Black, African Spirituality,Black Catholics, Black Saints, Coptic, Latin, Orthodox Rites
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Emilian, I am the soldier martyr in 259 A.D. Citra, what is now Algeria, Africa. I was martyred with Agapius, Antonia, Secundinus, Tertula, and names unknown-none lady with two children, 29 April
Emiliano and 44 Christians martyred at Membressa in Africa.
Emmelia, Kemetian Ascete Nun described by Palladius (monastic) . It was said, “when she stopped blessing, she stopped living.”
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
MONDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
Today’s Prophecy Meditations
"Behold your Mother"
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Dear Friends,
“Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” John 19: 25 – 27
We had a rather nice day yesterday with sun and clouds. It was warm in the afternoon but we had a shower or two in the evening. It rained during the night and it is cloudy this morning. We will have more rain today but the sun should shine later on.
I went to Summerside yesterday morning and I was back around 1:00 p.m. I celebrated Holy Mass last evening at 7:00 p.m. and a good crowd attended. Today I will celebrate Holy Mass at 9:30 a.m. and a good number should come. If the weather cooperates I will have Mass at Our Lady’s Grotto in Seacow Pond tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The fishermen are catching plenty of big tuna fish in the waters around the Island. They have caught over 100 of these big fish so far this season. Some weigh over one thousand pounds, which in the metric system is about 500 kilos.
I quote again today from the messages of Joseph that Our Lord gave him. Jesus spoke to him and said, “My Mother Mary was present as I carried My cross to Calvary and She stood near the cross as I suffered and died on it in great pain. Her pain as She stood there was also very severe. Indeed a sword pierced Her heart as Simeon had foretold. She suffered together with Me for the salvation of you all.
I spoke to My Mother and John, My Apostle, who was with Her. Before My death on the cross, I addressed My Mother in these words, ‘Woman, behold, your son’ and I spoke to John saying, ‘Behold, your mother.’ These words to John, I address to all of you so that you will look upon My Blessed Mother as your Mother. As I gave Her to John, I gave Her to you and every person who believes in Me. You have a Mother in heaven who loves you and prays for you.
My friends, accept your Mother and have a great devotion to Her. Her great role is to bring you all to Me, your Saviour. She wants that you all be saved and come to heaven to live with Her forever. She has appeared all over the world to call all the people to Me. She calls you to pray the rosary every day with great devotion and She often appears with the rosary in Her hands. She is a very devoted Mother who cares for all Her children. If you love Me, Your Redeemer, you will love My Mother too for We are never separated. All the graces you receive flow through Her hands to you. Where My Mother is honoured, I am honoured too and this brings Me great joy.”
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Aug 10- FALSE PROPHETS
Medjugorge Messages
"If the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, then we must love Jesus as
flesh and blood. Tell me what the phrase 'dwelt among us' can mean more perfectly
than His abiding Presence in our tabernacles?" (Fr. Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M.).
Mother Teresa -
Love begins at home. Everything depends on how we love each other. Do not be afraid to love until it hurts, for this is how Jesus loved.
Meditations by Padre Pio - May Jesus be your guide, your support and your life, always and in everything! (ASN, 44).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Pilgrimage toward the Ecstasy of Love
"Too many husbands and wives expect their partners in marriage to give what only God can give: eternal ecstasy. Yet if any man or woman could do that, he would be God. We are right to want the ecstasy of love; but if we expect to enjoy it through the flesh, which is merely on pilgrimage to God, we prepare ourselves for disappointment. The first ecstasy of love is not an illusion; but it is only a kind of travel folder, a foretaste, a preview, urging body and soul to start the journey towards eternal joys. If the first ecstasy passes, this change is not an invitation to love another person, but to love in another way - and the other way is Christ's way, the way of Him Who said: 'I am the Way.'"
St. Faustina's diary -
Oh, how astonished I was, for everything the Father said about union with God and the obstacles to this union I had experienced literally in my soul and heard from Jesus, who speaks to me in the depths of my soul. Perfection consists in this close union with God. (457)
Throughout the whole retreat, I was in uninterrupted communion with Jesus and entered into an intimate relationship with Him with all the might of my heart. (467)
This is What I Heard -August 9, 2008- Lec
This is What I Heard August 9, 2008
6:40 AM
From the Father
Son, reserve not your prayerful intercessions for your close family relations,
friends, officemates and people who have at one time or another had a part in
your life. Pray for mercy for the whole world as anything that happens in the
rest of the world has the potential to reach your shores in so short a time.
The massive movement of war material in sensitive areas of the world presages
the impending great conflict among nations. If not restrained in due time, the
succeeding events will cascade into out of control proportions resulting in all
out war.
still prevail but can I restrain the free will choice of mankind? Only those
who have voluntarily surrendered their free will choice to me do I have the
power to restrain my judgments. For those who have ignored my constant
pleadings, what I see is the path of destruction that they are to soon tread.
Those who have given their will to me are safe. Even if they surrender their
soul before my rescue mission saves my faithful ones, they can be comforted by
the fact that their soul have entered into eternal rest in me.
Message Reception Ended: 6:55 AM Duration : 15 Minutes
The Divine Mercy Prayer
Our Lord said to the servant of God, Sr. Faustina: "Unceasingly recite this
chaplet that I have taught you. Whover will recite it will receive great mercy
at the hour of death ... Priests will recommend it to sinners as a last hope of
salvation. Even the most hardened sinner, if he recites this chaplet even once,
will receive grace from my infinite mercy. Oh, what graces I will grant souls
who will recite this chaplet... By means of it you can ask and obtain anything
if what you ask will be compatible with my will.... I want the whole world to
know my infinite mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust
in my mercy...
You will recite this chaplet on the beads of the Rosary in the folowing manner:
First of all you will say one OUR FATHER, one HAIL MARY, and the I BELIEVE IN
This little chaplet takes less than fifteen minutes to recite and is a most
powerful prayer in times of need or praying especially for someone else. It is
said on the Rosary beads. We have also included in the links the 9 day Novena
to the Divine Mercy which starts on Good Friday and ends on the first Sunday
after Easter and a page with a variety of Divine Mercy Prayers for all types of
Opening Prayer:
You expired, O Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and an ocean
of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine
Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and
Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I
trust in You. Amen
The Lord's Prayer:
Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will
be done on earth as it is in Heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And
Forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And
lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen
Hail Mary:
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed art Thou among Women and
Blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Apostles' Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the
power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into
heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of
sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
On starting and on the 4 large Rosary beads say:
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly
Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the
whole world.
On each of the 10 small Rosary beads say:
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Conclude by saying three times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole
Closing Prayer:
Eternal God in whom Mercy is endless and the treasury of Compassion
inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your Mercy in us so that in
difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent but, with great
confidence, submit ourselves to Your Holy Will, which is Love and Mercy itself.
Message to J.N.S.R. June 21, 2008
The Hour of My Church
June 21, 2008
JESUS: Too often you say: "God will take care of it".
You abandon your efforts to Divine Providence, but first, the Lord invites you: "Do and I will do".
I am not a passive God to allow this almost dead branch which has become your whole being, that separates itself, little by little, from the Tree of Life where My Sap of Life flows. I am that Tree. Do you not understand that all Life, that of your Earth, as well as the life of the least of My children, is just about to come to an end, because of the decision of some to abandon for dead, again and again, your God of Love, nailed on His Cross.
I am Alive.
I am the Saviour of the World, JESUS Christ.
I am the Resurrection and the Life.
Why do you still insist that I remain hidden in your churches? Hanging on My Cross with open arms. I wish to hold you. Do you not understand that the greatest Sacrifice of Love has already been fulfilled? I have opened the Kingdom of God for you.
Do not paralyze your Deliverance any longer by preventing Me from coming on your Earth. Today's Scribes and Pharisees still go on torturing Me in their efforts to replace Me. But I will ascend on My Throne of Glory, on My Earth, the same way I went up to My Holy Cross. For such is My Father's Will. I am King, son of a King.
Your ecclesiastic institution, more human than divine, is shutting you in. It is not in order to protect you, but rather for ITS own protection. Remember that JESUS' Day will also be the Hour of My Church. Do not call this time again to Divine Providence. You have My Word. God is coming to ask your willing and total cooperation to open His Church to all His children. As in Heaven, God wishes to welcome them all, at this time on His Earth.
On My Earth, I see nothing but lies. Satan has succeeded in neutralizing the true Soldiers of Christ, and now he believes he has the final victory.
For the Church on Earth must be the Bridge to the Communion of Saints on Earth with those in Heaven. The Church is shaky. Has she forgotten that it was born Christian and that she must nurture, with My Word and My Living Bread, all My children who are waiting to be born of the Spirit.
Priests of My Church, you are its spine, that must receive the strength of the Holy Spirit, in order to go out of your four walls, and call all My children who are asleep and in a deep slumber. Be ready! Open the doors of My Church. Replace the material with the spiritual. With one leap, jump over this chasm. Quickly bring My Sheep to the Unique sheep-fold of the Good Shepherd.
My Holy Word will awaken all pagans.
Have the Faith of Paul and Peter.
With your Lord, you shall conquer through My Holy Cross.
Ask and you shall receive.
The Words of JESUS.
† † †
JNSR: On June 28th is the first day of the ecumenical year, dedicated to St. Paul.
God The Father to Gianna Sullivan August 8,2008
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Talone Sullivan
To the World
August 8, 2008
Children of Humanity,
As a Father of Love I graciously come again in the midst of you, as I am always
present, but in a different way, to rekindle a new Love with you. Through My Son
and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you have all things at your side and in reach.
Use, ask, and devote all the graces on your own behalf and to help others.
Evangelize in the way of Love. Obey My Commandments. Do not bear false witness
against your brother. Love God above all, and love your neighbor as yourself.
The time of great importance is here. Throughout the centuries I have led my
people through trials, tribulations and persecutions. They have been victorious
in war and have been defeated through lack of response and prayer or through
Love your God with all your heart. This time is so important. You cannot stop
the Hand of God! I do what I desire. I give, and I take away. I am the Alpha
and the Omega. I am the fire at night to lead in darkness, and the cloud in day
to protect from danger.
Come and know that now, more than ever before, there is much to gain in life,
protection and the virtues of Love through My Son and through the spouse of the
Holy Spirit, whom the Blessed Trinity has allowed to come. For you she pleads.
I am Who am. I see and cannot dismiss. I forgive even if you cannot. I am
faithful even if you are not. There is truly a day, when you will know; and you
will miss not only this opportunity that at least my prophets before and my
people believed, but you will miss the opportunity that you could have had and
the graces and the protection of your soul.
Life (physical life) is only dust?a life that is breathed into you. The soul is
accountable and lives for all eternity. Where the soul goes depends on your
free will.
In the days of old, the good and the bad fought and killed. Who won? Life went
to dust. The soul went to eternity (Heaven or hell). The
opportunity?freedom?was based on free will and faithfulness to Me.
Thou shall not kill. If you hate, then you have killed; for you have sinned
already. As a rule for your own fate: reconcile and love, for I am a God Who
is Just and Merciful. Only I weigh out the ultimate Truth.
This is What I Heard -August 8, 2008- Lec
This is What I Heard August 8, 2008
6:40 AM
From the Father
Deliver my message son. I AM counting on you and others like you to let people
know of my great concern for their eternal destiny. Tell them to make each day,
each moment count as stepping stones to their eternal glory which I reserve for
those who will persevere until the end.
Trials will keep coming to test one's faith and the genuineness of each
person's love for me and belief in the Gospel of Truth, hence tell people to
fortify their souls with graces obtainable thru my church. Make frequent
confessions. Never go slack in prayers. Limit distractions that bring no
benefit to the soul for each day that passes should be used to secure the merits
that will carry the soul to the portals of heaven?.my home.
I cannot, however, promise a trouble free life especially in these days of your
era but I AM always near.just a prayer away.
Believe my words that no testing comes to break your faith for I know the limits
of each person's endurance.
Message Reception Ended: 6:55 AM Duration : 15 Minutes
Scripture reference:
2 Thessalonians 1 Thanksgiving for Faith and Perseverance
3We ought always (F)to give thanks to God for you, (G)brethren, as is only
fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the (H)
love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater;
4therefore, we ourselves (I)speak proudly of you among (J)the churches of God
for your perseverance and faith (K)in the midst of all your persecutions and
afflictions which you endure.
5This is a (L)plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you will be
(M)considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering.
6For after all (N)it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who
afflict you,
7and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well (O)
when the Lord Jesus will be revealed (P)from heaven (Q)with His mighty angels
(R)in flaming fire,
8dealing out retribution to those who (S)do not know God and to those who (T)do
not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
9These will pay the penalty of (U)eternal destruction, (V)away from the presence
of the Lord and from the glory of His power,
10when He comes to be (W)glorified in His saints on that (X)day, and to be
marveled at among all who have believed--for our (Y)
testimony to you was believed.
11To this end also we (Z)pray for you always, that our God will (AA)
count you worthy of your (AB)calling, and fulfill every desire for (AC)goodness
and the (AD)work of faith with power,
12so that the (AE)name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in
Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Regarding catastrophic predictions, Our Lady said:
That come from false prophets. They say, "such a day, on such a date, there will be a catastrophe, "I have always said that evil will come if the world does not convert itself. Call the world to conversion. Everything depends on your conversion (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana December 15,1983).
Jesus also speaks of false prophets in Matthew's gospel:
Jesus answered them,"Beware that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, `I am the Messiah!' and they will lead many astray (Mt 24:4-5).
"But not everyone who speaks on the spirit is a prophet, but only if he follows the conduct of the Lord. "This excerpt from the apocryphal Teaching of the Twelve Apostles is another way of putting the old adage, "actions speak louder than words, "or" by their fruit you shall know them."
The gauge of a teacher, prophet, or any Christian lies in his behavior rather than his words. Does he live the spirit of the scriptures ? Does he help others in concrete ways? Do his words and actions promote peace or dissention? Before placing any trust in would-be prophets, preachers, or evangelists, look carefully at their lives.
As Catholics, we are guided by the magisterium, or teaching arm, of the church, which has preserved the body of faith in its essential form since the time of Christ. Indeed, one of the chief responsibilities of the Pope and bishops is to teach and preserve this faith, passed down within the church by each succeeding generation. The Holy Spirit remains with us always, guiding and protecting the church's beliefs and teachings until the advent of the kingdom.
Today, recite the Apostles' Creed slowly and prayerfully, reflecting on the meaning of each phrase. The visionaries of Medjugorje report that it is the Virgin's favorite prayer.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #30
In private chapel at home
November 11-12, 1995, midnight
My dear little one, if ever I wanted to stress upon My people the importance and significance of prayer, there would be no more opportune time than the present. I am not asking My people to give Me all of their undivided attention. I am asking them to return back to God and to give even a little of their time in prayer and thanksgiving to My Father for all the wonders He gives to all people continuously and unconditionally.
If all My people would pray daily even for a small amount of time, there would be peace and unity. Some of My beloved ones are praying, yet many are not. If ALL would pray, there would be peace through love and mercy. I desire to give to My people all good things from above. I have given My words of love and My teachings in hope that My people will return to the Way of truth. The future is contingent upon prayer. Much can be mitigated through prayer.
My Father is merciful and kind, especially to the repentant sinner. Just as Nineveh was spared, so too can the world in which you live be spared. Love and mercy are key elements and virtues of the truth. My Father is tender and kind. He seeks the humble hearts and He is a patient God.
There is tremendous hope for the journey for all who desire to know and live the truth. I would like to continue to give My lessons to My people, but I have given My Word through the Scriptures, and I am still waiting for My people to live My Word. My Word is THE Word. It is already written. It has been available to My people for 2000 years.
No new words will make any difference if My Word through Scripture is not practiced. My beloved priests, bishops, cardinals, deacons, religious, nuns, and even Christian evangelicals and ministers may have studied My Word, but I have invited ALL My people of the world to live My Word.
There comes a time, little one, when no additional words from Me will make any difference or make a greater impact on people. Those who desire My Word have it already. For those who do not desire to know My Word, then no other words from Me will change their hearts.
Pray for all people. Pray and love all people, even those who seem to be farthest away. Do not be afraid to pray for those who are your enemies. Do not harden your hearts, but walk through clouds of anger and bitterness and meet them with love, strength and mercy on the other side.
There is no need to take justice into your own hands. There is no need to take prosecution to the full extent of the law. What are needed are contrite hearts, merciful hearts, patient hearts, and hearts of compassion. Those who live My Word have hearts of love, mercy, patience and compassion.
Those who do not live My Word have hearts of stone and live not in My world but in their own. You cannot serve two masters. Those who live by My Word of truth and love know that justice will be fulfilled at the hand of My Father.
You cannot say you are a child of God, a chosen people, and then through words and actions contradict the law of love as I have given it to you. If you pray, you will know the truth, for the least contradiction to loving would cause inner division, for love and hate are not able to be mixed.
I await My people to return to Love. This does not mean that man is perfect or will not fail. If that were the case, My death for love of you would have been in vain. It means that through prayer and humility in accepting yourself in failure, you are able to grow in holiness and reach the Kingdom through patience and the virtues dispensed from God. It does not mean that you are not to live by the law established by mankind for structure and organizational standards in society.
What is needed to return to God is to live in a world by the virtues of love and dignity, not revenge, resentment, or hatred. It is so necessary, little one, that My people return to Me soon, before it becomes any more difficult to change. The longer My people delay, the colder the heart becomes, more and more like stone. But prayer, love and mercy chip away at the stony heart, and soon enough purity radiates beneath all layers.
I am here, little one, for all people. I love all people. I died for all people, and I would die again if I could because of My love for all people. Listen to the teachings of My Church. Listen to My Word and live it. Just take a few minutes to be with Me, to ponder My love in your life. I want to call all My people to Me. Return to God, My loved ones. Please return. Change the current path towards human destruction to one of love, peace, unity and life. Live in freedom through living the truth of My Word. I shall not give any new words until My people begin to live My current words, for all is written. My Word will not change. It stands as is for I am the living Word.
Those who live in Me live My Word. So many have chosen to walk away. Come, return to My love. Live My Word of truth. I love you, My beloved people. I am your Jesus of Mercy. I am Love, and I have so much to give you, more than you could ever imagine. Come, come to Me. Return back to Me. Return to God. All I can ask of you and all I can invite you to is to RETURN TO GOD!
End of Lesson 30.
End of Volume V.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #29
In private chapel at home
November 9, 1995
My little one, come to Me when you are weary and rest in My love. I will give you peace and refresh your soul with My presence. So many of My beloved people are tired and in need of great comfort and loving care. I desire all who are tired and filled with anguish to have recourse to Me. No matter how busy your schedule is daily, I can comfort you. Only ask Me to orchestrate your time, and you will be given the time to rest in My love in prayer and solitude.
If you desire time with Me, I will give it to you. I am gentle and meek of heart. I will teach you how to pray. I will lead you to a conversion of heart through praying for forgiveness and purity of heart. You will love your enemies and persecutors and seek the Kingdom above all else.
You will learn to pray in faith, for I will guide you. You will knock, and I, being the Door, will open to you the Way. Your heart will be disposed to do the will of My Father, for you will be bonded to Him in filial love. In Me you will live the perfect model of prayer through a loving adherence to the will of My Father. Remember I have mentioned to you the bond of filial love and how you, through Me, are a child of God.
Pray with confidence. Pray with a persevering faith and with purity of heart. Give all your petitions in prayer to My Father in My Name. I have told you of His great love and tender kindness. This filial bond of love with the Father is a communion with Him. Nothing happens to you in life unless My Father wills it so.
Trust in Divine Providence and surrender to His consoling truths. Trust in the wisdom of God. His judgment does not lack in what is advantageous for you. Even misfortunes have a useful purpose. Practice trustful surrender and have a loving recourse to God. I will teach you to conform to the will of My Father in adversity as well as in prosperity, in times of humiliation and disgrace as well as in times of honor and respect. I will lead you and be your Teacher.
Though all may turn from you, I will never leave you. I will be there for you. You will have a place to rest your weary head. I am merciful and all loving. I am your Jesus of Mercy.
I want all My people to know I am here for them at their asking. I surround them with love, and I hope they will desire the counsels of truth. It is My hope that they practice filial submission to Divine Providence. This allows them to rest in My Father's arms as a child rests in its mother's arms. Conforming the soul in love to Divine Providence allows the soul to rest in peace and gives hope to the weary.
My lessons to My people have been given because of My great love for them. I am calling My people to return back to God. I desire My people to know I have not abandoned them. I have given them the tools of prayer and the consoling truths of My existence.
I have desired them to learn, to be free, and to grow in holiness. I give My words for them to give them hope for the journey. I await their love. My Word will never perish. All who abide in the Word abide in Me and abide in Love. Those who abide in Me abide in My Father in a filial boldness.
My lessons are for all people in the world. All are invited to live in unity, peace and love. All are invited to live in the truth of God. Peace to all, little one. My peace I give to you for all eternity. Come, you who are weary and filled with anguish. Come, rest in My love. Receive My mercy and comforting love. I am your Jesus of Mercy.
End of Lesson #29.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #28
In private chapel at home
November 2, 1995
My dear little one, I hear the cry of My people. I hear their plea. All is answered through My most merciful Heart. The sorrowful shall be comforted. I will not allow My people to be alone. There already has been great devastation in the world where many of My people have wailed in agony for My mercy.
I come to the rescue of each soul even though agony has resulted through human hands and the unwillingness to love or be merciful. Evil's reign of power is close to an end, and there shall be no more tears of sorrow but tears of joy and gladness. Every sorrow, every whimper of pain pierces My Sacred Heart only to be turned into the soul's glory in resurrection.
It grieves Me that many of My people have chosen to walk the way of evil. They have chosen to be stubborn in their ways. They want, but they refuse to give. They must be right at all times and fail to accept error in humility. Pride continues to control every element of their being; and when they receive what they have sought after, it is not enough.
They desire more. Since they are never satisfied, they are never at peace. Only those who bow their heads under the yoke of God can receive true wisdom through gentleness and meekness of heart.
My servants know the way of love. My servants may suffer, but their suffering is united to Mine and is redemptive. In time every man, woman and child shall know the truth of My love. They will see the truth of the world as it is and what they have missed from postponing prayer and service through love.
By seeking self-gain in the world they will see what they have depleted from their souls through the loss of treasures in heaven. Evil does exist and its subtleties linger and fall prey on any soul complacent or indifferent to unconditional love and mercy. No doubt My servants will suffer interiorly and perhaps exteriorly because of the current conditions of the world which do not render love without self-gain.
No one is ever free when there exists conditions and limitations on mercy. This is not any new discovery. I have called My people to unconditional love and mercy for 2000 years. I have invited My people to live in simplicity and to pray. I have invited My people to follow the Truth of My Way. I have told My people that it takes time to change and not to wait to the last moment. My love is not a project meeting a deadline. My love is a way of life, an ongoing peace, harmony, unity, freedom and joy.
My love challenges you to grow and rise to the highest levels of dignity and respect. Wounds are healed, though perhaps not without pain. Ultimately pain will cease and no wounds will exist when you walk My Way. I have tried to help My people, but many refuse My assistance and My love. Their ways are confounded in self-pride and their pain deepens. The window of opportunity has been opened to love, but now My people in desolation, despair and pain accuse Me of abandonment.
I will always remain Who I Am. I am Love. I have never changed. So few listened to My words. Many are still not listening. Who is guilty of abandonment? The window of opportunity still exists. I have never left My people. Never! Each soul is precious in My love. Each soul is invited to love and will not be turned away. Each soul is also given the freedom to choose Love.
Now the world is a product of humankind's decision to love. Evil could not prevail unless allowed by the soul. Power, materialism and prestige have masked the truth of dignity. Politicians debating other politicians and leaders of other countries are all seeking their own self-gain. Few seek to uphold the truths of mercy and love for freedom in the world. This lack of genuine love and service will only be manifested in the current devastations existing in the world.
My love has filtered through many souls now seeking the truth, and many souls are allowing Me to help them. As genuine love surfaces, evil will initially seem to have stronger forces, but will weaken because evil cannot exist where there is Love. Humankind will have the opportunity to control and eliminate evil through genuine love and mercy. I will be with them as I have been before. Evil would like you to believe you have no power to control or eliminate its forces in existence.
But I tell you otherwise. Through love evil cannot exist. Unity, harmony and mercy are the artillery to win the battle through love. This may mean you may not be always at the forefront in the areas of prestige, power or self-righteousness. Love has no boundaries, and the first areas evil attacks are the areas of pride, self-gain, materialism, and power: the masks of falsehood and obstacles to freedom.
But many of My beloved ones are gaining the knowledge of truth from asking My assistance and giving their souls unconditionally to My care, love and mercy. There is hope for the future of mankind, a hope founded in Love. For evil's reign is close to an end. I love you, little one, and all My people. Peace be with you.
End of Lesson #28.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume V Lesson #27
In private chapel at home
October 30, 1995
My little one, I want My people to know that it is contradictory to say that you love and are merciful and then to turn around and blame others for their lack of response to their needs. You cannot say you live My Word and then turn around and judge, be indifferent, be complacent, or treat others as aliens because they do not share your belief or because you feel they are not living as children of the Father and disciples of the Son.
I want My people to know that it is most important during this time that they be very careful in how they perceive others in thought, word, and deeds. Be careful how you see yourself. Do not be self-righteous and see yourself as favored, yet others as confused, lost, or in need of pity.
I will not enter into the already established forum of many groups and organizations where I need to justify My Being, My Presence, My words or that of My Mother's.
What is needed is unconditional love and acceptance for all people. I am your Jesus of Mercy. I am God. Those who wish to believe My words may be at peace, and those who wish to scrutinize and scandalize My words by looking at the messenger instead of the message may also do so. But I tell you, no one is superior, self-righteous, favored, or in a more grace-filled position who cannot love unconditionally.
How can you say you love Me with all your heart and desire to be Me and even study My Way and My Word, then turn around and criticize and condemn with a sense of authority? The more you humble yourself and become meek of heart will you gain authority on that which is Divine.
My message of love and mercy may seem to be too simple of a task and without full flavor for many people. If this is so, why is it that so few people are responding at all levels to My words and requests? My people are filled with human anger and they fight evil with evil. They are filled with hate.
Yet My people also feel they are chosen, that they will gain the Kingdom, and that they are justified in blaming others. What is needed is love at all levels for all My people regardless of title, position or authority, even in My Church. Love is what is needed. Mercy!
It is dangerous to blame others for war. It is dangerous to blame others for lack of resources. It is dangerous to blame others for lack of health. First, you must look to yourself and see your own lack of love. It is love which saves. It is the lack of love of which you yourself are guilty that has led to wars, crime, lack of resources, hunger and pain. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Many are caught up in My Mother's loving words of hope and encouragement.
They say they live Her messages, yet they turn around and criticize, judge, or keep their distance from those they feel are not living as God's children. Those types of actions are not loving. Those actions are not merciful. Those actions do not yield a meek or humble heart. MY WORDS ARE TO BE LOVING AND MERCIFUL TO ALL PEOPLE. MY WORDS ARE TO BE MEEK AND HUMBLE OF HEART.
MY WORDS ARE FOR ALL PEOPLE OF ALL RACES OF ALL NATIONS. If you choose to follow Me and My Word, then you will live My Word and love as I love. Regardless of the messenger, regardless of the place, regardless of your own personal opinion, you will love unconditionally and humble yourself to be like Me if you are truly My servant. Better now to search your motives than to find out later that you were filled with bloated pride.
It is because I love My people and desire them to be free that I reveal My words of truth. Those who feel uncomfortable reading My words or are quick to pass judgment on the authenticity of My words should perhaps reflect on them more deeply, for they are the ones held captive and slave to pride.
It reflects their ways and their actions. It is likened to the high priest who comes before Me thanking Me that he is righteous and not like the rest of the sinners and the beggar who beats his breast pleading for God's mercy because He is a sinner. Who do you think will gain the Kingdom? Beware of your spiritual pride.
Turn now away from your sinful mannerisms, and LOVE. Love yourself, love others, and love to be humble. I bless you and love you. I give to you My peace and I hope you will decide for LOVE. It is your choice. Peace.
End of Lesson #27.
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
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Part II
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Black Saints Videos Part I
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James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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