Friday, March 25, 2011




... said the prayer for the three days, and on the third day, did I ever get an answer! I cannot go into the situation as it was very private and not so comfortable, but wow, how it lead to getting my answer, was astonishing. And how the Holy Spirit let "me know" about a certain matter that I really needed an answer for! ...ask you to have full confidence in the Power of the Holy Spirit to move in your dear lives. God bless ~


A) Promise to publish it on the granting of the prayer or:

B) Promise to circulate copies of it to as many people as possible.



Holy Spirit ~ You Who make me see everything and Who show me the way to reach my goals and make crooked paths straight You Who give me the Divine gift to forgive and forget all that is done to me and You Who are in all the instances of my life with me.

In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from You.

No matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in their perpetual Glory.

To that end and submitting to God's Holy Will, I ask from You _______________
{ name intention }

The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr./

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"I am dying for you all"

Dear Friends,

The Crucifixion

When they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of the Skull), they gave Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall. But when he had tasted it, he refused to drink. After they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting lots; then they sat down and kept watch over him there. And they placed over his head the written charge against him: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. Two revolutionaries were crucified with him, one on his right and the other on his left.

Those passing by reviled him, shaking their heads and saying, "You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, if you are the Son of God, and come down from the cross!" Likewise the chief priests with the scribes and elders mocked him and said, "He saved others; he cannot save himself. So he is the king of Israel! Let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him.

He trusted in God; let him deliver him now if he wants him. For he said, 'I am the Son of God.'" The revolutionaries who were crucified with him also kept abusing him in the same way. (Passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew 27:33-44)

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Joseph Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

"Today, My brother Joseph Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world, I invite you to approach My Cross. I wish to impress, upon each one of you, the terrible suffering I went through during My Passion. I carried My cross down the 'Via Delarosa' up to the Place of the Skull. It was there that they crucified Me. They drove nails into My hands and My feet and My blood flowed from all the many wounds I had on My body. They lifted up the cross and placed it upright and there I suffered for hours.

The people present there mocked Me and insulted Me. They laughed that I had said that I was the Son of God. I even endured insults from those who were crucified with Me. Although the good thief turned to Me and said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.' I told him these words, 'Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.' Come, My dear friends, and contemplate Me as I suffer for your redemption. I offered My life in sacrifice to the Father for your salvation. Let this be My great expression of love for each one of you. I am dying for you all."

Father Melvin

Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick March 23, 2011







MESSAGE via HIS unworthy servant - March 20, 2011

Received via inner locution from Jesus - March 20, 2011


My children, tonight I call you to come closer to Me for I am your God and I deserve your attention and your time.

My little ones, when are you going to understand that what matters most in life is your soul? NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

Come closer to Me before it is too late.

My precious little children, do you not realize that I want what is best for you, that I am trying to protect you from what is to come?

Give yourself entirely to Me so I'll be able to guide you and keep you under My protection. How can I do this if you haven't given Me your will, but are insisting on doing things your way?

You cannot have it both ways. If you want My protection, surrender your will to Me.

I love you and desire to guide you along the right path. And I desire your well-being.

His unworthy servant

Messages to John Leary March 9-24,2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011: (Ash Wednesday of Lent)

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the Lenten Season which involves fasting, prayers, penances, and almsgiving. You will be fasting between meals with no meat today and on Fridays as an observance of your Lenten devotions. You may have usual penances as fasting from sweets and desserts, but you may chose a new penance in addition to your other ones. Curbing your earthly desires is a way of purifying the body so the soul can be in control of your bodily actions.

Perfecting your spiritual life should be the goal of your Lenten observances.

Making some extra charity donations could be another way to help those in need. You may also want to spend your TV watching time on spiritual reading as the lives of the saints. Everything extra that you are doing should be offered up to Me in secret as much as possible, so your treasure will be stored in heaven instead of on earth. Keep focused on Me every day of Lent, even as you should on every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had steady snow storms more than usual, and now you will see steady rain storms as the temperatures warm up. Melting snow with heavy rain can cause flooding, as flood plains may even have to be evacuated because deep moving water can be deadly if you are caught in the flow. Such flooding and heavy rains could hurt winter wheat and the planting of crops.

Food is becoming more expensive because crop yields are down all over the world. It is also becoming more expensive for seed and fertilizer. Fuel to run tractors is also raising costs for farmers. Many foods and manufactured goods are increasing in price because farmers and factories have to pass on their increased costs of raw materials.

As the value of the dollar decreases because of your debts, everything that you buy will be increasing in price. Having some extra food in your pantry may be needed when famines could cause food shortages all over the world. Be prepared to evacuate from floods, and eventually you may have to go to My refuges when people start fighting over food supplies.”

Thursday, March 10, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, and their bond is a pledge of faithfulness to each other for life. The tent in the vision also represents the time of Moses when he talked to Me when the cloud was over the tent. In the first reading Moses offers the people a choice between a blessing or a curse.

He offers them to choose life by following My Commandments, and they will live in prosperity. But if they worship other gods, they are calling on My justice which was the case when the Israelites were exiled into Babylon.

Also, in the Gospel I told the people: ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul in the end?’ You all have to make choices in life in every action of every day. At the end of your life, you will have to face an accounting for your actions at your judgment. So it is better to choose to give your will over to Me, so you can be deserving of being saved by accepting Me as your Savior, and seeking My forgiveness of your sins. Keep choosing the narrow road of following My Commandments, and your reward will be staying with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting your Lenten Season and the beginning fasting and prayer are a little shocking to your normal routine. As you fast from watching so much TV, you could spend your time more in spiritual reading. By reading the lives of the saints, you can see how living a simple, humble life can purify your spiritual life. By avoiding worldly interests, you can focus more on Me in your lives. This Lenten time is a great opportunity to work on your difficult sins and grow in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the stubbornness of Libya’s leader in not wanting to leave his oil empire. Planes, tanks, and the army are retaking some cities. America is already involved in two wars, and your people and Europe are tired of fighting no-win wars and having their troops killed. Pray for peace in the Middle East where it is uncertain how these latest uprisings will be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, as gas prices and food prices rise, there is an air of uncertainty in your economy. If gas prices climb too much, it could endanger the stability of your fragile economy with still high unemployment numbers. Many battles over State and Federal spending could also trigger some division between those receiving entitlements and those paying for them. Pray that your people can endure living with less on a lower standard of living.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see more cutbacks in government spending that could have a ripple effect that could cut your services and possibly raise your local taxes. It may become more difficult to afford health care, welfare, and Social Security. All attempts to reduce entitlement spending is only talking of future benefits that will be cut.

Even now most of these programs are increasing your deficits even at current levels of payments. The hard choices to reduce your deficits have not been made because it is not politically desirable. As payments are reduced, many people will be stressed to have food, shelter, and medicines. Again, those who are better off may have to start helping their family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a dove is a sign of peace and a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Peace in your heart and soul is another sign of a pure soul that needs to be guarded from sin. Many times I have asked you to not let anything take away your peace.

The attraction of worldly pleasures and the stress of everyday life can pull you in many different directions. Do not let any addictions or worldly desires control you in any way. By staying fixed on Me in your Lenten devotions, you can better guard your peace that only I and the Holy Spirit can give you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent leads you up to My Crucifixion in Holy Week and finally to My Resurrection. One of your Lenten devotions is to remember to recite the Stations of the Cross on Friday. Lenten Fridays are special in fasting and not eating meat on those days. When you walk with Me at these Stations, unite all of your pain and suffering with Me as you offer it up as a sacrifice. I ask all of My faithful to pick up your own daily cross as you carry it through life. This life is a valley of tears where comforts are fleeting and trials are all around you. Ask My help in carrying your cross, even as Simon helped Me to carry My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have enough money to contribute to your favorite charities. You are hemmed in by the restrictions of less pay, and more expenses in paying for food and gas. Even though your spending money is limited, there are some who can afford to tithe ten per cent to charity. Make a point this Lent to give a donation to some charities above what you normally give. The more you share with others, the more treasure you will be storing in heaven.”

Friday, March 11, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to be praying more and making good Confessions at least once a month. Before you go into the confessional, you should make a good examination of conscience to recollect your sins, especially any serious sins. You may carry a book or a sheet of things to remind you of any offenses that you may have forgotten. Remember also to pray your penance from the priest, and to be sorry for having offended Me in your sins. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation, so you have no excuse not to take advantage of the forgiveness that I am waiting to give you.

Do not be lazy and put off going to Confession when you know it is what you need for your soul. Do not receive Me in Holy Communion if you are living in mortal sin. If you are in mortal sin, then get to Confession as soon as possible. You do not want to face Me in your judgment if you are dying in mortal sin. I am looking for any sign of remorse, and I will forgive you to your last dying breath. By going to frequent Confession, you can keep your soul pure and always ready to meet Me at your death. You could die suddenly any time, so have your soul as pure as possible all the time. You do not want to see any soul lost to hell, so even encourage your family and friends to go to frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen that high intensity earthquakes under the ocean can cause tsunami waves that ripple out in all directions. The closer land is to the epicenter, the taller the tsunami waves are. You have done some research to connect the HAARP machine being used in Haiti, Chile, and China as people were seeing aurora borealis colors right before the earthquake occurred. Now you have done further research to show the HAARP machine was turned on right before the massive 9.0 earthquake in Japan.

There were no signs of earthquakes in this region several days before the HAARP machine was turned on. (Note: It was turned on 3-9-11 and the first 7.2 earthquake appeared.) I am confirming that these large earthquakes mentioned have been connected with HAARP machine activity. This is why I have encouraged people to understand that this microwave antennae array is a very dangerous weapon and can be used to create man-made disasters. The one world people are using this machine and the turmoil in the Middle East to reduce the population and to disrupt the world economies.

Then these countries will be ripe for a one world government takeover which will be given over to the Antichrist. You are seeing these signs of the end times that are leading up to the great tribulation. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when the major events occur. I will warn My faithful when to leave, but this time is approaching soon. Trust in My protection because I am more powerful than any machines or demon led people. Once the Antichrist reaches his height of power, I will bring him down with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be cleansed from the earth into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, March 12, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called Levi, a tax collector, to follow Me, and his name was changed to Matthew. I came to his house for dinner with other tax collectors, but the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. This is when I told them that people, who are well, do not need a physician, but sick people do. For I have come to call sinners, not the just.

(Matt. 9:12-13) At times pride can blind people to think that they are not sinners. By Adam’s fall into sin, all people have inherited this weakness to sin. Even St. John in his writings declares that those, who claim not to be sinners, are in fact liars.

(1 John 1:10) My faithful need to be careful that they do not criticize someone when they commit the same sins. Do not be hypocrites in your speech about My Commandments, when your actions betray you. Be aware to remove the plank from your own eye before you try to remove a sliver from your brothers’ eye. (Matt. 7:5) Be thankful that I came on the earth to redeem all sinners from their sins by My death on the cross. My love reaches out to everyone, even to those who reject Me. Come to Me so I can forgive you your sins because your faith has saved you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it can be distressing to watch all the events going on all over the world. Your heart goes out to all those who are trying to survive in Japan without heat, power, and water. Many homes were either destroyed by the earthquake or the tsunami. Estimates of thousands missing or dead have made it difficult for loved ones to know the whereabouts of their families. In other places you are seeing fires in the West and floods in the Northeast. Fighting is going on in Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. In addition, the financial problems continue in many countries.

Even knowing of these troubles, My people still need to trust in Me and keep peace in their souls. You have seen these events before, but they are happening with an increasing frequency. You may want only to watch TV for no more than an hour so these events do not further upset you. When your killings and persecutions escalate, then it will be time to leave for My refuges. Trust that I will protect you from the evil ones who will try and kill you. This turmoil will last but a short time, and I will bring My Era of Peace over the earth.”

Sunday, March 13, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that you will be seeing an increasing amount of natural disasters and insurrections. These are the end time signs that are leading up to the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Just as you read of the devil tempting Me three times in the desert, so you will see a desert of evil that will force you to leave for My refuges of protection. You know of your daily attacks from the evil one, but during the tribulation you will be seeing an evil that you have never seen before.

My refuges will not only protect your bodies, but they will also protect your souls from the power of the Antichrist and the demons unleashed from hell. So you should be preparing not only for your body’s survival, but the protection of your soul with your prayers, Mass, and Confession. Call on My help and have trust that I will protect you during the tribulation.”

Monday, March 14, 2011: (Jim White’s Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a flower open as you will soon see when spring arrives and the weather warms up. Many of you have grown weary of this snow on the ground, and you would like to work in your garden. This is a nice comparison to a pure soul that has the odor of sanctity and is beaming with a bright light of grace. My faithful need to keep their souls cleansed so they can be My beacons of faith, and people can be converted and share in My love. You also want to help your neighbors in their needs because you are helping Me in them. You do not want to meet Me at your judgment, and I find that you did not help My little ones.

I will separate the lambs on the right into heaven, but the goats on the left will be cast into hell. Do what you can every day to share your love with Me in prayer and with your neighbor in good deeds. Then when I meet you at your death, you will eventually be welcomed into your eternal resting place with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this HAARP machine can be used as a weapon to attack any place that the one world people desire to cause harmful floods, droughts, or earthquakes. They could even blackmail nations who do not go along with their plans. The next targets for making earthquakes will be the New Madrid fault and the San Andreas fault in California. I have shown you several visions earlier of earthquakes in these areas. An earthquake on the New Madrid fault would be catastrophic because all the energy would be felt through the rock splitting apart.

Earthquakes underwater or on a coastline would have the energy go into the water. Remember when you see an aurora borealis of colors, look out after for a major earthquake. I also told you that when the San Andreas fault has an earthquake, it could trigger off the Yellowstone super volcano. When all of these events happen, America will be so damaged that martial law will guarantee an imminent takeover.

If the HAARP machine could be inactivated, much of this destruction could be prevented. You will not hear over your censored news channels any word of the threat of the HAARP machine. It is a carefully guarded secret. Yet there is information available for the people to learn of HAARP’s capabilities. I will one day bring My Comet of Chastisement to end all of these evil deeds and cast these evil ones into hell. Trust in My protection at My refuges where no harm will befall My faithful,even during the tribulation.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, after a similar size earthquake in Indonesia at 9.0, there were many old volcanoes stirred to life. The Pacific Ring of Fire is connected not only with earthquakes, but also with many associated volcanoes. Where these plates of the earth meet, there is much activity. This vision of lava coming out of volcanoes is another repercussion of this mammoth earthquake in Japan. Several volcanoes along this fault line have become active again, and more could be added to the list.

Also, many are concerned with the spreading radiation from some nuclear plants that are beginning to see melting fuel rods. There are many problems being caused as a result of this earthquake and the tsunami. Pray for these people and help them in ways that you can so they can get back on their feet.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you need to go to My refuges, and before the Antichrist declares himself, I will bring My Warning experience on everyone all at the same time. This vision of traveling through a tunnel will occur as you are drawn out of your body outside of time. You will meet Me as a bright Light at the end of the tunnel. Once you come in front of Me, I will show you a review of all of your life’s events with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. Some people at your Conference had a preview of what this would be like. At the end of your life review, you will have a mini-judgment where you may experience hell, purgatory, or heaven. This will show you that if you continue down your current life’s path, this judgment is where you will end up.

Many people will be shaken to see that only through Me will you be able to come to heaven. You will know how much your sins offend Me, and you will desire Confession and a chance to change your life’s direction. You will be told to avoid taking any chip in the body and to refuse to worship the Antichrist. Going to one of My refuges will be your only safe haven.

Then you will be placed back into your body, but you will be held more responsible for your sins because you will know what I expect from you. You will desire a deep sorrowful Confession with a strong desire to avoid worldly comforts. You will have a stronger desire to fast and pray more than you did before. You may also desire to be closer to Me at Adoration. You will have a stronger desire to evangelize souls as well, especially those in your family. Everyone will have a second chance to make their life better, or else they will meet the fate of their mini-judgment.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, you are constantly under attack every day from the devil’s temptations. The only sign that I gave to the people is the sign of Jonah. That sign is for prayer and fasting that saved the people of Nineveh when they wore sackcloth and ashes and repented. Even some churches in Lent place purple cloths over the statues to honor this form of repentance. Then I told the people that there is something greater than Jonah here, referring to My mission on earth. Later, it was revealed that My death on the cross brought salvation to all of mankind.

By accepting Me as the Master of your life and seeking My forgiveness, you can enter into heaven since I have paid the ransom for your soul. I have left you the greatest sign that I could give, and that is My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This is how I can say that I will be with you in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of this age when I will return. So come to Me in Confession to cleanse the sins from your soul, and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion which heals the damage caused by your sins.”

(St. Joseph Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of the Mass in honor of St. Joseph is a tribute to My foster father and his beautiful life. The Gospel reading (Matt. 1:18-24) tells of how St. Joseph was going to divorce Mary quietly when she was found with child. Later, an angel came to St. Joseph in a dream to tell him that she conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the child was to be called Jesus. Then St. Joseph followed the angel’s words and accepted Mary into his house.

St. Joseph was a good guardian in registering in Bethlehem for the census, and also in the warned trip to Egypt and back to avoid Herod trying to kill Me. He plied his carpenter trade to provide for the Holy Family and he taught Me his carpenter trade as well. Even though St. Joseph is not quoted in the Bible, his actions and his unrecorded words were consoling to My Blessed Mother and Me. He was a very caring parent, and he is a model for all fathers. Many people pray to St. Joseph for their petitions and honor him at this St. Joseph’s table.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching this earthquake saga in Japan play out, but you do not realize how long the affected areas could be without electricity and other utilities as tap water. Millions of people are without electricity which is why it is hard to fix their nuclear reactors in near darkness, except for flashlights or fuel driven generators.

When America will be faced with earthquakes on the West coast and on the New Madrid fault, the damage will kill many people, and more will be without electricity as well. Major earthquakes could also be a problem with your own nuclear reactors. I have asked My people to store a year’s supply of food with water because you may be faced with power outages and food shortages. These power outages could be for a long time, if power stations have to be rebuilt. You also should have extra fuel and heating capabilities along with propane for cooking and oil for lamps to give light. The one world people will turn off your power anyway when they want to declare martial law.

These preparations may sound dramatic now, but when disasters strike, these preparations may provide for your survival. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges before martial law comes. But these things could happen very quickly, so you will need everything ready to leave in a short notice. Do not be distressed or worried over these world events because you can trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones. When these events come, your life will change dramatically, but you will be praying more then.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011: (St. Patrick’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you still honor some earthly kings and queens today, but not as much as in past years. When I came on the earth, some people thought the Messiah would set up an earthly kingdom. Instead, I established the Kingdom of God on earth which is a spiritual Kingdom without the earthly signs of forced control. I came to serve everyone and not to be served. I do not force Myself on anyone, but I do warn people of the consequences of disobeying My Commandments of love. I love everyone unconditionally, and I desire all souls to establish a love relationship with Me. I truly am your King over this earth and the whole universe.

Your view of Me in heaven is on My throne wearing a crown. My kingdom is always among you in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, and all of you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. Where two or more are gathered in prayer, I am there in your midst. Even though the devil is being allowed to control some things, My angels and I still protect My souls from harm. Call on your King at any time, and I will be there to answer your prayer requests.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people for a while you have been living in the time of the red horse which signifies war as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now you will be living in the time of the black horse of famine and the pale green horse of death from natural and man-made disasters. With each major earthquake you are seeing significant loss of life. These events will continue causing even more deaths. The evil ones are carrying out their threat to reduce the world’s population. As events unfold, you will soon be approaching the time to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Libya’s leader taking back many of the cities from the rebels. Because of the killing of his people, the United Nations has passed a no-fly zone, but without foreign troop occupation. Now a decision will be made as to what nations will be involved in enforcing this no-fly zone. This could be another deception to draw America into another conflict when your forces are strained already in two other countries. Pray for peace so another major war can be averted.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are concerned that the nuclear reactors in Japan are close to a Chernobyl event. The Japanese leaders may even be reaching out to America to help cool down these reactors. In Chernobyl they had to seal the meltdown reactor with cement to prevent further radiation from escaping into the air. Many are unaware that there was a poor design in storing forty years of spent fuel rods in pools right next to these reactors. You will be fortunate to see a prevention of a major radiation leak. Pray that the workers can control the radiation leaks so more people do not die from excessive radiation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear your petitions to stop any serious earthquakes in America. You are reacting like the people of Nineveh who repented and changed their ways. Your prayers and Masses should be directed to change the lives of your people as well. I also heard your petition to save the souls of those who may die in a California earthquake when you visited the 21 Missions. Some punishment is coming to America, but your prayers and Masses will mitigate the severity of any disasters. Do not stop praying and offering Masses for this cause because the evil ones’ plans for destruction are near.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning your dollar’s demise as quickly as possible. If America does not seriously cut its spending, then the rating of your Treasury Notes will continue to get close to junk bond status. This means you cannot afford the wars and entitlement payments to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare that you have today. Your country’s existence as a free nation weighs in the balance. Pray that your leaders make the right decisions before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have good intentions when they start Lent, but over the weeks they weaken and fall back into their old sins. I am giving you all a reminder to stay strong in your religious fervor and stick by your initial Lenten penances. You need some spiritual stamina to endure your Lenten sacrifices. Think of how much you could improve your spiritual lives if you stay the course on your Lenten promises. Pray for your strength to endure and make some spiritual gains this Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are going through some major struggles in the life that you are enduring. Unfortunately, your trials are going to get worse before things gets better. The coming tribulation will try your souls, but with faith and trust in Me, you will be protected at My refuges. Your prayer lives will improve under these trials, but remember that by following My Will, you will be rewarded in a world without evil in My Era of Peace. Be patient for a while, and you will thank Me for being faithful to My laws.”

Friday, March 18, 2011: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

Jesus said: “My people, you know how traumatic it is to lose your home to a natural disaster. Since you are praying more during Lent, you could focus your attention on praying for people who have lost their homes and even for the souls who were killed suddenly in these same disasters. Your intentions could also be that the survivors are able to get adequate food and one day be restored to another home.

In this you may be able to send some disaster aid to your charity of choice to help the homeless. You could even continue your prayers of thanksgiving that you have not been tested in this way. Pray each day also for America if and when you may be tested with severe earthquakes or other disasters. All of your prayers, fasting, and almsgiving could be offered up to Me for these intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring changeover from winter, the United States usually experiences a good portion of your tornadoes for the year. This vision of a metal container with a tornado inside represents how the HAARP machine will now be used to enhance the violence of your tornadoes. Weather modification is another tool that can be used by the one world people to create damage and chaos all across America for their eventual takeover.

Do not fear the evil ones who manipulate earthquakes and weather for their own evil plans. I will lead My people to My refuges when they threaten your lives with persecution. At My refuges the evil ones will not be able to harm you in any way from earthquakes, bad weather, viruses, or any other means of control. Trust in Me because the tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect.”

Saturday, March 19, 2011: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Joseph, husband of My Blessed Mother, Mary. Both My parents were in the line of King David as you saw him in the vision. His kingdom was promised to be forever because as the Son of David, I will reign forever. In this line of kings I am recognized as a king also, as My star announced it to the Magi in the skies. They came to Bethlehem because My parents had to register in the house of their ancestor, King David.

The Magi brought Me kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Bethlehem is the place in the Scriptures where the Messiah would come, and it means the House of Bread. This is fitting since My people can be with Me always in the holy Bread of Holy Communion. Give honor to My foster father, St. Joseph, as he protected and provided for the Holy Family.”

Jesus said: “My people, your countries are seeing bad growing conditions that have resulted in reduced crop yields. Your food prices are already rising due to these shortages and the lost value of your dollar. Even your government is buying billions of dollars of food to store in their underground cites for your leaders and important people. There will come a world famine when food will be scarce.

I have warned My people many times to have one year’s supply of food stored for the coming famine. Then you will not find food on your grocery shelves, or have enough value in your money to buy it. Yet at My final and interim refuges the refuge leaders have also been warned to store food. At My refuges you will have daily Communion from My angels, and meat from the deer who will drop dead in your camps. When needed, I will multiply your food and water. The food that you are storing at your homes is for the time from now until you will have to leave for My refuges. This food will be shared with your neighbors and not hoarded. I will even multiply the food for all of you to have what is needed.

I have told you that storing food will be more valuable than gold or silver, which you cannot eat. Have no fear of having your necessities because I know what you need to survive in this coming famine and tribulation. Have no fear either of the evil ones who will try to kill you because I will make you invisible to them and the Antichrist. After a short reign of evil, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will then rejoice in My victory in a world without evil.

Sunday, March 20, 2011: (Gospel of Transfiguration)

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM. You just watched the Ten Commandments, and this phrase is how I described Myself to Moses. I also told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. When you honor the Blessed Sacrament, you are honoring the Blessed Trinity because wherever Jesus is, all Three of Us are present as One God in Three Persons. Even St. Patrick taught about the Blessed Trinity in the three leaf shamrock.

Whenever you pray the ‘Our Father’ or the ‘Glory Be’, remember Me in your prayers. On this beautiful day with the sun shining and blue skies, you have a true appreciation of My creation. I want you to love one another, and stop your constant wars that offend Me greatly. All killing in abortion or the evil deeds of men and women that result in deaths need to be stopped. Pray and treat life with respect and dignity. Thank you for honoring Me in your Eternal Father prayer group, and My protection will always be with you. Trust that all people will answer to Me for their deeds in their judgment.”

Monday, March 21, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel there were many parallels of your behavior to My response. As you love Me and others, I will love you. When you pardon someone, I will pardon you. When you help someone, I will help you. Whatever measure you use to deal with people, that measure will be used for you, only I will go an extra mile with My mercy. You have a golden rule of do unto others how you would want them to do to you. I ask My faithful to go even further in loving your enemies, and going beyond what others expect of you, even when you volunteer without being asked.

For everything that you do beyond what is expected, you will gain graces in heaven. This Mass was joined with many other Masses in reparation for the sins of America. I have given you messages of how America will suffer from natural disasters as a punishment for your many abortions. By the grace of these Masses, I will mitigate the damage of the severe earthquakes that will be coming, and minimize the number of fatalities. You have prayed before for the salvation of the souls that will die suddenly in these earthquakes, both in California and on the New Madrid fault. Keep praying for this intention and for the stoppage of abortions in America.”

(Fr. Donald McCarthy’s Funeral Mass) Fr. Donald said: “Hello, John, this is the last time that you will have to sign in my book. I enjoyed the many years that you shared Jesus’ messages with me. I also enjoyed your many pictures and gifts that you shared with me. I missed you a bit toward the end, but now I am freed from this disease of the mind. I am in no pain or discomfort, and I am sharing the joy of being in the Presence of my Savior. I give my love to all of My brother priests, and especially those in my Basilian Order. Thank Fr. Travato for an excellent homily. I also am happy to see Bishop Matthew who offered up the Mass of my funeral. I give thanks for all of my friends who came to show me their love, as I love all of you as well. I will be praying for all of you.”

Tuesday, March 22, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of pride and humility in your behavior. The Scribes and Pharisees always sought places of honor at banquets, and they put heavy burdens on people. I told My people to observe what they preached, but do not imitate their actions because they were hypocrites. I told My apostles that they cannot act like that, but that those, who wish to lead, must serve the rest.

The last line is My point: ‘Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those, who humble themselves, will be exalted.’ (Matt. 23:1-12) Living a humble life means letting Me lead you, and being obedient to My Commandments. As you go through Lent, be observant of your fasting and extra prayers. In the vision you see how mankind has not only polluted his physical environment, but also his spiritual environment with things that cause your souls to be black with sin. You see a society that encourages abortion and euthanasia. You also see homosexual marriages encouraged, and your internet and streets advertize for pornography, drugs, and prostitution.

All of these addictions to lust, gambling, computers, and overeating, are rampant in your society. You need to cleanse these demons of addiction from your life so that you live your faith, and you are not hypocrites in what you are teaching by your actions. Give good example to your family and others, and work to perfect your imperfections.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen ripples in the clouds as frequency patterns in Indiana. You have also seen dead birds in the area around the New Madrid fault. These are signs that the HAARP machine of one billion watt microwaves is going to be used to cause a greater than 8.0 earthquake that will split America in two. In the vision you are seeing at least one skyscraper collapsing from this coming quake. There will also be a great flow of water coming down the Mississippi River that will widen its size. There will be a fair number of people killed, but this number will be lessened because of your Mass intentions. The damage to homes and buildings will be worse than the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. When this event happens, you will see a martial law declared that could be used for a takeover of America. I will warn My people when it will be time to go to My refuges. This earthquake on the New Madrid fault will be followed by another earthquake on the San Andreas fault. Be prepared to leave, and go to Confession.”

On Trinidad: Jesus said: “My people of Trinidad, a time of famine and financial collapse is coming all over the world. A tribulation will start with the declaration of the Antichrist coming into power. This is why I am leading people to set up refuges where My angels will protect you, and you will have all of your needs provided for. My refuges will be places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground where Adoration has been for a while or monasteries, as well as caves. People will be told in their Warning experience that they will need to leave their homes, and they will be guided to My refuges by their guardian angels.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that while some countries manage their fishing banks properly, other countries go into areas beyond their own country, and over fish out of greed. When these rogue countries take more fish than normal, they ruin the balance of the fish population to renew itself. This is something that is hard to police or control, but then the fish catches start dwindling while the demand for fish is constantly increasing. Other problems involve oil disasters as in the Gulf of Mexico which set back the fishing industry there for a while. Food sources are having more difficulty in crops and meat production. So when the fishing industry has problems because of over fishing, this becomes one more reduction in the food supply. Your pollution of insecticides and mercury compounds is also affecting the larger fish that you have to eat in moderation, or you will have mercury poisoning. Your people need to manage your environment better to not over fish your oceans, and avoid contaminating it with heavy metals.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have witnessed some glimpses of the many events in your life at various ages. This is just a partial view of what you will see in your life review at your Warning experience and at the end of your life. In your flashbacks you were not held accountable for your actions. In your life review you will be out of your body and outside of time so you can view every action that you did with My assessment of whether each action was good or bad. Many of your sins have already been forgiven, so you will glide past these events, but your unforgiven sins will be pointed out to you.

I will show you how to change your life for the better, and you will be placed back into your body. Learn from this experience of My Warning so you can avoid your past sins and live with more love in your interactions with people. Many people after their life review will have a new outlook on life, and a desire for Confession so they can confess their sins which I will help everyone to remember. This Warning will b a spiritual wake-up call and a preparation for souls to be able to withstand the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I will call My faithful to come to My refuges, and you will live a simpler and holier life under the protection of My angels.

As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed both in body and soul. You will be working with other faithful, and your life will be more rewarding as you will enter My Era of Peace when the evil ones will be cleansed from the earth. Be patient now and ask for My help so you can endure your coming trials.”

Thursday, March 24, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, in this Gospel story (Luke 16:19-31) of the rich man and Lazarus you can see how those, who suffer on earth and are faithful to Me, will be promised a place in heaven. But those, who are rich for themselves and do not care for those in need, could find themselves in eternal punishment in the flames of hell. Your body dies, but your soul lives on for all eternity, and it is every person’s choice by his or her deeds that determines where that person will be. Heaven, hell, and purgatory do exist, and these are your only destinations possible.

If you choose to follow Me in loving Me, obeying My Commandments, and serving Me and your neighbor, then you may suffer some time in purgatory, but you will one day be with Me in heaven. Those, who reject Me and fail to follow My Commandments, nor help their neighbor, are choosing the broad road to hell. In hell souls suffer an eternal burning feeling of flames, but they are not consumed by the flames. The soul is a spirit, but you will suffer the torments of the demons, and you will never see Me again. Those souls in hell are totally hopeless and they hate Me, but it is the soul’s choice to be in hell. I give every soul on earth a chance to be saved, even to your dying breath. Seeing souls in hell and how they suffer, should be an inspiration to My faithful to reach out and save as many souls as you can from going to hell. Learn from this Gospel that your best choice is to be with the One who loves you in heaven, rather than be with the devil who hates you in hell.”

Message Thru Marie - March 19, 2011
Message thru Marie March 19, 2011 8 am St. Joseph's feast day

Me: I was made to focus on my cream ceiling where there was this grayish stain from where I moved a light fixture and relocated it a few meters away.
I never repainted the ceiling to save on cost so there is still this stain that I couldn't remove anymore inspite of rubbing it with soap and water etc.

Jesus: Remember that the enemy sees exactly your weak areas, your predisposition to sin ( I was made to recall this ceiling stain) even if no one else sees or suspects this to be your weakness. (I had not minded this stain in my ceiling which had been there for several years already and even forgot about it when today I was reminded of it) The enemy can see your spirit bodies and sees the areas where you are weak in, where you fall the most, where you struggle the most to overcome. (Quickly I was shown silhouettes of people with darkened areas, grayish areas or even gray maroon areas in specific areas people sin the most, perhaps where I too sin the most? so for ex dark areas in the genital area, or the area of the heart and head - front of the head, hands - so I thought ah, sins of lust? sins of anger? violence(hands)??) But also, the enemy sees those
who strive to follow my path, those who try to live lives of holiness, love, trust ----(I was shown quickly this time instead of silhouette with darkened areas, silhouettes that light up) My children who are struggling to come closer to Me, to carrying their crosses, to loving me are lit up in my Light, this light the enemy hates, the enemy cannot stand!!!

Remember too that these are times when the enemy's power is at its peak, being stronger in the dark, at night for many many have given over their will to his cause, many have given their will over to mammon, to power, lust, pride and all the smorgasborg(?) of vanities the enemy offers blatantly before my children.

Since he does not sleep, I warn and protect all my own. He strikes you at your weakest moments (night time usually). This would usually occur towards the latter part of the day, when you are tired and can resist him less. So I warn my own and ask you, DO NOT FORGET TO PRAY TO ME AT NIGHT TO PROTECT YOU AND SHIELD YOU DURING THE NIGHT.

Many of my children struggle during the night in the absence of a prayer of shielding and protection. Do not forget your sacramentals, rosary, holy water, holy medals. I have given you five things to do to shield yourselves better:
1. Say the cross of St. Benedict prayer, (this is My Holy Cross), (Crus sancti patri, crus sancti sit mihi lux...)
2. a prayer invoking my precious blood (Jesus Crucified, cover me with your precious blood, cover me body, mind, soul and spirit),
3. our Mother's mantle ( Mama Mary, cover me with your immaculate mantle OR Mama Mary, I consecrate myself to your immaculate heart),4. call on graces from the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit, shower on me all the gifts and graces I shall need to shield and protect me esp tonight)5. pray to your guardian angel for even your angel needs your cooperation to allow him to protect and shield you (angel of god, my guardian dear...)

DO this at night and watch how much more at rest is your sleep. You are constantly reminding your children not to forget to say their night prayers but
you forget sometimes to do it yourself and I know you are tired but don't forget my child (guilty, but for my children I ask them to say at night at least one hail mary, one glory be, one our father and the prayer to their guardian angel - when they are less tired I make them say three of each minimum)

Mama Mary: The night is heavier now, so I beg all my children to please, please beg our Heavenly Father for more mercy, thanking him always for another
chance to try again, to show you love Him. Make your consecration offering and mean it.

Me: (a few nights I would sleep late and forget my prayers and then be awoken at 2 am or 3 am and already be perturbed, restless, anxious and sometimes brought to despair and tears and I just woke up to a rush of these feelings! it felt like I was plunged into these feelings! I go to the bathroom so as not to disturb my husband and pray and after a few divine mercy chaplets or rosaries, then His peace settles but it takes a while and this while seems really long to me and I know or feel I am under attack spiritually!)

Mama Mary: Now is the time to keep your oil (cloak yourselves with prayer, with trust in Him) in your lanterns full. The groom is coming.

Be always aware of your true miserable state, so you can always ask and beg the Father to pour his graces to strengthen you, fortify you. The Father loves you and wants you
close to Him always. No one can survive the madness coming, without holding ever so tightly to my hands and most especially my Son's. Your crosses
will get heavier but so will your ascent to the heavenly realm. (quickly I'm shown me embracing a life size crucifix) The Holy cross will illuminate all in these dark dreadful times. Yes, yes you are weak, of a fallen nature but trust, be simple, childlike in faith and beg always for the grace to continue, to get back when you fall, and not worry, yes, be afraid of your weakness, but use this weakness to continue to always ask the Father for grace, then his strength will be shown in you.

Pray much. A short prayer but said from the heart is still a lot! a prayer said for someone is not small! In these times, do not hesitate to pray even quick Jesus!

i love you or Mary! help, said with love will be heard. We are here. We are here. We do not leave your side. But we know the cross you carry will get heavier but do not worry or fear because we make our presence more felt in ordinary little ways, simple ways that irks the enemy no end! If you are paying attention you, (which you are my child), I have shown you so many times already in so many ways (true true)...

It is true. It is the time of great sorrows, hence my tears. It is the time of great scourges, heavier crosses, hence my blood. My children grow weary, hence I make my presence more felt everywhere for all of you. Don't tire my children.

Ask my help, my Son's help to get up. This is the only way. Don't grow fearful for I assure you the heavier your cross, when you carry it with grace, the greater the ascent of your soul. Though the path gets steep, still I and My Son, together with the grace of the Holy Spirit shall make the climb with you. Try to see with your spiritual eyes so you can feel more that you are not alone, that we are here beside you, inside you, strengthening you always.

end of message

(Note: I feel more people shall be attacked at night because I am shown people who are alight in His light are a bigger target at night when the enemy's power is strong and we
are weaker and more physically and mentally exhausted at night, and the enemy hates this light and wants to drown it in darkness hence more shielding prayers at night before we sleep. I made the night prayers shorter because at end of the day, we don't have the patience or strength usually to say long prayers anymore but of course for me, the rosary is my favorite prayer though I admit I usually say it at the start of the day)

I do not tire to say in middle of day, at short pauses during work, the Memorare, or a hail mary, or the our father, or divine mercy chaplet, or 3 oclock prayer, or st michael, st padre pio, etc I also use the holy water by my altar liberally and call on the precious blood. I am not able to do long novenas so I chop up my prayer throughout the day and it's like my spirit diet, because we also have to be aware to sprinkle our day more and more with prayer, with charity also, with trust, with patience, with forgiveness etc...I share with you how I do it, but this was not always how I was at the start of my journey.

My prayer used to be only at the start of the day usually. Somehow, practice allows us to grow to be stronger prayer warriors. God bless us all.

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