African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
12 Sept. New Prophecies For African Diaspora Christians, Catholics: Orthodox, Coptics
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Secundus, Siddinus, Saturninus, Servus, Calendion, Galanus, Primigenus, Theodotus, Demetrius, Parens, Satura, Victoria, the persecutions of Valeriana, and Firma. Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, 15 Nov.
Securus, Martyred in Africa with Severus, 2 Dec.
Securus, Severus (also known as Verus) with Januarius, and Victorinus. Martyrs in Africa. 2 Dec.
Sedeza, I am a student disciple of Ammonius, 15 May. Coptic Calendar
Sektar, I am an Abyssinian friend of God, 26 Oct.
Selaficus (Seleucus) with my wife, Statonica. We are martyrs, 11 March. Coptic Calendar.
Selarianus with my sister Tatusbaya, 22 Nov. Coptic Calendar.
Selenias of Kemet (Egypt) (4th century), martyr, June 5.
Seleucus “The Kemetian” (Kemetian). martyred at Calcedon. 17 Sept.
Semrata Zion “The Beloved of Zion”. I am an Abyssinian/Ethiopian saint, 27 April,
Senuthius of Buasti, priest, Iraja (Herais) with brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest.
Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Seperatus, Narzalea, Cittinus, Veturius, Acllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda. We are the Scillitan Martyrs, caught at Africa Proconsularis, Carthage.
After two trials, the authorities ordered us beheaded, 17 July 180 A.D. under the authority of the first persecutor of Christians in Northwestern Africa, Vigellius. 17 July.
Septimus, and Maximus, a boy at the monastery of Capsa
Serapammon (amba Serapammon) and companions, Kemet 13 Dec. Coptic Calendar.
Serapammon (Serabamon), I wmartyred1_. Coptic Calendar.
Serapamon, I was a bishop and martyr in Nikin, Kemet. Arrhianus, Antinoe governor ordered me to die, during the persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian. 24 Nov
Serapeum, 4966 other martyrs with Secundus, and other Christians were driven into desert by vandals;
Serapio. African monk in the desert encompassing Ethiopia, Mazices, and Mauretania. Visited in the desert and Nitria by an old historian. Contemporary of Arsisius.
Serapion (I was beheaded), martyred with Victorinus, Victor the Ninivite, Ninivita, Nicoforus, Claudianus (I had my legs whacked off), Diodorus (I was burned alive) martyred in Kemet. Some confusion exists to actually where we were martyred. 24 Feb. 27 April in some Menology, 25 Feb. in others, Roman Martyrology says martyred at Diospolis, Kemet, 284 A.D.
Serapion (Sarapion) the Scholastic martyr,
Serapion and Ammon, lectors with Iranaeus (Hereneus) deacon with bishop of Pentapolis in Libya Theodore, died martyred in 310 A.D. under Gallienus. We had our tongues cut out. We survived and died in piece. 20 March, or 8 April, calendar, Coptic Church .
Serapion (priest martyr) and Cronides in Alexandria (237 A.D.), martyr 13 Sept.
Serapion of Kemet (Egypt), April 11
Serapion of Kemet April 7
Serapion of Kemet, Carthage (3rd century, 251 A.D.), martyr .
Serapion of Kemet with Patamon, and Palmus. Martyred in Alexandria with 18 May, or 19 May.
Serapion of Kemet May 14
Serapion the Kemetian, and 1,218 soldiers, see women and children in Galatia (138,161 A.D.), martyr. 24 May
Serapion the Kemetian, who suffered in Galatia, martyr, June 4?
Serration, bishop of Thmuis in Lower Kemet, 21 March
Serapion, Cronides (Hieronides), and Leontius of Alexandria, martyr, 11 Sept.
Serapion, martyred in Alexandria, withTrophimus, 13 July.
Serapion, martyred in Nakius (Babnusah) in lower Kemet.
Fortunatus, and Avitus, Martyred in Africa, 5 Feb.
I was of the wealthy property class. Persecutions of Diocletia I traveled to Alexandria with friends Theodore, and Thomas his servant. I witnessed Christ Jesus before Armenius the Prefect. We were tortured.
Serapion, monk of Kemet (5th century), 14 May
Serapion, of Kemet , martyr with Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, and Papias of Kemet. 31 Jan, (251 A.D.), martyrs.
Serapion, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Colluthus, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan.
Serapion, priest with Sirus (also known as Horus), Bishop, Martyrs , in Kemet, 11 Sept.
Serapion of Thmuis, in the Nile Delta between 337A.D. and 339 A.D. mentioned by Athanasius. Among the Holy Folk. Serapion ostensibly the right-hand man of Athan. among the bishops of Egypt, junior in rank to Athanasius by 335 A.D. I was a friend and legatee of S. Antony …living after 368 A.D.
Serapion with Patamon, Pantherus, martyred at Alexandria 18 May, or 19 May.
Serapion with Theonas, and Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinnutius, Bastammonius, Papas, and Pantherus. We preached Christ in the South of Kemet. Martyred in a slowly burning fire with Paul, 18 Jan.
Serenus (Amba Serenus), Archimandrite, I was martyred. Coptic Calendar
Serenus, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Serenus, martyr, of Thynissa, and another Felix
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Sept 19 - LOVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART
"What is most beautiful and most noble on earth . . . is worth nothing, is nothing and less than nothing, compared with this God of mine!—of yours! Infinite treasure, most beautiful pearl . . . humbled, become a slave, reduced to nothingness in a form of a servant in the stable where he willed to be born . . . in Joseph's workshop, in his passion and in his ignominious death, and in the frenzy of Love—the blessed Eucharist!" (St. Josemaria Escriva).
Mother Teresa -
To be able to do all these, pray lovingly like children, with an earnest desire to love much and make loved the Love that is not loved.
Meditations by Padre Pio - I wholeheartedly bless the work of catechizing children, who are the little flowers of Jesus. I also bless the zealous work of missionaries.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Whatever you do, you do it to Christ!
" On the Last Day, Our Blessed Lord said that He will judge us by our attitude to hospitality: `When did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and not care for You?' (Matthew 25: 44).
Hospitality, therefore, not only has the duties of which we are aware, but also the more terrible awareness that it is Christ Who is the Stranger. In all our dealings, we are dealing with the Lord Himself, though we know it not. Maybe if we could see our wars aright, in between two trenches of the enemies, or between a plane in the sky and the target beneath, there is Christ's Body being shot full of holes. What men do to one another, they do to Him, whether the act be of kindness or bitterness. "
St. Faustina's diary -
I have desired death so much! I do not know whether I shall ever again in my life experience such great longing for God. There have been times when I fell into a swoon for Him. Oh, how ugly the earth when one knows heaven! I must do violence to myself in order to live. O will of God, you are my nourishment. (899)
Today, the Lord said to me, I demand of you a perfect and whole-burnt offering; an offering of the will. No other sacrifice can compare with this one. I Myself am directing your life and arranging things in such a way that you will be for Me a continual sacrifice and will always do My will. And for the accomplishment of this offering, you will unite yourself with Me on the Cross.
I know what you can do. I Myself will give you many orders directly, but I will delay the possibility of their being carried out and make it depend on others. But what the superiors will not manage to do, I Myself will accomplish directly in your soul.
And in the most hidden depths of your soul, a perfect holocaust will be carried out, not just for a while, but know, My daughter, that this offering will last until your death. But there is time, so that I the Lord will fulfill all your wishes. I delight in you as in a living host; let nothing terrify you; I am with you. (923)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day - Chastity, or cleanness of heart, holds a glorious and distinguished place among the virtues, because she alone enables man to see God; hence Truth Itself said: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." -St. Augustine
Today's Tidbit - The city of Naples has a vial of St. Januarius' blood. Each year, on his feast this vial of blood liquefies. In years when this miracle did not occur, severe disasters fell upon the city.
The Queen of Peace speaks of love today:
If you love with all your heart, you will receive so much. If you hate, you will lose every thing. Dear Children, love makes great things. The more love you have within you, the more you can love the people around you. That is why I ask you to pray unceasingly to Jesus that he fill your hearts with love (LJM 4-12-87).
Christ also speaks of the great commandment:
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. (John 15:12-13).
Captain George Grant gives us a unique example of love in action. Several years ago he was given an extraordinary award for saving 106 lives during his fifty years at sea. His rescues included two men on a sinking fishing boat in the Gulf Stream, three others on a raft off the west coast of Mexico, seventeen sailors from a naval vessel that sank outside of San Francisco harbor, as well as eighty-three survivors of a collision between a tanker and an icebreaker.
The most unique rescue involved one of his own sailors who fell overboard and was not missed until several hours later. The captain immediately turned his ship about and retraced the exact course. After a careful search the seaman was eventually picked up unharmed.
Few of us can duplicate such dramatic feats of love, but in our own lives we have countless opportunities to love others by showing a Christ like concern and alertness for those in distress.
As Our Lady says today, "Pray to Jesus that he may fill your hearts with love," and be on the lookout for those in trouble.
Holy Love September 15,2008
September 15, 2008
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Our Lady is here dressed in gray and has the Seven Swords in Her Heart. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, tonight I have come to help you see more clearly the choices you must make. These times in which you are now living are very difficult, for the differences between good and evil have become obliterated by compromise. Mankind has placed himself at the center of the world instead of God. No longer is pleasing God a priority. Man chooses over and over to please himself through money, power and every sort of worldly gain."
"Little by little, good souls, souls once consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, are slipping away from Me in pursuit of temporal pleasures. Even in the Catholic world where I was once Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, My statues are being removed and the rosary is not respected anymore. This is why your Heavenly Mother weeps."
"Tonight, dear children, I have come to ask for your assistance in reversing the trend within the Church towards liberalism. Please pray with Me for the illumination of conscience of all Church hierarchy, priests and religious. I desire, with a tender Mother's touch, to draw each one closer to Me--to be united in My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love.
Therefore, understand Jesus has sent Me to renew His Church in the Tradition of Faith in and through Holy Love. It is through My Heart the grace will come to avoid any schism, but you must listen to Me."
"In this present moment, I remind you that the only way in which mankind can be reconciled with God the Father is through Holy Love. If Holy Love does not govern your hearts, no amount of peace talks or treaties will bring you genuine lasting peace. You must love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is the only path to salvation, holiness, sanctification and lasting peace."
"My dear, dear children, I desire only the best for you, your own salvation. There is but one way into God's Kingdom, one key that unlocks the Gate of Heaven that is God's Eternal Divine Will, which is Holy Love.
Each present moment is your opportunity to show the Father your love for Him by choosing to let Holy Love rule your hearts. By choosing Holy Love, you are always choosing Truth Itself, which is the soul of love. Be obedient to the Truth. Let no one, whatever his title or position in the world, lead you away from the Truth."
"Tonight, dear children, I am asking you to consecrate your hearts and your lives to the Truth so that you will always be Mine. Test everything with the rule of Holy Love so that you will never be tricked or duped by Satan to embrace his agenda, which is all lies."
"The Father's Divine Will for you is that you are all united in Holy Love--that you live in harmony with one another and with your Creator. This is the hope of the world--the invitation to the New Jerusalem."
"Dear children, when you pray with love in your hearts, time is suspended. The Divine Will of God comes closer to earth and a bridge of reconciliation spans the abyss formed by sin.
Understand, then, the importance of prayer from a loving heart. Such prayer that can suspend time can also suspend the laws of nature, redirect elements of the cosmos and alter future threats to the human race. God's Eternal Divine Will allows Itself to be moved by such prayer that arises from a heart of love."
"When the love of man is united with Divine Love, it is a force that no sophisticated weapon, no devious plan of Satan, no movement of free will can match or equal. This is the weapon you need to use to put an end to war, terrorism, moral degeneration, poverty and disease. The prayer of love that unites you to Divine Love is what you must seek and use. No other weapon can act as quickly, as surely or with such resolute effects.
The future of the human race depends on your decision to listen to Me tonight and to act on My words. Do not wait for approvals before you put this powerful weapon of all weapons--loving prayer--into action. You haven't the time! I am handing to you victory now."
"Before you begin to pray, say:"
"Heavenly Father, I give You my love. Take this prayer as a morsel of love from my heart and wrap it in Divine Love. Make this prayer an instrument of Your Divine Will. Amen."
"The Eternal Father desires to cooperate with you and that you join Him, making each prayer the strongest weapon possible against evil."
"Dear children, tonight I have asked each person in the world to pray with a loving heart to their Creator for the well-being of the world. But now, in this place and time, I ask all those who are Catholic to pray in earnest their rosaries for the Church, for the world and in particular for this country, which is facing difficult challenges in the near future.
Satan has succeeded in making sin into legal and political issues, clouding evil with the language of choice. I am telling you that the weapon to use against all evil is your rosary. But, My dear children, you must load the weapon with ammunition, which is the Holy Love in your hearts when you pray."
"In the Church, this Holy Father is working very hard towards unity in the Tradition of Faith. Follow him! All the confusion about True Tradition has been inspired by Satan who uses Vatican II as a scapegoat--an excuse for variance from the truth. There are cardinals, bishops and priests who have not chosen to live in the truth or even in a state of grace."
"Their bad choices will have eternal effects, for they cannot make up their own rules. Pray for the ones they mislead."
"Dear children, tonight I come to you as a concerned Mother, warning you that you are placing yourselves in harm's way of many dangers and disastrous consequences. You can no longer afford to carelessly place yourselves first. God needs to be first in your hearts so that He can once again govern your country and the world."
"Do not allow My warnings to you tonight to go unheeded or to be lost in a storm of controversy. You are choosing your own future, either by heeding My warnings and turning to loving prayer or by ignoring yet another grace-filled admonition and continuing on the path to destruction. Just as the baby cries out in the womb begging to live, I cry out to you tonight, begging you to choose a new life with God at the center."
"Dear children, you have come here tonight amidst great adversity. I ask you that when you return to your points of origin you would, with some Holy Boldness, make known My message to you this evening."
"Dear children, the moral integrity of your country depends upon your response to My call here tonight. Your country is under My Mantle of Protection so long as its people live moral lives and place God first in their hearts. I love you and want only the best for you." "I'm taking your petitions into My Immaculate Heart, and I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
September 15, 2008
7:00 p.m. Service at the Lake of Tears - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." Our Lady is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She is dressed in gray and has Seven Swords in Her Heart.
Jesus: "My Mother came to you at the dawn of Her Feast of Sorrows with the demeanor of a loving, concerned Mother who fears for the welfare of Her children. I, your Jesus, ask you not to let Her words go unheeded."
"This country, in particular, should take note, as moment by moment you call upon My Justice. Soon, very soon, you will have an election for president, which will be a defining moment in your country's history. More than any other election, this one will chart the course of future events."
"Once again I tell you, the country that chooses to protect life in the womb will receive My Abundant Blessing. Do not tempt Justice by choosing to chart an alternate course."
"My Mother has revealed to you the great impact and influence that loving prayer has upon hearts and even world and cosmic events. Today I, your Jesus, ask that you return to the practice of the family rosary. Through the family rosary prayed with Holy Love in the heart, families can be reunited, Satan's covert actions will be revealed, solutions will be found to the most difficult problems and conversions will be inspired."
"The families that embrace the family rosary will have in their midst My Immaculate Mother--Refuge of Holy Love. Distractions and errors will dissipate. There will be peace."
"My Mother's Sorrows today are compounded by the numbers of unbelievers who disregard Her intervention here and reject the grace of the spiritual journey into the United Hearts. If more would propagate this journey, if more would live the messages and be the messages, this country would be a sign of conversion to a faithless world.
Every country that supports these messages can be a countersign in this evil age, if they believe. The present and the future of each person, every country, and of the world itself, is determined by their willingness to live in Holy Love, which is My Father's Will for them. Holy Love builds up the moral fiber from within. When moral integrity begins to deteriorate, the person or nation slowly slips into the grasp of Satan."
"My brothers and sisters, this country is looking for a president who will promote change. But I tell you, the change that the country needs is not new programs or new policies. The change that should be promoted is an END TO LEGALIZED ABORTION and the placement of GOD back in public places and in schools. Such a candidate I would support Myself."
"Tonight We're extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Holy Love Ministries
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
37137 Butternut Ridge Road
Elyria, OH 44039 U.S.A.
Message line: 440-327-5822
E-mail: mamshl [at]
Prayer Center: 440-327-8006
Fax: 440-327-8017 Visit Our Website:
Holy Love Ministries is an ecumenical lay apostolate committed to living and propagating the Holy Love, Divine Love and United hearts messages. These messages which support the two great commandments-love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself-are given by means of private revelation to Heaven's messenger. HLM Servants of Holy Love gather to pray the rosary for world peace, for an end to abortion, and that hearts open to Heaven's messages.
Part 5 - Teaching from the Lord through THE GIRL OF MY WILL - 05-05-2007
Gathering of Love With God's Action in Saint-Etienne de Bolton, Quebec, Can.
Through His Instrument, the Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-05-05 ? Part 5
Come, Holy Spirit to enkindle your Church
Come, Holy Spirit to fill the universe
1. Fill our hearts with kindness and wisdom
And turn us into children of light
2. Fill our hearts with prayer and peace
And turn us into agents of unity
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Come, Spirit of love, fill
your Church, enable your Church to know the splendour of love, bring into our
hearts the very presence of all our brothers and our sisters, so that all may be
accomplished in your Will, only in your Will.
Descend, O Spirit of love, for there are children whose ears are straining
towards you; make us faithful to your Word, turn us into children abandoned to
your Will, only your Will.?
A Spirit of love is hovering over the earth, a Spirit of love is hovering in the
hearts of God's children; so that this Spirit of love might be in all God's
children, God places within them a grace: a grace of presence, a grace that is
for each one of us.
God forms his children so that they might be attentive to his Will: a will of
love, a will that allows itself to be enveloped in the Divine Will.
God nourished us a great deal today, he always nourishes us, for that matter;
today, he's nourishing us with his almightiness so that we might live in his
To be in furrow of God is to receive what God is: wherever God passes, that is
where we are filled up.
And so, God, he says, Little children of love, I shall fill you up once again
tonight; I shall fill you with my graces that liberate and heal. You shall be in
the movement of The Love on behalf of your brothers and your sisters, so they
might be able to understand that what they have accepted is not for them.?
Many of our brothers and our sisters have turned to the occult sciences.
He spoke about the occult sciences and we live with this at home; we claim to
believe in horoscopes, we claim to believe in methods such as Reiki, we claim to
exercise by doing yoga, we claim to use the pendulum in order to know things, we
claim to hold stones for relief: what lies!
This has entered our life because some people accepted these things as if they
were good for them; they allowed themselves to fall into traps. If today we say
they allowed themselves to fall?, don’t forget that it’s as if we had been
there too and walked away from it, we have also done those things.
We’ve seen black cats, We’ve seen ladders and we went around that ladder. We
picked up umbrellas and we waited until we were outside before opening them.
We’ve seen horseshoes and we even wanted to hang them up in our home.
We went to
play cards and brought along a little elephant. Occasionally, we have come
across a newspaper and, ?Ah! Look, the horoscope? oh, I don’t believe in that
stuff; Virgo? hey, look at that! Ah! That’s not true, That’s not true!? That
movement was curiosity but we accepted it anyway.
And we went to consult fortune-tellers; We’ve turned to medicines such as
acupuncture, and well, we allowed them to insert needles into our skin that
would give us energy, which would concentrate energy at a given point, creating
warmth that had the power to give relief.
We’ve been in that darkness; We’ve believed that putting pressure on certain
pressure-points would take pain away, and we used so much pressure that we hurt
ourselves just to be sure that everything was being concentrated in that spot;
that warmth? we were ordering our body to go where we wanted it to go: we were
little gods.
We looked at the stars and we searched, we searched for the Big Dipper, we
searched for the Horse and the Rider. We knew a little bit about this? oh, we
didn’t know much, we didn’t really know where to look, what the names were, we
were searching for: knowledge that was in us.
All this was coming from the demons, who had instructed God's children in order
to deceive them, and this goes way back, and we know this.
What?! Didn’t we forget these things with age? We still remember!
We complain we have Alzheimer’s, we’re afraid to lose our memory; what a grace
it is to lose one’s memory sometimes! It protects us; we no longer have to look
at the tea leaves in the bottom of our cup to see what?s happening.
If today we remember what others had learned from the fallen angels, this is
because our flesh has a long memory: it remembers, and it sees to it that we are
How is it that our flesh remembers? Because it?s in motion; our flesh is alive,
our flesh is composed of cells and those cells are alive.
When those cells are dead, then they must have been exposed to danger, they had
to be in contact with evil: the evil that attacks, the evil that brings illness,
the evil that causes suffering, the evil that brings inertia, the evil that
causes things to disappear.
So, our flesh remembers, but our flesh is always in danger when it remembers.
When our flesh enters into its memories, it accepts them as something that is
present: we’re in danger, we’re in danger of falling ill, we’re weak, tired,
we’re confused, our thoughts are unclear, we have trouble digesting well, our
circulatory system doesn’t work well, we’re cold, we’re hot: this isn't
We have movements internally and those movements are trying to control, to
control God's child, and God's child who allows himself to be taken in by those
traps comes to know, to know illness, and when we come to know illness, we have
difficulty accepting God's Will.
We don’t want to get sick, we beg God to heal us when we believe in God; we make
a deal with him: Lord, I want you to heal me of my diabetes, I want you to take
away this cigarette, I want my neighbour to stop looking at me as if I were a
stranger, I want my child to get good grades, oh, I want to get my divorce, I
don’t want to run out of money at the end of the month; and as Father Clement
says, Sign on the bottom line.
This is what we do because of our suffering: we’re inclined to make deals with
the Lord when we’re suffering.
When we’re not suffering, we don’t think about making deals with the Lord, but
the Lord, he says, I, I will make a deal with you; I will take advantage of
your illness, not that illness comes from me, but in those moments: you stop
from time to time, you think of me from time to time, you pray to me from time
to time, and so I shall show you, I shall show you that I love you, I shall show
you that you are completely love, that you are little, I shall show you how much
I took care of you, how close my Mother was to you.?
In those moments, Jesus comes close to us and he gives us, he gives us his
presence because when we’re sick, we have moments when we think about the child
that we are before God: ?How is it going to be in Heaven? Am I going to be happy
in Heaven? Will I have to go through purgatory? Oh! Most probably because I know
myself, I don’t deserve Heaven. Yup! Lord, it’s true, it isn't always easy, but
I think you’re there sometimes.?
So, in those moments, we place ourselves in front of God, and God listens: he
gives us graces, he gives us graces so we can be together, so we can understand,
so that we can grasp that we’re in front of him and that he's always been there.
When we’re sick, its hard to run fast, isn't it? Our legs hurt, our head hurts,
we’re afraid of getting dizzy: ?Oh! My blood pressure ? it?s going to go up,
it?s going to go down; my heart will beat too fast; That’s it, I'm going to run
out of breath.? And so, we go more slowly, and in those moments, Jesus brings us
back to him.
Jesus, he shows us that he's always watched over us, that he's always been close
to us, that he was never far from us, but that we were far from him because when
we have good legs: we love to dance; when we have good eyesight: we’re at the
movies; when we have good hearing: we have headphones on, we’re often on the
phone, we often listen to useless words, we’re interested in knowing, we ask
And so, in those moments, we don’t want Jesus to be listening, we
don’t want him to be too close because that would stop us.
You see, God, he wants to make us understand that we’re alive, that we’re true,
that if we’re sick, this is because of all we have accepted.
We have accepted the occult sciences, we have accepted to live in the darkness,
and when we live in the darkness, well, we can't see further than the end of our
nose, if we can see that far!
God is gently saying that we’re sick due to this huge invasion that is happening
all over the world; if we accept the occult sciences, we’re accepting what comes
with them, that is to say, the demons, since this comes from the demons.
If we agree to be in the very presence of those methods that bring us knowledge
that is not of God, well then, we’re opening a door and the demons come, and the
demons latch on to us.
Don’t forget that the demons are looking for a home and when they’re very close
to us, they settle themselves in the warmth, for we begin to become weak, we
begin to give in.
God is telling us that we’re sick because of everything that is happening around
the world.
When a person uses energy such as stones ? this is just one example; there are
thousands, and thousands, and thousands, if not a million examples ? when a
person uses a stone and believes in that stone, there's a movement that is
produced; that movement doesn’t remain inactive, it becomes active and the more
the person believes in it, the more that movement spreads until it reaches
people who live on the other side of the world. So this means that this movement
circles the earth and we’re talking about only one person.
Why? Because the earth is living in darkness; we’re in the night of darkness and
because we’re in the night of darkness, this movement can take place; if there
were light, there would be no activity because the darkness would disappear
before the light; there would therefore be no movement that could be propagated.
Don’t forget that in the beginning, when Satan wanted to seduce Eve, he released
from within himself an orbit, an orbit of power, and when Eve drew close to that
orbit of power, then he released the tricks he had within himself, but this had
to be done with subtlety, for if he had released his tricks at the same time as
that orbit of power, since she wasn’t familiar with these things, she would have
said, ?Oh! I don’t know what this is.? She would have stopped, but he didn?t
want her to stop, and so, he drew near and he released a movement from within
himself, and then he waited: she moved forward, she moved forward in that
He explained that when we light a candle, there's light and there's a sort of
circle of light all around; well, that orbit of power that Satan let out from
within himself was like that circle of light, except that it wasn’t light, it
was darkness: movement of darkness that the human cannot perceive unless it is
obvious ?
I want to draw near to you, I want to make you understand that I
don’t agree with your decision; so, I approach with a firm step, I make eye
contact to show you that I want to speak to you, I prepare to speak by making
gestures that confirm that I know what I'm going to say.
Oh, she's got something to tell me!? I'm careful and I keep my guard up
because my plan of action reveals itself.
So, the other one arms himself: the person I'm going to approach arms himself
with his own plan of action: Oh! Wait a minute, I won’t let her push me around.
What is she going to say to me? Is it because I’m saying something she doesn’t
agree with?? Consequently, he arms himself as well.
So, when Satan wanted to draw close to Eve, his plan of action had been figured
out; don’t forget that he was close to God when he was an angel of light, he was
perfect; his intelligence comes from God and this was turned into evil. So, he's
intelligent and he knows, he knows how to approach a person, he knows how to
approach him very shrewdly: he wants to reach his goal and so he uses the means
to achieve this.
So when we, we use a stone, and then we put it in our pocket: ?Oh, it will take
my arthritis away a little bit.? I put it into my other pocket: ?Ah! Today, it’s
this side that hurts a little more.?
Do you think that by our believing that this substance has power just ends
there? No, we have just accepted a power, we have just accepted something that
brings us energy and that doesn’t come from God.
This comes from somewhere else: ?Bah! Where does it come from? I don’t know.
Where did this begin? I don’t know. Why do some people know these things? I
don’t know? all I know is that they told me it was good; I'm going to put this
in my pocket and I'm going to believe in it:
That’s what they said.
Did you know that that stone has no power? Did you know that that stone brings
nothing, that it’s just matter, that it’s only alive if God grants it graces,
that it’s only alive if it is faithful to God?
Remember what God said this morning in the very beginning: the earth is faithful
to God. So, if matter isn't faithful to God, it?s dead, it has no power, it
doesn’t have God's graces and therefore, it has a power from Satan and Satan
wants our soul from us in order to bring it to eternal death; he cannot bring
healing, but he can trick you; he's an illusionist, he shifts your attention
elsewhere in order to control, in order to deceive.
Do you believe that a stone can heal? No, we believe in what is false, we
believe in what our flesh made us aware of and that comes from fallen angels.
We let ourselves be seduced because when Eve listened to Satan's honeyed words,
what she was hearing were words that were saying, ?You will please your God, you
will be able to converse with him.? She was listening to all this and she was
beginning to believe in it, so much so that she turned towards knowledge; she
said yes to that knowledge, therefore, she believed in something that was
Are we any different? Did you know that Eve was in the Divine Will and that she
had to undergo a test? If this was put before her, That’s because she had to
show God her obedience, she had to be faithful to God.
But us, when we believe in that rubbish, when we believe in those illusions,
we’re disobeying God: ?You shall love only your God? ? well, this means: ?You
shall believe only in your God.?
If we love God, we’re faithful to God and we believe in God, we believe only in
his power, we want only his power, only his love, we know he's the one who takes
care of us.
But when we put our trust in a stone, we’re believing in something that can
bring us relief; well, this is false, this is believing in lies, this is
believing in something that doesn’t come from God: god = the stone.
Well, this is what you are before your choice: ?Should I choose God or should I
choose the stone?? Don’t delude yourselves ? this is what we do when we accept
those sciences of darkness, those sciences that come from something that isn't
natural, but rather, supernatural.
The occult sciences, they’re something? a movement that believes in what we
can't see but that exists: it’s the supernatural.
What we cannot see, that is what our soul sees but that our flesh isn't able to
God: we can't see him; he's everywhere, he's with us, he is Spirit, Spirit of
love, of light, God, the Almightiness.
We can't touch him, but he, he touches us; he shows us how to behave, he has
that gentleness; he's righteous towards us, he shows us the truth, he makes us
feel his justice, he envelops us in his mercy continuously.
What comes from Satan? we cannot see Satan, he is spirit; if we don’t desire it,
it isn't possible for Satan to touch us; if we decide that we won’t be touched
by Satan, then he doesn’t touch us because God doesn’t allow it: we have to
consent to it.
We have a yes within us: ?Yes, God?; but if we say, ?Yes, Satan,? then he
touches us because we said yes.
Only God is love for us; Satan is not love for us, he wants us for the purposes
of evil, for suffering.
So, when he showed us that stones could bring relief, could take away pain, it
was to lead us towards pain, towards endless pain: he hates us, he gives to us
in order to imprison us, and to take away all happiness, all joy from us.
We complain about arthritis? Well, believe me, there's arthritis in hell and
it’s eternal, it won’t go away; we suffer so much that nothing can bring relief;
when I say ?we?, this is because we cannot separate ourselves from those we
You know, when we heard the words of those who were in that huge cauldron, and
who were caught in that movement that showed us only their heads ? do you think
that we can be any different? Before they got there, they were our brothers and
our sisters, they were like us.
Are we going to throw stones at them, saying, I hate you because you said yes
to Satan? Are we capable of saying this? This is unthinkable, we cannot rejoice
over their suffering, this hurts us.
So, we carry those beings to Church: we carry the triumphant Church, the
militant Church and the suffering Church, those who are in purgatory: our
brothers and our sisters. But of those in hell, we cannot say that we?re
indifferent to them? why? Because we’re always in danger.
Who can say today, Me, I can be one hundred percent certain that I won?t go to
hell?? No one can say this.
We must consider ourselves as sinners, we must consider ourselves as weak, we
must consider ourselves as saved through Christ, but we must also bear in mind
that we can falter, for Judas faltered.
Those women faltered, they knew God's love, they could hear the words that were
told to them by those who heard Adam and Eve ? they were so wonderful!
Did you know that Adam and Eve lived a long, long, long time? Us, we say one
hundred years, ninety years; this is pretty close to one hundred years, eh? But
they lived almost one thousand years; they didn’t live one thousand years, but
close to one thousand years; so many years and so many generations have gone by.
And so, those who heard those words of love, because they were talking about
God, they loved God, and so, they were in that movement of love, and today
they’re in hell.
Therefore, let’s not become separated from that memory, not yet; yes, it’s
painful, we remember, but one day, we won’t remember it any longer, we will no
longer remember the pain caused by the suffering that is the cause of sin.
We must be careful, we must be vigilant, keep our lamps lit; these are God's
words for us and they are as true today as when he was with his apostles, and
nothing has changed; they as well were aware of the occult sciences.
Remember Simon? he even wanted to pay in order to receive the Holy Spirit. Why?
In order to possess the power to heal; so, his flesh knew, his flesh knew what
power was he was claiming to be a magician.
Today, we talk about sorcerers, we talk about witches, we go watch movies that
show us Satan’s victory over humans.
Because when they show that children are grappling with a sect and that they
have to destroy a child who has powers, and those powers are causing them much
pain, and they claim to want to destroy that child because he's the demon, and
this convinces the entire audience watching this movie, which is telling them
that they themselves have been victims because they were part of a sect, and
that the sect disappeared because God willed it ? aren?t these Satan's traps?
God doesn’t use violence to destroy, he uses his love to build.
Today, we go see those movies and we believe in them; today, we go see people
who believe in what they are: they believe they have received the power to heal;
they use their hands and then, they say that energy emerges from them to heal
and that this is good. Well, this movement is from Satan, and it is spreading
all over the world.
You see, this is all around us; as long as this doesn’t disappear: children will
suffer, cancer will increase, bacteria will increase, depressions will be deeper
and deeper, suicide will occur at any age.
This has to stop and for this to stop, we must be against it; the children of
God must believe only in God, the children of God must use the rosary.
Mother Mary prays; it’s Mother Mary who prays and when we, we recite the rosary,
we’re asking Mary to pray for poor sinners, for us, for our brothers and our
sisters; we must not stop.
The Lord also asks us to wear the sign of love: the cross.
The sign of love is a sign that was given to us by Heaven; the Father chose this
wood to spread his love so that we, we could be before this sign.
Walk outside and you'll see it often; when we have God's spirit, we see the
cross everywhere: we can look up at the sky and we see that a cloud is forming a
cross; we can see a bird that spreads its wings and we see the cross; we can see
a new shoot and we see the cross; we can see little children that lie on the
ground and spread out their arms for fun and we see the cross; anything can be
in the shape of the cross, we see it everywhere.
So, we have to wear it so that those who don’t see it everywhere, see it on us;
people no longer want anything to do with the cross, they no longer want
anything to do with Jesus on the cross; in public places, our eyes search for
it; those who still wear the cross, it?s so small that we have to look for it:
before, we could see the cross everywhere, today, we want nothing to do with it.
Isn't it because the darkness is everywhere that we want nothing to do with the
cross? If the darkness is everywhere, this is because the darkness feeds on
itself: occult sciences, infernal food that nourishes the spirit of this world,
and the spirit of this world is becoming a reality to us.
We have before us what is against Jesus, we eat what is against Jesus, we listen
to what is against Jesus, we idolize what is against God, we accept what is
against God, we love what is against God, we allow what is against God to enter
us: what is against God is evil, and evil is Satan ? he is the master.
Don’t forget that Satan brought billions of angels with him; they are in Satan's
service, they have a duty towards Satan; he didn’t make any friends, for they?re
incapable of being friends. Did you know that the fallen angels are not friends
with one another?
They don’t know love, they don’t know sharing, but they can gather together to
combine forces so as to destroy; if one doesn?t succeed, the others are there
with him so that he can be part of the movement of destruction.
There's no support among them, they always want to be important, always more
important than the others, they quarrel amongst themselves, they destroy one
another, they fight amongst themselves.
I have seen beings that were destroying themselves? it was as if the body had
several heads, and one head would emerge in order to eat another, and another
would try to destroy another one, to shred it: this is how they are.
There's only one master and That’s Satan: the one who brought all the others
with him; he's the one who wants to be Christ, who wants to pass himself off as
the Son of God, he's the one who wants to seize all power, he's the one who
wants to lead all human children to their death so as to make them suffer in
eternal death.
So, when we’re in the presence of that darkness and we accept that darkness,
we’re accepting what comes from the Antichrist.
One day, a priest who knew Don Gobbi spoke to me. Oh! Not to Francine, but to
the microphone: to the instrument that I am, and he asked, ?Is the Antichrist
a person? Is the Antichrist going to reveal himself as a person?? Then, God
answered. He said that the Antichrist was the spirit of evil through his power,
which has been accepted, and as he was accepted, he was becoming present, he was
making himself present in order to be idolized.
And so, I understood, I understood that the Antichrist was the spirit of this
world, I understood that the Antichrist was all that is against God, and I also
understood that one day he will reveal himself, yes, he will reveal himself.
I don’t know when that moment is, but he will reveal himself.
But he's here: the Antichrist is here, he's with us, he's everywhere; we can't
see him, but with God's light, we can now understand what we’re living, and so,
from the inside, we can see and we can hear.
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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