African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
WEDNESDAY-= GLORIOUS Mysteries of Rosary
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Anna, Theodota, Alexander the Bishop, Heraclius, Elizabeth, and Glyceria, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. century), Martyrs. 22 Oct
Anna, Alexander the Bishop, Heraclius, Elizabeth, Theodota, and Glyceria, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. century), Martyrs. 22 Oct
Anteon with Paul. Martyred in Kemet with Victor, 27 April
Anteon, Quadratus, Rufinus, Magnus, and Valeria, we were martyrs in Africa. 26 May.
Antonia, In 259 A.D. Citra, what is now Algeria, Africa. I was martyred with Secundinus, Agapius, Emilian, Tertula, and names unknown-none lady with two children, 29 April
Antony of Kemet (Egypt), I am Antony (also known as Saint Anthony). I was 20 years old, a member of the Coptic Christian Catholic Rite. Around the year 270 A.D. I lived on a Nile Valley farm. My parents had died, leaving me to care for the estate and my younger sister.
At church service on one day, the gospel reading was Matt.19.21, and sayd, “If you wish to be perfect, go, and sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”
This was my clarion call, a direct word from God, Almighty. Scripture reading was directed to me.
I went home, and got rid of all I owned, to my neighbors my three hundred fertile lands. My other possessions and chattels I sold, giving the proceeds to the poor. I reserved a reasonable and necessary amount for my sister, then a young woman. (Vitae Patrum, I, Vita Antonii.2) Her care would be by the local community of women.
I chose to live in solitude, by him near my village. I supported myself, working with his hands. I made acquaintance with Christians also living in solitude. Their counsel and my constant prayer to the Almighty led me to find out how to serve God.
Solitude with silence I discovered became necessary. For 35 years, I grew in the contemplative and meditative life, and went further into the desert. When people learned of me and my way, others came to join.
God grace me with radiance, an ability to speak, and a humble dignity. Through God’s grace, I gained an even-tempered judgment.
Athanasius in writing of me said, “My way of life was the beginning of the 'peopling of the desert”.
Anthony of Alexandria, martyr, 9 Aug.
Anthony with Julian at Antinoe, Kemet (313 A.D.), martyrs, 8 Jan.
Anthius, Tullianus, and Cyriacus. Martyred in Africa at Alexandria. 13 Feb.
Antoninus of Syracuse with His Father John, Martyrs in Africa. Sept. 23
Antonius. Martyr,
Anub, soldiers at Atrib with Besoi (Bissoi, or Psoi). martyred with Besoi. Emperor Diocletian had us tortured at Antinoe. We escaped to Heliopolis, the old town of Our Lord, Yeshua, Jesus, and the Christ. We were captured and beheaded there.
Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Kemet (Egypt) June 6
Apa Hor of Antioch, brother of Abshai. My mother is Saint Dendera.
Martyred under Diocletian at Alexandria.
Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest with Iraja (Herais). with a brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest.
Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest with Iraja (Herais). with brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest.
Also martyred with us were Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest with Iraja (Herais) with brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest. Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest with Iraja (Herais), with a brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest. Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Aphorisius with Sabinus. Martyr at Alexandria, 13 May.
Aphrodisius and 30 Christians
Aphthonius, Deacon Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Apis, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Apollinaris, Virgin of Kemet (470 A.D.), 5 Jan.
Apollonia, I am also known as Apolline. I am the Virgin and deaconess martyr in 249 A.D. Alexandria torturers broke my teeth with pincers. They tried to pressure me renounce Lord Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, or die by burning alive. I chose by leaping into the fire in Jesus’ name. 9 Feb.
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
"I gave My life for you"
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dear Friends,
"When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his left. Then Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.' They divided his garments by casting lots. The people stood by and watched; the rulers, meanwhile, sneered at him and said, 'He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Messiah of God.'
Even the soldiers jeered at him. As they approached to offer him wine they called out, 'If you are King of the Jews, save yourself.' Above him there was an inscription that read, 'This is the King of the Jews.'" Luke 23: 33 -38
We had a mostly sunny day yesterday but it was cold. Today it is sunny with hardly any wind but it is cold this morning.
The Weekend Retreat begins this evening at the Heritage Inn in Tignish. It will last until Sunday afternoon. So there will not be any message before Monday, October 27. I will have a Healing Mass at the little shrine of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island on November 7 at 7:30 p.m. and we will pray the rosary at 7:00 p.m. before Mass.
Here is another message from Our Lord to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him saying, "When I was born on earth, the people were to be pitied. They lived in darkness as pagans because they did not know the Father who created them.
They were under the sway of the evil one who treated them as slaves. There was no hope of salvation as heaven was closed to them because of sin, especially the sin of Adam and Eve. I was sent into the world to offer Myself in sacrifice for your salvation.
When the hour came I was arrested and brought before Pilate and Herod. The people were shouting, 'Crucify him! Crucify him!' I was then condemned to die nailed to a cross although I had not done anything wrong.
As I had taken upon Myself all your sins, I accepted to offer Myself in sacrifice for all of you. You know that the punishment for sin is death; so I accepted to die in your place. Then they took me and beat Me severely and laid a crown of thorns on My head. The soldiers gave Me the heavy cross to carry to Golgotha. I fell many times under the cross as I slowly walked to the place of My execution.
What great pain I felt as they nailed Me to the cross! They drove nails through My hands and My feet. I screamed in pain as the blood gushed out. Then they planted the cross in the ground and there I hung for three hours in horrible torment.
I forgave all those who caused Me such suffering, as they were not aware who it was they were crucifying. What also hurt Me very much was the shouting and the jeering against Me. It was there around three o'clock in the afternoon that I died. I prayed to My Father saying, 'Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit.' I gave My life for you because I love you."
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Oct 24 - YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED
"The Rosary does not run counter to meditation on the Word of God and to liturgical prayer, rather it represents their natural and ideal complement, especially as a form of preparation and thanksgiving for Eucharistic celebration.
Christ, encountered in the Gospel and the Sacrament, is also contemplated with Mary in the various monuments of His life, thanks to the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries" (Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 16, 2005).
"Deliverance [from the present crisis in the Church] will come about through a twin devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and Mary, Help of Christians" (Fr. Richard Foley, S.J.).
Mother Teresa -
Prayer is the breath of life to our soul; holiness is impossible without it.
Padre Pio - Why should you worry if Jesus wants to make you reach the heavenly homeland through deserts or fields, when we get to blessed eternity anyway either by one or the other?
Cast aside all excessive preoccupations that derive from the trials the good God sends you; and if this is not possible, do not think about it and be resigned in everything to the Divine Will.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
True passion takes guts and courage
"To revive passion in hearts, one must first understand it. Passion signifies receiving or suffering something or submitting to something. From this, follow two indispensable conditions for passion: knowledge, and some organic or physical change in our sensible nature."
August 1, 1989 address by the Pope to a group of Italian physicians dedicated to defending unborn life and to making scientific and medical studies on the apparition, as reported by Bishop Paul Hnilica, SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome: "Today's world has lost its sense of the supernatural, but many are searching for it - and find it in Medjugorje, through prayer, penance and fasting."
St. Faustina's diary -
Most sweet Jesus, set on fire my love for You and transform me into Yourself. Divinize me that my deeds may be pleasing to You. May this be accomplished by the power of the Holy Communion which I receive daily. Oh, how greatly I desire to be wholly transformed into You, O Lord! (1289)
When I received Holy Communion, I said to Him, "Jesus, I thought about You so many times last night," and Jesus answered me, And I thought of you before I called you into being. "Jesus, in what way were You thinking about me?" In terms of admitting you to My eternal happiness. After these words, my soul was flooded with the love of God. I could not stop marveling at how much God loves us. (1292)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day If we possessed ever virtue but lacked humility, those virtues would be without root and would not last. -St. Vincent de Paul
Regarding preparation for prayer, Our Lady once said :
You have to be prepared. If there are some sins, you must pull them out, otherwise you will not be able to enter into prayer. If you have worries, you should submit them to God (First Years March 1085).
And in John's gospel, Christ promises to answer all prayers :
I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask for anything, I will do it (Jan 14 :13-14).
If our prayer is to be attentive and from the heart, we must prepare for this encounter with the Lord, as Our Lady asks of us today. This would include a place of quiet, a relaxed position, and a few deep breaths.
Sins and worries should be given over to God so that the mind is untroubled. Last, a prayer of preparation would be appropriate, such as the following Dedication of a Prayer Time :
Gracious and beloved Lord,
At the beginning of this time of prayer,
I lift up to you
My heart overflowing with gratitude
For the many gifts and blessings
That you have given me.
I dedicate this time of worship and prayer,
And the graceful energy that shall flow
Outward from the altar of my heart
As an offering for the welfare of all your children.
May your Holy Spirit take me by the hand
And lead me deep into the center of my heart,
Into your Holy of Holies. Amen.
Simply use this prayer of preparation, or one of your own, before your next prayer time.
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
October 5, 2008
Respect Life Sunday
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, always remember that Almighty God is merciful, kind and compassionate. He is always there for you. Always remember this, because you have every opportunity at your hand at any moment you desire to give yourself totally to Him, to follow Him, to love Him, to suffer for Him, to be a vehicle of peace, to be Him, to live in Him, and to love as He loves.
Time as you know it is quickly passing. What seemed a year ago to be a year away in your time, now has past. Quickly events and circumstances rush by you. It is hard to grasp even a moment, dwelling in the most perfect Love of God, without being distracted. Many events have unfolded, one after another, without even enough time to focus on one before another happens. Is that not what I have foretold to you?
Make your house in order by prioritizing the necessities of life, those being purity and true love of God, by following Him, being detached, being at peace, removing vices that hinder your relationship with God, and by silencing all types of gossip, slander, malice, and unjustified rejections and persecutions. Be the Light of God!
As you have witnessed, in a moment’s glance you could have all and lose all. What is the value of “life” to you? And to what means will you pursue your desires over that which God desires? You know the Commandments. You know what has been asked of you, morally, ethically, and family-wise. You have been given a gift. There is no need to seek anymore. Please, children, be the Light and love one another. Pray for wisdom and discernment.
As parents, be responsible to bring up your children with good moral values. Help them to be responsible and accountable. Help them to have self-esteem by their doing what is right. Challenge them to achieve, and they will be proud children of God.
They are only a gift to you. All those around you are gifts; and when God deems fit, they return to Him. Use your gifts wisely, and know that I am here with you. I am not leaving, even if you think I am far away. Be prepared. Pray with all your heart, and do not take “life” for granted.
I take your petitions gratefully to God; and through His omnipotent, most glorious and adorable Love and power, all blessings from Heaven are upon you!
Thank you for listening. Please respond.
Reflection by Fr. John B. Wang
Our loving, wise, and solicitous Mother has once more given us some very precious guiding lights.
She begins this message by reminding us of the transitory nature of worldly events. Things are ephemeral. Time passes and vanishes rapidly. All our possessions can be lost in an instant. Our Mother reminds us the only important focus in our own life is God for He is our Pivot, our Center, our Beginning and End. He wants us to live, love, and exist in Him, with Him and through Him. God’s mercy and compassion are always available and He is anxiously waiting for us to respond and come to Him.
God has given us many gifts such as family, children and friends and Our Mother exhorts us to use them wisely. Of course, Our Lady of Emmitsburg is a very special gift. We are so grateful that She reiterates Her decision to not leave us as She continues to guide us.
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sul
September 7, 2008
The Vigil of the Feast
of the
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Thank you, little ones, for praying with all your heart. In this world there will always be inequality of the poor and of the wealthy. But in the next world, God dwells in glory and in equality. What you do in this world, God will reward you according to your deeds in the next. At some point, all can be in glory with Him, but the main key to dwelling in His glory is spiritual poverty.
In all humility you must seek meekness and pray with a humble heart. In everything that you do, you must seek humility. Everything that you are gifted is a grace from God and is not of your doing. You alone can do nothing!
Those who are poor truly have the upper hand, and it leads more quickly to spiritual poverty. However, there are many wealthy; and these, my children, give in the benevolence of their work. But everything granted is a gift from God whether it is your health, your appearance, your financial means, or even your spiritual component. Everything is from God! If He took that gift from you, you would have nothing!
Live in humility now, so that in the next world you are rewarded more quickly this greater gift of reigning in glory with Jesus. A wonderful gift indeed, spiritual poverty, humility of heart! Pray, children. Pray with all your heart, and remember: Whether you are loved in this world or hated, if you are forgotten or if your good name is remembered, it does not matter because God knows. He will never forget you. He will always love you.
If you continue to pray with a humble heart, your name is chosen to be among all the saints where a seat in His Kingdom has been reserved for you. So seek only God; and give Him glory, for He loves you. And if you desire to give me a gift, the greatest gift you can give to me is to live in humility and do all your works in Love, for Love, and through Love—that being my Son.
Peace to you, as I bless you abundantly with the great gifts of Heaven and graces from the abode of my Son’s Most Sacred Heart.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
August 3, 2008
Dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Little children, I love you. I thank for your prayers. You are always protected within my most Immaculate Heart.
My dear little ones, the Providence of God would have it that in the time of need and when the end times come, God will come to your aid as He promised the patriarch Abraham that many descendents would be gathered through the seed of faith.
Be at peace, and know how important prayer is! It nurtures your soul.
Like the Magi who followed the star in obedience and adored the child, now you too in obedience, be the humble servants of the Light of God. Be honest and kind, not bearing false witness against your brothers. Always adore Jesus, and remember the promises given to Abraham.
You are precious when you are pure, and that choice is yours!
I love you, and I bless you abundantly in thanksgiving to God the Father Who has allowed me to be with you. I take all of your petitions to the Most Blessed Trinity. Thank you for your prayer and your fidelity to God—always!
Safety is within; Peace is within; because when Jesus is within, you are one with Him as He is One with His Father. And there you have Union with the Holy Trinity.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Reflection by Fr. John B. Wang
It seems that our Heavenly Mother is hinting about the genesis and nature of future mankind. After the purging, the remnant population, with their offspring, will be suitably likened to the seed of faith, the descendants promised to the patriarch Abraham. It will be a purified human race forming a devout and worshiping society centered on the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus. It will be paradisiacal in resemblance, if I may say so.
Meanwhile, our Mother advises perseverance, like the Magi who followed the star undauntedly until they found the New-Born King. Similar should be our attitude. So, be faithful to our call in praying, sacrificing, suffering, forgiving, loving, and always standing for the Truth. Be stout-hearted. Never flinch before evil, for the Lord is fighting with us.
(As She did during last month's July 13 public apparition, Our Lady again moved to Gianna's right, back to center and then to the left, as Gianna's eyes panned the entire room. Our Lady also hovered over the 30 children sitting on the floor to the right and left of Gianna. Never before had so many young children been present. Brilliantly colored rays of graces flowed from Our Lady's hands onto the entire crowd, and Gianna's ecstatic smile reflected both her own joy and that of Our Lady. The crowd present was the largest ever!)
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
July 13, 2008
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Dear children, I am a Mother, “full of Grace.” I have extended my hand to you. I have presented my Most Adorable and Merciful Son to you.
Children, you all possess the same Spirit of Grace that God has gifted you. Why then do you tear one another apart? Why is there not harmony and unity? My Son’s Peace is that of holiness and justice. You do not realize the tears, the penance and the sacrifices made at a price for your existence!
There are hidden heroes around the world whose love is their life’s mission. They pray to love; and oftentimes they come between you and God, warding off Divine punishment. They pray for a spiritual transfusion and for conversion of hearts.
It was the same during the time of my Son. The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes did not bear fruit through their repeated sins. They desired to persecute, to conquer, to dominate and to distort the goodness of my Son and the Truth of His Word. Is it not the same today—with “pharisees” living with hardness of heart, desiring to tear down, persecute and dominate? Is there not lust, gluttony, hatred and selfishness?
So today, I can tell you that true Charity will be precisely gifted upon those who are scorned, mocked, persecuted and laughed at.Little ones, when something is real, you cannot stop God! No judgment from men can impair or influence the Judgment of God. You would only be fighting God.
I am your Mother, “full of grace”; and my Merciful Son has allowed me to distribute these graces to you. I have a duty as a Mother to warn, to challenge, to protect and to draw all people to God. Please, receive these graces while I am still allowed.
Seals (Rev. 6:1-17) have been broken one by one, but if all the seals were broken at once, humanity would not be able to survive.
For those who have ears, hear! “We are not leaving.”
I love you. I love you (fading whisper—crying).
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
June 1, 2008
My dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, thank you for coming to pray. Know how much God loves you. He has given you tremendous gifts.
Children, for the last 20 years I have oftentimes spoken of “change.” I have told you that there is no time for fear; there is only time for change. You must know by now that I have recently spoken of an arising of “two suns.”
When you see the two suns on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before. After you see the two suns, there is only a short time before you will see a tremendous change in weather. After this, as you know, there are more changes to come.
Children, God did not create only the Earth. God is the Creator of the cosmos, with its many galaxies, many orbits, different stars and different planets. God is the Creator! There are other planets like earth, far beyond your understanding.
I can tell you this: Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you. You must not fear but must be prepared, primarily spiritually.
After awhile, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around your solar system, coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation. Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population, as you know it, will cease. Of those who survive, 60% of them could die of disease and starvation.
Prayer is the answer! Prayer can mitigate much of anything to come. Love and unity must be at the forefront, not survival of the fittest. But I can assure you that secretly those in governmental positions around the world and Church authorities all know. As your Mother and with you as children of God, it is my duty to forewarn you and to draw you to my Son for protection.
Look not too far before you will see two suns. Make my words known to all people: Life is important because God loves you. Those who are in control of the financial world think differently. But I your Mother know what true Life is!
So prepare, spiritually prepare. You will always be with my Son if you trust. God has a special plan, a new beginning! Look to Him; and do not fear, but love with all your heart.
I look to you, and I answer your prayers. Even if you are a sinner, and even if you were wrong, I come for your intercession. Now you must remove your “self” from your desires and look to help all people.
Peace to you (fading whisper).
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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