Black Spirituality, African Black Saints, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians of Africa, Oceania, America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomon, Marianas, Society and Marshall Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and New Zealand
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE (Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
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Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
From Our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, and Blessed Mother Maryam... As you know they were homeless for several years, while avoiding Herod’s 10 assassins. They don’t desire you to be… so presented:
Free Foreclosure News (but update information and seek competent advice from the sources listed):
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary Protectress of Africa
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Protectress of Africa, you have given to the world the true Light, Jesus Christ. Through your obedience to the Father and the grace of the Holy Spirit, you have given us the source of our reconciliation and our justice, Jesus Christ, our peace and our joy.
Mother of Tenderness and Wisdom, show us Jesus, your Son and the Son of God. Guide our path of conversion, so that Jesus might shine his glory on us in every aspect of our personal, familial and social lives.
Mother, full of Mercy and Justice, through your docility to the Spirit, the Counselor, obtain for us the grace to be witnesses of the Risen Lord, so that we will increasingly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Mother of Perpetual Help, we entrust to your maternal intercession the preparation and fruits of the Second Special Assembly for Africa. Queen of Peace, pray for us! Our Lady of Africa, pray for us!
Yaounde, 19 March 2009
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Malentus, Rogatus, Nasseus, Maximus. We are martyrs at what is now Renault Algiers in 329 A.D. We were killed in tradition by Donatists or pagans revolting. Our parents set a monument to us. 21 447 A.D.
Mama and Papa. We were martyred in Africa, Kemet, 1 Oct. Coptic Calendar.
Mammarius martyred in Africa with Victorianus, 10 June.
Mammerius, Rogatus. Martyred in Africa, 24 Nov. (probably the same as Mammerius with Saturninus, martyred in Africa, 25 Nov).
Manilus, Solutor, Alexander, Theodulus, Theohilus, Octavius, Petronius, and Paulus. Martyrs at Carthage, 15 March
Manlius, martyr in Africa with Victorinus, 28 April
Mansuetus, Severus martyred in Alexandria 30 Dec.
Mappalicus, martyr,
Marcella, martyr, mother of Potamtiml, Hermit
Marcellinus of Carthage, see Apringius and Martyrs killed for the faith .
Marcellinus of Embrun, Bishop, martyr.
Marcellinus, Satulus with Regina, Martyrs in Africa, 2 April
Marcellinus with Saturninus, martyred in Africa,
Marcian of Kemet and others with him (4th Century A.D.), Martyrs. 5 June
Marcian, Quintus, Theodotus, and Tryphon, martyrs.
Marcionilla with Julian at Antinoe, Kemet (313 A.D.), martyrs, 8 Jan.
Marcus, Rufinus, Valerius Victor, Paulus, Honoratus, Donatus, Baricus,
Vitalis, Januarius, and Justus, martyred in Africa. 16 Nov.
Marcus with Sancta. We were martyred in Africa, 5 Dec.
Margarita with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Marianus, and Secundianus, the bishop with Jacobus, Concordia, Marina, Heliodorus, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
Marianus, Secundinus, I was a Bishop and martyr in Africa, 30 April, 30 Aug.
Marianus with Saturninus. Martyred in Africa, __.
Maridia of Alexandria November 25 Virgin martyr.(Probably the same as Maridia of Alexandria, virgin, 24 Nov).
Marina, and Secundianus, the bishop with Jacobus, Marianus, Concordia, Heliodorus, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
Marinus, and martyred 54 companions at Africa. 2 Feb.
Mark..Khemetian, born in Africa. Tradition holds that originally, Peter and Mark set out on evangelization mission. But one night, Peter dreamed he had go with Mark, to Rome and then to Alexandria, Kemet. Mark preached in Rome, and then returned to Kemet. His efforts drew many to Christ. He finally landed in Alexandria.
Another tradition by Eusebius, accords Mark the first bishop of Alexandria. As he entered the city gates, a sandal rap broke. A shoemaker was chosen to fix the leather—Anianus. He became Mark’s first disciple and convert to Yeshua, Jesus the Christ in Alexandria.
Enemies, however, sought out Mark. The writer of the Gospel of Mark after sufficient teaching, appointed Anianus bishop, and ordained three priests and seven deacons. Leaving the city, he told them to "serve and comfort the faithful brethren.”
After some years, Mark returned. The Christian community had grown considerably. But his enemies had not forgotten him. They jailed him.
On the following morning, Mark’s neck was tied with a rope. The malefactors dragged him by the neck from Alexandria up to the little port of Bucoles until he died.
They attempted to burn the body. The flames would not touch it. Christians in the community claimed the remains, burying it in a Church Mark had founded. It is said he is the first Christian martyr of the Church in Kemet.
He is credited with writing one of the four Christian canonical gospels, or at least his name and influence is attached to it. Severus, Bishop of Al-Ushmunain, in late tenth century in his Life of Apostle and Evangelist Mark, said Mark was one of the wine pouring servants that Jesus turned from water at marriage feast of Cana. Severus goes on to say that, Mark’s house was where Jesus appeared to disciples who were hiding after His resurrection dead.
Anianus, the shoemaker of the sandal of Mark, became a saint, whose memorial is celebrated under Anianus.
Mark the Faster of Kemet (5th century), 5 March.
Mark the Faster of Kemet (Egypt) March 13
Mark, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sept.
Mark, Valerius martyrs.
Martha with Mary and their brother Lycarion, in Kemet, Virgin martyr. 6 Feb.
Martialis, Statillianus with Rogatianus. Martyred in Africa 3 Jan.
Martin of Thebes, monk, 24 March
Martinianus with Saturianus. Martyred in Africa. 16 Oct
Martinus, with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa. We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Martyrs of Alexandria. We are a group of male and female martyrs killed under the orders of Arian Emperor Valens, 372 A.D. in the Church of St. Theonas, at Alexandria, Kemet. During or about Athanasius’ exile for the 5th time. fifth exile
Marulus, Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Successus, Misias, Matutina, Donatus, Successa, Alexander, Solutor, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March.
Mary (Marinus), nun, at Alexandria and her father Eugene (6th Century A.D.), St. 12 - Feb.
Mary from Sabra, withSanusi (Shenudi, Sanitius) we were martyrs in Kemet, withon the mouth of the Nile we were killed. Mary died under torture; I was carried to Antinoe and beheaded, under Roman Emperor Diocletian, 29 May. Coptic Calendar
MARY of Egypt , as Maria Aegyptica . The sunrise of my life came in 344 A.D. I left home at 12 spending 17 years of my youth entertaining, whether it was by music, dancing, or in prostitution. My family was wealthy. But wanting to be on my own, I left it for Alexandria, Kemet. But through the grace of God, I was called to Christianity, after visiting Jerusalem, the places where Yeshua Maryam, and the apostles walked and talked, the Palestine Holy Land
At a memorial service there, called the Exaltation of the Cross, I pressed through the crowds to get a good place in the Church. But a mysterious force did not allow me to enter it. I could not pass the doorway.
I became overwhelmed with grief for my life’s activities up to then. I spiritually asked Maryam for her blessing,help and remedy. An interior locution (voice) told me to go beyond the Jordan River. That a voice told me go to the desert, which I did immediately. I became a hermitess, and for 50 years practiced that in repentence, living on herbs and berries.
Now one day a holy man, Zosimus from Palestine, and a friend of God came to visit. He informed me he would return in a year. When he returned, I had died, in 421 A.D. A lion with its paws, helped him dig my grave. Zosimus wrote of me.
My day of memorial ,3, April. If the Greek Rite, it is 1 April.
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
"I suffer for you today"
Friday, April 03, 2009
Dear Friends,
Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished. And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. So when they had assembled, Pilate said to them, “Which one do you want me to release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus called Messiah?”
For he knew that it was out of envy that they had handed him over. While he was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him.” The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas but to destroy Jesus.
The governor said to them in reply, “Which if the two do you want me to release to you?” They answered, “Barabbas!” Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!”
But he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” They only shouted the louder, “Let him be crucified!” When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood.
Look to it yourselves.” And the whole people said in reply, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.” Then he released Barabbas to them, but after he had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified. Matthew 27:15–26
Here is the message Our Lord gave Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, “As you can see My trial before Pilate was a farce. Although he said that I was innocent, he had Me scourged and then handed Me over to the soldiers to be crucified. He had a notorious prisoner released instead of Me.
For the scourging the soldiers tied Me to a pillar and stripped Me. Then they started beating Me with long whips with some metal on the tips. This metal would enter My skin and tear out My flesh every time. At the end I was bleeding all over My body and I was lying on the floor covered with blood. I had no more strength to stand up. After the whipping was over, they placed a crown of thorns on My head driving the thorns into My flesh. Blood poured out of these wounds into My eyes and on the face.
My dear friends, I accepted all this suffering for you because I love you. I am indeed your Savior who paid the price for all your sins. I accepted to suffer and to die on the cross so that you would become My friend and live in union with Me every day. My heart is full of mercy for you, so come to Me and repent of your sins. I will take them all away. Come to the cross today and contemplate Me, Your Savior, as I suffer for you today.”
Father Melvin
Mother of Perpetual Light 3-30-09
Mother of Perpetual Light
The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedly from the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". On a number of occasions alleged messages were also received from the Eucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine", also in poetic verse.
For many more messages and information go to Only 2008/09 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posted daily at the web site.
We now have three complete books of messages. You may download the complete books from the web site
See the archives for more information
Powerful Vision and Message to littlest of servants April 2, 2009
While in Church this morning before Mass praying in Front of the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following visions and messages.
I saw what looked like a eruption of a volcano underneath the sea.
JESUS then spoke and told me that this would create waves of historic proportions which would wash ashore.
HE then said that soon many will find themselves before HIM in JUDGMENT.
I then saw another volcano erupt and ash falling creating darkness and I then saw many people in this darkness of ash and they were falling to the ground dying.
JESUS spoke to me again and told me that soon many would find themselves before HIM in JUDGMENT.
I then saw many eruptions of volcanoes underneath the ocean and I saw great waves rise up and move toward land.
JESUS then spoke and told me that many undersea volcanoes worldwide would soon awaken.
HE continued and told me that soon many worldwide would find themselves before HIM in JUDGMENT.
I then saw an island and half of it fall into the ocean and a GREAT WALL OF WATER MOVING TOWARD LAND.
JESUS spoke again and told me that soon many would find themselves before HIM in JUDGMENT.
I then saw a volcano and a huge eruption with ash covering several states.
JESUS then spoke and told me that soon YELLOWSTONE WOULD ERUPT.
I then saw volcanoes and huge waves and I saw the word ABORTION over them.
JESUS then spoke and told me that many have rejected HIS LOVE AND MERCY and have continued to destroy HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES.
That we are calling on the JUSTICE OF GOD by continuing to KILL HIS LITTLE ONES.
Then HE said again soon YELLOWSTONE WOULD ERUPT.
Later the ETERNAL FATHER spoke to me. He told me that because many have rejected the pleas of HIS SON and HIS DAUGHTER to come to MERCY and LOVE that now the ARM of HIS JUSTICE would fall upon us.
HE then said it not HIM who will punish unfairly but it is MANKIND whose has demanded HIS JUSTICE.
That HE takes no pleasure in having to chastise us and that HE DESIRES to shower HIS LOVE AND MERCY UPON US.
It is MAN who continues to destroy HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES even before they have taken their first breath.
That MAN has taken what HE, the ETERNAL FATHER, has created to give life and turned it into a DEATH CHAMBER. THE WOMB (the FATHER is now shouting as HE wants all to hear HIS WORDS) was CREATED BY ME TO GIVE LIFE NOT TAKE IT AWAY.
HE continued and said that the HEAVENS are filled with the cries of HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES as they are destroyed in the very place that is suppose to give them LIFE.
Later OUR LADY spoke and told me that MANKIND has taken what the FATHER has CREATED to be a place of life, security, and love for HIS LITTLE ONES and we have turned it into a place a death.
THAT THE WOMB IS NOW A DEATH CHAMBER. The WOMB where your SAVIOR was nourished and loved and then given to the world.
The WOMB which is supposed to be a place of LIFE AND LOVE has been turned into by MANKIND'S SELFISH DESIRES a place of HATE AND DEATH.
The WOMB instead of reflecting the GREAT GIFT OF THE ETERNAL FATHER OF LIFE REFLECTS satan's gift to mankind of DESTRUCTION AND DEATH.
JESUS then spoke and told me that this country, America, which had once recognized HIM as their KING now have rejected HIM.
I then saw the cross and it was on the ground and many people were stepping on it.
I then looked at the CRUCIFIX in the Church and I then saw it turn into a coffin.
JESUS then spoke again and told me that we now worship death in this country.
That we have a culture of death instead of LIFE.
That we will now pay the price for this by suffering many and greatchastisements.
That we will be brought to our knees and our senses by these HAMMER BLOWS OF JUSTICE.
Messages to John Leary Feb.26-March 25,2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in today’s reading from Moses (Deut. 30:15-20), he sets before the Israelites the blessing and the curse, and he asks them to choose life in following My Commandments. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and if they obeyed God, they would live in prosperity. But if they disobeyed God, then they would suffer punishment for their sins. This is what happened in that they prospered while they were close to Me. Then when they followed other gods, they were exiled to Babylon and lost their land. America has a similar promised land because of your belief in My law at the founding of your nation. You have the same choice to make-either the blessing or the curse.
Your country has chosen not to follow life, but you are following the death culture in your abortions, euthanasia, and wars. Because of this choice of following the gods of the world instead of Me, you also will have your land and nation taken away from you. This will come in the form of martial law and a loss of your freedoms as you will be joined in the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Be prepared for this takeover as you will need to go to My refuges for protection before martial law. Fear not the evil ones since My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Jesus said: My people, when you see someone in need and you could help that person, you have an opportunity for grace in doing so. This is your Christian duty, but even more so in Lent you should be taking every opportunity to even look more to help people without being asked. The more charity that you perform, the more graces and spiritual treasures that you will store up for yourself in heaven.
You think first of the physical needs of people, but you can also reach out in faith to evangelize people to follow Me in their spiritual needs as well. If you can help save a soul from going to hell in their sins, you will be helping their soul which lives on forever after the body dies. Reach out with your prayers also, both for sinners on earth and for the souls in purgatory.
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you a cave in the hill as a place for a refuge. My angels could lead you to such a place of protection. You need to scout into the cave to make sure other animals are not using it for a shelter also. You also need to put a brush covering over the entrance as a protection from animals and to disguise it from the evil ones. My angels will provide you food and water to live, but you need to bring utensils, pans, and cups for eating.
A sleeping blanket and warm clothes would be needed to keep warm in a 50 F cave. You could test how far back to go in a cave with a match or lantern. When the flame goes out, there is not enough oxygen to breathe. A windup flashlight would be good for light. Living in a cave may be a little uncomfortable, but it could protect you from the weather outside. Trust in Me that I will provide various places or refuges for you to stay so you could be protected throughout the coming tribulation. Have patience and you will soon see My Era of Peace.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Jesus said: My people, this flowing water in a falls and a river is like the abundant graces that I make available to you during Lent. With your Lenten devotions you have many opportunities to gain graces with your prayers, fasting, and good works. If you go along as usual without gaining these graces, you are not taking advantage of the availability of My graces. When you repent and go to Confession as well as your Lenten devotions, your soul will benefit greatly.
Lent is a time to improve your spiritual life, and you need this help on your path to heaven. By detaching yourself more from the things of the world and your bad habits, you will be purifying your soul for when you meet Me at your judgment. Not everyone is properly prepared for their death, but you cannot even be sure that you will be alive tomorrow. Live the present moment now so you will always be prepared when I come to take you home to Me.
Jesus said: My people, there are some people who are drawn to make bets on winning jackpots in casinos or Lottery Sweepstakes. It is one thing to bet a small limited amount of money, but there are some who are compulsive gamblers who risk money they cannot afford to lose. It is this excessive gambling that is sinful and can cause a family to lose the money that they need to live on.
There is another kind of spiritual gambling with your soul. Some people are gambling that they are going to live a long life and they are putting off their conversion until tomorrow to have a good time today. You cannot be sure that you will live until to tomorrow if I call you home today. Better not to wait for your conversion, but do it now while you still have time in this world. Do not gamble with your soul, but be sure that you repent of your sins before you meet Me at your judgment. You are safer to not gamble at all in this world or with your soul.
(Matthew Gysel funeral service-vase of ashes) Jesus said: My people, this soul of Matthew has made it into the lower regions of purgatory because of your Masses and prayers for his soul.
Even when someone is not openly religious, they still could be leading a good life. It is the family’s prayers and Masses that can save such souls from going to hell. At one point in their judgment, they need to show Me that they love Me. If they fully reject Me through life and at their judgment, then these souls are condemning themselves to hell. Pray for Matthew continuously and he will one day come to heaven.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Jesus said: My people, the first reading talks about the flood in Genesis that killed all the people but Noah and his family. There was a covenant made by God to man that water by a flood will never kill everyone again. We put a rainbow in the sky when it rains as a symbol of this covenant. Another covenant was made by God to man that I promised to come and die for all of you as a holy sacrifice so that all of your sins would be forgiven.
When you are baptized, original sin is forgiven. The symbol of washing with water in Baptism washes away your sins and the water is a link with this first covenant. The rainbow is a symbol also of new life in the Spirit as now you are joined with all the faithful in a common faith and belief in Me. Give praise and thanks to God for making all of these covenants with you.
Jesus said: My people, there are many conflicts going on all over the world because the evil one is influencing these wars. The financial problems of the world are also part of the evil one’s plan for eventual takeover. Many times I ask you to pray for peace and even more so during Lent because there is much dissension among the people of the world.
By keeping peace in your own hearts and families, you can also spread your love all around the world. When you pray during Lent, put an extra emphasis on praying for peace and the stoppage of wars because the enemy is trying to divide you and conquer you. Trust in My help because one day I will bring My peace in My Era of Peace.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Jesus said: My people, every year thousands die from influenza during the winter time. Imagine a year if there were a more virulent flu bug spread throughout the population. This is exactly one of the one world people’s plans to spread a pandemic virus through the chemtrails in the sky.
They have put these trails in the sky for so long, that people have seen them without being very concerned. A pandemic contagious virus could kill many people and reduce the population, which is what the one world government people desire in controlling fewer people. When you see many people dying from this epidemic, this would be another reason to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges where you would be healed from all sicknesses by looking on My luminous crosses or drinking from the miraculous spring water.
My refuges will provide you both spiritual and physical protection through the power of the angels to make you invisible. Trust in My coming protection during the tribulation because I send you the grace of My angel protection to help you endure the evil of this evil time. This time of evil will be brief before I will come in victory to establish My Era of Peace.
Jesus said: My people, there have been many people who have lost value in their houses, and their market value is much below their original mortgage. You have used an expression under water to describe the mortgage that is priced below fair market value. This vision of America’s ship of state under water is the same situation where your increasing deficits are about to bankrupt your country with little chance of finding enough buyers to hold your debt.
Your banks and insurance companies still have a lot of bad loans on their books that they are afraid to write off as losses because it would bankrupt these institutions. You will soon see that it is impossible to bailout all of your big banks, and once they collapse, your economy will fall with them. This chaos will be one of the means that will enable the one world people to declare martial law and form the North American Union with the amero as the new currency.
As you see this chaos and martial law declared, this will be a sign to you to have My angels lead you to your refuge of protection. This evil reign will be short with the Antichrist, as I will defeat him and bring about My Era of Peace.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in the midst of your many troubled financial times, many people are being brought to their knees to pray for My help. I know all of your needs, but I do not force My graces and blessings on you. You should also acknowledge that without Me, you can do nothing.
You are always dependent on Me, but you should be following and seeking My ways instead of man’s ways. If you are drawn to pray to Me for your petitions, then you must change your priorities of time to make time for your prayers. It is better to pray your prayers during the day instead of leaving them to your bedtime when you are too tired to pray.
Some have a desire to pray My Blessed Mother’s rosary, which is your weapon against the demons. But when you pray, you should pray slowly and reverently. Do not rush through your prayers because prayer is like expressing your love for Me. I want to be able to hear your prayers without saying them so fast that you can barely understand what you are praying. Several slow rosaries with fervor are much more pleasing to Me than many rushed rosaries.
By praying properly and in a planned time, you will find that your prayer life will be much more rewarding in giving peace to your soul. Let this Lent be your inspiration to pray more and avoid all of the worries and distractions of worldly things. I know that you need to survive and take care of your household, but with faith and trust in Me, you will have what you need without seeking more than you need.
Jesus said: My people, you are aware of fiber optic cables coming into your house which has two-way communication. High definition digital cable enables the Cable company to see and hear what is going on by your TV. You have learned of another potential threat to your brain functions when analog broadcast will go over to digital signals.
The broadcast signals could embed a silent sound signal with a similar frequency to your brain waves.
This signal could affect your subconscious mind to do things against your will. I told you to remove your TVs and computer monitors out of your house after the Warning to avoid looking at the Antichrist. This latest technology may be another reason to avoid watching TV for long periods of time. An analog signal would create static when using this silent ELF signal, but a digital signal would not be affected, so you would not know if it was being used or not. Limit your TV watching to a minimum to protect your mental faculties. Call on My protection and heed My warnings.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: My people, just as I was persecuted and crucified on the cross, many of My followers have been persecuted and martyred for My sake over the years. To give up your life to keep your faith, takes courage and determination in the face of death. This is why My martyrs for the faith have a special place in heaven for their bravery. But it is the evil ones who have to suffer for these unjust killings.
Those, who have been martyred, have become instant saints, and I ease their suffering at the moment of death. In some parts of the world there are still Christians being killed for their faith. A time of such persecution is coming again in the tribulation which is one reason why My faithful will need protection at My refuges.
Fear not this time because you will either be instant saints in heaven if you are martyred, or you will be protected at My refuges until your reward in My Era of Peace. Be faithful to Me no matter what happens to you, and you will eventually be with Me forever in heaven.
Jesus said: My people, seeing this venomous snake in a house represents how the serpent, Satan, has slithered into your government. Your new government will be seeking more abortions, control of your health care, the beginning of mandatory smart cards and eventually chips in the body, and a planned bankruptcy through overspending.
There is a planned joining of America with Mexico and Canada into the North American Union. This same demon is sowing seeds of division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant.
Be watchful of any New Age teachings and leave that church if they are using these things, since they are worshiping the things of the world instead of Me. Call on My help, and My angels will defend you against any evil ones around you. Trust in My power to defeat the evil ones and you will have no worries.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in your youth you depended on Me for watching over you, and still in your later years you depend on Me, but with a greater knowledge of My place in your life. Some people learn their basic faith while they are young, but they do not work on growing their faith as they get older.
This is why some fall away from their faith because they stop going to church and rely more on their own means. Your faith will grow cold if you forget your daily prayers and your Sunday Mass. Keep your love for Me vibrant every day in your prayers and consecrate everything over to Me.
By seeing and recognizing your total dependence on Me, you are more able to grow in your faith beyond the faith that you had as a child. You need child-like faith, but your life’s goals need to be centered on how to serve Me the best that you can. By having an open heart to My mission for your life, then I can mold you into the Christian that I want you to be. Give praise and thanks to your God for all that I do in your life, and you will one day receive your reward in coming to heaven.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, there are many traditional Catholics that have fought to preserve the old rites of the Roman Catholic Church. This smoke that put this knight to sleep is part of the many changes in My Church that have done away with many of your old traditions.
In the old Church the statues and crucifixes were covered with purple cloths during Lent. In churches of today you would be fortunate to find some traditional statues and the large crucifix on the altar. Some churches cover their statues, but only a few can be seen. Take advantage of your Lenten devotions to work on improving your spiritual life.
Jesus said: My people, I know that many of you had difficulty looking at a gay marriage which I abhor in My Church. I created man and woman to be joined in marriage and not same sexes.
This is an open defiance of My institution of Marriage between a man and woman in the sacrament of Matrimony. I love all peoples, but relations between same sexes are as sinful as two of the opposite sex living together in fornication. This is not about rights, but it is against My Commandment. Only relations under the marriage covenant are lawful.
Jesus said: My people, there are signs all around you of how world globalism is trying to take over the world in the name of the new world order. Attempts to form continental unions is your most open sign of this evil trying to take over.
The elitists of the world think that they know best how to lead the people of the world. Be aware to discourage this takeover because it will lead to the Antichrist’s takeover. There will be a battle over putting chips in everyone and controlling your personal information. Evil people are trying to implement global control, but as national martial law comes, you will need to go to My refuges for protection.
Jesus said: My people, this is the future by the one world people in that they want to force everyone to have a chip in the body in order to buy and sell. Refuse to take any chip in your body that could control your mind and your free will. This is why you need to come to My refuges for protection before the men in black come to your homes to try and force mandatory chips in the body on you.
Should they capture you and you refuse these chips, they will then place you in the death camps to gas you and cremate your body. Call on My help so you can leave your homes before the evil ones come for you.
Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the beginning of a national health program that will computerize all of your health problems that will be available to those who want to discriminate against you.
This was the Eugenics plan of the Nazis in World War II. It will be the mandatory chip in the body plan that will be enforced by your security departments as your new secret police. Avoid this health plan at all costs because it is a deception of the new world order planners.
Jesus said: My people, you are now seeing the depression word being mentioned even as your politicians fought earlier to avoid the recession word. Each month has brought more lost jobs, more calls for bailouts, and more businesses on the brink of bankruptcy. The one world people have created this crisis, but all of their money plans to fix this downturn have not worked.
Their solution to deficit spend is really meant to bankrupt your government. This goal of a takeover has been their plan right along from the beginning. Bankruptcy of the government will lead to chaos and martial law which will result in the North American Union of the one world people. Prepare to come to My refuges as martial law is about to be declared.
Jesus said: My people, it is important that you do everything to protect your peace in your soul by My grace. Do not become worried or anxious of the current events, but do what is prudent for your physical and spiritual protection. When you have full trust in My protection, there is no cause to worry.
Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints with little pain. Others will be led to My refuges to have all of your needs provided for. So have full trust in My watching over you, and all of the tribulation will not disturb your peace.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Jesus said: My people, as you start to see warmer weather prevail, it is like a new lease on life when you can get out into your yard to clean up the winter’s broken tree branches and start your spring cleaning inside your house as well. Many of you are so taken up with your outward appearances that you forget to take a look at your inner appearances in your soul. You can look at your Lenten Season as your spiritual spring cleaning of all of your sins and bad habits.
By going to Confession and really examining some of the root causes of your sins, you can clean out the sinful trash in your life and make a better inner appearance to Me with a clean soul. Keep your focus on Me every day in your prayers, and be more concerned with keeping your soul swept clean than your outward appearance on your body or in your house. In other words spring cleaning should be good for both your soul and your house.
Jesus said: My people, your Warning experience will be unique for each person. You will be reviewing your life’s experiences, but you will also be viewing your life from the perspective of other people in your life. You will see how you helped people, and how you may have misled someone into sin. Most of all you will understand what I thought of your actions in every minute of every day of your life.
You will see how you spent your time for good things and how you may have wasted time in your life following your own will. You will be sorry for your sins, and you will desire Confession to make amends for the sins that you did not tell. Once you are back in your body, you will have a second chance to change your ways to live more for following Me than your own ways.
When you are faced with your mini-judgment, you will see how short this life is and how important it is to focus your life more on serving Me than on following the devil’s temptations of worldly comforts and pleasures. Use this Warning to come closer to Me as you realize the importance of love for Me and love for all of those people that you will encounter in life. Always be reaching out to save souls for heaven.
Saturday, March 7, 2009: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)
Jesus said: My people, in today’s Gospel I am asking everyone to love and pray for your enemies. I am all loving and I love all of My creatures, even those that do not fully love Me. This loving of enemies is difficult for the earthly body, but I am constantly calling you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect.
You have a choice in this life to either be purified by your purgatory on earth, or in real purgatory after your death. As you saw in the vision, in order to gain heaven, you must detach yourself from every thing and love of the world so you can be fully focused on loving Me. You will be constantly singing My praises as you worship and adore Me.
This is why your daily prayers and your coming to Me in daily Adoration is preparing you for being with Me in heaven. Everything on earth is passing away so you should be most focused on those attentions of the soul which will live on forever after the body dies. Everything, that you can do on earth to store up heavenly treasures, will help offset your sins at your judgment. Use this Lenten time to help purify your soul in its preparation for one day being in heaven with all of My saints and angels.
Jesus said: My people, I told you earlier that you could see another war this year, and the target would be over Iran’s nuclear program. There is a concern, especially in Israel, if Iran would have nuclear weapons because they have missiles to deliver such a bomb. Israel has been threatening to bomb the nuclear plant unless Iran stops its program. Iran has also threatened to destroy all tankers leaving the Persian Gulf if they are attacked. Up to now there has only been a war of words, but this will soon change as Israel is afraid of a Nuclear Iran.
Such an attack could quickly draw America into war trying to defend the oil tankers. Once a war happens, oil prices would go high because of less access to the oil ports. America is financially in no condition to suffer an oil loss and to pay for another war. Many need to pray for peace in this area so hearts and minds could be changed to stop such a war from starting.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Jesus said: My people, today’s first reading about Abraham being asked by God to offer up his only son, Isaac, takes some explanation to understand. Isaac had been born late in life when Sarah’s normal time to have children was over. It was a miracle that he was born, and Isaac was the only heir to the many descendants promised by God. This is why it was difficult for Abraham to carry out the Lord’s request.
It was out of obedience and love of God that he was ready to sacrifice his only son. Think a moment if the Lord asked you to sacrifice your first born.
As much as you love God and your children, it would be very difficult to even think of carrying out that sacrifice. God the Father so loves all of mankind that He offered up My life as a man for the redemption of all of your souls, even though I was His only begotten Son. Love of God is so important that this love must prevail over any other person or thing in this life.
This is why God the Father tested Abraham’s love and obedience. Abraham was later rewarded in many ways for his sole allegiance to God, even over his only son. This is also why your love for Me is also even more important than even your own life. Many people and saints would rather give up their life than give up their faith. This would be another test that you may have to endure during the coming tribulation.
Jesus said: My people, I want you to pray for some people in your country that are having to deal with floods around their houses. Water damage can be very devastating to a house, especially if it takes days to recede.
Pray that the damage can be repaired so these people can move on with their lives. America is suffering many natural disasters, one right after the other. All of these disasters and financial problems are taking a toll on your people. Continue to keep strong in your prayers and call on Me in your needs.
Monday, March 9, 2009: (St. Frances of Rome)
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you more destruction from a heavy rainfall that was eroding hillsides and carrying away homes in the water. There will be some deaths from drowning. These people will be forced to rebuild in areas without flood plains. Again people are going to suffer worse destruction than I showed you before. Flooding, wind storms, tornadoes, ice storms, and hurricanes are natural disasters that will continue to harass your people because of your sins of abortion, now embryonic stem cell research, and your many sexual sins.
Pray for poor sinners and that your people will repent of their sins. Without repentance, more disasters will befall you. America is being brought to its knees because of your greed, arrogance, and material worship of things and money. You are seeing many freedoms being taken away until you will lose control of your country over to the one world people. Prepare to go to your interim and final refuges.
For Joan: Jesus said: My faithful people, your house with the Dozule cross will be an interim refuge for souls seeking My protection. There will be an angel of protection that will be visible to you who will keep the people invisible to the authorities.
The luminous cross will only be at the final refuges, but the interim refuges will have food, water, and shelters multiplied for your needs. I told you before that some interim refuges will become final refuges, but this will be revealed later. Have faith and trust in Me, since you are always dependant on Me for everything. Remain strong in your prayer life which will give you endurance through all of these events.
Jesus said: My people, many people have lost their jobs, have considerable losses in the current stock market, or have lost considerable value in their homes. Because of the economic hard times and the fear of losing their jobs, many people have also put off buying new cars or new homes. If they lost their job, they may have their cars repossessed or they may have to sell their new home in a bad market.
This is why many still have their old cars and the auto makers are having a hard time to sell their new cars. This just causes another downward spiral of more auto jobs being lost and the automakers are even in more danger of going into bankruptcy. This again becomes another problem for those calling for automakers to get more bailout money when it appears that bankruptcy is inevitable.
Many businesses are going to close their doors before lending from the banks will be restored. Even the stock market continues down, based on the new taxes and regulations being proposed. It is your deficit spending that could cause your country to go bankrupt before things could turn around. Pray for all of your people to have enough food and shelter to survive. You will soon be going to My refuges once your government fails.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Jesus said: My people, I am giving you a message of love because of how much I love everyone, even those who do not love Me. You can see My love in that I suffered and died on a cross for ransoming all of your sins. I give you My unconditional love because you are all My creations and I am an example for you to love everyone also. You need to strive to love even your enemies, if you want to work toward your perfection.
My son, I want you to teach My love for My people as well as any preparation that is needed for the tribulation. When everyone sees My love, you will know why I will go to great lengths in doing the impossible for protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges, and providing for your needs.
It is most important that you pray and give Me worship every day. This is why if you do not have a priest for Mass at the refuge, I will have My angels give you your daily Bread of Communion so I can be united with you in all of your trials.
When you see the world famine, the division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, martial law, and the pandemic virus, you will know it is time to call on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge. Rejoice that you will be invisible to the evil ones on the way to your refuge. Everything that you need will be provided, so have full trust and faith in My watching over you. Know again that it is out of love that I am with you always in My Real Presence in My Host.
Jesus said: My people, during Lent you have been reading parts of the Book of Exodus both at Mass and in the Liturgy of the Hours. A good Bible study project would be to read the whole Book of Exodus so you can see all of the details from the various parts that you are reading. You are leading up to Passion Week which has a great parallel with the Passover from Egypt and My Last Supper before I became the Lamb sacrificed for all of mankind.
The Passover Meal of unleavened bread became My Body, and the wine became My Blood in the first Mass. This was the institution of My Eucharist that you share in every daily Mass. The more you read about the Exodus from Egypt, the more you will see this as the foreshadowing of why I came to the earth to save all of you from your sins.
Even some of your old movies can give you a feeling of living during the Exodus and My time on earth. Give praise and glory to God for giving you this gift of your salvation.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Jesus said: My people, I am giving you a preview of what it will be like when everyone will be called before Me in your Warning experience. You all will be drawn out of your bodies in your spirit body, and you will still experience all of your senses as a spirit. It will appear as you are moving quickly through a tunnel. You will be traveling through space toward My Light.
At that time you will then experience an illumination of your conscience, and you will experience your life review as if you had just died. You will be outside of time in the eternal now, as I will show you all the events in your life, both good and bad. You are being shown this again from other people’s perspective and in front of Me so you will be able to understand My judgment of your life.
You will see where you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and you will have a small taste of where you were judged. Then you will travel quickly again back into your bodies in the present time, and you will be given a second chance to repent of your sins and change your sinful lives.
This Warning experience is My great mercy on all souls to wake you up spiritually, and prepare you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will always have your free will, but now you will have been warned not to take any microchip in your body and not to worship the Antichrist. After this Warning you should remove your TVs and computer monitors from your house so you are not misled by the Antichrist and his agents.
All of My faithful will be warned when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. You will be working feverishly to save as many souls as possible from going to hell, especially in your own family. Be prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, for you will need clean souls and My help to endure these end times. Trust and have faith in Me always because I love all of you so very much, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Jesus said: My people, it is hard for you to imagine a soul body burning amidst the sulfur stench of a molten hot volcano. This is why souls and demons in hell are very ugly looking because they feel burning constantly without being consumed by the fire. To be in this wretched place of hell with no love and without My presence is so terrible to imagine someone living in that environment for all eternity with no hope of getting any better.
These souls in hell are constantly being tormented by the demons as well as the rest of their suffering. If you saw the souls in hell, you would be struggling even more desperately to save souls from going to hell.
This is why souls that have near death experiences of going to hell, are really awakened to how their lives were so evil and they need to repent and change their lives. Seeing the pits of hell is a real wake-up call to change for the better.
You can come to Me out of love, which is the most desirable, but you can also come to Me out of the fear of being forever in hell. However you decide, it is much more important to strive for heaven than to be spiritually lazy in sin that could lead you to a judgment in hell.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Jesus said: My people, these phone lines and cell phone towers represent the many communications that you make with each other. This is in addition to your daily conversations that you have with each other in person.
You spend every day talking with each other, but how long do you spend each day talking to Me in your prayers? I am always reminding you to leave time in your day for prayer time, and not just at bedtime when you are too tired to pray. If you truly love someone, then you will tell them every day and not just one hour on Sunday.
Prayer and faith in My answering prayer will get you through your many trials of the day. During Lent you should be more focused on Me in prayer and how you could improve your sinful lives.
I have even asked you many times to spend quiet time with Me in contemplative prayer so you can be open in your heart to listen to My words of advice. You spend a lot of time talking, but you should develop your skills of listening both to Me and to others. In addition to having a good prayer life for yourself, it would also be helpful to teach your children and grandchildren how to pray, so they have Me to rely on in hard times. Give praise and glory to Me, and thank Me for all that I have given you.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you this man who had dirty hands from his labors. You know how some jobs can cause your hands to get dirty while you are working with the soil or working on machinery.
Then you have to scrub your hands clean before eating or coming into the house. In a spiritual way you also have sins on your hands from not following My Commandments as you should. In order to cleanse your sins, you need to call on Me in the priest to confess your sins and receive My absolution.
Once you are forgiven of your sins, then I send sanctifying grace into your soul to strengthen you against any further sins. Keep your soul and hands clean by frequent Confession.
Jesus said: My people, these statues and relics give you a commemoration of the saints that you are praying to as intercessors of the your prayer intentions to Me. Keep reading about their lives so they can be an example and an inspiration for your own lives.
Many saints stripped themselves of their wealth to give their money to the poor and depend on Me completely for everything. Follow the holiness of the lives of the saints and they will lead you closer to Me.
Jesus said: My people, I have shown you the saints before, but for most of My faithful purification may have to come through purgatory on earth or in real purgatory. There is a purgatory where souls may suffer being purified in preparation for coming into heaven. It is not easy to cleanse all the love of worldly things, but you must do so in order to have a complete focus on Me with no other gods before Me. Continue to strive to guard your soul from the temptations of the evil ones, and your reward will be great in heaven. Pray always for the poor souls in purgatory.
Jesus said: My people, at times your heart goes out to those that have lost everything in a devastating storm or tornado. When you collectively put your hands together, you can make short work of rebuilding a home.
Donations from the neighbors for the building supplies is another way of making a heartfelt contribution to restore one’s lost home. I tell you, those neighbors will never forget such a charity, and the new home owner will be more than willing to help his neighbors in return. This makes a true bond of love and friendship that is hard to find in this world.
Jesus said: My people, fighting and killing in wars can only bring death and destruction. This is the opposite that I desire of My people that should be praying for peace and harmony.
These soldiers praying on their knees know how awful war can be in losing loved ones. It is not a pleasant task to tell relatives that their son or daughter was killed in action. Continue to pray for peace in the world instead of fighting over land or material things.
Jesus said: My people, you know by your own experience how badly you suffer when you have a serious sickness or operation. When you have good health again, then you have a deeper appreciation of your gift of health.
If you did not suffer trials in this life, it would be harder to have a real appreciation for the joy that you will have in heaven for struggling through all of your temptations from the devil. Love Me in all that you do, and even thank Me for the trials that have led you to love Me even more.
Jesus said: My people, it is sad sometimes when poor people have to choose between staying warm or having enough food to survive. There are various means for heating your home, but they all require money or work to gather wood. It is the same effort either by donations or food stamps that may be required for some to have food.
Again I ask you for almsgiving to help the poor in providing food and a warm shelter. By helping others, your financial donations can be turned into heavenly treasure. Reach out to help your neighbor in deed and your prayers.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Jesus said: My people, this parable of the Prodigal Son is a beautiful portrayal of My deep love and mercy for every sinner. Even though you may have committed any grave sin, I wait patiently for you to come to Me for forgiveness. In addition to seeking My forgiveness, you should be ready to ask forgiveness from anyone that you may have wronged in any way.
Once you have made amends for your sins, then you will be prepared to bring your gift to Me at the altar at Mass. Also be willing to forgive others any injustice that was done to you just as the older son had to accept his father’s call for peace and forgiveness. See the great generosity of the father who forgave his son, and even held a celebration for his return.
Even so in heaven all the angels and saints rejoice in praising God for every sinner that comes to conversion and is healed in their soul. I not only cleanse the sins from your soul, but I also flood your soul with My abundant graces so you will be strengthened to resist any future temptations of the devil.
Even though I am patient and I wait for your free will decision to seek My forgiveness, I must warn you how important it is, especially in mortal sin, to come to have your sins forgiven in frequent Confession. In mortal sin your soul is spiritually dead, and even your guardian angel has difficulty helping you to avoid further sin. In this weakened state of mortal sin, you are much more vulnerable to future mortal sins.
vA pure confessed soul will be more protected from sin, which is why frequent Confession at least monthly is needed for your spiritual health. I love you so much and I desire all souls to come to heaven, but each soul needs to take a forward step so I can receive you as the father of the prodigal son.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you messages about places of My refuges, and one of those conditions would be that it would be a place where My Blessed Mother had given her apparitions, or messages to a chosen person. Two other conditions are that the land should be consecrated to Me by a priest and there would be a place of miraculous spring water that would be clear to drink.
The well on this land may have to be dug deeper in order to have a reservoir storage for any particles to settle. My Blessed Mother and I are truly blessing Linny’s mission on this land to carry out My Will to help the people during the coming tribulation.
She will be given personal instructions of what she is to do in preparation for these times. I am confirming your mission and you need to pray for continued discernment in this work. Thank you for saying yes to your mission.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Jesus said: My people, I am love itself, and My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor. Everyone of you are appointed to die and be judged one day. On that day you will be held accountable for all of your actions in this life. No one can come to heaven unless they come through Me.
Those, who enter heaven, must repent of their sins and accept Me as Master of their lives. If you follow My Commandments, then you must find time to worship Me on Sunday, and support My Church. Just as I threw the money changers out of the Temple, My love for My Church consumes Me.
You should reverence Sunday as holy and avoid any servile work on that day. It is unfortunate that man forces others to work on Sunday for your daily bread. You need to follow My Commandments and the laws of My Church as a direction for you in how to live a good Christian life. I came on to the earth to die for your sins, but also I came to fulfill the Law.
My love for all of you is unconditional and if you want to strive for perfection, your love for Me and your neighbor should also be unconditional. This is why I asked you not to discriminate in your love, and to love everyone, even your enemies, or those who persecute you. If you follow what I have given you, then your reward in heaven will be great.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Jesus said: My people, a prophet is not accepted in his native place. In Nazareth in several accounts of the Gospels I spoke of the little faith that My people had because they did not accept Me as the Son of God. Without faith I could not cure the sick there. I even read the Scriptures of Isaiah of how the Messiah would come and make the blind see, the cripple walk, and the lepers would be healed.
I told them that today in their hearing this Scripture was fulfilled. Since they thought that I was blaspheming, they cast Me out of Nazareth and they wanted to throw Me off of a cliff. Instead, I walked through them and they could not touch Me because it was not My time to die.
So, My people, even though I was born a God-man for your salvation, you must have faith that the Son of Man, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, has come to the earth to die for your sins. Believe that I am the Messiah, and believe in My healing power, and you will see miracles of healing, through My Name, both in physical and spiritual healings.
Remember many times when I healed people, I told them that their faith had saved them because they believed that I could heal them. Even the worst of sinners I can also heal and forgive, if they would only obey My laws, and believe that I could cleanse their sins.
These accounts of cleansing sins and cleansing leprosy are closely linked to the waters of Baptism which is how your original sin was cleansed. So continue in your faith that I can heal you of your sins in Confession, and by My grace I also can heal physical problems by My instruments in My Name.
Jesus said: My people, I want to thank you for giving praise and glory to Me in your singing and in your prayers. You are seeing the beginning of your end time trials with all of the sorrow of lost jobs and financial trials. You are also seeing a great battle of good and evil in a struggle for souls.
Call on My graces and blessings to help you endure these events and the coming tribulation. You know that once you see the Antichrist coming, you know that soon I will come in victory on the clouds.
At that time I will cast the demons and evil people into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Relish the glory of My love that will be poured out over all souls who believe in Me and I encourage the wayward souls to change their lives. Truly My love rains down on you as I will soon reign over all of the earth without any evil.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009: (St. Patrick’s day)
St. Patrick said: I am happy many years ago that you had an opportunity to come to Ireland and see the missionary land that I served. I just wanted to verify to you that when you did complain of your ill treatment here that I did have that angel of a woman help you in your directions. I wanted you to have a pleasant experience visiting the roots of your ancestors.
There are many who celebrate My feast day and they focus more on wearing green things and drinking in the pubs. But I want you to remember me most for promoting the belief in the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I gave the three leaf green shamrock to remember this teaching.
Many times in celebrating beautiful revelations from God, you were reciting the Glory be to God prayer.
So when you say this prayer, think of me and my shamrock teaching. I love God so very much and I was grateful that the Lord allowed me to be a missionary in bringing the faith to many people. In this world now, you need to spread the Word of God to all who will listen, for your time for evangelization is very short. Thank you again for praying to me as an intercessor for your prayers, and remember me every time you make the Sign of the Cross, or pray the Glory be to God prayer.
Jesus said: My people, the attack of the pandemic virus will come from the chemtrails when you do not expect it. This will be a contagious flu bug that will have a high death rate for those who contract this disease.
When you see a new strain of flu that is killing a lot of people, then you need to call on Me to have your guardian angels quickly lead you to the nearest refuge so you could look on the luminous cross or drink the spring water to heal those that are sick.
Use your masks to avoid spreading this flu, and build up your immune system by taking Hawthorn pills or drinking Hawthorn tea. The evil ones will protect themselves with a private vaccine that only they will have. The younger children will be protected from this deadly flu bug.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: My people, I have been warning you for many years that a time of tribulation will come, even in America, when the one world people will persecute you. This will take the form of trying to make it mandatory for everyone to have a microchip placed in their body to control their mind as a robot against their free will.
The evil ones will come to your house to demand this chip in the body, and those, who refuse, will be taken to detention center death camps to be gassed and cremated. This vision of people being led up a ramp to be shackled in box cars is how they will collect the protesters for being killed. This is how many people will be martyred for their faith in defying to be chipped.
All of these martyrs will become instant saints in heaven and I will lessen their pain of death. The rest of My faithful will heed My warnings when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, pandemic viruses, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law declared, this will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge before the men in black come looking for you at your houses.
Once you leave your homes with your backpacks, you will be made invisible to your persecutors. I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges, but you are leaving to save your lives. Be grateful that I am watching out for your safety at all times.
Jesus said: My people, there are some people who are curious as to who holds America’s trillions of dollars of debt. Whenever your government needs money to finance its debts, it turns to the Treasury Department to auction and print Federal Notes to sell to the highest bidder with a promise from the taxpayer to repay the loan and the interest.
Buyers of these notes include private investors, individuals, pension and annuity funds, and foreign banks and countries. The curious part of the Federal Reserve is where does it get its trillions of dollars to purchase the notes and who keeps track of its balance sheet? It is this mysterious money that is driving your long term note rates lower and the price of the notes higher.
Your government has looked to the Federal Reserve to finance the new trillions of dollars needed
to bail out your economy. There is a lurking chance that your government could very easily go bankrupt when the buyers of these notes stop buying or the interest payments are no longer affordable to the taxpayer.
This moment of bankruptcy is being postponed by the Federal Reserve’s buying of most of this debt. Once it is obvious that there is too much money printed and too many notes in circulation, the dollar will become so inflated that few will want to be invested in dollars.
Super inflation is another source of bankruptcy that could be precipitated from all of your spending on credit. Either way your country’s finances are headed for disaster with martial law and a North American Union ready to take over. Be prepared for this coming tribulation as you prepare to go to your refuges before the evil ones can capture you. Trust in My help and your angels for the protection that you will need.
Thursday, March 19, 2009: (St. Joseph’s Day)
Jesus said: My people, My foster father, St. Joseph, does not have any words recorded in the Gospels, but surely he had words of love for Me and My Blessed Mother every day that we were together. He was a loving and endearing father, and he provided for us while he was alive.
The vision of St. Joseph’s dream was a warning to him for the need to leave for Egypt because Herod was about to declare a decree that all the male children under two would be killed in and around Bethlehem. (Matt. 2:13-23)
This warning of an angel is how My faithful are also going to be alerted when it will be the time to go to My refuges before the evil ones will come searching for you in your homes. The angel led St. Joseph, My Blessed Mother, and Myself to a place to stay in Egypt for protection. Later, after Herod died, the angel again warned St. Joseph when it was safe to come back to Nazareth.
Your guardian angels will lead you with a sign, just like St. Joseph was led, so you will find the nearest refuge for your protection. Rejoice that your angels are always watching over you. Those, who do not heed this warning of going to My refuges, will risk the chance of being captured at your house and then martyred at the detention centers.
Prayer Group:
Josyp said: John, I am happy to have helped you with your book when I volunteered to paint pictures for your mission. Remember the cover of your book as a gift from me. I thank you for our friendship and all that you did to help me. I wish Carol well and all of your prayer group.
Thank you for your witness of My artwork that you displayed. Give a word of encouragement to Sam and my children and friends. I will be praying for all of you. If you would be so kind to bring some donations for the funeral to help my family, it would be helpful, understood?
Jesus said: My people, I am very grateful to Steve in the beautiful portrayal of St. Padre Pio and his woodcarving with painting. It is a great inspiration for all who see this carving. I love the picture from Mary depicting the crowning of thorns during this Lenten time.
Thank you for the suffering Crucifix that was placed on the altar and I thank you for displaying Josyp’s many pictures of Me, My Blessed Mother, the saints and the angels. The relics and the statues also accent My altar for a beautiful time of Adoration and prayer.
Jesus said: My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Joseph, My foster father. This vision of where I was born in Bethlehem is a tribute to St. Joseph for bringing My Blessed Mother who was pregnant with Me to Bethlehem. My father had to suffer in not being able to find a better place than this cave of a barn for My birth. It was good that I was born of humble surroundings because I came to help the poor and poor sinners. Pray to St. Joseph to help you in providing for your living conditions.
Jesus said: My people, it is appropriate that you have the Easter Candle at your funerals because I am the Resurrection and the Life. You see this candle at your birth when you are baptized into the faith, and you see this candle at your death as you leave this life. It is very hard to suffer the loss of a loved one, especially for a spouse.
After a proper time of mourning, it is consoling to know that your loved one is in My hands. Those, who led good lives, may need some purification in purgatory, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven as one of My saints. All of you are struggling through this life to one day receive your crown of sainthood.
Jesus said: My people, you are seeing mountains of debt accumulating from this attempt by your government to salvage the bad loans that are loading down the taxpayer with years to pay off such a debt. This debt is mortgaging the futures of all of your taxpayers. It could almost be considered a stealing from the future earnings of your children and grandchildren. The truthfulness of all of this spending is that there is not enough money to bail out all of these bad loans. The result of this financial disaster will be lost freedoms and lost control of your government. Pray for My protection at your refuges.
Jesus said: My people, you are about half way through your Lenten devotions. I just want to remind you of your intended readings, prayers, and fasting that you promised at the beginning of Lent. Take an inventory of what you are doing now to see if you are keeping faithful to what you intended.
If you have fallen lax in any of your devotions, now would be a good time to redirect your efforts toward fulfilling what you wanted to accomplish this Lent. You are doing some extra penances for love of Me so you can improve your spiritual life. Keep up your good work and ask Me to strengthen you in your weak moments.
Jesus said: My people, I am happy that you were all thankful to be in attendance at last week’s healing service. It is always beautiful to give witness to prayerful healings of both body and soul. I know there are many believers in My healing powers. Your belief in Me has healed some of your members, and they should be overjoyed to give witness to their healing. Give praise and glory to Me for all healings that were accomplished through My instruments.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Jesus said: My people, today’s Gospel focuses on the Greatest of My Commandments which is to love God with all of your mind, your heart, and with all of your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.
This love is the basis of all of My teachings, and if man carried this out every day, there would be harmony and peace without any wars. Unfortunately, man is loving Me less and I am becoming less a part of your life. As you worship money and fame more than Me, your money and your freedoms will be falling away as a punishment for violating this love of Mine.
As you grow colder in your hearts with less love for Me, you can understand this vision that the elevator grows colder as it descends. You are dependent on Me, and when you depend more on yourselves, your world falls apart. Only by hard times and disasters will you be brought back on your knees to see your need to love Me and depend on Me by worshiping Me only, instead of your money.
Jesus said: My people, your economy is having a financial disaster, but your standard of living requires cheap gasoline to survive. You saw what happened when your gasoline prices went to $4/gallon. The mobility of your goods and services is crucial and it relies on cheap fuels. Your energy policies still are not reducing the need for buying a lot of foreign oil.
This vision of your oil production and refining of gasoline is very vulnerable to having enough supply, and it is vulnerable to terrorism. Until America expands its alternative energy sources, your economy is still weak to support any expanded energy needs for future growth.
All of your economic problems are being worsened by government control which is very inefficient and prone to corruption and interest group control. The one world people have created your financial problem, but their solution is global government which will be the vehicle used by the Antichrist.
Your time is short before this planned solution will become a reality. Be prepared in your souls spiritually, and have your things ready to leave for your refuges.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Jesus said: My people, I am showing you this broken piece of glass to indicate an act in reality that had consequences. Sometimes you may accidentally cause a window to break in your car or in your home. You have to admit that it was your fault, but still you need to replace the glass to keep the cold from coming in. In a different spiritual way you sometimes break one of My Commandments in your sins. You know that you are a sinner and when you do sin, you need to be able to admit your fault, and be sorry that you offended Me in your sin.
Once you have sinned, you need to make reparation for your sin by confessing it in Confession to a priest and seek My forgiveness. Willingly carry out your penance and go beyond this to make amends for your sin in prayer and good works. Do not make judgments on other souls who may be doing more serious sins than yours.
Keep humble in My eyes and you will be exalted later at your judgment. Help your brothers or sisters to lead good lives, but do not nag them or condemn them. This is true for your children, your relatives, and others.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you several visions of the demise of your country. This van again represents the fall of America with the disastrous end very certain. The death culture people are closing their vise on your freedoms and your money. Because of the evil ways of abortion, euthanasia, and wars, you are seeing destructive natural disasters.
The one world people’s planned economic crisis and constant wars are about to destroy your economy and your military. The deficit spending and control of your minds by microchips in the body are the means for your takeover.
They will shut off your electricity and make your money worthless so they can control each of you like a robot. Refuse any chips in the body and be prepared to hide in your refuges for protection when martial law is about to be declared. It is not a matter if America will be taken over, but when you will be taken over. Trust in My help and protection to endure this coming tribulation.
Sunday, March 22, 2009: (Laetare, rejoice Sunday)
Jesus said: My people, the readings today touch many important parts of your faith and the coming events for your country. In the Gospel it touches on the vision when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent to heal those who were bitten by the seraph serpents. The people complained of just having the manna without any meat.
The seraph serpents were sent as a punishment for their grumbling. In this figure as with the night of delivery, the people ate unleavened bread in Egypt and manna in the desert. This is a prefigurement of the Holy Bread of Holy Communion in My Real Presence.
Also the lifting up of the bronze serpent is parallel to My being lifted up on the cross when I died for all of mankind. There is also a parallel in the future when My faithful will look upon My luminous cross over the refuges, and you will be healed of all of your health problems. This is Rejoice Sunday in Lent and you can be happy to celebrate My victory over sin and death that you will soon celebrate on Easter Sunday. In the first reading there is the account of how the Israelites were conquered and exiled to Babylon because of their many iniquities and their idol worship.
Later, the Persians freed the Israelites as part of God’s plan to restore the Temple. Again there is a parallel to the coming defeat and takeover of America because of your sins of abortion, adoption of a death culture, and your worship of money and materialism instead of worshiping Me.
Be prepared for the demise of your country as carried out by your enemies in the one world people. Be patient, My people, for soon I will come to defeat the Antichrist and restore My Kingdom on earth with My Era of Peace.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jesus said: My people, you see people dying every day, but you do not expect younger people to be killed. In other words you may be living today, but you cannot promise yourself that you will be alive tomorrow.
This is why I keep telling you to live for this moment, and not in the future or in the past. In the recent plane crashes, you can see why you need to be spiritually ready to die every day. I could call you home any day in an accident. You do not have to be old to die. In order to be spiritually ready, use this Lent to repent of your sins in Confession at least monthly, have a good prayer life, and do not keep grudges or any feelings of not being able to forgive someone in your heart.
Clear your mind, heart, and soul of any sin or feeling that could hold you back from going to heaven. In this way you will always have a clean, pure soul for the day that you will die, which you do not know. This freedom of any worry about dying will allow you to fulfill your mission more easily by trusting in Me for everything.
Jesus said: My people, many of your Wall Street people were happy to hear that your government was willing to help remove the toxic assets, that were not performing, off the books of the banks. The banks have taken some write downs on these loans, but what percentage was this of their original value? The original loans were leveraged at about $10 to $1 of capital, but the Wall Street derivatives of collateralized loans were leveraged from $40 to $1 of capital.
The trillions of dollars needed to unwind these debt instruments may be too much for even the Federal Reserve to finance. This is why the banks were reluctant to take any more losses to take these assets off of their books. If they did so, these obligations would make these large banks bankrupt.
This is also why it is hard to know who owns the individual loans to start with. All of this information is being hidden from the people because your money is about to become worthless when the Federal Reserve produces trillions of dollars out of thin air to back your deficits.
This monetized debt will increase the physical money supply in your printing presses to dilute your money to a fraction of its original worth. Once this becomes a public reality, your financial system will collapse, and create the opportunity for a takeover by the one world people in a martial law declaration. Prepare to go to your refuges as your economy is about to fail. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jesus said: My people, this vision of helping family members and neighbors is an example all of you should be following out of love for everyone. Instead of refusing to help someone because it may be inconvenient for you, think more to take advantage of every opportunity to help those in your life.
At times you tend to be selfish with your time instead of being more generous in sharing it with others. Your first obligation should be to do whatever your own family members need.
Then you can look beyond to help neighbors that may be in need. You may even be called to be generous with your money in donations or your time to assist in community work. All of your good works will store up treasure in heaven, and your time will be well spent without being so self-centered and selfish with your time. By doing everything for love of Me and your neighbor, you will also be giving good example to others.
Jesus said: My people, I have told you many times in messages of the coming earthquakes in California. This will not just be one earthquake, but a series of them that will start low and continue into larger earthquakes. There have been many earthquakes in California for a long time, but once they start getting larger, people are going to take notice.
This progression will be an advance notice to get out of harm’s way before serious disasters could cause the loss of many lives. Seeing the vision of swaying and falling buildings will be very serious in the large cities. This is why the people in California need an escape plan when earthquake disasters will escalate. Pray for these peoples souls because there is much sin in this state.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: My people, there were two Annunciations performed by the angel Gabriel. One was to announce to Zachary the coming birth of St. John the Baptist, and the other was the Annunciation of My birth to My Blessed Mother.
The reactions were quite different to each of those who heard Gabriel’s message. Zachary and his wife were beyond child bearing years, so he doubted the angel’s message and he was silenced until St. John’s birth. My Blessed Mother always followed the Will of God, and she wanted to know the way she could conceive, and did not doubt that it could be done.
On hearing that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, she willingly of her own free will gave her fiat of acceptance of God’s Will. Mary was prepared by God from all time to be the chosen woman to bear Me into the world.
This is why she was conceived without original sin and why she had no sin in her life so that this Covenant vessel would be pure and sinless to receive God for the salvation of all of mankind. For this honor she is called Blessed among all women. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother ‘s acceptance of bringing Me into your world that needed My Redemption.
Fair use for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such 17 U.S.C
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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A writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the early African Liturgical Churches, Attorney James Wesly Smith ‘s 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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