African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
SRC="" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=133 BORDER=1 ALT="Divine MercyBlack Christ">
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Samnes. Martyred in Africa with Mygdo, 4 July
Samon. Martyred in Africa with Emeritus, 12 Dec
Samuel and Simeon and Gabriel, his sons. We are Abyssinian Coptic friends of God, through the grace of the Almighty, we made “fire fall from the skies.” 19 Dec.
Samuel, I was a confessor in Abyssinia Ethiopia with Simeon, 19 Dec.
Samuel, I was the abbot of El-Calamun monastery (Waldubba) in Kemet. I was born in Dacluba, diocese of Masil, Kemet. I was a monk at Scete, and disciple of Abba Macrius. I then became a hermit under Agathon. Berbers tormented. I rode a lion’s back, 4 Dec. Coptic Calendar, and the diptychs, of the Coptic Mass.
Samuel with Saturninus, Felix, Ellas, Jeremy, Isaias, Daniel, Martyrs
Sancta. Martyred in Africa with Marcus, 5 Dec.
Sanctina. Martyred in Alexandria with Germanus, 2 May
Sanitius (Shenudi) II, I was the 63rd patriarch of Alexandria, 29 Oct. Coptic Calendar.
Sanitius I (Shenudi), I was a 55th patriarch of Alexandria. 4 April and 20 April in the Coptic Calendar.
Sannudius (Shenudi) of Bagensena, I wmartyred in nder Maximinus in Kemet, 10 May.
Sanusi (Shenudi, Sanitius) martyred at Kemet with Mary, from Sabra, on the mouth of the Nile we were killed. Mary died under torture; I was carried to Antinoe and beheaded, under Roman Emperor Diocletian, and 29 May. Coptic Calendar
Sara martyred with my son.Victor, at Alexandria. 20 Aug. In the Ethiopian/Abyssinian Coptic calendar.
Sarah (Emma Sara) Virgin. During the time of Theodosius II, I was an ascete for 60 years, in a cell, on the Nile. I never looked at the river. For years, I was tormented with impurity temptations. 13 July. Coptic Calendar.
Sarah of Scete in Libya, Virgin Abbess, 13 July.
Sarah, and my brother Moses, Martyrs , 19 Aug. in the Coptic Calendar
Sarapabon the Senator and others in Kemet, martyr, 6 Sept. (Probably the same as Sarapambo, martyr, I was a senator in Alexandria with Calodote, and Faustus, 6 Sept).
Sarapion,an associate of and helped by Melania Divas.Counted among the Nitria Mountain desert fathers and monks.
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Medjugorje Day By Day Oct 12 - I LOVE YOU ALL
"All the angels . . . fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped
God" (Rev 7:11).
Mother Teresa -
The whole of our life must come to that one word "yes."
Yes to God: that is holiness.
We allow God to take from us whatever He wants and we accept whatever He gives with joy.
That is yes in action.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Don't tire yourself with things that cause anxieties, perturbation and worries. Only one thing is necessary, to lift up your spirit and love God.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Truth travels along the narrow way
"Truth is a narrow path; either side is an abyss. It is easy to fall either to the right or the left; it was easy to be an idealist in the nineteenth century, as it is easy to be a materialist in the twentieth century; but to avoid both abysses and walk that narrow path of truth is as thrilling as a romance."
St. Faustina's diary -
When I entered chapel, I heard these words interiorly: Every time you enter the chapel, immediately recite the prayer which I taught you yesterday. When I had said the prayer, in my soul I heard these words: This prayer will serve to appease My wrath. You will recite it for nine days, on the beads of the rosary, in the following manner: First of all, you will say one OUR FATHER and HAIL MARY and the I BELIEVE IN GOD.
Then on the OUR FATHER beads you will say the following words: "Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world." On the HAIL MARY beads you will say the following words: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world."
In conclusion, three times you will recite these words: "Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world." (476)
During Holy Mass I prayed fervently that Jesus might become King of all hearts and that divine grace might shine in every soul. Then I saw Jesus as He is depicted in the Image, and He said to me, My daughter, you give Me the greatest glory by faithfully fulfilling My desires. (500)
Dailys - -
Quote of the Day Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit. -St. Lucy
Today's Tidbit A monk is a male member of a monastic order, that is an order bound to living in a monastery. Monks make a profession of stability, which binds them to one monastery for life. Monks live a contemplative lifestyle and often support their monastery through labor
In this weekly message during May, the Madonna spoke of love:
Dear children, I have told you already that I have especially chosen you just the way you are. I am your Mother and I love you all. During times that are difficult, do not be afraid, for I love you even when you are far from my Son and me.
Please, do not let my heart weep with tears of blood for the souls that are being lost in sin. Therefore, dear children, pray, pray, pray! (Weekly Message May 24, 1984).
In Romans, Paul speaks of the love that has been poured out into our hearts:
And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God is love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us (Rom 5 :3-5).
One of the shows in the television series "Highway to Heaven" dealt with children with cancer, got the idea to have real-life victims play the parts.
One victim was a boy named Josh Wood. His case was especially tragic because he had already lost a leg to cancer. But what bothered little Josh even more was the fact that he had s speech defect that caused him to stammer badly. People avoided talking to him and the more they did this the more he stammered.
Michael Landon surprised everybody by asking Josh to audition for one of the parts, saying to the boy: " The important thing about acting is to be a good actor. If you stammer, that's all right. You're just a good actor who stammers." To everyone's amazement, when the boy read for the part, his stammer disappeared completely. Josh's cancer is in remission and his stammer has never come back.
Josh Wood is a living example of the tremendous power that loving kindness has, of the great power that is contained in a little assurance, a little affirmation. He is a living example of how kindness can work miracles.
Today, simply offer this Prayer for Kindness and Love:
Lord Jesus Christ, help us to realize the power of kindness and love. Help us to use this power the way you intended us to use it when you created us. Help us to use it to bring happiness to those around us. Help us to use it to work miracles, healing people in our time, just as you healed them through in your time. Amen.
From OLOE FOUNDATION FAIR USE, 17 U.S.C. for those in theAfrican Diaspora for educational and religious purposes to those who otherwise would not be exposed to such.
The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Talone Sullivan
To the World
September 8, 2008
The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Children of Humanity,
As your Father and your God, I always invite you to come before Me with open arms, willing to receive and willing to give. My “Words” are for all peoples of all faiths. They are not for a select few.
Be careful how you judge; for even in the time of My Son, prophets were ridiculed and mocked. The ancestors of the Pharisees and Scribes washed their hands of the blood of the prophets; and then in turn, those who followed later wondered about the outcome. (Mt: 23:29-32)
Is it not the same today? If you can now wash your hands of the blood of My prophets who both listen and give, then who will be responsible for what comes later? Will there not still then be the same blood which you are now dismissing yourself from dealing with?
My Son said, “Woe to you!”—to those of you who now kill the prophets and then later try to redeem yourselves. Is that not hypocrisy? Can you not even live and learn from the past?
I have given you very much—My most treasured Son, the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, and the most pure and Immaculate Mother, Mary. To what extent will you desecrate her, only to go ahead and lift up your own self? It would be most wise and prudent for you to look to her and learn, O’ you of little faith. Learn from her conviction, her devotion, her meekness, her kindness, her fidelity and loyalty to God, at all costs, living in Truth.
I am a patient God. I am a loving God. I have only wanted, from the inception and creation of time, for you to dwell in complete happiness and total freedom. It was through the hands of humans who bowed to evil that mankind was therefore thrown out of Paradise. That was not My doing.
Initially, life was created forever to be lived in Paradise. You now have that opportunity once again by avoiding temptation. Through your free will, you can reject evil and be the Truth and the Light through compassion, kindness, love and fidelity.
Nothing goes unnoticed. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you have been given a gift. If you drape a cloth of negligence over your eyes and block your ears from hearing the Truth, then your own fate is what you make of it; for you do not allow Mercy from Heaven. Justice and Peace shall meet; and all must be held accountable. It is best to surrender and to have nothing in this world than to lose everything in the next.
Your time, as you know it, is limited; for the body only survives so long. The soul will have to answer, and yet cries out for Justice. You have the complete control over your vices, your thoughts, your muscles, your words, what you see and what you hear, how you act, what you say, where you walk and what you do, what you receive and what you give, how you give and how you receive.
For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, this is for you to behold. Peace.
Repost from Era of Peace (See: .
Fair use, 17 U.S.C. for those in he African Diaspora for religious and educational purposes who otherwise would not be exposed to such).
Beware of Electronic Surveillance In & Around Your Homes
"They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them ---" (Cf. Joh 16:2-4)
"This time is our time." (Our Lady of All Nations) (1)
Yes, the time has arrived. Smart cards and the subdermal microchips have been here for a number of years, and are increasing in application and popularity at an increasing rate.
Soon without smart cards in our possession, we will be prohibited from buying, selling, boarding aircraft, traveling, and entering certain buildings. Once smart cards have gained acceptance, the chips in the hand or forehead will follow. In a few months, all analog television transmissions will cease, and all must convert to digital television.
For several years Our Lord has warned us of these days. We have been told not to accept smart cards as they will lead to the subdermal microchip, the Mark of the Beast; and both will be used to track those who accept them, via satellites. Our Lord has advised that the recent increase in the use of cameras in public buildings and streets are to be used to monitor those Christians and patriots who refuse to accept their New World Order.
Further, He has advised that high definition digital televisions will be used by evil men to peer into our homes to watch and listen to us. They will be able to do this regardless of whether the television set is turned on at the time.
In the USA, in an effort to induce all to accept digital television, the government is offering a converter box coupon program. Such coupons can be used to help subsidize the incremental costs incurred in converting one's analog television set (the old standard technology) into a digital format. This indicates clearly the extent to which the will go to be able to monitor all.
Indeed, soon we will live in a worldwide electronic concentration camp.
Sometime ago, we published a message to the group entitled: Smart Cards, Microchips & Isaiah 24 which contained a number of related messages from Our Lord. It can be found at:
As you will see below, recently He advised that beginning NOW, we should buy NO NEW televisions or other electronic appliances, phones, radios, etc.
This time is our time.
Louise Tomkiel (2)
February 17, 2008:
L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."
Then God your Father spoke, "It won't be long now children before your televisions will be completely useless. This is a serious matter of control and it (T.V.) will contain THE CHIP! All will be monitored! Shows and commercials will b be extremely sinful in dress , word and actions.
A new age will begin for, in the near future, all electronics will have to be bought new or you will need a special device to operate them.
Your homes and vehicles will be control devices used by evil men, controlled by satan, to lead you astray.
Buy NO NEW gadgets! Buy NO NEW televisions or other electronic appliances, phones, radios, etc. DO WITHOUT!
I am allowing satan to reign over the earth for a time to test all people. This must be to fulfill Scripture. Remain with Me! Trust Me! Do not lose hope! Keep the faith! I promise I WILL NEVER leave My own! Be strong no matter what and stay strong until the end!
Pray unceasingly! My word is true and all WILL be be fulfilled. AMEN!"
July 28, 2000:
Louise started to receive a locution from Jesus and said: "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood".
Jesus then said: "I am warning you over and over regarding events that are now becoming quite frequent. You are seeing and hearing about air accidents, hijacking and you are constantly being monitored by means of your phone, fax, TV and various electronic devices in your home and car.
Many of My chosen ones are being confused. I am allowing so many signs to erupt before your very eyes yet many still deny that these ARE signs of the times.
You are indeed living in end times. This is just the beginning. You MUST seek My strength and you MUST trust in Me explicitly.
Evil, has taken control of your electronic devices. As soon as you hear your phone line open or a strange voice --disconnect -- wait and then try again. Remain silent when either of the above happens!
If your TV clicks or has static interference, turn it off and remain silent. These are signs that you are being monitored. Be even more careful of cell phones for the "chip" is already imbedded in them.
As My Mother has already told you and I repeat -- throw your phones out! In your homes you can unplug therefore cutting all contact.
DO NOT purchase a new car for they too have a chip hidden in them. Evil's eyes and ears are on everyone. Prayer without obedience is useless!
Many are praying for My words of knowledge to instruct them yet, they are receiving My aid -- and -- resisting it.
You will not be hearing that which you want to hear. You will be hearing My messages to direct you, to warn you, to strengthen you.
Because of My Love for you and because I want all people to return to Me and live eternally with Me, I ask you to discern, in prayer, EVERY word you hear or read and the events happening in your world today. SEEK DISCERNMENT THROUGH PRAYER!
You are so very gullible, My little ones. In these present times you MUST become strong in Me. You MUST live only My Will for you. You MUST renew your consecration to Me DAILY. YOU MUST pray and pray and PRAY. And you must pray for each other. Cling to Me as if your life and eternity depends on it -- for it does!!!
I love you, My children all. I will continue to instruct you and prepare you for forthcoming events. You are NOT alone. I AM WITH YOU FOREVER! I live in your heart; IF you accept Me. I nourish you each time you receive Me. I will never leave you orphaned. You ARE My dearest children.
Love created you and Love redeemed you. Return My love through your love and obedience.
Dear ones, spend much more time in My company. Become as one with Me and I WILL protect you from evil. Through your prayers and dedication, many events have been lessened. Our Father hears all prayers and smiles with joy at the sound of your voice raised to Him in praise, thanksgiving and supplication.
We send you Our love and gratitude as you continually respond to Our call".
John Leary (3)
January 7, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, you have read of the controversy of dodging the law to have phone taps on people without a warrant. The real truth is that your government is listening to every communication for words about terrorism. In addition they are profiling your citizens to see if they would give the one world people trouble in establishing their new world order.
If you are strong about your freedoms or are religious, they are placing you on lists to be exterminated or placed in detention centers. Call on Me in prayer and you will be protected at My refuges. The evil ones will be persecuting you for your beliefs which are contrary to the Antichrist's plans.
Stay true to your faith and refuse to use the microchips that could control your minds if you place them in your body. I will defeat the evil ones and cast them into hell, but My faithful will be made ready for My Era of Peace after I renew the earth. Rejoice when I come, for your joy with Me will be great both on earth and in heaven."
April 11, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, two new developments are occurring where most of your cable lines are being upgraded and high definition TV is about to be launched. What they are not telling you is that these new lines and TVs are being adapted for two-way communication. This means they can listen to you in your homes or even have devices to use hidden camera eyes. This is another step in trying to control your lives in addition to the national IDs and chips in the hand. At some time you will have to stop using these devices as the tribulation proceeds."
January 15, 2004:
Jesus said: "My people, you have seen just about all of your phone lines replaced with fiber optic cable and the light generators that allow voice and data to travel from place to place. Many more lines can be sent through one cable making two way signals common for listening devices in your cable TV and telephones.
Your voices can be heard in your living room to those who want to listen. Your phone lines also are heard by those spying on conversations. This is why many of your modern high definition TVs are able to see you as well as hear you. Two-way cables have been a tool for the one world people to know all of your habits. Do not fear these evil ones for I will be victorious over them at My appointed time."
December 23, 2005:
Jesus said: "My people, many of your new fiber optic communications are two-way cables used to listen to all of your conversations on your phones, modems, and even in your living room through your TV cables. The latest test of your Patriot Act is whether your individual privacy is more important than your supposed security against trumped up terrorist activity. Already it has been exposed that your conversations on the phone are wire tapped without legal warrants.
Even more threatening, your government is about to force you to have smart cards with fingerprints and iris scans in your new driver's licenses and passports. This will eventually force you into buying and selling with these chips or they will zero your balances. The next mandate will be chips in the body which you should refuse as the mark of the beast. That is why you should refuse smart cards, so you are not tempted to take chips in the body.
You will not be condemned for using smart cards, but those using chips in the body and who worship the Antichrist could be on the road to hell. This again is why after the Warning, you will need to remove all TVs and computer monitors so you are not controlled by the Antichrist's eyes that could cause you to worship him.
Avoid the Antichrist and these chips, and you will need to go to My refuges led by your angels for safety and your needs. The evil one world people want to control you physically, and even your soul, so ask for My help in your protection."
February 9, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, your government is claiming that they have the right to intercept foreign calls to militant groups without answering to anyone for a warrant.
The truth is that this is just a cover-up because they are listening to all sources of communication and they do not want to admit this to the public. Better to talk quietly outside because your conversations are being monitored on your phone lines and through your TVs. Do not be afraid because I will protect you at My refuges."
February 3, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, many people think that they have privacy in their lives, but many of your activities are monitored and analyzed everyday. All of your phone calls and e-mails leave a paper trail and are even listened to by your intelligence agencies.
All of your charges leave a paper trail and are sold to people that can profile you for ads on TV or in the mail. All of your banking is known by government agencies, even by your tax bureaus. Your cell phones contain smart cards that can be tracked anywhere as well as your road debits for tolls in your smart card passes. To control your buying and selling by chips in the body is part of what controlling your mind is all about.
The one world people control your lives already with many of your electronic devices, but do not put chips in your body that could be abused to control your mind.
The time for the Antichrist's declaration is not far off because these same money people are going to support his control for their takeover of all countries. The evil ones are duping the rich to serve them as gods, but I will defeat all of them when I come again to renew the earth of all evil. Trust in Me and My power than the control of the demons and the rich people."
August 10, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, these cell towers are not just used by phones. They will be very integral in using GPS microchips in the body for buying and selling as well. All of the surveillance cameras are not just for traffic control, but they are a means for tracking your every move as in a police state.
Your privacy in phone calls is gone because every call is monitored, even against your laws. Mandatory smart cards in driver's licenses and passports are almost a reality. When you have another major terrorist incident, mandatory chips in the body will soon follow. Refuse any chips in your body even if they threaten to kill you, because these chips could control your mind."
September 22, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, at various government and military sites there are large white spheres with communication antennae inside. These sites keep in communication with each other through cell towers and satellites.
The most interesting capability of these spheres is that they are used purposely to intercept all means of communication via cell phone, phone lines, fax lines, e-mails, and data transmissions. They test each source of communication whether it be domestic or foreign based.
They do not ask anyone's permission for listening, but they test a dictionary of terms in the name of security for each call. This was called the Echelon System, but it has been covered up when legislation tried to regulate such intrusion into people's privacy.
In essence you have no privacy and the one world people are working every day to broaden their control over you using mandatory smart cards and eventually chips in your body.
It is better for some of your conversations to be one on one with no transmissions because these evil people will use your own words to incriminate you against their tainted laws. Trust in Me and have no fear of the evil ones, and their violation of your privacy. I will protect you at My refuges where the evil ones will not be able to detect you or hear your words."
September 29, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, those, who run your secret agencies of the government, are not only looking for terrorists and thieves, but they are also doing the bidding of the one world people. This means they are also profiling everyone of your citizens to see if they are a threat to their New World Order plans.
If you know too much of their inner workings, are religious, or are an avid patriot, then they will place you on a list for extermination before or after martial law is declared. Americans are too used to having their freedoms, so these one world people will need a secret police of UN troops to neutralize those that they cannot retrain or will refuse chips in the body.
I will warn My people when these evil ones will initiate their attempts to kill My faithful. It will be at that time that you will have to go into hiding, or go to My refuges of protection. Call on My angels to lead you to My refuges, and let them protect you from the evil ones. Be aware every time that you are on the phone or the internet because these evil ones are listening to your every word, especially if you are on their lists. Pray for My protection of your soul, those in your family, and those in your prayer group."
October 1, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, there are many unusual shaped antennae on all sizes of towers around your cities in addition to cameras. This one mirror in the vision is a way of sending signals on and off. The one world people are placing all manners of surveillance equipment around your cities in order to listen to and track your citizens.
The extent of these devices is beyond police needs and it is more apparent that they are following people. These are part of the plans to initiate martial law when it is declared and to track any offenders of their rule. My faithful will be sought out by this secret police as they will consider you outlaws to not take chips in the body.
I will help you to hide from these evil ones who will soon be working for the Antichrist. Be prepared to help hide each other when the Warning occurs. Events in your government are going to change fast and your democratic freedoms will become a thing of the past. Whenever the one world people implement the North American Union, it will be the beginning of the end of America as you know it. Pray for My protection at this time as you will need help from My angels in the coming tribulation."
February 7, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, in the name of security you have seen many miles of fiber optic cable put in all over your country. With such small strands of glass with light you can bring many phone and data lines all over. Some cables are carrying information from many cameras located along your highways and at your intersections. These can monitor your whereabouts by viewing your license plate and your facial image.
Other two-way fiber optics enable your cable TV to monitor your voice in your house, as well as your phone lines for voices or data. All of these spying electronic devices are another means for the one world people to control everyone through your buying and selling by chips and cell towers. Chips in smart cards and cell phones can also be used to track your movements as well as profile your purchases.
Many of these profiles direct advertising to you by mail and e-mail. Even as your electronic devices have been helpful in your life, they also can be used against you by the one world people who have evil purposes in trying to control you. Be aware of all of this spying and be prepared to leave for My refuges when the evil ones will use this information against you in the persecution of the tribulation. Trust in My protection and I will see to your needs."
May 27, 2004:
Jesus said: "My people, the evil ones behind the scenes, who are planning the declaration of the Antichrist, are spying with cameras and listening devices so they can go after all of those people who are speaking out in My Name. I have told you many times that you are dealing with a constant battle of good and evil. Your moral decay and lack of prayer is enabling the evil ones to gain in power all over the world.
You will see religious persecution become more open as the days of tribulation grow closer to the time of declaration of the Antichrist. Just as St. Paul was persecuted in Jerusalem and Rome, My faithful should expect to receive the same treatment.
Though you may suffer at the hands of the evil ones, I will protect your souls from harm. Even if you suffer martyrdom for your faith, you will enter heaven directly as a saint for witnessing to My Name. So keep close to Me in your prayer life and My sacraments to have a strong spiritual backing for what you will endure."
January 14, 2005:
Jesus said: "My people, there are many people that use the internet for banking, buying things and sending mail. There are also malicious thieves trying to steal identities to ruin people's bank accounts by stealing their money.
These computer writers are sending viruses and other malicious software to ruin companies and steal information just because they want to flaunt their skills on everyone. There also are those computer people who take money to try and destroy the internet by terrorist tactics of takeover.
It is the control of buying and selling that the one world people are interested in, and they will go to extremes to accomplish it, even if it means bringing down the whole internet. Many are profiting from selling antivirus programs and programs that clean off electronic trails to where you were on the internet.
Unless others send out bad programs, no one would have to buy these repair programs. Beware of all that you do on the internet. You need to be cautious of every unknown program that finds itself onto your computer."
September 20, 2001 (Regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks):
Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that the one world people have staged these recent disasters so they could justify a national emergency and national identification cards.
Eventually, smart cards will be issued to everyone that will be needed for travel and for all buying and selling. These war and security measures will lead to chips in the hand.
Those refusing these chips in the hand will be placed in detention centers where some will be martyred, tortured or enslaved to hard labor. Call on My help to bring you through this tribulation. Refuse to take these chips in the hand and refuse to worship the Antichrist or his image."
October 6, 2000:
Jesus said: "---Refuse to take any smart cards so you will not be influenced to take the chip in the hand. Now is the time to have extra food and fuel on hand so I can multiply what you have and you will not need the mark of the beast to buy and sell."
September 28, 2004:
Jesus said: "My son, I am showing you this increased surveillance with cameras both on and off airplanes. Security requirements will soon require a smart card to be able to board any plane. It will be at that time that you will desire not to fly because you are following My instructions to avoid smart cards.
People will not be condemned for having smart cards, but they will draw people more to put chips in their bodies to keep their money and jobs. You will be persecuted for not using smart cards, but the authorities will not control you either. Beware of the trials when you will need to seek out My refuges for food and water because you will be outlaws to not follow chips to buy and sell.
By not worshiping the beast, the authorities will try to imprison or martyr you. Continue to reject using smart cards and refuse any chips in the body at all costs. I have given you these warnings to protect your soul and others from the evil one's influence.
It will be a test of everyone's faith to turn their back on everything they own to follow Me in full trust at My refuges. Even if your life is threatened, it is better to obey My laws than man's corrupt laws. When you place your trust in Me, I will strengthen you to endure any trial that you will face. So have no fear and do not despair in what will seem like a hopeless battle against evil. I will be victorious and cast all the evil ones into hell."
January 29th, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, there is no other reason to force microchips on you other than to control you. The one world people brainwash you with all kinds of excuses as inventory and medical identification which you could have without chips, as in bar codes. The people are being restrained, as in the vision, by microchips in your passports, licenses, and RFID chips in everything you buy, and they are making you their captive audience without your approval.
These mandatory restraints in the name of security, will be the same reason when in the next step they make chips in the body mandatory. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they could then control your minds and your free will. Chips in the body will truly make you captive robots, so you would rather die than take them.
This step of mandatory chips in the body is the sign to quickly flee to My refuges so you are not at home when they come to try and force these chips on you. Now is the time to not use any such chips in passports or licenses, so they cannot track your whereabouts. If they force these on you, then wrap them in aluminum foil so they cannot be read.
When you need to go to the refuge, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother's apparition, holy ground places, or caves of protection. Pray for your protection in these evil times because you will need My angels to fight your battles."
November 3, 2000:
Jesus said: "---By avoiding his chips and smart cards, he will not be able to track you with cell towers or the satellites. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs and I will give you My protection.
Some may die as martyrs for My sake, but the rest I will shield at My refuges. My victory is not far off, so have patience to endure this tribulation. The time of the Antichrist is short and you will soon share in My true peace."
February 27, 2004:
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of a policeman scanning cars at the border is a step beyond just taking pictures of your license plate. They will be scanning for the chip in your ignition, Easy Pass devices, cell phones, smart cards, and even your money with the strips.
Security excuses will be used more and more to violate your privacy so the one world people can track your movements and eventually try to control your life through your buying and selling. What you once thought were innocent intrusions to detect terrorists and drug runners, are now used by governments to keep track of who you are and what you are doing.
By knowing that you are a Christian and that you do not carry a smart card, you will be persecuted for not going along with the one world order. These restrictions will soon be enforced to eventually detain people for not taking chips either in smart cards or chips in the body. As time progresses, you will have to refrain from airplanes or borders where authorities may persecute you in prison for not having a smart chip.
This may sound harsh to you now, but already you are seeing new reader devices at your country border entries. Do not be fearful of these coming evil restrictions, but call on My help when you eventually will have to seek My refuges for protection."
January 16th, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, your Homeland Security people have been issuing decrees that all new passports have to have a microchip in them that contains your personal information. By the Real ID Act passed by your Congress and your President, all of your drivers licenses will have to have a microchip as well. These chips are not that secure, and identity thieves can steal your information with the right kind of microwave reader.
In order to prevent this theft, I am recommending if you have such documents containing microchips, that you can wrap them in aluminum foil or lead photo pouches so they cannot be read by such thieves trying to steal your identity. All of these one world people want to have you chipped so they can track where you are. Making chips mandatory in your passports and driver's licenses is just the first step.
The next step will be to make it mandatory that you have to put a chip in your body so you will not lose it. But this will allow them to control your mind with voices, so refuse to take any chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you in their detention center death camps. This threat of death will be another reason to leave for your refuges guided by your guardian angels, before they can capture you at your house. Pray for My protection and I will have My angels guard you, and make you invisible to those who want to kill you."
January 15, 2004:
Jesus said: "My people, your cell phones are useless unless there are enough towers to carry the signals to the satellites. Not only are your phones good for making calls, but they also can be a means of tracking your movements even when it is turned off.
When you go to My refuges, do not take any electronic devices with you that could be used to trace you. It will also be harder for the evil ones to find you if you are in areas where there are no cell towers. My angels will protect you at My refuges because the evil ones will not be able to see you with their electronic eyes. Pray for My protection at that time."
End of messages
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
1 comment:
Black Catholics and Black Saints analysis of the African root of the Latin Rite church prayer and meditation, and sacraments. Includes other branches of the Mystical Body of Christ e.g. Orthodox, Coptic.Links to Black Catholic Publications, Black Catholic gospel radio, history and culture relevant to the African geologic and historical Diaspora.
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