Black Spirituality, African Black Saints, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians of Africa, Oceania, America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomon, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and New Zealand
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE (Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
MONDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
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Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Habedeum, Quodvultdeus with the persecutions of Valerianus, Urbanus, Crescens, Eustachius, Cresconius, Crescentianus, Felix, Hortulanus, Fientianus, BISHOPS in Africa. We were martyred in Africa, 28 Nov.
Hagio, African monk in the desert encompassing Ethiopia, Mazices, and Mauretania. Visited in the desert and Nitria by an old historian. Contemporary of Arsisius.
Helenus, I am from the desert. I followed the way of chastity and moderation, honed by the practice of fasting and prayer, to quell the temptations of the flesh.
God always provided what I needed when I needed. I once visited a journey to visit other monks. My load was heavy, and in the name of Jesus enlisted wild donkeys to carry my burden. On another occasion, I visited a monastery for Sunday service, but there was to be none, because of river crocodiles. In the name of Jesus, I bade the crocodile to give me a ride on its back to visit the Presbyter (Elder), to conduct services.
It did so, but the Presbyter (Elder), was too frightened to come.
God gave me the ability to read souls and spirits, as well as to stop evil spirits from tormenting.
Heliodorus with Secundianus, the bishop with Jacobus, Marianus, Concordia, Marina, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
Helladius and Theophilus, “the Deacon.” We preached in Libya, martyred by torture and burning in a furnace, 8 Jan.
Heraclas, Bishop, and Helladius, martyrs.
Heraclemon and others hermits of Kemet (4th century), 12 June
Heraclemon, John, Andrew, and Theophilus of Kemet (4th century) 2 Dec.
Heracles, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Heraclius, Alexander the Bishop, Anna, Elizabeth, Theodota, and Glyceria, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. century), Martyrs, 22 Oct
Heraclius with Palus. Martyred in Africa, 26 May.
Herais, (also known as Rhais, Irais) with also Irais. I am a Virgin martyr. I was a lass of 12 years of age. I was born at Tabne in Kemet. I professed Christ, and under the prefect Culcianus, I was beheaded with other women in 303 A.D. 23 Sept.
Heredina with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.
We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.
Heradius and Zozimus, martyrs, at Carthage.
Herais, wife martyred after being married three weeks.
Herais (Iraja). with brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest. Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Hermes, and Victor martyred in Africa, 2 Nov.(Probably the same Hermes and he who was with Papias, and martyred in Africa with Publius, 2 Nov._.
Hermes, Solutor. Martyred in Africa with21 Jan.
Hemerion, Tryphon, Cyrion, Eulogius, another Cyrion, Menelaus, Porphyrius, Apricus, Justus, Julianus, Orestes, and Julius, martyred at Alexandria 3 July.
Hermogenes of Alexandria (Dec. 10, martyr
Hermogenes with Menas, & Eugraphos, Alexandria Martyrs An eparch (official) of Roman Emperor Maximinus, he was sent to dissuade Menas Kallikelados (eloquent) from his Christian ways. Instead, he converted to Yeshua, Jesus the Christ. Authorities of Emperor Maximinus martyred Hermogenes with Menas, Eugraphus, 235 A.D. Dec. 10th (probably not black, but worked and martyred in Africa, some report 313 A.D. as the date).
Hermos and Majoricus , see Datayia, Aemilian___.
Heron, a second Serenus, Rhais, martyrs.
Heron, Arsenius, Isodore, Dioscorus, martyrs.
Heron, Papias, Dioscurus, Potammon, Pethacus, Oeconomus, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and Ammonius, We were crucified martyrs who preached Jesus in Western Kemet with Paul, 18 May .
Hesychius with Theodore, I am bishop In Kemet, 26 Nov.
Hierax of Kemet, 8 May
Hierax, son of Terence (?), martyr. 28 Oct.
Hieroteus at Tiberiopolis (361 A.D. 362 A.D.), martyr, 28 Nov.
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
From the Era of peace site: See:
Certain Additional Messages of Preparation VIII
November 21, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, I have warned you before tohave some working bicycles ready to use to get to the nearest refuge. You need bicycle pumps to keep your tires inflated, helmets to be legal, and some kind of rain gear or umbrellas for rainy weather. Problems may come in using your car if the government implements smart cards as mandatory to buy and sell your gasoline. You may also run into road blocks or checkpoints on the main roads. Border crossings may also be a problem for those without chips in your passports.
If you have bicycles as a back up, you can drive your car as far as your gas will go, or the roads will allow. Then use your bikes to travel the rest of the way. Travel will be your biggest obstacle in reaching a refuge. Walking would work also, but it is much slower. Be prepared to call on your angels to lead you to a refuge when you see martial law declared, or when the authorities try to mandate chips in your bodies. Avoid chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you because these chips could control your mind into being a robot. Trust in My power since one day I will cast all of these evil ones into hell, and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace."
November 27, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, you are comfortable in your present day church settings for Mass. But a day is coming when you will not be able to find a proper Mass, or there will be threats of persecution for attending a public Mass. This will be the time when My faithful may have to attend an underground Mass in the home or in a secret place. At that time you may need Mass books, vestments, unconsecrated hosts, wine, and candles. This is why it would be wise to have a Mass kit on hand for all of these needs, provided you could find a priest during this time."
"I have mentioned before if you could not have a Mass, then you could do a spiritual communion to keep united with Me. Keeping a spiritual community together will be strained during the tribulation, but it is necessary to keep your faith vibrant and strong with those of like mind. Pray for My help in your protection, and I will have My angels deliver you Holy Communion if you cannot have a Mass. My Eucharist is the spiritual food for your soul, so pray to be constantly fed with My Real Presence. Give praise and thanks to Me for watching over you and providing for your needs."
November 29, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, I want My faithful to wear a Benedictine cross outside of your clothing or under your clothing, whatever you feel comfortable with doing. These crosses have an exorcism medal that is powerful in warding off demon attacks.
As the tribulation time approaches, you will see more and more persecution for your faith in Me, especially for those who wear their sacramentals openly for everyone to see."
December 5, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, you have been witnessing some severe winter weather already with some areas receiving record winds and above average snowfalls or rainfalls. Even your weather maps have been showing huge storms and erratic jet stream flows causing colder weather than normal. You may or may not be aware of the HAARP weather making machine that uses extremely powerful microwaves to control and change the jet streams to cause this bad weather.
This maker of bad weather and the chemtrails causing flu epidemics, are all part of the one world plan to cause disruption and create emergency situations for their control of people. Many of your extreme weather events are due to the use of such machines. This is just an added insight to how evil these people can be just to manipulate your government and the death culture that they promote.
The evil ones will have a brief reign, but they will soon face My judgment for their evil deeds. Call on My help and My angels to protect you, and use your Hawthorn pills or tea, herbs, and vitamins to protect yourselves from these man-made viruses."
December 21, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, I have warned you before to have some alternate sources of heating your houses ready in case of power outages in the winter. This could involve wood fires, kerosene burners, or propane burners for cooking and heating. The vision of a wood fire also came with a concern for where to store all of the ashes from your wood burning. In other words it would be wise to be prepared for enough fuel in case your power outages could go into months before electricity could be restored.
You also should have oil in your lamps for light, or mechanically powered flashlights. Batteries will only last a short time, so reusable devices will be more useful. Your natural gas burners usually require electricity to operate, so getting heat from a line without using electricity may be another option if gas is still available.
You have seen how vulnerable you are in winter with your ice storms. So be prepared for these events happening again because the one world people know how to cause these storms, and can turn off your power to control you. With My grace and blessings I could even multiply your fuel in a long power outage. Trust in My help, but make sure your alternative heating means are in working order."
December 21, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of being turned upside down is exactly what is going to be happening to your world as you know it. There will be more unusual and record breaking natural disasters that will include earthquakes, storms, volcanoes, and tsunamis. In addition to these natural order events there will also be major upheavals in the governments of your nations all over the world.
Microchips will be more widely implemented in an attempt to control people's minds. When these events will cause martial law, you will need to be ready to go to My refuges of protection.
As these events get closer, I will be giving you more specific information about your preparations. Let this be a warning to you that the serious events are about to occur with a faster frequency. Have no fear of these events because I will give you the strength and protection to endure them."
December 25, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, you are just finishing Advent and already I am sharing some more refuge messages. The significance of the fast travel to the refuges in the mountains is not about the speed of the vehicle, but it is about how soon you will need to go to My refuges for protection. Events are going to move so fast that they could precipitate martial law in a short time.
Be constantly prepared to leave both spiritually with Confession, and physically with plenty of sacramentals to share with those who have none. Have your priest bless your sacramentals and salt so you can have your weapons to fight the demons. You are in a constant battle between good and evil, so do the best that you can to save souls, especially in your own family."
January 1, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of a man being drawn into a black hole represents the power of evil on man at the time of the tribulation. I have told you that then you will see an evil that you have yet to see, and all the demons in hell will be unleashed on the earth. During this time you will need Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones, and you will find more protection at My refuges.
My refuges will be your best safe haven where My angels will do battle for you against the demons. This is all the more reason to have your souls purified, and your bodies protected with blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, Benedictine blessed crucifixes, blessed salt, holy water, and medals and prayers of exorcism. My Warning will come first to wake people up to the kind of evil that they will be facing.
You will be warned not to take any chips in your body or any mark of the beast. Also do not look at the Antichrist's eyes that could control you. Keep prepared for this evil battle, but know that My power will win out in the end as Satan will be crushed in defeat. Trust in Me and love Me, and you will have no fears and no worries."
January 9, 2008:
At Holy Name after Communion I could see the scene of Jesus walking on the water and then the windy sea subsided. Jesus said: "My people, in this Gospel reading from Mark (Mark 6:45-52) the disciples were astonished to see Me walking on the water.
When I got into the boat, the wind ceased and again they were amazed that I could control the wind and the sea. I had told My apostles that I was God's Son, and they had seen other miracles that I performed. Yet they did not have the Holy Spirit in them until later, and at this time they did not comprehend that I could perform miracles because I was God's Son.
Even today I am performing miracles of healing for those who have faith that I can heal them. There are still many without faith in Me that cannot believe in miracles, but still they happen. In the coming days of the tribulation believe in Me that I will perform many miracles to protect My faithful from the evil ones, and I will provide for all of your needs. Like the apostles that were fearful that I was a ghost on the water, some people of today are fearful of the evil ones who are trying to kill them.
Some truly will die as martyrs, but they will be instant saints in heaven. My faithful should have no fear of these evil ones because My power is greater than theirs, and My angels will protect you by making you invisible.
I will multiply your food, fuel, and graces in giving you My Hosts. When you see My miracles as they will be happening, understand My power as God, and be not unbelieving, but believe in the glory of My power by giving praise and thanks to your God."
January 20, 2008:
God the Eternal Father said: "I AM stands before you. Thank you for following My wishes to have a chapel dedicated in My honor for your God the Father. You will receive many graces and blessings for listening to My instructions.
This vision of a mural of Me on the floor is a testimony to all of the many miraculous images that are appearing on these holy grounds. You have many prayer meetings here, and all of your prayers will help sustain you here through the tribulation.
Call on My angels of protection to shield you from the evil ones so they cannot see you. Also, I will instruct you in your preparations for water and food to feed you. Give praise and glory to your God because soon you will see many catastrophic events on the earth, for it will change as you know it."
January 31, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, when many of the priests are away on vacation, it is difficult to find a Mass for today. You were fortunate to have a priest available today so you could have the Sacrifice of the Mass. Communion services do share in My Body and Blood of Communion, but they are no substitute for the greatest prayer in the Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Mass and the priests are great gifts that you should appreciate, and you appreciate the Mass even more when you experience a time when you cannot attend a Mass. Do not take the Mass for granted because during the tribulation, it will be even more difficult to find a priest for a Mass at your refuge.
I have told you that if you cannot attend a Mass, to call on Me in a Spiritual Communion if you cannot have Communion either. During the tribulation, I will have My angels bring you Holy Communion if you cannot have Communion or a Mass. Rejoice that I will still be with you in My Real Presence even to the end of time."
February 6th, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, lighthouses along the shore are a safeguard for ships in storms at sea. The statue of My Blessed Mother by the lighthouse is a safety for souls when she protects you from the trials of life with her mantle. She is joined with Me in putting My Light into the darkness of sin in the world so souls can find their way home to Me. Our love and our protection reaches out to every soul open to receive My graces.
We do not force our love on you, but you are receiving our invitation to know and love us. You have been witnessing some severe tornadoes that have caused some deaths. You can place blessed medals, scapulars, and blessed salt around your home, and you will have protection from any storms in your area.
You have seen many miracles of houses spared damage that have blessed sacramentals and statues of My Blessed Mother or of My Sacred Heart in their houses. This physical protection is a witness, but our spiritual protection from demons and evil people, will be even more important to saving your souls. Continue your daily rosaries and daily Masses to keep on the right path to heaven and gain fruit in your Lenten Season. Give praise to Me and honor to My Blessed Mother for watching over our children."
February 18, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, many people are asked to get flu shots every year so they will be protected from the latest flu germs that mutate every year. It is difficult to predict which of the latest strains that will be prevalent in order to make vaccines for it. I have told you in the past that the one world people will be manufacturing a pandemic disease in order to give them an emergency to declare martial law.
One of their techniques to spread this disease will be to place viruses in these annual flu shots to make people more susceptible in acquiring a new disease. They will then disperse this new disease or a more virulent old disease by means of the chemtrails in the sky which they have used for a long time to spread flu-like symptoms.
This is why it is good now to build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills or tea, vitamins, and herbs. Once My people come to My refuges, you will be healed of all diseases by drinking the healing spring water, or looking on the luminous cross in the sky. I will protect you from all that the evil ones are planning, so trust in My help every day."
May 23, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, you are seeing food costs continue to increase and shortages of food appearing in third world countries, especially where there have been major natural disasters. Truly, articles of a silent famine are slipping into your news coverage. A few years ago I suggested that you put aside some food that would be multiplied for the end times before you have to leave for your refuges.
I told you then that you would begin to see famines and food shortages because of natural disasters and a need to have smart cards to buy your food.
This extra food is not about hoarding, but having food to multiply and share when people come to your house looking for food. Some people, that have listened to My request and have stored some extra food, will become interim refuges for people traveling on the way to their final place of refuge.
All of My faithful who are being tested and persecuted for these preparations will be vindicated when the prophesies of the end times will come about. Continue to be prepared physically and spiritually for the coming time of tribulation."
June 12, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, the one world people know full well how vulnerable America is in requiring fuels for your vehicles and electricity to run your homes and factories. They will use these weapons against you to control you in requiring chips to buy and sell fuels.
Without fuels and electricity they could bring your economy to a standstill with no travel. This is what they will use when they declare martial law for their takeover. This is why you will need some alternative fuels and bicycles for travel and energy needs in your homes. Be prepared with some food supplies, and be ready to leave for My refuges when martial law comes."
July 15, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, you are becoming more aware of the scarcity of food for the world by the price that you are paying for your food items. Many of you in America can afford to pay more for food, but those in the rest of the world cannot afford these prices, and are even fighting to obtain food. As you see droughts, disasters, and insects attacking food supplies, it is getting even more difficult to feed all the people of the world.
Do not depend on China for your cheap food because in the coming world famine, they will not be able to deliver food at all. Keep your own farmers going by subsidies or higher prices, or you will have nothing to eat.
I have asked My faithful to store some food exactly for this time because it will not be in the stores, or you will need chips in smart cards or in the body in order to buy it. Whatever you have, I will multiply it so you can share it with those who come to your door. I will also multiply your stored water, if your sources dry up. Trust in My preparations and I will see to your needs."
July 17, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, your energy companies are fortunate to be able to provide enough electricity to handle hot summers and the needs of your air conditioners. Again these companies find it too expensive to bring on alternative power to make up for any electricity grid failures.
During such outages, the people will need secondary sources at least for heating during the winter. Food spoilage would be difficult without some backup food supply. My people need to plan for such emergencies, and call on Me to multiply your food and fuel in your need."
July 30, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, you have been seeing more earthquake and volcano activity recently, but it is when they occur in populated areas that people could be hurt or killed. This vision of another massive volcano going off shows you how people will seek any place of safety, even in dark caves.
I had asked you in some previous messages to have masks for some coming viruses in the chemtrails. You also could use your masks if a volcano should send its dusty ash over large areas. If you cannot find your masks from before, then you may have to purchase some new ones and place them in a spot that you can remember to find them.
Volcanoes can spread ash thousands of miles away if it is sent into high atmospheric levels. Such explosive eruptions could even affect your weather when the ash could block out the sun. You have already seen cyclones and earthquakes that have caused many deaths, and there will be more natural disasters to come. Pray that the people will be spared their lives in any future destruction."
November 6, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, in the coming tribulation you will be faced with many trials and quick decisions that will be needed to protect your life and soul from the evil ones. It will be very difficult to make these decisions on your own without consulting with My discernment for your soul. Do not be hasty in your decisions, but be willing to visit My Blessed Sacrament for My guidance. I will advise you based on what is best for your soul."
Jesus said: "My people, in addition to praying for discernment, you need to carry your blessed sacramentals and blessed salt to protect you from the demons so they cannot find you. You will need your blessed sacramentals and My angels as your weapons against evil. Do not rely on guns for your protection, but trust in My leading you. Remember that you are dependent on Me for everything, so let Me go before you in your defense."
November 20, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, I have been warning you in many messages to be prepared for the bankrupting of America, and the subsequent declaration of martial law. Noah had been warned of the coming flood by God, and Noah was told all of the dimensions of the Ark and what to take with him in the animals, food, and water.
Now My people need to prepare also for when you will have to go to My refuges. I have told you how to pack your backpacks and what to take with you in following your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Your refuges are going to be your Noah's Ark so you will be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation and have what you need to survive."
Jesus said: "My people, the beginnings of martial law could easily occur in the winter months when it may be difficult to use your bikes in the snow. In this case it may be a good plan to have a snow sled or toboggan in order to carry your backpacks, blankets, and tents. This is one more thing to have on hand should this happen in the winter. Pray for My help in whatever season that you will need to leave for My refuges."
November 20, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, at your houses or your refuges you will need to store some water for drinking and washing. Be sure to store your water where it will be warm and cannot freeze. In the winter this will be an extra consideration for all of your liquids and foodstuffs so they do not get spoiled with freezer burn.
Also at your homes and refuges you will need extra fuel to get you through the winter because the evil ones will shut off your power when they declare martial law. Winter living will be especially difficult for those living in the North, so pray for My help to keep you warm and fed."
November 24, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, in the beginning of the coming tribulation it will be most important to first find a place of hiding from the authorities that are trying to kill all Christians and patriots. Your first stop may not have a lot of food and water, but your interim refuge will keep you safe for a while.
At this large barn in the vision you will have a soft place to sleep on the hay, but I will have to multiply your food and water in your backpacks. This is why you need to have food and water in your backpacks when you leave your homes. As you see more and more events and signs leading up to a takeover of your country, it becomes more important to have your preparations for leaving all in place. Ask for My help because you are seeing signs in My messages, from others, and in the secular world."
March 2, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, this is a very difficult scene to see so many spirit bodies leaving their dead bodies as a result of a pandemic virus that will be very deadly. This virus will be spread by the chemtrails and the one world people will protect themselves with an antidote vaccine for this virus. I am telling My people again to build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills or tea, along with other herbs, vitamins, and nuts.
Once you see this pandemic beginning with many people dying, it would be a good time to call on Me to lead you to your refuges where you would be healed of all sicknesses by drinking the water of the healing spring, and looking on the luminous cross.
The evil ones will try to reduce the population so they have less people to control. This tribulation time will be brief before I will come and cast this evil lot into hell. My faithful will then rejoice to live in My Era of Peace."
March 3, 2008:
Jesus said: "My people, much of your fresh water for your crops comes from rain water which is really fresh water that is distilled from the salty oceans, or from the Great Lakes. Unfortunately, your air pollution puts acid and other pollutants in the rain water, and it makes your lakes in higher elevations so acid that fish cannot live in them.
In your news there was a remark about certain bacteria being present in your rainfall. It did not explain how bacteria and viruses got into the air in the first place. It is your government's plans to place chemtrails in your skies and the chemtrails are loaded purposely with bacteria and viruses to make people sick with flu-like symptoms. When it rains, all of these chemtrail pollutants are found in your rainwater as a result.
This is another reason why you have so much sickness spread over your land. It is also why I have recommended Hawthorn pills and tea, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune systems to fight these diseases."
January 22, 2009:
Jesus said: "My people, you have movies and pictures of the bread lines during the depression. It is a real possibility that you will see more food lines needed as this recession gets worse. It would be good to have your government start providing money to help feed the hungry people of your country who have fallen on hard times. With fewer jobs it will become harder to provide for your families.
This is again why I asked you to store up food when it will be hard to obtain. I will multiply your food for those who come to your house for food.You may even see riots and looting as people become desperate and hungry. Pray for My protection in this coming trial."
January 23, 2009:
Jesus said: "My people, I have given you messages on chemtrails before, but they will have a bigger role in the one world people's plan for takeover and control of the population. These chemtrails are being spread by both military and commercial airplanes. Up to now they have been spreading military grade viruses that cause diseases that weaken your immune system.
This is why you need to build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As time progresses, these same one world people will be putting viruses in your flu shots, and they will be spreading more virulent viruses in the chemtrails so that there will be more deaths as they initiate their pandemic virus. This is why I want you to have some masks to wear that could help you not to breathe in these viruses.
When you see many people sick and dying from these diseases, you will see another sign to call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to the nearest refuge. When you look upon My luminous cross or drink the miraculous spring water, you will be healed of any pandemic virus. Be forewarned of these worse viruses in the chemtrails so you know how to avoid being killed by them."
January 29, 2009:
Jesus said: "My people, for those without a spring of water at an interim refuge, I will multiply your food and water for as long as you need it. Even on the way to your final refuge, you will find interim refuges to hide you and feed you.
Do not have fear of the evil ones, for My angels will do battle for you by making you invisible to them. With My help, you will not need guns to defend yourselves. Your lives will become more holy as you are all working towards sainthood."
Loiuse Tomkiel (2)
July 24, 2000:
Louise started to receive a locution from Jesus and said: "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood".
Jesus then said: "Children, if you do not say the prayer to My Holy Archangel Michael; I tell you, begin today and say it daily, over and over again. You need his strong protection from Satan and all his evil spirits that are roaming the earth in search of poor souls.
Since your time to repent and give forgiveness is SO VERY SHORT, My message is to spend much more time in prayer while consecrated to Me and Our Holy, Heavenly Family. You've always needed Our assistance but never so much as at this present hour.
I tell you over and over again of all the great trials that are about to befall humanity. They are mighty and devastating beyond your imagination and so severe that your planet earth will reverberate from sea to sea and pole to pole.
Man has and still chooses to ignore Me, My Word in Scripture and the messengers. You must be punished and The Hand of God Your Father is quickly falling.
Martial law IS in effect in many areas of your earth. A One World Government is in order and will materialize very soon. The successor of John Paul II has already been chosen by the evil men who have taken control in My Church. The chip is being implanted in many parts of the world, by force and, it will become law in the USA very, very soon.
Many of My people, across the oceans, are already fighting against this evil act that is Satan's number and seals you as his follower. If you accept this chip under your skin, YOU ARE DOOMED!
You MUST make all needed preparations today--TODAY IN YOUR TIME!!! A tremendous calamity is inevitable.
Read, My children, READ YOUR SCRIPTURE!!! Listen to My chosen messengers! Obey all My Words; My Commandments! Pray without ceasing.
Each hour that ticks by on your clocks brings you one hour closer to these disasters--one from man's doings and one from God's Wrath.
If you are not following Me and all I ask of you, you will fall into evil hands because of your own choices. Listen to the world and be annihilated.
Oh, you're tired of hearing the same messages all these years. You see no changes and continue to live a life of sin. You're so certain that nothing will happen in your lifetime. Even some of My priests are telling you, My little, chosen messengers, that you are wrong or even of evil. I promise you, many eyes will be opened, many ears will hear when My fateful day begins. Many will wish that they had listened to Me through you. Because of their stubbornness, they will not have the strength to resist evil or will they understand the meaning behind evil's subtle messages and conniving trickery.
Through My messengers, I, your Divine God of Mercy and Love, am trying to strengthen you, to teach you, to warn you of imminent happenings. I will NEVER leave you to become lost. I WILL guide you and lead you.
The same Hand of God that is falling to punish evil and to destroy it, is the same hand that will protect His remnant, faithful souls.
God IS just! He IS merciful! God IS Love!
I implore all Our faithful ones to return to Our Father. Love Him. Obey Him. Consecrate yourself to Him. Pray for your leaders to convert. Pray for all people to become strong in Me, Christ Jesus. Seek after the gifts and fruits of Our Holy Spirit. Ask for protection and guidance from My parents, Mary and Joseph. Beg Holy Michael to keep all evil spirits at bay.
You alone chose your eternity. You alone are in control of your thoughts, words and actions. Your destiny is your decision.
Remember, all evil spirits are trying to deceive you, to lure you into sin or pleasures that will destroy your soul forever.
Heaven's last call is close at hand. Hear Me! Answer Me! Pray and I WILL assist you. I am The Light that will lead you to an eternity of bliss with Me.
The time IS NOW! Chose wisely, for your choice is an eternity of love, with Love or one of eternal agony in hell with fire and brimstone.
Children, pray, pray, PRAY! Reject sin. Refuse to follow evil. Begin your new life today and accept Me as your God, Master of your life, your Savior and Redeemer. I lovingly await your response. Again I remind you of My complete Mercy and Love for all--without exception.
Please, My dearest People, accept My words and repent. My Mother's Immaculate Heart WILL triumph; Satan and his followers will be cast into hell; a reign of peace will follow and then after a millennium of peace, I will return for My people and lead them home".
October 15, 2001:
Louise started to receive a message and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood. "
"Dearest children of My Divine, Sacred, Merciful and Loving Heart: repent and return to Me. Consecrate yourselves, your children, your families, your animals, your home and property to God; Father, Me, the Son and Our Holy Spirit morning, noon and night. Make the act of consecration also to Mary Our Mother and Joseph, Our Protector and Guide.
No longer should you travel far from home nor should you travel alone. Stay away from crowds. When you do go out go, not only with your Guardian Angel but ask for the protection of many Angels. Ask them to be visible to anyone who is of evil intent and to surround you, your children, your home, your cars for anyone who sees My Holy Angels will be filled with awe and/or great fear.
Angels were created for numerous activities first of which is to praise God. Angels sang praises to your new-born Infant King after first asking Mary's permission to accept the honorable role of becoming My Mother. Next they asked Joseph. They sang praises over the place where I was born and told the shepherds and the Kings. They told Joseph to take Mary and Me and flee into Egypt. They told Joseph when to return home to Nazareth. They comforted Me in My Agony. And told Mary Magdalene of My Resurrection.
Angels guide and protect My dearest children throughout life. Today you need your Guardian Angel and all My Angels to protect you from evil and harm. Call on them, thank them, honor them.
Remember too, there are fallen angels, angels of darkness and death. Lucifer is a fallen angel, the Devil, their leader.
Angels play a very prominent part in these last times. They are at My beck and call to warn My people and to carry out all My plans explained in Revelations. Read this timely Book NOW!
Accept your Angel. Pray to your Angel. Honor your Angel. Follow your Angel for he/she will lead you to safe ground. Never go out without your Angel. Only your Glorious Spirit Angel can see and understand the war of spirits taking place around My faithful children. They will fight to protect you in body, mind AND spirit.
I place My Angels at the service of all My devoted, loving, mini remnant. Thank Our Father for the Gift of His Angels."
October 17, 2001:
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and she said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."
" Dearly beloved of My Heart, as you already are aware, the tribulation has begun. It is in the early formative stages and will worsen day by day.
Chemicals and insects cover much of the earth, yes USA too, and both are carried through the air until your air is laden with them causing illness and death. The chemicals are absorbed into your fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and water. They cling to your clothing and your skin. They are lodged in your hair and the fur and skin of animals.
Outdoor animals that come into your houses MUST have their paws or feet washed with soap and water or it is also being embedded in your rugs and carpets. Your own shoes carry this toxin. It is everywhere!
Place a drop of holy water or a grain of blessed salt into ALL you eat or drink and also bless the food and water you give your pets and farm animals.
Purchase your masks as soon as possible. Keep your doors and windows closed on windy days so that the excess debris does not enter so forcefully.
The time for preparation is drawing to its end. Again, many are not and will not be prepared. After all these years of My warning you, you still turn a deaf ear. You WILL soon be very sorry, little ones.
My concern for you is so great but unless you choose to listen and obey Our directions, you will suffer. I do not speak empty words. I am speaking loving warnings to direct you, to assist you, to aid you and all because of My endless Love and Mercy.
Open your ears and hear! Open your eyes and see! Open your hearts and execute the Will of Our Father for you---NOW and FOREVER!!!
These are very evil days and the hours are readily darkening. We, in Heaven, WILL protect Our own, Our faithful, Our remnant. Many of Our children are suffering with Me, Your Jesus, for the horrid sins of evil men.
They help Me carry My Cross and suffer in body, mind and spirit. They are bringing many souls back to Us--The Undivided Trinity. These messages are being confirmed on world-wide T.V. and radio and also, in your newspapers. Only a fool cannot see and feel the forces of evil and the punishments sent to you by a Just God and Father.
Does it not bother you that Our Mantle of Love and Protection has been removed from your country? (or countries) Is it so difficult for YOU to give Me, no less than, 15 minutes per day in humble, loving prayer? Are you not concerned with your eternal life and your responsibilities to God and man?
Evil comes from evil--Satan--who is the master of darkness and sin. I am the Light come into the darkness to save all souls. You carry that Light into the world when you become Mine though consecration, prayer and (live) total love in your heart.
These hours and events will now follow quickly, one upon the other, until these battles are won (by Me). Continue to love and obey, to repent and convert, to forgive and to pray unceasingly. Be strong My beloved ones. Keep your eyes on Me and your thoughts on Godly things. Only you can change yourself through a firm desire to leave all sin behind and follow Me, your Jesus, who is all Mercy and Love for all ages."
July 6, 2004:
Louise began to receive a message from Father God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."
Then Father God spoke, "The hour has come when ALL preparations MUST be in place. Many of you laugh at this statement but I tell you, IT WILL DESCEND UPON YOU LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT- -NO, ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING!!!!!
At this hour all those NOT prepared will be left behind in matters of physical needs. All stores will close. All utilities will no longer be available. There will be no drinkable water and you will have no source of heat. There will be no means of communication and no transportation. Again I tell you--All MONEY WILL BE USELESS.
It is a time of great fear and confusion. It is the beginning of complete control by evil men bound together to enforce Martial Law, a police state OR One World Government. The chip will be forced upon all. There will be the Antichrist and a False Pope to lead you.
This will descend upon you when men make all needs nearly unavailable or costs so high that few can afford to live. They will create a state of emergency through panic and a deadly fear through destruction. Terror through terrorists will coexist and be felt in every heart.
Only those of My remnant who are totally prepared will find strength and peace to survive this period. My shelters are ready. I will lead you through the night by My Heavenly Angels, to the refuge or shelter where you are to find rest. When I come to you, do not hesitate, GO! The momentum has reached its crescendo. Exit your premises quickly and do not look back!
This message I give you through My Mercy and Love for all. It is urgent that all obey. Your physical or mortal life is at stake and through your decision you will seal your eternal life. Amen, dear ones, Amen- -SO BE IT!!!!!"
October 2, 2007:
L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Most Precious Blood."
Then your God spoke, "Listen to Me when I call!!! When I speak to you, telling you to leave your home, or when My Angels alert you, GO! This is very urgent. There will be NO TIME TO WASTE!
Your very lives are at stake! Souls (people) possessed by the devil will break into your houses and drag you away to detention camps.
Today, bless every window and door of your houses with Holy Water or Holy Oil and place a Blessed Medal in every window and a Crucifix on every door.
As a Christian or a Catholic (Christian) you are on evils most wanted list. Obey Me!
Also wear a Sacramental on your person. Put one on your children AND animals.
DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST- - -THE CHIP!!! Do not have your children marked and have NO animal marked! AMEN- -come to Me and obey- -NOW!"
Messages of Preparation to Leave for the Refuges
John Leary
June 8, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, this descending down a beautiful staircase is a sign that as the time of tribulation occurs, you must call on the Holy Spirit and My angels for protection. Pray for the strength to endure the trial of evil's brief reign when the Holy Spirit will give you what to say and do. I have asked you to follow your guardian angels to My places of refuge where My angels will protect you and provide for all of your needs.
You are seeing the battle of good and evil building ever so close to the time of confrontation at Armageddon. Pray that My victory will come quickly to defeat Satan and all of the evil ones.
My glorious chastisement will come to remove all evil from the face of the earth and you will rejoice in My Era of Peace as your reward for remaining faithful. Stay strong in your faith with your devotions to My Blessed Mother's rosary and scapular. Have all of your blessed sacramentals on your person for your protection. My Blessed Mother will be watching over her children and My angels will form a barrier of protection all around My faithful. You will be tested, but call on heaven's help to get you through this time."
January 15, 2004:
Jesus said: "My people, your cell phones are useless unless there are enough towers to carry the signals to the satellites. Not only are your phones good for making calls, but they also can be a means of tracking your movements even when it is turned off. When you go to My refuges, do not take any electronic devices with you that could be used to trace you. It will also be harder for the evil ones to find you if you are in areas where there are no cell towers. My angels will protect you at My refuges because the evil ones will not be able to see you with their electronic eyes. Pray for My protection at that time."
January 31, 2005:
Jesus said: "My people, in the first reading you read of how the early prophets were abused and killed. Many of them were forced to flee and hide in caves and out of the way places for protection.
For now you see Masses said in the crypt or basements of your churches. In the future you will have to go to your homes for an underground church and Mass. Persecution for your faith will again prevail in your world that grows more evil every day.
Once the evil ones seek you out to kill you, you also will have to flee like the early prophets for a place of safety. Some in hilly areas will be led by their guardian angels even to caves as refuges. I will protect My people at My refuges where they will not find you. Take warm clothes with you and I will provide for your needs. Some of My faithful will be martyred for My Name's sake, but those remaining will find My protection. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist take control, because you know that I will come soon to vanquish all evil and renew the earth with My Era of Peace. Have trust and hope in Me always as My victory and power are greater than the evil ones who will be cast into hell."
November 16, 2005:
Jesus said: "My people, many of you in America have been spoiled with nice homes and plenty of food and utilities. Even in the winter you have heaters to provide for your warmth. When the time of tribulation comes, My faithful will face possible torture in detention centers for not taking chips in the body.
Before the evil ones will come to your homes, I will have your angels lead you out into the wilderness to refuges of protection. You will need to take your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and Bibles. You will need a backpack for a small tent, mosquito netting, sleeping bag, and some food and water.
You will not always have your same comforts, but you will be in a rustic shelter and protected by My angels.
At My refuges there will be water, deer, and the bread that I will provide. Have no worries about the evil ones because they will not find you. You will endure this tribulation for a short time before I will come and defeat all of the evil ones. I will then renew the earth and you will experience My Era of Peace. Stay faithful to Me even when it may appear hopeless to survive this time.
Trust that My power is greater than the Antichrist and his reign will not last long. Refuse the mark of the beast in your body, and only worship your Lord and God. Follow Me and I will guide you on your path to heaven. You will be tested dearly, but a little suffering will be well worth eternity in heaven."
February 1, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, in the first reading David took a census of his people for adding to his army, and then he repented and had to choose three days of pestilence of his options from the prophet. Many people died from the pestilence as a punishment. The vision shows some readiness for a fast escape, but this is connected with famine and pestilence of the end days which I have warned My faithful to be ready for.
A world famine and pestilence will occur after the Warning. This is one of the signs along with a division in My Church, and chips forced in the body that will signal the time to go to My refuges. There will be a moment of haste, so you need to have some things already in your backpacks ready to go. I have asked you to store some blessed sacramentals, holy water, blessed candles, some food to multiply, a few changes of clothes, sleeping bags, a tent, and a small shovel with a bicycle to travel.
I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges, as well as protection from the evil ones. Your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. You can look on My luminous crosses to be healed of any diseases that the evil ones will try and inflict on you. See that these things are ready for when you will have to leave in haste."
May 28, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, this seems like an unusual vision that you should see a larger demand for bicycles than normal. This means that your access to fuel is going to have some dramatic setbacks. Wars will continue to threaten your oil supply, especially wars around the Persian Gulf. Such a threat to your oil will raise prices to the point where it will be difficult to go far.
Alternate fuels are improving, but are not yet capable of replacing oil. Another problem with supply will be restrictions because of the mandatory use of smart cards to buy the gas and allow use of the highways. As a result of these problems of fuel access and mandatory chips, many of My faithful will be forced to use bicycles more for transportation.
When you are forced to use chips for buying and selling, especially chips in the body, then your money will be useless and it will be time to go to My refuges. This is why I have asked you to have bicycles ready to leave because of this fuel problem and your need for protection from those who want to force chips on everyone. This time is coming very soon so you should have things ready to leave for My refuges. Pray and trust in Me for your protection and your needs."
June 8, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, it is not easy to have to evacuate your home when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions threaten to kill you. You take with you what you treasure most and leave in haste for safety.
This same threat of death could come in your own natural disasters, but even more so you will be threatened by the evil ones with a threat of spiritual death.
You will again have to leave your home in haste and take your sacramentals, some food, clothing, blankets and tentswhen you are threatened by the evil ones who want to kill you. You will be led by your angels to My nearest refuges of protection. Trust in Me no matter how much you will be tested."
October 9, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, this fast clock moving past you is another sign of how close the time is to the tribulation and the declaration of the Antichrist. I have already told you how he will be traveling around to various large stadiums to get people to follow him under his control. Your finances and jobs will be under his control through your smart cards and chips in the body.
Fight to refuse these chips in the body, even if they want to kill you for your faith. I will encourage you at the right time to leave your homes for My refuges. Do not delay at that time because the evil ones will strike swiftly to try and capture you before you can get away from your house.
By not carrying any smart cards, they will find it difficult to track you. Eventually, you will need to use your bikes because most cars have tracking transponders as well. Once you reach My refuges, you will find My protection because they cannot track you or detect you at My refuges. Pray for My help in this difficult time, and have no fear of these evil ones."
October 20, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, when you travel any long distance from state to state, you use many expressways that offer a choice to use transponders for paying the tolls. New toll roads are being made where tolls are unnecessary just to control your entry. A time is come quickly when it will be mandatory to use easy passes for all of your main highways. By forcing people to have transponders on their windshields, it will be easier to track your whereabouts at any time.
By controlling your driving freedoms, the one world people can control how far you can travel and even where you can travel. It would be good planning for your escape to My refuges if you would have detailed road maps to take local roads as alternates to the highways. I have told you before to have your bikes ready in case you have difficulty buying fuel or you do not have transponders to travel the highways.
Travel to My refuges will become increasingly difficult as the one world people tighten their vise of control on you through smart cards and cameras. Do not be discouraged by this evil control, but trust in Me and your guardian angels to lead you safely to My refuges. Many of these lost freedoms are becoming more apparent to anyone who is watching the stifling activities of your government."
October 27, 2006:
Jesus said: "My people, you would do well to have your bicycles ready in good working order because you cannot assume that you will be able to use your cars. You may have difficulty in getting fuel for your car or you may not be able to drive on the main highways. With bicycles you could carry a little more necessities on your way to your refuge. You may need to carry a bicycle pump and your helmet to keep your tires pumped up and lawful attire to travel.
With a bicycle you could travel on back roads or through the fields to get to your refuge. Some may not be able to ride bicycles, so you could buy a three wheeler or a multiple passenger bike. Some may think bicycles are not very useful, but you will be getting by with a lot fewer luxuries than you have now.
Trust in Me and bring your tents, umbrellas, and some clothes, and I will multiply the food and water that you need, as well as any shelters that are available. Everything will be provided for you and the angels will protect you from the demons and any evil people."
January 11, 2007:
Jesus said: "My people, there are many people who have various pets as dogs, cats, birds, and other animals who are close to them. These are different lives that you befriend and take care of, even as you care for your children.
They give comfort to lonely people, and they quickly become part of your families. Even when you will be called to My refuges, you can bring your pets along because I will care for them also. All of these animals are My creations and I love them also, but not as much as My faithful who have spiritual souls made to My Image."
Continued in Part IX at:
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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A writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the early African Liturgical Churches, Attorney James Wesly Smith ‘s 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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