
As one can see a figure far off and not yet recognize him as a long-lost friend, so one can sense the need of the Infinite and desire the endless ecstasy of love, but not yet know that it is God."
St. Faustina's diary -
Jesus, King of Mercy, again the time has come when I am alone with You. Therefore I beg You, by all the love with which Your Heart burns, to destroy completely within me my self-love and, on the other hand, to enkindle in my heart the fire of Your purest love. (371)
In the evening, after the conference, I heard these words: I am with you. During this retreat, I will strengthen you in peace and in courage so that your strength will not fail in carrying out My designs.
Therefore you will cancel out your will absolutely in this retreat and, instead, My complete will shall be accomplished in you. Know that it will cost you much, so write these words on a clean sheet of paper: "From today on, my own will does not exist," and then cross out the page.
And on the other side write these words: "From today on, I do the will of God everywhere, always, and in everything." Be afraid of nothing; love will give you strength and make the realization of this easy. (372)
The moment I knelt down to cross out my own will, as the Lord had bid me to do, I heard this voice in my soul: From today on, do not fear God's judgment, for you will not be judged. (374)
Yesterday we read Luke's passage on the Lord's Prayer; today, let us review Matthew's account:
Pray then in this way;
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not bring us to the time of trial,
But rescue us from the Evil One.
For if you forgive others their trespasses, Your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Mt 6:9-15).
We continue today with Our Lady's commentary on the Lord's Prayer as given to Jelena:
They kingdom come: These are words of gratitude to Christ; we are telling him: "Truly, Lord, we know nothing. Without your kingdom, without your presence among us, we are weak and empty. Help us to realize that our earthly kingdom soon passes away, but that the kingdom of heaven remains eternally. O Lord, re-establish your kingdom among us!"
They will be done: "O Lord, help us to realize the futility of our kingdoms of materialism and vanity; may they fade to nothing in the presence of your kingdom of light and truth. At this moment, and forever, may thy will be done."
On earth as it is in heaven: "In heaven, Lord the glorious angels revere and adore you; may our spirits be joined to theirs, that we may also revere and obey you. And through your power, may the holiness of heaven touch the earth, making it holy and bright with your love and peace."
Give us this day our daily bread: "Give us, Lord, your peace, your love, your mercy, as our spiritual bread. Nourish us today and always with this bread, your divine spirit within us. O Lord, we pray for this food, for it is life; help us to understand how to open our hearts to receive this precious gift, the fruit of grace and prayer."
Today, pray the Our Father slowly and reverently, reflecting on each phrase.
Apostolate of the Green Scapular Sept.5,2008
Our organization, Apostolate of the Green Scapular, grant Joyce L. special
permission to obtain our Heavenly Messages posted on our website at: and redistribute through electronic mail for the "personal
use" of her readers.
Dated 12/4/2006
September 5, 2008 at 2:12 a.m.
Anna Marie: Dear Mother, I hear you calling me. My Lady will you bow down and
adore your beloved Son Jesus, who suffered and died on the Cross for my sins and
the sins of the world. Then arose from the dead, ascended into Heaven where
Jesus now sits at His Fathers right hand side to judge the living and the dead
Mother Mary: Yes little daughter, I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and
always bow down and adore my Holy and Merciful Son Jesus, the Christ, who did
suffer and died on the Cross for your sins and the sins of the entire world.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother, please do speak for your sinful and sorrowful daughter
is listening.
Mother Mary: Beloved ones, thank you warmly for your remembrance of my Feast Day
and the Sorrows by which I bore during my life with my Son. The trials which I
endured were quiet and hardly bearable, knowing my Son was the Christ, the
Messiah of the world.
Yet I knew my Sons plan for salvation would require Him
to offer Himself, a human sacrifice for human kind in order for the redemption
of sins. I suffered, many nights I cried myself to sleep knowing what my Son
would endure for the love of His people.
For the love of all. My Son chose to give His life so that others would spend
their eternal life in heaven with Him. Because my Son loved. My Son loved all
before the beginning of time.
Mother Mary: My Son still loves all, yet so many have made a different choice,
they have turned away from my Sons love and have chosen to spend their eternity
in hell. When a man or woman decide that they would rather spend their eternity
in hell, my Son leads a loving Christian or two, into their life to do their
best at changing the direction they are going. This is one reason we have
chosen my sacramental of grace and mercy, the Green Scapular, to be re-infused
into modern society by means of Simple Faith.
Simple Faith is when a soul decides there is a Savior, who gave His life for all
sinners. This Simple Faith has rescued many great sinners who would otherwise
have spent their eternity in hell.
Mother Mary: Your Simple Faith can save someone who is on the wrong path. Your
Simple Faith, by means of my blessed Green Scapular works in the same way as
when Jesus sends a Christian to one who has decided, for whatever reason, they
will spend an eternity in hell.
Your Simple Faith, by means of writing a
persons name on a blessed Green Scapular acts as the spiritual equivalency to my
Sons grace pouring over and into a hopeless, otherwise condemned soul. Neither
the many sins he has committed or the grace he has refused can bar my Sons love
and mercy upon that soul.
So the more souls that are consecrated to my Son,
through my Immaculate Heart, the greater the love of God is shared and is weaved
into the fabric of human existence; the more praise and glory are given to our
one Father in Heaven, Who is all and made all.
Rejoice and be glad, heaven is only a few heart beats away and it would be very
pleasing to our Lord and Father in Heaven if your mercy for others included the
salvation of a great sinner. My Son died once on the cross for all, but we all
have an exceptional and very important roll in human existence. We must give
love to others, as love has been given to us; free of charge and without
condition. We can all do this by writing a name on a blessed Green Scapular.
Mother Mary: Daughter, tell my beloved ones, I their Mother see their
hopelessness and I ask for their courage during trying times. I ask for their
patience as my Son leads them down a different road than the one they expected
to take. Have hope, have faith that my Son, their Savior, will guide them to
eternity with Him, with His Father. With the Angels and Saints before them.
That is all little one.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother. We all love you Mother. Happy Birthday Mother.
Mother Mary: Thank you.
End of message
Messages to John Leary August 13-27,2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Jesus said: My people, you are seeing a gradual decay in Mass attendance in
America along with a decrease in priestly vocations. My faithful remnant will
need to have secret Masses in the homes, and eventually in caves, as the early
Christians hid in catacombs to avoid being killed.
As the persecution of
religious people worsens, you will need to call on My angels for protection, and
to make you invisible to those trying to kill you. Have no fear of these evil
ones because My angels will do battle with the demons and evil people.
Eventually, you will be going to My refuges where I will heal all of your
infirmities with My luminous cross and My healing springs of water.
There I will
feed you My Eucharist, water, and meat from the deer that will enter your camps.
Trust that you will have protection and all of your needs provided for. When you
see the Antichrist come into power, know that My victory is close at hand when
you will share in My Era of Peace on a renewed earth.
Thursday, August 14, 2008: (St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe)
Jesus said: My people, you treasure many saints who suffered the supreme
sacrifice of giving their lives up for another, or to die instead of denying
their faith. In these situations you recognize the true value of your human
life. These saints are models of faith, even as they followed My example in
giving My life up for all of mankinds sins.
Seeing the precious value of life,
why then are you frivolously killing life in the womb out of convenience or for
money as the doctors perform abortions This killing of innocent life in
abortions is a mortal sin whether it is the mother or the doctor. I detest these
killings because it denies My plan for these lives.
I will forgive such sins if
these people repent. Those, who repent of these abortions, will still have to
pay a heavy price in purgatory because you are accountable for killing My little
ones. Those, who do not repent of these mortal sins, are on the road to hell if
they refuse to seek My merciful forgiveness.
Even as a nation, America will be
held accountable for all of your abortions because you have made it a law of
your land to allow abortions by your Supreme Court decision. Pray for your
doctors to stop performing abortions, and for your mothers to have their
children without aborting them.
Pray also for your nations sins that you could
help atone for some of the punishment due for Americas abortions. Life is too
precious to discard it into the garbage, as you are doing, so pray for a
stoppage to all abortions in America.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, man has different skills in what he makes. On the one
side there are sculptured art forms just for its own beauty. The other skill is
how man builds his cities with various skyscrapers. Contrast your skills with
how I have crafted all of nature with its various balances.
Everything that I
create has a signature of My perfection linked to it. This is why when man
fashions plants or living things, they have imperfections that are not in
harmony with the rest of nature.
Learn from Me that the plants I gave you from
the beginning are more perfect than whatever man could make. Give thanks and
praise to Me for all the beauty that you find in nature.
Jesus said: My people, the competition at these games has brought many nations
together in a peaceful way. Some protests and politics have marred some of this
peace, but the participants are peaceful to each other, which is an example to
other nations in how they should be neighborly and loving of each other. Peace
and love go together, and are opposites to war and hate. Pray for peace every
Jesus said: My people, China, Russia, and the United States are constantly
using their influence and military to have a hold on natural resources to fuel
their economies. These forays into oil and gas countries have fuels as the goal
for their wars. The need for fuels could precipitate even more wars in the
future. Again pray that these powerful military forces are not used to gain fuel
Jesus said: My people, one of the beautiful experiences on your trip was that
you were able to have Mass every day thanks to the four priests in your group.
You were cared for by your guides and the Bianchini Family, but I and My Blessed
Mother cared for you also in our protection. Call on our help every day, and we
will be at your side.
Jesus said: My people, whenever you travel in a fair sized group on a
pilgrimage, you are bound to meet with some things that do not please you. In
less developed countries than America, you can expect to have time problems or
missed schedules.
Use these trials as a test of your faith and benefit from them
in teaching you more humility, and an understanding of what poor people have to
endure every day. Americans have been spoiled with your wealth and a higher
standard of living. This is why I said that this trip will be a sample of what
you will face during the tribulation at your refuges.
Jesus said: My people, when you go on a pilgrimage, there should be more focus
on a good prayer life and opportunities for Confession. It was coincidental that
every time that your group planned time for shopping, there were incidents with
the buses and other things that prevented your plans.
This was an example to you
to see that your real focus should be on your spiritual life more than any focus
on buying things in a shop. Eternal things of a spiritual nature last longer
than any earthly thing that you could purchase.
Jesus said: My people, when you go away on vacation, or you are on a pilgrimage
or retreat, things will continue to happen to those that you leave behind. It is
not unusual to see deaths or sicknesses to those that you know while you are
Since this happens often, it would be a good intention in your prayers to
pray for all the sick and dying that you know while you are traveling. You can
still send sympathies and acknowledgments to the families where someone has
died. By constantly praying for the sick and dying, you will reach your friends,
even when you are away.
Friday, August 15, 2008: (Assumption)
Our Blessed Mother said:
My dear children, you are all joyous today over my feast day as this celebrates
the last great gift of God for my earthly life. Our Lord prepared me before I
came onto the earth by having an Immaculate Conception without sin. By His grace
I was sinless to carry my Jesus until He was born.
I was given the title
Blessed among all of humanity. At the foot of the cross I was given to all of
you as your Heavenly Mother. Even when I died, Our Lord gave me another singular
gift of assuming me body and soul into heaven so that my body would not suffer
corruption in the grave.
You have seen some saints that have incorrupt bodies,
but I was the only one taken to heaven body and soul. I thank Jesus for all of
the gifts that He gave me, but especially the honor of being able to give birth
to my Savior, and being a part of salvation history for all of humanity.
I am
the Woman clothed with the sun and I am watching over all of my children as a
good mother. I encourage all of you to pray your daily rosaries for My
intentions, and I bring your petitions to my Son, Jesus. Give praise and glory
to God for all He has done for me and for you.
Jesus said: My people, no matter how much technology that man puts into his
tall buildings, you will not be prepared for the likes of the earthquakes that
will hit the coast of California.
These will not only shake buildings to the
ground, but even the ground will crack so deeply that the land will fall into
the ocean. The coastline geography along California will change dramatically. I
will be making a statement in the justice of My punishment that there will be no
doubt why this is happening. For many years in this area people have flaunted
their sins in My face.
When the dust settles, you will see that I will have the
last word. Now is the time for the sinners in this area to repent of their
sinful lifestyles, even as Jonah warned Nineveh. If these people refuse to
follow My request to repent, then they will meet the same fate as did Sodom and
Gomorrah. Pray that these souls will be converted while there is still time to
have their souls saved.
Saturday, August 16, 2008: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: My people, every day you do battle with the devil in every action
that you perform, so there is no denial that he exists. Those, who say there is
no devil, are denying the reality of their temptations and even denying their
sins. But I see all of your sins and the intentions in your heart that prompted
your sins. You may fool people on the earth, but I see all that you do, and you
will be judged on your actions.
The devil takes on different forms from ugly
even to an angel of light. Any temptation for sinful pleasures or sinful earthly
desires comes from him, however he may try to deceive you in his lies. It is the
excesses and your wasting of time that he uses to try and take away your prayer
time. When you have an urging by your guardian angel to do a good deed, the
devil will then try and persuade you to not do it because it is too troublesome
or inconvenient for your selfish time.
Do things out of love for Me and love for
your neighbor instead of refusing to be led to do something against what you
would rather be doing. You have to make time for prayer and good deeds, and do
not waste all of your time on entertaining yourself.
Once you learn to deny
yourself and give everything over to Me, then you will be on the right path to
heaven, just as the children are dependent on their parents.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Jesus said: My people, I know there are some with much stronger faith than
others, and these are usually the prayer warriors of the family that the rest of
the family looks up to for strength.
Those, who are weak in the faith, need some
inspiration and even prodding to come to Sunday Mass. In the Gospel you can see
the value of being persistent in your prayers because you are praying often to
change the free wills of people who are set in their ways of the world. You can
always encourage and evangelize your family to say their daily prayers and get
to monthly Confession.
These are the minimum to nourish your faith because you
need to be improving every year to work toward your goal of sainthood. Do not be
lukewarm or static in your faith, but nourish your faith and improve it with
extra reading and retreats. Without some nourishment of feeding your faith and
love of Me, your faith will wither and die. Show Me your love in prayer and your
love for your neighbor by sharing your faith and doing good deeds for them.
Jesus said: My people, this mailbox is all about how I send you messages and
requests every day, but it is your return mail that describes your answer to Me.
I may ask you to go out and speak about the faith to help evangelize souls.
may ask you to make a substantial donation to the support of My Church on
Sunday. You may not be able to fulfill all of My requests, but you should at
least make your best effort to answer them.
What I ask you to do may require a
minimum of effort, but it should be your desire to please Me by serving Me. I
ask you to give up everything in denying your will to follow My Will. By acting
on My call, you are answering My spiritual message. Some of your requests are
petitions for souls to be saved.
If you pray much for someones illnesses, your
faith in My healing could bring spiritual healing to that person. Pray for
spiritual and physical healing of your intentions for someone, and I will help
them in My time. Monday, August 18, 2008: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: My people, you do battle with the evil ones every day when you
labor to follow My Commandments.
But a day is coming when My angels will do
battle for you in defeating all the demons and evil people who are trying to
take over the world. Just as St. Michael and My good angels drove the evil
angels from heaven to hell, so again you will see St. Michael and My angels cast
all the demons and evil people from earth into hell.
The demons will be chained
in hell, and I will renew the earth to its original perfection for My people to
occupy My Era of Peace. When you follow My Commandments, you will receive your
reward on earth and in heaven.
Jesus said: My people, your farmers have had to endure many trials in floods,
tornadoes, high costs of fuel, seed, and fertilizer. Besides all the problems
with managing a risky business, he also has to compete with low cost produce
from China. Your people should support your local farmer first because food from
China could be spoiled, contain poisons, or may not be available next year.
Perishable food is different from department store toys, and it is food that you
need to live.
There was a big complaint about growing corn to make ethanol
because it drove up food prices, but now commodity prices have retreated until
the next threat of famine. Be thankful that America has fertile land for your
food which could become more valuable than oil.
Be thankful also for the crops
that I allow your farmers to grow, and that you have adequate rain to grow them.
Giving farmers enough subsidies to survive good and bad years is well worth your
investment in your future food. Pray for your farmers to be successful and
provide the food that you need to live on.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: My people, there are times when you may have a burning desire to
own the newest gadgets, cars, or homes. It is this desire that distracts you for
awhile, because once you obtain what you want, your mind quickly aspires to
something better.
Earthly things quickly become old and obsolete, and hence the
desire continues for more new ones. Instead of always seeking something better,
it may be better to be satisfied with what you have until something stops
working or breaks.
If you do not let such things control you, then you can
concentrate more on loving and pleasing Me than yourself. In the Gospel I call
you more to follow Me if you want eternal life.
This life on earth and
everything in it is passing away, and that is why focusing on prayer and loving
Me is better for your eternal life with Me. Desires for riches and new things
are your earthly nature. But you are a spiritual being and your Creator calls
you more to the things above than the things below.
Jesus said: My people, this vision of a storm is another sign that there is a
strong possibility of a major natural disaster occurring before the election.
There is also another plan by the one world people to create another deadly
scene to set up another war.
This created incident could trigger at least a
local martial law and possibly a national martial law that could postpone your
elections. Such an event could also precipitate a planned collapse on Wall
Street along with planned power outages for control of the people. Be prepared
to leave for your refuges if national martial law is declared.
The one world
people are very confident in their plans for a takeover, but the timing is
dependent on all the parts of their plan working. Such a takeover is only a
matter of when and not if it will take place. Be prepared for both My Warning
and a world government takeover. Pray for My guidance and My protection for all
of My faithful.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: My people, I have created the angels, and all of mankind over the
In every angel and every person there are varying levels of being, but
they all are directed to follow Me, even though they have free will. In other
words some angels are greater than others, but they are all fulfilling their
missions with their individual powers.
It is similar for mankind. All persons
have specific missions and are given the capability with My grace to fulfill
those missions. Some persons are greater than others in being and their
missions, but more is expected from those with greater gifts.
Whatever you have
been called to do, strive with My grace and prayer to carry it out the best that
you can. Even if you have a greater mission than someone else, you are all equal
in My eyes, and carrying out your mission means that you are only doing your
duty as My servant.
Be humble in following My Will, and do not boast, even if
you have a greater mission than someone else. All of My saints felt unworthy of
any praise, and they only wanted to give all the glory to Me.
So do not brag of
any of your accomplishments, but give all the thanks to Me for accomplishing
things through you as an instrument of Mine. Give praise and glory to Me for all
that I am accomplishing through My angels and through all of humanity.
Jesus said: My people, if there is not enough rainwater in an area, fresh water
could be hard to obtain for drinking and for growing crops. There is plenty of
water in the oceans, but distilling the salt water could be expensive for the
energy needed. Some companies are looking into the lower cost of using membranes
to convert ocean salty water into potable water.
Where there are desert
conditions and ocean water nearby, such conversions may become necessary for
survival. Be thankful if you have a ready source of fresh water because it is
more precious where fresh water is hard to obtain.
Even farmers have problems
irrigating their fields with enough well water when the well level of water gets
low during droughts. Pray for adequate rainfall, and that dry countries will be
successful in treating ocean water into fresh water.
Thursday, August 21, 2008: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: My people, this vision of a white light at night attracting the
bugs shows you how even in nature insects need help in the dark for orientation.
Man also, even in a physical way, needs a light source in pitch darkness to find
his way and do things.
A simple light bulb gives you a longer day to function.
In some jungle tribes that do not desire to use electricity, it is a normal
practice to retire to bed as darkness falls.
In a spiritual sense I am the Light
of your world, but I also provide for your physical needs as well. I am your
Creator and I comfort you with My love and peace.
My Light also attracts you to
Me for the warmth of My love and for direction to your life in the mission that
I give to each of you. When people die or have near death experiences, these
souls are drawn to My Light for their judgment.
All souls have to answer to Me,
and you are accountable to Me for all of your actions in this life. Enjoy
basking in My Light of grace and repent of your sins, so you can have eternal
life with Me in My Light in heaven.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, you are beginning to see the spiritual attacks and
persecution of religious people and My churches. You have seen some churches
burned and vandals stealing money from My churches.
But when you see deliberate
attacks to destroy statues, crucifixes, and taking Hosts out of My tabernacles,
then you are seeing more vicious attacks inspired by the demons. When you see
such vandalism against My Hosts, you will need to better protect My Hosts in a
safe place from such thefts. Pray for My protection in the coming persecution in
the tribulation.
Jesus said: My people, I have told you that whatever you treasure most will be
treasured in your hearts. If gold, money, and possessions are treasured the most
by someone, then this love of riches will be in their hearts.
If loving Me and
adoring Me in Adoration is your treasure, then your heart will be open to
receive Me. Your soul lives on forever because it is immortal, but your
possessions and your body are passing away. I am the most valuable treasure, so
deny yourself and your possessions, and hold Me close in your hearts.
Jesus said: My people, this latest tropical storm did not have strong winds,
but the proud are being humbled by the many floods from heavy rains. Water
damage will be just as severe as a major hurricane.
After this storm has left
Florida, these people will have more respect for such storms that can still
cause a lot of destruction with heavy rainfalls and floods. Pray for these
people who are suffering home losses and power outages.
Jesus said: My people, the rich people on Wall Street can complain of the
reduced value of their stocks, but the average American is struggling more just
to survive.
Those, who are still working, are seeing their wages barely
increasing, but not as fast as inflation. Benefits are being cut back while
house values are decreasing, and food and fuel costs are increasing.
Jobs are
being lost and less taxes are being collected which is causing reductions in all
levels of government budgets. Pray for your poor and working poor that I will
provide enough for them to survive.
Jesus said: My people, your news has highlighted how your education expenses
have raised your taxes to the point of where is the limit. Some are struggling
to get by, and high taxes for education are testing the limits of what people
can afford to pay.
College expenses also have no relation to reality for the
extreme prices being paid for the same education. With fewer well paying jobs
available, some are questioning if high price college educations are worthy
investments. Education expenses need to conform to the reality of all other
Jesus said: My people, you know how evil this generation is, and I have asked
My prayer warriors to be faithful to praying their daily rosaries. In addition
to your prayers and praying that I will double them, there is another source of
power in visiting My Blessed Sacrament.
For every visit that you make to adore
Me, you could also pray that I will double your graces for adoring Me. This
combination of prayer and Adoration will be your counterbalance for all the sin
that is going on in your world.
Without enough counterbalancing for sin, then My
wrath and justice would fall heavily on the earth. At the height of evil with
the Antichrist, I will truly condemn the evil ones to hell and raise up My
faithful on a renewed earth. Prepare your souls with Confession and do your part
to counter the sin in the world.
Our Lady said: My dear children, when you look at this blue butterfly, I thank
your host for bringing it to you to see how they appear. Marie Esperanza
received a message from me that the presence of these live blue butterflies are
a sign to the pilgrims of my very presence among them.
This is why seeing
seventeen such sightings is why I had a long enduring presence with you during
Mass and your rosaries. Thank you for all of your rosaries for My intentions
because there is much need of your prayers for this world.
Friday, August 23, 2008: (Queenship of Mary)
Our Lady said: My dear children, you have recently celebrated my feast day of
my Assumption into heaven by my Son, Jesus. At the foot of the cross I was given
by my Son to be the Mother of all of humanity, and I place my mantle of
protection over all of my children.
Those, who pray my rosaries everyday, are
part of my prayer legions to fight the devil and his demons. Some of my children
are weak in their faith or have not chosen to follow my Son. These souls are in
special need of your prayers.
Those souls, that make special pilgrimages to my
shrines, will receive extra graces from my Son for your efforts to be close to
our two hearts. Love should always be in your heart for both your friends and
your enemies.
Jesus said: My people, you have had a couple of years with very little damage
from hurricanes and tropical storms. You are learning this year that even
tropical storms can cause a lot of widespread flooding. Yet, you have not gone
through the peak of this hurricane season with time for more storms to test your
Pray that any such storms will weaken before they hit land, and pray for
the needed help for those in the floods to recover. I have told you before that
the violence that you see in nature is a reflection of the evil and violent
killing of man. Pray for peace and less killing so you can see less violence in
these storms.
Saturday, August 23, 2008: (St. Rose of Lima, Peru)
Jesus said: My people, this tactic of faking attacks by terrorists as an excuse
for war provocations is getting very stale. The American people should start
analyzing the source of these attacks.
They would see that they are direct plans
by the one world people to get America involved in more wars to make money, and
to destroy your economy and your military in the process. In order for these
people to take you over in the North American Union, they have to weaken you so
you are no longer a threat to them.
These are the plans led by the devil as he
prepares the way for the Antichrist to take over. These events could even take
place before your elections and precipitate national martial law. The Warning
will happen before the Antichrist comes to power so souls will be prepared for
this height of evil.
Implementation of mandatory chips in the body will also be
coming soon. When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, refuse
these chips in the body,and prepare to leave for your refuges following My call
for your guardian angels to lead you to safe havens.
Trust in Me that I will
protect your souls, even though some may be martyred for their faith and become
instant saints. You are living in ominous times when evil will be allowed a
brief reign. Have no fear and be at peace because I will soon come to vanquish
these evil ones to hell, and raise up My faithful in My Era of Peace.
Jesus said: My people, some people know of the capabilities of your secret
agencies, who are run by the one world people, and how they have constant
information of everything that you do.
The more that you are a threat to their
new world order, the more they will keep surveillance on your communications.
These people think that they are invincible, but they do not know the
capabilities of My angels in protecting My faithful.
Because of this constant
monitoring, My faithful will need to leave all of their means of following you
behind when I call you to My refuges. Leave all cell phones, credit smart cards,
and entry cards at home so they do not know that you left your home. When I call
you to leave, take your backpack and preparations, and I will have your guardian
angel lead you to My nearest refuge.
Once you are on the road and away from your
home, your guardian angel will blind the evil ones from tracking you and make
you invisible. If you should stay at home too long after your warning, you could
be captured and killed by the evil ones.
At the end of the tribulation I will
bring My Comet of Chastisement and many will die, and all electronics will cease
working. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, so have patience for a while
because My victory will be complete as all the evil ones will be cast into hell.
Then My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven. Sunday, August 24, 2008:
Jesus said: My people, My disciples in their early training did not have the
full understanding of My mission, and it was only by the power of the Holy
Spirit that St. Peter could announce that I was the Christ, the Son of the
living God.
Because My faithful have the Scriptures to read, and you know of My
death and Resurrection, it is easier for you to understand that I am your Savior
and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.
It is more important that you
establish a personal relationship with Me out of love. When you have faith to
believe in Me and a desire to love Me, then I can use you to fulfill the mission
that I have for your life.
But you must be willing to deny yourself and follow
Me in My Will. At times you may desire to run things on your own, but after your
failures, you learn that My Way is the best way for your soul. So learn from Me
and the mistakes that you have made in life. By following My Commandments and My
direction for your soul, then you will have the promise of My salvation, and be
on the narrow road to heaven.
Monday, August 25, 2008: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you how a dairy farmer has to struggle in
planting and harvesting the feed for his cows.
The vision of this storage of
grain into a silo represents a preparation that My people need to focus on for
both food storage and readiness to go to My refuges. Those, who are planning to
be final refuges or interim refuges, need to have some food storage so I can
multiply what you have for those people who will be coming to stay with you. I
have called various people to run My refuges, and they should by now be in the
last stages of their preparations.
The events leading up to a world takeover
will be moving fast. Just as the one world people are making their plans, My
angels and I are making our own plans to help My faithful. The evil ones know
that their time is running out, so they will be stepping up their pace of evil
in wars and planned takeovers.
Trust in My power and My help to get you through
this coming tribulation. Know that as these evil forces come into power, that My
victory is not far off. You will be in a great battle for souls, but with My
help and My angels fighting for you, you will be able to save those souls who
choose to follow Me.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you messages about another staged terrorist
attack that would be intended to provoke another war. Iran has been targeted as
one of the axis of evil, and they are threatening to destroy Israel once they
develop nuclear weapons. Iran has test fired missiles to deliver warheads as far
as Israel.
By blaming Iran for any terrorist attack, this would be a provocation
to attack Iran. The missile being fired in the vision is intended to strike
Irans nuclear manufacturing site. The one world people are continuing to
involve America in war after war to weaken you by spreading your military forces
too thin so it would be difficult to defend the homeland.
By staging these
terrorist attacks, the one world people are using fear and security tactics to
start the wars that they wanted in the first place. I am warning America of
these false tactics to involve you in more wars. Look to the source of these
plans, and you will find the true enemies are in your midst. Continue to pray
for peace, and do not be drawn into more wars just to make the rich richer.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Jesus said: My people, you have a great desire to keep a good outward
appearance in your yards and how you wear your clothes. Yet, you still have
untidy garages and basements. In your spiritual lives some may be going to
church on Sunday, but they do not pray, nor do they go to Confession to repent
of their sins.
It is hard to cleanse your souls of sin if you do not even admit
that you are a sinner, and only claim that you are a good person. You all have a
weakness to sin, and those, who claim they are not sinners, are liars according
to the Scriptures.
Even if you commit only venial sins, you should have them
forgiven in Confession at least once a month. A problem arises when someone
commits sins of fornication and they do not think they are sinning.
You need a
proper formation of conscience in order to know right from wrong without any
rationalizations. Once you have committed any sexual sins or other mortal sins,
you need to get to Confession before receiving Holy Communion at the Mass. Do
not become lazy by putting off Confession because you commit a sin of sacrilege
if you receive Holy Communion with mortal sin on your souls.
So cleansing the
inner soul of sin is more important than cleansing the outward appearances. It
is the state of your soul that will allow you into heaven more than just your
outward appearances.
Jesus said: My people, I have told you that the one world people were purposely
forming trade unions for every continent. You have the European Union and soon
you will have the North American Union.
Each nation will lose its sovereignty
and there will be common currencies which will later be replaced by microchips
in the body for buying and selling.
Each union will have its main
representative. Once the one world people put the Antichrist into power, he will
be the head of the one world government over all of the heads of the continental
unions. This is the vision of the Antichrist leading all of the nations.
reign will be brief for less than three and one-half years. At the height of his
power I will come in victory to have him cast into hell along with all the evil
people and demons. Wednesday, August 27, 2008: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: My people, many of My faithful have had to struggle with
imperfections in their spiritual lives. Even the saints were tried in their
faith over the years. St. Augustine was searching in his early life in a pagan
Through the prayers of his mother, St. Monica, he was finally
converted and became a great doctor of My Church. I call people from all walks
of life, and even great sinners to be converted to the faith.
So even if you
have fallen away from your faith, I have given people the grace to return to
their former fervor of love for Me. Until your dying day I am still like the
hound of heaven searching to offer souls salvation if they would only repent of
their sins and recognize Me as Savior and Master of their lives.
You all have
taken years of progress to get to your level of faith, so do not be critical of
others who may be at different stages of growth in their faith than you are.
Love one another as I love you, and continue to pray for the conversion of
sinners, especially those souls in your family that may have drifted away from
their faith.
[1] Beauty is a movement that is of God; God revealed himself to Lucifer. He was
receiving beauty through God's beauty: a movement that gives itself, a movement
that never stops nourishing those who gaze upon it.
The angel of God was
receiving from God this movement which was transforming him completely into
light, and this movement was nourishing that angel continuously.
Through God,
all is nourished. Who is similar to God ? no spirit that was ever created.
Movement is of God and therefore, the movement is living. It is through God that
movement is living and nourishes: God's beauty was nourishing the beauty of the
Vision to littlest of servants September 1, 2008
While in Church during a holy hour in front of the BLESSED SACRAMENT, I was
given the following vision.
I saw many men standing around in groups and they were wearing ties but not
jackets and they were all yelling out and swearing and using the GOD'S name in
vain. The words that I heard were we have to stop it and sell, sell, sell.
I then saw what looked to be hundreds of computers and many were shutting down
as they could not handle the volume of information that was being fed to them.
I then saw headlines in a newspaper and the headlines read that the stock market
crash was much greater than the last one.
After this vision JESUS spoke to me and told me that the day of declaration for
the anti-christ was near.
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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