Black Spirituality, African Black Saints, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians of Africa, Oceania, America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomon, Marianas, Society and Marshall Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and New Zealand
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE (Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
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Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
From Our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, and Blessed Mother Maryam... As you know they were homeless for several years, while avoiding Herod’s 10 assassins. They don’t desire you to be… so presented:
Free Foreclosure News (but update information and seek competent advice from the sources listed):
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary Protectress of Africa
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Protectress of Africa, you have given to the world the true Light, Jesus Christ. Through your obedience to the Father and the grace of the Holy Spirit, you have given us the source of our reconciliation and our justice, Jesus Christ, our peace and our joy.
Mother of Tenderness and Wisdom, show us Jesus, your Son and the Son of God. Guide our path of conversion, so that Jesus might shine his glory on us in every aspect of our personal, familial and social lives.
Mother, full of Mercy and Justice, through your docility to the Spirit, the Counselor, obtain for us the grace to be witnesses of the Risen Lord, so that we will increasingly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Mother of Perpetual Help, we entrust to your maternal intercession the preparation and fruits of the Second Special Assembly for Africa. Queen of Peace, pray for us! Our Lady of Africa, pray for us!
Yaounde, 19 March 2009
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Abba: Ethiopian title of respect meaning "My Father.” It is also addressed to esteemed or holy folks. Abba (from Aramaic for father)
Abbot—the leader or head of a monastery or like institution.
Ascetic: ascesis and prayer practice of voluntarily taking up a 'white' martyrdom where the flesh is crucified so the spirit lives more completely in God. In Greek, askEtikos, it means literally, laborious, from askEtEs-- one who exercises. It is akin to hermit, from askein, to work, exercise. A practice of strict self-denial in personal and especially spiritual discipline
Anba/Amba- an esteemed name for Father. Religious title.
Anchorite- hermit or someone living alone from other people for religious reasons.
Feast- a celebration day where the church remembers a religious event or person. The brethren of Al Islam have a Muslim day.
Hiermartry Gr. "iero`s sacred + E. martyr. A priest martyr.
Martyr- a person suffering or killed for their political or faith beliefs.
Monophysite- A person claiming a doctrine that Christ's nature remains altogether divine and not human even though he takes an earthly and human body form with birth, life, and death.
Relic- an esteemed and venerated object with a saint, or martyr b
Middle English relik, from Old French relique, from Medieval Latin reliquia, from Late Latin reliquiae, plural, remains of a martyr, from Latin, remains, from relinquere to leave behind
schism Middle English scisme, from Middle French cisme, from Late Latin schism at, schisma, from Greek, cleft, division, from schizein to split C2 a formal division in or separation from a church or religious body b the offense of promoting schism
Now found 6 miles south of Beni Hasan near a village called Sheikh Abada is Antinoe, a headquarters of the ancient Kemetian governor during Kemetian times when Christianity was gaining a foothold. Emperor Hadrian founded the town October 30, 130 A.D. Tradition says the Roman monarch built it to honor Antinus, who jumped into the Nile to save the emperor.
A Headquarters (See) within of the Thebaid, now Esneh, or Esench, a city in Egypt, built by the Emperor Hadrian A. D. 132, in memory of his favorite, Antinous.
Antinoe played a small part in the history of Christianity. It became the seat of a bishopric subject to Thebes, and a good many monasteries were founded in the neighborhood.
Africa Proconsularis
Of Kemet (Egypt). Its old Egypt (ian) name was Pikuat. Greeks called it Kanobos, or Kanopos. That was the name of a Greek fleet naval officer buried there. The city lies by the seventh Nomos (Menelaites, later Canopites), near the Canopic mouth. Martyrs in the persecution of in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian from there included Athanasia, her three daughters, Cyrus and John. Monks from Tabennisi built a monastery there called Metanoia. Patriarchs of Alexandria found sanctuary in the fifth century religious fights.
About two miles to the east of Canopus is found a church on the spot of an old pagan temple, now dedicated to the Evangelists. Cyril of Alexandria took the relics of the martyrs Cyrus and John to the church. It became a place of pilgrimage.
At Canopus, God healed Sophronius of Jerusalem of an eye problems said incurable by doctors. The saint then wrote the panegyric of the two saints with a collection of seventy miracles worked in their church. (Migne, P.G. LXXXVII, 3379676)
It’s Arabic name is now Aboukir, "Father Cyrus". This honors the first of the martyrs.
Hermopolis Hermopolis Magna
Of Thebais Prima, suffragan of Antinoe, in Egypt. The real name was Khmounoun; in Coptic, Chmoun, from Cairo, 180 miles).
Palladius (Hi Laus. lii) reports the tradition the Holy Family (Mother Maryam, Yusef and Baby Yeshua) came to Hermopolis. Colluthus was martyred there under Maximian.
Athanasius lived there. Lequien (Oriens Christianus, II, 595) says and eight bishops.
Hermopolis Parva
Headquarters (See) of Aeggyptus Prima, suffragan of Alexandria. Dimanhoru or Temaen Hor was the old name. It meant the town of Horus. Coptics called it Tuininhor. Arabs named it Damanhur. Founded on the canal of Lake Mareotis (Mariout) to the Canopic branch of the Nile.
Lequien (Or. Christ, II, 513 sqq.) says a dozen bishops of Hermopolis Parva existed. Dracontius among them, around the year 354 A.D. was exiled for his faith under Constantius. Isidore followed him. (Feast day 3 Jan.). Dioscorus proved oldest of the Tall Brethren the four monks of Nitria from nearby there.
Alexandria: Why so many saints from Alexandria? Because it has always been a seaport. Alexandria the improved the facilities, this was in the decline of our empire.
Further, Our Lord, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ in English was raised near there. My speculation, the place was filled with grace because of the Holy Family's temporary presence.
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 07 - ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE
"This providential initiative [witnessing to the presence of the Risen Lord], falling appropriately in the context of the year dedicated to the Eucharist, will surely be a source of renewed apostolic vitality and missionary daring for everyone . . . to bear witness, in modern society, to the presence of the Risen Christ, the center of the Church." (Pope John Paul II, February 19, 2005)
Mother Teresa
Everything is God's to give and to take away, so share what you've been given, and that includes yourself.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Put an end to these apprehensions. Remember that it is not the thought that makes the sin, but consenting to these thought. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. But when the will groans under the trial presented by the tempter and does not want it, there is not only no sin, but there is virtue. (CE, 34).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Haters are the first of five classes who are gullible to Satan's bait.
"Haters. Bigots use their heads, though wrongly; haters use their spleens, though overmuch."
St. Faustina's diary -
O my God, my only hope, I have placed all my trust in You, and I know I shall not be disappointed. (317)
Once, my confessor [Father Sopocko] asked me where the inscription should be placed, because there was not enough space in the picture for everything. I answered, "I will pray and give you an answer next week." When I left the confessional and was passing before the Blessed Sacrament, I received an inner understanding about the inscription.
Jesus reminded me of what He had told me the first time; namely, that these three words must be clearly in evidence: "Jesus, I trust in You." ["Jezu, Ufam Tobie."] I understood that Jesus wanted the whole formula to be there, but He gave no direct orders to this effect as He did for these three words.
I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: "Jesus, I trust in You." (327)
Jesus, I trust in You; I trust in the ocean of your mercy. You are a Mother to me. (249)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
In the midst of the civil war in Yugoslavia, the Blessed Mother gave this message to the world in the spring of 1992:
"Dear Children, today I also call you to prayer. Only by prayer and fasting can war be stopped. Therefore, my dear little children, pray, and by your life give witness that you are mine and that you belong to me, for Satan wants during these turbulent days to seduce as many souls as possible.
Therefore, I call you to decide for God, for he will protect you and show you what you should do and which path to take " (Monthly Message April 25, 1992).
The Virgin's call to show the world that we belong to her are an echo of the words of Christ in Luke's gospel. No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light (Lk 8 :16).
Example is a teacher's greatest tool of instruction, a fact well understood by St. John Baptist de la Salle, the founder of a teaching order, the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Born in 1651 of a wealthy and noble family, John was both scholarly and devout, beginning his studies for the priesthood while still in his teens. Ordained at 27, his empathy for the poor and uneducated led him to devote his life to their care.
He was also a great innovator : Individual instruction was replaced by instruction in class; he insisted on silence and order in the classroom, and instructions were given in the native language rather than Latin. He once wrote to his friars :
You should not doubt that you have been given the grace to teach (children), to instruct them in the gospel, an to form them in religion. This is a great gift from God…Let your students be moved by your untiring care for them and feel as though God were encouraging them through you.
"I call you to decide for God," the Virgin says today, "for he will protect you an show you what you should do and which path to take." In the spirit of St. John, make this commitment to God again in prayer today.
Message to Louise April 6,2009
Message via L., VJ
April 6, 2009- - -9:35 A.M.
L. began to receive a message fron her sons and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."
"Dear mom there are few true believers alive on earth today. People are agnostic, atheistic,
belong to cults or occults thus ignoring every word of God, breaking His every word. It's very hard to keep the faith today for the influences is everywhere - - on television, newspapers, in magazines; just everywhere!
Adults and children alike live in deadly sin. It won't be long now before our God sends His devastating JUSTICE. People MUST either convert, change their lives or eternally reap their chosen reward- -Heaven with God or Hell with Satan.
Mom, TIME IS VERY SHORT! People of every race, color and creed MUST heed the Words the Father, God and OBEY!
We love you mom and pray at the Feet
of God for you, our sister and her family.
Forever your sons,
Joey and Stephen."
Vision to littlest of servants April 6, 2009
While in Church this morning praying before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision.
I saw a CATHOLIC CHURCH and the walls and roof all collapsed leaving a small beautiful CATHOLIC CHURCH in the center.
JESUS then spoke and told me that soon the REMNANT CHURCH that HIS MOTHER has been building all these years will emerge and that CHURCH will be much more beautiful than what we have now.
JESUS speaks of HIS little servant to littlest of servants April 5, 2009
MY little servant has indeed been MY little servant all these years.
MY little servant has served ME in all HUMILITY.
MY little servant has sacrificed much and has suffered much all the while serving ME.
MY little servant is one of the MANY GIFTS to this generation.
MY little servant has been the signpost on the road leading to ME.
(I now received a vision and I saw a signpost on a fork in the road that indicated which way to go).
That PATH that the little servant has pointed to has on it SACRIFICE, THE ROSARY, THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET, MASS, AND CONFESSION.
All these things make sure you stay on this RIGHT PATH which will lead you to your SALVATION, your JESUS.
(I received another vision and I saw the RESURRECTED JESUS at the end of a path with HIS ARMS wide open to receive those on this PATH).
The little servant has suffered so much. LISTEN to MY little servant, My GIFT to you.
"I suffer for you today"
Friday, April 03, 2009
Dear Friends,
Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished. And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. So when they had assembled, Pilate said to them, "Which one do you want me to release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus called Messiah?"
For he knew that it was out of envy that they had handed him over. While he was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him." The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas but to destroy Jesus. The governor said to them in reply, "Which if the two do you want me to release to you?"
They answered, "Barabbas!" Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" But he said, "Why? What evil has he done?" They only shouted the louder, "Let him be crucified!"
When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood. Look to it yourselves." And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children." Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified. Matthew 27:15-26
Here is the message Our Lord gave Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, "As you can see My trial before Pilate was a farce. Although he said that I was innocent, he had Me scourged and then handed Me over to the soldiers to be crucified. He had a notorious prisoner released instead of Me.
For the scourging the soldiers tied Me to a pillar and stripped Me. Then they started beating Me with long whips with some metal on the tips. This metal would enter My skin and tear out My flesh every time.
At the end I was bleeding all over My body and I was lying on the floor covered with blood. I had no more strength to stand up. After the whipping was over, they placed a crown of thorns on My head driving the thorns into My flesh. Blood poured out of these wounds into My eyes and on the face.
My dear friends, I accepted all this suffering for you because I love you. I am indeed your Savior who paid the price for all your sins. I accepted to suffer and to die on the cross so that you would become My friend and live in union with Me every day. My heart is full of mercy for you, so come to Me and repent of your sins. I will take them all away. Come to the cross today and contemplate Me, Your Savior, as I suffer for you today."
Father Melvin
Mother of God Message of March 25, 2009
"Dear children! In this time of spring, when everything is awakening from the winter sleep, you also awaken your souls with prayer so that they may be ready to receive the light of the risen Jesus. Little children, may He draw you closer to His Heart so that you may become open to eternal life. I pray for you and intercede before the Most High for your sincere conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Our Lady's message to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Soldo, April 2, 2009:
"Dear children, God's love is in my words. My children, that is the love which desires to turn you to justice and truth. That is the love which desires to save you from delusion. And what about you, my children? Your hearts remain closed; they are hard and do not respond to my calls. They are insincere. With a motherly love I am praying for you, because I desire for all of you to resurrect in my Son. Thank you."
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 06 - You are all My children
Seer Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo of Medjugorje has received a second message mentioning "signs." We have verified it through a guide who was present.
The visionary, who no longer sees the Blessed Mother every day, receives a monthly messages on the second of every month and the one for April 2 reportedly read:
"Dear Children, I come to you because I wish to show you, by my own example, the importance of prayer for those who have not known the love of God. Ask yourself if you are following me. My children, don't you recognize the signs of the times? Don't you talk about them? Follow me. As your Mother I call you! Thank you for having responded."
One of the eldest of the six seers, who assert apparitions at the famed site since 1981, Mirjana was the first to receive all ten of the secrets designated for each one and in March too relayed a message that for the first time in years seemed to carry prophetic import.
That message -- recorded during her annual birthday apparition on March 18 -- read:
"Dear children! In this Lenten time, I call you to interior renunciation. The way to this leads you through love, fasting, prayer and good works. Only with total interior renunciation will you recognize God's love and the signs of the time in which you live. You will be witnesses of these signs and will begin to speak about them. I desire to bring you to this. Thank you for having responded to me."
The gravity of such language is rare at Medjugorje, where since the 1990s messages have focused almost solely on general spirituality.
Medjugorje - A past message from Our Lady March 25, 1997
"Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your parents.
Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By Jesus' passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call."
"In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body . . . and we were all given
to drink of one Spirit" (1 Cor 12:13). "The Eucharist, precisely by building
up the Church, creates human community" (Art. 24). Offer a parish Holy Hour
for vocations to the priesthood and religious life on Holy Thursday.
Encourage adorers to pray for seminarians, priests, bishops, cardinals and our Holy
Father, Pope John Paul II.
Mother Teresa
I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Apr 9 Temptations against faith and purity are the merchandise offered by the enemy, but do not fear him, rather, despise him. As long as he makes an uproar it is a sign that he has not yet possessed the will. Don't be upset by what you experience through the work of this rebellious angel. Let your will always be contrary to his suggestions, and live tranquilly, because you are not at fault, but rather, you please God and gain progress for your soul (Letters III p426).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Lake Hades is a dangerous fishing area!
"As one makes a study of those who have been caught on the hooks of the devil's fishing line, or who hide behind their freedoms in order to destroy the very source of that freedom, and who are thus particularly gullible for the devil's bait can be reduced to five classes."
St. Faustina's diary -
God and Souls. An Act of Oblation.
Before heaven and earth, before all the choirs of Angels, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary, before all the powers of heaven, I declare to the One Triune God that today, in union with Jesus Christ, Redeemer of souls, I make a voluntary offering of myself for the conversion of sinners, especially for those souls who have lost hope in God's mercy.
This offering consists in my accepting, with total subjection to God's will, all the sufferings, fears and terrors with which sinners are filled. In return, I give them all the consolations which my soul receives from my communion with God. In a word, I offer everything for them: Holy Masses, Holy Communions, penances, mortifications, prayers. I do not fear the blows, blows of divine justice, because I am united with Jesus.
O my God, in this way I want to make amends to You for the souls that do not trust in Your goodness. I hope against all hope in the ocean of Your mercy. My Lord and my God, my portion-my portion forever, I do not base this act of oblation on my own strength, but on the strength that flows from the merits of Jesus Christ. I will daily repeat this act of self-oblation by pronouncing the following prayer which You Yourself have taught me, Jesus:
"O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You!" (309)
Today Our Lady speaks of our equality in God's sight. In the context of the cure of an Orthodox child, she said:
"Tell this priest, tell everyone, that it is you who are divided on earth. The Muslims and the Orthodox, for the same reason as Catholics, are equal before my Son and I. You are all my children.
Clearly, all religions are not equal, but all men are equal before God, as St. Paul says. It does not suffice to belong to the Catholic church to be saved, it is also necessary to respect the commandments of God while following your conscience." (First Years 1985)
In John's gospel, Christ also speaks of our oneness with God and with each other:
The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that your have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (Jn;22-23).
Mindful of this call from Christ and his Mother that we be one, united in God's Spirit, let us offer the following prayer for our unity:
Lord Jesus Christ, at your Last Supper you prayed to the Father that all should be one. Send your Holy Spirit upon all who bear your name and seek to serve you. Strengthen our faith in you, and lead us to love one another in humility. May we who have reborn in one baptism be united in one faith under one shepherd. Amen.
Keep an eye on the religion section of your local newspaper, watch for the next ecumenical liturgy or service project in your community. Support it by your presence and prayer.
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 05 - I call you today to complete surrender to God
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 05 - I call you today to complete surrender to God
"We adore You, Jesus Eucharist. We adore Your body and blood given for us and for all in the remission of sins. ... As we adore You, how can we not think about the many things we should do to give You glory? ... Help us, Jesus, to understand that 'to do' in Your Church, .... it is important above all 'to be', that is, to stay with You in adoration, in Your gentle company." (Pope John Paul II, March 18, 2005).
Mother Teresa
Anyone is capable of going to Heaven. Heaven is our home. Dying is not the end, it is just the beginning. Death is a continuation of life. This is the meaning of eternal life; it is where our soul goes to God, to be in the presence of God, to see God, to speak to God, to continue loving Him with greater love. We only surrender our body in death - our heart and our soul live forever.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Observe well that as long as you are displeased by the temptations you have nothing to fear. But why are you sorry about this, if not because you don't want to experience it? These troublesome temptations come from the evil of the devil. But the displeasure and suffering we experience come from the mercy of God, who, contrary to our enemy's will, draws holy tribulations from malice, through which He purifies the gold that wants to be part of His treasure.
Furthermore, your temptations come from the devil but your suffering and afflictions come from God and Paradise. The mother is from Babilonia, but the children are from Jerusalem. Despise the temptation and embrace the tribulation. No, no, my daughter, let the wind blow, and do not believe the noise of leaves is the blast of arms (Letters III, pp 636-637).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
05-Be righteously angry at wrongs!
"When more get mad, not because they lose money, but because right is ignored and wrong enthroned, then the fires will come back to democracy. And these fires will burn like beacons summoning men to a finer and better world."
St. Faustina's diary
Once the Lord said to me, Act like a beggar who does not back away when he gets more alms [than he asked for], but offers thanks the more fervently. You too should not back away and say that you are not worthy of receiving greater graces when I give them to you. I know you are unworthy, but rejoice all the more and take as many treasures from My Heart as you can carry, for then you will please Me more. And I will tell you one more thing: Take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in My infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me. I will do everything for them. (294)
Ask of my faithful servant [Father Sopocko] that, on this day, he tell the whole world of My great mercy; that whoever approaches the Fount of Life on this day will be granted complete remission of sins and punishment.
Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.
Oh, how much I am hurt by a soul's distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in My Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness.
My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy. (300)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of both surrender and joy:
"Dear Children, I call you today to complete surrender to God-to great joy and peace which only God can give. I am with you and I intercede for you every day before God (Monthly Message March 25, 1989).
Christ also speaks of the rewards of abandoning oneself to God:
Peter began to say to him, "Look, we have left everything and followed you. " Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold?" (Mk 10:28-30).
Following Christ, surrendering ourselves to his care, is accompanied by beautiful gifts of the Holy Spirit, chief among them being inner peace. Yet it is a seeming paradox that in abandoning ourselves, placing ourselves totally at God's disposal, we should at the same time experience a profound freedom of spirit. But this is because all our cares, worries, and problems are no longer ours, but the Lord's. We become like trusting children again, confident and safe in the hands of our Father.
Mindful of Our Lady's message today, surrender yourself again to the Lord, using this prayer composed by St. Teresa of Avila:
Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your will.
Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever you require of me. Help me to respond to the slightest prompting of your grace, so that I may be a trustworthy instrument for your honor.
May your will be done in time and in eternity---by me, in me, and through me. Amen.
Message to J.N.S.R Jan.11,2009
The END of My Book is not the OMEGA.
It is the ALPHA of your LIFE in ME.
January 11, 2009
JNSR: GOD is asking me to live, with Him, what I am about to write now, in order to bring His Book to its end.
I love to paint as I love to draw , and I noticed that an artist would often like to enter the painting being done and to be involved with all those characters who make up the scenery to which he gives life.
GOD is the sublime artist who paints and animates this immense fresco which is the Universe. GOD is greater than the Universe, since HE is the One who painted it!
If sometimes I find, in a painting I have just done, that something frustrates me, I remove it with one stroke of the brush, and replace it with something else, or even with some paint. In any case, we cannot leave an empty spot.
When the painting is finished, sometimes, after a period of time, I come back to it and I realize that it needs a finishing touch. And this is how, as long as that painting is where I can see it, I never find it just as I wanted it to be.
And thus, GOD sees His Creation, but He granted it all freedom. He does not touch it, and it became quite imperfect.
GOD: I created this animated picture of the World that keeps on deteriorating itself. I did not create it stable, and it has lost its identity. It no longer knows who has created it, or why it exists! Poor World!
It is my Masterpiece. I must repair it. It is now self destructive. Either I obliterate it all, and I start all over again, or I obliterate the part that is most damaged by wars, massacres, insolent powers, the domination of money and all those fornications.
GOD says to Himself: How could I destroy a part of the Work that I Myself conceived? That Work is still Me.
This foolish world, how to save it? Against its own freedom of wanting to break My Work and destroy itself later.
JNSR: I see GOD, the paintbrush in His Hand, ready to intervene.
"My GOD, my GOD, please don't do it! A single stroke of that brush and we are no more, and with us, all Your Work. Have Mercy My GOD!"
that GOD needs to fix this mess. He again, must reestablish His Creation to perfection, as it was designed to be divine. Action must be taken quickly, for
matter can stand no longer the Times that are coming; it must disappear with all its subjects, all the creatures.
Since, by all means, it is running to its destruction.
GOD: I must redo this painting, Of My Own Substance which is indestructible,
and then, do this painting in Myself, so that it will live eternally, protected, and being My delight, instead of being a part of My despair. It will live, this New World, in "My Holy Will". I will give it "My Knowledge".
And so, GOD took this whole fresco which was away from Him, made it to be the delight of His Eyes, and entered it in Himself, after being through its "purification". It then became the delight of GOD, for he who sees GOD, becomes like Him.
Today, the shaky Scene of the entire World is living its final hours of impertinence
towards its Creator.
Mother of Perpetual Light 4-2-2009
Mother of Perpetual Light
The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedly from the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". On a number of occasions alleged messages were also received from the Eucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine", also in poetic verse.
For many more messages and information go Only 2008/09 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posted daily at the web site.
We now have three complete books of messages. You may download the complete books from the web site
See the archives for more information
Vision to littlest of servants April 3rd & 4th
While in Church both mornings while praying in front of the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision.
I received this vision both mornings. I was in the pew praying and I saw OUR LADY standing right next to my pew.
SHE spoke to me and told me that HER SON has asked that REPARATION be made to HER IMMACULATE HEART for the GREAT OFFENSE OF ABORTION.
That HER IMMACULATE HEART was being LACERATED on a daily basis by this GREAT ABOMINATION.
That what had been asked by HER and HER SON at FATIMA many years ago still holds true today, except the OFFENSES ARE MUCH GREATER.
Corrections to Message to Christina Gallagher March 29,2009
Apologies for delay in correction of typing errors in Our Lady’s message.
It is now over 20 years since Our Blessed Mother’s first apparition to Christina Gallagher. Our Lady’s call was not new. It was simply the call of Her Son in the Gospel -a call to come back to God, a call to repentance. It was a call to prayer from the heart through Her most beautiful Rosary. In the course of the past 20 years, God has powerfully upheld everything in Our Lady’s message as announced by Christina. She was frequently shown world events before they took place and all events shown to Christina have invariably been fulfilled;?
Earthquake in IRAN
As related in her autobiography (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross p11) she was shown an earthquake three weeks before it took place in Iran, killing 5,000 people. She told her spiritual director. When it occurred and was shown on television news, Our Lady explained to Christina that she had been shown the calamity before it took place, not to prevent it but to prepare the souls of the people for God.
In early 1993, one year before the horrible war in Rwanda, Christina received an apparition (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.11) in which she was asked by an African boy (unknown to her) named Emmanuel Segastashya, "Pray for me and my country, Burundi." - a country she had never heard of. It was only the following year when the slaughter of the war in Rwanda broke out and engulfed neighboring Burundi and among the countless victims of the massacres was Emmanuel - a visionary in Church - approved apparitions there - that the reason became clear to Christina.
On December 26, 1992 Christina had an apparition of the war that broke out approximately two years later in Chechnya. She made known, as usual, in advance what was shown to her. (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.262). ?
While in New York to address a Rosary Rally at Battery Park on September 11, 1999 Christina prophesied that the Twin Towers would be destroyed. She made the statement in the presence of a number of people including a US judge, a Canadian attorney, a radio broadcaster, and her spiritual director. One of these, Judge Dan Lynch, an American Judge, wrote an article on the matter and made it more widely public.
Tsunami in the INDIAN OCEAN
On a number of separate occasions, the first being eight years before the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster - the massive undersea earthquake which smashed into nine countries across Asia on December 26, 2004 killing approximately one quarter of a million people - Christina was shown the exact tsunami scene taking place on a beautiful sandy beach with the wave washing in over houses and leaving corpses strewn on the beach as it swelled out again to sea.
She did not have the word 'tsunami' as it was not in ordinary use then but she published what was shown her in her biography which appeared as far back as 1996. Christina would lament and cry bitter tears on seeing these scenes in advance for she knew how Our Lady had been trying since the beginning of Her apparitions to warn the world on how to prevent such disasters.
Her calls were widely ignored and even ridiculed. On CNN News and on RTE news bulletins in Ireland, December 29th and 30th scientists were quoted as saying, All we can say is that the sea-bed shifted from its axis .
They were actually using the exact words of warning Our Blessed Mother had spoken to Christina on July 16, 2002 (published then on the web-site)...I tell you the world has been drawn short of its axis. It is clinging to the Hand of God to uphold it through Jesus...' Not only did the foretold happening occur but was even described afterwards by scientists in the very terms predicted by Our Lady.
Weather changes throughout THE WORLD
Long before weather patterns began to alter, Our Lady was warning us of what has now become widespread throughout the world. As far back as January 1, 1995 She declared, '...My daughter, the world is in its decline! World purification has begun. It will intensify more and more.
The weather will be so changeable: heat to cold to ice: rainstorms like the world has not witnessed: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries: mudslides, disasters throughout the world will increase when the Hand of My Son covers the world... This message's widespread fulfillment is, of course, a matter of historical record.
Collapse of the STOCK MARKET
On January 23, 2006, Christina was told by Our Blessed Mother that the works She had desired 'should be completed at once as there will be a collapse in the stock market'. This message, given to Christina by Our Blessed Mother at the height of the economic boom in 'celtic tiger' Ireland as it was then called seemed incredible even to some devotees of Our Lady's message! Ireland was the economic envy of the world because of the enormous strength of the national economy and its highest-ever living standards.
We were being held up as the perfect example of material prosperity and for anyone to speak or even think of economic collapse seemed absurd and ridiculous. Yet, against all the odds and despite the complacency of experts the message of Our Lady to Christina was, as always, once again resoundingly fulfilled.?
ONE WORLD Currency, ONE WORLD Bank, ONE WORLD Government and ONE WORLD Church
As far back as 1992 Christina was told by Our Blessed Mother that a uniting of currencies would come about in Europe (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, pg 329) and following that, in the world. The former has of course already occurred as of March 2009, a number of world political leaders are calling for a world regulation of banking, and even a single world currency.
We can, therefore, now see a global bank and uniting of currency about to come into being. Swiftly we will see a total control of people being put in place through the use of the chip which will be nothing other than the mark of the beast mentioned in the Scriptures (Book of Revelations, chapter 13). Those who take it will lose their souls permanently as revelation states. Then there will be put in place a one world Church which will not be Christian.
Message upheld by HEALINGS
Over 500 healings have been recorded. These include 10 different forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of blocked carotid arteries among several other conditions. Some already have received exhaustive in-depth analysis and been found by consultants and medical professors to have 'no human, scientific, medical or psychological explanation'.
Message upheld by the Gift of Knowledge of SOULS
God's gift of seeing a person's state of soul was given to Christina as she ministered to priests. It is probably best summed up by a Jesuit theologian from London who first visited her 20 years ago. He later wrote of his experience, 'This remarkable Irishwoman demonstrated beyond any doubt that she possessed a sort of x-ray vision into my private world of conscience and moral striving. She could read the secrets of my heart. She could witness within me that hidden arena where, as is the case with everyone, warfare is waged non-stop between good and evil, truth and falsehood, light and darkness. Though aware that other priests had a similar experience, I was nonetheless bowled over when Christina Gallagher proceeded to discern with clinical precision the weaknesses and strengths of my world within'. (Dr. Richard Foley, S.J., Preface, The Sorrow, the Sacrifice and the Triumph by Dr. Tom Petrisko)
The following is the latest experience given to Christina by Our Lady Queen of Peace on March 29th 2009
The birth-pangs are over. The world is handed over to the anti- Christ.
Civil war will break out in the United States and many will fight and kill each other. Christina was shown a scene of what will take place, the weapons being used and the blood flowing. The horror was over powering for her. Christina was then allowed to witness the explosion of a bomb which will be dropped on America. Its impact was horrific. She was shown that an earthquake will follow some time later. (She, herself believes that the earthquake will be a direct consequence of the bomb.)
The events in the U.S. will also filter throughout Europe and then throughout the world. A great suppression will come about.??
Many, including Church authorities will go willingly in union with the anti-Christ because of the control he wields. Christina was shown how God desires to protect the handing on of the faith throughout the times that are to follow. Christina was shown how the Holy Father is suffering. There is much rebellion and hatred against him even within the Church. She was then shown the global Church descending into a great blackness and exuding misty vapour. This scene was surrounded by a multitude of angry demons wanting to get rid of the Church and Christianity.
Christina was then shown Blessed Michael, clad in red and gold and holding his sword upright. Behind him could be seen Our Blessed Lady and a multitude of angels in red, in haste to do battle with the adversary.
Pestilence will accompany the civil war and the suppression. Mosquitoes will carry all kinds of new diseases. Locusts such as have never been seen before will form a plague; it will seem as those themselves have an evil intent, almost as if they have an awareness that they are to wreak destruction.
The only hope for people in the U.S. to gain the graces of protection as invited by Our Blessed Lady is to be in the state of grace and draw from God’s graces through Her promise by going to pray frequently in Her Chain Houses and upholding them- now beforehand- as it will be too late for them when these events have begun to happen.
As messenger, Christina says it is heartbreaking for her to give this message and yet she has no option but to do so. She gives it in response to Our Blessed Lady despite her knowing that she will be mocked and ridiculed for doing so. However, it is up to each one to choose whether they accept or reject it.
For your information:
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Texas
(Central House and address for orders)
23700 Nameless Road
Leander, TX 78641
Phone 512 267-6830 or 512 733-4000(Marilyn Ankenbauer)
Fax 512 267-6853
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Kansas
102 South 10th Street
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Minnesota
33932 County Road 18
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
320 352-9954 or 512 733-4000(Marilyn Ankenbauer)
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Florida
153 Cumberland Street
Lake Placid, FL 33852
Tel 863 465-4901 or 561 622-1328(Jean Seelinger)
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Ohio
195 State Highway 151
Smithfield, OH 43948
877 287-1653
God love you,
Marita Delaney Wojdak
Our Lady's words to Christina for the anniversary, July 16th 2008,
"Everyone of you can see around you the disintegration of faith in God and the decline of the world.
I desire that you study My messages in which I prepared you for these times and foretold what has now come upon you.
I desire My children to read those messages in which I tried to protect you from the dangers which now surround you.
There is nothing more to be said."
4th Message to J.N.S.R. Jan.4, 2009
GOD dwells in the heart of every human being.
January 4, 2009
JNSR: What GOD did through LOVE for everyone, is exactly what everyone does (or must do) out of love for GOD, when they leave the earth. They rejoin GOD,
for All return to GOD.
The Heart of Man is a compass whose needles are constantly turned towards GOD.
The Heart of "GOD of LOVE" is conceived to shelter man.
It is this magnet whose magnetic field draws everyone to Him.
When the Time came to save mankind, Mary only had to say "YES". The Holy Virgin was ready to welcome the SAVIOUR of the World.
She was like the extension of the Heaven of Glory , She was the Holy Divine and Immaculate Conception, already informed by GOD to receive GOD, so as to get Him ready to be "the Son of Man" on Earth.
GOD is amongst mankind.
The Holy Spirit deposited the Verb of GOD in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and the Verb was made flesh and dwelt among us,
this Son of man is truly GOD,
He is His Verb become flesh.
He is the visible GOD, the GOD of the LIVING. The GOD who spoke to Moses, the GOD who became man so that Man may become GOD. The Father gave Him All His Authority.
Here is the Ultimate Revelation:
In the DIVINE is found the Human.
In the Human also dwells the DIVINE.
He is FATHER, He is SON, He is SPIRIT, in a One and Unique GOD.
A pregnant woman is always one woman by herself, until the birth of her child when they become two persons and even three if we count the father.
GOD with His Verb within Him and even out of Him, for the Word is roaming, it sings, it fascinates, it educates, it appeases.
But GOD and His Verb is the One and Same GOD.
And the Verb became Flesh, to atone for Man's sin and to give His human body to the Cross, to be the martyr of the original sin, so that His brother may be relieved from condemnation. And that the NAME of the Father may not be sullied and questioned, so that the debt incurred by the original sin may be totally remitted. The Son of GOD, the Verb of GOD gave His own flesh of Divine Man to die on the Cross, thereby annihilating with this virgin flesh, the sins it bore from all men, past, present and future.
The sacrificial Lamb of GOD emptied of every last drop of His Divine Blood, has just come to open the door of Heaven, which was locked since the origin of the World.
Now GOD's Name is still YESHOUA but is written YHShWH.
GOD "Yeshoua" is written "YHShWH" since Christ came: YHShWH, for the Sh added to the Hebrew letter, indicates the Humanity of GOD.
And Y is the letter indicating the Father.
The letter H, twice, indicates the Spirit, because it is double in the sign of the Cross. It goes from the Father to the Son. The W is to indicate the Divinity of Jesus, the Verb of GOD.
The Humanity of GOD - SH - indicates GOD become man Yeshoua, YHShWH,
From Father He made Himself SON.
From SON He made Himself Man.
From Man He made Himself Bread,
the Bread of Suffering on the CROSS,
so as to give Himself to every human.
The Holy Eucharist
For Christmas, My Holy NATIVITY,
You are invited to come and adore your GOD. who makes Himself so vulnerable that He dares say to you:
"See, I desired, like you, to have a Father, so as to look like Him.
That is why I became the SON of this GOD of LOVE for everyone.
I desired, like you, to have a Mother, for even God has that great need,
in order to be consoled in her arms.
I wanted to be King, without a crown, without a throne, without a sword,
only for you. For you, so that you elevate yourself with Me.
For you, I AM your Father, your Brother, and your King.
I chose to die on a CROSS, the one lever that can elevate you to Me,
For you, to offer you the best place.
I AM the Risen One!
I too would like, for one thing only, to resemble you,
for man alone can adore Me and pray to Me very intently,
and sing because I AM your CREATOR.
When you see Me in sorrow and suffering, with joined hands,
and My eyes fixed on Heaven, it is that I AM praying to My Father who is in ME,
as He is in you. And like you are in US, in the Father, in the Son with the Spirit.
I AM the SON of Man
and every man has GOD in him.
Yes, Jesus prays to His Father
who is in HIM.
Where is the Mystery?
Lec-What I Heard - April 4, 2009
April 4. 2009
6:45 A.M.
Son, receive my anointing and hear my words. I AM not going to belabor anymore the fact that very soon the great events will be witnessed by everyone and many who do not watch or simply shunned hearing words of warning will be shocked not only to witness but actually experience the effects of what are going to take place in the world.
I am not to cause fear as my greatest concern is for people who listen to my words to give the highest priority in the use of their time to gain what will earn merits for the soul in eternity. Reduce time for entertainment and use part of it to pray, do penance, worship and do good works.
Share knowledge on how time on earth can be used for the attainment of sanctity for the soul.
On the last sentence sounding like a directive, the thought of Devotion to the Divine Mercy came to mind. Checking on the small booklet on the first page I feel that what is stated below would satisfy what is asked. Lec
The church teaches us to be merciful in various ways:
1. Feed the hungry
2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Clothe the naked
4. Shelter the homeless
5. Comfort the imprisoned
6. Visit the sick
7. Bury the dead
1. Admonish sinners
2. Instruct the uninformed
3. Counsel the doubtful
4. Comfort the sorrowful
5. Be patient with those in error
6. Forgive offenses
7. Pray for the living and the dead
The Divine Mercy Novena begins on April 10th and ends on the eve of the feast day, the 18th.
To the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy Jesus attached an extraordinary promise:
The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion (on that day) shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet (II, 138).
Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them , but the Merciful Savior (III,20,21)
"I suffer for you today"
Friday, April 03, 2009
Dear Friends,
Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished. And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. So when they had assembled, Pilate said to them, "Which one do you want me to release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus called Messiah?"
For he knew that it was out of envy that they had handed him over. While he was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him." The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas but to destroy Jesus. The governor said to them in reply, "Which if the two do you want me to release to you?"
They answered, "Barabbas!" Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" But he said, "Why? What evil has he done?" They only shouted the louder, "Let him be crucified!"
When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood. Look to it yourselves." And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children." Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified. Matthew 27:15-26
Here is the message Our Lord gave Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, "As you can see My trial before Pilate was a farce. Although he said that I was innocent, he had Me scourged and then handed Me over to the soldiers to be crucified. He had a notorious prisoner released instead of Me.
For the scourging the soldiers tied Me to a pillar and stripped Me. Then they started beating Me with long whips with some metal on the tips. This metal would enter My skin and tear out My flesh every time.
At the end I was bleeding all over My body and I was lying on the floor covered with blood. I had no more strength to stand up. After the whipping was over, they placed a crown of thorns on My head driving the thorns into My flesh. Blood poured out of these wounds into My eyes and on the face.
My dear friends, I accepted all this suffering for you because I love you. I am indeed your Savior who paid the price for all your sins. I accepted to suffer and to die on the cross so that you would become My friend and live in union with Me every day. My heart is full of mercy for you, so come to Me and repent of your sins. I will take them all away. Come to the cross today and contemplate Me, Your Savior, as I suffer for you today."
Father Melvin
Mother of God Message of March 25, 2009
"Dear children! In this time of spring, when everything is awakening from the winter sleep, you also awaken your souls with prayer so that they may be ready to receive the light of the risen Jesus. Little children, may He draw you closer to His Heart so that you may become open to eternal life. I pray for you and intercede before the Most High for your sincere conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Our Lady's message to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Soldo, April 2, 2009:
"Dear children, God's love is in my words. My children, that is the love which desires to turn you to justice and truth. That is the love which desires to save you from delusion. And what about you, my children? Your hearts remain closed; they are hard and do not respond to my calls. They are insincere. With a motherly love I am praying for you, because I desire for all of you to resurrect in my Son. Thank you."
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 06 - You are all My children
Seer Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo of Medjugorje has received a second message mentioning "signs." We have verified it through a guide who was present.
The visionary, who no longer sees the Blessed Mother every day, receives a monthly messages on the second of every month and the one for April 2 reportedly read:
"Dear Children, I come to you because I wish to show you, by my own example, the importance of prayer for those who have not known the love of God. Ask yourself if you are following me. My children, don't you recognize the signs of the times? Don't you talk about them? Follow me. As your Mother I call you! Thank you for having responded."
One of the eldest of the six seers, who assert apparitions at the famed site since 1981, Mirjana was the first to receive all ten of the secrets designated for each one and in March too relayed a message that for the first time in years seemed to carry prophetic import.
That message -- recorded during her annual birthday apparition on March 18 -- read:
"Dear children! In this Lenten time, I call you to interior renunciation. The way to this leads you through love, fasting, prayer and good works. Only with total interior renunciation will you recognize God's love and the signs of the time in which you live. You will be witnesses of these signs and will begin to speak about them. I desire to bring you to this. Thank you for having responded to me."
The gravity of such language is rare at Medjugorje, where since the 1990s messages have focused almost solely on general spirituality.
Medjugorje - A past message from Our Lady March 25, 1997
"Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your parents.
Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By Jesus' passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call."
"In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body . . . and we were all given
to drink of one Spirit" (1 Cor 12:13). "The Eucharist, precisely by building
up the Church, creates human community" (Art. 24). Offer a parish Holy Hour
for vocations to the priesthood and religious life on Holy Thursday.
Encourage adorers to pray for seminarians, priests, bishops, cardinals and our Holy
Father, Pope John Paul II.
Mother Teresa
I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Apr 9 Temptations against faith and purity are the merchandise offered by the enemy, but do not fear him, rather, despise him. As long as he makes an uproar it is a sign that he has not yet possessed the will. Don't be upset by what you experience through the work of this rebellious angel. Let your will always be contrary to his suggestions, and live tranquilly, because you are not at fault, but rather, you please God and gain progress for your soul (Letters III p426).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Lake Hades is a dangerous fishing area!
"As one makes a study of those who have been caught on the hooks of the devil's fishing line, or who hide behind their freedoms in order to destroy the very source of that freedom, and who are thus particularly gullible for the devil's bait can be reduced to five classes."
St. Faustina's diary -
God and Souls. An Act of Oblation.
Before heaven and earth, before all the choirs of Angels, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary, before all the powers of heaven, I declare to the One Triune God that today, in union with Jesus Christ, Redeemer of souls, I make a voluntary offering of myself for the conversion of sinners, especially for those souls who have lost hope in God's mercy.
This offering consists in my accepting, with total subjection to God's will, all the sufferings, fears and terrors with which sinners are filled. In return, I give them all the consolations which my soul receives from my communion with God. In a word, I offer everything for them: Holy Masses, Holy Communions, penances, mortifications, prayers. I do not fear the blows, blows of divine justice, because I am united with Jesus.
O my God, in this way I want to make amends to You for the souls that do not trust in Your goodness. I hope against all hope in the ocean of Your mercy. My Lord and my God, my portion-my portion forever, I do not base this act of oblation on my own strength, but on the strength that flows from the merits of Jesus Christ. I will daily repeat this act of self-oblation by pronouncing the following prayer which You Yourself have taught me, Jesus:
"O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You!" (309)
Today Our Lady speaks of our equality in God's sight. In the context of the cure of an Orthodox child, she said:
"Tell this priest, tell everyone, that it is you who are divided on earth. The Muslims and the Orthodox, for the same reason as Catholics, are equal before my Son and I. You are all my children.
Clearly, all religions are not equal, but all men are equal before God, as St. Paul says. It does not suffice to belong to the Catholic church to be saved, it is also necessary to respect the commandments of God while following your conscience." (First Years 1985)
In John's gospel, Christ also speaks of our oneness with God and with each other:
The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that your have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (Jn;22-23).
Mindful of this call from Christ and his Mother that we be one, united in God's Spirit, let us offer the following prayer for our unity:
Lord Jesus Christ, at your Last Supper you prayed to the Father that all should be one. Send your Holy Spirit upon all who bear your name and seek to serve you. Strengthen our faith in you, and lead us to love one another in humility. May we who have reborn in one baptism be united in one faith under one shepherd. Amen.
Keep an eye on the religion section of your local newspaper, watch for the next ecumenical liturgy or service project in your community. Support it by your presence and prayer.
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 05 - I call you today to complete surrender to God
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 05 - I call you today to complete surrender to God
"We adore You, Jesus Eucharist. We adore Your body and blood given for us and for all in the remission of sins. ... As we adore You, how can we not think about the many things we should do to give You glory? ... Help us, Jesus, to understand that 'to do' in Your Church, .... it is important above all 'to be', that is, to stay with You in adoration, in Your gentle company." (Pope John Paul II, March 18, 2005).
Mother Teresa
Anyone is capable of going to Heaven. Heaven is our home. Dying is not the end, it is just the beginning. Death is a continuation of life. This is the meaning of eternal life; it is where our soul goes to God, to be in the presence of God, to see God, to speak to God, to continue loving Him with greater love. We only surrender our body in death - our heart and our soul live forever.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Observe well that as long as you are displeased by the temptations you have nothing to fear. But why are you sorry about this, if not because you don't want to experience it? These troublesome temptations come from the evil of the devil. But the displeasure and suffering we experience come from the mercy of God, who, contrary to our enemy's will, draws holy tribulations from malice, through which He purifies the gold that wants to be part of His treasure.
Furthermore, your temptations come from the devil but your suffering and afflictions come from God and Paradise. The mother is from Babilonia, but the children are from Jerusalem. Despise the temptation and embrace the tribulation. No, no, my daughter, let the wind blow, and do not believe the noise of leaves is the blast of arms (Letters III, pp 636-637).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
05-Be righteously angry at wrongs!
"When more get mad, not because they lose money, but because right is ignored and wrong enthroned, then the fires will come back to democracy. And these fires will burn like beacons summoning men to a finer and better world."
St. Faustina's diary
Once the Lord said to me, Act like a beggar who does not back away when he gets more alms [than he asked for], but offers thanks the more fervently. You too should not back away and say that you are not worthy of receiving greater graces when I give them to you. I know you are unworthy, but rejoice all the more and take as many treasures from My Heart as you can carry, for then you will please Me more. And I will tell you one more thing: Take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in My infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me. I will do everything for them. (294)
Ask of my faithful servant [Father Sopocko] that, on this day, he tell the whole world of My great mercy; that whoever approaches the Fount of Life on this day will be granted complete remission of sins and punishment.
Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.
Oh, how much I am hurt by a soul's distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in My Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness.
My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy. (300)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of both surrender and joy:
"Dear Children, I call you today to complete surrender to God-to great joy and peace which only God can give. I am with you and I intercede for you every day before God (Monthly Message March 25, 1989).
Christ also speaks of the rewards of abandoning oneself to God:
Peter began to say to him, "Look, we have left everything and followed you. " Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold?" (Mk 10:28-30).
Following Christ, surrendering ourselves to his care, is accompanied by beautiful gifts of the Holy Spirit, chief among them being inner peace. Yet it is a seeming paradox that in abandoning ourselves, placing ourselves totally at God's disposal, we should at the same time experience a profound freedom of spirit. But this is because all our cares, worries, and problems are no longer ours, but the Lord's. We become like trusting children again, confident and safe in the hands of our Father.
Mindful of Our Lady's message today, surrender yourself again to the Lord, using this prayer composed by St. Teresa of Avila:
Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your will.
Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever you require of me. Help me to respond to the slightest prompting of your grace, so that I may be a trustworthy instrument for your honor.
May your will be done in time and in eternity---by me, in me, and through me. Amen.
Message to J.N.S.R Jan.11,2009
The END of My Book is not the OMEGA.
It is the ALPHA of your LIFE in ME.
January 11, 2009
JNSR: GOD is asking me to live, with Him, what I am about to write now, in order to bring His Book to its end.
I love to paint as I love to draw , and I noticed that an artist would often like to enter the painting being done and to be involved with all those characters who make up the scenery to which he gives life.
GOD is the sublime artist who paints and animates this immense fresco which is the Universe. GOD is greater than the Universe, since HE is the One who painted it!
If sometimes I find, in a painting I have just done, that something frustrates me, I remove it with one stroke of the brush, and replace it with something else, or even with some paint. In any case, we cannot leave an empty spot.
When the painting is finished, sometimes, after a period of time, I come back to it and I realize that it needs a finishing touch. And this is how, as long as that painting is where I can see it, I never find it just as I wanted it to be.
And thus, GOD sees His Creation, but He granted it all freedom. He does not touch it, and it became quite imperfect.
GOD: I created this animated picture of the World that keeps on deteriorating itself. I did not create it stable, and it has lost its identity. It no longer knows who has created it, or why it exists! Poor World!
It is my Masterpiece. I must repair it. It is now self destructive. Either I obliterate it all, and I start all over again, or I obliterate the part that is most damaged by wars, massacres, insolent powers, the domination of money and all those fornications.
GOD says to Himself: How could I destroy a part of the Work that I Myself conceived? That Work is still Me.
This foolish world, how to save it? Against its own freedom of wanting to break My Work and destroy itself later.
JNSR: I see GOD, the paintbrush in His Hand, ready to intervene.
"My GOD, my GOD, please don't do it! A single stroke of that brush and we are no more, and with us, all Your Work. Have Mercy My GOD!"
that GOD needs to fix this mess. He again, must reestablish His Creation to perfection, as it was designed to be divine. Action must be taken quickly, for
matter can stand no longer the Times that are coming; it must disappear with all its subjects, all the creatures.
Since, by all means, it is running to its destruction.
GOD: I must redo this painting, Of My Own Substance which is indestructible,
and then, do this painting in Myself, so that it will live eternally, protected, and being My delight, instead of being a part of My despair. It will live, this New World, in "My Holy Will". I will give it "My Knowledge".
And so, GOD took this whole fresco which was away from Him, made it to be the delight of His Eyes, and entered it in Himself, after being through its "purification". It then became the delight of GOD, for he who sees GOD, becomes like Him.
Today, the shaky Scene of the entire World is living its final hours of impertinence
towards its Creator.
Mother of Perpetual Light 4-2-2009
Mother of Perpetual Light
The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedly from the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". On a number of occasions alleged messages were also received from the Eucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine", also in poetic verse.
For many more messages and information go Only 2008/09 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posted daily at the web site.
We now have three complete books of messages. You may download the complete books from the web site
See the archives for more information
Vision to littlest of servants April 3rd & 4th
While in Church both mornings while praying in front of the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision.
I received this vision both mornings. I was in the pew praying and I saw OUR LADY standing right next to my pew.
SHE spoke to me and told me that HER SON has asked that REPARATION be made to HER IMMACULATE HEART for the GREAT OFFENSE OF ABORTION.
That HER IMMACULATE HEART was being LACERATED on a daily basis by this GREAT ABOMINATION.
That what had been asked by HER and HER SON at FATIMA many years ago still holds true today, except the OFFENSES ARE MUCH GREATER.
Corrections to Message to Christina Gallagher March 29,2009
Apologies for delay in correction of typing errors in Our Lady’s message.
It is now over 20 years since Our Blessed Mother’s first apparition to Christina Gallagher. Our Lady’s call was not new. It was simply the call of Her Son in the Gospel -a call to come back to God, a call to repentance. It was a call to prayer from the heart through Her most beautiful Rosary. In the course of the past 20 years, God has powerfully upheld everything in Our Lady’s message as announced by Christina. She was frequently shown world events before they took place and all events shown to Christina have invariably been fulfilled;?
Earthquake in IRAN
As related in her autobiography (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross p11) she was shown an earthquake three weeks before it took place in Iran, killing 5,000 people. She told her spiritual director. When it occurred and was shown on television news, Our Lady explained to Christina that she had been shown the calamity before it took place, not to prevent it but to prepare the souls of the people for God.
In early 1993, one year before the horrible war in Rwanda, Christina received an apparition (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.11) in which she was asked by an African boy (unknown to her) named Emmanuel Segastashya, "Pray for me and my country, Burundi." - a country she had never heard of. It was only the following year when the slaughter of the war in Rwanda broke out and engulfed neighboring Burundi and among the countless victims of the massacres was Emmanuel - a visionary in Church - approved apparitions there - that the reason became clear to Christina.
On December 26, 1992 Christina had an apparition of the war that broke out approximately two years later in Chechnya. She made known, as usual, in advance what was shown to her. (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.262). ?
While in New York to address a Rosary Rally at Battery Park on September 11, 1999 Christina prophesied that the Twin Towers would be destroyed. She made the statement in the presence of a number of people including a US judge, a Canadian attorney, a radio broadcaster, and her spiritual director. One of these, Judge Dan Lynch, an American Judge, wrote an article on the matter and made it more widely public.
Tsunami in the INDIAN OCEAN
On a number of separate occasions, the first being eight years before the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster - the massive undersea earthquake which smashed into nine countries across Asia on December 26, 2004 killing approximately one quarter of a million people - Christina was shown the exact tsunami scene taking place on a beautiful sandy beach with the wave washing in over houses and leaving corpses strewn on the beach as it swelled out again to sea.
She did not have the word 'tsunami' as it was not in ordinary use then but she published what was shown her in her biography which appeared as far back as 1996. Christina would lament and cry bitter tears on seeing these scenes in advance for she knew how Our Lady had been trying since the beginning of Her apparitions to warn the world on how to prevent such disasters.
Her calls were widely ignored and even ridiculed. On CNN News and on RTE news bulletins in Ireland, December 29th and 30th scientists were quoted as saying, All we can say is that the sea-bed shifted from its axis .
They were actually using the exact words of warning Our Blessed Mother had spoken to Christina on July 16, 2002 (published then on the web-site)...I tell you the world has been drawn short of its axis. It is clinging to the Hand of God to uphold it through Jesus...' Not only did the foretold happening occur but was even described afterwards by scientists in the very terms predicted by Our Lady.
Weather changes throughout THE WORLD
Long before weather patterns began to alter, Our Lady was warning us of what has now become widespread throughout the world. As far back as January 1, 1995 She declared, '...My daughter, the world is in its decline! World purification has begun. It will intensify more and more.
The weather will be so changeable: heat to cold to ice: rainstorms like the world has not witnessed: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries: mudslides, disasters throughout the world will increase when the Hand of My Son covers the world... This message's widespread fulfillment is, of course, a matter of historical record.
Collapse of the STOCK MARKET
On January 23, 2006, Christina was told by Our Blessed Mother that the works She had desired 'should be completed at once as there will be a collapse in the stock market'. This message, given to Christina by Our Blessed Mother at the height of the economic boom in 'celtic tiger' Ireland as it was then called seemed incredible even to some devotees of Our Lady's message! Ireland was the economic envy of the world because of the enormous strength of the national economy and its highest-ever living standards.
We were being held up as the perfect example of material prosperity and for anyone to speak or even think of economic collapse seemed absurd and ridiculous. Yet, against all the odds and despite the complacency of experts the message of Our Lady to Christina was, as always, once again resoundingly fulfilled.?
ONE WORLD Currency, ONE WORLD Bank, ONE WORLD Government and ONE WORLD Church
As far back as 1992 Christina was told by Our Blessed Mother that a uniting of currencies would come about in Europe (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, pg 329) and following that, in the world. The former has of course already occurred as of March 2009, a number of world political leaders are calling for a world regulation of banking, and even a single world currency.
We can, therefore, now see a global bank and uniting of currency about to come into being. Swiftly we will see a total control of people being put in place through the use of the chip which will be nothing other than the mark of the beast mentioned in the Scriptures (Book of Revelations, chapter 13). Those who take it will lose their souls permanently as revelation states. Then there will be put in place a one world Church which will not be Christian.
Message upheld by HEALINGS
Over 500 healings have been recorded. These include 10 different forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of blocked carotid arteries among several other conditions. Some already have received exhaustive in-depth analysis and been found by consultants and medical professors to have 'no human, scientific, medical or psychological explanation'.
Message upheld by the Gift of Knowledge of SOULS
God's gift of seeing a person's state of soul was given to Christina as she ministered to priests. It is probably best summed up by a Jesuit theologian from London who first visited her 20 years ago. He later wrote of his experience, 'This remarkable Irishwoman demonstrated beyond any doubt that she possessed a sort of x-ray vision into my private world of conscience and moral striving. She could read the secrets of my heart. She could witness within me that hidden arena where, as is the case with everyone, warfare is waged non-stop between good and evil, truth and falsehood, light and darkness. Though aware that other priests had a similar experience, I was nonetheless bowled over when Christina Gallagher proceeded to discern with clinical precision the weaknesses and strengths of my world within'. (Dr. Richard Foley, S.J., Preface, The Sorrow, the Sacrifice and the Triumph by Dr. Tom Petrisko)
The following is the latest experience given to Christina by Our Lady Queen of Peace on March 29th 2009
The birth-pangs are over. The world is handed over to the anti- Christ.
Civil war will break out in the United States and many will fight and kill each other. Christina was shown a scene of what will take place, the weapons being used and the blood flowing. The horror was over powering for her. Christina was then allowed to witness the explosion of a bomb which will be dropped on America. Its impact was horrific. She was shown that an earthquake will follow some time later. (She, herself believes that the earthquake will be a direct consequence of the bomb.)
The events in the U.S. will also filter throughout Europe and then throughout the world. A great suppression will come about.??
Many, including Church authorities will go willingly in union with the anti-Christ because of the control he wields. Christina was shown how God desires to protect the handing on of the faith throughout the times that are to follow. Christina was shown how the Holy Father is suffering. There is much rebellion and hatred against him even within the Church. She was then shown the global Church descending into a great blackness and exuding misty vapour. This scene was surrounded by a multitude of angry demons wanting to get rid of the Church and Christianity.
Christina was then shown Blessed Michael, clad in red and gold and holding his sword upright. Behind him could be seen Our Blessed Lady and a multitude of angels in red, in haste to do battle with the adversary.
Pestilence will accompany the civil war and the suppression. Mosquitoes will carry all kinds of new diseases. Locusts such as have never been seen before will form a plague; it will seem as those themselves have an evil intent, almost as if they have an awareness that they are to wreak destruction.
The only hope for people in the U.S. to gain the graces of protection as invited by Our Blessed Lady is to be in the state of grace and draw from God’s graces through Her promise by going to pray frequently in Her Chain Houses and upholding them- now beforehand- as it will be too late for them when these events have begun to happen.
As messenger, Christina says it is heartbreaking for her to give this message and yet she has no option but to do so. She gives it in response to Our Blessed Lady despite her knowing that she will be mocked and ridiculed for doing so. However, it is up to each one to choose whether they accept or reject it.
For your information:
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Texas
(Central House and address for orders)
23700 Nameless Road
Leander, TX 78641
Phone 512 267-6830 or 512 733-4000(Marilyn Ankenbauer)
Fax 512 267-6853
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Kansas
102 South 10th Street
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Minnesota
33932 County Road 18
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
320 352-9954 or 512 733-4000(Marilyn Ankenbauer)
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Florida
153 Cumberland Street
Lake Placid, FL 33852
Tel 863 465-4901 or 561 622-1328(Jean Seelinger)
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer/Ohio
195 State Highway 151
Smithfield, OH 43948
877 287-1653
God love you,
Marita Delaney Wojdak
Our Lady's words to Christina for the anniversary, July 16th 2008,
"Everyone of you can see around you the disintegration of faith in God and the decline of the world.
I desire that you study My messages in which I prepared you for these times and foretold what has now come upon you.
I desire My children to read those messages in which I tried to protect you from the dangers which now surround you.
There is nothing more to be said."
4th Message to J.N.S.R. Jan.4, 2009
GOD dwells in the heart of every human being.
January 4, 2009
JNSR: What GOD did through LOVE for everyone, is exactly what everyone does (or must do) out of love for GOD, when they leave the earth. They rejoin GOD,
for All return to GOD.
The Heart of Man is a compass whose needles are constantly turned towards GOD.
The Heart of "GOD of LOVE" is conceived to shelter man.
It is this magnet whose magnetic field draws everyone to Him.
When the Time came to save mankind, Mary only had to say "YES". The Holy Virgin was ready to welcome the SAVIOUR of the World.
She was like the extension of the Heaven of Glory , She was the Holy Divine and Immaculate Conception, already informed by GOD to receive GOD, so as to get Him ready to be "the Son of Man" on Earth.
GOD is amongst mankind.
The Holy Spirit deposited the Verb of GOD in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and the Verb was made flesh and dwelt among us,
this Son of man is truly GOD,
He is His Verb become flesh.
He is the visible GOD, the GOD of the LIVING. The GOD who spoke to Moses, the GOD who became man so that Man may become GOD. The Father gave Him All His Authority.
Here is the Ultimate Revelation:
In the DIVINE is found the Human.
In the Human also dwells the DIVINE.
He is FATHER, He is SON, He is SPIRIT, in a One and Unique GOD.
A pregnant woman is always one woman by herself, until the birth of her child when they become two persons and even three if we count the father.
GOD with His Verb within Him and even out of Him, for the Word is roaming, it sings, it fascinates, it educates, it appeases.
But GOD and His Verb is the One and Same GOD.
And the Verb became Flesh, to atone for Man's sin and to give His human body to the Cross, to be the martyr of the original sin, so that His brother may be relieved from condemnation. And that the NAME of the Father may not be sullied and questioned, so that the debt incurred by the original sin may be totally remitted. The Son of GOD, the Verb of GOD gave His own flesh of Divine Man to die on the Cross, thereby annihilating with this virgin flesh, the sins it bore from all men, past, present and future.
The sacrificial Lamb of GOD emptied of every last drop of His Divine Blood, has just come to open the door of Heaven, which was locked since the origin of the World.
Now GOD's Name is still YESHOUA but is written YHShWH.
GOD "Yeshoua" is written "YHShWH" since Christ came: YHShWH, for the Sh added to the Hebrew letter, indicates the Humanity of GOD.
And Y is the letter indicating the Father.
The letter H, twice, indicates the Spirit, because it is double in the sign of the Cross. It goes from the Father to the Son. The W is to indicate the Divinity of Jesus, the Verb of GOD.
The Humanity of GOD - SH - indicates GOD become man Yeshoua, YHShWH,
From Father He made Himself SON.
From SON He made Himself Man.
From Man He made Himself Bread,
the Bread of Suffering on the CROSS,
so as to give Himself to every human.
The Holy Eucharist
For Christmas, My Holy NATIVITY,
You are invited to come and adore your GOD. who makes Himself so vulnerable that He dares say to you:
"See, I desired, like you, to have a Father, so as to look like Him.
That is why I became the SON of this GOD of LOVE for everyone.
I desired, like you, to have a Mother, for even God has that great need,
in order to be consoled in her arms.
I wanted to be King, without a crown, without a throne, without a sword,
only for you. For you, so that you elevate yourself with Me.
For you, I AM your Father, your Brother, and your King.
I chose to die on a CROSS, the one lever that can elevate you to Me,
For you, to offer you the best place.
I AM the Risen One!
I too would like, for one thing only, to resemble you,
for man alone can adore Me and pray to Me very intently,
and sing because I AM your CREATOR.
When you see Me in sorrow and suffering, with joined hands,
and My eyes fixed on Heaven, it is that I AM praying to My Father who is in ME,
as He is in you. And like you are in US, in the Father, in the Son with the Spirit.
I AM the SON of Man
and every man has GOD in him.
Yes, Jesus prays to His Father
who is in HIM.
Where is the Mystery?
Lec-What I Heard - April 4, 2009
April 4. 2009
6:45 A.M.
Son, receive my anointing and hear my words. I AM not going to belabor anymore the fact that very soon the great events will be witnessed by everyone and many who do not watch or simply shunned hearing words of warning will be shocked not only to witness but actually experience the effects of what are going to take place in the world.
I am not to cause fear as my greatest concern is for people who listen to my words to give the highest priority in the use of their time to gain what will earn merits for the soul in eternity. Reduce time for entertainment and use part of it to pray, do penance, worship and do good works.
Share knowledge on how time on earth can be used for the attainment of sanctity for the soul.
On the last sentence sounding like a directive, the thought of Devotion to the Divine Mercy came to mind. Checking on the small booklet on the first page I feel that what is stated below would satisfy what is asked. Lec
The church teaches us to be merciful in various ways:
1. Feed the hungry
2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Clothe the naked
4. Shelter the homeless
5. Comfort the imprisoned
6. Visit the sick
7. Bury the dead
1. Admonish sinners
2. Instruct the uninformed
3. Counsel the doubtful
4. Comfort the sorrowful
5. Be patient with those in error
6. Forgive offenses
7. Pray for the living and the dead
The Divine Mercy Novena begins on April 10th and ends on the eve of the feast day, the 18th.
To the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy Jesus attached an extraordinary promise:
The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion (on that day) shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet (II, 138).
Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them , but the Merciful Savior (III,20,21)
"I suffer for you today"
Friday, April 03, 2009
Dear Friends,
Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished. And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.
So when they had assembled, Pilate said to them, "Which one do you want me to release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus called Messiah?" For he knew that it was out of envy that they had handed him over.
While he was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him." The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas but to destroy Jesus.
The governor said to them in reply, "Which if the two do you want me to release to you?" They answered, "Barabbas!" Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" But he said, "Why? What evil has he done?" They only shouted the louder, "Let him be crucified!"
When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood. Look to it yourselves." And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children." Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified. Matthew 27:15-26
Here is the message Our Lord gave Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, "As you can see My trial before Pilate was a farce. Although he said that I was innocent, he had Me scourged and then handed Me over to the soldiers to be crucified. He had a notorious prisoner released instead of Me.
For the scourging the soldiers tied Me to a pillar and stripped Me. Then they started beating Me with long whips with some metal on the tips. This metal would enter My skin and tear out My flesh every time. At the end I was bleeding all over My body and I was lying on the floor covered with blood. I had no more strength to stand up. After the whipping was over, they placed a crown of thorns on My head driving the thorns into My flesh. Blood poured out of these wounds into My eyes and on the face.
My dear friends, I accepted all this suffering for you because I love you. I am indeed your Savior who paid the price for all your sins. I accepted to suffer and to die on the cross so that you would become My friend and live in union with Me every day. My heart is full of mercy for you, so come to Me and repent of your sins. I will take them all away. Come to the cross today and contemplate Me, Your Savior, as I suffer for you today."
Father Melvin
"The gift of Myself"
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Dear Friends,
Jesus withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself. The crowds heard of this and followed him on foot from their towns. When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick.
When it was evening, the disciples approached him and said, "This is a deserted place and it is already late; dismiss the crowds so that they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves." Jesus said to them, "There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves." But they said to him, "Five loaves and two fish are all we have here."
Then he said, "Bring them here to me," and he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over-twelve wicker baskets full. Those who ate were about five thousand men, not counting women and children. Matthew 14:13-21
Here is another message from Our Lord addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, "During My public life, often large crowds followed Me. When I went to a deserted area, they would gather there by the thousands. I would heal the sick and teach them. A number of times I multiplied loaves of bread and fish to feed all these people. I had the Apostles to help Me distribute all this food to the people.
I know for the Jewish people these feeding in the desert brought back to them what happened to their ancestors when they spent forty years in the desert. My Father gave them manna to eat every day. This miracle was to bring them to believe that I was doing the Father's work and in time I would be accepted as the Son of the Father.
For you who are My followers today, this miracle brings you to another miracle, that of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the food for your soul. I am truly present in the host and in the chalice so that I can come and live in your heart. I would like that all the people of the world would hunger for the Eucharist and come to receive Me regularly. It is the greatest gift that I left you, the gift of Myself. Repent of your sins and come to receive Me every day if it is possible. Come and live in union with Me."
Father Melvin
Message to Mirjana on Apil 2, 2009
"Dear children, God's love is in my words. My children, that is the love which desires to turn you to justice and truth. That is the love which desires to save you from delusion. And what about you, my children? Your hearts remain closed; they are hard and do not respond to my calls. They are insincere. With a motherly love I am praying for you, because I desire for all of you to resurrect in my Son. Thank you."
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 05 - I call you today to complete surrend
NOTE DATE: 2005 Medjugorje seer claims Pope appeared to him
A friend of ours close to Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic of Bosnia-Hercegovina writes, "At Ivan's apparition tonight (4/2) Ivan was recommending intentions to Our Lady when the Pope appeared on her left. He was smiling, young and very happy. All in white with a long gold cape. Our Lady said to Ivan: 'this is my son; he is with me.' Personally, I have never seen Ivan so happy."
"We adore You, Jesus Eucharist. We adore Your body and blood given for us and for all in the remission of sins. ... As we adore You, how can we not think about the many things we should do to give You glory? ... Help us, Jesus, to understand that 'to do' in Your Church, .... it is important above all 'to be', that is, to stay with You in adoration, in Your gentle company." (Pope John Paul II, March 18, 2005).
Mother Teresa
Anyone is capable of going to Heaven. Heaven is our home. Dying is not the end, it is just the beginning. Death is a continuation of life. This is the meaning of eternal life; it is where our soul goes to God, to be in the presence of God, to see God, to speak to God, to continue loving Him with greater love. We only surrender our body in death - our heart and our soul live forever.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Observe well that as long as you are displeased by the temptations you have nothing to fear. But why are you sorry about this, if not because you don't want to experience it? These troublesome temptations come from the evil of the devil. But the displeasure and suffering we experience come from the mercy of God, who, contrary to our enemy's will, draws holy tribulations from malice, through which He purifies the gold that wants to be part of His treasure.
Furthermore, your temptations come from the devil but your suffering and afflictions come from God and Paradise. The mother is from Babilonia, but the children are from Jerusalem. Despise the temptation and embrace the tribulation. No, no, my daughter, let the wind blow, and do not believe the noise of leaves is the blast of arms (Letters III, pp 636-637).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
05-Be righteously angry at wrongs!
"When more get mad, not because they lose money, but because right is ignored and wrong enthroned, then the fires will come back to democracy. And these fires will burn like beacons summoning men to a finer and better world."
St. Faustina's diary
Once the Lord said to me, Act like a beggar who does not back away when he gets more alms [than he asked for], but offers thanks the more fervently. You too should not back away and say that you are not worthy of receiving greater graces when I give them to you. I know you are unworthy, but rejoice all the more and take as many treasures from My Heart as you can carry, for then you will please Me more. And I will tell you one more thing: Take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in My infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me. I will do everything for them. (294)
Ask of my faithful servant [Father Sopocko] that, on this day, he tell the whole world of My great mercy; that whoever approaches the Fount of Life on this day will be granted complete remission of sins and punishment.
Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.
Oh, how much I am hurt by a soul's distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in My Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness.
My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy. (300)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of both surrender and joy:
"Dear Children, I call you today to complete surrender to God-to great joy and peace which only God can give. I am with you and I intercede for you every day before God (Monthly Message March 25, 1989).
Christ also speaks of the rewards of abandoning oneself to God:
Peter began to say to him, "Look, we have left everything and followed you. " Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold…" (Mk 10:28-30).
Following Christ, surrendering ourselves to his care, is accompanied by beautiful gifts of the Holy Spirit, chief among them being inner peace. Yet it is a seeming paradox that in abandoning ourselves, placing ourselves totally at God's disposal, we should at the same time experience a profound freedom of spirit. But this is because all our cares, worries, and problems are no longer ours, but the Lord's. We become like trusting children again, confident and safe in the hands of our Father.
Mindful of Our Lady's message today, surrender yourself again to the Lord, using this prayer composed by St. Teresa of Avila:
Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your will.
Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever you require of me. Help me to respond to the slightest prompting of your grace, so that I may be a trustworthy instrument for your honor.
May your will be done in time and in eternity---by me, in me, and through me. Amen.
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 04 - You will encounter God
"For Christians, the greatest gift is certainly Jesus, our salvation. In the Eucharist He wished to remain with us: He became our 'viaticum', that is, our spiritual nourishment along the path of life. He sustains us in trials and difficulties: He makes us firm in hope and in everyday commitments" (Pope John Paul II, Jan. 15, 2005).
Mother Teresa
Never let anything so fill you with pain or sorrow so as to make you forget the joy of Christ Risen
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Apr 4 I know the Lord permits the devil to make these assaults, because His mercy renders you dear to Him, and He wants you to be similar to Him in the anguish of the desert, the garden and the Cross. But you must defend yourselves, cast aside and despising his evil insinuations in the name of God and Holy obedience (Letters III, p 588).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Not knowing the absolutes of goodness have got us into the mess we're in!
"Democracy today finds it hard to make up its mind on what is right. Communism, on the contrary, made up its mind on what was wrong. All its passions were devoted to evil. Evil today is starting the fires that are burning down the world. Leadership in democracies today cannot be expected to come out of the ashes of spineless indifference."
St. Faustina's diary -
The words of Jesus during my perpetual vows: My spouse, our hearts are joined forever. Remember to Whom you have vowed... everything cannot be put into words.
My petition while we were lying prostrate under the pall. I begged the Lord to grant me the grace of never consciously and deliberately offending Him by even the smallest sin or imperfection.
Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I love You with all my heart! When times are most difficult, You are my Mother.
For love of You, O Jesus, I die completely to myself today and begin to live for the greater glory of Your Holy Name.
Love, it is for love of You, O Most Holy Trinity, that I offer myself to You as an oblation of praise, as a holocaust of total self-immolation. And through this self-immolation, I desire the exaltation of Your Name, O Lord. I cast myself as a little rosebud at Your feet, O Lord, and may the fragrance of this flower be known to You alone. (239)
In her monthly message for October, 1989, Our Lady said:
"Dear children, today I am also inviting you to prayer.
I am always calling you, but you are still far away. Therefore, from today, seriously commit yourselves to dedicating time to God. I am with you and I wish to teach you to pray with the heart. In prayer with the heart, you will encounter God. Therefore, dear children, pray, pray, pray." (Monthly Message October 25, 1989).
The conditions of quiet and solitude are needed to pray with the heart. In the gospels, Jesus often withdrew to a place of quiet:
The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no time even to eat (Mk 6:30-31).
Ohiyesa, a Santee Dakota Indian, once said:
In the life of the Indian there is only one inevitable duty the duty of prayer the daily recognition of the unseen and the eternal. He sees no need for setting apart one day in seven as a holy day, since to him all days are God's.
In the past, some of us have suffered from a mentality that tended to reject anything beyond ourselves. Whatever was unseen or eternal remained invisible to us. We were skeptical, scientific, task-oriented, self-centered, unreflective. It was like racing down a country highway at top speed, hardly tuned in to the rich vitality of life that surrounded us. When we stopped the car and explored the terrain, we could suddenly smell the grasses, hear birds singing, perhaps see a whole community in an anthill, or watch a darting squirrel.
Quiet prayer or meditation is not something we create on our own. It is largely a matter of shifting our attention, of being open to the spiritual, to the gentle urgings of the Holy Spirit deep with us. We don't need to force it. We need only to quiet ourselves and listen.
Today, make an effort to live moment to moment with the Spirit of God. Try to spend some time in a quiet place.
"Do not be afraid"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dear Friends,
Jesus came to his native place and taught the people in their synagogue. They were astonished and said, "Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds? Is he not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother named Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?
Are not his sisters all with us? Where did this man get all this? And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house." And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith. Matthew 13:54–58
Here is a message from Our Lord and Savior addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, “I was often rejected in My homeland and especially in Nazareth where I was born. As they knew Me and My family, they could not believe that I could speak as I did and that I had such mighty powers to heal and to bring back the dead to life.
The people looked at Me as just another man. They could not see that I was the Son of God and the Messiah sent by My Father to bring salvation to all the people of the world. Because of their lack of faith, I could not perform many mighty deeds there.
Am I better accepted today than when I lived in Israel? Am I still rejected by the people? I know that there are many people who have accepted Me and they live with great faith and they are My followers. They go to church and they pray every day. They follow the commandments of God and they are always ready to help the poor. These are My beloved disciples whom I bless every day and they live in close union with Me. However, there are many today who have rejected Me.
They fight against Me and My followers. They make fun of Me and the successor of St. Peter. Others are trying to destroy the Church I founded and spread all kinds of lies against Me and My Church. These are even worst than those who opposed Me during My public life.
They follow Satan and his evil ways. Do not be afraid of them because they will not last. I am now making all things new. Believe in Me, your Savior and your Friend. I will never abandon you. I live in you and I will give you the graces you need to stand up for Me. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Current Message
Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sul
September 7, 2008
The Vigil of the Feast
of the
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Thank you, little ones, for praying with all your heart. In this world there will always be inequality of the poor and of the wealthy. But in the next world, God dwells in glory and in equality. What you do in this world, God will reward you according to your deeds in the next. At some point, all can be in glory with Him, but the main key to dwelling in His glory is spiritual poverty.
In all humility you must seek meekness and pray with a humble heart. In everything that you do, you must seek humility. Everything that you are gifted is a grace from God and is not of your doing. You alone can do nothing!
Those who are poor truly have the upper hand, and it leads more quickly to spiritual poverty. However, there are many wealthy; and these, my children, give in the benevolence of their work. But everything granted is a gift from God whether it is your health, your appearance, your financial means, or even your spiritual component. Everything is from God! If He took that gift from you, you would have nothing!
Live in humility now, so that in the next world you are rewarded more quickly this greater gift of reigning in glory with Jesus. A wonderful gift indeed, spiritual poverty, humility of heart! Pray, children. Pray with all your heart, and remember: Whether you are loved in this world or hated, if you are forgotten or if your good name is remembered, it does not matter because God knows. He will never forget you. He will always love you.
If you continue to pray with a humble heart, your name is chosen to be among all the saints where a seat in His Kingdom has been reserved for you. So seek only God; and give Him glory, for He loves you. And if you desire to give me a gift, the greatest gift you can give to me is to live in humility and do all your works in Love, for Love, and through Love—that being my Son.
Peace to you, as I bless you abundantly with the great gifts of Heaven and graces from the abode of my Son’s Most Sacred Heart.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Fair use for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such 17 U.S.C
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
A writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the early African Liturgical Churches, Attorney James Wesly Smith ‘s 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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