African, Pacific Islands and Oceania Christians, Black Catholics, Black Saints, Black African Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html
Firma, Siddinus, Saturninus, Servus, Calendion, Galanus, Primigenus, Secundus, Theodotus, Demetrius, Parens, Satura, Victoria, the persecutions of Valeriana, . Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, 15 Nov.
Firma, Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, 15 Nov.
Flavianus, with Saturinus, Claudianus, Primus, Asterius, Carus, and Satur. We were martyred in Africa, 25 Oct.;
Florentius, with OTHER AFRICAN BISHOPS, Urbanus, Crescens, Eustacius, Hortulanus, the persecutions of Valerianus, Cresconius, Felix, and martyred by Arian Vandals for the faith, under Arian King Genseric, 28 Nov.
Florentius with Theodore, and Leontius, We are Bishops, along with Cajus, Catulinus, and Venusta, killed in the North and Western part of Africa, 10 March.
Florida, Paulus, Successus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Lucentius, Januarius, Theocosia, and 8 companions. Martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. Also 19 Jan in some dioceses.
Flugentius, bishop of Ruspe in Africa, 1 Jan.
Forbinus (Pherbinus), disciple of Theon (also known as Theonas) the hermit who practiced the virtue of silence 30 years. I died about 395 A.D with Simeon, in the area of Oxyrinchus, Kemet. 4 April.
Fortunata, martyred in Africa, the Northwestern parts, see Victus, 21 May.
Fortunatus and Lucian, martyrs
Fortunatus and Marcian with group of 41 martyrs
Fortunatus, martyred with Saturninus, Servulus, Felix, Siricius, Secundinus, Verulus with 16 companions. Martyred at Adrumentums, in the Western and North part of Africa. Traditions say Arian Vandals, most probably killed us as Catholics around 430 A.D. or 534 A.D. 21 Feb.
Fortunatus, Septimus, martyrs.
Fortunatus, Revocatus, withSaturus, Felix, Saturninus, and Gelasius, and Avitus, We died martyrs in Africa, 5 Feb.
Fortunio, martyr in Africa, see at Carthage with Victorinus. 17 April (probably the same Fortunio, martyred with Victor, martyred in Carthage).
Abuna Frumentius of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Abyssinia, Ethiopia. (380 A.D.). (note . Frumentius, also known as Abuna, DID NOT BECOME THE FIRST TO EVANGELIZE THEIOPIA/CUSH/NUBIA. That was done by the Ethiopian Eunuch (chrysanthius Eunuchus) of the Kandake, Queen Candace. See Acts.) Also apostle Matthew was among the first to preach Christ in Ethiopia. Frumentius and his helpers reinforced Christianity, already laid by Our Lord and Our Lord’s apostle(s), some 350, plus years prior to Abuna Frumentius.
Although I was born in at Tyre (modern Sur, Lebanon), I am called an Apostle to Ethiopia; Abuna of Ethiopia; Father of Ethiopia. I studied under Meropius, the philosopher. Aedeius was my brother.
A Red Sea ship cruise resulted in the vessel wrecking o n Abyssinian/Ethiopic shoreline. My brother and myself survived. Soldiers captured us, delivering us to king of capital city of Aksum (which had formerly been ruled by Queens, called Kandake).
After a time, we were invited to join the court administration. I became a government minister, like a modern secretary.
When the king died, we joined the succeeding Queen's court. She allowed us to evangelize Christianity, which had been previously brought by Eunuch, St. Phillip, Matthew, and Nathaniel.
I petitioned another African Archbishop Athanasius at Alexandria for additional help. He consecrated me bishop at Ethiopia. Through our efforts(with brother Aedesius) converts included princes Ezana and Sheazana.
I died in peacefully, around 380 A.D. . (Western Liturgical Church), 27 Oct. and November 30
Fugraphus, martyr.
Fulgentius, Bishop.
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
"The prayer of the Rosary, or five decades of it, after the Sacred Liturgy of the Eucharist, is what most unites us to God by the richness of the prayers that compose it . . . we see that it is indeed a Trinitarian and a Eucharistic prayer, even more than a Marian one. I do not know if we can find prayers more sublime or more appropriate to recite before the Blessed Sacrament." (Sr. Lucia of Fatima)
"Souls . . . leave me alone by night, alone by day, in the churches. They no longer care about the Sacrament of the Altar. Hardly anyone ever speaks of this Sacrament of Love. Even those who do speak, alas, do so with great indifference and coldness. My heart is forgotten" (Words of Jesus to St. Padre Pio).
Mother Teresa -
It is necessary that the Word live in you, that you understand the Word, that you live the Word. You will not be able to live that Word unless you give it to others.
Meditations by Padre Pio - You must not behave violently unless you wish to risk gaining nothing. You must have great Christian prudence.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Eliminate sin and there'll be no need for suffering
"There are two great evils in the world: sin and suffering. Sin is mortal, suffering is physical, and the latter is a result of the former. What happens to the body as pain, and to nature in the form of cyclones, earthquakes and floods, is ultimately an echo, a repercussion and effect of what has already happened in the moral universe.
When the big wheel in a machine is cracked, all the little wheels get out of order. As we eliminate sin, we eliminate suffering; as we love God, we cease to hate others. And thus we engage in fewer wars."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian. org/directory_ flash.html -
Oh, what joy it is to empty myself for the sake of immortal souls! I know that the grain of wheat must be destroyed and ground between millstones in order to become food. In the same way, I must become destroyed in order to be useful to the Church and souls, even though exteriorly no one will notice my sacrifice. O Jesus, outwardly I want to be hidden, just like this little wafer wherein the eye perceives nothing, and yet I am a host consecrated to You. (641)
Holy Hour.-Thursday. During this hour of prayer, Jesus allowed me to enter the Cenacle, and I was a witness to what happened there. However, I was most deeply moved when, before the Consecration, Jesus raised His eyes to heaven and entered into a mysterious conversation with His Father. It is only in eternity that we shall really understand that moment.
His eyes were like two flames; His face was radiant, white as snow; His whole personage full of majesty, His soul full of longing. At the moment of Consecration, love rested satiated-the sacrifice fully consummated. Now only the external ceremony of death will be carried out-external destruction; the essence [of it] is in the Cenacle.
Never in my whole life had I understood this mystery so profoundly as during that hour of adoration. Oh, how ardently I desire that the whole world would come to know this unfathomable mystery! (684)
Dailys - http://www.catholic -forum.com/ e-pistle. html -
Quote of the Day Unless you strive after virtues and practice them, you will never grow to be more than dwarfs. -St. Theresa of Avila
The following was given to Ivan for the prayer group and pilgrims :
Dear children, tonight your mother wants to encourage you to start praying with the heart. This prayer is essential to people living in today's world. And so do not pray just with your lips or without knowing what you pray.
Dear children, I also need your prayers during this time to accomplish the great plans I have. I wish us to work together. I have repeated that many times inn my messages. I need you. And so pray, pray with the heart! (Visionary Prayer Group Oct 31, 1988).
It was heartfelt prayer that sustained the early church in the power of the Holy Spirit. From the Acts of the Apostles :
When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness (Acts 4 :31).
One of the greatest masters of prayer in the Catholic church was St. Teresa of Avila. Her classic writings The Way of Perfection, Foundations, and The Interior Castle continue to be studied even today.
Born in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515, Teresa was one of the most down to earth mystics that the church has ever known. She was described as " intelligent, hardheaded, charming, and deeply spiritual." Another described her as "talented, outgoing, affectionate, courageous…totally human. She is wise, yet practical; intelligent, yet much in tune with here experience; mystical, yet an energetic reformer."
Other than her writings, St. Teresa is best known for the reforms she initiated in the Carmelite Order. In 1562 she founded her first convent of Discalced (reformed Carmelites, established for nuns who wished a more cloistered and contemplative observance rather than the relaxed discipline of her time. She went on to found 16 more, traveling throughout Spain.
She once wrote :
Christ has no body now on earth, but yours,
No hands but yours, No feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which the
compassion of Christ must look on the world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless his people.
"Your mother want to encourage you," the Virgin says today, "to start to praying with the heart. This prayer is essential to people living in today's world."
Today, as both Our Lady and St. Teresa advise, pray with special meaning and concentration.
To the World
October 8, 2008
Dear Children of Humanity,
Allow Me to speak about the most fair and purest woman, so Immaculate and preserved without stain. She is your mentor, an advocate for the Truth. She directs you to My Son, enlightens you to know and to love the Trinity and to follow without knowing the way. How beautiful this fair Queen—so fair and beautiful that the angels plead that she would commission them on her behalf to your aid. They desire to hold your petitions and embrace them, to lay them at the Foot of the Throne.
How pure and loving a woman—so astute, wise and kind; so united through suffering, holy and humble, meek and patient! How blessed you are that the Most Holy Trinity has given to you the gift of this fairest Queen in this time of your need, to strengthen and to guide you, to point the way, to outline a safe path, to preserve you from harm, and to protect you from evil. In all of history throughout ages past, never has there been a Queen as pure as she! Esther led the way; Mary fulfilled the way.
For you who have eyes to see and ears to hear, could you be more blessed than to receive and to listen? All she has unveiled to you is unfolding! Are you dismayed, or perhaps, many even frightened? Are you astounded, or do you not care? Do you continue to desecrate, or do you change and have hope fulfilled with the faith of Love?
Do you not know that the angels in Heaven desire to have the power you have to suffer like unto My Son and shared by this most beloved, fair and humble servant and Queen? To love, in its purest form, is to suffer—not being distracted by fear, not being cowardly in times of challenge, but being strong, faith-filled, hopeful people of God.
Look to your most wonderful intercessor, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, who bore the Most Precious One of God!
The gift of life is given to you for all eternity by means of the woman whose “fiat,” sorrow, and suffering are greater than what the mind can comprehend. United to God and her Son, she is inseparable in suffering from Him Who redeemed the world. She, who in silence gave to the world, is your hope; and He is your salvation!
Look within and ponder, and it will be revealed to you a most wonderful enlightenment of your mind and heart.
The Hidden Life of Our Lord as told to Gianna Sullivan
Current Release
By Our Lord Jesus Christ
Gianna Talone Sullivan
31. The Love of My Mother
I was sitting on My mother's lap facing her. She was looking at Me. I put both my hands out (palms down) towards her. She kissed both my hands, one first and then the other. Then I turned My hands over. She kissed the other side of My hands, one first and then the other. I did this three times, and each time she kissed My hands. Then I put My hands on her neck, and I laid My little head on her shoulder.
She held me ever so lovingly. She did not say anything to me. Our Love for one another joined the Love of the Holy Trinity. How important this is for people to take time to love one another. A moment's rest, a prayerful smile, a genuine look of concern, all send the love and embrace of comfort My mother gave to Me, joined with the Love of the Holy Trinity.
When I was little, times like that gave me the strength later to endure and persevere the torment and agony from people's lack of love. There were moments when I was young that I never wanted to leave My mother's arms. That is why I held on to her for comfort. I would experience a fear of being alone and abandoned. I did not know at that age what the extent of my anguish later would entail, but I would feel alone and frightened.
My mother would hold me. She did not need to say anything. I wanted her comfort. I was safe with her. She knew exactly how too calm me, love me and protect me with her motherly Love. No one could replace the Love My mother had for Me and continues to have for Me as well as for all the children of the world. She formed me in her womb, and my soul knew her well.
O' would it be wise and well if people took these words of mine and placed them in their hearts! Praise is ever fitting and necessary to comfort me and to assist in My designs. All is in the Hands of God! I am here and very much aware of the situations at hand. Do not doubt in the Way of God, but believe and be glad.
My mother will comfort you as she comforted me. She will hold you, calm you, love you and protect you. She is your Mother, too. She will teach you as she taught Me. She will show you the Way and lead you to Me. She will take you the safest and most direct Way. So, if you ever feel alone or abandoned, you too will have the strength to endure and persevere.
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Final Lesson
Lesson #30 (Final Lesson)
In private chapel at home
November 11-12, 1995, midnight
My dear little one, if ever I wanted to stress upon My people the importance and significance of prayer, there would be no more opportune time than the present. I am not asking My people to give Me all of their undivided attention. I am asking them to return back to God and to give even a little of their time in prayer and thanksgiving to My Father for all the wonders He gives to all people continuously and unconditionally. If all My people would pray daily even for a small amount of time, there would be peace and unity. Some of My beloved ones are praying, yet many are not.
If ALL would pray, there would be peace through love and mercy. I desire to give to My people all good things from above. I have given My words of love and My teachings in hope that My people will return to the Way of truth. The future is contingent upon prayer. Much can be mitigated through prayer.
My Father is merciful and kind, especially to the repentant sinner. Just as Nineveh was spared, so too can the world in which you live be spared. Love and mercy are key elements and virtues of the truth. My Father is tender and kind. He seeks the humble hearts and He is a patient God. There is tremendous hope for the journey for all who desire to know and live the truth.
I would like to continue to give My lessons to My people, but I have given My Word through the Scriptures, and I am still waiting for My people to live My Word. My Word is THE Word. It is already written. It has been available to My people for 2000 years. No new words will make any difference if My Word through Scripture is not practiced.
My beloved priests, bishops, cardinals, deacons, religious, nuns, and even Christian evangelicals and ministers may have studied My Word, but I have invited ALL My people of the world to live My Word. There comes a time, little one, when no additional words from Me will make any difference or make a greater impact on people.
Those who desire My Word have it already. For those who do not desire to know My Word, then no other words from Me will change their hearts.
Pray for all people. Pray and love all people, even those who seem to be farthest away. Do not be afraid to pray for those who are your enemies. Do not harden your hearts, but walk through clouds of anger and bitterness and meet them with love, strength and mercy on the other side.
There is no need to take justice into your own hands. There is no need to take prosecution to the full extent of the law. What are needed are contrite hearts, merciful hearts, patient hearts, and hearts of compassion.
Those who live My Word have hearts of love, mercy, patience and compassion. Those who do not live My Word have hearts of stone and live not in My world but in their own. You cannot serve two masters. Those who live by My Word of truth and love know that justice will be fulfilled at the hand of My Father.
You cannot say you are a child of God, a chosen people, and then through words and actions contradict the law of love as I have given it to you. If you pray, you will know the truth, for the least contradiction to loving would cause inner division, for love and hate are not able to be mixed.
I await My people to return to Love. This does not mean that man is perfect or will not fail. If that were the case, My death for love of you would have been in vain. It means that through prayer and humility in accepting yourself in failure, you are able to grow in holiness and reach the Kingdom through patience and the virtues dispensed from God. It does not mean that you are not to live by the law established by mankind for structure and organizational standards in society.
What is needed to return to God is to live in a world by the virtues of love and dignity, not revenge, resentment, or hatred. It is so necessary, little one, that My people return to Me soon, before it becomes any more difficult to change. The longer My people delay, the colder the heart becomes, more and more like stone. But prayer, love and mercy chip away at the stony heart, and soon enough purity radiates beneath all layers.
I am here, little one, for all people. I love all people. I died for all people, and I would die again if I could because of My love for all people. Listen to the teachings of My Church. Listen to My Word and live it. Just take a few minutes to be with Me, to ponder My love in your life. I want to call all My people to Me. Return to God, My loved ones.
Please return. Change the current path towards human destruction to one of love, peace, unity and life. Live in freedom through living the truth of My Word. I shall not give any new words until My people begin to live My current words, for all is written. My Word will not change. It stands as is for I am the living Word.
Those who live in Me live My Word. So many have chosen to walk away. Come, return to My love. Live My Word of truth. I love you, My beloved people. I am your Jesus of Mercy. I am Love, and I have so much to give you, more than you could ever imagine. Come, come to Me. Return back to Me. Return to God. All I can ask of you and all I can invite you to is to RETURN TO GOD!
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
Part I
Part II
Part I
Part II
St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles)
Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)
See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com
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