Black Spirituality, African Black Saints, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians of Africa, Oceania, America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomon, Marianas, Society and Marshall Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and New Zealand
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE (Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
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Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Aaron Martyred at Abyssinian Coptic Church, 19 Oct.
Aaron (Ethiopian), I am a Coptic friend of God, 16 May
Abba Abraam, Coptic listed friend of God.
Abba Isa, whose nephew was Paul, son of Thecla, a friend, and
Apollonius, we were martyrs in Kemet, 4 Dec.
Aba Mina near Alexandria. as Mena of Kemet (Egypt). Also known as Menas of Cotyauem, Menas of Cotyaes; Menas of Cotyaeum; Menas of Egypt; Menas of Kotyaeum; Menas of Mareotis; and Mennas.
I drove camels early in life, but I became a solider for Caesar.
Firmilian was my primicerius. The reign and terror of the persecutions of Diocletian, and co-ruler Maximian erupted.
I left the Imperial Army of Rome, and became a hermit. I was led to preach on one occasion. Through the authority of Pyrrhus, the local prefect, I was arrested for professing and teaching Christ, severely beaten, tortured, martyred at Cotyaes, Phrygia.
Miracles through the grace of God were ascribed to my place of repose. A large church building (called Basilica), became known as the “Glory of the Libyan Desert”. Christian faithful buried me in Mareotis, Kemet(Egypt). 11 Nov.
Abadios, I am a martyr. I was a soldier in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian, when I confessed Christ at K’balakhis. I was forcibly thrown from a rocky precipice at Bilgai, Kemet, 20 Jan.
Abadir and my sister Iraya [Herais] with other martyrs, Abadir with his sister, Iraja (Herais). We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest. Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.
Abadiu, I was Bishop Martyr of Antinoe. Arians killed me. 26 Dec.
Abahor (several) (Apa Hor)
Abaidas, (also known as Abadias), I am the confessor, and Ethiopian follower of Acirianus.31 Oct. Coptic Calendar.
ABAKERAZUM (Kirdjun), I was a reformed robber and bandit. Martyred at Alexandria, buried at Alexandria Borieam in Banuar, Kemet.
Abja and Tacla (Tecla). We are saints of the Coptic Church, 25 Jan. Coptic Calendar.
Abakuh (Apa Kauh) of Bamujeh, in Fayum, Kemet. I am the martyr of Bamujeb, Fayum, and Kemet. 23 Jan.
Abamon (Apa Pamun) Abbot of Nitrian Desert,I am the martyr of Maryut, Kemet. Martyred in Alexandria, Kemet.
Abanoub received the Holy Sacraments, and then he prayed to God to guide him to where he can confess his faith in Jesus our Lord. After that, Abanoub went out, and gave all his possessions to the needy.
Then he set off on foot to the city of Samanoud. While he was walking, he saw the Archangel Michael in celestial glory. Abanoub fell to the ground. The Archangel raised him. St. Michael told him that he must suffer three days in Samanoud and that he would witness to Jesus Christ in other places.
Aba Salamah, (Frumentius). When the Emperor Constantius sought his harm, I was protected by the Kings of Abyssinia Atzbeha and Abreha (Sazana and Aizan), who were among the country’s first male rulers, after Queen Candace). Ethiopian Coptic Calendar.
Abda. Martyred in Africa, with Anesius. 31 March
Abel, of Tacla Monastery, Abyssinia, 13 July. Martyred in Alexandria
Abeluzius (Anba Lucius). I am an Ethiopian friend of God in the Ethiopian Rite, 15 Jan.
Aberoh (Aburom, Arianus) with Atom. We are brother martyrs, living at Gamnudi, Kemet. Persecutions saw us flee to Farama, Kemet. At Alexandria, authorities arrested and tortured us. However, the prefect released us. We traveled to Baramon. There, authorities beheaded us. 2 July. Coptic Calendar.
Abhor (Amba Hor) I am the martyr brother of Mehraela. 9 Jan.
Abias. I have a church in Alexandria.
Abib and Apollo, Kemetian martyrs. 22 Oct.
Abibas the Deacon. I suffered martyrdom with 13 Others at Alexandria. (250 A.D.) Sept. 6
Abibus, (Sabinus of Hermopolis Kemet, Phanas) martyr, of Kemet (287 A.D.), I am the martyr and procurator, as well as bishop of Hermopolis in Kemet. The Roman Emperor Diocletian persecution reigned terror. I hid with other Christians in a small dwelling. A beggar betrayed me. The authorities took me to Antinoe. After torture, I was drowned in the Nile (Scamander) 13 March, Greek Church, 16 March, Coptic, 20 Feb.
Abibus, (also known as Sabinus of Hermopolis, Kemet), 13 March.
Abidianus. Martyred in Africa with Quirinus, 3 June
Abilius, (Sabellius) of Alexandria, 22 Feb.
Abilius, I am the third bishop of Alexandria, Kemet, around the year 84 A.D. I died in around 98 A.D., 22 Feb.
Abilus, Bishop, also known as Milius or Minius, Third Coptic Chief priest (Pope) 11 Sept. 98 A.D. (Holy person).
Abitius (Abylius, Sabellius, Milius) I am the third Patriarch of Alexandria in succession to John Mark—Saint Mark—and Anianus. Thirteen years, I administered the see at Alexandria. 84 A.D. to 97 A.D. 22 Feb Greek Rite, Latin Rite, 23 Feb. Coptic Calendar, 29 Aug and 29 March.
Ablak, Ethiopian friend of God, 330 A.D. May.
Abraham. I am a monk. I was child to a wealthy Kemetian property owner. Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, graced me with a vision on the Chariot of the Cherubim. For 18 years, I was sick at Djirdjeh, before I died. My famed residence was a shrine. 4 Jan. probably connected with Abraham, Coptic friend of God, 12 Feb.
Abraham martyred in the Abyssinian Ethiopian Rite, 5 May.
Abraham, I am a monk in Kemet, and a follower of Amba Agatho, the Silent. 21 May. Coptic Calendar.
Abraham, Ethnus, Acrates, James, and John. We are martyrs in Ethiopia, Abyssinia. 3 Aug.
Abraham and John. We are martyrs of Gamnudi in lower Kemet. I was with St. James of Manug. At Farama, authorities beheaded us. 11 Aug.
Abraham the Poor or Abraham the Child. I was an anchorite, and a follower of Saint Pachomius. I saw the sunrise of my life in Menuf, Kemet. A cave dweller 17 years, I died 367 A.D.. St.Theodore helped me in death. 27 Oct.
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 10 - Conquer some fault each day
"Go to adoration as one who would go to heaven, to the divine banquet. Our Lord will give us audience of grace and love. He is waiting for us. He is longing for us." (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
The Cross is Light and undeceives me of the temporal and unveils to me the Eternal.
"Invite them all, men and women, of every class and degree, and compel them to come in, for this is the bread of life of which they all stand in need. This is the only bread the Church of Jesus Christ has at her disposal; a bread to satisfy all the longings of our souls, to unite them closely to Jesus Christ, to form into 'one body' and one community of brethren all those who sit at the same heavenly Table, so that breaking one bread they may receive the medicine that gives immortality" (Pope Pius XII).
Mother Teresa -
Faith in action through prayer, faith in action through service: each is the same thing, the same love, the same compassion. This is something that should encourage us and should be a strength for us, that we complete each other more fully
The works which please me most are the hidden works, because they are deprived of every human spirit.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Our Lord sometimes makes you feel the weight of the cross. This weight seems unbearable but you carry it because, in His love and mercy, the Lord helps you and gives you strength (CE, 21).
Companions of the Cross
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
No room for doom and gloom!
"Contentment has no kinship with fatalism which refuses to plan or act in the belief that nothing can be altered. It is such fatalism which characterizes certain Eastern philosophies and makes progress impossible."
St. Faustina's diary -
This evening, a certain young man was dying; he was suffering terribly. For his intention, I began to say the chaplet which the Lord had taught me. I said it all, but the agony continued. I wanted to start the Litany of the Saints, but suddenly I heard the words, Say the chaplet. I understood that the soul needed the special help of prayers and great mercy.
And so I locked myself in my room and fell prostrate before God and begged for mercy upon that soul. Then I felt the great majesty of God and His great justice. I trembled with fear, but did not stop begging the Lord's mercy for that soul.
Then I took the cross off my breast, the crucifix I had received when making my vows, and I put it on the chest of the dying man and said to the Lord, "Jesus, look on this soul with the same love with which You looked on my holocaust on the day of my perpetual vows, and by the power of the promise which You made to me in respect to the dying and those who would invoke Your mercy on them, [grant this man the grace of a happy death]."
His suffering then ceased, and he died peacefully. Oh, how much we should pray for the dying! Let us take advantage of mercy while there is still time for mercy. (1035)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
During Lent of 1985, Our Lady said to Jelena:
"I give you some advice: I would like you to try to conquer some fault each day, If your fault is to get angry at everything, try each day to get angry less. If your fault is not to be able to study, try to study.
If your fault is not to be able to obey, or if you cannot stand those who do not please you, try on a given day to speak with them. If your fault is not to be able to stand an arrogant person, you should try to approach that person. If you desire that person to be humble, be humble yourself. Show that humility is worth or than pride.
Thus, each day, try to go beyond, and to reject every vice from your heart. Find out which are the vices that you most need to reject. During this Lent, you should try and truly desire to spend it in love. Strive as much as possible." (Locution Jelena & Mirajana February 20, 1985).
In his first letter, Peter also speaks of rejecting vices:
You have already spent enough time in doing what the Gentiles like to do, living in licentiousness, passions, drunkenness, revels, carousing, and lawless idolatry…The end of all things is near, therefore be serious and discipline yourselves for the sake of your prayers (1 Pt 4:3.7)
Philip Henry, a 15th Century English writer, once wrote that, "Sins are like circles in the water when a stone is thrown into it; one produces another. When anger was in Cain's heart, murder was not far off," Recognizing our sins and the vices that produce them is not a pleasant task, yet it is the doorway to peace and holiness. The sacrament of confession is especially helpful in this.
In our examination of conscience we can go one step further to identify the roots of our sins. For example, the sin of lying may be founded in pride; sexual misconduct rooted in selfishness. Once we identify these roots, we can then take action to modify and eventually eliminate them for our lives, as Our Lady asks today; "Each day try to go beyond, to reject every vice from your heart."
When you prepare for your next confession, actually write down your sins and, next to them, the vice from which they come. During the sacrament itself, present both to your priest so that the Lord can begin his healing work within you.
Messages to John Leary Feb.12-26,2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, be ready to notice any increase in serious upper respiratory diseases that could result from a new virus attack from the chemtrails. I have talked to you in messages concerning a new pandemic virus that will be spread unannounced with an intention to lower the population.
Wear your face masks and build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. You will be healed of diseases when you look on My luminous cross at My refuges.
Jesus said: My people, I told you that you would be experiencing many natural disasters that would cause power outages. Now you are seeing high winds as a new means for causing power outages.
Fast melting snow and heavy rains are also causing floods in the Mid-West. Be aware that many of these natural disasters can be made worse with man’sweather making machines by microwaves. Pray for My protection to endure your power outages.
Jesus said: My people, you are suffering from your poor economy with fewer jobs, as well as from more natural disasters. You may have to open your home to friends and relatives who have lost their homes and have no money to live. Feed those that you can using your excess wealth and your stored up food. You are seeing a worsening economy where money and food may be hard to obtain. Pray for all those who are experiencing hard times.
Jesus said: My people, your fresh water supplies could be endangered with flood waters that could contaminate your water with diseases. I have asked you to keep aside some fresh water for emergencies, as well as some filters that could be used to purify the water. You use a lot of water for various reasons, but water borne diseases could be spread quickly without sufficient fresh water. Pray that I will help supply your food and water during the tribulation.
Jesus said: My people, as you were asked to store food and water for those who will come to your door, you also should be storing extra bedding, blankets, and pillows where people could sleep in your house. Living expenses will be difficult to finance with lost jobs and control being taken over the food. You may have to leave soon for interim or final refuges because I will multiply all that you will need.
Jesus said: My people, there are many people seeing the need to pray on their knees to help them endure this current economic crisis. Some keep looking for things to improve, but most attempts thus far have not stopped the current downturn.
Many people are giving up their rich living as they have less to live on. This decreased spending is just precipitating more company cutbacks and layoffs. Being more frugal with what little you have, will become a new way of life for many people. Pray for everyone to have a place to stay and enough food to survive.
Jesus said: My people, now more than ever you will becoming more dependent on Me for your daily needs. Have hope that you will not be tested beyond your endurance. As you enter the beginnings of the coming tribulation, you will need to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Have confidence that I will perform miracles in multiplying food, water, and shelter for all of My faithful. You will need full trust in Me to leave your homes to come to My refuges. Trust in My angels to protect you and provide daily Holy Communion. This trial will be brief before you will soon be sharing in My Era of Peace.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in today Gospel I healed a man of his deafness and I loosed his muted tongue. Many spread news of My healing of the man despite My advice to keep it quiet. Be thankful if you have all of your senses because there are some that do not have them.
Each person must make the most of what they are given for My glory and not their own. This is why you are seeing this loud speaker in the vision, because if you know the faith, you are to shout it from the rooftops. You need to share your faith with others so they can hear and be saved. It is one thing to have physical disabilities, but you can have spiritual disabilities as well.
In many cases I healed the souls as well as the bodies. So by sharing your faith with others, they too can see My Light and desire to love Me and seek to be with Me in heaven. Open their ears to hear My Word, and encourage them also to speak of My love to others.
Saturday, February 14, 2009: (Honorary Funeral Mass: Jerry Hickey)
Jesus said: My people, sometimes when people pass away, they leave behind shadows of themselves in your memories of them, or certain keepsakes or their accomplishments that they left to you. Jerry was a very loving and faith filled person who left behind many people who loved him. He sends his love to his wife and family, especially on St. Valentine’s Day.
He also was happy to see his fellow Carmelites who were praying for him. Jerry loved Me and My Blessed Mother, especially in My Blessed Sacrament as he chose the Gospel reading of having eternal life in eating My Body and drinking My Blood. He will be praying for all of you, and he wants you to always remember him.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Jesus said: My people, when you come to Mass every Sunday, the priest consecrates the host and the wine into My Body and Blood, so I am there before you in My Real Presence. You all bring many petitions in prayer as you have the priest offer them up to Me. I hear your petitions and I am blessing all of you in both your physical and spiritual needs. Many of you need to repent of your sins. It is through Confession that you can be made clean again in your soul. So do not be spiritually lazy, but reach out to Me and seek forgiveness of your sins. You would much rather be cleansed of sin, than remain in your sins as the man in the Gospel suffered from his leprosy. When you ask Me to be made clean, I will heal you as I healed the man of his leprosy. Rejoice that you always have Me present to heal you. It is your choice to come forward and seek My healing forgiveness of your sins.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you this image of the United States as a sinking ship before, but now you are seeing it sink even faster. This faster sinking is an indication that your bankruptcy is proceeding at an ever faster pace, as your country spends money on both an unnecessary war and a spending bill that will not stimulate your economy fast enough to save it.
This increased spending is adding trillions of dollars to your national debt, and it is mortgaging your children’sfuture. Many countries, that could afford to buy this new debt, are baulking at the little backing or collateral for this debt. Once the ratings go down on your bonds, very few will want to buy them.
This will cause a devaluing of your currency, and could lead to your bankruptcy, if not enough people want to buy your Treasury notes. The interest rate will be forced higher because of more risk and this will add further chaos to your credit crisis. Continue to prepare yourselves to go to your refuges because the takeover of your country is drawing closer. Pray for My protection as I will have My angels protecting you.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Jesus said: My people, the people of My day asked for a sign and they did not even realize that I was the sign of the Messiah in My Word and My miracles. In another account I told them that the only sign, that I would give them, would be the sign of Jonah who condemned Nineveh if they did not repent.
So in essence I was asking them to repent as St. John the Baptist told them, and receive the Good News, that I was telling them, that the Kingdom of God was at hand. This people did not accept My words and they killed St. John the Baptist and Me as well. But I used this crucifixion as man’ssalvation and I conquered sin and death by My Resurrection.
This view of a sign in the coming Warning will be the sign for this age in the mercy of My revelation of what sins that you have committed and how I view them. Everyone will see their mini-judgment and see where their actions are leading them by the consequences of their sins.
You will then have a second chance when you are put back into your body to change your way of sin into following My ways to heaven. This vision of the Warning is also another indication that the Warning is coming soon. Take advantage of this time to repent of your sins, or you may not get another chance, and your refusal to obey Me could lead you into hell.
Jesus said: My people, the train that you are traveling on in the vision represents your passing through life’s events. The time in the tunnel represents your struggle through the tribulation, and coming out into the Light represents My victory in My Era of Peace. Do not be worried about when these things will happen or how you will face this time, but focus only on trusting in Me to take care of you.
Some will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges throughout the whole time of the tribulation. It does not matter when or how you will be brought to My refuges, but when martial law and chips in the body are made mandatory, then call on Me to have your angels lead you to My refuges.
I have explained this protection to you in many messages, but soon you will be living through all that I have warned you about. I will give you the grace to endure this time, but be obedient to My laws and My directions. The tribulation has to happen according to the Scriptures, so be prepared with My help to bear with this trial and purgatory on earth.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to My apostles about avoiding the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod.(Mark 8:13-21) Reading Scripture is fruitful, but the other words and actions of the Pharisees and Herod were not to be followed because they were misleading the people by preaching mere human precepts as important to follow.
I have given you My Word and the new Unleavened Bread of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. This is what you should follow. There is another time in the coming tribulation when there will be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant.
Beware of the schismatic church because they will be teaching a New Age faith that is only a worship of things of the world led by Satan. This schismatic church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer sins. Follow only My faithful remnant because they will be worshiping only Me and they will teach the Word that I gave My apostles. It is this element of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. This is the meaning of the vision in two paths to follow during the tribulation. Follow only Me and not the New Age teaching.
Jesus said: My people, how many times are you going to listen to these deteriorated stock leaders complain that they are too big to fail and need to be bailed out by your taxpayers? It was never the taxpayer’smoney that was supposed to support the car makers and the banks who all made their own errors in judgment.
Even if there would be some bankruptcies, continued drains of borrowed money will not solve their problems and will only add to a monstrous debt that could bankrupt your country. Those, who made bad choices, should suffer the consequences, and not the frugal taxpayer having their own hard times. Many are doubtful if your stimulus plan and bank mortgage plans are going to solve your recession. The amount of money needed to fix your crisis is too much to try and solve with more taxes or more borrowing.
This crisis was purposely created to bankrupt your country, so you will soon reap the consequences of this plan. The solution of martial law, a North American Union, and a new amero currency is a solution of the one world people to form a global government. Be prepared to go to My refuges because your imminent takeover is not far off.
Global government will not solve your financial problem, but it will make it worse as your rights and your jobs will be taken away and given to other countries. Pray for My protection at My refuges for you will need full trust in My help.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Jesus said: My people, this vision is not only a suggestion of a drought time and famine, but it also refers to a time of tribulation spiritually when many will lose their faith in Me. (Luke 23:31) If they treat the Messiah this way when the tree is well-watered and green, what will their plight be when He is withdrawn from them and they suffer for their rejection in the dry period?
This quotation is taken from the account of St. Luke right before My crucifixion. You are still in the green period while you may be lightly persecuted, but I am still with you in My Blessed Sacrament.
A time of the dry period will come during the 3 ½ year reign of the Antichrist when his agents will try to kill you for believing in Me. This time is also known as the end times or the time of the Great Tribulation. At the end of this period, the evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth for rejecting Me, and then they will be cast into hell forever. You are living in the days leading up to this tribulation since I have told you that this would happen in your lifetime. Stay close to Me in faith and obedience, and your reward will be great in heaven.
Jesus said: My people, there are some who like to follow the old traditions of the Church because they are more comfortable with what they know and expect. Others like to be more modern and want to change things just to be different. My laws and Commandments are always the same and cannot be changed. People differ over the Latin Mass and the New Mass. There also may be differences over statues, crucifixes, and the placement of My tabernacle.
The main focus should be on the gift of the Mass and having a priest to offer it for you every day when possible. As priests are shared with other parishes and their vacations, it can be difficult to find a Mass every day. Give praise and thanks to Me when you can find a Mass and a place to adore My Blessed Sacrament. Your moments with Me are precious and I reward you with My blessings for all of your efforts to visit Me. Treasure My traditions and keep your focus on Me at all times.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Jesus said: My people, during a recession people are not sure that they will be able to keep their jobs from layoffs. As a result they are reluctant to buy big ticket items as cars and houses as long as they can wait a while. This vision of a closed car factory is what results from having a high inventory and few people buying new cars. It is hard to run a car business when your sales are only half of what they normally sell. When your American car makers were in good times, they were losing market share.
Now, in a recession it is impossible for them to avoid bankruptcy even with bailout money from the taxpayer. The chance of them recovering to pay back the borrowed money is very doubtful. This is why your government will have a hard time preventing many layoffs in this auto industry as well as those supplying the parts. You have the same problem with your housing industry.
Until inventories are worked down, there is no reason to produce more cars and houses. All around the world various countries are experiencing the same problems in their economies. You are seeing eventual bankruptcy coming to America and other countries.
You can also see how when the Antichrist comes, he will be welcomed to solve all of your financial problems. Pray for My help during this chaotic time since you will be seeking safety at My refuges once martial law is declared.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, many of your people were praising your President and Congress for passing this spending bill. It has some good intentions, but the amount of money to be spent will not cover all that is needed to end your recession. This is a one time spending bill meant to get your economy up and running, but the money will be used to balance state budgets at best.
The one world people who have planned your bankruptcy are only doing lip service in fixing jobs to make it look like this downturn will end soon. In fact it is part of a deficit build up that will help bankrupt your country. Trust in My help to protect and feed you at My refuges.
Jesus said: My people, as you hear worse numbers for selling houses, you see that the increasing foreclosures are getting worse because of people losing their high paying jobs. Again there is only lip service attempts to keep people in their homes. Complexities of the new spending program make it difficult to see who is eligible to be helped.
There will be major complaining over the rules of refinancing these bad loans. Pray for My help for people to be able to get enough money from their new jobs to be able to make their mortgage payments.
Jesus said: My people, the money needed to keep unemployment payments coming is almost out of money in most states and again this part of the spending plan will not be supplying enough money to help all of the states. Initial unemployment checks will be enough to cover, but extended payments will have more and more difficulty to pay what is needed.
Many will find it difficult to get new jobs when most employers are laying off workers. Pray for the unemployed because they may have to rely on their families for help until jobs are available.
Jesus said: My people, as social services will find it difficult to get enough money for their budgets, more people will be relying on handout food and shelters to survive. I have mentioned before to help the poor with food and clothing donations, especially when charity money is less than ususal. Lenten food donations or almsgiving is very timely for those in need right now. Continue to also pray for the poor so they may find their bare necessities.
Jesus said: My people, Lent will soon be starting and this vision is trying to get you in a more prayerful mode so you can start your fasting and spiritual devotions to get your spiritual life in order. Lent focuses on repentance, fasting, and almsgiving. Try to go to daily Mass, improve your prayer life, and get to Confession more often, at least once a month.
By making sacrifices of self-denial in your fasting and other denials of certain foods, you can offer these up to Me as your gifts. Spending more time in prayer and spiritual reading will help you to improve your spiritual life. Keep focused on Me and take advantage of your Lenten devotions as the Stations of the Cross.
Jesus said: My people, during Lent many church parishes plan retreats or missions to help the parish members renew their faith and come to know Me more in a loving relationship. Again take advantage of these opportunities to make Me more a part of your life without allowing so many worldly things to influence your thoughts.
Jesus said: My people, this fire in the vision represents a crisis going on not only physically in the economic problems of today, but also a desperate need also for conversions and even re-conversions. You have desperate financial needs, but your country’sspiritual needs are even more desperate.
People do not understand that your country is being punished in your finances and natural disasters because of your abortions and sexual sins. As you work on your own spiritual life during Lent, see this also as a time to evangelize others in turning around their sinful lives.
Friday, February 20, 2009: (Mass of Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple)
Our Lady said: My dear children, I want to welcome all of my pilgrims and prayer warriors as you come to celebrate your Eighth Anniversary of the Gospa Prayer house mission. As you come to Mass you are being strengthened by my Son, Jesus, in Holy Communion.
You pray my rosaries in asking my Son for your petitions. I depend on my dear children for your prayers and good works to bring souls to my Son, Jesus. I love all of you as your spiritual mother, and I protect my children with my mantle of protection. You are gathered to listen to your conference speakers, and I want you to take what you learn back to share this with your people at home.
Be attentive to their words so you can teach others how to come closer to my Son and me. Our hearts are joined as one, and we want all of you to love us as we love you. You are beginning another Lent next week, so take advantage of this opportunity for graces to improve your spiritual life. Keep close to us every day in your prayers.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Jesus said: My people, I want you to be aware about the battle of good and evil that is going on all around you. Especially, beware of any New Age teachings and avoid this demonic influence. The demons are very deceptive and cunning in misleading My faithful to follow worship that draws on evil power sources instead of worshiping Me.
These Eastern transcendental meditation influences are seeping into My churches as the smoke of Satan. Avoid Reiki, Yoga, and any occult influences as Harry Potter movies and books, tarot cards, palm readings, or Ouija boards. These occult and demonic influences are deceiving many that are curious about something new or counterfeit Catholic practices that could even deceive the elect. I continue to remind you to determine the source of energy or power that people use.
If it is not of God, then it is from the evil dark side, and you do not want anything to do with it. Pray for discernment or ask a holy priest if you are unsure of a new teaching. Again carry blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, and Benedictine blessed crucifixes to protect you from demon attacks.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our Lady said: My dear children of this conference, you are also celebrating the First Anniversary of this place as the Betania IV Shrine that was crowned yesterday. You have a deep loving remembrance of your experiences in Betania, Venezuela when you saw many blue butterflies that represent my very presence among you.
You are united with Geo and the Bianchini Family and their hospitality when you visit them. Even at this shrine you have pictures and a sense of Maria Esperanza’s presence among you. Many beautiful talks are encouraging you to constantly renew your loving relationship with my Son, Jesus, and me in your daily prayers. I especially want to encourage my families to pray together my rosary to protect your families from the attacks of the evil one through the distractions of the world.
By making your consecration to me and my Son, Jesus, you can focus more on your earthly mission to save souls for heaven. It is by your good works and prayers that you will be good examples to others to have devotion to me and to worship Jesus. When you call on us in prayers, we are here to answer your petitions for what is best for your souls. Rejoice at this shrine that you can share love with your fellow pilgrims in life, as you walk with us on your path to heaven.
Jesus said: My people, there are some people that have a difficulty in understanding how I could multiply your shelters at My refuges. This requires a trust in My Word and a belief that I can do the impossible in man’sworld. It is nothing for My angels to build either a high building on a small plot of land, or many buildings on a large plot of land.
I told you before when the people will first come to My refuges that they will be frightened. Then once they start seeing miracles of the food and water being multiplied, they will have more confidence in what I have promised you.
Again when you see your rooms being multiplied, many will be in amazement of My power and that of My angels. You will rejoice in My protection and see how generous I am in providing for your needs. Give praise and glory to Me in all that I do for you now and in the future.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the poor people in the vision that are finding it difficult to find something to eat. While you were at Mass in the pew, you could hear your stomach making noises before your breakfast. Most Americans have access to food at any time, so you can relieve your hunger and satisfy your stomach.
I have allowed you to experience this because there are many people all over the world who go to bed hungry every night. These poor people have to endure this noise in their stomachs all day long. So I ask you to pray for those who are hungry that they may find something to eat.
Also make regular donations to your food shelves or to agencies that help feed the poor. Almsgiving is very appropriate as an offering for your coming Lenten devotions. America has been very blessed with food because of your past generous donations and help to free people from ruthless dictators.
But over recent years your sins of abortion and sexual sins are calling down My justice on your people. This is why in time you will see a controlled famine and America will see people hungry here, especially those who are against the new world order.
Eventually, as your conditions worsen, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges where you will have food multiplied to feed the people. Give praise and glory to Me for providing for all of your needs. You are dependent on Me for everything, even if you do not want to admit it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: My people, remember thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return. The ashes of this beginning of Lent focus you more on repenting of your sins, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. This Penitential Season is when you should try to do an extra penance of more prayer, spiritual reading, possibly daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and doing without something that you enjoy.
It is a time of self-denial and self-sacrifice, as well as detachment from worldly things. You have seen in the monasteries how prayer is a large part of their life. Lent is a time to take a close look at your life and see where you can make some spiritual improvements.
If you have any particular bad habits such as smoking, drinking, excessive gambling, too much TV, or too many hours on the computer, now would be a good time to give them up for Lent. Do not allow anything to control you so much that it takes you away from Me. I should be first in your life, and if I am not, then you need to realign your priorities in life.
Make a point during this Lent to give Me a special time for prayer and spiritual reading. You may even want to have a little time when your family could come together and pray for a while. Take advantage of every Lent to return to the faithful fervor of when you were converted, or when you made your full commitment to Me.
If you never made such a commitment as a total consecration of your life to Me, then you could start with this Lent’s devotions. As you look at the ashes, representing your mortal nature, think of your life’spreparation for your death and judgment before Me. You are all working towards sainthood, so you can be worthy and pure of soul to enter heaven.
Jesus said: My people, I have told you that there would be a luminous cross, like the one in Thermal, California, above in the sky over every refuge throughout the whole time of the tribulation. People, that come to My refuges and look upon this cross, will be healed of any pandemic virus, or any other health problem.
I am showing you multiple places with luminous crosses to emphasize that these crosses will be above all of My refuges all over the world. There will also be spiritual healings from looking on My luminous cross. If you have a priest at a refuge, then you can have Confession.
But if a priest is not present, you can say your Act of Contrition prayer while you are looking on the luminous cross, and your sins will be forgiven. I will be providing for all of your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges, so have no fear and trust in Me and My angels to protect you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Jesus said: My people, in today’s reading from Moses (Deut. 30:15-20), he sets before the Israelites the blessing and the curse, and he asks them to choose life in following My Commandments. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and if they obeyed God, they would live in prosperity. But if they disobeyed God, then they would suffer punishment for their sins.
This is what happened in that they prospered while they were close to Me. Then when they followed other gods, they were exiled to Babylon and lost their land. America has a similar promised land because of your belief in My law at the founding of your nation. You have the same choice to make-either the blessing or the curse. Your country has chosen not to follow life, but you are following the death culture in your abortions, euthanasia, and wars.
Because of this choice of following the gods of the world instead of Me, you also will have your land and nation taken away from you. This will come in the form of martial law and a loss of your freedoms as you will be joined in the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Be prepared for this takeover as you will need to go to My refuges for protection before martial law. Fear not the evil ones since My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.
See: use.Joh Leary has a series of books. One should consider obtaining them).
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion,, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
A writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the early African Liturgical Churches, Attorney James Wesly Smith ‘s 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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