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Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
"I love a humble heart"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dear Friends,
"At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, 'Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me." Matthew 18: 1 - 5
I present you again this morning another message from Joseph. Jesus spoke to Joseph these words, "I taught the Apostles that I was meek and humble of heart and that you should all learn from Me.
I came into the world not to be served but to serve and to save many of you. The great obstacle to your salvation and to your following Me is your pride. This sin is the downfall of very many people. All human beings tend to be proud and it is the cause of many sins.
Why do you get angry? Why do you speak against others and wish to bring them down? Why do you resent people for days, months and even years? All this is caused by pride. You want to be first in everything and you are not happy if you come second or third.
If you have accepted Me as your Lord and Saviour, then you have to work on your pride. Look at it this way: you are a sinner just like all the others and you need to humble yourself to be pardoned. You need to realize that you are weak and of yourself you cannot avoid sin.
It is only with My grace and strength that you can remain sinless. Do not think that you are better than others but be convinced that you would be worst than them if you did not cooperate with the graces I give you.
I know your heart and the hearts of all the people. You cannot advance toward holiness apart from Me. This is why I had to come into the world and suffer and die for you, so that you could be redeemed and receive the graces you need to avoid sin and to follow Me. Remember I love a humble heart."
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day BY Day Aug 09 - ABANDON YOURSELVES TO GOD
"It took me a long time as a convert to realize the presence of Christ as
Man in the Sacrament. He is the same Jesus Who walked on earth, Who slept in
the boat as the tempest arose, Who hungered in the desert, Who prayed in the
garden, Who conversed with the woman by the well, Who rested at the house of
Martha and Mary, Who wandered through the cornfields, picking the ears of corn
to eat.
"Jesus is there as Man. He is there, Flesh and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
He is our leader Who is always with us. Do you wonder that Catholics are
exultant in this knowledge, that their Leader is with them? 'I am with you all
days, even to the consummation of the world.'" (Dorothy Day)
Mother Teresa -
Find Jesus, and you will find peace.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
God can reject everything in a creature conceived in sin and which bears the indelible impression inherited from Adam. But He absolutely cannot reject the sincere desire to love Him.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Healing takes a good doctor!
"The vocation of a doctor may have been very much underrated. His ideal is not just to cure a patient of neuralgia or phobias, but also to be at one and the same time an educator, a politician, a man of God, a philosopher and a theologian, not in the sense that he takes over completely any of these functions, but rather that he recognizes that every sick person in the world has, to some extent, a combination of three disorders: physical, psychic and spiritual."
St. Faustina's diary -
I often feel God's presence after Holy Communion in a special and tangible way. I know God is in my heart. And the fact that I feel Him in my heart does not interfere with my duties. Even when I am dealing with very important matters which require attention, I do not lose the presence of God in my soul, and I am closely united with Him.
With Him I go to work, with Him I go for recreation, with Him I suffer, with Him I rejoice; I live in Him and He in me. I am never alone, because He is my constant companion. He is present to me at every moment. Our intimacy is very close, through a union of blood and of life. (318)
December 24, 1934. The Vigil of Christmas. During the morning Mass, I felt the closeness of God. Though I was hardly aware of it, my spirit was drowned in God. Suddenly, I heard these words: You are My delightful dwelling place; My Spirit rests in you.
After these words, I felt the Lord looking into the depths of my heart; and seeing my misery, I humbled myself in spirit and admired the immense mercy of God, that the Most High Lord would approach such misery.
During Holy Communion, joy filled my soul. I felt that I am closely united to the Godhead. His omnipotence enveloped my whole being. Throughout the whole day I felt the closeness of God in a special manner; and although my duties prevented me throughout the whole day from going to chapel even for a moment, there was not a moment when I was not united with God. I felt Him within me more distinctly than ever.
Unceasingly greeting the Mother of God and entering into Her spirit, I begged her to teach me true love of God. And then I heard these words: I will share with you the secret of My happiness this night during Holy Mass. (346)
Our Lady calls us to abandonment today:
Dear children, your Mother calls you to completely abandon yourselves to God. Dear children, this is a time of grace. Pray as you can and renew yourself through prayer. Form yourself spiritually. This formation will last all your life. Continue to pray as much as you can, for by your prayers you will help me (Visionary Prayer Group March 27, 1989).
And Paul speaks of courage in God:
You yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our coming to you was not in vain, but though we had already suffered and been shamefully mistreated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in spite of great opposition (1 Thes 2:1-2).
Hemingway wrote the "Courage is grace under pressure.
"Eddie Rickenbacker, the highly decorated flyer of the First World War, concluded: "Courage is doing wheat you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. "Courage is also a vital quality in following Christ an almost reckless trust in the Lord, which Our Lady calls "abandonment to God."
A striking example is that of Edith Stein. Born of a Jewish family in 1891, she was raised and educated in Germany. A brilliant student, she received her Doctorate in Philosophy cum laude form the University of Freiburg, where she later became assistant to Professor Edmund Husserl, the eminent philosopher.
In 1922 she entered the Catholic church and thereafter devoted her time to teaching, lecturing, and writing. In 1932, she was offered a professorship at the University of Muenster.
A year later, as the Nazis came to power, here varied activities were curtailed. She was, however, permitted to enter the cloistered Carmelite convent in Cologne taking the name Terese Benedicta of the Cross. She prayed that God would accept her life and her death in expiation for the sins of unbelievers, the salvation of Germany, and for peace in the world. Her Calvary was Auschwitz.
She died there in the gas chambers on August 9,1942. On May 1, 1987 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II at Cologne, Germany. The process of her canonization is now in its final stage.
In prayer today, heeding Our Lady's advice, abandon yourself completely to the Lord, asking for that radical trust that marks the life of the committed Christian.
Medjugorje Day By Day Aug 07 - FOLLOW THE MASS WELL!
Some 32 years ago, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said, "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops and your religious act like religious."
(Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, before the Knights of Columbus, June 1972,
One single Mass gives more honor to God than all the penances of the Saints, the labors of the Apostles, the sufferings of the Martyrs and even the burning love of the Blessed Mother of God."
~ St. Alphonsus Liguori
Mother Teresa -
Both humility and prayer grow from an ear, mind, and tongue that have lived in silence with God, for in the silence of the heart God speaks.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
I am sure that you desire to know what the best abjection is, and I will tell you it is that which we have not chosen ourselves, or that which is less welcome to us. Or, to explain this better, those towards which we feel no inclination (Letters III p 572).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Our Education system must be on the right target
"Someday our educators will awaken to several basic facts about youth:
(1) Youth has an intellect and a will. The intellect is the source of his knowledge; the will, the source of his decisions. If his choices are wrong, the youth will be wrong regardless of how much he knows.
(2) Education through the communication of knowledge does not necessarily make a good man; it can conceivably make learned devils instead of stupid devils.
(3) Education is successful when it trains the mind to see the right targets, and disciplines the will to choose them rather than the wrong targets."
St. Faustina's diary -
When I was set at peace and taught how to follow God's paths, my spirit rejoiced in the Lord, and it seemed to me that I was running, not walking. My wings were spread for flight; I soared into the very heat of the sun, and I will not descend until I rest in Him, in whom my soul has lost itself forever.
And I subjected myself totally to the action of grace. God stoops very low to my soul. I do not draw back, nor do I resist Him, but I lose myself in Him as my only treasure. I am one with the Lord. It is as if the gulf between us, Creator and creature, disappears. For a few days, my soul was in a state of continuous ecstasy.
God's presence did not leave me for a single moment. And my soul remained in a continuous loving union with the Lord. But this in no way interfered with the performance of my duties. I felt I was transformed into love; I was all afire, but without being burned up. I lost myself in God unceasingly; God drew me to himself so strongly and powerfully that sometimes I was not aware of being on earth.
I had impeded and feared God's grace for so long, and now God himself, through Father Andrasz, has removed all difficulties. My spirit has been turned towards the Sun and has blossomed in His rays for Him alone; I understand no more... [The sentence breaks off here and begins a completely new thought in the next line.] (142)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Of the Mass, the Madonna once said:
Open the door wide, follow the Mass well! Go in the peace of God, my angels! If you suffer for a just cause, blessing will be even more abundant for you (First Years March 2, 1982).
St. Luke offers this account of Jesus' institution of the Eucharist:
Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. "And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying," This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood"(Lk 22:19-20).
During the winter lf 1992, I had the opportunity to visit Dachau concentration camp near Munich, where the Nazi's had imprisoned most of the clergymen and priests who had opposed the Third Reich.
It was there that I acquired a remarkable booklet by the auxiliary bishop of Munich, Johannes Neuhausler, who had been a prisoner at Dachau himself. In chapter 7,"Christ at Dachau," he speaks of the incredible lengths the prisoners would go to in order to offer Mass and receive the Eucharist:
The Polish priest. were not permitted to practice their religion in the block, so they had to devise means and receive the Eucharist:
Many worked in the plantation greenhouse. While one of them kept guard and the other comrades pretended to be
working, the Polish priest who had spent the longest time in the camp knelt on the ground, with is face turned towards the greenhouse so as to give the impression that he was weeding. Indeed, the SS sentries might be spying from their watchtower.
The kneeling priest had pressed a small portable altar into the ground and there celebrated Mass. Many comrades hurried by, holding grass of plants in their hands as if they had some work to do there. They also knelt down and received holy communion form their own hands.
Share this story with a family member or friend. It helps us to deepen our appreciation for the Eucharist the point of Our Lady's message today.
Today we honor the Blessed Mother for two reasons:
It is her birthday (as related by the visionaries in Medjugorje), and it is also the anniversary of the dedication of the Church of St. Mary Major, the oldest church in the West dedicated to the Mother of God. On her birthday in 1985, Our Lady appeared in golden splendor and said:
Praised be Jesus Christ. My children, I am joyful to be with you this evening and to see so many of you. I give you my special blessing.
Grow in holiness through the messages; I will help you. Give your utmost and we will be together, sensitive to the sweetness of life, light, and joy. Go in the peace of God, my children, my little children. (Special Message August 5th, 1985
"Put all the good works in the world against one Holy Mass;
they will be as a grain of sand beside a mountain."
~ The Cure' of Ars
Mother Teresa -
In the silence of the heart, God speaks and you have to listen. Then in the fullness of your heart, because it is full of God, full of love, full of compassion, full of faith, your mouth will speak.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
You must principally insist on the basis of Christian justice and the foundation of goodness; that is on the virtue which one deliberately tries to imitate: humility, interior and exterior humility, but more interior than exterior, more felt than shown, more profound than visible (Letters III p 717).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Tears of salvation!
"Even in their early failures, the parents are not to be discouraged, remembering that fifteen centuries ago when the heart of a mother was broken for her wanton boy, St. Ambrose said to her: 'Fear not, Monica; the child of so many tears cannot perish.' That vain and wanton boy grew up to be the great and learned St. Augustine, whose Confessions everyone ought to read before he dies."
St. Faustina's diary -
A great mystery has been accomplished between God and me. Courage and strength have remained in my soul. When the time of adoration came to an end, I came out and calmly faced everything I had feared so much before.
When I came out into the corridor, a great suffering and humiliation, at the hands of a certain person, was awaiting me. I accepted it with submission to a higher will and snuggled closely to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, letting Him know that I was ready for that for which I had offered myself.
Suffering seemed to spring out of the ground. Even Mother Margaret herself was surprised. For others, many things passed unnoticed, for indeed it wasn't worth paying any attention to them; but in my case, nothing passed unnoticed; each word was analyzed, each step watched.
One sister said to me, "Get ready, Sister, to receive a small cross at the hands of Mother Superior. I feel sorry for you." But as for me, I rejoiced at this in the depths of my soul and had been ready for it for a long time. When she saw my courage, she was surprised. I see now that a soul cannot do much itself, but with God it can do all things.
Behold what God's grace can do. Few are the souls that are always watchful for divine graces, and even fewer of such souls who follow those inspirations faithfully. (138)
On this day, let us listen to St. Matthew's account of the transfiguration:
Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face"And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying," This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood"(Lk 22:19-20).
During the winter lf 1992, I had the opportunity to visit Dachau concentration camp near Munich, where the Nazi's had imprisoned most of the clergymen and priests who had opposed the Third Reich.
It was there that I acquired a remarkable booklet by the auxiliary bishop of Munich, Johannes Neuhausler, who had been a prisoner at Dachau himself. In chapter 7,"Christ at Dachau," he speaks of the incredible lengths the prisoners would go to in order to offer Mass and receive the Eucharist:
The Polish priest. were not permitted to practice their religion in the block, so they had to devise means and receive the Eucharist:
Many worked in the plantation greenhouse. While one of them kept guard and the other comrades pretended to be working, the Polish priest who had spent the longest time in the camp knelt on the ground, with is face turned towards the greenhouse so as to give the impression that he was weeding. Indeed, the SS sentries might be spying from their watchtower.
The kneeling priest had pressed a small portable altar into the ground and there celebrated Mass. Many comrades hurried by, holding grass of plants in their hands as if they had some work to do there. They also knelt down and received holy communion form their own hands.
Share this story with a family member or friend. It helps us to deepen our appreciation for the Eucharist the point of Our Lady's message today.
Teaching from Jesus through "The Girl of my Will in Jesus" - 04-28-2007
Gathering of Love With God's Action in Prvost, Quebec, Can.
Through his Instrument, the Girl of My Will in Jesus
2007-04-28 Part 1
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord envelops us in his
love; the Lord, he's always there to take care of each one of us.
If at times we have the impression of being neglected, this is because inside us
there's something that is rising to the surface: we remember, our flesh
remembers; it remembers having been neglected and this is what creates a
movement within us: this movement interrupts what God is expecting of us.
God wants us to be little children completely abandoned to his Will: he wants to
fulfill us; he's the one who wants to take care of us, he's the one who makes
sure that we feel good; but us, because of our emotions, everything re-emerges
and rises up: all these emotions that we've accepted, or all these emotions that
are lodged in the flesh, a wounded flesh.
The Lord often speaks about wounded flesh; this is because he's speaking about
immortality, he's speaking about a flesh that will no longer be subjected to
Sin, if it has entered our life, that's because we said yes, we said yes to
temptations; all temptations lead us to evil.
God doesn't tempt, God is too loving; he places lights within us so we can walk
along his path of life, a path of life made of love, a path of life made of
light, of justice.
God does not lead his children into temptation, there's only Satan who places
temptations before us, and those temptations have been there since Satan went to
tempt Eve; at that moment, Eve was agreeing to fall into temptation.
And yet, God had warned his children that if they were to turn to the knowledge
of good and evil, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a great hardship
would befall them.
God is the Truth, God is the Justice, and so, this great hardship entered life;
it entered Eve, but when Eve consented, she turned towards life: Adam was life
because he had received life.
He had received the breath of God: the first man had received the breath of God,
the first man was enveloped in that love, and through that love, through the
Will of God, Eve issued forth.
Satan went to tempt Eve first. Why did Satan tempt Eve when he should have gone
to Adam, the first man? He went to the one who emerged from life because Eve had
a weakness; not that she was weak due to her creation, but she was a child who
wanted to please, she wanted to know; everything that existed around Eve was a
source of fascination to her: everything brought her joy.
And so, when Satan approached Eve, she was very drawn to this little being: a
little being that presented himself as something gentle, something true,
something pleasant, something that would bring her something; and so, Eve let
herself go in this and the more she let herself go in what she was feeling, the
more Satan drew close to Eve.
So he was approaching something that was open to him; he allowed evil to enter
not within Eve but within a place that was hers into a place that provided a
means to gain access, to gain access to the one who had been created by God, and
Eve allowed herself to be influenced through that place.
She had not disobeyed in that moment, but she entered a place, a place that was
meant to bring her joy, a place that seemed seductive, a place that revealed to
her something that she enjoyed feeling.
Satan, once again, allowed hypocrisy to enter this place; he allowed something
that was manipulative to enter this place.
Satan was once an angel, an angel worthy of admiration because the other angels
looked upon this angel that God had created; Satan had received from God all he
was due; as he was an angel above many angels, he was due to receive from God
what the other angels were meant to receive.
Observe when we draw close to a light: that light draws us, that light reveals a
brilliance to us and when we draw close to that light, we feel a sort of warmth,
we like that warmth; this warmth doesn't harm us, it's comfortable; if we draw
even closer to this warmth, well then, this warmth reveals a certain power to
us, and then, we know instinctively that we must be careful of things that are
very hot.
Satan was an angel of light, a celestial angel; this wasn't his name at that
time, he wasn't called Lucifer; Satan was a spirit, a spirit created by God and
this spirit was beauty, this spirit was knowledge, this spirit was splendour
because all this spirit received, he received it from God because he was before
God's light, before God's beauty, and beauty and God's light shone upon this
He admired what he saw for what he saw was God, and he allowed God's beauty to
permeate him, and the other angels also felt the effects of what he was
receiving, the other angels, who were before God's beauty, they as well were
receiving from God.
Those who were very close to Lucibel were part of this radiance; it increased
the joy of being in God's very presence; all this, they were living it, they
were spirits: spirits of light, spirits of beauty, spirits of knowledge; they
owed everything to God.
And so, when Satan refused to adore the Son of God, he became darkness, he
became the opposite of what he was; however, he had the ability to attract since
he had possessed this before, an ability to draw other angels of light to him in
order to impart to them the joy of being before God: he had this ability now but
to the opposite effect.
And so, you see, when Satan went towards her, he possessed this charm, he
possessed this power but it was to serve the darkness; but Eve, she didn't see
this because she wasn't able to see; she didn't possess knowledge, she didn't
possess the knowledge of evil, she didn't possess the knowledge of darkness, she
didn't know what it meant to be wary for she was a child of the Divine Will, she
wasn't living in her human will.
As she didn't live in her human will, she wasn't aware of Satan's traps: she let
herself go in all this.
When she went to see Adam, he had received life from God, breath from God,
strength from God: he was the first man; Adam had received intelligence, Adam
had received beauty, Adam had received from God all he needed to love God beyond
what he knew.
Because Adam and Eve hadn't yet achieved the fullness of what they were meant to
be: then Adam and Eve had to undergo a test; they therefore had to go through
what the angels had gone through: they had to adore God, obey God, they had to
be what God expected them to be in all things: children obedient to God, wanting
only God.
But when Eve approached the first one to be created, he didn't perceive
obedience because obedience was no longer within Eve: she had become a child of
what she was not meant to know, and this, this movement, Adam wasn't familiar
with it.
And so, in what was before his eyes, the thing he was looking for was God's
beauty, because she as well reflected God's beauty, she reflected God's
creation, but wasn't God's creation in Adam? It was meant to be reflected in
Adam, just like the angels who followed Satan, and it was meant to be part of
the reflection of God's beauty.
When Satan took part in this movement of disobedience, those spirits didn't
perceive God's beauty and they allowed themselves to be dazzled by pride; this
is what they did.
Then, Eve, when she drew close to Adam, he looked at Eve and what he noticed was
something that was full of pride, something that she wanted to know: she wanted
to know what God knew, not to displease God but for the sake of knowledge; this
was therefore pride.
And so, Adam, he also let himself be captivated by what shone forth from Eve:
pride; and thus, there was temptation; he too fell into temptation, and then he
faltered; he faltered in his role as a child, in his role in creation, in his
beauty, in his state of wholeness; he was meant to be whole but he was not so.
All this to tell us that what we, we are that reflection; we're like a
reflection of what we shouldn?t be: knowledge full of pride, words that reflect
this pride, movements that reflect pride.
What we must be are humble children, but in order to be humble children, it has
to come from inside, for what we are externally seems to reflect pride, which
can be very deceiving to our brothers and our sisters who approach us.
If on the inside we aren't humble beings, we won?t be able to see humility
within them; and so, externally, we'll be in conflict with what we're seeing:
our reflection, which allows pride to be revealed, approaching another whose
reflection reveals pride all around him.
And so, pride that meets pride: wounds; pride that meets pride: rejects; pride
that meets pride: doesn't want sharing, doesn't want abandonment, it wants to
discuss: show me that your knowledge is equal to my knowledge, show me your
words if they are in relation to my own words, show me that your actions are
worthy of my making an effort on your behalf.
This is what we do, and all this is because of our human will.
Jesus talks to us a lot about human will. Why? Because we have to learn to give
it up.
We don't give up something that's good for us, we give up something that isn't
good for us; so, this is why God talks to us through the Spirit of God so that
we can understand what Eve accepted, understand what Adam accepted.
When Adam and Eve entered into their human will, the Divine Will left them.
Everything that was part of God's beauty, everything that was part of God's
knowledge, everything that was the summit for the children of God, departed from
Adam and Eve: the Divine Will; the Divine Will: movement of love, eternal
movement, movement that was meant to teach us to love one another
unconditionally, movement that enabled us to see our brothers and our sisters as
they were: children of God.
We would have looked at life as eternal; eternity has no beginning and has no
end, and so, we would have recognized ourselves as an eternal movement of God
for us; not that we are eternal by nature, but because we are God's creation.
God created human beings; through this movement, we entered into eternity: this
is what we would have lived.
Nothing would have been unknown to us, absolutely nothing, whether it was in the
past, in the present or in the future; everything would have been knowledge to
We, who are in 2007 after the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, our Redeemer, all
would have been knowledge to us.
How can we understand this? It's by accepting it, it's by living within
ourselves this knowledge that we're acquiring, and all is done through the power
of God.
If God wants us to learn that inside us, we're called to live as children who
know the past, the present and the future, it's because he's preparing us for
When we shall be children of the Divine Will in an immortal flesh on earth, all
shall be known to us, absolutely all.
Since Adam and Eve were supposed to know everything, they were called upon to be
perfect, but they had to undergo that test: Show me, my children, that you want
my love, show me that you want to know what I want to show you through my Will
and not through your will, but through my Will.
And this is what God wants us to live.
We're all called upon to live what Adam and Eve were before the sin.
We're not beings of flesh in a physical body, we're beings of flesh in a
spiritual life; spiritual life is invisible, it comes from God: it is power, it
is true, it enables us to go forward in eternity.
This is in us, inside us, but all this is within us in an impure flesh, in a
wounded flesh, a flesh that allowed itself to be caught by Satan's temptations,
and Satan's temptations are all around us.
There are so many temptations because this came through Satan, this came through
the angels that followed Satan, and all those who followed Satan were spirits,
perfect spirits, spirits of light created by God in order to adore him;
consequently, those spirits had such great power that it was converted into
evil, and those evil spirits are on earth.
They're on earth at this very moment; in the very beginning, they were thrown
into hell; they were thrown into a place that Satan made his own, a place of
suffering, a place where all is nothing but hatred; the hatred Satan feels is
his nourishment, he lives on hatred.
God is The Love, God is the Essence of love, and so, Satan is the essence of
evil, the essence of hatred, and all those who are around him are part of this
movement: hatred, destruction, temptation, wanting to entice God's children with
the aim of destroying them so they come to know eternal death.
At one point in time, a movement took place; at one point in time, there was
darkness; the darkness came and covered the earth.
They turned this earth into an earth of suffering, an earth where all should
have been nothing but beauty, an earth that was meant to belong to God's
children, an earth that was meant to be a place of love, but not for them, those
beings of darkness.
The period of time during which they covered the earth was a time of suffering,
of suffering for God's children, for in that moment, when humans came to know
disobedience, suffering gained entrance; it entered Adam and Eve, and this
became widespread; it spread over all children who were destined to come from
those two beings of suffering.
There came a time when darkness hovered over everything; there came a time when
within this darkness lived spirits, spirits who looked at what they had become,
and they pondered; they thought about all they had left behind: a great sorrow
permeated them, and this sorrow became a movement of darkness for them.
And God watched these spirits that floated over the waters, and God said, You
will come to know a time during which you will have to be present, present on
this earth, because that moment when you looked back, when you came to know
suffering because of all you left behind, is causing you to experience this
movement: movement in which you will hover over the waters, movement in which
you will come to know what I want to give to my children: those creatures who
are inferior to you.
You will experience a movement such as the one you have known; you shall witness
the actions of those who will have left that place of delights in order to live
in a land where there will be nothing but suffering.
Hovering spirits, take up your positions for such is the Will of the Supreme.
These spirits lived on earth: spirits of evil, spirits of temptation, spirits
who had their eyes turned towards Heaven, towards the Divinity.
God knew and God accepted that these spirits tempt humans for these spirits
intermingled with those who came from Adam and Eve: the descendants of Adam and
Eve were in their presence.
These spirits approached humans, these spirits became acquainted with humans,
and those spirits who were around them had power, the power of temptation filled
with malice.
Humans were meant to be in God's Spirit, humans were meant to be obedient to
God, for they had good within them through human will.
All that came to them was supposed to be good, all that was meant to emerge from
them was supposed to be good, but these spirits of darkness were in their
presence; these spirits of darkness spoke with them and they, the children of
God, became aware of their conversations, they became aware that they were in
the wrong, they became aware that they weren’t children like them, they became
aware that they were disobedient to God, for God was God and God was all: they
were supposed to love only God, they were supposed to be only for God.
All knowledge was supposed to come from God, for God was nourishing them, God
was showing them, God was guiding them, God was bringing them what was necessary
to live in a land of suffering.
God showed them what was good for them and they were living in this, and when
these spirits drew close to them and these spirits spoke of temptations, they
allowed themselves to be caught in their traps.
They were living with their choices; to them, everything was something that was
new to them; it was up to them to say no, it was up to them to cast this far
from themselves and to turn to God, for they knew good and evil, they had their
human will but they weren't listening.
And these demons were part of their lives as something real, as something
bringing them knowledge; they (the demons) showed them what divinity was, a
divinity composed of matter, a divinity composed of power, a divinity composed
of knowledge which brought them what they wanted to learn.
They were part of a movement of seduction and they felt this, for God was
placing his love within them so they could turn to others: towards those who
knew God, who loved God, who wanted only God.
God was so loving! God was so good! Those beings were never able to understand
that God was requesting obedience.
Jesus: You see, little children of love, within you is your human will, within
you there is good and evil, the knowledge of what you must learn for the sake of
goodness, but you also have knowledge that teaches you to do evil, to remain in
evil: all this because of your human will.
Today, we reject evil spirits, today, we reject demons: we do not want to
believe that man and woman allowed themselves to be seduced by demons; we do not
want to stop ourselves, for those who stop are obliged to analyze good and evil.
Today, we go forward in a world in which all is nothing but pleasure, in which
all is nothing but knowledge, and this leads them towards materialism, towards
sexuality, a sexuality that makes them like animals.
Today, this world has a spirit and it is not the spirit of God; it is a spirit
of evil that comes from those demons who have Satan as their master.
God is giving you this teaching, my children, so that you may understand what is
coming, so that you may see God's Will as a movement of love, a movement that is
preparing you to live through tribulations.
I am not speaking to you to frighten you, my children; I am speaking to you to
help you understand that you are living in a world that has Satan as its master.
Yes, you are living in Satan's world, you are not living in God's world, for
God's world is nothing but love, God's world is nothing but gentleness, sharing,
kindness, where money has no place.
God is not rejecting your needs, for those needs, my children, I made you aware
of them.
In the very beginning, I showed men and women how to live on earth, how to
share, how to live on earth as good beings, as beings who must share.
The spirit of this world is not like this; the spirit of this world is nothing
but pride, lasciviousness, fanaticism; it believes so firmly that it is right
that it is ready to destroy those who do not think like the children of this
world: the spirit of this world is perverse.
I am warning you, my children, to not open your heart to this world; I am
warning you, my children, to be attentive to your spiritual life, to your life
of love: you have a life of love within you, you have a life within you composed
of kindness, humility.
Do not reject what is within you; love the being of love that you are, keep
within yourselves that precious blessing that you are: you are children of God,
you are creatures of God.
Do you believe that you are different from Adam and Eve? Do you believe that you
are different from those who followed God blindly? Do you believe that you are
different from Noah? Do you believe that you are different from Moses? Do you
believe that you are different from the prophets, the apostles? You are children
of God just as they were children of God.
Within you, you received all that Adam and Eve received; I want to enable this
precious blessing to emerge from you, I want to enable to emerge from you
everything you are meant to know, I want to turn you into children of the Divine
Will, perfect in all things, and God is master of all things.
God has flavour, God is odour, God is movement, God is the emotion of all that
is happiness, God is knowledge.
All you see around you on this earth has been tarnished due to the sin of
disobedience, but beneath this tarnished movement is God's creation, God's
All knowledge is for you, I am showing you slowly what you must know; I want to
place within you, my children, movements of love, movements that will show you
that you feel good inside yourselves, in your refuge: a refuge of love, a refuge
of knowledge, of light.
Yes, light is within you, warmth is within you and all around this warmth are
God's movements, which are ready to let themselves be heard within you, ready to
let themselves be seen within you; let this movement do its work; it is not for
you, with your slight knowledge, to understand God's plans for you, this is for
What you are living, my children, many would have liked to live this movement:
movement of the Divine Will.
You are love, my children, and God is preparing movements for you that you
cannot even imagine.
I love you, my children.
The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: What God is in the process of
doing for us, he wants to do so for all children of the world; what we?re in the
process of understanding is what our place among them is.
Earth was created for God's children, not for spirits of evil, not for those who
frolicked with them; they gave birth to beings of darkness, they gave birth to
beings who were not meant to be on earth.
God knows his elect, God knows his chosen ones; their name is in the Book of
Life, not one is missing; but none of the names of those who came from those
vile beings is inscribed in the Book of Life for they are not life, they do not
carry the Life within themselves.
This is what leads us to understand that when the Great Purification will be
over, we will recognize each other and we'll know: we'll know that those who
aren't with us don't carry a yes within themselves.
They have never carried a yes within themselves, they have never had the Spirit
of God within them, they weren't able to understand what we, we know since they
aren't from God; they are spirits that come from spirits of evil; they possess a
flesh and this flesh, they stole it, they used trickery .
How can we understand this? We have just discovered that some beings are not who
they appear to be: children of God.
Let's leave that up to God and keep our peace; if we're learning this today,
it's because God knows we're ready to hear this, God knows we're ready to accept
that we're on earth with spirits that are spirits of evil.
This is why there are children who do evil; we call them children, outwardly,
these children who court us, who are with us; they don't even know it but what
they know is what's inside them: a need, a need to know evil, a need to live in
hatred, a need for idolatry, a need to seduce, a need to control, a need to
dominate human beings.
The child of God doesn't have this need, these needs within him; he's humble,
he's gentle; on the inside, he wants to conquer the world, not to gain power but
for the sake of love; he wants to live on love, he wants to live in a world of
Everything is for God, all knowledge must be solely for God.
Let's leave to God what is God's, let's cast aside what isn't necessary to us:
God is love and God does great things for us.
He leads us to understand that we’re going to live movements; they will be
composed of knowledge and that knowledge will come to us, either through matter
or through flesh, flesh that may not necessarily be a flesh of love; what we
will know, God is preparing it for us; we need not be afraid.
Let's keep our peace and the more we keep our peace, the more we will
understand; it won't be complicated because God isn’t complicated, God is
simple; and so, it's with simplicity that he instructs us.
Look at what we are: for the most part, here, we're pretty ordinary people and
yet, he uses us, he uses us to speak to the children of God about our brothers,
our sisters: we're instruments of love.
What we have just heard was inside us, inside us! How come we carry this? If the
Spirit of God enables us to understand that we had these words inside us, that
we had these movements inside us, it’s because God slowly reveals to us what we
are: children of the Divine Will.
We are children of the Divine Will, we carry these words within us and yet,
these words are not in the present, they come from the past: since Adam and Eve,
and after Adam and Eve, a little while after Adam and Eve; and this, this is in
us; that's because we're children of the Divine Will, we carry that movement.
Before becoming children in our human will, we were children of the Divine Will
and through Jesus, we carry these movements within us.
Jesus is the one who is the Movement, who is the Divine Will, and as we are
children of God the Father through Jesus, we carry the Divine Will within us.
We said yes to Jesus, he didn't force us to say yes, he didn't violate our
interior to create movement within us and to talk to us about the Divine Will
through force we agreed to be here; every one of us knew that we were going to
hear what God wanted us to hear, and we accepted this.
And so, we became a movement to our brothers and our sisters of the entire
world, a movement in the past and that made itself present before us, and we
were able to hear.
Today, we're no longer shocked by this; if someone had talked to us about this
I speak for myself and I think I speak for you as well if someone has talked to
us about this in the 90's, we wouldn't have been able to; we would have refused
this, refused to listen to a person who allows words to emerge from her that
come directly from the Divine Will.
Earlier, we heard the Divine Will; the Divine Will spoke and it made itself
heard within each one of us; if this has become possible for us, that's because
we have, through God's Will, agreed to be instruments of God.
We're all like this on earth when we call ourselves children of God: we?re all
instruments; we'll be instruments for those yet to come; those yet to come are
those who will be born, tomorrow, after tomorrow, and after that, and after
that, because what we have just received in this moment, they'll receive it when
they are born: instruments of love for those yet to come.
We must also be instruments of love for those who are leaving.
We'll talk more about this after a short break. Thank you.
Today August 5 TH is Our Lady's Real Birthday. Can we Fast & Pray?
August 4, 2008
St. John Mary Vianney
Dear Family of Mary!
Our Lady revealed to the visionaries that her actual birthday is on August 5.
In August of 1984 she asked the visionaries and the parish of Medjugorje to
celebrate the 2000th anniversary of her birth in a special way. Here is what
she said (as reported by Fr. Rene Laurentin and Renee Le Jeune in Messages and
Teachings of Mary at Medjugorje.):
"To Jelena:
"This message is dedicated to the Pope and to all Christians. Prepare the
second millennium of my birth which will take place August 5, 1984.
Throughout the centuries, I consecrated my entire life to you. Is it too much
for you to consecrate three days for me? Do not work, on that day, but take up
the rosary and pray.
"On Sunday, August 5, 1984:
"The celebration of the second millennium of Mary's birthday was preceded by
three days of fasting and continuous prayer. Seventy priests heard confessions
without respite; there were conversions in great numbers.
"Our Lady told the visionaries:
"Never in my life have I cried with sorrow, as I have cried this evening with
joy. Thank you!
"In anticipation of this day the Gospa had said:
"The priest who will hear confession will have great joy on that day.
"During these 3 days of fasting and continuous prayer the seers say the Blessed
Virgin was 'very joyful.' And she repeated:
"I am very happy, continue, continue. Continue to pray and to fast.
"Her joy seemed to have reached a peak Sunday, August 5. Like a flower when it
blooms, and full of joy, she said:
"Continue, continue, open your hearts, ask God and I will ask for you."
We can see from these messages that this special day in 1984 brought great joy
to Our Lady. It seems that many miracles of conversion happened because of the
prayer and fasting that took place in Medjugorje. People from every part of the
then Yugoslavia were drawn to Medjugorje, where they met Our Lady and the Lord
in a powerful way and returned to the faith. The confessionals were
Tomorrow is August 5! Again, we can celebrate Our Mother's birthday!
Let's set aside some special time to pray the rosary, as she asks, and possibly
to fast. As we join our prayers together, we can give Our Lady the gift she
longs for the most, the conversion of souls! Our intercession united to Her
prayer, will ignite a new wave of grace for souls. She will be happy, so happy,
to receive this gift!
We only have one day, so let's unite our prayers from now until tomorrow!
In Jesus and Mary, Cathy Nolan C 2008 Mary TV
Andrea Bocelli: „I am going to Medjugorje
Andrea Bocelli: „I am going to Medjugorje to receive a message, not to
give a message"
Andrea Bocelli, one of the greatest tenors of our times, will give a
concert in Medjugorje on August 7th at 9 PM. He will be accompanied by
the Czech National Symphonic Orchestra, the soprano Paola Sanguinetti
and the Mixed choir of the Croatian National Theater from Split.
This concert is being announces as one of the most important cultural
events of the year in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Andrea Bocelli was born in the village Lajatico in Tuscany, Italy, on
September 22, 1958, where he grew up on a family farm. At the age of
twelve, he los his sight.
He graduated in Law and worked for a while in his profession. As a child, he was enthusiastic about the opera and the traditional Italian music. This love for music determined his later life. Today, he affirms that music helps him to live.
Before the concert in Medjugorje, he said that this would be a "unique
experience". He also spoke about faith. "Those who have no faith, have
difficulties to find reasons to live and always risk to be
disappointed, because life without faith is a tragedy and ends as a
Faith helps us to live, in itself it is a reason to live." He
added: "Life is a trial and in this sense, faith has an important
place and is a solution for many problems".
When asked about a message to give to those in Bosnia and Herzegovina
who are waiting joyfully and impatiently for his concert, he answered:
"I am going to Medjugorje to receive a message, not to give a message.
The only message that I can give is contained and hidden in the notes
of the songs that I am singing, I have nothing to add."
To all Wounded Marriages:
"I come to heal you. I come to give you Myself. For you are joined together in My Love, thus, the purpose of your marital love is attained only through Me. You cannot do it alone. I am your source of Mercy and Forgiveness given on the Cross. Come to the Cross. Leave all your burdens and cares on My shoulders. I will carry you and heal your broken relationship. "
The Various Saints named Victor
Victor, Rufinus, Marcus, Valerius Paulus, Honoratus, Donatus, Baricus, Vitalis, Januarius, and Justus, martyred in Africa. 16 Nov.
Victor, Felix, Narcissus, Argyrus with four companions. 1 Jan
Victor, martyred with Adrio, and Bassilla
Victor, martyr with Censorianus, 28 Jan.
Victor, Publius, Saturninus with Polycarpus, martyrs in Alexandria. 31 Jan.
Victor, Marinus, Perpetuus, Julia, Honoratus, Urbanus, Hilarius, Privatula, and 54 companions at Africa martyred. 2 Feb.
Victor, martyr found in the Ethiopian Coptic Church Calendar, 7 Feb.
Victor. Martyred in Africa with Felix, 11 Feb.
Victor. Martyred in Alexandria with Julian 12 Feb.
Victor, I was a priest martyr at Carthage. I was also a follower and disciple of Cyprian of Carthage. I suffered martyrdom with Montanus 259 A.D. 24 Feb.
Victor the Ninivite, in or about 285 A.D. martyred in Corinth Kemet (Egypt) under Numerian with Victorinus and companions, 24 Feb.
Victor, martyred in the West and North of Africa.
Victor, I suffered martyrdom with Saturninus and Solutor in Africa. 26 March
Victor, Dacius (also known as Achacius), and Iranaeus (also known as Irene). Martyrs under Julian in Kemet. Found in the Ethiopian Coptic Church Calendar, 30 March
Victor, I suffered martyrdom, see Stephanus in Kemet. 1 April
Victor, martyred in the Pentapolis with Coprica, 7 April
Victor, martyred in Carthage with Fortunio.
Victor the Roman (son of Romanus), martyred in Kemet. My remains are still at the Victor Monastery, in El-Khusus to the East of Assiut. 22 April
Victor, martyred in Kemet with Maximus, Marcianus, Paulus, Germanus, see six companions. 27 April
Victor, martyred with Stephaus (also known as Stephana, Corona) with Januarius in Kemet. 8 May. The Latin rite says Victor martyr with Corona (Stephains). Some confusion exists where these belong.
Victor—I was a soldier, and served in Alexandria (Coma) in Kemet, Egypt. For the faith, many attempts were made to kill me. I finally received martyrdom by my beheading. My wife was Corona, who gave me continual encouragement. She was 16 years of age.
She suffered martyrdom by being tied to trees, drawn together, then released (torn to pieces). Also 14 May in the Roman martyrology, 15 May in other areas, or 22 Sept. (Probably the same as Victor, martyred with Stephaus (also known as Stephana, Corona), see Januarius in Kemet. 8 May).
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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