Black,African Spirituality,Black Saints, Coptic, Latin, Orthodox Rites
Black, African Spirituality,Black Catholics, Black Saints, Coptic, Latin, Orthodox Rites,
Black Catholics, African Spirituality, Black Saints, Coptic, Latin, Orthodox Rites
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Palladius, writer and a resident at Cæsarea. Among the Holy Folk.
Palladius, I am a Coptic/Ethiopian friend of God, 11 Jan.
Palladius, I was a monk, and lived at Alexandria, 500s A.D.
Palladius. Martyred in Alexandria with Paliconus, 23 June.
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
MONDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
"Remain united to Me"
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dear Friends,
“When an unclean spirit goes out of a person it roams through arid regions searching for rest but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my home from which I came.’ But upon returning, it finds it empty, swept clean, and put in order. Then it goes and brings back with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they move in and dwell there; and the last condition of that person is worse than the first. Thus it will be with this evil generation.” Matthew 12: 43 – 45
Let me now give you the words of Jesus addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to Joseph saying, “During My public life I spoke often about the evil one and the legion of evil spirits that are with him. He is at work in the world to bring you all with him to hell where he resides.
There are many people who are obsessed or possessed by evil spirits. This is because they gave in to the evil one by doing witchcraft, reiki, or playing the ouija board or tarot cards. Those who go to séances, voudou or any gathering where the evil one is at work can be taken by the devil. These things are going on in your midst every day because you are living in an evil generation.
I am the only one who has the power to chase away these evil spirits and make you free. You need to believe in Me and pledge your life to Me and go to a priest who can pray with you. Once freed you must be filled with My presence and with the Holy Spirit so that the evil one cannot return with seven more evil spirits with the result that your state is worst than ever. If I am present in your heart, the evil one cannot return.
Let not your curiosity get the best of you. Have nothing to do with those things I mentioned above for they are of the devil. Remain united to Me, your Saviour, and you will be at peace and no evil spirit will take hold of you. I came into this world to take you out of the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of the devil, and I established My Kingdom and I want you all part of the Kingdom of light.”
Father Melvin
Fr. Denis O'Brien, MM, on the Catholic Church in America: "Dissidents used to have the decency to leave. Today, it would seem that they are living high on our cowardly silence."
"All the saints of history . . . have been distinguished for the love of Our
Lord in the Eucharist and for Mary . . . . So there is no canonized saint to
whom I cannot cry out with confidence to obtain for me a great love for Mary
so that I may borrow her Immaculate Heart to come closer to the Sacred Heart of
Our Lord in the Eucharist" (John Haffert).
Meditations by Padre Pio - Accept all the suffering and incomprehension that comes from Above. In this way you will perfect and sanctify yourself. (FSP,119)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Which direction has America taken? You be the judge!
"The latent power of blood and sweat and tears in our American youth will be captured within the next generation by one of the other forces: either by some political crackpot who will turn that desire for sacrifice into something like Nazism, Fascism, or Communism, or by our leaders, political, educational and moral who will first show self-discipline and moral courage in their own lives and thus give an example to others."
St. Faustina's diary -
September 29. The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. I have become interiorly united with God. His presence penetrates me to my very depths and fills me with peace, joy, and amazement.
After such moments of prayer, I am filled with strength and an extraordinary courage to suffer and struggle. Nothing terrifies me, even if the whole world should turn against me. All adversities touch only the surface, but they have no entry to the depths, because God,
Who strengthens me, Who fills me, dwells there. All the snares of the enemy are crushed at His footstool. During these moments of union, God sustains me with His might. His might passes on to me and makes me capable of loving Him. A soul never reaches this state by its own efforts. At the beginning of this interior grace, I was filled with fright, and I started to give in to it; but very quickly, the Lord let me know how much this displeases Him. But it is also He, Himself, who set my fears at rest. (480)
O my God, I am conscious of my mission in the Holy Church. It is my constant endeavor to plead for mercy for the world. I unite myself closely with Jesus and stand before Him as an atoning sacrifice on behalf of the world. God will refuse me nothing when I entreat Him with the voice of His Son. My sacrifice is nothing in itself, but when I join it to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it becomes all-powerful and has the power to appease divine wrath. God loves us in His Son; the painful Passion of the Son of God constantly turns aside the wrath of God. (482)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The following was given to Vicka one day when she was away from Medjugorje:
I bless you with the benediction of a Mother. Pray everyday and confide yourselves to my son, Jesus. In this way you will understand what God asks of each of you. (Special Message March 21, 1987).
St. Clare discovered in prayer the will of God for her, and this enabled her not only to live a holy life, but one marked by miracles as well From John's gospel:
Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it (Jn 14:12-14).
Next to St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare (1193-1253) was most responsible for the growth and spread of the Franciscan ideal which changed the face of the church in the 13th century.
Born in Assisi of wealthy parents, Clare heard a sermon by St. Francis when she was a teenager. It affected her to such a degree that she left home to join him and his followers, and to live the life of gospel poverty. Francis gave her the veil when she was 19 years old, and she was shortly joined by her two sisters and, later, her mother.
Living at the convent at the church of San Damiano, Francis charged her under obedience to accept the office of abbess, which she then held for nearly 45 years until her death.
Clare's understanding of poverty, embodied in the Rule of Poor Clare Nuns, was designed to bring the individual into intimate union with Christ and away form all earthy attachments. She founded monasteries for her nuns in Italy, France, Germany and Hungary, and was credited with many miracles though out her life, notably the saving of her convent and the town of Assisi from the Saracen invaders.
St. Clare endured an illness for 30 years that confined her to the convent, yet she was known to be a spirited, energetic leader, always loving and kind toward her sisters. She was motivated always by her love of the gospel ideal of simplicity after the example of Christ. She died in 1253 and was canonized just two years later.
"Pray every day, "the Virgin says, "In this way you will understand what God asks of each of you. "Today, simply pray for this knowledge of God's will, as St. Clare did throughout her life.
The Hidden Life of Our Lord as told to Gianna Sullivan Current Release
By Our Lord Jesus Christ
Gianna Talone Sullivan
31. The Love of My Mother
I was sitting on My mother's lap facing her. She was looking at Me. I put both my hands out (palms down) towards her. She kissed both my hands, one first and then the other. Then I turned My hands over. She kissed the other side of My hands, one first and then the other. I did this three times, and each time she kissed My hands. Then I put My hands on her neck, and I laid My little head on her shoulder.
She held me ever so lovingly. She did not say anything to me. Our Love for one another joined the Love of the Holy Trinity. How important this is for people to take time to love one another. A moment's rest, a prayerful smile, a genuine look of concern, all send the love and embrace of comfort My mother gave to Me, joined with the Love of the Holy Trinity.
When I was little, times like that gave me the strength later to endure and persevere the torment and agony from people's lack of love. There were moments when I was young that I never wanted to leave My mother's arms. That is why I held on to her for comfort. I would experience a fear of being alone and abandoned. I did not know at that age what the extent of my anguish later would entail, but I would feel alone and frightened.
My mother would hold me. She did not need to say anything. I wanted her comfort. I was safe with her. She knew exactly how too calm me, love me and protect me with her motherly Love. No one could replace the Love My mother had for Me and continues to have for Me as well as for all the children of the world. She formed me in her womb, and my soul knew her well.
O' would it be wise and well if people took these words of mine and placed them in their hearts! Praise is ever fitting and necessary to comfort me and to assist in My designs. All is in the Hands of God! I am here and very much aware of the situations at hand. Do not doubt in the Way of God, but believe and be glad.
My mother will comfort you as she comforted me. She will hold you, calm you, love you and protect you. She is your Mother, too. She will teach you as she taught Me. She will show you the Way and lead you to Me. She will take you the safest and most direct Way. So, if you ever feel alone or abandoned, you too will have the strength to endure and persevere.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #25
In private chapel at home
October 25, 1995
My dear child, listen to My words of mercy for My beloved people. See how through My patience I show My people how much I love them. I am a gentle God, loving all people. I am here for all people, not only a select few.
All are special to Me for all were created in My likeness. It is My people who have the choice to belong to Me. I will never reject them. My beloved ones feel inferior and are afraid they are not counted among the chosen. They wonder why certain things happen to them and not to others.
They place restrictions, contingencies and stipulations on themselves, and therefore block My love. They, in essence, build a wall of judgmental emotions against themselves, not permitting Me to love them. For this reason they end up rejecting My love and My graces which I desire to bestow on them. I want all My beloved to know the depth and breadth of My love for them.
Life is full of wonders, and what you do with each opportunity of each day allows you to be co-redeemers in My love. My people are filled with questions which occupy their minds, questions about themselves. I desire them to rest in My love by putting aside their frustrations and desires for self gain and to focus on loving others through My eyes. Love as I love.
Do not be concerned on how you could do better serving others. Place the emphasis of your focus not on yourself but on loving others. Do the best you can do and be pleased that My grace has carried you through a given day. We together are joined in love. Do not become distracted with the frustrations and the enticements of the world. Your cross is your redemption; and the closer you desire to be to Me, the more you desire to be Me, the many more crosses you will be issued under the heavens, for true love and humility are brought to perfection through the cross.
Do not attempt to analyze why some people seem to have heavier or fewer crosses in their lives. Everyone who desires eternal life and to share the Beatific Vision of the Holy Trinity has a cross. Only I know the incentives of each person's heart, and only I know what each person needs for salvation.
Pray for others. Intercede for them with your love, service and prayers. Join together as a unit of one body, one love. Do not weigh your cross against another person's. Keep your head under the yoke. Do not allow the passion of curiosity let your eyes look at what others are doing. Your eyes need to be focused on your own duties of love for the day. Be careful and notice how often in a given day you may be filled with judgmental opinions and emotions.
Realize how often you are quick to form a verdict on someone's actions, words or general behavior, and thus feel that you are self-righteous. Put a stop to active, useless thoughts which can preoccupy your mind by replacing them with thoughts of love and affirmative, positive thoughts of the person. See through My eyes each person's goodness, and be merciful. Focus on My love and mercy and on how I love each person and am merciful not only toward the greatest sins but also the slightest imperfections and failings.
You can be merciful. You can be loving. You can be Me, for you were created in My goodness. It takes time to utilize and put into practice My words, as it takes time for an athlete to train and rise to a level of perfection in fitness. If you do not start , how will you reach the finish line?
Begin now and be patient with yourself. As I have said to you in the beginning of this lesson, 'See how through patience I show My people how much I love them', through your patience show each other how much you love one another. Begin with yourself.
Be patient with yourself as I guide you and show you how much you love yourself, so you will be able to show others how much you love them. Mercy is the key to loving. Take the step to mercy and cross the bridge of love. Peace, little one, to you and all My loved ones. My peace I give to you.
End of Lesson #25
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #24
In St. Maria Goretti Church, Scottsdale, Arizona
October 13, 1995
My little one, the daily journey of life entails a variety of emotional valleys and hills, valleys of sorrow and hills of joy. I your Jesus of Mercy walk with My people on their journey, when invited. Even though the tide changes and ways of life change for many people, I remain the same, for I am God.
My Word remains the same, for I am the Word. I am Love, and I can only love. I love all My people. Even though all the world may turn against you and forget you, I will always love you and never forget you.
The measure of love that I have for all My people is greater than the sands of the earth. No small deed of mercy, love, charity or compassion goes unnoticed. All are accounted for in My Kingdom. Even though the flesh dies, the soul lives and is free in My love. The bones of the flesh remain on the earth, but the spirit ascends to everlasting life, connecting life on earth to life eternal. This connection is through the cross.
It is necessary to live in this world sharing the graces which are Divine with all people, helping all to know My love. This can be accomplished by being Love itself. You may not feel that you belong to this world, but you must live in it. Utilize the opportunity to love, and be humble and meek of heart.
Pray unceasingly in mind and spirit. There are many of My beloved ones who do not know Me and are thirsty for My love. Many are confused, downtrodden, angry, bewildered and lonely. Be Love for them. Be Me. Bring My people to Me through unconditional love, deeds and prayer.
There are many who know Me, yet are so afraid to take a risk for Me. They are quite comfortable in the way they live and in their knowledge of Me. Yet, they are not willing to be challenged by Me, nor do they desire to know Me more intimately for fear of what I might ask of them once illumination of their minds and souls commences. They keep a distance from Me.
Bring these My people to Me through your example of living and of trust in Me. Let your life show them the freedom and joy affiliated with the surrender of affection toward the passions and material possessions of the world. Your life must be an example of prayer, joy and service. It must be free of fear, anxiety and attachments of all sorts. There are many of My beloved ones who refuse to know Me. They do not desire Me. They have no interest in anything Divine.
Bring these My people to Me through prayer. Unite them unceasingly to Me in the silence of your heart and live in My hope for their future. The time will come when all actions will be accounted for in the heavens. Every person will be responsible for his or her actions. It is I who desire all to be free and happy and to live in love of the truth. Speak up for the truth of My Word; yet speak lovingly and allow your actions to be the living testimony of your freedom in My love.
I bless you, little one of love and mercy, as I bless all My people in the world. Pray, pray, pray unceasingly and live My love for all. Peace in My love and fortitude in My truth!
End of Lesson #24.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #23
In private chapel at home
October 6, 1995
My dear little one, My words I give to My people are in hopes that they will realize the breadth and depth of My love for them. Many of My people feel unworthy because they are weak in virtue and imperfect in love. My life was for them and My love is theirs. Evil influence and weaknesses of the flesh continually crash as waves on the soul to distract and persuade it that I am a vengeful God.
The fact and truth is that I am merciful, forgiving, compassionate and understanding. The opportunity is there for My beloved ones to utilize. This opportunity is within their reach and it entails a humbling of the inner self, accepting their weaknesses and turning to Me in confidence and trust for strength and mercy.
The soul is revived and the Breath of Life gains for them the strength to persevere. All my people are special to Me. Each soul was created to love and to give God great glory. In giving God glory they in turn are sanctified and purified so that they may receive the same glory.
I do not desire My loved ones to be downtrodden, troubled or discouraged; for I am a God of hope. I do not desire My loved ones to feel that they will not be able to possess eternal life and therefore become more distant from My love. These temptations only have one agenda, and that is to weaken them further and widen the gap between the truth of My love for them and their position.
Come, all My loved ones. I will not reject you. Draw near to My most merciful Sacred Heart. I desire to fill you with strength and hope and to encourage you to open your hearts to an intimate relationship. When you recognize your sinfulness and weakness but turn to Me humbly for mercy, I bless you, teach you and give you the power to rise to the limits of compassion and love for self.
This gives God great glory when the soul recognizes that alone it merits nothing, but through God merits eternal life. For in Him all power is gained. This littleness is a dependency of trust and it surrenders unconditionally at all times and in all circumstances and situations to God's will.
Simpleness of life and satisfaction in God's designs lend to the achievement of great heights in your sanctification. I did not give My life in vain. I gave my life for all people. I desire all to know that I am here and I am not distant. But I am waiting for My beloved people to allow Me to be Who I Am, for I cannot change to meet their needs or change to their liking. I am a God of love, and all My works can only end in love. When I begin to change situations of great need in peoples' lives, it seems at first the situation becomes more hopeless.
That is because the circumstance initially commenced and was controlled at a human level. I, in turn, must weed out the bitter fruit so that all will blossom with the sweetness of honey. However, many of My people prevent Me at that point to continue to prune the garden.
They pull the reigns of control, and out of fear they take back what they initially gave to Me. They do not trust Me. Instead, I desire them to remove themselves even further and to trust that My mercy will prevail and that ultimately great works of goodness will surface.
Tell My people, little one, that I am a God of trust and that I can be trusted with the most hopeless situations, only to reap the most promising victories. I bless and love all My people. Trust Me. Do not feel ashamed, unworthy or hopeless. I will save you and protect you if you will allow Me. The risk is in your hands. The decision is yours, for I have given you free will. I await to assist you at your call. Come, draw near. I am your Jesus of Mercy. Peace.
End of Lesson #23.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson # 22
In private chapel at home
October 5, 1995
My dear little one, My blessing of peace is for all who desire it. My blessing, however, encompasses both love and pain; for both good and evil exist. If only love existed, joy would sustain the world; but there also exists evil, and much pain and sorrow have surfaced. My peace is for all who experience love, joy and pain or sorrow. My peace can exist in all situations and circumstances.
My peace is unending, and it is abiding in the grace of My love. Many of My beloved people are suffering on the cross, yet they know the cross is their sanctification, which glorifies the Father; and therefore, they accept the will of God and possess great peace. Much of the world today does not desire sanctification through the means of My cross. Many people (a very great percentage currently in your world) desire to reach sanctification through their own designs.
They desire to travel a path marked with fallacies and superficial piety which lead only to further degradation, corruption and chaos. No longer do My people desire to follow My Word. Instead they desire to revise My Word and then follow it. In revising the Word, they live a word made by humankind. My people no longer are open for Me to be their God. Their hearts have grown cold, and they have grown stubborn in their ways.
I, your Lord God Who Am, desire to free all from captivity. I would free them from their enemies. I would fill them with the finest gifts. But they desire not to heed My voice, so I have left them to their own designs in their stubbornness. They desire to be free from the cross, and they desire a foreign god. These are My people who no longer desire Me to be their God. I Am Who Am! I Am the Lord God. I made the Word. I Am the Word. The Word cannot change, for I Am.
There can be no other god, for I Am. But I will leave My people to their designs, and then the time will come when all will know the truth. My love and unfathomable mercy will never cease. The only boundary will be what My people place before Me and their own selves. I will never change, and I will continue to wait for all to come to Me. All are invited.
My doors will remain open for all until the designated time when My Father closes them after He releases His angels to unseal the scrolls of judgment for the World. Now I continue to wait and accept even the least prayer for mercy. I continue to take the few people of the world whose prayer is to remain faithful to Me. I take their prayer and place it in My Most Sacred Heart. I store their prayers and will release My mercy because of their faithfulness.
God is infinite, little one, and My people have made mockery of My truth. Many have made mockery of My beloved Vicar on earth and have systemized and categorized moral values. My Heart is saddened by their denial of the truth, but I will not invade their domineering force because of their free will and because I am not invited to free them. I am meek, humble and gentle of heart.
I love all people; and yet, all may walk away from Me and I will still love them. Judgment will come at the time My Father wills. Only then will they know the opportunity of life they have forfeited by denying the Word and revising it to meet their own designs. Pray for all people, for unity and fidelity to God. It only takes a few to change the world, a few people who are committed and devoted to the Truth at all costs. I bless you, little one, as I bless all My people. My blessing rests on all who receive it unconditionally and gratefully. Peace.
End of Lesson #22.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #21
In private chapel at home
October 4, 1995
My dear little one, when My people come to Me and love surpasses all measures, they are bound to Me in the gift of piety. They receive confidence in My love and in My care for them.
Piety is having knowledge of God, but the gift allows you to perform your obligations to others out of the affection you bear for them in your heart. It is not out of justice or a duty but a measure of love, a love which passes all limits.
You join a fraternity with your brethren and your soul overflows with a love you bear for them. Confidence fills you when you allow yourself to belong to Me, to trust in Me like a little child trusts a parent. This littleness allows you to rise spiritually to great levels of achievement in My love. You attain the perfection of My love. When someone comes to you for help, reflect on your motives.
If you give to him out of obligation or duty, you limit the gift you can receive. Give out of the great affection of your heart and you will master this gift of piety. Love has no measures or standards. You can join in human fraternity through a genuine love and affection for each soul.
To be pious is to put total confidence in Me. It is to surrender unconditionally and entrust everything to Me. It is to embrace Me with a Divine filiation. This type of unlimited confidence allows sin to be expiated. Your life becomes a reflection of Mine, both in pain and consolations. Love separates you from everything. It separates you from social position, wealth and anxiety.
It liberates you in My freedom; yet, it will also strip your soul of its material cover, giving you the great consolation of freedom. Do not look to justice but to mercy. Bear a great affection for your brethren of love. I love all My people and desire them to see the many masks which shield their souls from the truth. Liberate in total freedom through love of Me and confidence in Me. Give to one another out of love not out of duty. Do not seek justice, seek mercy. Love has no measures.
Blessings on My beloved people. Peace to all. Pray for all in love for them and share your gifts by utilizing the many graces you have received in order that you will attain more. Unfathomable graces of love and mercy are yours.
End of Lesson #21.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #20
In Assisi
September 13, 1995
My little one, praise be to God the Father, tender, kind and all-giving. As I continue to teach My people, I desire for them to learn to utilize prudence and the gift of discernment. It is most necessary to always test the spirit of humanness against that which is Divine.
All that is from God will bear good fruit and will come to pass in God's time. Patience and endurance are necessary in order to remove the human ways from being obstacles to that which is Divine. The fragrance* that bears good fruit carefully and quietly unfolds in God's time.
Many times God's time seems slow to mankind. But according to God's standard, time is eternity and all that is good is molded and unfolds with the gentle stroke of the Father's Hand. (* Good wine must ferment for many years to receive the savoring, delicate taste to the lips.)
This is not to say that one who is good shall not suffer or be afflicted with temptations. In suffering is gained patience. If you are ostracized, it does not mean you are bearing bad fruit. Remember the false prophets were highly praised by many people. No, when you are scorned and troubled, mocked, ridiculed and slandered, the fruit you bear is fermenting from bitterness to savoring sweetness.
Therefore, be at peace when God allows you to be chastised and pressed through the mill of sweet graces.
Utilize prudence in all you do and say, and you shall see with the eyes of God His loving Hand guiding each situation in your life. Prudence teaches you to wait, pray, and not to act on emotion but out of love. Discernment teaches you counsel and allows you to weigh what is good and bad, and what you must do to follow Me. Avoid evil with silence and love. Do not partake in evil by fighting back.
Genuinely love and focus on Me and your journey. Discernment teaches you to focus. All you do must center around Me. If it does not, then discernment will tell you that it is not the way for you. Discernment prevents you from straying if you utilize prudence and the counsel of its gifts.
I love all My people, yet there is much evil today. The battle in the heavens continues. Spirits of evil are trying to confuse and distract My beloved ones. All people can be subject unless they pray fervently, center on Me, and utilize prudence and discernment. Test all spirits. Desire only that which is Divine.
Remain humble, simple and meek of heart. Any confusion will dissipate with patient endurance and fervent prayer. You will not stray nor will any forces of evil ever conquer you if you do as I have said. I am your Lord God, here to protect and save all My little ones, all those who desire to be with Me, to walk with Me, to live in Me, to be Me. Bless you, little one. Pray for peace in the world. Pray for all My people. Pray for prudence and discernment and that all may be free and rejoice in My love.
End of Lesson #20.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson # 19
In Assisi
September 12, 1995
My dear little one, God the Father is loving and wise. Many of My people have a wrong image of My Father. That is because you cannot go to the Father except through Me. All who know Me know the Father. Few people truly know My Father. I take each person to the Father when it is the proper time.
The Father desires to have an intimate relationship with all people, but in order to love the Father it is necessary to love Me. In order to love Me it is necessary to love life, to love all people, and to walk the path of My Word, Truth, and Light. The path I walked was designed by My Father.
To know Him is to know His path and to cherish it. I am the Path to My Father. I am the Truth and the Light for the world. Those who receive Me receive Him Who sent Me.
Wisdom comes through loving and simplicity. Wisdom penetrates the heart in the silence of prayer. Those who fear God in all humility have received the first grace of wisdom, for God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Those who are reverent are also wise. Wisdom leads to knowledge of His love and the comfort of His intimate protection. Those who do not believe God exists have no fear of Him.
This is their foolishness being exemplified through their lack of knowledge. True knowledge in God sustains a "holy" fear of Him because what is realized is the little amount of knowledge one has compared to Him. Those who do not believe God exists believe they are all-knowing and righteous. They become calloused and arrogant instead of humble and meek. They become weak, yet they think they have gained power.
The less you realize you know, the more you gain from My heavenly Father; for in your humility you allow Him to grace you with the knowledge of His love. To know Him is to love Him. Wisdom gains you knowledge. To know Him is to be wise. To be wise is to love. To love is to be One with Me.
To be One with Me is to be One with My Father, for We are One. My Father has so much to give. His love is endless. He is tender and kind and comforts all in their pain. Yet few seek Him and few desire to have a truly personal relationship with Him because they keep their distance from Me.
There is nothing that God will not forgive in His merciful love when a repentant heart asks for His mercy and forgives himself. Those who seek God's mercy are humble and they enter the gateway to wisdom and holiness. To seek His mercy is to have a "holy" fear. I lead all to the Father and I show mercy when approached with a sincere heart. Many are so distant and many choose not to know Him.
There are many who are afraid to come to Me even after I have told them of My mercy and My Father's love. My Father has so much to give to His little children who desire to be dependent on Him and trust Him. I invite all to come to Me so I can take all to My Father.
Pray, little one, for all people to desire the truth and love of God the Father. Their image of the Father will change when they gain wisdom and come to know Him. Pray, little one, pray. For My Father is Good and gives all that is good. He gives life. He has given the greatest Gift of Me to all. Peace this day.
End of Lesson #19.
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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