Black, African Saints Spirituality, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians, in Africa, Oceania, the Caribbean, South Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomons, Marianas, Society and Marshall Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Palau, Tuvulu, Nauru, Australia and New Zealand,.
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by the Los Angeles St. Brigid Traditional Choir. Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
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Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
The Divine Office (Full Daily Liturgy of the Hours) Daily prayer by listening!
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All power to those publishers who bring one of the most important prayers to the AFRICAN DIASPORA
We suggest and encourage you support them, as indicated on their website.
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From Our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, and Blessed Mother Maryam... As you know they were homeless in Kemet (Egypt)
for several years, while avoiding Herod’s 10 assassins. They don’t desire you to be… so presented:
Free Foreclosure News (but always update the information and seek competent advice (such as One LA in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area) from the HUD/HOPE/FHA MAKE HOME AFFORDABLE sources listed:
WEBSITE: Free Foreclosure News (but always update the information and seek competent advice (such as One LA in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area) from the HUD/HOPE/FHA MAKE HOME AFFORDABLE sources listed:
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary Protectress of Africa
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Protectress of Africa, you have given to the world the true Light, Jesus Christ. Through your obedience to the Father and the grace of the Holy Spirit, you have given us the source of our reconciliation and our justice, Jesus Christ, our peace and our joy.
Mother of Tenderness and Wisdom, show us Jesus, your Son and the Son of God. Guide our path of conversion, so that Jesus might shine his glory on us in every aspect of our personal, familial and social lives.
Mother, full of Mercy and Justice, through your docility to the Spirit, the Counselor, obtain for us the grace to be witnesses of the Risen Lord, so that we will increasingly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Mother of Perpetual Help, we entrust to your maternal intercession the preparation and fruits of the Second Special Assembly for Africa. Queen of Peace, pray for us! Our Lady of Africa, pray for us!
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (combined Christianity) to year 599 A.D. Order quickly from, from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold.
Quadratus with Paul. Martyred in Kemet with Victor, 27 April, Paulus, Anteon, Rufinus, Magnus, and Valeria, we were martyrs in Africa. 26 May.
Quadratus. Martyred in Africa, Hippo Diarrhytus (Bizerta) Africa Proconsularis. Augustine preached about me. 26 May.
Quarta. Martyred in Africa with Donatus, 6 Nov.
Quartosilla. Martyred in Carthage with Montanus, 24 Feb.
Quartus, martyred in the West and North in Africa. 18 Dec. Victorus, see Victor, Adjutor, and 40 Companions.
Quartus. Martyred in Africa with Primus, 4 Nov.
Quartus. Martyred in Africa withQuintus, or Victorus, 18 Dec.
Quartus, Secundianus , Victorianus, Januarius, Medianus, Adauctus, Denecutia, Maximianus, Alexander, Proculus, Afranus, Audactus, and Deodatus. Martyrs in Africa. 14 May.
Quinta (Cointa) martyred at Alexandria, 249 A.D. I did not sacrifice, so I was dragged through the streets, then stoned. 8 Feb.
Quintasius. Martyred in Carthage with Caitius, 10 Oct.
Quintasus. Martyred in Africa with Primus, 17 Oct.
Quintian, Bishop,
Quintian. Lucius and Julian, Paul, Dionysius, the Bishop of Alexandria. And 10 companions, Martyrs for the doctrine of Trinity (Three persons in one God)
Quintianus, Thecla, Theodulus, and Festina, Martyrs in Africa, 14 June
Quintianus, Lucius, Julianus, and 13 companions. Martyrs in North and West Africa, under Hunneric, 5th century Arian, and 23 May.
Quintianus (Quinctianus) I was a bishop and confessor. I went to Gaul to escape the Arians. 506 A.D. I was Bishop of Rodez. I supported Clovis I, I had to avoid the Visigoths in the Auvergne.
Bishop Euphraisus helped me. Thierry I made me successor to Saint Appolinaris at Clermont, 515 A.D. I died 13 Nov. 525 A.D. 13 Nov.
Quintianus, withTheodulus, martyred in Africa, 14 June
Quintus. Martyred in Africa withEpictetus, 9 Jan.
Quintus. Martyred in Africa with Victus, 21 May.
Quintus, Lucius, Julianus, Montana, Januaria, Emella, Nonna, Almerida, Astius, Basileus the bishop, Victoricus, Firmus, Montanus, Victoricus(another), Fidelis, Donatus, Nicia, Faustus, Timotheus, Silvanus, and Photius. We are martyrs in Africa, 23 May (Probably the same as Quintus, martyred in Africa with Victorinus, Victoricus. 23 May)
Quintus, Martyred in Africa with Felix, 30 Oct.
Quintus, Simplicius, Moysetus, Victorus, Victor, Victorinus, Adjutor, Quartus, and 30 others. We are martyrs in Africa, under Decius around 251 A.D. 18 Dec.
Quintus with Sallustius, Rogata. Martyred in Africa, 19 May
Quintus with Januarius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa. We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Quintus, martyred in Africa, in the West and North with Victurus, 18 Dec. (Probably the same as Quintus with Victor, martyred in Africa 18 Dec.)
Quintus, martyred in Africa, the Northwestern parts, see Victus, 21 May.
Quintus, Romana, Martyred in Africa, 15 May.
Quirillus, martyred with Victurus, in the West and North of Africa, 7 June
Quirinus with Papocinicus, and Abidianus. Martyred in Africa, 3 June
Quirinus, Abidianus, Gagus (Cajus) Donatus, Nepos, Papocianus, Januaria, Demetria, and 147 Companions, We are martyrs in Africa. 3 June.
Quodvultdeus, Valerianus, Urbanus, Crescens, Habedeum, Eustachius, Cresconius, Crescentianus, Felix, Hortulanus, BISHOPS, We are martyrs in Africa, 29 Nov.
Quodvultdeus with the persecutions of Valerianus, Urbanus, Crescens, Habedeum, Eustachius, Cresconius, Crescentianus, Felix, Hortulanus, Fientianus, BISHOPS in Africa. We were martyred in Africa, 28 Nov.
Quodvultdeus, I was a bishop and confessor at Carthage, about 437 A.D. In 439 A.D. King Geiseric (Arian) grabbed thee city by conquest. He seized all Catholic churches, and the property of the wealthy, sending many into exile.
I was deported with my priests. Church goods were taken. The grace of God’s wind sent us to Italy’s coastline, at Naples. We patiently ministered to the people there in adversity. When we died (Quodvultdeus, around 450 A.D.), the people proclaimed us as saints. 26 Oct. , 19 Feb.
(Some of the links might be broken, as they are old so verify)
ORTHODOX RITE Christianity/Denominations/Orthodox/Saints_and_Martyrs/
http// Coptic OrthodoxChurch.pdf
http// chapter_five/all_ye_saints_book.htm articles/saints_icons/main.htm
Coptic Synaxarium Search Page glossary/western/bldef_coptic.htm Christianity/Denominations_and_Sects/Orthodox/Coptic/
http// Coptic OrthodoxChurch.pdf
LATIN RITE Christianity/Denominations/Catholicism/Saints/
And still more…
Ecole Glossary,
Open Directory Project
For All The Saints
Catholic Encyclopedia
e.g. Passion of Saint Menas of Cotyaeum
Coptic Encomium
Ethiopic Synaxarium
Be aware that Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, wants His Church reunited.
It will be!
For in God’s eyes, there exists one, holy catholic (which means universal), and apostolic church in the Mystical Body of Christ(all Christianity combined).
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
[Fr. Doucette: 274] Tue, Jul 14, 2009: "Follow My Church"
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr./ 1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE (Prince Edward Island) C0B 2B0 / CANADA
Tel: 902-882-2004 / Email: melvin.doucette@...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"Follow My Church"
Dear Friends,
Council of Jerusalem
Some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers, Unless you are circumcised according to the Mosaic practice, you cannot be saved. ... The Apostles and the presbyters met together to see about this matter. After much debate had taken place, Peter got up and said to them, my brothers, you are well aware that from early days God made his choice among you that through my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the Gospel and believe. And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the Holy Spirit just as he did us. He made no distinction between us and them, for by faith he purified their hearts.
Why, then, are you now putting God to the test by placing on the shoulders of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? On the contrary, we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they. The whole assembly fell silent, and they listened while Paul and Barnabas described the signs and wonders God had worked among the Gentiles through them. Acts 15:1, 6รข€“12
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him these words,
The first council of the Church was held in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Church. There was a big controversy as regards the Mosaic Law. Some Christian Jews maintained that one cannot become a Christian unless he or she becomes a Jew and follows the laws of Moses. For example the Mosaic Law prescribes that all males are to be circumcised.
All the Apostles and priests convened a council to discuss this problem. It was Peter, the leader of the Church, who spoke of what he saw among the Gentiles. They received the Holy Spirit just like the Apostles did. One is not saved by ritual but by the grace received from Me. So his decision was that there is no need of circumcision and it is not necessary to follow the Mosaic Law. All are called to believe the Gospel and to follow Me. This council was important because it freed you all from the yoke of the Law of Moses. Follow My Church and you will be saved.
Father Melvin
Messages to Jennifer July 10,2009
9:25 AM
My child, My will is in everything. It is mankind’s failure to place his full trust in Me that causes him to believe that his plan and purpose is greater then Mine. Do you see My child the importance of the soul recognizing its sinfulness for only I can free a soul from the bondages it attains on earth through My Divine Mercy.
I say to My faithful children to pray. Pray for this world needs much prayer. Do not relish in worldly things for they do not benefit the soul. The greatest benefit for the soul comes through the Eucharist. I say to you come and receive My Most Precious Body and Blood. Allow Me to cleanse you and nourish you for you are My creation made in My image and likeness. Go forth in great love as My witness for you are called to be holy for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
2:10 PM
My child, My children wander as if they answer to no one. I say to you that the day of awakening is near. It shall come like a strong driving wind and it will pierce the hearts and souls of My people. Those who believe they can live as though they will never die are the ones who will find themselves caught off guard
The day of financial awakening is near for unless My children turn away from sin and live in My light this world will continue to purge itself into greater darkness. I have told My children that you cannot fight evil with evil. You cannot draw those who do not know the truth if you do not speak it.
The hour of satan’s rage is soon to expire for My mothers heart is soon to triumph. Come into the abyss of My Most Sacred Heart. Live your mission. Live your vocation and allow them to shine.
For out of the dust of the earth I formed you into the greatest of gems and when you respond to the will of your Heavenly Father you then allow that gem to shine for it is then heaven and earth coming together to bring glory and honor to your Master for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
Please Pray for the following people
Mike H. who has pancreatic cancer, Joe C. with lung cancer.
Jennifer update
While Jennifer continues to receive messages regularly only the following have been approved for release by her Spiritual Director.
Website update note
Messages to John Leary June 10-July 3,2009
(fair use-educational and religious-- for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jesus said: my people, many of your smaller wars are a testing ground for the latest new weaponry from your Defense Industrial Complex. Your troops need high tech weapons to justify the billions of dollars spent on defense.
There has been a low profile in the reporting of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, yet your Congress is continually appropriating hundreds of billions of dollars to keep them going. Even as high deficits are being incurred to battle the recession, the deficits for war are adding even more to the National Debt. This irresponsible deficit spending will soon bankrupt your country when you will be unable to monetize your debt.
Your dollar will lose its buying power as a new world currency in the amero will replace the dollar. This is all part of the one world people’s plan to set up a world government. Trust in Me to defeat these evil ones in time, as I will bring My victory over all of them.
Thursday, June 11, 2009: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: my people, St. Paul and St. Barnabas were two of My great missionaries in My Early Church when you risked your life to teach My Word. They were annointed by the apostles to teach the Gentiles and they were called Christians for the first time in Antioch. St. Paul had a miraculous conversion, and he worked with St. Barnabas to bring many converts into the faith.
These early missionaries were an inspiration of faith in their zeal to bring souls to Me. As you read the Acts of the Apostles during the Easter Season, you can see how My disciples were eager to spread the Good News of My death and Resurrection for the salvation of all of mankind. Even as you are inspired by their works, I call on all of My faithful to go out and preach My Good News. Trust in Me and call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen you in your own missionary efforts.
My Father in heaven, who sees your good deeds, will reward you with treasure in heaven.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: my people, those, who are managing your crop surpluses as a back up for bad years, have squandered your surplus either on purpose or for greed of making more money. The result is that your supplies of grain are at an all time low, and it is important to have a bumper crop this year to replenish your shortages. When back up supplies are low, a serious famine could result with one bad year of crops. Pray that everyone will have enough to eat, or if necessary you could pray to Me to multiply your crops.
Jesus said: my people, your manufacturing leaders have turned your country into a third world country by shipping all of your manufacturing jobs overseas in the name of cheap labor. They also have made the tax and tariff laws to allow cheap goods to be imported and ruin all of your businesses with no protection.
Now it is late in this plan of self-destruction to try and salvage your auto industry with taxpayer bailouts. Even producing your military weapons is in danger from not producing your own steel products. This has been part of the one world people’s plan to lessen American influence in manufacturing and other businesses. The overall plan is to weaken your economy, military, and banking so you are ripe for a takeover. Prepare for this takeover which is coming closer every year.
Jesus said: my people, evil men have taken advantage of unregulated debt instruments to swindle people’s pensions and mortgages for their own gain by over leveraging their loans. They did this with low interest rates, and the Federal Reserve is encouraging another housing bubble with cheap rates again.
Bankers are given 0% loans and government or taxpayer funds are supporting their toxic assets. Low rates help the rich make billions, but savers get low interest for their savings. These evil Wall Street people are stealing from the poor to make themselves richer. They will feel My heavy hand at their judgment for their organized theft on a grand scale.
Jesus said: my people, your current leader is trying to claim everyone should have health care in a national program. Your government has done a poor job in even handling Medicare for the elderly, let alone trying to control everyone’s health care. They are attacking the small part that cannot afford health care as an excuse to control everyone. They will use smart cards and eventually chips in the body to control your drugs, doctor choice, and any operations.
Foreign countries with national health plans have a hard time scheduling operations because of the bureaucracy. The cost of such a plan is also an added means to bankrupt your country because taxes and fees would be required to pay for a plan that your country cannot afford. Do not take any chips in the body at all costs.
Jesus said: my people, the banking crisis and America’s deficits have grown so large that it may soon be evident that there will not be enough buyers of Treasury notes to sponsor loans needed to fund your growing deficits. China and some countries with dollars are demanding an international currency to replace the dollar.
When the Federal Reserve prints money as a buyer of last resort, then the dollar will be so diluted that it will quickly lose its value. Be prepared when this debt cannot be afforded by your taxpayers. There will be a bankruptcy of America which could lead to a martial law takeover to quell the riots of unhappy people holding worthless dollars. Pray then to be led to My refuges for your protection.
Jesus said: my people, there are government people and business people trying to put a good face on your recession by showing less job losses. It will take a long time to stop job losses completely and find job gains that will last.
Many laid off workers have had to take less paying jobs and are finding it harder to survive. Less tax revenue has put stress on many levels of government. Things may appear all right to some, but your country is headed for a takeover by the one world people.
Jesus said: my people, as deficits and the recession take their toll on America, you will find less income is available to buy your necessities, let alone any extras. As people are pressed to limit their spending, you will see a dramatic drop in your standard of living. Be prepared for this stripping of your wealth that is being manipulated by the one world government people. Pray for My help when all of your economy will be under siege.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Jesus said: my people, there has finally been a recognition that the Swine flu has spread over all the nations of the world enough to call it a pandemic disease. Even though there has been a lot of cases in the United States, fortunately, not many have died as yet. Even your health people are concerned that if this Swine flu mutates, it could prove more deadly when the flu season begins in October with the colder weather. In reality this is a man-made disease and the perpetrators of this disease can make a more virulent form that could be distributed by chemtrails or even by flu shots themselves.
If you see many people dying from such a new and deadlier form of this pandemic virus, then this will be a sign to you to call on Me and I will have your angels guide you to protection and a cure at My refuges.
Looking on My luminous cross or drinking the healing spring water will cure any disease or sickness. This killing of people by a pandemic virus is another reason to go to My refuges in addition to world famine, division in My Church, and martial law. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing a safe haven for My faithful.
(Robin & Enzio Romano Wedding) Jesus said: my people, it is always a great celebration when a couple gets married in the church. Marriage should be a life long commitment, and getting married in the church is a statement about how serious they are taking their vows. Having a Mass for the wedding is also an invitation to Me to be a part of their marriage.
Matrimony is a sacrament and My grace will be with both spouses helping them in their marriage. All those, who are present in the church today, are giving witness to the sacramental life of this couple. Your presence is also a support for this newly married couple and they will look to you for advice and counsel.
Their parents have trained them in the faith so they will be responsible to follow their vows, and be faithful to each other. Love is a gift that both spouses can share together, and it is a treasure for lasting marriages. Married love gives even more purpose to your life in your human existence. Give glory and praise to Me for bringing this couple together in marriage.
Saturday, June 13, 2009: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: my people, I have given you many messages concerning the need to come to My refuges for protection during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I have also comforted you in promising My angels will bring daily Communion to you at My refuges if you do not have a priest for a Mass.
My Blessed Sacrament is your daily spiritual food that strengthens you with My grace to bear the day’s burdens. You are seeing in this vision how the angels will bring Hosts from a nearby tabernacle and multiply them for everyone to have a Host.
Even if there are no more tabernacles on earth, I will bring Hosts down from heaven even as the people in the Exodus had manna from heaven on the ground. In your modern day Exodus you will have a heavenly Bread even with a physical form that will be My Body and Blood to share. I will take care of My faithful in the end times not only with your physical needs, but also your spiritual needs in My daily Communion. In the same way with Confession, if you do not have a priest, I will accept your Act of Contrition prayer to forgive your sins so you can receive Me in Communion more worthily. Give praise and thanks to Me who understands your needs and grants you My blessings.
Jesus said: my people, as you look at this track in a tunnel, you know that it is the train that will take many to their deaths in the detention center death camps. The one world people already have lists for who is to be killed both before and after martial law is declared.
They have prepared vented boxcars with shackles to hold the prisoners. Do not fear if you are called to be a martyr for your faith in Me. I will lessen any pain and you will become an instant saint in heaven.
Those, who leave their homes quickly at My call, could avoid martyrdom by going to My refuges of protection. In either case you are dependent on Me for everything, and you will need to have full trust in Me to protect your soul from the evil one. I am at your side always, so you can call on My help in this test of your faith. You need to accept being stripped of all of your money and your possessions.
Desire to follow My Will in life and death because this life is passing away. By offering everything up to Me every day in your total consecration, you indeed will have your eternal life with Me in heaven. Heaven is your goal, so prolonging this life only postpones your eventual death. Accept everything that I put in your path as My Will for you, and you will have My peace in your soul.
Sunday, June 14, 2009: (Body & Blood of Jesus-Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: my people, in the first reading you have My Covenant with Moses and the Ten Commandments sealed with the offering of the bullรข€™s blood as a sacrifice. In the vision you are seeing the bread and wine offered at the Last Supper which now in the Mass is My true Body and Blood as a sacrifice for all of your sins.
The next day on Good Friday I died and gave My life as a sacrifice for the salvation of all of mankind from your sins. My Eucharist at the Mass is a sharing among the Communion of Saints of the living, those in purgatory, and the saints in heaven.
When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving My Real Presence into your soul, and I dwell with you as a tabernacle until the Host is consumed.
Those, who treasure My Real Presence, can visit Me in Adoration of My consecrated Host, or before My tabernacle. In the history of My Church there have been many miracles of My Eucharist performed to prove My Real Presence, as blood has appeared on the Host. Rejoice in this gift of Myself to you in every Communion.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jesus said: my people, when you start your day with Mass and Holy Communion, you go forth from church with My grace in your soul. This bright light that you see is another day of challenges, but you are radiating out your own light of joy to go forward in My Will.
As you consecrate everything over to Me at the Consecration of the Mass, everything that you do is offered up to Me as a prayer. My grace is with you to defend you from the temptations of the devil. This is a hard Gospel for some to not seek revenge for anything done to them by another person.
You need to forgive others of any injustices done to you, even as you seek to be forgiven of your own sins against Me and other people. How can you harbor a grudge against others when you want to be forgiven of your own transgressions?
This is why you need to forgive and forget others’ sins against you, as I forgive and forget your sins. This is not easy because of your earthly roots, but it is a higher moral order that I am calling My faithful to follow. I have called you not to make a defense of your mission and My messages. It is enough to hear My Word and let the people discern the truth of My words. Go and live My message of forgiveness all of the time, and you will be living My Word.
Jesus said: my people, there are many cures of various diseases that your scientists have discovered. Some of these involve cancer, heart problems, breathing problems, and various organ problems. Some scientists have a problem understanding miracle cures.
Yet by faith you know miracle cures can be granted. When a person with healing gifts prays over someone, there is a grace of healing energy that goes out to the person being prayed over. For healings to take place both the person and the healer have to have faith that I can heal them of some disease or problem part of the body.
When you pray for someone’s healing, offer up your Masses and prayers in a novena. You have some prayers for the sick in your Pieta prayer book. Have confidence in My healing power and you will witness many miracles.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Jesus said: my people, you have witnessed a miracle of healing for your wife and you were right to give praise and thanks to Me for this gift. I told you that those, who have faith in My power to heal, will see miracles of My grace.
You were given a vision of an angel healing your wife and you were blessed for inviting Me and My angels to heal her out of faith. Remember when St. Raphael was instrumental in healing Tobit’s blindness with the gall of the fish. Angels can be given authority to heal, as this gift was a result of much prayer as well. I want you to continue praying a novena of thanksgiving for this gift of healing.
Remember to pray for all souls in need of My grace, especially for those who are near death. This healing of souls is even more important than physical healings. Jesus said: my people, what you are seeing in this vision is a desire by people for money, power, and fame.
Some even sell their souls to the devil for these earthly things. In the end what or whom do you worship? Is it Me, or you and your money? Only those, who are humble and worship Me, are on the right path to heaven. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul to the devil in hell in the process? The things of this world and fame are fleeting and passing away.
But the love of God and neighbor will win you eternal life in heaven. To gain heaven, it does not matter how rich or poor you are. I measure your worth in heavenly treasure for your good deeds. The treasure of heaven far surpasses any treasure on earth. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given you.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Jesus said: my people, this overflowing waterfall is how I pour out My abundant graces on all of you. You should be grateful and give Me thanks for all that I have given you. The best way to say thank you to Me would be to share what bounty you have with others, so they can have what they need in physical things and spiritual needs of faith as well.
You share alms with the poor in money, but you can also share your grace of faith with the poor in spirit. Those, who need conversion to knowing Me, or re-conversion to bring them back to Me, are in need of your help spiritually because they are lost, but now they are found through you.
I am like the Father of the Prodigal Son waiting for all sinners to return to Me so I can grant them forgiveness of their sins and heal their souls. My faithful are My arms and legs to bring souls to Me. Continue in your charity of alms and your charity of evangelization by prayer and invitation to come to Me.
Jesus said: my people, when you have many people at a refuge, it is difficult to have enough water for everyone’s needs. The well water is best for drinking and cooking, but it may be limited. I will multiply your water when needed. In the vision you saw people in multiplied buildings and the gutters were catching rainwater which fell into water barrels.
This rain water would be good for bathing and washing your clothes. Care needs to be taken in how to get the water out of the barrels. Either have a removable lid on top or a mechanical pump through a hole in the top. Take care during the freezing days of winter to bring the barrels inside where you are heating.
You may have to collect snow and melt it inside for extra water. Water is a very necessary item for survival, so protect your water sources from getting disease or freezing. As you learn how to live on a refuge for protection, you will also learn what you need to survive. Gathering food from animals and your crops will be another concern, as well as storing the food in a root cellar in the ground.
All of your needs will be satisfied, but you will need to help each other with your own various skills. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing you a safe haven of protection.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Jesus said: my people, there are many foreign troops in your country to implement martial law. This is why you have many made up wars to keep your troops out of your country. Your census will help direct these foreigners to pick up religious and patriotic people.
They also will have road signs to direct these trucks where to bring their prisoners. I will warn My faithful when to leave for your refuges before martial law is declared. Be ready to leave with your backpacks ready, and leave quickly when I tell you, or you could be captured and killed. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will protect your souls. They may harm some of your bodies, but never your souls.
Pray for the souls of all people so they could be converted before it is too late and the Antichrist will control them. This trial of evil will be brief before I will come in victory over the evil ones.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: my people, you have seen problems with the bee populations all over the world, and now even other insects as bumble bees are having similar declining numbers. Most of these problems are a result of man’s interference with nature. Chemtrail viruses, HAARP and cell phone microwaves, along with various pesticides are taking their effect on the very bees needed to pollinate your crops. Reduced harvests can be affected by this reduced bee population and your hybrids for crops. The coming world famine will be a direct result of mans’ interference with My balance of nature. This is another need for My refuges where I will multiply your food.
Jesus said: my people, as the evil ones take control, they will be searching to kill all those who will be against their new world order. You have seen in the Middle East and Vietnam where various terrorists have hid in caves from America’s bombing.
This is why caves are a good place, even for My faithful to hide from the evil ones. There I will provide for your food and water. Be patient since I will soon come in victory over the evil ones.
Jesus said: my people, some people, who are building refuges, have built their buildings with camouflage so they cannot be seen well from the air. In addition My angels will place invisible shields over My refuges so they cannot be detected by any of man’s means. Trust in My protection of My refuges with miracles that you cannot imagine by your worldly knowledge.
Jesus said: my people, the angels at My refuges will not only make you invisible, but they will protect you from bombs, defoliants, and any pandemic viruses. I know all of man’s ways to attack you, but none of them will harm you, or affect you in any way. These acts will be miracles of My grace that you will not fully understand, but you will witness these miracles during the tribulation.
At the proper time I will send My Comet of Chastisement and My angels will bring tormenting plagues against all of the evil ones as they will suffer their hell on earth. Then I will gather up these evil ones and demons and chain them in hell. My faithful will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace.
Jesus said: my people, one of your punishments will be a massive volcanic explosion that will spew massive amounts of dust and ash over parts of your country. There has been an increase in earthquakes which will trigger some large volcanic explosions. This is when you should seek cover, wear your masks, and cover any openings in your doors and windows. Some have forecasted these events and they could bring about a famine situation when your crop lands will be destroyed.
Jesus said: my people, you know that the flu season starts in October and is usually over in February. This latest outbreak of Swine flu has been designated a pandemic, but it is completely out of season.
This flu is not just a mutation, but it has all the signs of a laboratory man-made disease. This first wave has been spread very easily, but it has thus far not killed very many people. This H1N1 virus has similarities to the Spanish flu that killed millions of people.
The same evil ones, who developed this disease, could just as easily generate a more virulent form that could attack your population in October with more deaths occurring. This is why you need masks and food storage to weather this coming outbreak. Build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins.
As you see larger numbers dying from this new virus, then you are to call on Me to lead you to My refuges. There you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the healing spring waters which will protect you from all diseases and deadly viruses, or bacteria.
Jesus said: my people, the next two feast days honor My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. These feasts are together to indicate that our two hearts are joined as one. When you pray to both of our hearts, your heart will also be joined with our hearts, especially at Holy Communion in the Mass.
At some churches you celebrate Mass back to back around midnight to commemorate the joining of our two hearts. We both lived on the earth without sin and we are your examples of perfection to strive to live in My Divine Will. Rejoice in these feasts, even as you try to live your lives as close as possible to our example. We bless all of you for your honoring our two hearts.
Friday, June 19, 2009: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: my people, this image of My Sacred Heart is a fitting testimony of My love for all of mankind. This is why you should have a large crucifix on the altar so you can be reminded that I love you so much that I gave My life for the reparation of all of your sins. Out of love for you I shared the ways of heaven with you to live according to My teachings.
I showed you the love of the Father to send His Son, and this love of God generates the Third Person of the Holy Spirit. This is why love is at the basis of My Commandments in love of God and love of neighbor. You are made in My Image, so love needs to be a part of your makeup as well. You can show Me your love by your prayers and your obedience to My Will. Trust in Me, and I will see to all of your needs and petitions.
Jesus said: my people, in days past you were focused on an endless war on terrorists, and you still are active in such wars. The latest new people in office have kept a low profile with a new vocabulary for fighting wars. You still are dealing with cells of terrorists, but another event is being planned to hit multiple cities at once with massive explosions.
Your economy and banking are still recovering from this financial crisis which was also created. A major terrorist event could send your country into martial law with enough confusion created by bombings.
The one world people will use any opportunity for a takeover, even if they have to create such an event themselves. The economic crisis, the pandemic virus, and any seeming terrorist attacks could all be used by the one world people in a takeover of America under martial law and emergency Executive Orders.
Be prepared for any events that could trigger martial law because this will be the time to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Trust in My help and early warning to leave for My refuges.
Saturday, June 20, 2009: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
The Blessed Virgin Mary said: my dear children, I invite you to come and share your love with my Immaculate Heart and imitate my life in the Divine Will of my Son, Jesus. I always bring you to my Son because He is the source of grace to be shared with everyone. Since the time I was at the foot of my Son’s cross, I have been your spiritual mother. You also see my heart where my love for my children reaches out to everyone. My mantle is also held over all of my children to protect you from the devil and evil people.
Continue to send your petitions to me in your rosaries, because you know my Son listens to my pleas for help. Continue to honor me in my statues, icons, shrines, and my Miraculous Medal. Many of you also wear my Brown Scapular of protection as well. Remember on these two feasts to unite your heart with our two hearts.
Sunday, June 21, 2009: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: I AM started all of creation from Adam, so I am literally the Father of all humanity. I sent My Son, Jesus, to offer His life as a sacrifice for your sins and He gave you new life in the Spirit. I truly am watching over all of you, and I hold all of the universe in its proper place.
Give glory and praise to Me, and you can wish Me a Happy Father’s Day as well. Give thanks to Me also for all the beauty of the earth and flowers of My creation. I love all of you, even as I sent My Son to help you out of love. Thank all of your fathers for all that they do for your families.
Jesus said: my people, I have told you that it would be a good preparation for My people to do some backpacking and use your tents for an overnight stay. When you are on your way to My refuge, you may have to camp outside a few days until you reach the refuge. By having tried living in a tent overnight, you can see what you really need and how well you can adapt to living in rustic outdoor camps. You will not have all the comforts of home, so you need to be able to live a simple lifestyle. Remember to bring your sacramentals, rosaries, and holy books for reading.
This is in addition to your basic camping supplies. I commend those who are willing to go through with this exercise which may be beneficial training for the time that you really have to leave. Once you are warned, do not be wasting time, but leave your home quickly without thinking about what you left behind. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear.
Monday, June 22, 2009: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: my people, when I asked you to prepare your backpacks for leaving for your refuges, you acquired what you needed, but you were slow to put it all together. It was in going through the actual practice of loading your backpack that you realize what you need and how much will fit into your bag.
You would not realize this unless you actually prepared for it. The same can be said for going camping. It was then that you realized you could not find your tent, so you had to purchase a larger one, but not too heavy. This enabled you to have hammers, matches, windup flashlights, water bottles, and all that you need for camping.
See how these exercises prepare you better for your actual leaving for My refuges. Be prepared spiritually and physically as you will have many difficulties in living outdoors that you did not expect. Pray for My help in all of your preparations.
Jesus said: my people, you have had some experiences in preparing meals outdoors so you can see how difficult it can be. You also are conscious of outdoor noises of the animals and insects. This is just a little taste of now rustic living can be a trial.
Once you arrive at My refuges, you will have My angels to protect you, and I will multiply your food and water. Have no fear because My angels will make you invisible. When you are hungry sometimes, you will be thankful for My many gifts. Trust in My care for you, and you will have nothing to worry about.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Jesus said: my people, this vision of a boat at sea represents everyone living on the sea of life. At times you will experience stormy seas or major difficulties as deaths or sicknesses in the family. At other times the sea may be calm at a happy occasion as an Anniversary, wedding, or birth.
Sometimes even small waves of disappointments can upset your day. Just as I calmed the storm for My apostles, so you can call on My help in any life crisis to smooth out your problems.
Consecrate everything over to Me and I will help you in everything you do each day. Trust in Me by faith and your life will be smoother, even during difficult times. Those, who follow My Commandments, and trust in Me will come into a beautiful harbor of heaven at the end of your life’s journey.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: my people, this feast of St. John the Baptist’s birth is why you are seeing this vision of people’s feet. St. John said that he was not worthy to loosen My sandal straps out of humility. (Luke 3:16) As St. John baptized Me, the people witnessed the Blessed Trinity in My Father’s speaking, Myself, and God the Holy Spirit in the sign of a dove.
St. John the Baptist is an example for all of My faithful to follow in his simple living, his humility, and his zeal to baptize and save sinners.
You also should seek to evangelize and convert sinners baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this age of weak faith and evil about you, you are hearing of many who do not want to baptize their children. Remember the message that I gave you to pray the Baptism prayer for all who had not been baptized. (Message on 5-5-09)
Jesus said: my people, when it comes time to go to My refuges, you will have to make some decisions on who in your family that you want to take with you. Hopefully, your family members will understand the need to leave your homes behind. You have prepared your backpacks to leave, and some of you have practiced camping in your tents.
Your family has seen you prepare food and water for the end times. Still every spouse may not want to leave, and you will have some hard choices to leave someone behind. I have told you the consequences of staying behind that could lead to your death at the hands of the one world people.
Call on Me to have your angels lead you to the safety of My refuges where I will provide for your shelter, food, and water. As you saw with your camping trip, you will have to cook your meals, provide fires for cooking, gather food, and help with your shelter, washing clothes, and bathing. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, but have your things ready to leave for My refuges at a moment’s notice.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Jesus said: my people, in today’s Gospel I told the people only those, who act in faith on My teachings, will come to heaven, not those who just call Lord, Lord. I see the intentions of the heart in your actions, and I know who is sincere and who is just doing things for show.
At the judgment time you want to have plenty of good deeds in your hands to offset your sins. I told the people that their faith should be well grounded, as the man who built his house on rock. They should not try to get into heaven with words alone, or they would be like the man who built his house on sand. In another account as in the vision I speak of My faithful as the wheat being gathered up into My barn of heaven.
These are the ones, who by their actions of good deeds, have been judged righteous and faithful. Those, who refused to accept Me into their lives and refused to seek My forgiveness are like the tares or weeds that are bundled up and thrown into the fires of hell. Choose rightly in following My example, and you will be confident in being rewarded with heaven at your judgment.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: my people, when you go out walking during the darkness of night, you need to use a flashlight to see your way. I have even asked you to have windup flashlights at My refuges so you do not need batteries or electricity.
This image of light represents My showing you the way as I disperse the darkness. Even My angels will lead you with a sign of light so you can follow them to My refuges. You will see miracles upon miracles as I will protect My faithful at My refuges.
Jesus said: my people, fame and money may seem desirable from your earthly senses, but these movie stars have a hard life constantly in the public’s eye. As they travel to various shows, there is a constant schedule and loneliness that can test anyone. A simple life is more rewarding than fleeting fame or seeking elusive wealth. This life is passing away and you need to seek Me in heaven more than any earthly attraction.
Jesus said: my people, some think that taking a cruise is a little bit of an extravagance, but it can be a learning experience in dealing with people. You see people from different walks of life and you view some beautiful places of My creation.
Even some trips can teach you of the history of man and what man worships. Some seek trips as a show of their wealth, while others seek a well deserved vacation from hard work.
Focus more on the people and what you can learn from them, while at the same time you can be a witness of My love to show people how to live in My love. Continue your daily prayers wherever you travel so you are always united with Me.
Jesus said: my people, those, who have gone camping, know the comforts they like as they pitch their tents. Some may like pads over the ground for sleeping and easy ways for making fires with gas instead of wood fires.
The difficulty with some of these comforts is that they may be too heavy to carry into rural areas with woods and grassy plains. You need to limit what you take to My refuges and bear with some penances. You had to deal with uncomfortable bedding and various noises of nature that kept you from sleeping.
The quiet mornings were very conducive for prayer while others were asleep. You have many gifts to be thankful for, but preparing to live in the wild can be a trying experience. Trust that I will protect you wherever My angels will lead you.
Jesus said: my people, do not worry about what you will eat, what you will wear, or where you will stay at My refuges. Two changes of clothes will be sufficient as you will be making more clothes. I will bring you animals for food and you will plant your vegetables.
Other food will be multiplied to take care of the hungry crowds of people. I have told you that I will multiply your buildings so everyone will have a place of their own to stay. By keeping faith in My miracles, you will see many things that you could not even imagine, but I will do it for you out of love.
Jesus said: my people, you have seen nuclear bomb preparations going on in Iran and North Korea. Many have been stressed about such bombs, missiles, and anti-missiles. These events have threatened nuclear exchanges and even possible pre-emptive strikes to slow down this bomb making.
More prayers for peace are needed in your world that craves power with nuclear weapons. There is even a desire by some for more expensive and more deadlier weapons. There are more than enough lethal weapons in your stockpiles. Why be concerned about producing more weapons to kill people? It would be better to feed the poor than spend your billions of dollars on making more weapons.
Jesus said: my people, I am the giver and taker of life, even though man wants to manipulate birth and death. It is wise to have someone, that is very sick or near death, to have the Anointing of the Sick sacrament. You feel better when someone has had these sacramental preparations for death.
Do not try to guess why I take some people early in life or allow some lives to be prolonged. You have seen some miracle healings through prayer, so be thankful for these gifts of life. When I do take someone home to Me, do not be too remorseful, but see death as your needed transition into the spiritual life that awaits you.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Jesus said: my people, in the Old Testament and in the New Testament you are seeing promises from Us made to man that We will bring things about according to Our Will. In the first reading you are seeing a promise made to Abraham that in his old age Sarah will give birth to a son.
Even though nature would not allow such births, with Me all things are possible. Isaac was indeed born and from him and Ismael there would be many descendants as the stars in the sky. In the New Testament you have My promise of salvation in My very Incarnation as a man.
I performed many miracles as today’s healing of a leper, but the most important miracle, which sealed My Covenant, was My Resurrection from the dead. This was My victory over sin and death which opened the gates of heaven and gave everyone an opportunity to be saved by My worthy sacrifice. Rejoice in My miracles which are still going on, and see that I keep My promises out of love for man and the truth of My Word.
I am calling on all of you to make your own promise or covenant of love to consecrate everything of your life over to Me out of love for Me. It is by My love that you have your miracle of life, and it is by your love for Me that you can be with Me for all eternity in heaven.
Jesus said: my people, when you come to My refuges, you will have to do some farming in growing crops and taking care of any animals, providing there is enough land. For farming you will need some non-hybrid seeds that I will multiply, and you will need fertilizer from the animal wastes.
Planting, harvesting, and storing crops may have to be done with animals where you have no gasoline or electricity. You will become an agricultural society without the need of your electronic entertainment. Your simpler life will give you more time to pray and be close to Me in the nature around you. You will give thanks to Me for My angels protecting you, and for multiplying your food, dwellings, and heating fuel. Pray for My help so you may adjust to this style of living which will help make saints out of you.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Jesus said: my people, as you hear the readings of today, you see how I answer your prayer when you ask in faith. I fulfilled My promise to Abraham that he would have many descendants by giving him Isaac in his old age by a miracle. I performed a miracle of healing the Centurion;s servant from a distance because of his great faith. You, yourself, have seen many miracles performed for people through My grace and your faith.
I remind you all again that those, who have faith in a requested healing, can be healed through My instruments that also have faith in their prayers.
Even as you approach the end times, My instruments will be graced with more healings. When you finally come to My refuges, you will see healings of all of your sicknesses and pains as you look upon My luminous cross and drink from My miraculous springs of water. So have faith in your petitions, and your prayers will be answered.
The most important request is to pray for conversions in faith because the souls are more in need of saving than curing the body. You are dealing with free will in trying to change people’s spiritual lives, but I will hear your persistent prayer to save even the worst of sinners. Again, have faith in your prayers of conversion, and it will be granted.
(Sunday Mass) Jesus said: my people, in the Gospel you read of an unusual healing of Jairus’ daughter from the grave. I raised her from the dead to show that I not only have healing power, but I also have power over life and death. This rising from the dead is a preview of My own Resurrection which came later on.
When I consecrated the bread and wine at the Last Supper, this was to now represent My Body and Blood after I died and resurrected. This is the connection of the vision of grapes and wheat as I brought the young girl back to life.
There is also a promise being made to My faithful that after the final judgment, My faithful will also be resurrected body and soul for all eternity with Me in heaven. Rejoice that one day you will be joined with your soul and a glorified body to be whole again.
Monday, June 29, 2009: (Sts. Peter & Paul)
Jesus said: my people, you are celebrating the feast day of My dear apostles St. Peter and St. Paul. I built My Church on the Rock of St. Peter and his successors in My popes throughout the years. I promised that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church.
I gave St. Peter the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven for all of mankind. St. Paul was a convert to the faith, and one of My great missionaries, especially to the Gentiles outside of the Jewish faith. My Church was much persecuted in the beginning and these apostles were martyred for their faith in Me.
Throughout the ages, My faithful have had to endure persecution and by My protection, I have guided My Church to preserve its roots. As you see this church burning down, this represents the division coming in My Church when it will be separated into the schismatic church and My faithful remnant.
The schismatic church will fall away teaching a New Age heresy and teaching that the sexual sins are no longer sins. My faithful remnant will preserve the faith of My apostles at their homes and eventually in My refuges. This remnant will be protected by My angels from the demons and the Antichrist. Give praise and glory to Me because I keep all of My promises. Thank My apostles and messengers for directing the faithful to all the nations.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Jesus said: my people, in today’s first reading you saw how I removed Lot and his family from Sodom by My angels leading them to a safe place away from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife looked at this destruction and she was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying My instructions not to look at it.
This is the same lesson that I give My faithful. At the appointed time I will also have your angels lead you to a safe place of My refuges. Again I remind you to leave immediately. If you refuse to leave, the evil ones will capture you and kill you in their death camps.
My martyrs will become instant saints in heaven, but My faithful, who follow My instructions, will be protected in My refuges and all of your needs will be provided for you. You see the storm in the Gospel as I bring punishment in the hurricanes of the vision. Pray for protection and I will have mercy on My faithful, even as I protected Lot, and calmed the waters for My apostles in the boat.
It is coincidental that this reading comes today, even as you are on a boat for your cruise. Even in the storms of life, I am at your side when you petition Me to help you calm any fears. Trust in Me and I will walk with you through life’s trials advising you what to do.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Jesus said: My people, you have heard My cure of the demon possessed persons that were healed when I called the demons to leave them. The many demons drowned a large herd of swine and that is why the town people asked Me to leave.
They did not realize the miracle healing, but they only concerned themselves with the lost swine. You have seen major water damage over the years from broken levees. Now you are about to see more water damage as a punishment for allowing so much evil to occur. It is by free will that you choose these evil acts, but there are also consequences for your actions.
The evil of abortions and sexual sins have so cried out for My justice that you will see more destruction and loss of life. Pray for these sinners and to stay My hand of punishment. I call on My people to love Me and worship Me, and not to abuse My gifts and disobey My Commandments. Choose life over death and you will have your reward. Choose evil and you will see your punishment fit the crime.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jesus said: My people, there are some people that think the end of the Mayan Calendar could be the end of the world or the end of an age. I have not given you such a message about the end of time, because only the Father knows the time of the last day. You will know that this time is getting close by reading closely the signs of the end times and whether they are happening already.
Many experts have tried to interpret these Mayan prophecies, but it is hard to draw a firm conclusion. It is sufficient to know that a date has been chosen, but it is not for you to know this date. Instead, continue your mission to prepare peoples’ souls for this end time so they all will be ready to face Me at their judgment.
The best preparation is to pray every day and love Me and your neighbor by having good deeds in your hands. Do like Abraham in the reading and obey My commands, and you will have your reward in heaven.
Friday, July 3, 2009: (St. Thomas, our 44th wedding anniversary)
Jesus said: My people, I realize many are dressed in light attire for swimming and the hot weather, but there are too many dressed immodestly and flaunting it in public. Such immodest dress is making an unnecessary temptation for the men. This lifestyle of crude dress, overeating, gambling, and adult language comedy is not conducive to a holy life which requires a life of prayer, modesty, and humility.
As you celebrate the feast of St. Thomas and his faith in My Resurrection, you should be more focused on pleasing Me and your soul than satisfying the senses of the body. You saw in the previous readings how I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their flagrant sexual sins. America and other nations are also calling for My justice in your sinful lifestyles without any seeking of forgiveness of your sins.
Put aside your desires of the flesh and obey My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. This striving to be faithful will gain you more merits in heaven than following your own ways of the world. Listen to St. Thomas in My Lord, and My God, and be grateful for My gift of Myself to all of you in My Eucharist.
Medjugorje Day By Day July 14 - GOD COMES TO HELP EVERYONE
"You will always find a friend in Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to console you in your moment of need. He will never fail to help you" (St. John Vianney).
"Grant that my soul may hunger after Thee, the Bread of Angels, the Refreshment of holy souls, our daily and supersubstantial Bread" (St. Bonaventure).
Mother Teresa -
Holiness is the greatest gift that God can give us because for that reason He created us.
Padre Pio -
Where there is no obedience there is no virtue, where there is no virtue, there is no goodness, no love, and where there is no love, God is not there and without God we do not go to paradise.
These form a stairway and if one step is missing from the stairway we fall down (AP).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The good of sacrifice makes the effort worthwhile
"The violin strings, if they were conscious, would complain when the musician tightened them, but this is because they do not see that the sacrificial strain was necessary before they could produce a perfect melody. Evils actually become lighter by patient endurance and benefits are poisoned by discontent."
St. Faustina's diary -
One day, when I was at adoration, my spirit seemed to be dying for Him, and I could no longer hold back my tears. I saw a spirit of great beauty who spoke these words to me: "Don't cry-says the Lord." After a moment I asked, "Who are you?"
He answered me, "I am one of the seven spirits who stand before the throne of God day and night and give Him ceaseless praise." Yet this spirit did not soothe my yearning, but roused me to even greater longing for God. This spirit is very beautiful, and his beauty comes from close union with God. This spirit does not leave me for a single moment, but accompanies me everywhere. (471)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Questioned about curing the sick, the Virgin responded:
I cannot cure. God alone cures. Pray! I will pray with you. Believe firmly. Fast and do penance. I will help you as long as it is in my power to do so. God comes to help everyone. I am not God. I need your sacrifices and your prayers to help me (FY 12-83).
And in Matthew's gospel, the cure of a leper:
When Jesus had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him; and there was a leper who came too him and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean." He stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, "I do choose. Be made clean!" Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Then Jesus said to him, "See that you say nothing to anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them" (Mt 8:1-4).
In ancient Israel, leprosy was a feared disease since there was no known cure. The term was used for a variety of similar diseases, and some forms were contagious. If a person contracted the contagious type, a priest declared him a leper and banished him from his home and city. He was sent to live in a community with other lepers until he either got better or died.
Yet when the leper begged Jesus to heal him, Jesus reached out and touched him, even though his skin was covered with the dread disease. Through a single touch, Jesus heals; when he speaks a single word, demons flee his presence.
As Our Lady affirms today, her Son has authority over all earthly disease and every form of evil. In the future, when God cleanses the earth from sin, there will be no more sickness and death. Jesus' healing miracles, in scripture as well as in Medjugorje, are a foretaste of what will one day be experienced in the kingdom of God.
Today, lift up to God in prayer those who are sick in body, mind, or spirit.
Remember them especially on your next fast day.
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails). Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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A writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the early African Liturgical Churches, Attorney James Wesly Smith ‘s 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See: Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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