African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Third Section Luminous Mysteries
Fifth Section Luminous Mysteries
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Jacob of Mahdjudh, companion of Aragawi (Acrates) I am an Ethiopian friend of God, traditions says Saint Entheus’
Brother, the one to whom I owe my conversion. 10 Aug. Coptic Calendar.
Jacobus, and Secundianus, the bishop with Marianus, Concordia, Marina, Heliodorus, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
James, bishop of Nisibis (350 A.D.), 13 Jan.
James, Abraham, Ethnus, Acrates, and John. We are martyrs in Ethiopia Abyssinia. 3 Aug.
James of Manug. We are martyrs of Gamnudi in lower Kemet withJohn and Abraham at Farama, authorities beheaded us. 11 Aug.
Januaria, Seperatus, Narzalea, Cittinus, Veturius, Acllinus, Laetantius, Generosa (Cenerosa), Vestina (Veslina ), Donata, and Secunda, Gereon. We are the Scillitan Martyrs. We were caught at Africa Proconsularis, Carthage, two trials, we authorities ordered us beheaded 17 July 180 A.D. under the authority of Vigellius. He was the first persecutor of Christians in Northwestern Africa. 17 July
Januaria, martyred in Africa, in the West and North. 7 June.
Januaria, with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another),), of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa. We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Januarius with Saturus, martyred in Africa, 22 Jan.
Januarius, Paulus, Geruntius, Saturninus, Successus, Julius, Catus, Pia. Martyrs in Africa, around 300 A.D. 19 Jan. 14 Jan.
Januarius, Rufinus, Marcus, Valerius, Victor, Paulus, Honoratus, Donatus, Baricus, Vitalis, and Justus, martyred in Africa. 16 Nov.
Januarius, Severus, (also known as Verus) with Securus, and Victorinus. Martyred in Africa. 2 Dec.
Januarius with Stephanus (also known as Stephana, Corona), with Victor. We died as martyrs in Kemet 8 May. Latin Rite tradition places Victor in Kemet (Coma), where I soldiered in Alexandria (or Coma) under Antonius Pius (136 to 161 A.D.).
Many attempts were made to kill me, finally I died by beheading. His young wife, 16 years of age Corona, gave him encouragement. She was tied to two trees, which were bound together, then released, which ripped her to pieces. 14 May (in Italy); 15 May at Osimo; 22 Sept.
Januarius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Januarius, Secundianus, Quartus, Victorianus, Medianus, Adauctus, Denecutia, Maximianus, Alexander, Proculus, Afranus, Audactus, and Deodatus. Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Januarius, Florentius.
Jeremy with Saturninus, Felix, Ellas, Isaias, Samuel, Daniel, Martyrs
John, I am a saint of Kemet. Acha the Confessor was my brother. (1 Nov. (Acha’s feast).
John the Short of Kemet, November 9, (Probably the same as John the Short, of Kemet (Egypt) November 11).
John the Hermit of Kemet, June 12
John of Kemet, Hermit, Dec. 2
John with Theodota, Theoctista, and Eudoxia, Virgin martyrs, and Cyrus comforted us before and while our executions, martyred with Athanasia, 31 Jan
John with Theoctistus, martyred at Saint Saba, 20 March.
John of Shutp (Setes), father of Theodore, martyr and the “leader of an army.” 8 June.
John of Syracuse martyred in Africa. Sept. 23
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
SATURDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Fr Doucette - "I bless you all" - Sat, Sep 27, 2008
"I bless you all"
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dear Friends,
In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. And coming to her he said, Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you. But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.
Then the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word. Luke 1: 26 31, 38
Here is a message of Our Blessed Mother addressed to Joseph. She spoke to him in these words, My children, I am your Mother who brought the Saviour into the world. It was a surprise when the Angel Gabriel came to Me one day and announced that I would be the Mother of the Messiah.
He greeted Me in these word, Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.? These words give you an inkling that I have been prepared by the Father for what was to come, namely to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God. At the end I gave My complete yes to the Angel that I would do all that God asks of Me.
It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that I conceived the Son of God. God had chosen His lowly handmaid to give birth to the Saviour of the world. Jesus was born as a baby like everybody else. He was cared for as a child until he grew up to be a man.
My message to you today is the message of a Mother. Accept Jesus as your Redeemer and friend. He is the Son of God but He came and was born as a human being among us to bring us salvation. He is truly both human and divine.
He gave His life for you by His suffering and death on the cross. Believe in Him and follow Him and you will be saved. I am your Mother who wishes to bring each one of you to My Son Jesus that you may know Him and believe in Him.
He is vitally important for you for without Him you cannot reach heaven. Join Me in prayer every day by praying the rosary for the conversion of all the people of the world. They need to turn their lives around, repent of their sins and follow Jesus as a member of His Church. I bless you all.
Father Melvin
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Medjugorje Day By Day SEPT 27 - ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
St. Vincent De Paul (1581-1660) Priest, Servant, France—September 27
Known as Patron of Charitable Societies, St. Vincent spent his life working
to help all who were in need. His zeal to help others was fueled by his
intimate union with our Eucharistic Lord, the source of all love.
St. Vincent founded and organized groups of priests, religious and laity to help and care for the poor, sick, aged and orphaned. (From our September 2002 "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" Newsletter).
Mother Teresa -
The aim of taking a retreat is to advance in the knowledge and love of God, to purify ourselves, and to reform and transform our lives according to the life of our model, Jesus Christ. It is not so much a looking back on the achievements and failures of the past, as a looking forward to a more generous imitation of our Lord Himself.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Don't try, excessively, to heal your heart, as your efforts would only make it more infirm. Don't make too great an effort to overcome your temptations, as this violence would only make them stronger. Despise them and don't dwell on them too much.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Mental parchments patch us to our past
" Lord Bacon and Coleridge both held that nothing that is impressed on the memory ever leaves it. This is evident in persons who in old age are brought before the scenes of their childhood, and immediately names, places and incidents come out from their storehouse of memory and the past is lived again.
As old palimpsests bear the original writing under dust or new messages, so the memory retains all that we have seen and heard, said and done.
Today is but the product of all our yesterdays, and our present is but the harvest of the past. The fragments of our memory are very much like islands for the moment unconnected. But it may be that they are continuous, as the solid earth itself is continuous if one did but drain off the water from the seas.
St. Faustina's diary -
O my Jesus, from the moment I gave myself completely to You, I have given no thought whatsoever for myself. You may do with me whatever You like.
There is only one thing I think about; that is, what do You prefer; what can I do, O Lord, to please You. I listen and watch for each opportunity. It matters not if I am outwardly judged otherwise in this matter... (1493)
Today, since early in the morning, my soul has been in darkness. I cannot ascend to Jesus, and I feel as though I have been forsaken by Him. I will not turn to creatures for light, because I know that they will not enlighten me if Jesus wills to keep me in darkness. I submit myself to His holy will and suffer.
Still, the struggle is becoming more and more desperate. During Vespers, I wanted to unite myself with the sisters through prayer. (1496)
Lord, You know that since my youth I have always sought Your will and, recognizing it, have always tried to carry it out. My heart has been accustomed to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, to whom I am faithful. In the midst of the greatest din I have heard the voice of God. I always know what is going on in my interior... (1504)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day
Humility has been regarded by the Saints as the basis and guardian of all virtues. -St. Alphonsus Liguori
Today's Tidbit
Many saints practice mortification to progress in virtue. This term can be used to refer to any acts of self-discipline, including hardship, austerities, and penances undertaken for the sake of improving the soul.
Please pray for all teachers.
Speaking of her plans for us, the Blessed Virgin said:
Dear children, today I want to call all of you to start living a new life from this day on. Dear children, I want you to understand that God has chosen each of you to participate in His great plan for the salvation of mankind. You cannot comprehend how great your role is in God's design (MM 1-25-87)
St. Paul also speaks of God's plan of salvation and our responsibility to participate in it:
Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. For if the message declared through angels was valid, and every transgression or disobedience received a just penalty, how can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? It was declared at first through the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him, while God added his testimony by signs and wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit, distributed according to his will (Hebrews 2:1-4).
Proclaiming the salvation of God through word and deed was the primary motivation of the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). Ordained a priest in 1600, his work with the poor and his preaching attracted widespread attention.
In 1625 he founded his own community, the Congregation of the Mission, dedicated to the care of the poor and the formation of priests. Eight years later, together with St. Louise de Marillac, he founded the Sisters of Charity, whose main work was care of the sick, of orphans, and children in need.
He once said to his priests:
Do the good that presents itself to be done. I do not say we should go out indiscriminately and take on everything, but rather those things God lets us know he wants of us. We belong to him and not to ourselves. If he increases our work, he will add to our strength as well.
To all his religious he wrote, "It is our duty to prefer the service of the poor to everything else and offer such service as quickly as possible."
In her message today, the Virgin calls us to pray to discern our role in God's plan. Today, simply, pray for the grace of understanding and for the compassion to serve Christ in the poor.
Part 1/2- Teaching from the Lord through THE GIRL OF MY WILL - 05-12-2007
Gathering of Love With God's Action in , ,
Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-05-12 Part 1
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: My name, that the Lord gives me, is The Girl of My Will in Jesus, and the name that I received from my parents is Francine Bariault.
Actually, it's my husband who gave me this name! My husband's name is Bériault, and my name is .
This is Nicole. Nicole is married and her husband's name is Raymond; she has two children, two sons.
I have three children and I'm grandmother to five grandchildren.
The Lord sends me all over ; why does he send me throughout ? Because in 2001, something happened in my life.
While I was saying my rosary in front of the Cross of love, my hands began to ooze and during the night, I heard Mary's voice inside me; it wasn't here (points to her head) that I was hearing the voice, it was inside, here, in my heart.
It was as if Heaven had prepared me a few years prior, around 1998, two years before: I had gone on a pilgrimage people were saying that the Holy Virgin was appearing at Marmora.
I was very sceptical, I didn't believe in this, but I was so tired that I said, This will provide me with a day of prayers, and therefore, a day of rest.
The first time I went there, I felt a great peace within myself, and an inner joy of praying with many people.
You know, I come from a family of thirteen children and throughout the years, we prayed a lot in the beginning with mom and dad but over time, the external world attracted us; we began to pray less and in my family, there were some who no longer prayed.
When I say no longer prayed, to me this means reciting the rosary; I know that we always say our prayer before going to bed, but reciting the rosary, this is different.
The second time I went to Marmora I smelled roses; this was during a snowstorm. So, for the first time, I thought someone had played a trick on me. The other times that I returned to Marmora, every time I arrived at the farm, there was that smell of flowers again.
And I had many visions; I really mean dreams, but dreams that I was living.
I was also being attacked by the demon and those attacks, to me, were very troubling because I was wondering what was going on with these visions, the smell of roses, the attacks from Satan I was having a bit of trouble figuring out what was going on with me; what was keeping me balanced was the rosary.
The rosary had become a moment of joy to me; so, I added a second rosary, a third rosary, and then, I was up to three rosaries a day and the need to go to mass every day rose up in me.
My husband, who was alive then, used to say to me, Why are you praying? It's not necessary for you to give so much of yourself! But I had that need in me and that need was accompanied by joy.
All this continued, but the attacks from Satan, they stopped. When I began to ooze, then I was no longer being attacked by Satan why? Because the Lord was showing me, in my dreams, what was happening externally; he was saying that externally, everything was black; he would show me light and I would feel safe.
But the doubt regarding what I was living was still within me: Am I schizophrenic? It's not easy, you know, to live like everyone else as a mom, a grandmother and to have that voice on the inside that was constantly there, because after Mother Mary, fifteen days later, it was Jesus' voice that I was hearing.
It was as if I was afraid of myself with regard to what I was living: I'm unworthy of this. It was impossible that I, I could hear the voice of Jesus and to hear Mary.
When I would go to Communion, I would find a great joy, a great peace this was nourishing me, this was continuing daily; Jesus was always talking to me, he would show me things inside myself, he would talk to me about love; everything was nothing but love and Mother Mary, she would always say to me: Be obedient, save yourself for my Son. She was teaching me about abandonment.
In the month of March 2001, the 4th of March, my husband died; he died of a it was his heart that stopped beating.
Heaven had prepared me the night before; I had gone to Marmora for the pilgrimage and then, from the beginning (of the trip), at s Oratory, they were saying to me, Abandon yourself.
During mass, I could hear, Abandon yourself, and afterwards, just before leaving, the Lord said to me, Give me your life, abandon yourself, and I would always answer yes.
On the bus, he was still talking about abandonment, but then I could see that he was asking me for a great deal of abandonment.
Why so much abandonment? I would always give my yeses, but it would always come back to: Abandon yourself, abandon yourself.
When I arrived there, in that place blessed by Heaven, during the Way of the Cross, I was still hearing: abandonment.
When everything was over, with the smell of roses, I went up to the Cross of love, and then, during the prayer, I saw Mother Mary, but inside myself, and she gave me many graces of obedience.
And when I arrived home, my husband asked me for the first time how my day had been.
I had a husband I have a wonderful husband, but he used to say, You, you pray over there and I'll pray over here.
But then, ever since I had been going to Marmora, for the first time he had just asked me how it had gone, and I told him, I told him that I had seen Mother Mary inside myself.
He was a man who was very calm, and since I had bought him earphones for Christmas so he could watch television while I prayed, when he heard that, he put his earphones back on. Then he removed them right away, and he looked at me and he said, Francine, are you telling me the truth? And I answered, yes.
Then, he smiled, he put his earphones back on, but I knew that he had just that he believed me.
And the next morning, he said, Son, come with us to mass this is my son, and the whole family was there: my daughter was there, and my oldest with her little baby, my son was there with his girlfriend, my other daughter was there with her boyfriend: we were all at mass.
My husband had gone to Confession and I had my eyes shut; after a few minutes, I was certain he was beside me.
After a little while, I turned around and it was a woman who was next to me, it wasn't my husband; so he, when I turned around, he was with my daughter, and he said to my daughter: Look, she thinks I'm the one who's sitting next to her.
When my eyes are shut during Communion, I see my Heaven; you all have a Heaven, we all have Heaven inside ourselves. When there's God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, we have Heaven inside us; so, when I receive Jesus Eucharist, I can, through the Divine Will, see my interior, my Heaven.
So, my eyes were still shut; I could see Francine, on her knees, and my husband, on his knees, in front of a railing.
Here, on this side, which is my left, I could see Jesus and I could see him from the side; then he asked me, Do you want to be my spouse? So, I said to him, I can't, I'm already married, but then, he explained to me that it was mystical.
I didn't know what mystical was, but I knew that it came from Heaven, and so I said yes. But when I said yes, he said, Your husband is witness to this.
At that moment, I saw the heart: a red heart, a beating human heart; it was on this side, on the other side, up in the air because I couldn't see my husband anymore I could see the heart that was beating.
And so, Heaven was preparing me to live what I was going to experience that afternoon because I would lose my husband around six o'clock.
You know, when the Lord calls us, he calls us with love, he calls us in order to lead us to where he is waiting for us.
When we consider death on earth, we consider this with what we are here.
Before our birth, in our mother's womb, we received the flesh; flesh is matter, our soul is spiritual, it is spiritual life; in order to live on earth, God the Father gave us flesh because our soul lives in our flesh.
Before we received the flesh, our soul existed; our soul was in The Love, in the Son; the Son comes from the Father and the Father is in the Son, and so we, we were in the Son.
We received flesh so we could all be here on earth, together; we are all here together to live from our works; when we learn to behave as children of God, we live with our works.
We have received flesh that comes from the earth; since God the Father took some clay, he formed Adam from earth; us, we come from the earth, and so it is quite normal that we love the earth.
We are attached to what we are, we age and we don't want to leave our flesh. Why? Because God willed it like this.
When we were born, we came into this world with flesh, flesh that comes from the earth; it was necessary, it was necessary for us to be attached to the earth, for us to love the earth, in order to appreciate the flesh that was being welcomed by the soul.
It's the soul that welcomed the flesh, it isn't the flesh that welcomed the soul; and so, it's the soul that teaches us slowly to leave our flesh to go to God the Father.
Without the graces that come to us from Heaven, the soul cannot be in its movement of love for our flesh; our soul receives graces and it gives us its graces; when the moment arrives, the soul prepares our flesh to become separated.
For many people who pray, the moment in which they must go to God the Father is a joy to them.
You will say, Oh! I'm not ready yet. I don't quite have that joy in me yet because I don't want to leave my children. I'm not ready, I want to go to Heaven, but I'm not ready yet.
But God, he knows this that you're not ready because you have a mission and it hasn't yet been completed; as long as it hasn't been completed, the soul will maintain that link between the flesh and Heaven, but when the moment arrives, then the soul, the soul will release a shower of graces and all shall be accomplished in peace and joy.
When we're on earth, we must fulfill ourselves every day; let's not think of tomorrow, tomorrow belongs to God the Father.
Every moment on earth is important. We have a duty to behave as children of God; to behave as children of God is to love the flesh that carries out its works, but we wouldn't be able to carry out works without the soul that receives graces from God.
Often, we have carried out actions in our life; however long ago as that may be, every action was nourished by Heaven: every action.
When we caused harm to our flesh, Heaven was nourishing our soul, thus enabling us to see our action; if we were all able to ask God for forgiveness, this was done through the graces that we received.
Every one of us, we have a will; that will is a human will. All that belongs to the human will is a yes or a no: I behave well or I choose to behave badly.
When we receive graces, we behave well; when we behave badly, we made a choice: to choose evil.
But Heaven doesn't leave us all alone; it bestows graces for our soul and our soul continues nourishing us with graces so that we may become once again children of God in the grace of God.
Mother Mary watches over us: she taught us how to pray, she opened our hearts in order to place her Heart there.
When we consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mary's Heart welcomes us, it takes the hearts of those who consecrate themselves and presents them to her Son.
Our children, our grandchildren, we worry because they no longer pray, or they no longer go to mass, or they no longer turn to the sacraments: when we pray, they receive graces.
Remember, in the beginning, our soul gives us graces: when we pray, we behave well; when we behave badly, it continues to nourish.
How can the soul nourish the bodies of our grandchildren and our children if they don't pray? That's because you're still praying; your prayers become graces for them: aren't they the flesh of your flesh? When your flesh receives graces, they receive graces; the flesh of the flesh receives graces from Heaven: this is why Mother Mary is asking us to pray, to keep our peace.
Mother Mary is the Queen of Peace; she knows what we need: peace.
When we lose our peace and we pray with tears in our eyes, feeling hopeless because our children don't do as we do, inside us our soul is giving us graces of peace so that we can feel that peace, because our flesh isn't feeling it.
Our soul, it can feel it because we're praying for our children, but our flesh is agitated and our flesh needs to calm down, our flesh needs peace so that the flesh of our flesh our children may receive graces.
Let's take a window screen, for example: you live there, inside your house, and you don't feel the dust when it's windy; outside, the dust is rising: the dust is rising due to sin, due to our children's bad choices, and it rises and rises.
Our screen captures that dust and the entire screen is so covered in this dust that we can't even feel the little breeze that comes through; in order to feel that breeze, you're going to wash your screen; once it's all clean, the air can flow through.
Well, when you're praying, you're in your home; you pray internally and you pray for your children; your children live externally, you see their bad choices, you go on loving them.
They no longer pray, they speak against their neighbour, they blaspheme, they neglect their spouse, they turn to other women or to other men, they turn to what is evil: theft, murder, towards substance abuse that makes them think this is happiness.
You are witnesses to all this and inside you, you're crying; inside you, you're begging God to come help them; inside you, you're asking yourselves, Is he doing something? I pray and pray but nothing changes. And then, you go on, you beg; there are moments when you are discouraged, so you go on praying.
You see all this externally; and so, this is your screen: you see what's happening externally through your eyes but because of your worrying, you don't feel the wind of The Love, the wind of The Love no longer reaches you.
So, Mother Mary talks to you about peace: Keep your peace, pray with the heart, be tiny little children who trust in God. Give everything to my Son, he has been on the Cross and he took all sins and brought them unto death. Stop crying, keep your peace and give that to God.
And then, you say yes: the screen is cleaned, you become filled with love for God and then, the graces come through; the graces from our soul for them, they can get through now, for our flesh is at peace.
Our children have our flesh; with what did we nourish the little being inside us? Our flesh, everything came from our flesh.
So, our flesh didn't stop nourishing our children; it nourishes the little being of love that we carried and that we carry in our heart, for Mother of love opened her Heart and let all our hearts enter into it.
And so, we did the same thing: when we saw our child, our grandchildren, our hearts opened and welcomed them, and when we're at peace, they receive graces, so let's stop worrying about God's work.
Our children are God's work, this is his business and not our business. Do you think it would have changed anything for my husband, when he (God) asked me for abandonment, if I had said no? His time had come to reveal his works.
When I was constantly saying yes in that abandonment, he was receiving because I had become linked to him through the sacrament of Matrimony: my flesh and his flesh formed but one flesh.
And so, God, through my yeses, was preparing my husband; it was around four o'clock when my husband, sitting on the couch, said, I think the Father is coming to get me.
He hadn't had his heart attack yet, he had simply had indigestion, but to him, it was different from what he had experienced in the past.
So, why did he say that? Because Heaven was preparing him through graces of abandonment.
I didn't understand anything, it wasn't up to me to understand, it was God's business, not mine, but he was asking: he was asking my flesh that was linked to his flesh, for abandonment, and he was nourishing that flesh through Heaven's graces.
And so, we're all together; if only one person prays the rosary on behalf of his brothers and his sisters, then they receive graces and those graces nourish them so they can fulfill themselves in their daily lives, in the present.
Now, the Lord is saying, internally, that we're going to take a break.
So, let's take a few moments, fifteen minutes, sister And afterwards, if you wish, we will continue talking a little while longer.
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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