African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
12 Sept. New Prophecies For African Diaspora Christians, Catholics: Orthodox, Coptics
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
SATURDAY - Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Secundianus , Quartus, Victorianus, Januarius, Medianus, Adauctus, Denecutia, Maximianus, Alexander, Proculus, Afranus, Audactus, and Deodatus. Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Secundianus, I was a bishop with Jacobus, Marianus, Concordia, Marina, Heliodorus, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
Secundinus, I am the priest martyr in 259 A.D. Citra, what is now Algeria, Africa. I was martyred with Agapius, Antonia, Emilian (Aemilianus), Tertula, and names unknown-none lady with two children, 29 April
Secundilla. Martyred in Africa with Adrianus, 1 March
Secundinus, with Verulus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus with 16 companions. Martyred at Adrumentums, in the Western and North part of Africa. Traditions say Arian Vandals, most probably killed us as Catholics around 430 A.D. or 534 A.D. 21 Feb.
Secundinus. Martyred in Africa with Lucius, 18 Feb.
Secundinus, I was a Bishop and martyr in Africa with Marianus, 30 April, and 30 Aug.
Secundinus martyred in Africa with Victorianus, 14 May.
Secundulus, Felicitas (202, 203 A.D.), martyrs. 1 Feb.
Secundus (Secundulus), and Romulus. We are brothers who died as martyrs. Tradition says we were of Tambula, Mauretania.
Secundus. Martyred in Africa with Caitus, 10 Oct.
Secundus of Ventimiglia, A Theban Legionnaire, a general (Primicerius). I retreated from Aguanum Switzerl My unit was captured at the Liguria seashore. I was beheaded in Ventimiglia. 26 Aug.
Secundus with other martyrs. Serapeum and 4966 other Christians were driven into desert by Vandals.
Secundus. Martyred in Hippo Carthage with Siddinus, 15 Nov.
Secundus. Martyred in Africa withDominicus.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
TO POST September 20, 2008
Part 4 - Teaching from the Lord through THE GIRL OF MY WILL - 05-05-2007
Gathering of Love With God's Action in Saint-Etienne de Bolton, Quebec, Can,
Through His Instrument, the Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-05-05 ? Part 4
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: So, there are going to be a lot
of people at Confession.
Very often, there have been questions in our life; we have felt emotions
regarding sexuality and we didn’t want this, we were suffering because of this;
this wasn’t a sin, but we had doubts, we doubted our confession, we doubted the
graces we were receiving.
And well, because we carry in our flesh what our flesh should never have known,
we’re going to give, we’re going to give all those who came to know this since
Adam and Eve.
How can we give something that goes back one hundred years, two hundred years,
three hundred years, four hundred years, seven hundred years? No, now we know,
we know that this comes from our first parents, from the era of our first
We can no longer limit ourselves only to us or to our parents, grandparents,
great, great-grandparents, we have to go further than that: yes, Adam, back to
the first soul and all the way up to the last one.
All this, it has to be done with the knowledge that rises up within us through
the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we’re praying and we get a feeling that comes out of nowhere: I didn’t do
a thing, I didn’t watch anything, I was inside myself praying, well, don’t
panic, don’t lose your peace.
The Holy Spirit, through the power of God, put us in a state of grace so that
what is causing us to suffer inside, in our flesh, can emerge, thus enabling us
to give this to Jesus.
Let’s keep our peace, all is done through the power of the Holy Spirit: there
isn't one single human who can carry out this movement because not one single
human knows.
What does the human being know? What is he supposed to know? The human being
knows nothing, the human being understands nothing, he's blind, he's deaf due to
his suffering, and that suffering comes from choices, from the first choice that
made us weak before sin, and sin is always there.
The first sin: the disobedience; through the sacrament of Baptism, this sin is
How many people do we carry that haven’t received the sacrament of Baptism? Well
then, let’s keep our peace.
If we disobey God, if we take ourselves for gods, then let’s give this to God.
But when are we supposed to give this? When the Holy Spirit enables us to
understand it; it isn't another who will make us understand this, it’s the Holy
Everything is going to happen from the inside. Why? Because the interior is in a
movement of knowledge, the interior is in a movement of memories, the interior
is in a movement of absorption, the interior is in a movement of reminders, the
interior is in a movement of servitude: we must serve only God, and through God,
we can serve our neighbour.
This means that when we’re in a movement through the power of the Holy Spirit,
there's a movement the happens inside us; whatever belongs to us through our
flesh, that is an obstacle to our purification, rises up within us, and this can
only be done through the knowledge of what inhabits us inside.
God respects the being that we are: we are God's children through our choices
before sin, enveloped in God's mercy; without God's mercy, we would be incapable
of saying yes to God; we would be in too much pain.
When Jesus said yes to his Father, he said it with his entire Being, with all
his love; don’t forget that Jesus, when he said yes for us, he was a sinner, he
was the greatest sinner of the world; his flesh was in so much pain that it was
emanating its pain: he was perspiring pain; so, he said yes through his
suffering, with his suffering, for God, out of love for God.
And so, us, when we’re inside ourselves in a movement of revelation, that?s
because God knows we’re ready to say yes; he knows we’re suffering, he knows
that we are, in our flesh, in tremendous pain, but covered in his Blood: that
Blood covered us so that we could say yes, a real yes, a true yes.
Remember, for those of you who read book IV, that there are several kinds of
yeses: the yes that is said like a child, the yes that is said spontaneously,
true, pure, that doesn’t ask itself questions, is the one that emerges from us
instantaneously; this is the one we know through the power of the Holy Spirit,
covered in his Precious Blood; it emerges from us joyfully because Jesus uttered
He said his yes with so much love, he said it for us, for the sinful being that
he was: so, as he was us, he said it with love, with joy.
And so, when everything rises up inside through the power of the Holy Spirit,
and makes itself known to us externally, then it’s a yes that we give, a true
We’re sinners, we’re huge sinners: this rises up and emerges, like Jesus when he
was a sinner, a great sinner: he was allowing his Blood to flow: the yes ? this
is us, this is our purification.
What we are, we are so through Jesus; remember that Jesus of love was once a
great sinner for the sake of love, and so, when we, we give our yes, we can't
give it for ourselves ? we give it because we’re sinners, huge sinners; we?re
accepting to be like Jesus: a huge sinner.
Since Adam and Eve, we’ve been agreeing to be in those who slept with the demons
? it goes that far! Because they were created by God, they were part of a
movement, a movement that knew the very presence of God.
Yes, they were incapable of saying no because of everything they had, by choice,
wanted to accept ? but they’re our sisters.
When I saw those beings that were moving around and they said, All you have
said is truth, go on,? well? Oh! They didn’t want to say it, but God's Will was
upon them and they said it because in the very beginning, remember that the
words weren’t nice words, words that were incomprehensible to me they were
words of suffering and all words of suffering do not bear God's Will, they bear
suffering, hatred, destruction; but it was more than this that was presenting
itself before me and God permitted that I hear ? they said what God wanted me to
And so, us, when we say yes like a tiny little child, we say it for all the
children of the world we carry within us, and so, we allow ourselves to be
liberated, we allow ourselves to be purified, and those who are in us feel the
effects of this.
Since those women bore knowledge on their flesh and because today, many, and the
number is incalculable ? I'm using the word ?incalculable? because it’s the Holy
Spirit who’s saying it ? know and do what they did: New Age has spread
We carry this inside us, we’re no better than those who are in the New Age
movement but, through prayer, through Jesus, through the sacraments, we ask God
for forgiveness, and we’re suspicious.
Remember that those women who saw those beings, were looking at beings that
weren’t in God's likeness; those beings were carrying out movements that were
not in their habits; they watched them, and do you think that they didn’t ask
themselves questions?
They were in their human will, they had to chose between good and evil, and
therefore, human will was in them; so, they were asking themselves questions:
Why are these beings so skilful? Why do these beings do this or that? Why is it
that, when they pick up stones, those stones seem to have power?? They were
suspicious of them but at the same time, they were drawing closer to them.
And so, God says the same thing for us ? we mustn?t go near those methods: New
Age, we know what it is.
Let’s be careful, for if they, they succumbed, how many more times will we
succumb! Don’t forget that those women were close to perfection.
Oh! Hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, and hundreds of years had gone by
but they were still closer than we who are thousands, thousands and thousands of
years further from the perfection that came from Adam and Eve through God.
And so, they looked upon those vile beings, they looked at what they were doing,
and yet, they weakened: they were seduced, and so, us, let?s be prudent.
This is why Mother Mary is always asking us to pray close to her Son, in her
Son; Mother Mary is warning us against seeking escape, vanity, pride, the
seduction of this world.
The seduction of this world comes from them, the demons; the wealth in this
world comes from them, from those demons; everything that they brought was
Remember that when Noah brought his family on board, there was a child who
entered and who was from Cain’s lineage; he entered and went along with all the
others, but when they rebuilt on earth, when they worked the earth, he brought
knowledge to them because in his flesh, he had all this, he had all that
And so, he was showing them, and because he was intelligent, he was showing them
in a subtle way: how to use certain herbs, how to use certain stones, how to
make certain objects so as to turn them into little idols.
You see, he continued showing them idolatry, he continued using seduction, and
so this was perpetuated.
There was the Tower of Babel, and that Tower of Babel was built by humans, and
what perfection, what beauty it possessed! That tower was very high; it was, to
the humans, very beautiful, powerful.
One could see man’s intelligence, not God's, because God didn’t want that tower;
God had shown them simple homes, homes of love, but that tower was the pride of
what we, we are.
We are the Tower of Babel: we are those who, from age to age, have allowed
themselves to be deceived; we are those who, from age to age, have accepted New
Age; we talk about New Age, but this is also the occult sciences.
Over time, they built that tower high enough to reach the sky so as to destroy
God; the occult sciences are with us for this purpose: to go where the soul is
in order to destroy it, to go where the soul is to control it, to show it that
it’s in the hands of the one who claims to be God: the Antichrist.
You have often heard that there would be an Antichrist; you have often heard
that there would be one who would allow others to adore him, who would demand to
be adored; you have often heard about the one who would like to be Christ, who
would claim to be Christ: he is before you, around you, in your presence; he
makes himself known to you, he makes himself accepted by you and you open your
heart to him.
He places his orders within you, he places within you? ?Can you hear me? Can you
hear?? (The microphone stopped working.)
The audience: No.
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Well, let?s get up then and
take a ten minute break.
Thank you Lord, thank you Mother Mary.
O Spirit of the living God, come down into our hearts (repeat)
Take us, change us, fill us, guide us
O Spirit of the living God, come down into our hearts (repeat)
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: ?Almighty God, grant each of us
your power, enable your Will, your Will of love, to be born within us: a will
that sheds light, a will that brings joy and peace.
Come and cover us with your peace, come and cover us with your power, your
power; there can be none other than you, for you are the Power, you are the
Power of love.
What other power can we need other than your power? You are The Love, you
created us, you made of us true beings, and today, you enable us to understand
that your Will is a powerful will.
You are taking us back to a time, to a time when the demons seduced your
creatures, making them fall, bringing them impure knowledge, turning those
beings into beings that were serving evil rather than serving your power.
When we belong to you, O God of love, we understand, we savour, we taste true
love: a sincere love, a love that doesn’t hurt, a love that respects, a love
that is equal.
Yes, you love us all the same, God; you do not favour one over another to the
detriment of one over another, you want us to be completely yours.
Take us, Lord, take what we are and turn us into your Will.
May your Will be done, O almighty God, not our will.
In the very beginning, God of love, you taught us about demons; in the very
beginning, Lord, you took us on a journey, accompanied by Adam and Eve;
afterward, you took us to Noah, and after that, you took us to his descendants.
Oh! The descendants who built the Tower of Babel, a vain tower, a tower made of
what men wanted to contribute to this world, and this was coming from that
being, that being that had insinuated himself into Noah?s ark.
His name was Hom, in order to be the one who would us bring the continuation of
evil, and we allowed ourselves to be taken in.
You use the word ?we?, Lord, to make us understand that we fell into a trap, the
one of taking ourselves for God, for what they brought us, those demons, was
pride, lies.
When we look at ourselves, we recognize that we’re children of God, but when we
take pleasure in what we know, then we are beings who take themselves for gods;
and those who take themselves for gods, serve Satan, serve the one who is the
Deceiver, the one who wants to take Jesus? place, the Son of God, the Beloved of
God, the Anointed of God.
Jesus is the Anointed of the Father, he's the Alpha and the Omega, he's the
Almightiness, but the one who wants to be in his Son's place is the one who made
himself known to us through revelations.
Yes, we were warned by John that there would come a time when the Antichrist
would come, would reveal himself, would be at the head of God's children, he
would sit upon Peter’s throne.
God of love, you gave us Benedict XVI, you gave us a pope for this time, a pope
filled with light, a pope filled with the love of Christ; he protects us, he
protects us against the one who wants his throne, he protects us from his
The Mother of God is among us, she shows us the path to follow.
In the very beginning, when God began to speak, a movement was within me, a
movement of power; he was pushing me forward, but with gentleness, tenderness;
he wanted me to be obedient, he wanted me to abandon myself on behalf of all of
us, for myself and for you, in order to impart knowledge.
The being of darkness has taken up his position: the being of darkness is with
us in our lives, in our own houses, among our friends; he shows us that we are
important. This is the trap into which we have fallen and that he put in front
of us: he's the Antichrist who saw to it that, in our day, we would see
ourselves as being important.
We’re in a society in which we claim to be powerful, we’re in a society in which
we have taken energy and turned into an enormous power in his name: yes, in the
name of money, and therefore, in the name of the Antichrist, and we have fallen
into a trap, for we are used to that energy, to that power, to a black, oily
power, that makes us go forward and that brings us suffering.
The Antichrist gives to us in order to control, to make us suffer more; he gave
us a liquid that we took from the earth: that liquid is oil.
He entered our life hypocritically, he insinuated himself into our life as if he
were something essential, as even the most important thing; without oil, today,
we have the impression of no longer being part of this world but rather, of
prehistoric times.
We no longer want to make do without this black, oily liquid, this liquid that
brings us suffering, because due to this we have difficulty breathing, because
of this, lives are ending, because of this, money has become our prince.
We have taken money as our prince, yes, because we need it, it is essential in
our life, as essential as oil; he has made himself master of our daily life: he
knows where we’re going, he knows where we stop, he knows when we leave again
and he knows what we’re going to need: more and more of that black liquid in
order to go forward.
To us, that black liquid, has become a form of nourishment: we nourish ourselves
with this drink that goes against us, we eat it, we absorb it and we poison
ourselves, for this black liquid is in the air and we swallow it.
He has succeeded in poisoning the earth; we mask its odour, we mask its taste,
but this doesn’t prevent it from poisoning our life.
We idolize that liquid, for if they were to say to you: there's no more oil, so
you can't use your car anymore, you can't make the heating system in your house
work, or the air-conditioner in your house; certain machines can no longer
function, and therefore, most things don’t function, and so much more.
And then, you, at this very moment, would you be ready to leave your cars here?
Would you be ready to give up everything that oil provides us, at this very
You see, it would take you a certain amount of time to adapt, and God knows
this, and God will take care of this, for soon there won?t be anymore.
But Satan, him, he has succeeded in creating this need within you, so much so
that you panic: ?What are we going to do? How are we going to live? What is
going to give us heat? With what are we going to replace this?? With energy ?
electricity! So, he's replacing one power with another power.
What does this contribute to our lives as children of God? What harm is there in
using our car? What harm is there in using electricity?
Well then, tell me, how will you go about functioning in a life in which there
are no longer refrigerators, or in which there is no longer water when you turn
on the tap?
You see, this is important to us and if all this is important to us, that?s
because this has become to us something that is very important, so much so that
we discuss what God is placing in our hearts: that we should be children like
our first parents.
Our first parents didn’t have that black liquid; our first parent didn’t need
electricity; our first parents were beings of love, simple beings; they were
happy with what God was giving them, but what they had was everything, more than
what we, we know.
But we argue, we’re going to argue: this won?t happen easily because we have
placed this before ourselves; we have placed schooling before ourselves, we have
placed electricity before ourselves, because we need this, we don’t really have
a need of ourselves.
We, ourselves, can we warm ourselves? Are we able to get ourselves to where we,
we want to go when, in order to come here, it took an hour for most of you, a
half hour, two hours, five hours? On foot, this would take much longer.
It’s that we have placed a need before ourselves; that need has become more
important than ourselves.
Walking doesn’t kill you, it doesn’t take the pure air away from us; it makes us
stronger, it makes us alert, it makes us understand that we are true before God,
it makes us understand that God gave us what we needed to go forward; but we
have lost all this.
The Antichrist made all this glimmer in front of us, because this came to us
only within the last century that has just gone by.
You see, he was there, him; he was there to enable us to become lost, because he
wants us to become lost: he wants to have our soul.
His goal was to make us love something more than ourselves, and this way, it
would be easier to idolize him; when we forget ourselves, we no longer think of
what we are: children of God.
You shall love your God with all your soul, with all your strength, with all
your mind, with all your heart.? Can we say that we love with all our heart? We
don’t have the heart to leave our car here.
Can we say that we love with all our
mind? We have the spirit of this world, we don’t have the spirit of absolute
abandonment in God's hands, we lack faith, the faith that we’ll return home
without incident we must love. Can we say that we love with all our strength?
No, since we don’t have the strength to make a decision. (Let?s leave that aside
for the moment, it’s only twenty to four and we still have another teaching for
tonight; we’ll have the time to think if we want to walk home.) it’s Can we say that
we love with all our soul, a soul that belongs to God, a soul that comes from
God and a soul that must return to God? Can we talk to him and say, You will
give me what I need tonight, in graces, to go home, to my house as God wills it
and not as I will it?? Are you able to do this? This is what loving God before
ourselves is, and this is what loving ourselves before material things is,
before that source of energy, an energy that doesn’t come from God.
Remember that in the very beginning, the fallen angels showed God's children how
to possess a certain power, how to be gods, goddesses.
They led God's children to building the Tower of Babel in order to reach the sky
to confront God.
And so, during the years in which our parents lived, we have been before this,
for if we go back three hundred years, there were horses, people walked; they
didn’t ask themselves questions ? this is how it was.
How is it that there were some who thought of making cars that used oil? That?s
because this was within their flesh and it had been there since the ones who
built the Tower of Babel: power.
Satan found an opening and he took advantage of it, and he made our grandparents
aware of the comfort of the automobile; he made our grandparents aware of the
comfort of electricity, and we were seduced: we were nourished and we still
nourish ourselves with what they brought into this world.
You see, this world is in seduction; we are before Satan and we allow ourselves
to be seduced by him, for he is the spirit of this world.
He's among us, we can see him; can we say that we don’t see those abuses? Can we
say that we don’t see beings dying because of oil? Because of electricity? Do
you know how many people died in the dams? Do you know how many people died when
they poured that cement?
They didn’t tell you about this, did they? Hundreds of people died; a day didn’t
go by without a death, but no one talked about it, this couldn’t get out, for
they needed to hire people.
All this doesn’t come from God; this has brought much suffering, this has
brought suffering within us.
You see, the gods made themselves known to us: they’re the ones who love money
to the detriment of humans, of their brothers, of their sisters, who had
families, children of God, who had grandchildren ? and us, how do we react
before all this? Can we say that we weren’t aware of this?
Yes, we were aware of
it, we weren’t aware of the quantity but we were aware that there were
accidents, we were aware that there were losses due to power.
Didn’t Satan seduce us? How come we were able to accept all this? Well, ask
yourselves this question: how is it that human beings agreed to build the Tower
of Babel? How is it that children of God agreed to die, they as well, in the
name of the Tower of Babel because there were deaths then as well, many
deaths? This is because Satan was the master of all this and he passed himself
off as God.
Today, we see this and we know; yes, we can say, Oh! It’s the Antichrist, the
power, he controls men.? Oh! There aren’t many of them but they control the
world, the children of God: this is the Antichrist.
Did you think that he was going to stand in front of you and say, ?Bow down and
adore me?? Do you believe that he is truth to that point, light to that point?
He is the darkness.
Light: he claims to be light and he's the darkness; he claims to be our good and
he's the darkness; he claims to be our comfort and he's the darkness; he claims
to want to save lives and he's the darkness: us, we’re living in the night of
If today, we’re agreeing to listen, this is because Mother Mary has called us to
her to take refuge in her Heart, and because we were in this Heart, we were in
the Heart of her Son, and she spoke to us; she made us pray: we became children
of the Light.
Yes, We’re living in the night of darkness, but We’re children of the Light.
Mother Mary protected us until today and We’re ready now to take a look at
ourselves, to go forward.
We’re the ones who carry the truth, we’re the ones who say we want the truth;
we’re not afraid, we’re not afraid of Satan, of the Antichrist, because we have
holy water with us, since we have Mother Mary with us, the rosary; since we wear
a cross, we’re not afraid to say that we belong to Christ, that we belong to
Jesus Crucified and that we’re in the Cross, in the glorious Cross.
We’re not afraid since we do nothing but say yes to God and We’re tiny little
children: as long as we regard ourselves as tiny little children, very tiny,
we’ll be before God and we won’t put anything between God and us, absolutely
And so, if he wants us to walk tonight, we’ll say yes.
We’re going to attend Mass as beings of love, and if the priests would be so
kind ? because Jesus never forces his Church ? as to give us the mark of the
sign of Jesus? children on our foreheads; those who have already received it may
receive it on behalf of our brothers and our sisters of the entire world.
How many graces we need because when they receive graces, we receive graces; and
so, let’s allow ourselves to be fulfilled.
And now, we will leave all the room to the Church, to the Christ-Priest.
Thank you, Lord.
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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