Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic, and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Black, African Spirituality, Black Saints, Coptic, Latin, Orthodox Rites
Colluthus, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan. (Probably the same as Collotus, Recumbens, Rastanus, Sarmatas, Proteas, Orion, Didymus, Plesius, and Aratus. Martyred by beheading for preaching Christ in Northern Kemet with Paul. 18 Jan).
Colluthus, Presbyter (Elder), likewise Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Fair use , 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Diaspora who would not otherwise be exposed to such.
The Good book dictates:
Accept what is good, rejecting the rest.
(For those in the African Diaspora who would not otherwise be exposed to such: Fair use,
17 U.S.C.)
Fr Doucette - "I am your Friend" - Sun, August 3, 2008
"I am your Friend"
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Dear Friends,
Jesus said to them, "But who do you say that I am..." Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father." Matthew 16:15 17
We had a mostly cloudy day yesterday. It was windy all day and the rain started in the evening. It is raining hard this morning as I write this message and it is supposed to rain the whole day.
Here are the words of Our Lord addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him saying, "There are still many people in the world who do not know
There are many even in countries where My Church has been established for many years.
The Church is slow in fulfilling My words to go and make disciples of all nations. There are still many missionaries throughout the world but their number is going down instead of going up. Many of them are old and few young ones are joining them.
How will the people come to believe in Me if they are not taught and who is going to teach them...
There is a great need of missionaries in every country today and the members of My Church have to be mission-minded. They need to spread the faith among the people with whom they live.
In this way their faith will become alive and very meaningful.
I am sad to see that many youth do not have faith and do not go to church. It is time for the church to do something to bring all the young people to Me.
St. Peter was a man of faith who spoke very well when I asked the Apostles to tell Me what they thought of Me. It was Peter who answered beautifully saying, "You are the Messiah (the Saviour), the Son of the living God."
The Messiah had been awaited for a long time in
All have to be taught as soon as possible and become My friends and live in close union with Me. A believing Christian goes to Church every Sunday and receives the sacraments regularly. In this way you will receive the graces you need to follow Me and live a holy life.
With Me you will overcome every obstacle and I will fill you with My peace, love and joy. I am your Friend who will never abandon you.
Father Melvin
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Prayer Room Schedule*
Medjugorje Day By Day Aug 03 - FIRMLY BELIEVE
Weak so we can be strong....
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament has made Himself weak
as an example to us who are proud.
Christ is in bonds in the Blessed Sacrament.
He has made Himself a prisoner so that you can come to Him"
Cardinal Newman
Mother Teresa -
And this listening and this speaking is what prayer is meant to be: oneness with God, oneness with Jesus.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Let us also ask our good Jesus for the humility, trust and faith of our dear saint Clare; let us pray fervently to Jesus like her.
Let us abandon ourselves to Him, detach ourselves from this lying world where everything is folly and vanity; everything passes, only God remains to the soul, if it knows how to love Him well (Letters III p 1104).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
"Knowledge is in the mind, character is in the will. To pour knowledge into the mind of a child, without disciplining his will to goodness, is like putting a rifle into the hands of a child.
Without education of the mind a child could be a stupid devil. With education of the mind, but without love of goodness, a child could grow up to be a clever devil."
Shown as an index of their thoughts and ideals... What caution they would exercise in their selection! And yet the example parents give their children will be that by which they will be judged on the Last Day."
Nurturing with encouragement, not discouragement!
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian. org/directory_ flash.html -
When a soul has come out of these tribulations, it is deeply humble. Its purity of soul is great. It knows better without need of reflecting, as it were, what it ought to do at a given moment and what to forbear.
It feels the lightest touch of grace and is very faithful to God. It recognizes God from afar and continuously rejoices in Him. It discovers God very quickly in other souls and in its environment in general. The soul has been purified by God himself.
God, as Pure Spirit, introduces the soul to a life which is purely spiritual. God himself has first prepared and purified the soul; that is, He has made it capable of close communion with himself.
The soul, in a state of loving repose, communes spiritually with the Lord. It speaks to God without the need of expressing itself through the senses. God fills it with His light.
The enlightened mind sees clearly and distinguishes the various degrees of the spiritual life. It recognizes [that state] when its union with God was imperfect: where the senses were involved, and the spirit was linked with the senses in a manner-exalted and special, to be sure-but not yet perfect.
There is a higher and more perfect union with God; namely, intellectual union. Here, the soul is safer from illusions; its spirituality is purer and more profound. In a life where the senses are involved, there is more danger of illusion.
Both for the soul and for its confessor, prudence must play a greater part.
There are moments when God introduces the soul to a purely spiritual state. The senses dim and are seemingly dead. The soul is most closely united to God; it is immersed in the Deity; its knowledge is complete and perfect, not sporadic as before, but total and absolute.
It rejoices in this. But I want to say more about those moments of trial; at those times the confessor must have patience with such a soul. But the soul must have even greater patience with itself. (115)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Regarding the miraculous cure of a sick young boy, the Gospa said:
He is suffering from a very grave illness. Let his parents firmly believe, do penance, and then the little boy will be cured (First Years August 30, 1981).
In John's gospel, Christ heals a man who had been ill for 38 years:
When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be made well...
"The sick man answered him, "Sir, I have no one to pout me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me. "Jesus said to him, "Stand up, take your mat ant walk. "At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk (Jan 5:6-9).
The miracles that Christ performed during his life on earth pointed out the geniuses of his ministry, just as the miracles at Medjugorje speak of its authenticity. In both cases they express the ineffable love of God and deepen the faith of believers.
The cures at Medjugorje include the case of Maria Brumec, who suffered a fractured spine. All medical treatments had failed and she had been told she would be an invalid for the rest of her life.
On August 8, 1983, while on pilgrimage to Medjugorje, she was instantly and inexplicably cured.
Damir Coric, who suffered from internal hydrocephaly (water in the skull), had undergone three drainage operations, all of which resulted in cerebral hemorrhages which required even more surgery.
With the added complication of extreme weakness and weight loss, his prognosis was very poor. In Medjugorje during the summer of 1981, after being prayed over by Vicka, he was completely healed and rapidly gained weight and strength.
Iva Tole, crippled from multiple sclerosis, had to be carried into St. James Church on September 13, 1981 where she experienced a total cure. Later that same day she climbed the
The miracles of Jesus in the gospels and of Our Lady in Medjugorje inspire in us a wonder and praise of God. Truly they need no other rationale.
Today, simply offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God for the miracles and wonders of his grace.
"...In My coming to you... the greatness of God is reflected...
"The preparation in prayer for Mirjana's August 2, 2008, message began at 12:00 midnight in Medjugorje as pilgrims literally camped outside the gate of the building where Our Lady would appear to Mirjana today.
At about 4:45 a.m. this morning in Medjugorje, after a loud shout, thousands of pilgrims rushed full speed ahead into the building where Our Lady would be appearing this morning.
Most of the thousands of pilgrims, stood for four hours to be in the presence of Our Lady and in anticipation of Her words to us because of the seriousness of Her messages in these days to Mirjana.
Our Lady appeared to Mirjana around 9:00 a.m. and Our Lady stayed with us approximately 4 -5 minutes.
During the apparition, Mirjana's head nodded and shook several times during her conversation with Our Lady.
The crowd moving to go to the apparition and leave after the apparition was at a literal standstill, as there were so many longing to be close to Our Lady.
The following is Our Lady's message to Mirjana:
"Dear children; In my coming to you, here among you, the greatness of God is reflected and the way with God to eternal joy is opening.
Do not feel weak, alone or abandoned. Along with faith, prayer and love climb to the hill of salvation.
May the Mass, the most exalted and most powerful act of your prayer, be the center of your spiritual life. Believe and love, my children. Those whom my Son chose and called will help you in this as well.
To you and to them especially, I give my motherly blessing. Thank you."
Our Lady blessed all those present and all the religious articles brought for blessing.
This is What I Heard -August 1, 2008- Lec
This is What I Heard August 1, 2008
From the Father
Note: Please take note that although the message contains a relative timeline which says the great events are in the offing, yet I feel that their finally taking place or be delayed some more time still hinges on our willingness or none of it to offer prayers for extension of the days of mercy.
Prophecy is not written in stone as its fulfillment is in a constant state of flux. I hesitated sharing this message because of that.
The Father's Message
Think not of years anymore for the great events to take place but consider months, days. Unless sufficient prayers go up to me for mitigation of the enormity of occurrences in nature as well as thru the acts of men, I will have no recourse but to allow the now fulfillment of prophecies of the ages.
Do not be disturbed although I say these things. Remain calm. Trust in me. I am ready to help and protect. My provisions are enough. My angels are on constant vigilance to assist my own.
They will make more frequent visits than before, but the fallen ones are doing this too so beware. Always call on me for help and I will send a warrior angel at your side.
Scripture Reference:
Guardian Angels Exodus 23:20 (New International Version)
God's Angel to Prepare the Way
20 "See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.
How I came across that scripture reference came in an extraordinary manner. Let me share this story- Lec
: TESTIMONY ON THE PRESENCE OF OUR GUARDIAN AN Reply #3 - 10/15/07 at 03:12:01
This story happened at the time I was yet using public transportation in going to and from the office.
One afternoon after office, I rode a public transport which in Manila is the ubiquitous jeepney, where passengers face each other inside, seated in long benches, so the passenger has his/her back against the window and the outside cannot be seen unless one cranes the neck to see outside.
The way home that time passes thru narrow alleys where the vehicle has to slow down. There are people along the side streets, sometimes you see drunks, bystanders, vendors, beggars, pedestrians, etc..
That afternoon I am talking about, I saw a tall, lean man on the front at my right, but when the vehicle passed in front of the man I could no longer see what he was doing. After we passed the man, the driver of the vehicle asked me. We're you hurt...
The driver by the way who looks upfront can clearly see both sides left and right of the jeepney so more or less he knew what the man did upon passing in front of him. I surmise that the possibly drunk man lunged out at me and whether he had a knife or bare knuckles escaped my awareness.
Upon reaching home and greatly puzzled at what earlier transpired, my attention and gaze was directed towards my book rack with at least 3 levels full of perhaps hundreds of books, my collection of many years. My mind was directed to a particular book, on looking at the title, I saw it was a book on Prophecy.
Again, there was something inside me that egged me on to randomly cut the book so I did what was urged inside me.
My eyes did not wander at the whole 2 pages I opened to but again my eyes were directed towards a specific passage which I am now sharing to you and which all these years remained indelible in my mind.
The passage I was led to was a scripture quotation on Exodus 23:20 which read "I WILL SEND AN ANGEL AHEAD OF YOU TO PROTECT YOU AS YOU TRAVEL AND TO BRING YOU TO THE PLACE WHICH I HAVE PREPARED.
So there and then, my puzzlement at an earlier incident was solved. An Angel did parry the fist of the drunken man and whether that man had a knife or not I never come to know but I was spared from certain harm by my invisible but always present companion.
Up to this very day, I never ever leave home without first asking the help and protection of my guardian angel and also St.Raphael, St. Michael, the Holy Angels and the Nine Choirs of Angels.
Praise be the name of the Lord. Allelujah!
Have a nice day!
Brides of The Most Blessed Trinity June 28,2008
The One Hundred and Eleventh Visitation of Our Lady
One Hundred and Eleventh Visitation of Our Lady
June 28, 2008 Last Saturday of June Priest...s Saturday
Claire Rose wrote and received
Today is a beautiful day! My husband blessed inside and outside of our home with Holy Water. The weather is warm but breezy!
We are well into summer here on the bayou with many roses and annuals blooming! We are blessed by the presence of two sisters today.
At 1p.m. we prayed a Chaplet of Divine Love for priests.
2pm we began to pray the 20 decade Rosary
Our Mother said: ...Announce My presence to My children,... I did.
...My precious and most beloved children, O how I love you! I love you! I love you!
Open your hearts, My little ones, open your hearts to your Mother.
I come to earth to bring you love. Your hearts must be open and empty My treasured children. I come to earth to love you. I come to earth to teach you to love one another as I love you.
In silence I come to you!
O My beloved children I was walking among you for a full hour before the appointed time of 2. Were you aware of My presence...
Where were your hearts and your minds My children. I do love you. You must have quiet time in your life My children.
I thank each one of you for all that you do for My beloved Son Jesus. I ask you to pray more. Turn off your TV, and pray more. When you cannot sleep in the night perhaps you are kept awake to pray. Do not waste time in useless worry or talk.
Yes, I speak to your hearts My children, many times you are too noisy or busy to hear your Mother...s voice.
I have brought you here, invited you are. You are My invited guest. I invite you to be still and to pray for My beloved priest sons and for more priests.
My children there is a crisis in the holy priesthood and a serious shortage of holy priests. Your prayers in response to your Mother...s call are heard in Heaven.
You begin to see the response of Heaven to your prayers, sacrifice and suffering.
When you pray for holy priests you pray for yourselves and your children. Many generations will be blessed by the fruit of your sacrifice.
There is no prayer that is too small, no sacrifice too small, for those who pray the Morning Offering I have given to you, your day becomes a prayer.
For those who have made the Consecration Offering (Victim Soul Offering) that I have given you, your very life becomes a prayer, your breath and your heartbeat becomes a prayer.
I am teaching you through these offerings of self that I have given you here. I am teaching you how to empty yourself, to put others before self.
I am teaching you how to love others, to place yourself last and others first. Oh My children, be kind and gracious to one another. Give to others of yourself as My Son Jesus gave His all for you!
No action, word or thought of yours goes unnoticed. Keep in mind always that your bodies are walking living tabernacles by virtue of your Baptism. You are all children of God and precious in His Eyes.
You are all My precious children. Each one of you is unique precious and special. Oh My children, how I love you! You are the bride of Christ, My Son....
I said; ...There is no priest today, my Mother!... Our Mother said,...My child, My children you cannot see all that I see.
Today I am accompanied by all the priests of Heaven. Look at your hands My child.... In my hands I saw what looked like hundreds of priests, small like ants from every nation.
...My child these are those who were meant to be priests, chosen by Heaven, who were aborted, killed in their own mother...s womb.
These are safe with Me My child because of their innocence God has mercy on their souls although many were conceived in sin.
Many multiple births were sent to replace some of the aborted babies. My child today because of your prayers the souls of all priests in Purgatory will be released at the end of this Rosary, released into the Gates of Heaven.
I thank you for your response to my call to you. Oh my children, be alert, look around and be aware of what goes on around you. Be alert!
Bless your homes and vehicles and places of work often with Holy Water.
Do not allow anything, any object or book in your home that is unholy or not of God. Better to upset your child or grandchild than to invite satan in to your home.
I am the Handmaid of the Lord. I come to you in obedience to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, God, Our Father, Jesus, My Beloved Son, the Holy Spirit, My Beloved Spouse.
Today I bless you and all religious articles. I renew the blessing upon this house. I remind you, ...You will begin a new order. Your house will become a holy dwelling place.
Many priests, even Bishops, will come here and be healed. Get a room ready for Me!... [received for the first time in September 1987]
I bless each new person here with an Angel of Protection.
Thank you My children. Please take My words into your hearts.
There is no greater mission on this earth than the chosen and blessed mission of life as an ordained priest. Take My words into your hearts.
There is no greater mission than that of a Priest! And a priest can only come from and through a family. As you pray for My beloved priest sons you share in their daily ministry.
For those who have offered themselves as victim souls for priests you share in the ministry of all priests for all generations to come....
Padre Pio is standing before us. There is a tear in his right eye. It falls and looks like a pearl.
...Kneel My child. Pray....
...A priest gives his life for you all My children, A life spent in service for all out of love for God and for the souls of others.
They are weak, broken, human vessels My children. Priests need prayers and healing My children. They are broken and wounded by their own sins and the sins of others.
The evil one wants to destroy My priest sons and the holy priesthood, but he will not win this war. The battle lines have been drawn and My Son Jesus with Me, His Mother by His side lead the Army that is sweeping the earth.
Evil will be destroyed. Priests will be restored to holiness and wholeness and through the priests the whole church and through a renewed church the world.
A reign of Holy Divine Love is coming My beloved children, both shepherds and sheep. At this moment priests are being killed and imprisoned because they are priests.
They cry out for your prayers. Through the blood of the martyrs shall come a renewed bride, a renewed church.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray more!
I ask you to fast on bread and water on Monday and Thursday for priests. If you cannot fast because of age or illness, follow the church...s rule for fasting or go out of your way to give up something you really like or do an exceptional good deed, in silence.
I bring you love and Peace.
I leave you but remain here at all times. Pray for My priest sons at the Holy Cross and I will pray for all your needs. I desire Holy Mass be offered here on the Last Saturday of October.
A mass of Thanksgiving to The Most Holy Blessed Trinity for allowing you to see the fruit of your prayers by the numbers in your seminaries....
...I love you Danielle....
...O My children the greatest gift Our Lord and God can give to you other than the Holy Sacraments is to give to you a holy priest. For through the priest God comes to you in fullness.
Be alert to those who would deceive you. I assure you the gifts that come from God are free and they are to be freely given without price. I do not mean that those who receive holy gifts do not pay a cost.
Yes there is a spiritual holy cost for there is no crown in Heaven without the cross on earth. I bless you with much healing grace, healing of your bodies, your minds and your souls.
I leave to you Peace and Holy and Divine Love. Open your hearts and souls to receive all the gifts God has sent to you. Keep your hearts open to receive the treasures of Heaven while you still walk upon this earth. All without cost, My children.
I love you!...
As we sang the
End of Claire Rose
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Brides of The Most Blessed Trinity May 30 &31,2008
One Hundred and Tenth Visitation of Our Lady
May 30, 2008 Friday night 9PM
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Theriot, LA
Claire Rose:
Brides from
As soon as we made the Sign of the Cross,
Our Mother asked, ...Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries!...
Jesus appeared larger than life-size. In his right hand, He held His Sacred Wounded Heart, out to us!
Jesus spoke:... Many times when I walked upon this earth My Heart was pierced with Love for you, My beloved. In the garden a lance pierced My Heart of Love for you My beloved.
Can you not spend one hour with me... I have sent My Mother to you. The words She speaks to you come from My Heart of Love for you My beloved. I speak through Her Immaculate Heart. My messages to you will be shortened.... As we prayed the 5th Sorrowful Mystery Jesus continued,
...The Blood and Water which gushed forth from My Heart of Love for you floods over you still, My beloved.
Through the Wound of Divine Love in My Heart of Love, I pour myself out for you and through this same Wound of Love, I feed you, My beloved and I draw you into Myself!...
...I gave My all for you, My beloved, I give My all to you in a continual Flood of Divine Love.
Will you do less for Me, Your Savior, Your Bridegroom... I ask for all of your heart. Surrender all to Me. I love you! You are Mine!
I give My Heart to you. I ask your heart in return. I await your response to My Love. I await with open Arms and open Heart. I am Here! Jesus Divine Love....
Jesus Appeared over the exact place where the Altar for Holy Mass will be tomorrow on the Last Saturday.
May 31, 2008 Last Saturday Feast of the Visitation and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Theriot, La.
Today is a beautiful day!
This morning several brides attended an ordination of a new priest!
Yesterday we had 13 seminarians, today a new priest + 12 seminarians.
Our Bishop announced today there are possibly 7 who will enter the Seminary in the Fall!
2 pm Holy Mass here.
...My child please announce My presence with you throughout Holy Mass, I will remain present among you!...
...My precious and most beloved priest son I love you! I love you! I love you! I have given birth to your holy vocation as priest! You were called and chosen from long ago to become a holy priest! I thank you with My Motherly Heart for your response to My call to you!
O how I love you My own son. I have traveled your journey of Faith with you My precious son! I will always remain with you and within you.
I come to you in Love My own priest son, I come to bring you all the love that is in My Immaculate Heart.
I enfold each of you My beloved priest sons in My softest Mantle, My Mantle of Love and Protection. I call you to be a holy priest, one who serves My Beloved Son Jesus. O My priest son you are chosen to represent My Son Jesus in this world as no one else can!
You are called to be holy and pure of heart, body and soul. You are given the greatest gift allowed to man upon this earth! To represent My Beloved Son Jesus as no other can.
My beloved broken, wounded priest sons, I love you! My Motherly Heart looks tenderly upon you. I am always with you My sons. I am always with you as you carry your daily cross.
You have been chosen, consecrated and blessed to carry a special cross, one that may be very heavy at times. Remember always that you never carry your cross alone! Your Mother sometimes weeps over some of you My priest sons.
I encourage you who grieve your Mother to return to holiness and wholeness. I encourage you to return to a life of prayer, a life of service, a life given for souls out of love for My Son Jesus and love of souls, all souls!
I treasure each one of you My beloved priest sons and all of my children. Fr. Simon thank you , merci mon petit enfant! Thank you for offering the Sacrifice of Holy Mass for My children. I love you little one!
My beloved children, I thank you for coming together at your Mother...s Request to pray for My beloved priest sons.
Again I remind you if you will pray for My priests at the Holy Cross, I Your Mother will pray for all of your needs. I give to you holy seminarians in response to your faithful prayers, Seminaries will be full again, My children.
Thank you My own son, Father Andre, for praying in your native tongue. I love you My own little one. I hold you gently and tenderly. I need you My own son, My children need you.
My beloved priest sons who are tired, who are worn out and overworked, I hold you My sons. Be encouraged because I see a wave of holy young priests being formed to help you.
I have heard your cry, My priest sons and all of My children. Your prayer and your sacrifice are answered by Heaven!
Look to the future with hope and in peace. I encourage you to continue in this path I have placed you upon. I love you.
You see among you today some of the fruit of your prayers, suffering and sacrifice.
A new angel, given to all who are here, for the first time, an Angel of Protection to protect your Faith! All will return home safely. I love you! I love you! I love you!
Jacob, I love you. Yes, you do hear My Voice in your soul. I bless you with an extra-ordinary grace today.
I am Mary Immaculate, Your Mother of The Visitation. I have many Titles, and I am one Mother, Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests....
end of Claire Rose
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Messages to The Two Patricks July 15-29,2008
Tuesday 15 July 2008
Now, My children, is the time to call out to your God, you have reached a critical stage, all is about to change and you are not prepared. I have Warned you of this for many years and still you do not listen. Soon now all will culminate and then all evil shall be removed.
I Love you, My children, and these Words are My Warning to you. Things will steadily increase now and I shall be pushed ever further away from your lives and evil shall take over.
Take these Words that I give you as Precious Jewels and see that I am trying to help you in the midst of all darkness.
I Love you, My little ones, and I am calling out to you so that you can be taken to safe pasture. Be true to Me in your hearts. I, your Jesus, Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 16 July 2008
My children, come to this Heart that seeks you and I will give you rest. Come, My little ones, and listen to My calls for I am a lonely God, calling out in the darkness for the return of His children. Come, My children, come and listen to these Words that I give you.
There are times of great darkness and times of great joy ahead. I will lead you through to the time of Joy, just take My Hand and let Me guide you, My little ones, for I need your company.
Love is what I am, children, and Love is what I give. I cannot help you unless you give Me your permission for I am also a God of free will and will force no one to believe in Me. Come, come listen to My calls. I, your Jesus, Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Tuesday 29 July 2008
My children, I Love you and I call you to My Side in these times of darkness. Do not listen to this world for all that it does is to draw you ever further away from Me. Come, My little ones, and listen to My calls for they grow fainter as the calls of this world grow louder and clouds Me out.
Do not fall to it for it is lucifer who is in control of all that happens, he is ensnaring so many of My children each day.
Do not look to what this earth and what it can offer you for you too will become ensnared.
I Love you, My little ones, and I ask that you listen to My Words for they are Words of Life and will guide you into the Truth. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Posted August 02nd, 2008 at 07:13pm
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Black Saints
Prophecy Meditations
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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