Fr. Doucette: 952] Thu, Mar 08, 2012: The Council of Jerusalem
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
The Council of Jerusalem
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles (15:1-12):
Some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers, "Unless you are circumcised according to the Mosaic practice, you cannot be saved." Because there arose no little dissension and debate by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was decided that Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and presbyters about this question. They were sent on their journey by the church, and passed through Phoenicia and Samaria telling of the conversion of the Gentiles, and brought great joy to all the brothers. When they arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church, as well as by the apostles and the presbyters, and they reported what God had done with them. But some from the party of the Pharisees who had become believers stood up and said, "It is necessary to circumcise them and direct them to observe the Mosaic law." The apostles and the presbyters met together to see about this matter. After much debate had taken place, Peter got up and said to them, "My brothers, you are well aware that from early days God made his choice among you that through my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and believe. And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the Holy Spirit just as he did us. He made no distinction between us and them, for by faith he purified their hearts. Why, then, are you now putting God to the test by placing on the shoulders of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? On the contrary, we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they." The whole assembly fell silent, and they listened while Paul and Barnabas described the signs and wonders God had worked among the Gentiles through them.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I love you, My brother Melvin, and all My brothers and sisters scattered over the whole earth. Some of you are suffering because of persecution, drought and earthly upheavals. Do not worry but remain close to Me and I will help you. The first Council of the Church was held at Jerusalem while the Apostles were still living. The big problem was this: should the Gentiles who wished to become Christians be circumcised before they are baptized. Some of the Jews were pushing that all be circumcised. However, with the power of the Holy Spirit St. Peter and the other Apostles decided that there would be no circumcision for the Gentiles as it was not necessary. So since that day this question never came up again. Yes, My Church has gathered many times in the past to decide on pressing questions. I was there to help them come to the right decision. All My followers are to follow the decisions of these councils for they came from Me through the Holy Spirit. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Friday, March 09, 2012
Letter of the
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles (15:22-35):
Then the apostles and presbyters, in agreement with the whole church, decided to choose representatives and to send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. The ones chosen were Judas, who was called Barsabbas, and Silas, leaders among the brothers. This is the letter delivered by them: "The apostles and the presbyters, your brothers, to the brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia of Gentile origin: greetings. Since we have heard that some of our number (who went out) without any mandate from us have upset you with their teachings and disturbed your peace of mind, we have with one accord decided to choose representatives and to send them to you along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, who have dedicated their lives to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we are sending Judas and Silas who will also convey this same message by word of mouth: 'It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage. If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right. Farewell.'" And so they were sent on their journey. Upon their arrival in Antioch they called the assembly together and delivered the letter. When the people read it, they were delighted with the exhortation. Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, exhorted and strengthened the brothers with many words. After they had spent some time there, they were sent off with greetings of peace from the brothers to those who had commissioned them. But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, teaching and proclaiming with many others the word of the Lord.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I bless you, My brother Melvin, and all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. It is wonderful to receive a letter from the heads of the Church announcing a special decision in the name of the Church. The people of Antioch and others were very pleased to receive the letter from the Apostles and the Presbyters concerning the decision taken with the question of circumcision. It was decided that the non-Jews do not need to be circumcised and to follow the rules of the Mosaic law. They only had to follow what I had told them. It should be the same for you too. When the Church decides a point of dispute such as the liturgy and a letter is written to let everyone know the changes, all should accept it in faith and know that is what I want. It is the same when it comes to the question of abortion. The Church has spoken in My name and all are to follow the true way. Remember, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I bless you all and I want you to open your hearts to Me."
Father Melvin
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Persecution of the Christians
Dear Friends,
(Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles 12:1-14):
About that time King Herod laid hands upon some members of the church to harm them. He had James, the brother of John, killed by the sword, and when he saw that this was pleasing to the Jews he proceeded to arrest Peter also. He had him taken into custody and put in prison under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each. He intended to bring him before the people after Passover.
Peter thus was being kept in prison, but prayer by the church was fervently
being made to God on his behalf. On the very night before Herod was to bring him
to trial, Peter, secured by double chains, was sleeping between two soldiers,
while outside the door guards kept watch on the prison. Suddenly the angel of
the Lord stood by him and a light shone in the cell. He tapped Peter on the side
and awakened him, saying, "Get up quickly." The chains fell from his wrists. The
angel said to him, "Put on your belt and your sandals." He did so. Then he said
to him, "Put on your cloak and follow me." So he followed him out, not realizing
that what was happening through the angel was real; he thought he was seeing a
They passed the first guard, then the second, and came to the iron gate
leading out to the city, which opened for them by itself. They emerged and made
their way down an alley, and suddenly the angel left him. Then Peter recovered
his senses and said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord sent his angel and
rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people had been
When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of
John who is called Mark, where there were many people gathered in prayer. When
he knocked on the gateway door, a maid named Rhoda came to answer it. She was so
overjoyed when she recognized Peter's voice that, instead of opening the gate,
she ran in and announced that Peter was standing at the
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I am always with you, My brother Melvin, and with all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. I wish to strengthen you to be able to withstand any suffering or persecution that comes your way. Look how I withstood all the suffering at My Passion and at the end had the strength to go through the nailing to the cross until My death. One who suffered much was Peter, the one I chose as head of My Church. Herod wanted to kill him but I could not allow this as Peter had a mission to accomplish so I sent an angel to take him out of the prison. He came out without any trouble and the angel left him when he was out of harm.
My dear brothers and sisters, you will have your share of suffering although you will also have times of great peace and love. During your time of suffering, remain very close to Me and I will be there to help you. Yes, I will refresh you and give you great strength to face any problem. Many Christians died as martyrs with the graces and strength I gave them. I love you all and I want you all to be My witnesses every day."
Father Melvin
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I am always with you, My brother Melvin, and with all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. I wish to strengthen you to be able to withstand any suffering or persecution that comes your way. Look how I withstood all the suffering at My Passion and at the end had the strength to go through the nailing to the cross until My death. One who suffered much was Peter, the one I chose as head of My Church. Herod wanted to kill him but I could not allow this as Peter had a mission to accomplish so I sent an angel to take him out of the prison. He came out without any trouble and the angel left him when he was out of harm.
My dear brothers and sisters, you will have your share of suffering although you will also have times of great peace and love. During your time of suffering, remain very close to Me and I will be there to help you. Yes, I will refresh you and give you great strength to face any problem. Many Christians died as martyrs with the graces and strength I gave them. I love you all and I want you all to be My witnesses every day."
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 08 - GIVE THIS LOVE TO OTHERS
With ever-living ardor, contemplate Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist. Following His example, be ready in all circumstances to make yourselves instruments of mercy and communion. The secret of pastoral success is the crucified and risen Lord, Whom we adore in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As you well know, in order to be eloquent signs of His love and instigators of His peace in all environments, everyone is first of all asked to cultivate an intimate and constant familiarity with Him. From intense participation in the Eucharist springs the spiritual energy needed to bring all projects of goodness to fruition." (Pope John Paul II, February 19, 2005)
Cross suffered by you, Jesus Christ, freed me from the slavery of the
devil and wed me to the Divinity with an indissoluble bond.
"I am one who came up out of Egypt, and pray God none of my seed shall return thither
. . . . I fell in love with the Blessed Sacrament from the beginning—and by the mercy of God never have fallen out again . . . . Out of wickedness and sloth I almost ceased to practice my religion . . . . Not for me the Hound of Heaven, but the never-ceasing silent appeal of Tabernacle, and the sense of starving hunger" (J. R. R. Tolkien).
Mother Teresa -
It is very important that right from the beginning we simply live the gospel. Live the gospel in prayer; live the gospel in words.
You won’t be able to give what you don’t have.
. . . . I fell in love with the Blessed Sacrament from the beginning—and by the mercy of God never have fallen out again . . . . Out of wickedness and sloth I almost ceased to practice my religion . . . . Not for me the Hound of Heaven, but the never-ceasing silent appeal of Tabernacle, and the sense of starving hunger" (J. R. R. Tolkien).
Mother Teresa -
It is very important that right from the beginning we simply live the gospel. Live the gospel in prayer; live the gospel in words.
You won’t be able to give what you don’t have.
Pray for priests in order that they may be a light in the people so that, as the light rises again, the laity may be able to obtain light and see the errors they commit.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
I understand very well, that your Calvary is becoming more and more painful. But remember that it was on Calvary the Jesus redeemed us, and the salvation of redeemed souls must be accomplished there (Letters III, p. 452).
I understand very well, that your Calvary is becoming more and more painful. But remember that it was on Calvary the Jesus redeemed us, and the salvation of redeemed souls must be accomplished there (Letters III, p. 452).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
You cannot be indifferent and be content
You cannot be indifferent and be content
Eastern World has struck on the secret of inner peace by suggesting
that inner happiness is dependent on the control and limitation of
desires. St. Paul said: ‘I have learned to be content with what I have’
(Philippians 4: 11). Contentment is not indifference though the ignorant
sometimes make that identification.”
St. Faustina's diary -
O my Jesus, You are giving me back my health and life; give me also strength for battle, because I am unable to do anything without You. Give me strength, for You can do all things. You see that I am a frail child, and what can I do: I know the full power of Your mercy, and I trust that You will give me everything Your feeble child needs. (898)
Today, during the Passion Service, I saw Jesus being tortured and crowned with thorns and holding a reed in His hand. Jesus was silent as the soldiers were bustling about, vying with each other in torturing Him. Jesus said nothing, but just looked at me, and in that gaze I felt His pain, so terrible that we have not the faintest idea of how much He suffered for us before He was crucified. My soul was filled with pain and longing; in my soul, I felt great hatred for sin, and even the smallest infidelity on my part seemed to me like a huge mountain for which I must expiate by mortification and penance. When I see Jesus tormented, my heart is torn to pieces, and I think: what will become of sinners if they do not take advantage of the Passion of Jesus? In His Passion, I see a whole sea of mercy. (948)
O my Jesus, You are giving me back my health and life; give me also strength for battle, because I am unable to do anything without You. Give me strength, for You can do all things. You see that I am a frail child, and what can I do: I know the full power of Your mercy, and I trust that You will give me everything Your feeble child needs. (898)
Today, during the Passion Service, I saw Jesus being tortured and crowned with thorns and holding a reed in His hand. Jesus was silent as the soldiers were bustling about, vying with each other in torturing Him. Jesus said nothing, but just looked at me, and in that gaze I felt His pain, so terrible that we have not the faintest idea of how much He suffered for us before He was crucified. My soul was filled with pain and longing; in my soul, I felt great hatred for sin, and even the smallest infidelity on my part seemed to me like a huge mountain for which I must expiate by mortification and penance. When I see Jesus tormented, my heart is torn to pieces, and I think: what will become of sinners if they do not take advantage of the Passion of Jesus? In His Passion, I see a whole sea of mercy. (948)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
The Blessed Mother speaks of love to the prayer group on Mt. Podbrdo:
children, tonight your Mother is happy to see so many of you. I desire,
dear children, that from today you begin to live a different life. Your
Mother gives you her love and asks that you give this love to others so
that we can all live the Easter message. When you return to your homes,
conclude the day with prayer (Visionary Prayer Group March 4, 1989)
Of love, St. Peter writes:
Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pt 4:8).
The message of love of neighbor reaches far back in our Judeo-Christian roots. The rabbi Hillel was a renowned scribe in Jerusalem about the time of Christ’s birth; he seems to have died about A.D. 10 at an advanced age. He was called "the Great" or "the Elder," and his interpretations of the Law were more generous than others. He is said to have been the grandfather of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) who taught St. Paul. Jesus must have heard often of Hillel, and could possibly have spoken with him as a youth during the three days he remained in the Temple. Here is one of the tales Our Lord probably heard. A certain Gentile came to Shammai (Shammai was the leader of the more strict school of interpretation) and said that he would like to become a convert, but could not stay long in Jerusalem. "Can you teach me the whole Torah while I am standing on one foot?"
Shammai sent him away angrily. So the Gentile
went to Hillel with the same question. Hillel admitted him as a convert,
and said, "Whatever is hateful to thee, do not do to thy fellow man.
This is the whole Torah, all the rest is commentary. Now go and study."
For reflection today: Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself have any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a heaven in hell’s despair (William Blake)
For reflection today: Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself have any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a heaven in hell’s despair (William Blake)
Holy Love March 7,2012
March 7, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to once again reassure you and guide you concerning the future. If your heart is prepared in Holy Love, then you are prepared; then you will be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as to what to do and when."
"Do not look to certain dates which are bandied about and are of pagan origins. Heaven does not give dates. Holy Love prepares you for the fulfillment of Scripture and for your own moment of judgment. Holy Love leads you into My Father's Divine Will, for it is the Divine Will."
"You cannot add one moment to your life through worry or from stockpiling commodities. The time of your judgment is already written in the Book of Life. Prepare your hearts in Holy Love first; then you will be led."
March 7, 2012
St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The truth is people must pray for discernment, most especially during these times. Not every whim is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Often Satan leads souls down a path of folly in pursuit of false security that is based upon fear."
"Be at peace in your pursuit of every action. This is part of discernment. Follow the path of Holy Love. Do not act under the cover of secrecy or darkness. That is not of God."
"Pray to be led only by the Spirit of Truth."
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick March 7,2012
Messages of Preparation - Part 1
Sun, 2012-02-12
John Leary
Messages of Preparation - Part 1
Distributed by Era of Peace.
February 12th, 2012
The messages contained within this writing are presented chronologically within the following major categories:
- Part 1 - Messages of Preparation for Home and Before Leaving for the Refuges,
- Part 2 - Messages of Preparation to Leave for the Refuges, and
- Part 3 - Messages With Respect to the Refuges.
We continue to present them in the same format as they were provided to us by Jesus, so as not to lose their contextual meaning. We will provide more information on the refuges (3rd category above) in days to come.
Be not afraid. God has you in His hands.
January 13, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I have warned you before about food shortages if trucks cannot deliver enough food to your stores.
This vision of overturned trucks is an example of what could happen in continuous snowstorms.
This is another reason that I have warned My people to have six months to a year's supply of food on hand in case you see a food shortage.
If you do not have enough money or a place to store food and water, then store what you can and I will multiply what you need to survive.
Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs."
February 1, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, you have been fortunate for a long time that you have not suffered another long power outage in the middle of winter.
This vision of a chimney with a wood burner is a flashback to when you had to burn wood and use a kerosene burner for eleven days.
You may want to check if your alternate heating sources are still in working order, just in case you may have to use them.
It is difficult to get along in the winter without a working furnace.
Some very big events are coming along when you may see the one world people shut off the electricity and your gas and water lines.
If you are prepared with extra food, water, and fuel, you could survive any of the coming trials.
I have told you in many messages that you will not wait long for My Warning experience.
Keep prepared and be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I will give you the word to go."
February 14, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, the evil central bankers and the one world people are using their public relations people to tell you how imminent their takeover is going to be.
They are so prideful of their power, but they are weak against Me and the population that could be turned against them.
The evil ones are proceeding with their plans to make the dollar worthless so bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and world famine could bring about martial law.
These evil ones can even create man-made disasters as well.
Their intention is to try and place chips in everyone to control them as robots.
Refuse to take any chips in the body even under pain of death because they will control your free will.
Their other plan is to exterminate all Christians and patriots before and after martial law is declared.
My faithful will need to leave for My refuges before the military starts enforcing mandatory chips in the body.
Once martial law takes over, America will become part of the North American Union and all of your rights will be taken away.
Fear not these evil ones because I will then intervene with My supernatural power that will cast all of these evil ones into hell after they suffer My plagues on earth.
You will be seeing the chapters of the Book of Revelation carried out before your eyes, as I will then bring about My Era of Peace as your reward for remaining faithful to Me.
So be calm and patient as you prepare to come to My refuges where you will find food, water, shelter, and healings.
My angels will protect you, so you will have no need of guns.
Have some food on hand until you leave for My refuges.
Gold and silver will be used briefly for barter, but food is more valuable to store."
February 15, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, it is Satan and his demons that are orchestrating the drive in the one world people to cause a world takeover through your debts which will be given over to the Antichrist.
If you follow the Scriptures of the Book of Revelation, you know this takeover is coming.
What the people of today have a hard time reckoning with, is that THIS TAKEOVER IS IMMINENT.
Even the one world people themselves, through their intended leaks, are telling you that they intend to crash your dollar in the next two years.
I have been warning My faithful to have their backpacks ready to leave for My refuges.
Even My refuge builders have been instructed to have things ready to receive a lot of people.
My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply the food and shelters needed by My faithful.
Your money will soon become worthless, so I have told you to stock up on food so you can share it when it is needed.
Food will be more valuable than gold or silver.
Gold and silver are the currency of the rich, as even they do not trust in paper documents or paper money.
These events of a world famine and world bankruptcy are very close, but when martial law comes, the rich will take over everything.
Be prepared to refuse any mandatory chips in the body, and LEAVE FOR MY REFUGES BEFORE THE CHAOS AND RIOTS IN THE STREETS WILL OCCUR.
I have been emphasizing these messages very intensely over this last year.
Have your soul prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, because your soul is more important than the survival of your body.
Be the wise virgins of preparedness than the foolish virgins who did not prepare."
February 20, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you this pantry of extra food because you need to have some food on hand for the coming food shortage.
I have given you messages before to have a year's supply of food stored, but this is not meant to cause you any financial hardship.
As crops have been damaged by bad weather all over the world, this will put a strain on reserve supplies of food that are at an all time low in the world.
Not only will you find it difficult in a short time to find food on the shelves, but you may have to have a chip in the body in order to buy it.
Another concern in the short term is that food prices will be increasing because of these shortages.
It will eventually reach a point that your dollar will so decrease in value that your money will not be enough to buy your food.
You could buy a little bit of extra food each week to build up your own pantry.
The year's supply of food will be needed from now until you have to leave for My refuges.
You will not have to worry again about having to dispose of any more spoiled canned goods since the timing of your leaving is not far off."
February 24, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I have mentioned many times that My people should be slowly building a year's supply of food because of the world situation with food shortages and financial problems.
Now you are hearing this word openly from many sources.
Food storage will be of more value than buying gold and silver.
Some are buying silver because they are concerned that the dollar could crash.
You need to eat and have water to survive, so such coins would only be used to buy food.
Some think that these preparations are too much, but your economy is on the brink of failure."
February 24, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I love the little children in their innocence.
All children seven and under will have a miraculous protection of My angels watching over them, even in dangerous areas.
Trust in My protection for all peoples, but you will need to leave your homes to be protected at My refuges.
Even in your Warning experience, you will be told to be ready to leave for My refuges when you see the dollar crash, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law."
March 7, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, your health care costs are going up for all the abuses going on in your hospital emergency rooms.
The thirty million people without insurance and the illegal immigrants are coming to your hospital emergency rooms with no intention of ever paying for the care they receive.
Your new health care law, if it is funded, will add trillions of dollars to your National Debt.
It also will ration care, excluding those over sixty.
There will be a chip in the body as a national ID, once this law is fully enacted.
Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if it means that you will not have any health care.
My care will heal you at My refuges, so have no fear.
This health care plan will get worse because thirty million new patients will have a hard time finding a doctor.
Even some doctors may leave when their pay will dramatically decrease.
Every time that you have government run a business, the bureaucracy and costs will be much more expensive than private practice.
Pray for a fair and practical health plan to be implemented in place of your new health law."
March 16, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, you have been watching this earthquake saga in Japan play out, but you do not realize how long the affected areas could be without electricity and other utilities as tap water.
Millions of people are without electricity which is why it is hard to fix their nuclear reactors in near darkness, except for flashlights or fuel driven generators.
When America will be faced with earthquakes on the West coast and on the New Madrid fault, the damage will kill many people, and more will be without electricity as well.
Major earthquakes could also be a problem with your own nuclear reactors.
I have asked My people to store a year's supply of food with water because you may be faced with power outages and food shortages.
These power outages could be for a long time, if power stations have to be rebuilt.
You also should have extra fuel and heating capabilities along with propane for cooking and oil for lamps to give light.
The one world people will turn off your power anyway when they want to declare martial law.
These preparations may sound dramatic now, but when disasters strike, these preparations may provide for your survival.
I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges before martial law comes.
But these things could happen very quickly, so you will need everything ready to leave in a short notice.
Do not be distressed or worried over these world events because you can trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.
When these events come, your life will change dramatically, but you will be praying more then."
March 19, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, your countries are seeing bad growing conditions that have resulted in reduced crop yields.
Your food prices are already rising due to these shortages and the lost value of your dollar.
Even your government is buying billions of dollars of food to store in their underground cites for your leaders and important people.
There will come a world famine when food will be scarce.
I have warned My people many times to have one year's supply of food stored for the coming famine.
Then you will not find food on your grocery shelves, or have enough value in your money to buy it.
Yet at My final and interim refuges the refuge leaders have also been warned to store food.
At My refuges you will have daily Communion from My angels, and meat from the deer who will drop dead in your camps.
When needed, I will multiply your food and water.
The food that you are storing at your homes is for the time from now until you will have to leave for My refuges.
This food will be shared with your neighbors and not hoarded.
I will even multiply the food for all of you to have what is needed.
I have told you that storing food will be more valuable than gold or silver, which you cannot eat.
Have no fear of having your necessities because I know what you need to survive in this coming famine and tribulation.
Have no fear either of the evil ones who will try to kill you because I will make you invisible to them and the Antichrist.
After a short reign of evil, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell.
Then I will renew the earth and bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace.
You will then rejoice in My victory in a world without evil."
April 3, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, the vestments today are rose colored to represent rejoicing at the middle of Lent on Laetare Sunday.
Today's reading is associated with My bringing light to disperse the darkness, as I made the blind man see.
The Pharisees did not want to believe in My miracle of bringing sight to the blind man because I cured him on the Sabbath.
In the vision also you are seeing someone at a refuge come out of the darkness into the light.
This represents My protection during the darkness of the Antichrist's reign in the tribulation time.
The other miracle is My multiplication of the food at My refuges so everyone will have something to eat.
At My refuges you will have daily Communion from My angels for bread, and the deer who will come into your camps for meat.
Any other food that is grown or stored will be multiplied as needed for the people.
I have also talked of the need for some food before you come to My refuges because of the coming world famine.
I have given an example to store about a year's supply of food.
This was not meant to be a financial hardship on My faithful, or a problem for storing so much food and a source of water.
For those, who have limited funds or limited space for the food, I would multiply what is needed.
For those, who have the money and space to store this supply of food, then you could purchase the food over some weeks without buying it all at once.
This food is to be shared with those people who I will send to you, it is not meant to be hoarded.
Once there are riots and chaos in the streets because people are being violent in pillaging for food, then it will be time to call on Me and My angels will lead you to My refuges.
You will not need guns for protection because My angels will make you invisible when it is time to leave for My refuges.
Trust in My protection and My providing for your needs, and you will have peace in your soul."
May 21, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, you know that the one world people are planning to bankrupt your money system and bring down the dollar.
Many of their plans for martial law are very close to being implemented.
You know this is close because even the one world people are planning their own places of protection in their underground cities.
They have been stocking these places with food and water for many months.
They know that there will be rioting and pillaging for food.
So they will be seeking protection in their well stocked underground cities.
As you see these preparations being made, you know that it is also time to come to My refuges where My faithful will seek My protection.
I have told you to store one year's supply of food and water until you need to leave for My refuges.
Even the one world people are warning you to have six months of food and water stored.
The dollar will become worthless soon, so having gold, silver and food may be your source of barter until I come.
Trust in Me to protect you, and have no fear of the evil ones because they will not harm your soul."
August 2, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, the same one world people, who were behind the Great Depression of 1929, are the same kind of people that created your Great Recession of 2008.
By controlling the money and the jobs, these same central bankers are causing slow growth where the average person is having a hard time just to make ends meet.
They are about to cause another financial crisis that could lead to the end of the dollar as your currency.
In several comments on the news there was one investor who was investing in gold, silver, and commodities of value.
This is the same plan as the rich who use gold and silver as their currency, and they avoid paper denominated assets.
While these metals will be good for some bartering, the best investment would be in food that keeps.
Food is less expensive than silver or gold, and it would allow you to survive famine and the coming money crisis.
Put your trust in Me and My instructions, and you will be protected at My refuges from the evil demons and evil people.
Call on My help after the Warning and the events that will signal the time to come to My refuges."
August 3, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, many of you have painted your basement walls to avoid water seepage and mold formation.
Your dehumidifiers allow you to have a moisture free basement.
I am showing you this picture of a basement as an ideal storage place for your food.
Some people have even built racks for this purpose.
When you see signs of recession and currency weakness, some of your investors have sought out bonds or gold and silver for safe havens.
The best haven is to have some food storage in a mix of dried food, MREs, and some recycled canned foods.
If you are out of work or have little money, at least a modest food supply could keep you eating for some years with some rationing.
Your biggest need will be for water, so some water storage for drinking and water from rain barrels for washing would be prudent.
I have asked My refuge builders to have an independent water supply, some food to be multiplied, and some bedding places to be multiplied.
You may need some food for the famine that will start before you come to My refuges.
By being a wise virgin in being prepared, you will be ready when the end times get difficult.
I thank all of My faithful for listening and responding to My advice.
The most important preparation is that of your soul by frequent Confession.
This is why you need My protection from the evil ones at My refuges where I will feed your body and your soul.
Trust in Me and My angels to defend you."
August 8, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I am giving you another reminder about having some food stored for the coming famine and time of tribulation.
If you have room and money to buy one year's supply of food, this would be ideal.
Whatever you can store and buy, I will multiply what you will need.
Your dehydrated food will require hot water to reconstitute.
This would require some water storage and some means of heating the water.
You will need canned foods and maybe some meals-ready-to-eat (MRE) if you cannot heat things or you are low on water.
As long as it is not dangerous to stay in your house, you can use your stored food when you see little food in the store or the need for mandatory chips in the body to buy food.
I am also asking you to right now place your tents, blankets, backpacks, and some food in a small area together so you can quickly load them into your car or van to leave for My refuges when it is time.
This is why I asked you to get some MREs so you could load them into your vehicle.
Food is not always going to be available at your local stores.
They only have three days of inventory, and if shipments stop, this will run out fast in the face of any disaster or power outage.
By being prepared, you will be able to share some food with family and friends.
I thank those who have listened to My warnings and have prepared themselves."
August 25, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, you are very dependent on your power plants for electricity that runs your communications, your heating and cooling, as well as your lights.
This is why line telephones will be more valuable.
You will need alternative heat sources during the cold months, and also oil lamps for light.
You may need wood burners, kerosene burners, or gas burners for cooking and heat.
Those, who have prepared for the loss of electricity, will not have to rely on stores that will quickly run out of these supplies.
You will thank Me for warning you to get ready for these events that will be testing you.
You will need to share your preparations with others."
August 25, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, preparing for physical disasters is one thing, but preparing for a spiritual battle with the Antichrist is another thing.
This is why I am calling some of My faithful to set up refuges for protection from the demons, the Antichrist, and the evil one world people who want to kill My believers.
My angels will protect you with invisible shields.
My luminous crosses and miraculous springs will heal all of your ailments.
Food, water, and shelters will be multiplied at My refuges to provide for your needs.
Angels will feed you My daily Communion, and deer will come into your camps for meat.
Just as I protected the Jews in the Exodus, so I will protect My faithful in their modern day Exodus."
October 6, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, I have asked My faithful to store a one year's supply of food and water because of the coming planned world famine.
Many government controls will soon ration food supplies to only those people who have a chip in the body.
The other problem will occur when your dollar is so devalued that you will not be able to afford buying the food that will be available.
Because My faithful will have enough food, you will not need chips in the body to buy it, and you will not be affected by a crashed dollar.
This is why it is better to buy food than gold or silver.
Follow My instructions, and you will have enough food to share for your survival."
October 13, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, your people have many comforts in their homes because of the electricity that is available.
Most all of the power that you have is produced from hydroelectric plants, and steam turbines which are powered by coal, gas, or oil.
Small amounts of power can come from wind turbines and solar cell devices.
Most people are not familiar with what plants are providing their electricity because it comes from a collective grid.
If these plants or the transmission lines are damaged by storms or terrorism, then power outages could be a problem for a long time.
You have seen power outages on hot summer days or when the latest hurricane came through.
I have even warned My people to have backup oil lamps for light, and alternate sources of fuel for heating in the winter.
It is your electrical appliances as ovens, refrigerators, and sump pumps that require more electricity.
Be thankful for these conveniences, but your power is very vulnerable to being stopped.
Even when the one world people want to force martial law on you, they will cut your power lines so they can control you."
December 22, 2011:
Jesus said: "My people, a while back I gave you some messages that those, who developed other viruses, will develop a new flu virus that will be both deadly and contagious.
I even saw these evil ones making large amounts of this virus that they intended to spread by means of the chemtrails.
Now these scientists have leaked out the information that they have produced such a virus.
This could be another excuse to provide a new vaccine to protect the people.
In actuality they want to force people into mandatory flu shots that will reduce your immune system, and make you more vulnerable to this new virus.
Get some masks, refuse to take any mandatory flu shots, and take Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system.
Before they spray this virus in the chemtrails, I will warn you to go to My refuges where you can look on My luminous cross and be healed of any virus."
Jesus said: "My people, these scientists, who make deadly viruses, are working for the one world people who want to reduce the population drastically through these laboratory viruses.
By establishing a worldwide scare about new viruses, this will give an excuse to make more vaccines.
Their purpose is to kill many people with these vaccines, even as Bill Gates has openly admitted this plan.
It is the mandatory vaccines that will cause a problem.
Those, who refuse to take flu shots, could be jailed or quarantined.
This is when I warned My faithful that it would be time to come to My refuges when you are threatened with death or prison for refusing any flu shots."
en - Safe Havens
New Crusade Prayer 36 for those who are caught up in New Age Doctrines
Thursday, March 8th, 2012 @ 11:04 am
A new Cruade Prayer number 36 has been posted to help those to pull away from New age and other occult oriented doctrines has been posted and is contained in the message “The First Seal is the Apostasy”
You and all those who knowingly withdraw now from the king of darkness will be given the gift of discernment if you ask me in this Crusade Prayer (36) Help me to honour the true God
Jesus help me for I am lost and confused
I do not know the truth of life after death
Forgive me if I offend you by honouring false gods which are not the true God
Save me and help me to see the truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul
Help me to come into the light of your mercy.
The first seal is the apostasy
Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 @ 03:40 pm
My dearest beloved daughter tell My children that no man has the knowledge or the authority to reveal the truth contained in the Book of Revelation.
No matter how knowledgeable they may consider themselves to be, it is only I, Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of mankind who has the authority to reveal, to the world, what is contained in the Book of Truth.
Only, I, the Lamb of God has the right to deliver the truth, given to my disciple John the Evangelist, the instrument of the truth, to the world today.
The first seal is the apostasy seen not only among unbelievers but among those who profess to know Me and those who publicly proclaim their love for Me.
This is the time when the truth faith will be twisted, when you My children are presented with a watered down doctrine which is an insult to My teachings
I tell you children that when you see new false faiths and religious doctrines spring up you will know that this is now the time for the first seal to be revealed.
Look around and what do you see? Religions that pay homage to new gods which you have never heard of. Science fiction based religions which amount to nonsense and which are empty of substance. Spiritual entities that are not of this world but which many believe represent the Heavenly realm of My Father.
Heed now for you are living in fantasy.
None of these metaphysical beliefs represent the truth.
Any doctrine which teaches you the importance of putting yourself before everything else is a doctrine which springs from Satan.
Do not listen. Turn your backs on this cruel deceit.
Those who seek out false gods and devote their lives by idolising false gods are lost to Me.
Unless you stop and pray to Me for guidance I cannot save you.
You and all those who knowingly withdraw now from the king of darkness will be given the gift of discernment if you ask me in this Crusade Prayer (36) Help me to honour the true God
Jesus help me for I am lost and confused
I do not know the truth of life after death
Forgive me if I offend you by honouring false gods which are not the true God
Save me and help me to see the truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul
Help me to come into the light of your mercy.
There is only one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Sprit in one the Holy Trinity.
Any other god comes from Satan no matter how attractive the guise.
Please do not waste your eternal life by pledging your allegiance to those faiths which honour new age practices including Reiki, Yoga, new age meditation, tarot cards, clairvoyancy, psychic readings and angel worship connected with ascended masters.
Slowly but surely these practices of the occult are being accepted not only by your society but by Catholic and Christian Churches.
These false religious doctrines are spreading so fast they have consumed billions of God’s children who have now found so much false solace within them that they no longer acknowledge the existence of the one true God.
Your Jesus
Latest messages to The Two Patricks
Friday 3 February 2012
I Love you, My children, I, your God, Love you and I give you these Words through My Love. They are your guide, your Warning for the times to come. I do not leave you orphans: I send My Prophets into the world to tell you the Truth of what is about to take place as I did of old. I am Warning this world to turn away from its evil ways and return to Me for I cannot allow My creation to be polluted in the way that it is.
murder your children within
their mother's womb; you murder them without. I can see what is
happening, creation, and you are about to overstep the bounds of free
will. When this happens I shall release My Army and it shall destroy all
that you have created in your selfishness and greed.
at yourselves! You think that you will live forever. But, I tell you,
your lives are so short they are but a heartbeat in time. Turn away from
your evil ways and come, follow Me for I will wash you clean in the
Blood of My Sacrifice on Calvary. There is little time left to you now,
children, your scientists are about to break the Gift that has been
given. Once the Gift of free will is shattered, everything that you know
and understand will change upon this earth for I will not allow science
- that is but a child1 - to destroy all that I have created in Love.
Science is ruled by satan and it is he that pushes you along the path of
destruction. You blind and foolish children! Do you not realise what
you are doing?
Be Warned, be Warned, be Warned, your God is watching! Come back to Me, I Love you.
1 Jesus is saying that they have
the knowledge of a child.
Tuesday 7 February 2012
Come, My little children, let Me Teach you the Truth. Let Me show you the Path that I speak of within My Words.
Allow Me to open your eyes to the Truth.
Me in, My children, allow Me in and I will show you the True Path of
Salvation that will lead you into the Kingdom of Our Father.
Do not allow this world to blind you any longer but come walk this Path with Me. I have many splendours to show you.
walk through this life unseeing, whereas, you could be living your
lives to the full in Me. So many things have been lost in these past
centuries; things that I gave to My Church but, through the greed of
man, they have been lost: these I mean to restore. I gave you My Name so
that you could do greater things than I did when I was upon this earth.
What miracles are seen within My Church?
I see are greedy men and women who refuse to teach My Truth, who refuse
to let My people have the freedom of Truth. No longer, children! No
longer, will this be allowed! Soon, I shall send My two and you shall
see the Truth that has been hidden for so long.
up, creation, for My Army rises and this earth is about to change.
satan has been allowed to sift this earth for a hundred years and he has
failed to break My children. he has given this earth the power of
wealth and destruction yet, still, My Remnant remains faithful.
I shall show this world through My faithful that I, Jesus, Son of the
Living God, am not a dead God but I am Alive in My people and I will
show this earth the power that they believe is dead.
Creation belongs to Me for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator.
I am Life Eternal and what I say goes, in all creation.
I, alone, have the Power to create, and, to destroy.
creation, you shall see the Power of your God and you shall beg for
mercy for you have followed the ways of lucifer: you have slandered My
Church; you have slandered your God and you have slandered My Truth.
Your time has ended and your father, the father of lies, shall be cast
into the pit for a thousand years. There he shall be chained with those
who have followed him.
I say repent, repent of your evil ways now for I give you a ‘Time of
Repentance:’ I give you a ‘Time of Truth.’
shall send out My Army and, if you listen, you shall be washed clean in
the Blood of the Lamb and you shall live with Me for all eternity and
you shall know Love and Peace. But, if you do not listen to My
witnesses, you shall be cast into the pit with the father of lies.
Be Warned, My children, I, your God, am about to strike this earth with My Truth and that
that you perceive as truth shall shatter before your eyes.
Commandments are Truth, My Scripture is Truth and all that I have said
through My Prophets is Truth. I sent My Mother to Warn you and you have
not heeded the Warnings; now, you shall reap what you have sown.
The lie has ended and this earth will know its God.
Thursday 9 February 2012
Come, beloved children of My Heart, and seek My Truth. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by this world. Do not allow lucifer to control you. I have spoken many Words of Truth to you over these past years through these two Witnesses of Mine. They witness to My Truth through these Words that I give to them. Open your hearts now, My children, and allow these Words to penetrate for there is little time left to you and this you have not recognised. You do not read the signs of your times. You do not see for you look with blinkered eyes. You only see and perceive what you wish to in your blindness.
This world is heading into its own destruction because of the burden of sin.
children, allow Me to show you the Truth. Allow Me to Teach you the
Path that leads to the Kingdom of your Father. I am waiting for you to
respond to Me and it is only through dying to self that you will be able
to perceive the Truth of these Words of Mine. If you are not willing to
die to yourselves then you will walk in blindness and walk freely into
the traps of lucifer.
not just read these Words but live them: live them in your everyday
lives for the day is coming when you will need them in order to find the
Path of Truth. lucifer has gathered his army and, yes, children, the
one that you call the antichrist walks this earth and is about to strike
an incredible blow to My
Truth. he shall try to distort all that you know in order to destroy My
Church. The battle is about to begin and you are not prepared.
few have decided to walk this Path with Me, very few are willing to
give of themselves in order that My Truth be delivered to My children.
Come, now, My beloved children, and walk this Path of Truth with Me.
Allow Me to take the scales from your eyes so that you may see.
Allow Me into your souls so that you may become My Hands, My Feet and My Lips.
need you, My beloved children, I need you in this Army of
Love and I am calling out for volunteers who are willing to give of
themselves in order that My Truth be spread to the four corners of this
tell you, My children, My Houses of Prayer are about to ignite and you
shall see the Truth that they carry; this world will know, once again,
that their God exists. Be prepared, My children, be prepared for My Army
now and take on these Words for, I tell
you again, there is little time left and you walk in complacency as so
many in this world. Read the signs of your times, children, open your
eyes and perceive the Truth. Allow Me to penetrate your hearts and open
your eyes. I Love you, My beloved children, I Love you.
Tuesday 14 February 2012
Look now and see the Truth of My Ways, My children, for I have given many Words to you and, if you read back over them, they are clear Words, Words of Truth. They are Words that will guide you through the darkness of these times. They are the Words that will renew My Church and breathe New Life into My people.
My people, are about to experience marvellous times, when you shall see
the Truth reborn and the destruction of all that is unclean. Yes, they
will be perilous times for the human body but glorious times for the
human soul.
must begin to look at the importance of the soul, My children, for you
waste too much time thinking about the body. It is the desire of the
flesh to follow lucifer; it is the desire of the soul to follow Me,
around this world: you can see how many follow the desires of the body.
Look at your televisions; satan has put these into your homes in order
to cloud your minds with the desires of the body. Look at the programmes
you watch; look at the
advertisements you watch. You would laugh at someone in one of these
programmes who would allow themselves to sit in front of a television
screen and be brainwashed, yet, that is exactly what you are doing to
yourselves! You are sitting in front of your television screens and
allowing lucifer to brainwash you with the desires of greed, sex and
lust for all sorts of materials that you do not need.
at the Truth, My children, you are foolish, you think you are adults,
yet, you cannot see; you are blind and foolish children who are in a
great battle that you are losing. Yet, you refuse help for you refuse to
see the truth of your situation. Soon, children, and very soon, I shall
forced to step into this battle and end it for lucifer is about to give
man the power to destroy all creation and this, I cannot allow.
up, My children, and see what I am saying, your lives are so short. Can
you not see this? Can you not see that they are only preparation for
your true lives that begin at the death of the flesh?
I am Coming, children. I am Coming soon to claim My own. Pray that you are one
of these. I Love you.
Tuesday 14 February 2012
Look and see, My Ways are good, children. They will lead you to Everlasting Life; they will give you joy upon this earth and they will give you the Peace that surpasses all understanding which so very few find in this time. I am the Peace, children, I am the Joy, when you find Me, you will find all things for I am all things to all men.
am about to change My creation once again as I did in the time of Noah.
You shall see new marvels and have new understandings and the things
that were will be no more and new things shall be created in their place
and this earth shall have peace for a time until the memories of man
become clouded with self once again and so, they will begin to forget
Me, once again, as you have in your time, as did the people in Noah's
time and as they did when I walked this earth.
new time is coming, children, a new time of joy and love when this
earth shall flourish and no evil shall be seen for a time. Pray much
that you are a part of this time for it shall be a time of plenty upon
this earth. Pray that you do not be lost in the darkness for it grows
every day. The only way to survive its spreading is to repent and turn
away from the evil ways of this world and come, follow Me in truth.
the Words of My Scripture
and allow My Spirit to Teach you of its Ways, its meanings. Do not
listen to the scholars, doctors and theologians for they are blind and
believe that they must study in the way of the world to understand My
Work and so they distort it. They are so blind that they cannot even see
the words that are in front of their eyes. They cannot see that I
thanked My Father for not revealing the Word to the learned and wise but
to mere children.
scholars believe that they must become learned and wise in order to
understand. Yet, I have said that you must become like little children
with a simple love, a simple faith, a simple understanding for, My Ways
are simple, kind and loving. They are
not complicated, they do not need scholars to translate them.
at My Apostles, they were but simple men, they were not scholars, they
simply believed and, in their humble belief, they understood. This is
what you must do, My children, in order to understand the Way of Truth.
You must be humble of spirit and humble of body, take control of self
and do not allow it to control you any longer.
Scriptures, read My Word and allow Me to speak to you in the silence of
your hearts. Allow Me to show you the understanding of Truth for this
is the only way My Scripture can be understood. It is the Living Word.
It is I, Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
am the Word: I am what comes from My Father's Mouth. My Spirit is the
understanding of Truth for We are One and the same yet, We are Three.
This you cannot understand by the thinking of this world. It is only
when you enter the spirit world that you shall fully understand this for
you shall merge and become One with your God. Yet, you shall be your
own person for Love is One, children, Love cannot be separated and, We
that Love,
think alike, so We are One.
is why I say, children, I have no hands but your hands, no feet but
your feet and no lips but your lips. You must become One with Me so that
I can go out into this world and minister to My children through you
and you may ask anything in My Name and it shall be granted and this
world shall see the Truth of their God. This has been lost in your time
because of men's greed for wealth and knowledge.
Look at My early Church: did My
Apostles want for anything? They simply asked and it was given. They
healed in My Name and raised the dead in My Name and converted thousands
to the Way of Truth in My Name.
in your time, My apostles scatter the flock. They cannot hold them for
My children do not recognise My Truth and so are thrown into confusion
by those who have said that they will follow Me in truth. When I Come, I
will shatter the old and renew all that once was and is no more. You
shall hear My Words spoken in truth, from the greatest to the least and
from the least to the greatest. The young shall listen to the old and
the old shall listen to the
young and all shall marvel at the Truth of My Ways.
My beloved children, and listen to My Words. Allow Me to show you the
Truth; allow Me to enter the temple of your hearts; allow Me into this
world through you for We, together, shall heal shall even the sick and
raise the dead and breathe New Life into the downhearted.
The Revolution of Love begins, children. Look to the West for My Prophets arise and My
Truth is being breathed forth into this world.
Love you, My children, I Love you and I am Coming to breathe New Life
through those who have given themselves to Me. Feel the joy, feel the
excitement of these Words for the Revolution begins. I Love you.
Tuesday 14 February 2012
My children, look and see what I am saying in these Words, do not just read them but study them. Take them into your hearts and live them for I am in need.
I am a Beggar on bended Knee in front of you and I am begging you for your heart.
Me your heart, My child, so that I may enter and We, together, shall
begin the Work of Salvation. We, together, shall bring those that are in
darkness into the Light and they, too, shall become workers in My
vineyard and so My Army will build rapidly.
it only takes one spark to begin a forest fire, it only takes one of My
children to begin to live My Words and the great Rebellion of Love will
begin. I have spoken of this within My Scripture: the Great Battle of
the end times is about to begin and I
call My “Soldiers of the Light” out of the darkness. My Army will be
made up of the broken, the lame, the weak, the downhearted, those who
believe that they are nothing in the sight of man.
My War Cry; hear the Name of My Father, the Great I AM: it is for the
Love of Him that We do this Work. It is to His Glory that We offer all
hardship, all weakness, all strength and all love.
My beloved
children, follow in My Footsteps and We, together, shall march forward
and no nation shall stand against Us. We shall sweep the darkness aside,
the men of power shall fall from their thrones and peace will reign
once again upon this earth. Come NOW, come NOW, My beloved, for I am
calling out to you for there is little time left. Come hear My Words. I
Love you.
Wednesday 15 February 2012
I Love you, My children, and I am calling, ever calling for there is so little time left and so few have answered My call. I am a weary God for I must watch so many of My children entering the gates of hell, never to return to Me. So many travel the path of sin and refuse to look at Me and My Ways. No matter how I inspire them, they ignore Me in favour of the ways of this world. Sin has become their refuge, darkness is their lot for they have listened to the father of lies and will not turn away from him.
So many, so many are being lost to the lies of lucifer.
up, My children, and see the truth of this world. See how it deceives
you into thinking that there is no such thing as sin in your lives. It
advertises sin freely now as an everyday accepted part of life.
Can you not see the great deception?
Can you not see how lucifer leads this world into accepting all sin as a normal part of life?
at the Truth, My little ones, before it is too late for so many who
once followed Me are now blinded by the ways of lucifer. So many who
accepted Me as their God have turned their backs on Me and now walk the
path of darkness that leads to eternal death. This is why I am asking
you, children, for your help in this Work of Salvation. Your brothers
and sisters are dying, they are in great need and My Hands are bound by
Gift of free will that I give to all mankind. This is why I need you to
accept Me in free will, children. If you accept me and are willing to
die to yourselves to prove your acceptance, then, I can use you.
are a temple of the Holy Spirit but I cannot enter the temple unless I
am invited. If you travel the Path of self dying then you prove to Me
that it is your will that I enter, you prove to Me that you are willing
to abandon self for My Sake.
I enter your hearts, children, you will know perfect freedom, perfect
peace and perfect love and you may ask anything in My Name and it will
be given for all that you ask for will be to the Glory of Our Father.
My beloved children, take on this Path of Truth and walk it so that
freedom can be once again given to this world. The world has become so
darkened by sin that no longer will it accept the Way of Truth easily. I
need My followers to go out and show this world that I am Alive, show
this world that you wield My Power and that I am not dead. Be My
disciples, My apostles of Truth and go out to the four corners of this
earth and
heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out the unclean spirits. Go
forth in My Name and make disciples of all nations for you truly will
become My Hands, My Feet and My Lips if you are willing to walk this
Path with Me. I Love you.
Thursday 16 February 2012
Come, My beloved children, and see the Truth of the Words that I speak. See what I am saying to you, see the Battle that is before you and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by lucifer. Learn to avoid his traps; learn to see the Truth through Me.
My children, look at the Internet - see what it is: It is a trap of
lucifer which is controlled by demons, it is to be avoided for, when you
enter it, you are in great danger of falling into sin. For they will
try to control you through it, they will try to influence you into
things that you normally would not be influenced by. Yes, My children,
you can use it for the good but you
must be strong and avoid all temptation to look at and read things that
will take you away from Me. Use it in My Name but do not abuse it for
self’s sake.
children, look around you and see: the evil one fills your lives with
things that take up your time and draw you away from Me, like the
television and the Internet, these have been lucifer’s gifts to this
world. They fill self full of desires that are not of Me.
Come, My beloved children, begin to see the battle. Begin
to fight for Me, begin to control self for, when self is controlled then
you will be truly My servant and I shall be able to use you in your
free will for the good of others. I say again and again that I have no
hands but your hands, no feet but your feet and no lips but your lips;
you must become My instrument and the only way that you can do this is
by dying to self. You must live in the world but not be of it for, in
truth, children, you are of My World; your world is the Kingdom of Our
Father. I Love you.
Thursday 16 February 2012
Come to Me often in prayer so that I may fill your hearts with My Truth, so that I may show you the Path of Freedom that I wish you to travel for We are about to enter a time of great freedom, a time of great peace and a time of great joy where all will know love upon this earth, where the lion will lie down with the lamb and no weapon of war shall be needed. But, first, children, we have much Work to do for the harvest is great and the labourers are few. I am the Lord of the Harvest and I call out for the labourers to come to My vineyard for there is little time and much Work to be done. I Love you.
Friday 17 February 2012
Come, My beloved children, walk this Path of Love with Me. This Path leads to Our Father's Kingdom, the Kingdom of your God.
My beloved children, I stretch out My Hand to you in these Words, they
are a lifeline to the Truth that I have already given to you within My
they do not add to or take away from what I have already given; they
are the Path that leads you back to the Footprints of My Word.
now, My beloved children, and do not wait for there are so many of your
brothers and sisters in danger. I need your help in this Work of
Salvation. Come, My beloved children, for the harvest is great and there
are so few who are willing to help Me and there are so many who are
being lost. It is through your sacrifice and prayer that so many can be
Saved for I cannot force them to believe but you can gain them many
Graces through your giving and so they may see the Truth by your
example, My children, they can turn away from the darkness of sin and so
be Saved.
My Hands, My Feet and My Lips, show My people that you believe by the
way that you live your lives. I do not ask you to become self-righteous
preachers for this only drives My children further away; no, I ask you
to show them that you love them by the way that you live your life.
If someone slaps you on one cheek, give them the other and love them.
If someone hates you
and speaks all sorts of calumny against you: love them.
If someone steals from you: love them.
ill of no one as I speak ill of no one. Teach with love, children,
teach by example and teach with truth in your hearts. Come, My beloved
children, follow Me and show this world that you are a follower of Mine
by the way that you live your lives. Be an example of the Truth of your
God. Show this world, through
what you do, that I am Alive in you. Come, now, children, come now
before it is too late. I Love you.
Friday 17 February 2012
Come, come, come, My children, run to Me, do not delay, do not waste time by the futile things of this world. I speak many Words to you for the time shortens rapidly and still few have listened. Come, I say, children, come quickly, run to Me for the evil one prepares to strike a wicked blow to My Church and so many will be lost. When he does, so many will be taken in by his lies and so few will be able to see through them. This is why I prepare you now, children.
ask you to look at the Truth, to live the Truth so that you may see
through the lies of satan. Come now, time is short and still I call. I
call and I call for My children to listen to Me. I am your Father and I
fear for My children who are in danger of being lost. Do not try to
twist My Words that I
speak; do not try to say that I would not speak in this way for what
father would not cry out for the death of a child? Open your eyes, you
blind and foolish generation and see what is happening around you!
lucifer stalks your streets, he fills you full of lies and deceit; he
blinds you to the Truth; you accept sin into your lives freely.
are afraid to speak My Name in public; you look upon those who try to
follow Me in truth with scorn. Yet, you would say that you are a
follower of Mine? You are no different than the scribes and Pharisees
that put Me on a Cross to Die at the hands of My enemies.
not call yourself a follower of Mine when you do not love. You are
hypocrites, black hearted sepulchres who will not enter the Kingdom of
your God and try to stop the rest of My children entering also. Your
lives are short and, soon, you shall stand before Me and where will your
great knowledge be then? Do you think that you will be able to deceive
at the Truth. Throw away your knowledge for it stands for nothing
except for blinding you to My Truth. I am a God of Truth,
I am a God of Love, I am the Creator of All Things and you cannot hide
from Me: you cannot lie to Me for I can see your thoughts, I know your
feelings, I know all your secrets.
day I Warn you: if you do not turn away from your evil ways and let My
people enter My Kingdom, you will be struck down in My Justice, you
shall be cast into the fires of hell and there you shall suffer the
torment of what you have sown upon this earth in your lies.
pain shall be increased a thousandfold because of those that you have
been responsible for deceiving and now are in the same place that you
is a real place created for the desires of lucifer: it is the opposite
to My Kingdom, it is a place of darkness, a place of evil, a place of
fire created by the rage of those who live there. Do not deny its
existence for you will not be able to deny it, if, in your free will,
you decide to go there through your sin.
up, generation, and see the Truth of these Words for I am your God and I
am stretching My Hand out to you to give you freedom before the Great
and Terrible Day of Justice strikes this earth. You may think, in your
wisdom, that it cannot happen, the same as those in the city of
Hiroshima did not believe their city would be destroyed as they laid
their heads down to sleep the night before. Look and see the Truth: look
at the signs of your times. I am close, prepare. I Love you.
Sunday 19 February 2012
Look to the Truth, My children, and do not be afraid to follow in My Footsteps. I am calling each one of you to turn away from this world and its wickedness. Everywhere that you look in this world love is dying.
Never before has man wandered so far away from Me.
Never before has man allowed himself to become so blinded.
children refuse to look at the Truth, they refuse to see My Ways and,
rather, take on the ways of sin. Yes, I speak to YOU, My children. Many
of you live in relationships that you call ‘your partner.’ I call it
living in sin; living without your God.
have given you a Way to live that keeps you safe and that keeps your
children safe. When you live outside Marriage, the evil spirits can walk
freely in and out of your lives. There is no barrier to stop them for
you live in the laws of lucifer and not the Laws of your God. I placed
My Laws upon this earth so that you could be safe, so that you could
follow Me in truth and the Kingdom of your God would be your Home. When
you walk blindly into sin, you will walk into the gates of hell and you
shall justify your going there for sin blinds the soul to My Truth and
so it becomes darkened, unwilling to turn away from sin.
Love you, My children, see the truth of this life that you live; see
that it is only a time of preparation, a time to decide whether you want
to be in My Kingdom or the kingdom of lucifer. You decide this by the
way that you live your lives on this earth. It is not by your words for
words are freely given and freely taken away but your actions mark the
road of truth: this is the road that you follow.
If you walk the Path of Truth, you will obey My Laws.
If you walk the path of darkness, then you will obey the laws of lucifer.
When you accept sin into your lives, you are freely accepting his laws.
When you fight against sin, you are freely accepting My Laws.
is Truth, children. Many of you say that you follow Me, yet, you are
following lucifer and, yes, when you die you will deny Me and blame Me
and cast yourself away from Me for, in your blindness, you will not see
My Truth for you will have lived a life of deceit.
Come, NOW, children, wake up from your blindness and turn away from sin. Read My Commandments, they are Truth:
1. I am the LORD, your God. You shall worship the Lord, your God, and Him only shall you serve.
2. You shall not take the Name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath
4. Honour your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
9. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods.
are what I have given you in order that you not be blinded. You must
fight against the desires of self for the desires of self will lead you
on the wrong path and so into the kingdom of darkness.
am the Truth, I am the Way, I am the Life and whatever I give is Light
and it is Love. Prepare yourselves, My children, for My Kingdom - for
the Kingdom of your Father. This is when your lives truly begin. When
you enter My Kingdom you will see all in Truth and you shall understand
the meaning of this life that you live. It is My Gift to you, it is the
Gift of free will.
rebelled against Me and so was cast into the fires of hell. So, when I
created you, mankind, I created you in love and would not bring you into
My Kingdom without you making your own decision whether you wanted to
be in
My Kingdom or not. This is the Gift of free will that I give to you.
You decide by your actions upon this earth where you wish to live.
My beloved children, see the Truth and walk with Me for we have much
Work to do in order to Save many of those who live in darkness. Come, My
beloved, I call out to you in these Words for your help. I Love you.
Sunday 19 February 2012
Come, now, children and see what I say in these Words. See how I guide you along the Path of Truth, the Path of self dying. In order to become a true servant of Love, you must die to self, you must die to the ways of this world. When the scales begin to fall from your eyes, you will begin to see My Truth, you will begin to see My Ways, you will begin to see My Laws and so you shall become My Hands, My Feet and My Lips and, We, together, shall walk into the darkness of this world and rip those that have been blinded by the lies of lucifer into the Light. For, I mean to give My children freedom, I mean to show My children the Truth. For one hundred years, lucifer has sifted mankind; for one hundred years, lucifer has been allowed to blind and distort My Truth but, NOW, children, it is ended and the Great Battle will begin.
can you not see? The more that you are sifted, the stronger you become?
But, so many who have entered My service have fallen to the lies of
lucifer and so the enemy has infiltrated My Church and lead My people on
the wrong path from within.
am calling out to you to see the Words of Truth and renounce self. Come
away from the lies of lucifer and come, follow Me. I Love you, My
people, and I have told you I will not leave you orphans. So many who
have lived and died upon this earth have not had a chance to live their
lives in freedom, they have been unfairly blinded by the lies of those
who walk within My Church. These I have taken to Myself for I judge in
truth and no one will enter the gates of hell through trickery. I am
calling out to you, My children, to free those who have been blinded and
allow them to live freely upon this earth. Yes, I am calling to YOU to
become a Soldier of the Light, a Soldier of Love, a Soldier of Truth.
My beloved, listen to My calls and come, walk with Me for We have much
Work to do and such little time to do it. I Love you. Prepare! I am
Coming. I Love you.
Monday 20 February 2012
Come, look at Me, My children. Look at My Love for you. See how I give all of Myself so that you could have Eternal Life with Me in My Father's Kingdom. Come, do not turn away from Me; do not give up the true battle for Eternal Life. This world will tell you that I do not exist but, look, children, I am here; I am talking to you now as you read these Words; feel Me within your hearts, My Truth as it gushes forth giving New Life.
do not reject Me for I have many Words to speak to you in the depths of
your heart. I
am calling to you, My child, through these Words so that you may have
Eternal Life with Me in My Father's Kingdom. Come, beloved child of My
Heart, and listen to My calls. I Love you.
Monday 22 February 2012
Love is My Path, My children, Love is what I give you and Love is what I guide you with. Come, My beloved children, walk this Path with Me. Let this world see that you believe in Me and in My Truth. Walk in My Footsteps and We, together, shall breathe New Life into this world of darkness and mankind shall be renewed and the darkness of self shall be overcome. I do not take you upon a new Path but I simply bring you on the Path that I have already shown you. Yet, you have allowed yourselves to become blinded to its Truth.
now, My beloved children, and walk with Me. I call out to all My
priests, nuns, brothers and laity alike: walk this Path with Me, walk
this Path of Truth so
that this world may see that I am Alive in you. Come, now, I await your
response to Me. I Love you.
Wednesday 22 February 2012
Look to the Truth, My children, and see what I am telling you. Open your eyes and look around this world; read the signs of your times and come follow Me for I am calling out to you in these Words to take you away from the dangers of this world. I am calling out to all My children to see the Truth, to see My Ways, to see what is happening in this world, to see the danger that you are in.
So very few listen to Me,
so very few care about their brothers and sisters,
so very few are satisfied with their lives,
so are drawn into the greed of this world and away from Me.
Come, My beloved children, take on these Words of Truth; take
on these Words of Love and come follow Me out of the darkness and into the Light.
There you shall find Peace,
there you shall find Love,
there you shall find Truth,
no more to be tortured by the uncertainty of what lies before you for you will find My Peace, My Love and My Joy.
you begin to trust in your God, you will not worry what tomorrow may
bring, you will simply have confidence that I will guide you on the
right path. Look for Me in your hearts, children, for there I am to be
Sit with Me: sit with Me in silence.
Feel Me: feel Me within your hearts.
I am like a gentle breeze there, calling to you to come follow Me.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and anyone who comes to Me shall have Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father.
I Love you, I Love you, I Love you, My children. Come, I await your response to My call. I Love you.
Do not worry but
allow Me to Teach you in this time; allow Me to show you the Path of
Truth that lies before you; allow Me to make you strong. Go and do the
things that I have asked of you and We, together, shall bind together a
seal that will never be broken. Come, My beloved, I await your response
to Me. I Love you.
Saturday 25 February 2012
Come, children of My Heart, and run to My calls. There is so little time left and so much work to be done and so few who are willing to help. Come, My beloved children, wake up NOW and see the Truth: see how your lives are being controlled by the lies of lucifer. See how your governments rage against one another in the lust for power.
Can you not see that the evil one pushes this earth ever closer to war because of the greed of mankind?
you have accepted the lies of lucifer and so, in free will, have given
him the power to destroy this world. But this I will not allow. I have
promised man that I would look after him and this I will do but, first, I
shall bring a great punishment upon this earth so that you can see and
understand the error of your ways. You can say that I am a cruel God but
look what you are doing: you are murdering your children within the
womb. Is this not the cruellest of things that one can do?
look upon the flesh, children, but I look upon the soul. I would
destroy this earth to save one soul but this I will not do, rather, I
shall chastise mankind so that he may see the Truth and come away from
his evil ways and come follow Me for I am Meek and Humble of Heart. I do
not see differences; all My children are equal in My sight.
first, We must take those who are in danger to safety - not in danger
of the body, children, but in danger of losing their souls to the
eternal fires of hell. I need you: I need your hands, your feet and your
lips. I need you to become a temple of the Holy Spirit, a place where I
may dwell and minister
to My children through you.
My beloved children, listen to Me; hear My calls; hear them as they
become ever more urgent. There is so little time. Look back and see how
many Warnings both I and My Mother have given. Look at how We have been
ignored by mankind, dismissed by you and laughed at. Yet, My Love for
you Burns ever brighter. I will not reject My children; I will not
desert My children for My Love for you is eternal. Come, now, little
ones. I Love you.
Monday 27 February 2012
It is a while since I spoke of the Way of Truth. This is because I have been fighting with myself and my desires. I am coming to understand that I, and everyone else, have never truly been taught about what we should be doing on this earth. It is sad that those who are meant to be our teachers are as blind as we are. Yet, they cannot see that they are blind.
soul is placed into the human body by God but the human body is tainted
by the sin of Adam and so the human body desires much that it does not
need. This is where free will comes into being. We, the soul, can fight
against the desires of the body and follow in the Footsteps of our
Master, Jesus, or we can give in to the desires of the
flesh which are greed, lust, arrogance, anger, etc, etc, the list goes
on and on. If we walk this path, we will end up in hell for it is a path
of blindness and self-indulgence, a path of sin and darkness.
is what Jesus is showing us in these Messages. He is Teaching us how to
fight against self for, as no one is willing to see the Truth, the
Master, Himself, must come and show us, once again, how to walk in His
The Way of Jesus is love and
humility and self sacrifice. We must be unwilling to become great in the
eyes of men. We must be unwilling to hurt others in order to get on in
this world. The further that we walk this Path with Jesus, the more we
begin to understand the Way of Truth. That it truly does not matter what
others think of us; the only thing that truly matters is that God can
see us in His Light, meaning that we are trying to die to self in order
to follow Him and that we are not willing to walk in the darkness that
self brings about.
anchor is the first step onto the Path, it is the first denial of self.
I can see how self cries, kicks and screams
like a child in order that we give in. And, I also can see the deceit
and twistedness of self. I do not eat after six as Jesus has asked of me
but, over the months, I began to see that self was changing this into,
rather than fasting, it was dieting to lose weight.
have to be careful on this Journey, we have to be ever vigilant and be
aware that self is our enemy, it is the part that accepts sin freely, it
is the part that listens to the inspirations of lucifer and so into
darkness. This may sound strange to many but, I have seen it for myself
over these past months.
is always wanting but can never be satisfied. No matter what self
obtains it will always be looking for more. I can understand what Jesus
meant when He said that the scales will begin to fall from our eyes. By
no means has the scales fell from my eyes but, I am beginning to see a
little light. There are cracks appearing in the shell of self. I begin
to see how we judge one another, both inwardly and outwardly; how we
gossip about one another yet, we deny it to ourselves. We are always
trying to get one over on another person but we are blind to these
things because of the blindness that self brings about.
thought I trusted Jesus but I can see now that I do not. I say “Jesus, I
trust in You” but these are only words and are easy to say. It is
through our actions that we trust in and follow Jesus, not through lip
service. We must prove to Him that we believe in Him and His Ways and
not in the ways of this world.
is easy to go to Mass on a Sunday and tell Jesus that we love Him. It
is more difficult to be humble in the sight of our God and others: if
someone slaps us on one cheek, to turn the other, to love our enemies,
to do good to those who persecute us and if someone steals
our car to give them the money for the fuel: this is humility.
sounds stupid in the ways of the world, what Jesus is asking of us but,
nothing matters in this world but our God. And, as He said, He will
look after us: 26 Behold the birds of the air for they neither sow, nor
do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your Heavenly Father feedeth
them. Are not you of much more value than they? Matthew 6:26
This is the Truth: this is the way of self dying, these are the Footsteps of Jesus that in His own Words He said:
24 If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24, Douay-Rheims
when He lived upon this earth, He gave everything up for the Love of
His Father and became a wandering preacher who was willing to go as far
as to give His Life on
the Cross of Execution so that His children could have the freedom of
the Kingdom of Our Father.
as you see, to give up a car to a thief is nothing in the sight of God.
Love one another is Jesus’ Command to all of us. There are no
exceptions to this rule. Enemy, neighbour, stranger, family, friends, no
matter what they have done or what they have said against us, if we are
to be true followers of Jesus, we must forgive them and love them in
the humility of our Jesus.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 @ 03:20 pm
My dearly beloved daughter you must continue to carry out My holy instructions and let no man stop you in this mission although you will continue to be attacked on all sides.
Never doubt My word, even when you do not understand what My messages mean.
Everything you are being given for the world to hear has been foretold My daughter.
It is just that mankind needs to understand what is contained in the Book of John.
All things foretold must come to pass.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
He will be seen to create peace in the Middle East.
This will be a false peace and is a guise for the lie he presents in order to hide the real reason for this untruth which is being perpetrated.
Pray for My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, for he will face a terrible persecution. This time is close now.
Pray all of you because your prayers will ease the severity of these times which can be diluted.
Much is not known, My daughter, about the end times.
Many are fearful and so they should be but only if their souls are unclean.
For those of you in the light of God you have much to look forward to because it will mean the banishment of sin from the earth.
At last the world will emerge in a new beginning filled with My divine light.
There is not much time before these things take place.
All that matters is that all of God's children will see the truth in time and convert.
Otherwise they will not be part of the New Heaven and the New Earth which will merge to become one.
For then I will come to judge.
So only those who acknowledge Me, their Saviour Jesus Christ and My Eternal Father will have life.
Pray for all your souls. This is all you need to focus on right now and trust in Me completely.
Your Jesus
Fr. Doucette: 951] Wed, Mar 07, 2012: End of Paul and his Companions
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
End of Paul and his Companions' First Mission
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles (14:21-28):
After they had proclaimed the good news to that city and made a considerable number of disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch. They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying, "It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God." They appointed presbyters for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith. Then they traveled through Pisidia and reached Pamphylia. After proclaiming the word at Perga they went down to Attalia. From there they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work they had now accomplished. And when they arrived, they called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Then they spent no little time with the disciples.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I greet you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all over the world. I want you all in the Kingdom of God that I established when I was on earth. If you believe in Me and are baptized and follow the Commandments of God, you are truly in My Kingdom. One of the greatest Evangelists of the Church was St. Paul, who traveled throughout the known world of his time to teach the people about Me, their Savior, and to call them to enter My Church. Many people came and were received into My Church.
I want all of you to be evangelists. Do not be afraid to speak to those you meet about Me, your Redeemer, who died on the cross and was raised to life on the third day never to die again. Tell them that I am their only Savior."
Father Melvin
Message to Michael DiBitetto March 6,2012
March 6, 2012.
Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m.
Tonight we prayed The Marian Prayers
The beginning of the 4th decade (Sorrowful Mystery) Our Blessed Mother†has appeared as
Michael said: I bow down only to Jesus Christ
Our Blessed Mother replied: Your Lord and Savior My Son Jesus Christ loves and protects you.
- now over the picture of The Sacred Heart, St. Padre-Pio has appeared and he is celebrating mass.
-and now on the-wall I
-and at the bottom of the cross now I see a LARGE BROWN ANCHOR (The Anchor signifies ˜hope)
now The Holy Spirit has appeared as A DOVE and Its coming
from the wall and its going around the room and its going THROUGH
everyones heart . (And Im being told by the Holy Spirit that
its going through the hearts of everyone whos on the Radio
Internet at this time.)
Now once again I see Our Blessed Mother as
(And now Our Blessed Mother as Our Lady Of Sorrows has disappeared.)
And now over the picture of The Sacred Heart St. Padre Pio has appeared and he is still celebrating mass.
now over the Picture of The Divine Mercy The Holy Spirit has
appeared and rays of light are coming down towards everyone in the
prayer group.
And now on the wall St.Padre Pio has the
Eucharist in his hand and he̢۪s holding it out to the prayer group and
theyre coming out one at a time towards everyone in the prayer group
everyone is receiving Spiritual Communion from St. Padre Pio this
evening. Including everyone on the radio
That is all for this evening.
Australian Locutionist - December 6, 7, 9 2011
Reflections – By His Wounds You Are Healed: Prayers and Reflections in Honour of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus
MMP Marian Movement of Priests : To the Priests Our Ladys Beloved Sons
DM Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina
Tuesday 6 December 2011
Reflection 15 My Love pours forth unceasingly in a flood of graces from My Sacred Wounds
love of God is like no other love. It is a love that you can never
fully know here on earth. It is a supreme love, gentle, consoling,
comforting and patient. It is a love that no human mind can grasp. Yet
you show to Me your love and think it is not worthy. Believe
Me, little one, your humility is the greatest gift you can give to Me.
This is all I ask of you, My little ones. Your time of sacrificial love
is coming to an end. I am well pleased with your offerings during your
time away from your daily routine and Masses.
MMP- 298 My Urgent Invitation
DMJesus spoke the number 1100
Wednesday 7 December 2011
Reflection 55 – Draw strength from My Sacred Wounds
curtain closes on this era of evil. A new era of peace begins. One door
closes and another opens. So too does your life. I have planned much
for your remaining years, My little one, to bring joy and peace into the
souls of My many lost and wandering sheep. This is your mission in life
and you do it well. I the Lord God is your Teacher, Friend and Spouse. I
am protecting you all the way on the straight and narrow paths. I have
smoothed out all the rocky patches
for your journey of faith.
MMP 248 The Secret of My Immaculate Heart
DM Jesus spoke the number 77 (33)
Friday 9 December 2011
Reflection 76 Do not fear his apparent might
season has passed and a new one has begun. This, My dear one, is like
no other. You are well prepared for all the changes that are about to
happen in your life and the lives of others. You have prepared well for
these changes, little one. Keep your eyes focussed on Me. All is well
for the coming of your Lord.
MMP 519 The Hour of Calvary
DM Jesus spoke the number 707 (143) (67)Holy Love March 6,2012
March 6, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I desire your trust - first and foremost. All other gifts and graces come to you and are built upon trust. If you do not have Holy Love in your heart, trust will escape you. It is as though Holy Love is the vessel that holds your trust. If the Holy Love is weak, trust slips through the vessel."
"This is how Satan attacks people in important and influential positions. He encourages them to love their own efforts and intellect, and to place their trust therein; then, the Spirit of Truth - the Holy Spirit - no longer influences their decisions. How sad it is to see people lose their way for lack of trust in Heaven's grace. How sad!"
Come To Me In Holy Confession
March 6, 2012
I want you to write of my compassion and mercy that I have for all people. It is a mercy that is greater than your knowledge. You must come to me in holy confession so I can forgive all your sins so you can start anew. When in any other time in history has my mercy been so great? Never. You must believe this my children and take advantage of this special grace. It is for you to receive. So many of you do no show compassion to your fellow man. Why? You must be merciful to others as I am to you. I need this of you my children. You must bring Christ to others. That will complete my body on earth. You must take every opportunity you have to spread my word and show my compassion to others. Go and spread the gospel.
Your Jesus
The Book of Truth is being revealed to you, the seventh messenger for the end times.
Monday, March 5th, 2012 @ 03:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter I come today to comfort you in this time of torment which assails you on every side.
Know that John the evangelist was given the unsealed book the book of truth for the world to hear now in these times.
This book was given to him no longer sealed for the seals were already opened. They were then closed and not to be revealed until the end.
This time has come for you to open the Book of Truth and reveal the contents therein for all of God̢۪s children to prepare their souls for eternal life.
The Book of Truth is being revealed to you, the seventh messenger for the end times.
By the sound of your voice the truth will finally be revealed and the mysteries contained in the Book of Revelation will be presented to a disbelieving world.
But not for long. Despite the apostasy, which will not only affect believers but those sacred servants within the church, the time for the great confession is close.
Once this takes place great conversion will occur throughout the world.
Then they will be hungry for the truth contained in the unsealed book promised to the world for these, the end times.
You are the messenger who has been given the task not only to prepare the world for the salvation of souls but who will also announce My reign.
Your beloved
Holy Love March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, do not feel abandoned by this latest turn of events [last midnight apparition on Divine Mercy]. I am preparing you to pray continually in your homes, places of work and leisure, and here at the site. Do not wait for specific times of apparitions to pray and be holy. Do not wait for specific events in the world to take place either. Be united through prayer with each other and with Our United Hearts always; then you will be prepared for the next apparition or the next fulfillment of prophecy in the world."
"Savor the grace of each moment, for each present moment is part of your eternity. Come to the prayer site here often to receive what Heaven offers; that is more pleasing to Me than if you await a special apparition. Only the Father knows the moment of the next apparition and Message to the world after the Feast of Divine Mercy."
"I am joyful as I await the formation of the association of the Children of the United Hearts. This association has long been in Our United Hearts. Let any sign of opposition be a sign to you of its significance."
March 5, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, it is important that you realize your trust in Heaven's plans for this Mission is a reflection of your trust in Me. Remember, your trust in Me is a barometer of the Holy Love you hold in your hearts."
"Tonight I am imparting to you the Blessing of My Divine Love."
March 2, 2012
My Child: You started writing the "Compendium of Jesus Christ."
This Life that I announced to you!
You write this future Life with GOD.
Even your conscience imposed a stop in order to understand better and to follow Me further. This is not a weakness on your part and it's not a mistake ...
So this morning: "You called Me strongly and I'll explain."
This Life that I announced to you!
You write this future Life with GOD.
Even your conscience imposed a stop in order to understand better and to follow Me further. This is not a weakness on your part and it's not a mistake ...
So this morning: "You called Me strongly and I'll explain."
When the human embryo is formed in the womb of its mother, it is evolving.
This little human will be born...
Today: You are "The Called of the Lord."
Those who will be born with this "Spiritual Life" ...
You are already emerging, evolving whether faster or slower.
You are already in this metamorphosis to be born "Sons of GOD."
You are on the way of becoming a "Divine Being" with the same Identity of Jesus Christ.
"I have chosen you to announce it!"
I come to explain to you what is in the process of happening, because your conscience does not accept an error on your part, and so human beings do not exhibit the doubts of what he is already going through ... "You're My confirmation for each one."
And it's for you, the only way to continue this walk reassuringly, and for each of you, this is a new "Catechism"!
And now listen: "Where do you think I Am? ".
You've already announced and you learned that the Kingdom of GOD that I
promise you, is already within you (My Choice) and this Kingdom, it is I "The GOD of All the Universe" and I'll say it again ...
The GOD Unique and TRUE who is Father, who is Son in the Holy Spirit.
The Miracle is the same: It is the awakening of the Holy Spirit in you!
The very nature of GOD, the Holy Spirit awakens in you and that is that each individual man is called to be reborn of the Holy Spirit, that little embryo that is in every human creature.
It is this good quality grain that is already in good Earth, "In the one called".
It is already written in what I've previously dictated ...
The very nature of GOD, the Holy Spirit awakens in you and that is that each individual man is called to be reborn of the Holy Spirit, that little embryo that is in every human creature.
It is this good quality grain that is already in good Earth, "In the one called".
It is already written in what I've previously dictated ...
This is the Time of the Holy Spirit!
to form "His new Apostles" and this new family of "The New Earth" which
is already in formation and who will be reborn in its "Last throes".
Soon, the Holy Spirit will cover the Whole World.
The resisters will go through periods of doubt and inner struggle to accept what comes around them ...
GOD has chosen this good Earth that are:
"All Men of Good Will"
Soon, the Holy Spirit will cover the Whole World.
The resisters will go through periods of doubt and inner struggle to accept what comes around them ...
GOD has chosen this good Earth that are:
"All Men of Good Will"
GOD comes to seed this New Earth, this good seed in His Word Alive and present.
GOD has opened the floodgates of His DIVINE FIRE which is the Holy Spirit!
When Everything will then become: "In the Image of Our Living GOD"
with the Identity of Jesus Christ, GOD and Man, Divine and Human ...
Where will you place My Holy Mother?
Before or after your New Birth?
Jesus Christ, TRUE GOD and TRUE Man
In the Father and the Holy Spirit
Message Thru Marie - Undated
Message Thru Marie - Undated
Message thru Marie from our Blessed Mother:
My dear precious child,
beloved of my heart,
in you my heart finds rest
for you sacrifice much for the Kingdom
that my Son has chosen to
establish fully on this earth.
On your special day,
I wish to embrace you fully and
cover you with my mantle,
imparting on your soul
such graces as the Lord has
lovingly gifted to me for me to
give in great measure to all
my children everywhere
and more so to those who
are working hard in my Son's
How you please My Son's
most wounded heart,
How your sacrifices always
are seen by the eyes of the Father
How you strive to grow in patience
How your faith has deepened through
the various trials and pains endured
in accepting the will of God
For it is in desiring His Will
through a desire to consecrate
your heart, mind, soul, your every
intent, your every action no matter
how small, and making these always
desire the Will of Holy Love.
I am so pleased with you,
my child of charity!
Know, my child, that no
sacrifice is wasted, I wish
to show you all that your
sacrifices and prayers have
gained for your brothers and
sisters in need. However,
it is always the Father's
plan that we all must
accept in humility and trust
not only what He seeks to
reveal but also when he
seeks to reveal this at His appointed
time. Much is gained in the
waiting on his Will.
You have earned much
graces and it pleases God
to grant your requests for
your brothers and sisters in need.
Thank you for your great love
and compassion for the many
who come to you for help.
For chosen children beloved
of the Father, you are planted
exactly where you are most
needed. The Father does not
make mistakes, he calls out
and those that answer are
greatly rewarded. How much
hidden grace have been poured
upon you continue to pour
in greater measure now!
I wish to thank you for all your
efforts to bring Me and My Son
as close to those in your
circle as is within your power.
In gratitude know that I take
care of my children and all
your concerns. I love you.
I love you. Worry not, my
child, for the many cares of this
world melt away when you are
living in perfect union with Me
and My Son. Simply surrender
your days to Us as you have
faithfully done over the years
and watch how much easier
will the cares of the day be.
It is the Father's desire to
take care of you,
It is the Father's desire to
guide you, and each day
consecrate every moment
especially the greatest cares
that you have, turn them over
to My Son. There is nothing
My Son has not suffered for love
of you. Nothing. There is nothing
My Son has not experienced,
no pain he has not borne to
share in your journey back
to Him. There is no way to
get close to Him except through
the path of suffering, of sacrifice
and acceptance of the cross.
These you have done but I
urge you to continue this
path as the struggle intensifies.
This world looks at growing old
as a time to slow down, a time
to lessen the work, a time
to enjoy the fruits of one's
labor. Yet I tell you now,
my child, that it is a time
to increase the fervor in your
work, it is a time of
greater endurance, where
the fortitude of your faith will
be called upon as many of
the youth need your loving
guidance. The youth today
lack proper formation in the
homes for there is much
distraction that put the youth
at great potential peril.
Take care of the souls of
my little ones. Do not tire.
The harvest is huge but
the laborers are so few.
The few are getting tired.
I gift you the strength of the
Holy Spirit to continue
your mission.
When is the light within you
most needed to shine? Yes,
as the darkness advances,
many of my little ones will
lose direction without My
Light guiding them.
I will gift you the strength
that allowed me and My Son to obey
His Mission and mine.
I love you my child!!!!
I love you and cloak you always
within my mantle!!!!!
end of message
Luz de Maria messages 18 Jan - 12 Feb 2012
FEBRUARY 12, 2012
Beloved children:
The Earth spins and man passes, water calms thirst and man does not appreciate it, food comes to the table and My children do not remember those who are hungry.
Looking within, does man good so that he measures his charity, his love of neighbor, his sensitivity, his reaction and his behavior in the face of another̢۪s pain.
I INVITE YOU TO BE CHRISTIANS OF ACTION, not only of prayer. I call you to take to your brothers and sisters the words of the Our Father.
I INVITE YOU TO SHARE WITH THOSE WHO ARE IN NEED not only the bread that calms the hunger of the body but the Bread of My Holy Spirit that is shed upon you.
Let the one who criticizes look at himself first. What does man do to better humanity?
Children, the instant elapses and elapses… and before this you think that My Words remain far from the fulfillment of what I have announced to you. It is not so, remain awake, take care of your soul. If you fall, get up quickly, repent.
The man of this instant looks with contempt upon what is coming for him, as if he lived with pain, when it has not touched him yet. Do not look with indifference at the events of the brothers and sisters that suffer because of natural disasters, or because of their leaders, or because of diseases, do not see them from afar. The events ride, they approach walking from nation to nation.
How much elapses on high that man does not know? Only the Angels that remain in constant flight from Heaven to Earth, without rest, keeping you away from evil… and humankind refuses to take the path of My Requests!
I do not want incense if you do not love Me, I do not want prayers if the heart remains empty, do not call Me Father if you do not obey My calls, if you do not turn to Me, if you do not love your brothers and sisters and if you do not raise your voice in the face of the injustices and of the evil actions. For this reason I call you to change your behavior, because in order to raise your voice, you must be a testimony.
I bless My Priests, those who awaken with the truth in their word, the flock I have entrusted them.
Pray beloved children, pray for Switzerland, pain comes.
Pray for Japan, pain will come.
My beloved, the birds will cease to fly and will seek out their nests, showing man to be attentive to what is approaching. The animals seek to awaken man so that he reacts and maintains himself alert before what is approaching to the surface from the bowels of the Earth. All of nature alerts an insensitive humanity. Like a magnet, man̢۪s negativity returns aggressiveness to man himself like a magnet and the unexpected behaviors of his brothers and sisters will cause so much confusion among human beings themselves that they will turn against one another senselessly.
The Earth laments for man̢۪s pain, it will continue to shake more and more by a great painful event for humanity, programmed and caused by man himself.
Plague advances causing havoc, seal yourselves in the Name of My Blood. Bless your food with the sign of My Cross and maintain faith alive.
My beloved:
This generation must repent for its behavior for it will punish itself.
MY HEART ACHES, IT BLEEDS FOR EACH ONE OF YOU. Do not receive Me in the Eucharist to later forget Me. I continue alive and palpitating.
I bless your being.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
FEBRUARY 12, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
The Blood of Our Lord falls upon humanity, but it is despised, and before this SUPREME ACT OF DIVINE LOVE, men run so as not to be reached by the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
He hurts and the Angels console Him beside a group of human beings. I see some who are stigmatized bleed abundantly, others suffer atrocious pains. I understand in my soul that this is an accompaniment of the Lord in His pain for this act of human indifference.
I see a great Sun that radiates splendor in the zenith, and Jesus tells me:
FEBRUARY 8, 2012
My beloved children:
I love you profoundly and you know it.
There are those who dress outwardly with Sacramentals and these signs of faith produce the effect of grace necessary, of help and protection, if the child is firm, remains in a state of Grace and trusts and lives on the path of faith; otherwise they are only one more ornament.
You do not love your neighbor because you do not love yourselves, you do not love that most precious gift of life, you do not love yourselves on the inside and you expose yourselves to what is worldly and sinful.
I HAVE SAID IT ALL, I HAVE SAID IT ALL, IT IS WRITTEN IN THE SACRED SCRIPTURE. There is nothing to add, but as Father of Love and worried for My children, I try in a thousand and one ways to explain with a thousand and one examples what is already written.
I am not a God of silence, I am not a God of passivity; I am a God who continually looks after His children, fights for them and that is why I will not be silenced even in the final instant, because I did not offer My Blood only for that moment and it passed. My Passion continues in a current state, My Love in a current state, My Blood in a current state and in each instant I wish to save all men.
As Father of love I give and will give multiple examples so that My children return to the path, leave the darkness and rise up from that filthy mud in which they remain submerged.
They are few who raise their voice and speak to My People so that they reconsider and do not join the ranks of sin; they are few who cry out with vehemence against the homicide of abortion. Humanity and principally the youth consume themselves in drugs, more and more each time they get closer to the malignant one. The devil does not need to tempt souls because the human being̢۪s inventiveness on its own pleases the devil.
Man and woman were created in different sexes and the union between the same sexes is not in accord with My Will.
Few are My faithful children who with strength and courage share their goods with/distribute their goods among those who are hungry, and despise luxuries and comforts.
My disciples left their house and their belongings, they walked barefoot and as followers of their Master, gave even their vestments among those who did not have anything.
I CALL THE PARENTS OF FAMILIES IN THIS INSTANT SO DIFFICULT FOR EDUCATION, so that they become aware and be strong before their children so that they retake the responsibility they have and that will fall upon them if they do not lead their children by the straightway.
I URGE YOUNG PEOPLE TO REFLECT ON RESPECT FOR YOUR PARENTS, to reflect on the path on which you walk, where you poison your bodies with improper substances, where your mind is sunken in movies and in products that lead you to act deplorably.
TODAY I CALL RELIGIOUS LEADERS, TO THOSE WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS, TO THOSE COMMITTED LAITY I INVITE THEM TO PAUSE AND LOOK WITHIN THEMSELVES. They must be an example of My works and of My actions, they must be true, more spiritual than religious, more spiritual. Religiousness abounds, spirituality is scarce.
In this instant, My child must be a child that understands and comforts, that sees all that happens and reflects upon it, that has that thirst for souls, that is coherent and consistent among his/her works and actions, that does not think he or she has the absolute truth and that treats his or her brothers and sisters with My Same Love. That he or she see the needs before they are told to him or her and helps ipso facto those who are in need, not only materially but those that abound today: those in need spiritually.
MY CHURCH MUST BE A UNITED CHURCH, THAT PREACHES AND ACTS. Homes must be united homes because no divided house will prevail: it will collapse, it will divide and fall. That is the devil̢۪s strategy that is dividing all it sees in its path so as to demolish My People, little by little surreptitiously.
This humankind faces crucial instants and it does not want to understand because it pleases it more to live in sin than to sacrifice itself, than to deprive itself from all that distances it from Me.
I feel a prisoner within the human being, imprisoned and blindfolded but even with that blindfold you have placed upon Me, I remain attentive and know more than what you imagine, because you are My children and I love you.
ALERT THE YOUTH SO THEY AWAKEN. With what sorrow, with what sorrow this Christ that shed His Blood for this youth sees how evil consumes them through all that they receive and stuns them so that they do not think, so that they do not desire Me, so that they are young people without a Mother!
To you, committed young people, I call to be true, TRUE! Alerting your brothers and sisters so that they become aware of the evil in which they lie in this instant.
MY SECOND COMING IS NEAR, it is very near and I will not come in silence; My Archangels will announce Me so that every man, so that every creature knows that His King is coming. But first I will allow everyone to purify themselves for his or her works and actions.
I need of those who follow Me so that they call â€Å“good, good,†and â€Å“evil, evil.â€;
Pray, pray My People for Asia, it will suffer, it will lament and weep greatly.
Pray My children for Mexico, do not abandon it in your prayers.
Pray for all of humanity̢۪s creatures.
Intercede for one another because you have not placed the blindfold on My eyes, you have placed it on yourselves, you have placed in on yourselves so that you do not perceive the sinful reality in which this humanity lives and the unrestrained path you have followed.
Oh My Creation! I love you because My Love is actual, because My Love was, is and will be.
Oh My Creatures! I love you, because My Love was, is and will be. Because I am the same one of yesterday, of today and of always. My suffering is continuous and does not cease.
I have requested of My Mother to remain beside you and defend you, but She finds Herself with Her hands tied in the face of a humankind that rejects her.
I wait for you with open arms, with My Heart beating for each one of you.
I bless you in every instant, do not despise My calls, do not despise them, pay attention to My calls and be children who fulfill the wishes of the One who for you gave Himself up on a Cross, but on a Cross of Resurrection and of Glory, of majesty and of power where united with My Mother and with Me, My Church will be triumphant, victorious and will fulfill the Mission for which it has been created: RETURN TO ME MY KINGDOM FROM WHICH IN THIS INSTANT I HAVE BEEN ROBBED.
My beloved, My Love surpasses man̢۪s sin, I await all, even the most sinful.
Remain in My Peace, I bless you.
Remain in My Peace.
Your Jesus.
FEBRUARY 8, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Beloved Jesus has allowed me the following Vision:
Our Lord has presented himself to me as the Jesus defender of His People and as the powerful Jesus that he is.
I have seen that Jesus wants to impregnate in the being and spirit of His children, His own being: His being of courage, of power and of struggle against evil.
I have had a vision of a Jesus who places His Hand upon a humanity that crawls itself, as He himself said: in the mud of the improper. He called each thing by its name: sin to what is sin and truth to what is truth, love to what is love and lie to what is lie.
I have had a vision of Jesus on a Cross, but not a Cross of defeat but of power, of majesty, on a Cross from which He lifts up His People so that they come to enjoy Eternal Life, and of a Jesus who extends His Arms towards those children who freely want to come closer to Him.
FEBRUARY 5, 2012
Beloved children:
I see you look with tenacity for the messages or the secrets given by My Mother in the Apparitions, but with a certain curiosity, not for a desire to change or to free yourselves from the senses to which you have chained yourselves by your own freedom.
The senses must remain free so that you hear My Voice, before darkness falls and the night does not allow you to see yourselves.
Each one of you in this instant must be light for his or her brothers and sisters.
Come to receive My Body and My Blood in the Holy Eucharist. So I can lead you towards good.
Little ones, a new fashion is on the way. It has been prepared by those who do not love Me. You must oppose to that new trend so that you do not exceed once again the culmination of the offenses with which you hurt Me.
The man of today is used to not making the truth about himself known. This is not blessing, for the Holy Spirit dwells where peace exists. Not all who say â€Å“Lord! Lord!†will enter My House. You must be true lovers of My Commandments, you must see Me in your neighbor and be humble.
My temples are abandoned, and in the very temples to which My children go, some do not even recognize Me, since they arrive only by chance. After having turned to all their friends and not finding an answer in difficult or desolate moments they come to Me, demanding a solution.
A plague is making its way on earth. Pray and do not forget Me, pray and forgive.
Beloved children:
Pray for Mexico, it will suffer severely.
Pray for Italy, it will weep.
Pray for Chile, it will suffer again.
I bless you children, I bless you.
Your Jesus.
FEBRUARY 5, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
â€Å“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.â€
1 John 5:19
Onward, brothers and sisters!
We are not alone in the struggle, with Saint Paul let us also say:
Philippians 4:13
FEBRUARY 1, 2012
Beloved children:
I see the Earth and I see with sorrow. I seek souls and they are few that give light, they are few that maintain the lamp lit.
How many innocents roam the streets! How many innocents are subjected to offenses and contempt! How many killings in the world because of indiscriminate abortion and unawareness of the gift of life!
I look with sadness upon that Land of Mine where My children have exiled Me. I see it and descend, knocking on all the doors of your hearts and you close them to Me continually. My children feel I am foolish, absurd, out of style and set Me aside.
I have spoken to My People and when I speak to them warning them, the Tower of Babel that they are building grows, merely with the desire to silence Me.
CHILDREN, YOU DO NOT LIKE THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH DOES NOT SIT WELL WITH YOU. The powerful presume on their thrones. Some distribute evil in various forms: some with weapons, others obfuscate the minds of the youth, others maintain control of the nations and dominate through money. The substances permitted to fertilize the fields are not good for the development of the human body. The minds of men, My children, are being washed, preparing them for the mass control the antichrist has in his hands, and his legion which is already here on Earth preparing the way for him to come to possess what is Mine.
The fashions are not in accordance with modesty, morality, order, or goodness.
The Earth will again be dark, like the heart of those who are Mine at this instant.
I have called you to Love in order to destroy evil. You insist on indifference, on intolerance and you live on appearances.
I call you to be true, to not be Christians in name, to be My beloved in spirit and truth. The truth is extremely important for My children. I preached, I preach and will preach the truth, and I desire that you be true, that you preach with the truth and that it dwell inside each one of you.
Pray children, for South America, it will suffer.
Pray for Mexico, it will weep.
Pray for the Philippines, they will shake.
Do not turn away from one another.
I could send My Angelic legions to the Earth but you must live in My Will. My Angels descend continually from Heaven to Earth bringing blessing to My People and you do not want to recognize them. Instead you despise them and do not pay them any attention.
Beloved children:
THE AWAITED INSTANT APPROACHES, DO NOT HESITATE IN RETURNING TO THE PATH. Take the coming instants seriously for after you will lament, and time, which is no longer time, the present instant, will have elapsed.
Since My Father started Creation, He created time with It. Time is eternal, as Our Will is eternal. Today man abuses of that Will, he abuses of My Mercy and abuses of this instant, refusing to return to the true path.
Love My Mother, do not despise Her Calls, for She is on pilgrimage from place to place, calling you and inviting you to conversion.
I bless you.
Your Jesus.
FEBRUARY 1, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Our Lord Jesus Christ allowed me the following Vision:
I saw Our Lord ascending into Heaven and from there He looked with great sorrow upon the Earth. Before so much sin He shed His tears upon the Earth and the Earth shook in the face of this Divine Act of sorrow.
I saw the Angels take those tears with their hands and weep beside Jesus before the sin that floods the Earth.
With the Angels let us exclaim:
JANUARY 28, 2012
Beloved children:
Each Word of Mine heeded by My human beings, is salvation that emanates from My Mercy to the soul that is willing to convert.
I will insist to man motivating him to a radical change, within which THE TRUTH will be means and path for salvation thus be testimony for man.
My Heart remains open for all, but I do not force but embrace, I do not impose but cry out. I am freedom.
Beloved children, humanity as a whole heads towards the consummation of a cyclical process because of the misuse of your free will. Man will know that he walks towards the abyss, when he recognizes My Greatness.
My Creation has been mutilated and in this instant solicits man to repair what he has cut, harmed, removed and amputated. My Creation retakes the usurped strength and rushes towards man so that he does not get lost and returns to the path of salvation.
The earth will shake with force, and man will not heed; water will rush against the earth and man will not heed; fire will raise its voice, it will roar from volcanoes time and time again and man will not heed.
Science will continue to give irrational but believable explanations for humanity, whereby humanity will continue its accelerated pace towards its self-destruction.
Not contemplating what happens in the light of the Wisdom of My Holy Spirit, you will never be able to see what My House warns you of, not only those who listen in this instant to My calls, but to warn the lost and those who do not even know Me or recognize Me.
I cry out so that you look at the firmament before the rain comes. A great luminous cloud will tell you that I am coming not only with My Mercy but with My Justice.
Little ones:
Pray for Israel, it will weep.
Pray for Russia, it will lament.
Pray for Venezuela, it will soon suffer.
My beloved children, the instants draw near. I come before each one of you. It will not be necessary for one brother to call the other in order to recognize Me. Each one will have me before himself or herself and will know that I Am Who Am.
This lapse in which you live is short and severe for the one who having ears does not listen to Me, and for the one who having a tongue does not confess Me.
Come to Me.
I leave you My Blessing.
Your Jesus.
JANUARY 28, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Every action and each one of the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ make clear His Mercy.
JANUARY 25, 2012
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:
From here where I find Myself, surrounded by My Priests, favored sons of My Heart, Consecrated faithfully to the service of the Church, favored of My Son Jesus Christ. Surrounded by My beloved religious sisters, Wives of My Son. Surrounded by these faithful souls who fight consciously, instant to instant to take steps of Eternal Life. From here I address the whole world, all of humanity.
Beloved children:
In this instant you must be willing and ready to suffer a spiritual metamorphosis so that you allow that Jesus, living and beating who dwells within each one of you, to be reborn within you.
All human beings are Tabernacles, but human will prevents Him and My Son finds Himself imprisoned and thrown far away from those Temples created in the image and likeness of the Divine Image.
And I as Mother, come to implore My children to listen to My Call and My Lament because I do not want any of you to be lost.
You must distance yourselves from that leprosy you carry with you, from that leprosy of misconduct, of bad habits, but above all from that leprosy of human egoism that grows each day like a giant and excels above spiritual values. This leprosy has a name, that leprosy is egoism, the human â€Å“ego†that has risen in you from birth and has led you to grow improperly.
All have that infinite beauty of the Divine Image, you carry it within, but you maintain it imprisoned and the leprosy gnaws not only your flesh, but it has reached and transcended to the heart gnawing your soul.
Beloved children, how I have announced that times will come in which My beloved Church, because it is My Son̢۪s Church and My beloved Church, will be crucified again! Times in which apostasy will come and My Son̢۪s Faithful will have to gather as the first Christians did. And this is because humanity has preferred a science contaminated by evil to a Divine Science.
You call technology; you call scientific advancement that which is actually a scientific retrogression, since science and technology in this instant are orientated to kill the spirit and to kill the human being, to bring spiritual death and death to life, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!
When I invite you to see the signs given in the firmament it is not only so that you marvel or to infuse fear in you, but so that you see that from Heaven Light emanates towards the Earth, and that that Light must be visible in the being of each one of you.
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:
Know the Scriptures so that you love Him who across human history, in the Old and New Testament, has given man Eternal Life, giving in the Old Testament, His Word as Father through His Prophets, and in the New Testament giving Himself in His Son, My Son Jesus Christ and leaving His disciples so that they continue throughout time to bring His Word and inviting man to conversion.
I have spoken of those days in which many of My Priests out of human respects will no longer call My Son̢۪s People with all the necessary intensity so that they change, but as Mother of Humanity I must call each thing by its name.
Religious groups exist, but this Mother comes to beg to those religious groups to be communities where human beings love in spirit and truth. That they be spiritual cenacles in which My Son̢۪s Word is truly lived, where jealousies and envy do not exist but you love one another as brothers and sisters, where human selfishness is crushed with pain but with true awareness so that those children that dwell within each one of you are reborn and that must radiate light towards all of humanity.
NOW is the instant of instants in which I cry out for prayer again for Japan which will suffer.
In which I cry out and have cried out for prayer insistently for the United States, which will suffer greatly.
In which I cry out for prayer for Chile.
In which I cry out for each human being.
I have spoken about times that will come in which you will see some of your brothers and sisters rise to proclaim My Son̢۪s Word and take My Word to humanity. Do not be a stumbling block for them. That the heart of those true spiritual children who pray and who help those that carry My Son̢۪s Word throughout all humanity rejoice and exult! Blessed are the doors of the homes that open to give lodging to those who share My Son̢۪s Word with their brothers and sisters!
Blessed are the hands that help, blessed are the feet that aid the path of My Evangelizers… and woe to those who are stumbling blocks!
I have been entrusted from previous apparitions to be the Messenger, to be Mother, to be Giver, to be an Ark of Salvation for this generation. Here I am before you who give testimony of this so that humanity believes.
Pray, ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind and the conscience of the youth so that they return to being children of profound spirituality. That spirituality that is lacking in the youth is a reflection of the spirituality that is lacking in adults.
Everyone has Eternal Life before them, but each one must fight because Eternal Life is personal.
Let each one of you be a messenger of My Son̢۪s Love, of the Love of this Mother, of this Christ who, being innocent, gave Himself up for you and who currently still continues to be crucified instant to instant.
Be the ones to listen, read and treasure My Calls, be comfort for My Son and for this Mother.
The unity of My children is the antidote so that evil does not penetrate into the Church, into homes and communities.
Remain in My Son̢۪s peace.
JANUARY 25, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Our Mother has come once again with all Her Love to speak to those who are Hers and warn them, show them how they must act for the salvation of their souls.
Let us be willing to suffer a spiritual metamorphosis as the Blessed Virgin Mary has asked us and as Saint Paul illustrates in 2 Corinthians 3:18:
â€Å“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.â€
Taken from the New International Version
JANUARY 21, 2012
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:
I bless you.
Humanity must recognize that the absence of spirituality greatly undermines it.
I urge you to be conscious of the great blessing which humanity can count on:
In the Eucharistic Food man finds:
- the support that strengthens him to keep living,
- the strength to overcome temptation,
- the constancy to continue in the midst of the attacks that loom over humanity.
The Earth is man̢۪s common home, a home in which inequality radiates everywhere, a home in which sin increases without ceasing.
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, science is the first of the major causes of the pain of the human beings of this generation; science has sought to surpass My Son. Some scientists have given free range to free will channeling towards a creation of weapons that will eliminate a great part of humankind. I HAVE WARNED ABOUT IT AND YOU HAVE NOT BEEN OBEDIENT.
Beloved children, disorder reigns on Earth. This will cause great sufferings. The sun itself has been poured upon the Earth and has altered man so that he acts aggressively, since by ignoring the Divine Power over him, man makes himself permeable.
Pray beloved, pray for Japan. It will suffer again.
Pray children, pray for Peru.
Pray children, for Serbia and Montenegro, pray.
Steam will emerge from the Earth, and it will cause torment.
Pray, Pray, Pray.
I bless you.
JANUARY 21, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Let us meditate:
â€Å“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.†Romans 12:1-2
JANUARY 18, 2012
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:
My Maternal Mantle prevents evil thoughts, evil actions and evil wills from penetrating your minds, as long as you are conscious that you must act and work united to My Son̢۪s Love and the example of this Mother.
Be creatures of faith. Even if you do not see, BELIEVE, because My Angelic legions remain on Earth guarding My Son̢۪s People.
Do not believe that My calls are false. As Mother of Jesus Christ, I accepted all of humanity willingly as My children and for you, I cry out before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity so that the malignant one does not overcome you easily.
I call you to nourish yourselves from the Body and Blood of My Divine Son, Divine Delicacy, Divine Delicacy… so that you are strengthened and do not fall without being able to get up.
I call you to distance yourselves from what is worldly, from what you well know is temptation. These are very difficult instants for this generation. Soon you will say with lament: How did I not heed Heaven̢۪s calls!
My Son is infinite Love and I intercede instant to instant for each member of humanity.
My Heart opens again filled with Love for My children.
My Heart burns again with Love for each one of you.
My Heart hurts again and I shed tears repeatedly in various countries that are going to suffer.
Already The Earth is already tired and wishes to be renewed. Its shaking will not cease until this generation is purified. But all who undergo the purification, in the Powerful Name of My Son, win Heaven.
You must be instructed, know My Son so that you love Him. Be obedient and faithful children, be careful in spiritual details so that you do not label My People with fanaticism, but that they admire you for your fidelity and for your love to My Son̢۪s calls.
Turn your eyes towards Heaven, the signs continue to be given but some do not want to see them.
Beloved of My Heart:
As Mother, I remain before each one of you helping you in every instant so that the Holy Spirit gives you the clarity and the discernment necessary in these instants in which humanity is divided in two: those who believe, and those who claim not to believe and on occasion believe.
Beloved children, what I have announced to you have already been announced by Me from previous years and years through all of My Revelations and Apparitions. You well know that all of these are reaching their culmination in this generation and…
But as a Mother who will never abandon Her children, I will remain beside each one of you, beside My Son̢۪s People guiding you and taking you by the hand to rescue the one who truly repents.
I do not desert you.
Pray, beloved children, for China.
Pray, beloved children, for Russia.
Pray, My children, pray for Iran.
Remain in My Son̢۪s Peace.
My Heart remains open, come, enter It and so you will be protected.
JANUARY 18, 2012
Brothers and sisters:
Onward! For from the Mother's Hand we will accomplish the mission that has been entrusted to us.
"In this vale of tears our life is a continual warfare. We battle against
the enemies of our salvation: the world with its doctrine and example, our own corrupted nature, and the archfiend of human souls, who, the Prince of the Apostles [St. Peter] says, 'as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour' (1 Peter 5:8). We receive many a wound in this conflict—as often as we succumb to temptation. Great is our need of a physician, and our Physician is Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament" (Fr. Lukas, Etlin, O.S.B.).
"Return to me with all your heart" (Joel 2:12). "The love of the Blessed Sacrament is the grand and royal devotion of faith; it is faith multiplied, faith intensified, faith glorified . . . Out of it there comes three special graces which are the very life and soul of an interior life: an overflowing charity to all around us, a thirst to sacrifice ourselves for God, and a generous and filial love of Holy Church" (Fr. Frederick Faber).
Mother Teresa - Love until it hurts; it takes deep sacrifice to proclaim the word of God.
My sufferings took as if forms of light, and they placed themselves before the Lord as in an act of adoration.
Meditations by Padre Pio -Therefore, don't fear at all, but consider yourself extremely fortunate to have been worthy of participating in the sufferings of the God-Man. So there is no abandonment, but love, and great love which God is showing you. Your state is not one of punishment, but one of exquisite love. Therefore bless the Lord for this, and resign yourself to drinking the chalice of Gethsemane (Letters III, p. 445).Archbishop Fulton Sheen
It's the ol' "bait and switch" in advertising "Contentment depends upon the control of our desires. Advertising serves many needs but it has also made luxuries appear as necessities, and created a desire for goods which the individual cannot possibly possess in their fullness."
While I was saying the chaplet, I heard a voice which said, Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this chaplet; the very depths of My tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say the chaplet. Write down these words, My daughter. Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy; let them profit from the Blood and Water which gushed forth for them. O human souls, where are you going to hide on the day of God's anger: Take refuge now in the fount of God's mercy. O what a great multitude of souls I see! They worshiped the Divine Mercy and will be singing the hymn of praise for all eternity. (848) Today the Lord's gaze shot through me suddenly, like lightning. At once, I came to know the tiniest specks in my soul, and knowing the depths of my misery, I fell to my knees and begged the Lord's pardon, and with great trust I immersed myself in His infinite mercy. Such knowledge does not depress me nor keep me away from the Lord, but rather it arouses in my soul greater love and boundless trust. The repentance of my heart is linked to love. These extraordinary flashes from the Lord educate my soul. O sweet rays of God, enlighten me to the most secret depth, for I want to arrive at the greatest possible purity of heart and soul. (852)
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Mar 7 - PREPARE THROUGH RENUNCIATION During Lent of 1988, Our Lady said to Ivan's prayer group:
"Prepare yourself for the time of Lent by renouncing something. During Lent I will need your help for the accomplishment and fulfillment of all my plans (Visionary Prayer Group February 1, 1988)
Ezekiel also asks us to renounce something—the spirit of sin:
But if the wicked turn away from all their sins that they have committed and keep all my statues and do what is lawful and right, they shall surely live; they shall not die. None of the transgressions that they have committed shall be remembered against him; for the righteousness that they have done they shall live (Ez 18:21-22).
The concept of renunciation or penance often has a negative connotation; to give up something for Lent or Advent seems to be an imposition that no one welcomes. And yet the actual effect of penance is to set us spiritually free; we develop a greater desire for God and a growing freedom from material things---and thus peace begins to take root in our hearts. When we begin to live this interior freedom from exterior things, we begin rapidly in the spiritual life.
Fr. Slavko Barbaric, spiritual director to the visionaries, has written:
Once you embrace God, you let go of other things, because there is no room for them anymore. So the core issue is not giving up luxury or wealth; you have found something better when you have found God. God leaves no room in your life for other things.
For instance, a candidate for the Olympic swimming team will need to "renounce" smoking if he is to realize his dream of competing for the gold medal. When Our Lady asks a penance or sacrifice from us, it is so that we can win in the spiritual life, with its attendant gift of inner peace. The issue is one of liberation or freedom from material appetites that shackle us from embracing God more and more with our hearts.
Let us heed the Gospa's request today by renouncing (giving up) something special so that we can grow spiritually.
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 06 - BE CONVERTED!
The sacred host exposed on the altar gives my soul food for `admiration.' I admire my Divine Spouse in His humility but above all His love which has placed Him to be there" (St. Katharine).
The Cross prepares the soul for patience. The Cross opens Heaven and earth together, that is, God and the soul.. The virtue of the Cross is powerful and when it enters into a soul, it has the power to take away the rust caused by earthly things. Not only that but it gives the soul boredom, annoyance and scorn for earthly things, and instead it gives it the taste for Heavenly things. But the virtue of the Cross is recognized by only a few, that is why many despise it.
"Behold hidden within the Sacred Host, O my beloved Jesus, the virtue which I need above all others! My soul thirst for charity: for that clear crystal water of charity which rests within your Sacred Heart as within a deep unfathomable well. I come to drink at this pure and holy Source that I may be cleansed, and may be blessed, and may receive life from it, and light and love" (Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Servant of God).
Mother Teresa - You are to be that presence of Christ to each other.
Love each other tenderly as Jesus loves each one of you. Tender love for each other speaks much louder than all the words you can say.
Grace for him who receives it, is light, it is the way, it is nourishment, it is strength, it is comfort. And for him who does not receive it, it is converted into fire and punishment.
Meditations by Padre Pio -Firstly I want to tell you that Jesus needs those who groan with him at human sinfulness and, for this reason, He is leading you along paths filled with suffering, about which you tell me in your letter. But may His charity always be blessed; that charity which knows how to mix the sweet with the bitter and convert the transitory sufferings of life to eternal reward (Letters III, p. 417).Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Where your heart is determines your worth! "Desire is to the soul what gravitation is to matter. When we know our desires, we know the direction our soul is taking. If desire is Heavenly, we go upwards, if it is wholly earthly, we go downwards. Desire is like raw material out of which we fashion either our virtues or vices. As Our Lord said: `Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.'"
Today I heard the words: In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice I am sending the Day of Mercy. I replied, "O my Jesus, speak to souls Yourself, because my words are insignificant." (1588)
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.MARCH 6 - BE CONVERTED! The season of Lent has always been a time of repentance, conversion, and penance---a time for turning back to the Lord, renouncing sin, and beginning anew. This is the call of Our Lady today:
Be converted! It will be too late when the sing comes. Beforehand, several warnings will be given to the world. Have people hurry to be converted. I need your prayers and your penance.
My heart is burning with love for you; it suffices for you to be converted. To ask questions is unimportant. Be converted. Hurry to proclaim it. Tell everyone that it is my wish, and that I do not cease repeating it. Be converted, be converted.
It is not difficult for me to suffer for you. I beg you, be converted. I will pray to my Son to spare you the punishment. Be converted with without delay. You do not know the plans of God; you will not be able to know them. You will not know what God will send, nor what he will do. I ask you only to be converted. That is what I wish.
Be converted! Be ready for everything, but be converted. That is all I wish to say to you. Renounce everything else. All that is part of conversion. Good bye, and may peace be with you (Locution Jelena & Mirajana April 25, 1983.)
Our Lady's message is echoed in the Acts of the Apostles:
In this way God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer. Repent therefore, and turn to God so that yours sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah appointed for you, this is, Jesus (Acts 3:18-20).
During this Lenten season, let us take the Blessed Mother seriously and seek conversion in renewed prayer, penance, and works of love. This will bring us great joy at Easter and a confirmation of the Gospa's words today: "My heart is burning with love for you."
During Lent, set aside extra time for prayer and works of charity. Be active in the special Lenten devotions of your local parish. Go the extra mile for Our Lord and Our Lady.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 @ 03:20 pm
My dearly beloved daughter you must continue to carry out My holy instructions and let no man stop you in this mission although you will continue to be attacked on all sides.
Never doubt My word, even when you do not understand what My messages mean.
Everything you are being given for the world to hear has been foretold My daughter.
It is just that mankind needs to understand what is contained in the Book of John.
All things foretold must come to pass.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
He will be seen to create peace in the Middle East.
This will be a false peace and is a guise for the lie he presents in order to hide the real reason for this untruth which is being perpetrated.
Pray for My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, for he will face a terrible persecution. This time is close now.
Pray all of you because your prayers will ease the severity of these times which can be diluted.
Much is not known, My daughter, about the end times.
Many are fearful and so they should be but only if their souls are unclean.
For those of you in the light of God you have much to look forward to because it will mean the banishment of sin from the earth.
At last the world will emerge in a new beginning filled with My divine light.
There is not much time before these things take place.
All that matters is that all of God’s children will see the truth in time and convert.
Otherwise they will not be part of the New Heaven and the New Earth which will merge to become one.
For then I will come to judge.
So only those who acknowledge Me, their Saviour Jesus Christ and My Eternal Father will have life.
Pray for all your souls. This is all you need to focus on right now and trust in Me completely.
Your Jesus
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Message Thru Marie - Undated
Message thru Marie from our Blessed Mother:
My dear precious child,
beloved of my heart,
in you my heart finds rest
for you sacrifice much for the Kingdom
that my Son has chosen to
establish fully on this earth.
On your special day,
I wish to embrace you fully and
cover you with my mantle,
imparting on your soul
such graces as the Lord has
lovingly gifted to me for me to
give in great measure to all
my children everywhere
and more so to those who
are working hard in my Son's
How you please My Son's
most wounded heart,
How your sacrifices always
are seen by the eyes of the Father
How you strive to grow in patience
How your faith has deepened through
the various trials and pains endured
in accepting the will of God
For it is in desiring His Will
through a desire to consecrate
your heart, mind, soul, your every
intent, your every action no matter
how small, and making these always
desire the Will of Holy Love.
I am so pleased with you,
my child of charity!
Know, my child, that no
sacrifice is wasted, I wish
to show you all that your
sacrifices and prayers have
gained for your brothers and
sisters in need. However,
it is always the Father's
plan that we all must
accept in humility and trust
not only what He seeks to
reveal but also when he
seeks to reveal this at His appointed
time. Much is gained in the
waiting on his Will.
You have earned much
graces and it pleases God
to grant your requests for
your brothers and sisters in need.
Thank you for your great love
and compassion for the many
who come to you for help.
For chosen children beloved
of the Father, you are planted
exactly where you are most
needed. The Father does not
make mistakes, he calls out
and those that answer are
greatly rewarded. How much
hidden grace have been poured
upon you continue to pour
in greater measure now!
I wish to thank you for all your
efforts to bring Me and My Son
as close to those in your
circle as is within your power.
In gratitude know that I take
care of my children and all
your concerns. I love you.
I love you. Worry not, my
child, for the many cares of this
world melt away when you are
living in perfect union with Me
and My Son. Simply surrender
your days to Us as you have
faithfully done over the years
and watch how much easier
will the cares of the day be.
It is the Father's desire to
take care of you,
It is the Father's desire to
guide you, and each day
consecrate every moment
especially the greatest cares
that you have, turn them over
to My Son. There is nothing
My Son has not suffered for love
of you. Nothing. There is nothing
My Son has not experienced,
no pain he has not borne to
share in your journey back
to Him. There is no way to
get close to Him except through
the path of suffering, of sacrifice
and acceptance of the cross.
These you have done but I
urge you to continue this
path as the struggle intensifies.
This world looks at growing old
as a time to slow down, a time
to lessen the work, a time
to enjoy the fruits of one's
labor. Yet I tell you now,
my child, that it is a time
to increase the fervor in your
work, it is a time of
greater endurance, where
the fortitude of your faith will
be called upon as many of
the youth need your loving
guidance. The youth today
lack proper formation in the
homes for there is much
distraction that put the youth
at great potential peril.
Take care of the souls of
my little ones. Do not tire.
The harvest is huge but
the laborers are so few.
The few are getting tired.
I gift you the strength of the
Holy Spirit to continue
your mission.
When is the light within you
most needed to shine? Yes,
as the darkness advances,
many of my little ones will
lose direction without My
Light guiding them.
I will gift you the strength
that allowed me and My Son to obey
His Mission and mine.
I love you my child!!!!
I love you and cloak you always
within my mantle!!!!!
I love you and cloak you always
within my mantle!!!!!
end of message
Message Thru Marie - Undated
Message thru Marie from our Blessed Mother:
My dear precious child,
beloved of my heart,
in you my heart finds rest
for you sacrifice much for the Kingdom
that my Son has chosen to
establish fully on this earth.
On your special day,
I wish to embrace you fully and
cover you with my mantle,
imparting on your soul
such graces as the Lord has
lovingly gifted to me for me to
give in great measure to all
my children everywhere
and more so to those who
are working hard in my Son's
How you please My Son's
most wounded heart,
How your sacrifices always
are seen by the eyes of the Father
How you strive to grow in patience
How your faith has deepened through
the various trials and pains endured
in accepting the will of God
For it is in desiring His Will
through a desire to consecrate
your heart, mind, soul, your every
intent, your every action no matter
how small, and making these always
desire the Will of Holy Love.
I am so pleased with you,
my child of charity!
Know, my child, that no
sacrifice is wasted, I wish
to show you all that your
sacrifices and prayers have
gained for your brothers and
sisters in need. However,
it is always the Father's
plan that we all must
accept in humility and trust
not only what He seeks to
reveal but also when he
seeks to reveal this at His appointed
time. Much is gained in the
waiting on his Will.
You have earned much
graces and it pleases God
to grant your requests for
your brothers and sisters in need.
Thank you for your great love
and compassion for the many
who come to you for help.
For chosen children beloved
of the Father, you are planted
exactly where you are most
needed. The Father does not
make mistakes, he calls out
and those that answer are
greatly rewarded. How much
hidden grace have been poured
upon you continue to pour
in greater measure now!
I wish to thank you for all your
efforts to bring Me and My Son
as close to those in your
circle as is within your power.
In gratitude know that I take
care of my children and all
your concerns. I love you.
I love you. Worry not, my
child, for the many cares of this
world melt away when you are
living in perfect union with Me
and My Son. Simply surrender
your days to Us as you have
faithfully done over the years
and watch how much easier
will the cares of the day be.
It is the Father's desire to
take care of you,
It is the Father's desire to
guide you, and each day
consecrate every moment
especially the greatest cares
that you have, turn them over
to My Son. There is nothing
My Son has not suffered for love
of you. Nothing. There is nothing
My Son has not experienced,
no pain he has not borne to
share in your journey back
to Him. There is no way to
get close to Him except through
the path of suffering, of sacrifice
and acceptance of the cross.
These you have done but I
urge you to continue this
path as the struggle intensifies.
This world looks at growing old
as a time to slow down, a time
to lessen the work, a time
to enjoy the fruits of one's
labor. Yet I tell you now,
my child, that it is a time
to increase the fervor in your
work, it is a time of
greater endurance, where
the fortitude of your faith will
be called upon as many of
the youth need your loving
guidance. The youth today
lack proper formation in the
homes for there is much
distraction that put the youth
at great potential peril.
Take care of the souls of
my little ones. Do not tire.
The harvest is huge but
the laborers are so few.
The few are getting tired.
I gift you the strength of the
Holy Spirit to continue
your mission.
When is the light within you
most needed to shine? Yes,
as the darkness advances,
many of my little ones will
lose direction without My
Light guiding them.
I will gift you the strength
that allowed me and My Son to obey
His Mission and mine.
I love you my child!!!!
I love you and cloak you always
within my mantle!!!!!
I love you and cloak you always
within my mantle!!!!!
end of message
Holy Love March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, do not feel abandoned by this latest turn of events [last midnight apparition on Divine Mercy]. I am preparing you to pray continually in your homes, places of work and leisure, and here at the site. Do not wait for specific times of apparitions to pray and be holy. Do not wait for specific events in the world to take place either. Be united through prayer with each other and with Our United Hearts always; then you will be prepared for the next apparition or the next fulfillment of prophecy in the world."
"Savor the grace of each moment, for each present moment is part of your eternity. Come to the prayer site here often to receive what Heaven offers; that is more pleasing to Me than if you await a special apparition. Only the Father knows the moment of the next apparition and Message to the world after the Feast of Divine Mercy."
"I am joyful as I await the formation of the association of the Children of the United Hearts. This association has long been in Our United Hearts. Let any sign of opposition be a sign to you of its significance."
March 5, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, it is important that you realize your trust in Heaven's plans for this Mission is a reflection of your trust in Me. Remember, your trust in Me is a barometer of the Holy Love you hold in your hearts."
"Tonight I am imparting to you the Blessing of My Divine Love."
March 2, 2012
My Child: You started writing the "Compendium of Jesus Christ."
This Life that I announced to you!
You write this future Life with GOD.
Even your conscience imposed a stop in order to understand better and to follow Me further. This is not a weakness on your part and it's not a mistake ...
So this morning: "You called Me strongly and I'll explain."
This Life that I announced to you!
You write this future Life with GOD.
Even your conscience imposed a stop in order to understand better and to follow Me further. This is not a weakness on your part and it's not a mistake ...
So this morning: "You called Me strongly and I'll explain."
When the human embryo is formed in the womb of its mother, it is evolving.
This little human will be born...
Today: You are "The Called of the Lord."
Those who will be born with this "Spiritual Life" ...
You are already emerging, evolving whether faster or slower.
You are already in this metamorphosis to be born "Sons of GOD."
You are on the way of becoming a "Divine Being" with the same Identity of Jesus Christ.
"I have chosen you to announce it!"
I come to explain to you what is in the process of happening, because your conscience does not accept an error on your part, and so human beings do not exhibit the doubts of what he is already going through ... "You're My confirmation for each one."
And it's for you, the only way to continue this walk reassuringly, and for each of you, this is a new "Catechism"!
And now listen: "Where do you think I Am? ".
already announced and you learned that the Kingdom of GOD that I
promise you, is already within you (My Choice) and this Kingdom, it is I
"The GOD of All the Universe" and I'll say it again ...
The GOD Unique and TRUE who is Father, who is Son in the Holy Spirit.
The Miracle is the same: It is the awakening of the Holy Spirit in you!
The very nature of GOD, the Holy Spirit awakens in you and that is that each individual man is called to be reborn of the Holy Spirit, that little embryo that is in every human creature.
It is this good quality grain that is already in good Earth, "In the one called".
It is already written in what I've previously dictated ...
The very nature of GOD, the Holy Spirit awakens in you and that is that each individual man is called to be reborn of the Holy Spirit, that little embryo that is in every human creature.
It is this good quality grain that is already in good Earth, "In the one called".
It is already written in what I've previously dictated ...
This is the Time of the Holy Spirit!
to form "His new Apostles" and this new family of "The New Earth" which
is already in formation and who will be reborn in its "Last throes".
Soon, the Holy Spirit will cover the Whole World.
The resisters will go through periods of doubt and inner struggle to accept what comes around them ...
GOD has chosen this good Earth that are:
"All Men of Good Will"
Soon, the Holy Spirit will cover the Whole World.
The resisters will go through periods of doubt and inner struggle to accept what comes around them ...
GOD has chosen this good Earth that are:
"All Men of Good Will"
GOD comes to seed this New Earth, this good seed in His Word Alive and present.
GOD has opened the floodgates of His DIVINE FIRE which is the Holy Spirit!
When Everything will then become: "In the Image of Our Living GOD"
with the Identity of Jesus Christ, GOD and Man, Divine and Human ...
Where will you place My Holy Mother?
Before or after your New Birth?
Jesus Christ, TRUE GOD and TRUE
In the Father and the Holy Spirit
Fr. Doucette: 950] Tue, Mar 06,
2012: Herod's Persecution of the Christians
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Herod's Persecution of the Christians
Dear Friends,
(Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles 12:1-14):
About that time King Herod laid hands upon some members of the church to harm them. He had James, the brother of John, killed by the sword, and when he saw that this was pleasing to the Jews he proceeded to arrest Peter also. He had him taken into custody and put in prison under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each. He intended to bring him before the people after Passover. Peter thus was being kept in prison, but prayer by the church was fervently being made to God on his behalf. On the very night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter, secured by double chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while outside the door guards kept watch on the prison. Suddenly the angel of the Lord stood by him and a light shone in the cell. He tapped Peter on the side and awakened him, saying, "Get up quickly." The chains fell from his wrists. The angel said to him, "Put on your belt and your sandals." He did so. Then he said to him, "Put on your cloak and follow me." So he followed him out, not realizing that what was happening through the angel was real; he thought he was seeing a vision. They passed the first guard, then the second, and came to the iron gate leading out to the city, which opened for them by itself. They emerged and made their way down an alley, and suddenly the angel left him. Then Peter recovered his senses and said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people had been expecting." When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John who is called Mark, where there were many people gathered in prayer. When he knocked on the gateway door, a maid named Rhoda came to answer it. She was so overjoyed when she recognized Peter's voice that, instead of opening the gate, she ran in and announced that Peter was standing at the gate.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I am always with you, My brother Melvin, and with all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. I wish to strengthen you to be able to withstand any suffering or persecution that comes your way. Look how I withstood all the suffering at My Passion and at the end had the strength to go through the nailing to the cross until My death. One who suffered much was Peter, the one I chose as head of My Church. Herod wanted to kill him but I could not allow this as Peter had a mission to accomplish so I sent an angel to take him out of the prison. He came out without any trouble and the angel left him when he was out of harm.
My dear brothers and sisters, you will have your share of suffering although you will also have times of great peace and love. During your time of suffering, remain very close to Me and I will be there to help you. Yes, I will refresh you and give you great strength to face any problem. Many Christians died as martyrs with the graces and strength I gave them. I love you all and I want you all to be My witnesses every day."
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 06 - BE CONVERTED!
"The sacred host exposed on the altar gives my soul food for `admiration.' I admire my Divine Spouse in His humility but above all His love which has placed Him to be there" (St. Katharine).
Cross prepares the soul for
patience. The Cross opens Heaven and earth together, that is, God and
the soul.. The virtue of the Cross is powerful and when it enters into a
soul, it has the power to take away the rust caused by earthly things.
Not only that but it gives the soul boredom, annoyance and scorn for
earthly things, and instead it gives it the taste for Heavenly things.
But the virtue of the Cross is recognized by only a few, that is why
many despise it.
hidden within the Sacred Host, O my beloved Jesus, the virtue which I
need above all others! My soul thirst for charity: for that clear
crystal water of charity which rests within your Sacred Heart as within a
deep unfathomable well. I come to drink at this pure and holy Source
that I may be cleansed, and may be blessed, and may receive life from
it, and light and love" (Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Servant of God).
Mother Teresa -
You are to be that presence of Christ to each other.
Love each other tenderly as Jesus loves each one of you. Tender love for each other speaks much louder than all the words you can say.
You are to be that presence of Christ to each other.
Love each other tenderly as Jesus loves each one of you. Tender love for each other speaks much louder than all the words you can say.
for him who receives it, is light, it is the way,
it is nourishment, it is strength, it is comfort. And for him who does
not receive it, it is converted into fire and punishment.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Firstly I want to tell you that Jesus needs those who groan with him at human sinfulness and, for this reason, He is leading you along paths filled with suffering, about which you tell me in your letter. But may His charity always be blessed; that charity which knows how to mix the sweet with the bitter and convert the transitory sufferings of life to eternal reward (Letters III, p. 417).
Firstly I want to tell you that Jesus needs those who groan with him at human sinfulness and, for this reason, He is leading you along paths filled with suffering, about which you tell me in your letter. But may His charity always be blessed; that charity which knows how to mix the sweet with the bitter and convert the transitory sufferings of life to eternal reward (Letters III, p. 417).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Where your heart is determines your worth!
Where your heart is determines your worth!
is to the soul what gravitation is to matter. When we know our desires,
we know the direction our soul is taking. If desire is Heavenly, we go
upwards, if it is wholly earthly, we go downwards. Desire is like raw
material out of which we fashion either our virtues or vices. As Our
Lord said: `Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.'"
St. Faustina's diary -
Today I heard the words: In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice I am sending the Day of Mercy. I replied, "O my Jesus, speak to souls Yourself, because my words are insignificant." (1588)
Today I heard the words: In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice I am sending the Day of Mercy. I replied, "O my Jesus, speak to souls Yourself, because my words are insignificant." (1588)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of
Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The season of Lent has always been a time of repentance, conversion, and penance---a time for turning back to the Lord, renouncing sin, and beginning anew. This is the call of Our Lady today:
converted! It will be too late when the sing comes. Beforehand, several
warnings will be given to the world. Have people hurry to be converted.
I need your prayers and your penance.
heart is burning with love for you; it suffices for you to be
converted. To ask questions is unimportant. Be converted. Hurry to
proclaim it. Tell everyone that it is my wish, and that I do not cease
repeating it. Be converted, be converted.
is not difficult for me to suffer for you. I beg you, be converted. I
will pray to my Son to spare you the punishment. Be converted with
without delay. You do not know the plans of God; you will not be able to
know them. You will not know what God will send, nor what he will do. I
ask you only to be converted. That is what I wish.
converted! Be ready for everything, but be converted. That is all I
wish to say to you. Renounce everything else. All that is part of
conversion. Good bye, and may peace be with you (Locution Jelena &
Mirajana April 25, 1983.)
Our Lady's message is echoed in the Acts of the Apostles:
this way God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets,
that his Messiah would suffer. Repent therefore, and turn to God so that
yours sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from
the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah appointed for
you, this is,
Jesus (Acts 3:18-20).
this Lenten season, let us take the Blessed Mother seriously and seek
conversion in renewed prayer, penance, and works of love. This will
bring us great joy at Easter and a confirmation of the Gospa's words
today: "My heart is burning with love for you."
Lent, set aside extra time for prayer and works of charity. Be active
in the special Lenten devotions of your local parish. Go the extra mile
for Our Lord and Our Lady.
Catholic Church and House of Israel will be persecuted
Monday, March 5th, 2012 @ 01:11 pm
My dearly beloved daughter the time for the opening of the seals which will result in you opening the seventh seal is almost upon you.
Because of your prayers much upheaval is being averted.
You, My followers are accepting My cross and you will unite with the Immaculate Heart of My Mother as you march towards My Glorious Kingdom.
As the falsities and depravities of the world escalate, so too will the faith of those who lead My army.
The churches will be persecuted namely the Catholic Church and the House of Israel.
Many will be pleased. These two religions will be tormented and every effort , both externally and within, will be made to eradicate any trace of either.
There will be great rejoicing around the world when they have fallen.
Many will consider them to be destroyed. People will then ignore their corpses.
But this would be foolish. For they will rise again to form the New Heaven and the New Earth as the gates of My Paradise are opened.
No one can nor will destroy My chosen people on earth.
They may inflict pain, torture, death and demolish the very buildings and temples set up by them to honour My Father.
Then they will rise and reclaim their rightful thrones when they will reign with Me in Paradise.
Never reject God.
Never reject his Churches.
For if you do you will be following the path of deceit to eternal damnation.
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Shaking in California to littlest of servants March 1, 2012
I have been receiving messages for the last two weeks that very soon there would be major shaking in California.
While in Church praying before the Blessed Sacrament I received the following. I saw a large angel standing outside my pew. In his hands I could see that he was holding the remains of a baby and I knew immediately that this was a aborted baby he was holding. He spoke and told me that California would soon shake as a punishment for this Great Abomination that we were committing continuous against the HEAVENLY FATHER. He continued and told me that he was the angel assigned to protect and look after California and that is why he was one delivering this message. I then saw JESUS and HE was standing outside my pew and HE was bound and cover in BLEEDING WOUNDS. I was then told that abortion and other abominations that were being committed continuous were causing JESUS to suffer and HIS WOUNDS to BLEED. I then saw JESUS again only this time HE was dressed in a long white garment, such as you see HIM wearing in the Divine Mercy Image, and HE was sitting on the pew bending over with HIS HANDS over HIS FACE and on the floor in front of HIM I could see dead babies. I was then told that California would shake but that the shaking would not be as great because of PRAYERS but never the less the shaking would still cause major damage. We need to Pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Precious Blood Devotion, do Holy Hours and Hours of Adoration offered through the Immaculate Heart of Mary to Our Heavenly Father in reparation for these abominations so that we might lessen the shaking that is surly coming to California.
" Yes, 10 days is a long retreat, BUT IT IS 10 days of PRAYER WITH ME WITH MY SON ! YOU WILL BE IN OUR PRESENCE especially during this retreat!, You may not have world renowned names as speakers, BUT YOU WILL HAVE MY SON YOUR GOD YOUR INSPIRATION AND GUIDE DURING THE ENTIRE RETREAT! You May not see great miracles THOSE MIRACLES WILL BE SEEN WHEN YOU ARE IN OUR PRESENCE IN THE ETERNAL KINGDOM OF THE FATHER! WHAT YOU WILL HAVE IS A GREAT SACRIFICE TO OFFER MY SON BY ATTENDING THIS RETREAT As you surrender your fiat to give this very special gift to My Son in and with My Humble gratitude.
Thank you My children for remaining obedient to our call. All will be done according to My Son’s Holy Will"
Holy Love March 4, 2012
March 4, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My daughter, Jesus desires that an association be formed to be formally called Children of the United Hearts. They would meet regularly in every part of the world to pray for peace in all hearts through Holy Love."
"We will meet here on the property off and on throughout the year. Hopefully at least one ambassador for each group will be in attendance. The dates will coincide with certain feast days."
"You will make this known."
March 4, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I desire always to be united with the children of Our United Hearts, and that these children be united in prayer. Let us have the same goals - peace in all hearts through Holy Love, and spiritual union with the Will of My Father."
"I will be with you at midnight dawning on the Feast of My Mercy. After this, public apparitions will be less frequent, and there will be less advance notice. The apparitions will not be at midnight after My Feast of Mercy, but times will be stated. I am not abandoning you. I am always with you, encouraging you, protecting you and guiding you. Be united, dear children of Our United Hearts."
March 4, 2012
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph is here. He says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My brothers and sisters, those in authority, most especially fathers, and hence - families - should embrace wise authority, loving authority. In this way they will gain everyone's respect."
"I am imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing."
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick March 4, 2012
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Monday, March 05, 2012
The Baptism of Cornelius
Dear Friends,
(Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles (10:44-49):
While Peter was still speaking these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the word. The circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit should have been poured out on the Gentiles also, for they could hear them speaking in tongues and glorifying God. Then Peter responded, “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit even as we have?” He ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for a few days.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
“May the Holy Spirit fill you again, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living throughout the world. In order to be converted and to have great faith in Me you need to receive the Holy Spirit. I had to return to heaven so the Father and I could send the Holy Spirit upon the world. You read how St. Peter taught these Gentile people who were not yet Christians and while he was speaking, the Holy Spirit was poured upon them and it was just like what happened at Pentecost with the Apostles. Peter then called these people and he baptized them all.
There are still many people in the world that are not baptized today. I want you all to pray during the year of grace that the Holy Spirit may be poured out on many, many people and they will start to believe in Me. All Christians have received the Holy Spirit when they received the sacraments of Baptism and of Confirmation. So live in the power of the Holy Spirit and you will be blessed. With the power of the Holy Spirit say ‘no’ to the evil one and always ‘yes’ to Me, your Savior. I bless you all.”
Father Melvin
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Peter’s Speech
Dear Friends,
Below you will read a passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:34-43):
Then Peter proceeded to speak and said, “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.
You know the word (that) he sent to the Israelites as he proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all, what has happened all over Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the holy Spirit and power. He went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. We are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree. This man God raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.”
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
“I bless you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world. After My Ascension I sent the Apostles to go all over the world to teach the people all that I had told them. They were told to tell all those who would listen about the life I led while I was with them for three years before I died. Peter was one of them who spoke very well about Me and My teachings. I want all of you to come and listen to the successors of the Apostles for they too have received the same command. They are ordained and sent to teach the truth which they have learned through My Church. My Church cannot teach falsehood but the truth passed on to her leaders by the Apostles. You know the successor of St. Peter is the Pope of Rome and he has the gift of infallibility and therefore he cannot teach error. What he teaches is the truth. All the Bishops and the priests are to follow the Pope and teach the truth he has made known to them.
The great truth that has to be spread throughout the world these days is that abortion is a grave sin and no Catholic is to be involved in the killing of these babies. I want an end to this slaughter of those innocent infants created by God and having a mortal soul. They have a right to life and no one is to deprive them of this right. You are called to respect life from the moment of conception till natural death. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Saturday, March 03, 2012
The Birth of Jesus
Dear Friends,
Please read this passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew (1:18-25):
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means "God is with us." When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home. He had no relations with her until she bore a son, and he named him Jesus.
(Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words.)
"I am the Mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world, as St. Matthew's Gospel and St. Luke's Gospel tell you. I want to speak to you, My son Melvin, and I call on all My sons and daughters to listen to what I am going to say. My son, you always had a great devotion for your Mother, and it was especially your mother who taught you all that. It was in the year 2000 that I came to visit you with a special message.
I called Myself 'the Lady of Prince Edward Island' and I told you that this Island was holy ground for it had been blessed by My Son, Jesus, and also by me. I came to you, My son, to show you My love and to ask you to have a shrine built on the Island in My honor. I knew it would take time so in the meantime I asked you to build My chapel, which I call My Little Shrine.
The Island is very special to Me because there are no abortions performed in this province. I pray that it will remain like this forever. You know that I appeared on top of the Little Shrine after it was built. You can see Me in the clouds.
I am always there in My special home and any person who comes to visit Me, I give them special graces. Many people have been healed in this place and many more will be healed in the future. You will receive the money soon so you can begin building what I asked you. I bless you, My son, and I also bless all My sons and daughters spread everywhere."
Father Melvin
Fr. Doucette: 946] Fri, Mar 02, 2012: The Wedding at Cana
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr./
Friday, March 02, 2012
The Wedding at Cana
Dear Friends,
(Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (2:1-11):
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." And Jesus said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you." Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, "Fill the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now." Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
"I love you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world. I am continuing to speak to you, My brother Melvin, about the various heavenly experiences you have had during your life. The wedding feast at Cana is a good way to introduce the visit of My Blessed Mother to you, brother Melvin. She came to visit you on December 14, 2000, in the evening. I know you were not expecting this visit but My dear Mother wanted to come to you and speak to you about something very special. You live in Prince Edward Island, the only Province of Canada where abortions are illegal. The Government of this Province has never legalized abortion and this fact gives great joy to My Mother. She wants a shrine built on the Island in Her honor. She wants to be called 'The Mother of Life.' She asked you at the beginning, My brother Melvin, that you build the little shrine in her honor and you had it built in 2004. She told you that you would receive all the money you need in order to build the shrine and all the other buildings. My brother Melvin, you have had visits from My Mother every year since the year 2000 and She will continue to visit you in the future. I ask you to prepare yourself for what will happen in the near future. Offer all your problems and difficulties to Me and My Mother and we will take care of them. She wants the shrine to be a beacon to the world. She and I are for life and abortions have to stop all over the world. It is a horrible crime to kill these infants who are human beings and created by their Creator. Love them all and protect them. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Fr. Doucette: 945] Thu, Mar 01, 2012: The Vision of Peter
Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Vision of Peter
Dear Friends,
Please read this passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:9-16):
The next day, while they were on their way and nearing the city, Peter went up to the roof terrace to pray at about noontime. He was hungry and wished to eat, and while they were making preparations he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all the earth's four-legged animals and reptiles and the birds of the sky. A voice said to him, "Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat." But Peter said, "Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and unclean." The voice spoke to him again, a second time, "What God has made clean, you are not to call profane." This happened three times, and then the object was taken up into the sky.
As Jesus spoke to Peter in a vision, He also spoke to me many times. You read about my meeting with Jesus at the age of twelve, the encounter with Jesus in Africa, and now He has something else to tell me. I have had many encounters with Jesus during my life. He has always been close to me and He has always asked something of me.
(Here below are the words of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus gave him this message.)
"I address you again, My brother Melvin, this morning and I bless all My brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. My brother, you made a thirty-day retreat in Jerusalem some years ago and I spoke to you often during those days about the two religious societies. I told you that what is primary in the life of these religious is their relationship with Me. They need to have an intimate and loving relationship with Me and this will come about through prayer and service. This will be expressed in a daily loving relationship with the members and with the people they meet every day. They will take to heart My commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. This will show itself by an active community life, zeal for the Kingdom, perseverance in prayer, loving service, prompt obedience, purity of heart and love for the Church. I call you, My brother, to begin these religious societies as soon as possible. I bless you and all My brothers and sisters."
Father Melvin
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr
Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Vision of Peter
Please read this passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:9-16):
next day, while they were on their way and nearing the city, Peter went
up to the roof terrace to pray at about noontime. He was hungry and
wished to eat, and while they were making preparations he fell into a
trance. He saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet
coming down, lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all
the earth's four-legged animals and reptiles and the birds of the sky. A
voice said to him, "Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat." But Peter said,
"Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and
unclean." The voice spoke to him again, a second time, "What God has
made clean, you are not to call profane." This happened three times,
and then the object was taken up into the sky.
Jesus spoke to Peter in a vision, He also spoke to me many times. You
read about my meeting with Jesus at the age of twelve, the encounter
with Jesus in Africa, and now He has something else to tell me. I have
had many encounters with Jesus during my life. He has always been close
to me and He has always asked something of me.
(Here below are the words of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus gave him this message.)
address you again, My brother Melvin, this morning and I bless all My
brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. My brother, you made a
thirty-day retreat in Jerusalem some years ago and I
spoke to you often during those days about the two religious societies.
I told you that what is primary in the life of these religious is their
relationship with Me. They need to have an intimate and loving
relationship with Me and this will come about through prayer and
service. This will be expressed in a daily loving relationship with the
members and with the people they meet every day. They will take to heart
My commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. This will show
itself by an active community life, zeal for the Kingdom, perseverance
in prayer, loving service, prompt obedience, purity of heart and love
for the Church. I call you, My brother, to begin these religious
societies as soon as possible. I bless you and all My brothers and
Father Melvin
The Vision of
Posted on February 29, 2012 by admin
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Vision of Cornelius
Dear Friends,
Below read the passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:1-8):
in Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of the Cohort
called the Italica, devout and God-fearing along with his whole
household, who used to give alms generously to the Jewish people and
pray to God constantly. One
about three o’clock, he saw plainly in a vision an angel of God come in
to him and say to him, “Cornelius.” He looked intently at him and,
seized with fear, said, “What is it, sir?” He said to him, “Your prayers
and almsgiving have ascended as a memorial offering before God. Now
send some men to Joppa and summon one Simon who is called Peter. He is
staying with another Simon, a tanner, who has a house by the sea.” When
the angel who spoke to him had left, he called two of his servants and a
devout soldier from his staff, explained everything to them, and sent
them to Joppa.
dy is welcome.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
continue again today to speak to you, My brother Melvin, and I want you
all, My brothers and sisters, to listen to My words. As Cornelius had a
visit from heaven, this happens also today. Melvin, My brother, you
will remember what happened one early morning at 3:00 a.m. in 1977 in
Africa. You had slept very well that night but you woke up at 3:00 a.m.
hearing somebody calling you, “Melvin, Melvin.” You looked all around
your bedroom but there was nobody there. Then you heard your name called
a second time. You answered, “Who is calling me?“ I, Jesus, answered
you saying, ”I am Jesus who is calling you. Get up right away and come
to the parish church and sit before Me in the tabernacle.“ You got up,
washed and dressed and before 3:30 a.m. you were sitting before the
tabernacle. I spoke to you for three hours. I especially told you the
state of the world and how bad it would become in the future. I called
you to begin two religious societies:
the Contemplative Brothers of Jesus and the Contemplative Sisters of
Jesus. I spoke to you that they would be partly contemplatives but they
would work to evangelize the people wherever they lived. These religious
men and women would be blessed in a very special way. I also told you
how to instruct them and what they were to follow. I am now waiting,
Melvin My brother, that you begin these societies as soon as possible. I
bless you, My brother and all My friends.”
Father Melvin
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Last Supper
Dear Friends,
Read the passage below from St. Matthew’s Gospel (26:17-19,26-29):
the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples
approached Jesus and said, “Where do you want us to prepare for you to
eat the Passover?” He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell
him, ‘The teacher says, “My appointed time draws near; in your house I
shall celebrate the Passover with my disciples.”‘” The disciples then
did as Jesus had ordered, and prepared the Passover. While they were
eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to
his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup,
gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will
be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, from
now on I shall not drink this fruit of the vine until the day when I
drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.”
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
address you again, My brother Melvin, and at the same time I greet all
My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. My
brother, I called you when you were only twelve years old to become a
priest and this idea was always with you. Indeed when time came you
applied to go to the seminary and you finished all your studies. The
great day came on June 22, 1968. On that day I gave
you very special graces and you were filled with great joy when you
were ordained to the priesthood. I had called you to be a missionary
priest in Africa where you spent 29 years. You have been united with Me
in a special way through the practice of contemplation. I asked you to
write a book about contemplation and you did write it. It is called,
‘The Art of Contemplative Prayer.‘ This is the prayer I love because it
builds up a very close union with Me. I call all My friends to learn
this prayer. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Monday, February 27, 2012
Revelation to Samuel
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the First Book of Samuel(3:1-10):
the time young Samuel was minister to the LORD under Eli, a revelation
of the LORD was uncommon and vision infrequent. One day Eli was asleep
in his usual place. His eyes had lately grown so weak that he could not
see. The lamp of God was not yet extinguished, and Samuel was sleeping
in the temple of the LORD where the ark of God was. The LORD called to
Samuel, who answered, “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am.
You called me.” “I did not call you,” Eli said. “Go back to sleep.” So
he went back to sleep. Again the LORD called Samuel, who rose
and went to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You called me.” But he
answered, “I did not call you, my son. Go back to sleep.” At that time
Samuel was not familiar with the LORD, because the LORD had not revealed
anything to him as yet. The LORD called Samuel again, for the third
time. Getting up and going to Eli, he said, “Here I am. You called me.”
Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the youth. So he said to
Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, LORD, for
your servant is listening.’” When Samuel went to sleep in his place, the
LORD came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, “Samuel,
Samuel!” Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to
him these words.)
wish to speak to you, My brother Melvin, and I would like all My
brothers and sisters to listen to what I have to say to you today. You
will remember, My brother, what happened the summer you were twelve
years of age. It was in the month of July on a Sunday afternoon and it
was a sunny day. You had gone walking on your own towards the seashore
that is only a few kilometers from the home of your parents. You were
walking in the woods and all of a sudden you heard a voice. You stopped
and looked around trying to find out who was calling you. As you did not
see anybody around, you started to walk again. You only walked a short
distance when you heard your name called again like this: Melvin,
Melvin. You stopped in your tract and looked up and called out, ‘Who is
calling me?‘ Then you heard my voice as I spoke to you these words, ‘I
Jesus and I am calling you to be a priest.‘ These words of mine, I
know, penetrated deeply into your heart and they never left you. You can
hear them even today. After that you had no doubt what your vocation
would be as an adult. Indeed you followed My words and became a priest. I
called you for a special reason, which you will soon find out. I am
always there with you every day. I bless you and I bless all My brothers
and sisters spread all over the world. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Fr. Doucette: 941] Sun, Feb 26, 2012: Jesus, the Father's Ambassador
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette,
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Jesus, the Father's Ambassador
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (8:21-30):
said to them again, "I am going away and
you will look for me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going
you cannot come." So the Jews said, "He is not going to kill himself, is
he, because he said, 'Where I am going you cannot come'?" He said to
them, "You belong to what is below, I belong to what is above. You
belong to this world, but I do not belong to this world. That is why I
told you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I
AM, you will die in your sins." So they said to him, "Who are you?"
Jesus said to them, "What I told you from the beginning. I have much to
say about you in condemnation. But the one who sent me is true, and what
I heard from him I tell the world." They did not realize that he was
speaking to them of the Father. So Jesus said to them, "When you lift up
the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM, and that I do nothing
on my own, but I say only what the Father taught me. The one who sent me
is with me. He has not left me alone, because
I always do what is pleasing to him." Because he spoke this way, many
came to believe in him.
(Below you will find the message of Our Savior and Lord given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you all to believe in My divinity, especially you, My brother
Melvin and all My brothers and sisters scattered all over the world.
When Moses asked Our Heavenly Father at the burning bush His name, He
told him these words, 'I AM WHO AM.' I gave the Jews the same name
telling them that I was the I AM. These words 'I AM' expresses My
divinity as I am God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You know
there are three Persons in the Blessed Trinity: the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit. We are one God in three Divine Persons. My dear
friends, I want you all to believe that I am truly God and that I know
everything and I have all power. I love My Heavenly Father and the Holy
Spirit for we are One. I came on earth at the request of God the Father
to do His will. Everything I taught came from the Father and it is the
absolute truth. I came into the world because of you, My brothers and
sisters. I love you all and I gave My life to atone for your sins and to
open heaven for you. I won many graces for you so come and believe in
Me and follow Me and I will give you all the help you need. Remember
that the Father and I are One. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Blessed Mother at the Foot of the Cross
Posted on February 25, 2012 by admin
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Our Blessed Mother at the Foot of the Cross
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (19:25-27):
by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the
wife of Clopas,
and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there
whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he
said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the
disciple took her into his home.
(Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words.)
bless you, My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters living in every
country of the world. You are now in the season of Lent, a time to
return to your Lord and Savior and to repent of all your sins.
My Son, Jesus, hung upon the cross, I was standing near His cross and
suffering very much seeing Him in such
horrible pain. I was there when they nailed Him to the cross and when
they lifted the cross and planted it in the ground. If the Father had
not given Me the strength to support all this, I surely would have
fainted, but He strengthened Me to bear this pain together with My Son. I
knew that He had to suffer this terrible Passion to atone for all your
sins and to open heaven for you. You cannot thank Him enough for all
that He did for you. The way to thank Him is to come and follow Him
every day. Be men and women of prayer who love Jesus with all your
period of Lent will bring you to Good Friday, the day that Jesus was
crucified and died on the cross, but after three days He was raised from
the dead. Give Jesus your whole life so that He can make use of it the
way He thinks best. He loves you as I love you. I am praying for you all
Father Melvin
The Light of the World
Posted on February 24, 2012 by admin
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Light of the World
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (8:12-20):
spoke to them again, saying, “I am
the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.” So the Pharisees said to him, “You
testify on your own behalf, so your testimony cannot be verified.” Jesus
answered and said to them, “Even if I do testify on my own behalf, my
testimony can be verified, because I know where I came from and where I
am going. But you do not know where I come from or where I am going. You
judge by appearances, but I do not judge anyone. And even if I should
judge, my judgment is valid, because I am not alone, but it is I and the
Father who sent me. Even in your law it is written that the testimony
of two men can be verified. I testify on my behalf and so does the
Father who sent me.” So they said to him, “Where is your father?” Jesus
answered, “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would
know my Father also.” He spoke these words while teaching in the
treasury in the temple area. But
no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all
over the world, to come close to Me for I am the light of the world. I
teach the whole truth that can enlighten your minds and fill your
hearts. Those who are not with Me live in darkness and often they are
lost. They do not know where they are going and they cannot see the way
either. I am the way, the truth and the life. I have all power to
enlighten the way you should follow and to help you understand the
truths that I am teaching you. You do not have to look elsewhere for
other teachings because all that does not come from
Me is false. The evil one is the father of lies. Watch out, he can lead
you away from the truth and into the hell of fire. Come follow Me and
My Church and you will reach your true home, which is in heaven with Me.
In order for the light to reach you, you have to read passages of the
Bible, especially the New Testament, almost every day. Spend time in
contemplation and I will fill you with My gifts and you will be My
special friends. I spent time in contemplation every day with My
Heavenly Father when I was on earth and these was the greatest moments
of My earthly life. Come now and follow Me.”
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 05 - Significance of Ashes
the Eucharistic sacrifice, we bring the suffering of all our brothers
and sisters who live in poverty and darkness to unite with the
sufferings of Jesus on the cross" (Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta).
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Cross is to the creature as the bridle to the horse. What would happen
to the horse if man would not use the bridle? The Cross tames him and
restrains him. It softens him, pacifies him and leads him by the hand.
"The Eucharist is connected with the Passion. If Jesus had not established the Eucharist we would have forgotten the crucifixion. It would have faded into the past and we would have forgotten that Jesus loved us. There is a saying that to be far away from the eyes is to be far away from the heart. To make sure that we do not forget, Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a memorial of his love" (Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta).
Pope John Paul II -
Pope John Paul II to Bishop Hnilica August 1, 1989
"Medjugorje is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 19
Pope John Paul II to Bishop Hnilica August 1, 1989
"Medjugorje is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 19
Mother Teresa -
You have a challenge from Jesus to meet:
He has shed the light, and you will take His light and lighten every heart you meet.
Mother Teresa -
You have a challenge from Jesus to meet:
He has shed the light, and you will take His light and lighten every heart you meet.
Everything that is suffering to us touches Jesus
Pope John Paul II's Message for Lent 2002
his annual Lenten Message, Pope John Paul II asks Christians to focus
on the theme of "You
received without paying, give without pay"(Mt 10:8). This Lent we need
to contemplate that everything we have?our life, the Redemption?"has
been given to us by God's loving initiative" and that "God has freely
given us his Son." We Christians should "marvel in their heart of hearts
at the greatness of such a gift."
We need to pull away from
the world's focus of human relationships "based on self-interest and
personal gain" which fosters "an egocentric vision of life." Instead we
need to recognize "every person, even the least gifted, must be welcomed
and loved for themselves, regardless of their qualities and defects."
Pope also continued his stress on the "culture of life," an issue so
important during his papacy. The "beginning of life and its marvelous
development" is a gift from God. "And because it is a gift life can
never be regarded as a possession or as private property." He repeated
"that not everything that is
technically possible is morally acceptable."
"Since we have
received this life freely, we must in turn offer it freely to our
brothers and sisters" and the Holy Father concluded with the exhortation
to prepare for Lent "in practical generosity towards the poorest of our
brothers and sisters!
Significance of Ashes
Ash Wednesday opens up this season of penitence.
"Remember, man, you are dust, and unto dust you shall return."
says the priest as he makes the sign of cross with ashes on our
foreheads. The ashes are made by burning the previous year's blessed
palms. This is a vivid reminder of our mortal nature. We are bodies
fashioned from dust. "Then the Lord God formed man out of the dust of
the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man
became a living being" (Gen 2:7). Our bodies were made from
nothing, and will return to nothing when we die. Ashes are a symbol of
this passing world, a reminder of our death.
The imposition
of ashes is also a symbol of penance and sorrow for our sins. The
practice of sprinkling ashes on one's head as a sign of penance was
customary even in the Old Testament?in the Book of Esther, Mordecai put
on sackcloth and ashes (Est 4:1); Job sat in sackcloth and ashes to
repent (Job 42:6); all of Ninevah put on sackcloth and ashes to repent
after Jonah's preaching (Jon 3:5-6). In early Christian centuries the
imposition of ashes was only used for public sinners, but around the
year 1000 popes and all faithful started to receive the ashes as a
sincere and external token that we are all poor sinners.
remind us of the curse from Genesis. After Adam and Eve committed the
Original Sin, God expelled them from the Garden of Eden with these
Cursed be the ground because of you; in toil
shall you eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles
shall it bring forth to you, and you shall eat the plants in the field.
In the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, till you return to the
ground, since out of it you were taken; for dust you are and unto dust
you shall return (Gen 3:17-19).
The Church repeats these words as the cross is traced on our foreheads "Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you shall return." Thus this opens a theme that is echoed throughout Lent and then decidedly pronounced during the Easter Vigil. In the Exsultet, the Church rejoices in this Original Sin, because it brought the Redemption: "O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!"
The Church repeats these words as the cross is traced on our foreheads "Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you shall return." Thus this opens a theme that is echoed throughout Lent and then decidedly pronounced during the Easter Vigil. In the Exsultet, the Church rejoices in this Original Sin, because it brought the Redemption: "O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!"
The liturgy of Ash Wednesday gives us guidelines
for our 40 day journey. We pray for blessing upon our endeavors in the
opening prayer at Mass:
"Lord, protect us in our
struggle against evil. As we begin the discipline of Lent, make this season holy by our self-denial."
The Old Testament reading is from the Prophet Joel 2:18. Here the message is very clear: do penance, but avoid an outward show, "Rend your hearts and not your garments." Our penance should not be mere hypocrisy. It is an interior change that is more important.
The Old Testament reading is from the Prophet Joel 2:18. Here the message is very clear: do penance, but avoid an outward show, "Rend your hearts and not your garments." Our penance should not be mere hypocrisy. It is an interior change that is more important.
Love is that which goes above everything. Therefore he who loves much, and not he who does much, will be more acceptable to God
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Walk with simplicity in the ways of the Lord and do not torment your spirit. Your must hate your faults, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and restless. We must be patient with them and gain from them through holy humility. Without that patience, instead of diminishing, your imperfections will increase constantly, as there is nothing that nourishes our defects like restlessness, and the haste to drive them away.
Walk with simplicity in the ways of the Lord and do not torment your spirit. Your must hate your faults, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and restless. We must be patient with them and gain from them through holy humility. Without that patience, instead of diminishing, your imperfections will increase constantly, as there is nothing that nourishes our defects like restlessness, and the haste to drive them away.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
There is a difference between good and evil
There is a difference between good and evil
humility is the pathway to Truth and inner peace is grounded on the
recognition of two dimensions beyond the flatness of the mass level: one
is the recognition of the dimension of height, which is the Sanctity
above, the other is the dimension of depth, which is the existence of
evil within the human heart."
St. Faustina's diary -
When I entered my solitude, I heard these words: At the hour of their death, I defend as My own glory every soul that will say this chaplet; or when others say it for a dying person, the indulgence is the same. When this chaplet is said by the bedside of a dying person, God's anger is placated, unfathomable mercy envelops the soul, and the very depths of My tender mercy are moved for the sake of the sorrowful Passion of My Son.
Oh, if only everyone realized how great the Lord's mercy is and how much we all need that mercy, especially at that crucial hour! (811)
When I entered my solitude, I heard these words: At the hour of their death, I defend as My own glory every soul that will say this chaplet; or when others say it for a dying person, the indulgence is the same. When this chaplet is said by the bedside of a dying person, God's anger is placated, unfathomable mercy envelops the soul, and the very depths of My tender mercy are moved for the sake of the sorrowful Passion of My Son.
Oh, if only everyone realized how great the Lord's mercy is and how much we all need that mercy, especially at that crucial hour! (811)
O bright and
clear day on which all my dreams will be fulfilled; O day so eagerly
desired, the last day of my life! I look forward with joy to the last
stroke the Divine Artist will trace on my soul, which will give my soul a
unique beauty that will distinguish me from the beauty of other souls. O
great day, on which divine love will be confirmed in me. On that day,
for the first time, I shall sing before heaven and
earth the song of the Lord's fathomless mercy. This is my work and the
mission which the Lord has destined for me from the beginning of the
world. That the song of my soul may be pleasing to the Holy Trinity, do
You, O Spirit of God, direct and form my soul yourself. I arm myself
with patience and await Your coming, O merciful God, and as to the
terrible pains and fear of death, at this moment more than at any other
time, I trust in the abyss of Your mercy and am reminding You, O
merciful Jesus, sweet Savior, of all the promises You have made to me.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To order email or 1-866-726-5865
The Mother of Jesus urges us to pray as a defense against evil. To Ivan's prayer group:
children, your Mother warns you tonight that Satan is active in a
special way these days. Do not allow emptiness inside of you, but fill
this emptiness with prayer. Dear children, prayer is the best medicine
these days to defend yourselves against evil. And so, dear children,
make a special decision for prayer during Lent. Tonight I expect you to
pray the Glorious Mysteries when you return home." (Visionaries Prayer
Group February 19, 1990)
Fittingly, Psalm 54 is entitled,
"Confident Prayer in Great Peril": But surely, God is my helper; The
Lord is the upholder of my life. He will repay my enemies for their
evil. In your faithfulness, put an end to them. With a freewill offering
I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for
it is good.
For he has delivered me from every trouble, And my eye has looked in
triumph on My enemies. ---Psalm 54:4-7
Our Lady tells us today, prayer is our chief weapon against evil. It is
of such importance that she once told Jelena, the elocutionist, "I have
nothing else to tell you, but pray, pray, pray."
In a sermon
on prayer, Fr. Tomislav Vlasic, formerly assigned to Medjugorje, made
the analogy that, "Just as we find ourselves talking to a friend for
hours on end, so it is just as natural to talk with Jesus Christ." On
problems in prayer, he suggests that, "If we are distracted or
absent-minded in prayer, it may be that we are too far from God, too
devoted to the world, and have not given enough time to seeking him in
He adds: "I therefore invite you to a continuous
deepening of prayer. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you each step of the
way and Satan will be completely
Let's simply heed the
Virgin's advice today: "Don't allow emptiness inside of you; fill this
emptiness with prayer?it is the best medicine to defend yourselves
against evil."
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 04 - JESUS GIVES HIMSELF TO YOU!
From the shedding of His blood, came our redemption. From the beating of His heart in love for us, came the Blessed Eucharist" (Fr. Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M.).
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Your Cross St. Francis De Sales
everlasting God has in His wisdom foreseen from eternity the cross that
He now presents to you as a gift from His inmost heart.
This cross He now sends you He has
considered with His all-knowing eyes,
understood with His divine mind,
tested with His wise justice, warmed with
loving arms and weighed with His own hands to see that it be not one inch too large and not one ounce too heavy for you.
considered with His all-knowing eyes,
understood with His divine mind,
tested with His wise justice, warmed with
loving arms and weighed with His own hands to see that it be not one inch too large and not one ounce too heavy for you.
He has blessed it with His holy Name,
anointed it with His consolation,
taken one last glance at you and your courage,
and then sent it to you from heaven,
a special greeting from God to you,
an alms of the all-merciful love of God. Amen!
anointed it with His consolation,
taken one last glance at you and your courage,
and then sent it to you from heaven,
a special greeting from God to you,
an alms of the all-merciful love of God. Amen!
To get nations
back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.
~ Billy Graham
~ Billy Graham
Pope John Paul II -
Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Tomasek
"If I were not Pope, I would be in Medjugorje already." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 19
Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Tomasek
"If I were not Pope, I would be in Medjugorje already." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 19
Mother Teresa -
Christ must be the light that shines through you, and the people looking at you must see only Jesus.
Mother Teresa -
Christ must be the light that shines through you, and the people looking at you must see only Jesus.
It is necessary to empty yourself of everything in order to be able to be filled with the All of God.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Let us walk always, even with slow steps, as long as we have good intentions, we cannot but make progress. No, it is not necessary to be always attentive to everything for the exercize of the virtues.
Let us walk always, even with slow steps, as long as we have good intentions, we cannot but make progress. No, it is not necessary to be always attentive to everything for the exercize of the virtues.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Dare to be right!
Dare to be right!
can be a terrific form of tyranny, and it has a thousand and one
penalties for those who forsake the external standards for an inward
change of heart to a line of conduct above the level. When a thousand
people are walking to the edge of an abyss, the one who is seen walking
in the opposite direction is taunted for not following the mob. We must
be humble to bear up under these reproaches and dare to be right when
the majority is wrong."
St. Faustina's diary -
Today, I received a letter from Father Sopocko. I learned from it that God Himself is conducting this whole affair. And as the Lord has begun it, so will He continue to carry it along. And the greater the difficulties which I see, the more am I at peace. Oh, if in this whole matter the glory of God and the profit to souls were not greatly served, Satan would not be opposing it so much. But he senses what he is going to lose because of it. I have now learned that Satan hates mercy more than anything else. It is his greatest torment. Still, the word of God will not pass away; God's utterance is living; difficulties will not suppress the works of God, but show that they are God's... (764)
Today, I received a letter from Father Sopocko. I learned from it that God Himself is conducting this whole affair. And as the Lord has begun it, so will He continue to carry it along. And the greater the difficulties which I see, the more am I at peace. Oh, if in this whole matter the glory of God and the profit to souls were not greatly served, Satan would not be opposing it so much. But he senses what he is going to lose because of it. I have now learned that Satan hates mercy more than anything else. It is his greatest torment. Still, the word of God will not pass away; God's utterance is living; difficulties will not suppress the works of God, but show that they are God's... (764)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The Virgin speaks to Jelena of the joy of salvation:
can you not be happy? Jesus gives himself to you! I wish to fill the
souls of all. But I am sad this evening, for many have not prepared
themselves for Easter. Thus Jesus will not be able to unite himself to
their souls on that great day (Locution Jelena and Mirajana April 14,
Paul explains salvation as a pure gift of Christ:
God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us
even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together
with Christ?by grace you have been saved?and raised us up with him and
seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in
the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his
grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been
saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of
God (Eph 2:4-8).
St. Paul emphasizes
that we do not need to live any longer under sin's power. The penalty
of sin and its power over us were destroyed by Christ on the cross.
Through him we stand acquitted, "not guilty," before God (cf. Rom
Our Lady urges us to accept and rejoice in this gift
of salvation. When someone gives you a gift, do you say, "That's very
nice, now how much do I owe you?" No the appropriate response is, "Thank
you." Yet some of us, even after we've been given the gift of
salvation, feel obligated to try to work or earn our own way to God. But
because salvation and even faith are pure gifts, our response can only
be one of gratitude, praise, and joy.
Have we ever accepted, deep down, the gift of
salvation? Today, pray that you may experience the awesome impact of this greatest of gifts, as Our Lady urges.
Virgin Mary: Wake up children. You must embrace the truth.
Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 @ 02:33 pm
My child the suffering of My Son today is equal to that of his suffering when he was on earth.
The pain he endured then,which caused him the greatest torment, was not his crucifixion but the way in which was rejected.
His word today is rejected just as it was then.
He is mocked today in a way which brings tears and suffering, not only to me his beloved Mother, but to His devoted followers on earth.
How hurtful it is to see how many children of God have turned away from the holy sacraments and the teachings of the Church.
So many souls are lost. I beseech you, children, to pick up the cross of My Son and lead by example.
Embrace My Son with simplicity of heart.
To love My Son and honour My Eternal Father is very simple children.
Never analyse the word of My Son.
Simply follow His teachings which have never changed.
Listen to the words of My Son as he speaks to you now from the Heavens.
He calls you to prepare your souls for His Second Coming.
When He speaks with you now He does this out of His love for mankind.
His Holy Word will nourish your souls and make them strong again.
Do not reject His call to you now.
He wants to save each and every soul. But in order to do that he must remind you of the difference between right and wrong.
So many of you are not being guided or informed of the grievousness of sin.
Tolerance in your society and within the Churches means that what many of you think is of no consequence may well be a serious sin in the eyes of God.
The Church is in great darkness at this time and has been a target of the deceiver for many years.
My Son must intervene and guide you now as the schism within the Church will erupt soon.
Wake up children. You must embrace the truth.
The world will now change beyond recognition.
You have been sent many messengers in the past to prepare you for this event.
These are the last warnings being given to humanity to enable them to prepare for My Son’s Great Mercy.
After His Divine Mercy, when He will open the eyes of all of mankind to witness their sins, he will give a little more time for them to seek redemption.
Then you will be given direction to prepare your souls for the Second Coming of Christ, My Beloved Son, who will come again in Glory as foretold.
Mother of Salvation
Australian Locutionist 3 December 2011 - 5 december 2011
Reflections – By His Wounds You Are Healed: Prayers and Reflections in Honour of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus
MMP – Marian Movement of Priests : To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons
DM – Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina
Saturday 3 December 2011 – Feast of St Francis
Reflection 63 – So many are the graces that My Mercy wishes to give the Church
Vessel of Priesthood have all but emptied, no longer will this continue
to be. A new and more faithful disciple of priesthood is emerging from
the ruins of satanic influence. New life will come into My Church of
Authority for My little remnant people. People of great faith,
belief and trust always in My Words of truth.
Pray even
harder, My little one, for My calling to be heard and acted upon. Their
time of complacency is over. Time for action is now. I am well pleased
with you, My little one, in obeying My call to you.
MMP – 267 – Why I Wanted You Here
DM – Jesus spoke the number 1207
Sunday 4 December 2011
Reflection 116 - Oh, if you only knew with what gratitude the Holy Souls reward your prayers
is joy to My Heart as I hear your prayers of such love for the Holy
Souls and Living Souls. Their release is assured, My little one.
My Will will be done from this day forth. You will see many changes and will know your prayers have been answered.
on praying, little one, it is their only hope. There are going to be
hard times before all My people. It is by your prayers and offerings
that will bring
them back into the arms of their Father. Pray continually for all these
wandering souls in danger.
MMP – 259 – Love One Another
DM – Jesus spoke the number 1808
Monday 5 December 2011
Reflection 82 – My Mercy will light up the darkness of the coming days and be the saving anchor for all
am here by your side, My little one, holding you, comforting you and
leading you to the Garden of Paradise. Have no fear, My children, My
victory was fought and won long ago. This, My dear ones, has only been a
fruitless challenge from My adversary. Just as My Resurrection over
death was won, so too, My Mother’s victory is won over all evil. My
children need your prayers to see the light which is leading them back
into the fold. There will be great rejoicing in heaven as they return
from their wilderness.
MMP – 85 - I am Calling Them All
DM –
Jesus spoke the number 1808
Messages from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago (Feb. 25-March 2, 2012)
Messages from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago (Feb. 25-March 2, 2012)
February 25, 2012 (12:40pm)
Tell My beloved children to carry their crosses with patience and resignation. When you unite your sufferings with mine on the cross you receive great benefits for you and for others. You will never know how many lives are affected by your offering of your sufferings. My precious ones be aware of all that is going on now regarding your faith. The enemy through the present administration is trying to destroy your Freedom of Religion by playing havoc with your Constitution. The government has no authority to force the Catholic Church or any other church to pay for abortions and other devices used to prevent conception. You must pray for this to stop before it is too late. You must demand through Congress to put an end to this. Write to your representatives and senators and warn them they will not be elected again if they don’t do everything they can to stop this horrendous situation. Be on your guard to know what is going on in your so-called Catholic Colleges. Your children will lose their faith if they aren’t well grounded in theirs. The professors and teachers in most cases are not teaching the truth. You should check very carefully before you decide which college to send your children to. My dear ones, pay attention as you get closer to the primaries which are important to individual candidates running for office. There will be a lot of underhanded crookedness and stealing of votes if the person the powers behind the scene is not leading in the polls. Don’t get discouraged by the outcome of many of these elections since the Lord is still in control and the situation can change overnight with My help and your prayers. I want you to know that these and other messages given to chosen souls are working and more and more of My children are beginning to see how your country is going down economically as well as spiritually and they are starting to pray to change the outcome. Be of good faith.
I love you, Jesus.
February 26, 2012 (2:49pm)
Tell My beloved children to change their ways for the better. There are so many things you can do to improve your spiritual lives. Think of all the sins you continually commit. Make it your promise to Me to take one of those sins and try every day to eliminate it from your life. Think of how holy you will become when you start every day working on these sins. This way you are conscious of that sin every time you are about to be tempted by it and you can say no to the devil and yes to God. You will have so much more peace knowing that you are making an effort to become a saint. That’s how it happens My children you become so aware of every sin you are guilty of and it makes you conscious of that sin and how it affects you and others. Oh My children by the same method you use to eliminate sin try to do the same in a positive way of bringing virtue into your lives. For instance if you are guilty of pride, ask the Lord for the virtue of humility. Remember there are also sins of omission as well as commission. If you see someone in need and you ignore them and don’t try to help them in some way that is a sin of omission. Just think if everyone reading these messages worked on one sin in their lives what a better world this would be. Now My children, don’t forget to pray for the candidate you feel has the best moral character and integrity and even support him financially if you can. We must get the right person to lead your country which is so desperate for your prayers. We are winning My dear children so continue the momentum.
I love you, Jesus.
February 27, 2012 (9:50am)
Tell My beloved children to stop wasting time on so many trips to the mall. Every time you go there you end up buying things you don’t really need. That money could be better spent on contributions to agencies that serve the poor. You have so many clothes that you don’t even wear and yet you keep buying more. Make an effort to stop buying things you don’t need and giving some of your clothes to charity. Oh My children, there is so much going on right now to see that the person the powers behind the scenes want in. There will be tampering with the machines and outright stealing of votes to keep the one you are praying for out of the race. Don’t pay attention to the results or what the outcome will be. Just stay focused on your prayers and don’t get discouraged. I am in control of what will happen in these elections and if enough prayers are being said and that is a high possibility your candidate will win. We can’t sit back and think all will be well when you get the right person to be your president. This is just a right step in the direction of saving your country. As you have been told the enemy won’t give up this battle and will continue the fight. Your prayers must continue for the safety and protection of your candidate and his family even after he is elected president. There are some in the background who want your candidate to be assassinated so they can blame someone else and start an upheaval in the country and cause military action to take place. You can stop this from happening by your continued prayers and support. Keep up your perseverance in your prayers.
February 28, 2012 (10:16am)
Tell My beloved children to always believe in the faith you were given. This is a gift that some wish they had but somehow they just can’t believe. There are so many of My children who call themselves agnostics because they can’t believe that God exists. In spite of all the signs of proof of His existence, they don’t have the gift of faith and find it difficult to believe in God. Oh My children this is also true of many Catholics who have been raised in the faith. They don’t believe that I am truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. What has happened to my beloved Church? Why are there so very many who believe this is just a symbol and not My Real Presence? Oh My children, there have been priests and seminarians trained in a Theology that is not of the true faith who have become Theologians and spread false facts about the Eucharist. This is why many priests sad to say do not believe in My Real Presence in spite of the fact that they offer Mass. Oh My children many prayers and sacrifices will have to be made to change the way of thinking about the Eucharist which has unfortunately become prevalent in My Church. Won’t you start today asking the Holy Spirit to come upon these unbelievers and inspire them with the truth? So My beloved children, we come back to the elections and what is happening. The powers behind the scenes are preparing for any possible outcome. If their candidate is losing they will fix it so he can win. Whatever has to be done they will do it. Don’t be discouraged My dear ones. You know Who is in control and how the entire situation can change overnight with My help and your prayers. Pray, fast and make sacrifices and We will defeat the enemy.
I love you, Jesus.
February 29, 2012 (9:10am)
Tell My beloved children that their candidate won the election in one of the primaries, but there was stealing of votes and crooked counting that kept him from winning. You see My children there is nothing the powers behind the scenes won’t do to get their candidate elected. They will continue these tactics thinking they are in control of the outcome. They will be so shocked when they realize their plans have been defeated. You must not stop praying My dear ones. You are on the right side of the issue so don’t give up the fight. The battle is still on and will continue even after the elections are over. As you know by now the enemy is everywhere and will work his mischief at every opportunity he can get using others to carry out his schemes. My children, now that the weather seems to be getting more mild around the country, don’t let your guard down. Be prepared for major temperature changes and radical winds and rain and major storms and earthquakes. Make sure you have plenty of water and food to sustain you in the weeks and months to come. Most importantly be prepared spiritually by having blessed candles, holy water, holy pictures, blessed medals, and blessed salt, etc. Sprinkle blessed salt around the perimeter of your house to keep the demons out. Some of you hearing this for the first time will say how ridiculous this is, but My dear ones, Jesus is telling you this will protect your family. Trust me. My beloved children there is no need to fear or have anxiety over these messages. As long as you follow the words and advice of these messages you and your family will be protected. I’m counting on your continued prayers, fasting, and sacrifices.
I love you, Jesus.
March 1, 2012 (9:20am)
Tell My beloved children to stay close to My dear Mother and Mediatrix of all Graces. Her prayers from you come directly to Me and She has great influence with My Heart. She has been so left out of My Church and needs to have a more prominent place. She can help you gain many graces when you have a devotion to Her. It breaks My Heart to see Her dishonored by the atheists who hate God and My Mother. They treat Her with such contempt and blasphemy. She is so pure and holy and loves all of you even those who treat Her with such dishonor. My children, if you have Mary in your life and ask for Her intercession, you won’t go too far astray. My Protestant children are missing so much by not knowing My Mother. Those who have started their own denominations have left Her out because the devil convinced them to. Oh My children, there are so many ways My Mother can help My beloved children. She has been sent into the world to help bring it back into Christianity. So many of your leaders around the world have such a disdain for Christianity and they want to wipe it out of humanity. Only prayer will help get Christian values back where they are intended to be. This is why it is so imperative to get a real Christian pro-life candidate for your president. A good leader will make his decisions based on Christian principles and values. A bad leader will try to leave God out of all his decisions. My dear ones, your prayers are being heard and they are making a big impact on the one who they are intended for. Keep your prayers sacrifices and fasting continually coming and we will get the best man to lead your country elected.
I love you, Jesus.
March 2, 2012 (8:46am)
Tell My beloved children to take care of their responsibilities regarding their health. It is so important to stay healthy. It is your responsibility to eat the right foods to protect your health. So many of you eat unhealthy foods with too much sugar and fat. If you read the bible you will notice the diet consisted mainly of bread, cheese, fruits, vegetables and fish. There was very little meat and starches. My children you are killing yourselves with your poor diet. So many of my young people are having heart attacks and strokes. Much of this is brought on by too much stress in your lives. You are trying to do too much without asking for My help. You don’t know how to relax and enjoy the gifts of nature given as My gift to you. There are so many things you can do to improve your health. Start cutting down on the amount of salt and sugar you consume. So many of My children are obese and they feed their children the same way they eat which will eventually cause them to have trouble with their weight as they get older. My dear ones, I have been telling you through these messages to be prepared physically and very few are taking these words seriously. The administration is behind wanting gas prices to go high. This is another way to control what you can do. Get to the store while you can still afford gas and get food supplies and water for any emergency that may occur. This could come in many ways. There could be electric outages, your water may become contaminated, or even weather conditions could cause your family major problems. So My children, I am telling you again, to be prepared. You have no idea what the evil one can do to cause havoc in your lives. Continue your prayers, fasting, and sacrifices to get a good president. This is essential for your country to survive. Remember dear ones, fear is not of the Lord. You must trust with all your heart and you will be at peace. I am with you.
I love you, Jesus.
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, New York, USA ? March 1, 2012 at 12:45pm
My son,
I have brought you here today to this beautiful shrine dedicated to my earthly Mother, the Queen of the Universe. For I am calling upon you now, as well as I am calling upon all brothers and sisters, to take this moment in time to reflect on the events that are happening around the world. Recognize that this is also a time now to allow yourselves to get away from the turmoil that life entails - in order to find yourselves centering in prayer and meditation - for these are the times that are most difficult for all of you on your journey through your lives.
I am certain that all of you recognize that your lives are being affected by turmoil and change now more than ever before. This is happening because of all the events that are happening around the world, as well as the events in your own personal lives.
You are now in a period of time for humanity, when much about the world in which you live no longer makes sense, because of all the turmoil, the chaos, and the confusion that reigns in the world in these times. This is because the adversary of your Redeemer, who is also your own personal adversary, is hell bent on capturing as many souls as he possibly can, as he breathes his last gasps of fire and brimstone upon humanity.
He clearly knows that his time is short to reign here on earth, and he is taking this opportunity to bring failure and misfortune to as many of you as he can. You probably are aware of his evil works within your own families, in your relationships with each other, as well as with your extended family members and friends in your communities as well as around the world.
The world is in a state of flux now. Everything seems to be destabilized, and more and more, you are seeing that natural events are happening that are affecting you geo-physically, as the planet is experiencing a great shaking that will bring about a renewal of mankind’s journey here on Earth. Thanks be to God the Father in Heaven, who is manifesting Himself in these times more fully to all of humanity, and particularly to those of you who have been called upon to lead humanity into a future world which is the plan of the Father in Heaven, and not the accursed plan of satan and his minions, who are attempting to control all of you under the banner of the New World Order.
I am asking all of you to become ever more vigilant to the plans of these evil doers; many of whom are under the illusion that they are actually working for the betterment of mankind, because they do not recognize who their boss truly is – the master of all lies.
Therefore, there are many reasons for all of you, my brothers and sisters, to seek places of refuge and safe havens to which many of you have been called. The time to prepare is now for relocating to these safe places as you discern such calls through your own discernment as well as through the heavenly messages that are being promulgated to you from many brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, who have remained open to receiving these messages.
I do not want you to become alarmed or in fear that I make this call to you now. There is time for you to make these changes in your daily lives, if you believe you are being called to do so. However, if you believe that you are being led to a place of refuge for the future times when such refuges become necessary for many of you, now is the time to set aside your normal plans in life to focus on the longer plans that you have been called to follow, because you have been drawn to seek a place of refuge, a safe haven that will be necessary for many of you during the worst of times in the transition of your earth from a place that is suppressed gravely by the activities of the evil one to a place without his dark reign, a place where brothers and sisters in Christ can live in harmony to get through the most difficult period of transition during these end times.
For today, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters to set aside a period of time to journey to a nearby place of peace and solitude, so that you may have the time to reflect upon the importance of this message for you.
I ask you particularly to journey to places that have been designated as shrines, where you can take time from your busy schedules to reflect, not only on the next life, but on the beauty of the natural world that you have been provided within this life. For in nature, God has worked miracles in creating the world in which you live. The world is still a place of beauty, bringing you serenity and peace when you travel and journey to these shrines and places of worship, where God can be found not only in the edifices that have been erected for you to worship, but also in the natural surroundings where you can spend time now in prayer and meditation, and in discernment to recognize and understand what it is that the Father in Heaven is asking you to do to be part of the Father’s plan to save mankind from its own destruction.
Recognize that this is a serious call to you individually from the Son and Redeemer to alter your daily lives in these times to recognize the importance of the times in which you live. For events have been happening quite rapidly, and more events will continue to happen more rapidly; events of the End Times that the world needs to experience in order for the New Heaven and the New Earth to be ushered in for all of humanity.
So you must recognize that your mundane and repetitive daily activities must be altered to a certain extent, so that you can give credence to my call to you to prepare yourselves for the End Times events that will continue to evolve.
In order for you to prepare, I ask all of you to bring yourselves to places of peace and serenity, so that you may communicate in prayer and meditation with the Father in Heaven, the Son and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, so that you may prepare yourselves, and then your family members and friends to deal more prayerfully with the future events that will be impacting and affecting all of you.
Take this time now or in the not-too-distant future, for the Father is growing impatient with many of His sons and daughters, who do not even believe in His existence. You may recognize among your own family members and loved ones that there is a loss of faith, particularly among many of you who have fallen for the deceits of the evil one and his new world order to subjugate humanity to a state of feudal enslavement.
The evil one, who resides in the dark realms, would not have been successful as he is here on earth, if it were not for his minions who have turned their lives over to his dominion, and who have been rewarded in ways that are temporary and fleeting and that will disappear over time, especially for those who have been doing the evil one’s work, but who in their blindness, do not actually realize who is the architect of their work.
For those of you who are living in the light of the Father in Heaven, you are already aware of the battle of good versus evil that is being waged in these times, so your mission to convince others of the deceit of the evil one becomes even more important now because of the times in which you live.
Therefore, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters, to pray powerfully now for the discernment to understand what it is that God the Father in Heaven wants of you. I expect that all of you will join with me in this journey now to defeat the evil one and return him to the bowels of perdition. When you are successful as you will be in the not-too-distant future, you will have contributed to the greatest spiritual transformation of humanity since the beginning of time. So be it!
Message ended 1:20pm
Jesus of Nazareth
Visit - DAILY!
Messages from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago (Feb. 25-March 2, 2012)
Messages from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago (Feb. 25-March 2, 2012)
February 25, 2012 (12:40pm)
Tell My beloved children to carry their crosses with patience and resignation. When you unite your sufferings with mine on the cross you receive great benefits for you and for others. You will never know how many lives are affected by your offering of your sufferings. My precious ones be aware of all that is going on now regarding your faith. The enemy through the present administration is trying to destroy your Freedom of Religion by playing havoc with your Constitution. The government has no authority to force the Catholic Church or any other church to pay for abortions and other devices used to prevent conception. You must pray for this to stop before it is too late. You must demand through Congress to put an end to this. Write to your representatives and senators and warn them they will not be elected again if they don’t do everything they can to stop this horrendous situation. Be on your guard to know what is going on in your so-called Catholic Colleges. Your children will lose their faith if they aren’t well grounded in theirs. The professors and teachers in most cases are not teaching the truth. You should check very carefully before you decide which college to send your children to. My dear ones, pay attention as you get closer to the primaries which are important to individual candidates running for office. There will be a lot of underhanded crookedness and stealing of votes if the person the powers behind the scene is not leading in the polls. Don’t get discouraged by the outcome of many of these elections since the Lord is still in control and the situation can change overnight with My help and your prayers. I want you to know that these and other messages given to chosen souls are working and more and more of My children are beginning to see how your country is going down economically as well as spiritually and they are starting to pray to change the outcome. Be of good faith.
I love you, Jesus.
February 26, 2012 (2:49pm)
Tell My beloved children to change their ways for the better. There are so many things you can do to improve your spiritual lives. Think of all the sins you continually commit. Make it your promise to Me to take one of those sins and try every day to eliminate it from your life. Think of how holy you will become when you start every day working on these sins. This way you are conscious of that sin every time you are about to be tempted by it and you can say no to the devil and yes to God. You will have so much more peace knowing that you are making an effort to become a saint. That’s how it happens My children you become so aware of every sin you are guilty of and it makes you conscious of that sin and how it affects you and others. Oh My children by the same method you use to eliminate sin try to do the same in a positive way of bringing virtue into your lives. For instance if you are guilty of pride, ask the Lord for the virtue of humility. Remember there are also sins of omission as well as commission. If you see someone in need and you ignore them and don’t try to help them in some way that is a sin of omission. Just think if everyone reading these messages worked on one sin in their lives what a better world this would be. Now My children, don’t forget to pray for the candidate you feel has the best moral character and integrity and even support him financially if you can. We must get the right person to lead your country which is so desperate for your prayers. We are winning My dear children so continue the momentum.
I love you, Jesus.
February 27, 2012 (9:50am)
Tell My beloved children to stop wasting time on so many trips to the mall. Every time you go there you end up buying things you don’t really need. That money could be better spent on contributions to agencies that serve the poor. You have so many clothes that you don’t even wear and yet you keep buying more. Make an effort to stop buying things you don’t need and giving some of your clothes to charity. Oh My children, there is so much going on right now to see that the person the powers behind the scenes want in. There will be tampering with the machines and outright stealing of votes to keep the one you are praying for out of the race. Don’t pay attention to the results or what the outcome will be. Just stay focused on your prayers and don’t get discouraged. I am in control of what will happen in these elections and if enough prayers are being said and that is a high possibility your candidate will win. We can’t sit back and think all will be well when you get the right person to be your president. This is just a right step in the direction of saving your country. As you have been told the enemy won’t give up this battle and will continue the fight. Your prayers must continue for the safety and protection of your candidate and his family even after he is elected president. There are some in the background who want your candidate to be assassinated so they can blame someone else and start an upheaval in the country and cause military action to take place. You can stop this from happening by your continued prayers and support. Keep up your perseverance in your prayers.
February 28, 2012 (10:16am)
Tell My beloved children to always believe in the faith you were given. This is a gift that some wish they had but somehow they just can’t believe. There are so many of My children who call themselves agnostics because they can’t believe that God exists. In spite of all the signs of proof of His existence, they don’t have the gift of faith and find it difficult to believe in God. Oh My children this is also true of many Catholics who have been raised in the faith. They don’t believe that I am truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. What has happened to my beloved Church? Why are there so very many who believe this is just a symbol and not My Real Presence? Oh My children, there have been priests and seminarians trained in a Theology that is not of the true faith who have become Theologians and spread false facts about the Eucharist. This is why many priests sad to say do not believe in My Real Presence in spite of the fact that they offer Mass. Oh My children many prayers and sacrifices will have to be made to change the way of thinking about the Eucharist which has unfortunately become prevalent in My Church. Won’t you start today asking the Holy Spirit to come upon these unbelievers and inspire them with the truth? So My beloved children, we come back to the elections and what is happening. The powers behind the scenes are preparing for any possible outcome. If their candidate is losing they will fix it so he can win. Whatever has to be done they will do it. Don’t be discouraged My dear ones. You know Who is in control and how the entire situation can change overnight with My help and your prayers. Pray, fast and make sacrifices and We will defeat the enemy.
I love you, Jesus.
February 29, 2012 (9:10am)
Tell My beloved children that their candidate won the election in one of the primaries, but there was stealing of votes and crooked counting that kept him from winning. You see My children there is nothing the powers behind the scenes won’t do to get their candidate elected. They will continue these tactics thinking they are in control of the outcome. They will be so shocked when they realize their plans have been defeated. You must not stop praying My dear ones. You are on the right side of the issue so don’t give up the fight. The battle is still on and will continue even after the elections are over. As you know by now the enemy is everywhere and will work his mischief at every opportunity he can get using others to carry out his schemes. My children, now that the weather seems to be getting more mild around the country, don’t let your guard down. Be prepared for major temperature changes and radical winds and rain and major storms and earthquakes. Make sure you have plenty of water and food to sustain you in the weeks and months to come. Most importantly be prepared spiritually by having blessed candles, holy water, holy pictures, blessed medals, and blessed salt, etc. Sprinkle blessed salt around the perimeter of your house to keep the demons out. Some of you hearing this for the first time will say how ridiculous this is, but My dear ones, Jesus is telling you this will protect your family. Trust me. My beloved children there is no need to fear or have anxiety over these messages. As long as you follow the words and advice of these messages you and your family will be protected. I’m counting on your continued prayers, fasting, and sacrifices.
I love you, Jesus.
March 1, 2012 (9:20am)
Tell My beloved children to stay close to My dear Mother and Mediatrix of all Graces. Her prayers from you come directly to Me and She has great influence with My Heart. She has been so left out of My Church and needs to have a more prominent place. She can help you gain many graces when you have a devotion to Her. It breaks My Heart to see Her dishonored by the atheists who hate God and My Mother. They treat Her with such contempt and blasphemy. She is so pure and holy and loves all of you even those who treat Her with such dishonor. My children, if you have Mary in your life and ask for Her intercession, you won’t go too far astray. My Protestant children are missing so much by not knowing My Mother. Those who have started their own denominations have left Her out because the devil convinced them to. Oh My children, there are so many ways My Mother can help My beloved children. She has been sent into the world to help bring it back into Christianity. So many of your leaders around the world have such a disdain for Christianity and they want to wipe it out of humanity. Only prayer will help get Christian values back where they are intended to be. This is why it is so imperative to get a real Christian pro-life candidate for your president. A good leader will make his decisions based on Christian principles and values. A bad leader will try to leave God out of all his decisions. My dear ones, your prayers are being heard and they are making a big impact on the one who they are intended for. Keep your prayers sacrifices and fasting continually coming and we will get the best man to lead your country elected.
I love you, Jesus.
March 2, 2012 (8:46am)
Tell My beloved children to take care of their responsibilities regarding their health. It is so important to stay healthy. It is your responsibility to eat the right foods to protect your health. So many of you eat unhealthy foods with too much sugar and fat. If you read the bible you will notice the diet consisted mainly of bread, cheese, fruits, vegetables and fish. There was very little meat and starches. My children you are killing yourselves with your poor diet. So many of my young people are having heart attacks and strokes. Much of this is brought on by too much stress in your lives. You are trying to do too much without asking for My help. You don’t know how to relax and enjoy the gifts of nature given as My gift to you. There are so many things you can do to improve your health. Start cutting down on the amount of salt and sugar you consume. So many of My children are obese and they feed their children the same way they eat which will eventually cause them to have trouble with their weight as they get older. My dear ones, I have been telling you through these messages to be prepared physically and very few are taking these words seriously. The administration is behind wanting gas prices to go high. This is another way to control what you can do. Get to the store while you can still afford gas and get food supplies and water for any emergency that may occur. This could come in many ways. There could be electric outages, your water may become contaminated, or even weather conditions could cause your family major problems. So My children, I am telling you again, to be prepared. You have no idea what the evil one can do to cause havoc in your lives. Continue your prayers, fasting, and sacrifices to get a good president. This is essential for your country to survive. Remember dear ones, fear is not of the Lord. You must trust with all your heart and you will be at peace. I am with you.
I love you, Jesus.
Message to Ned Dougherty March 1, 2012
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, New York, USA ? March 1, 2012 at 12:45pm
My son,
I have brought you here today to this beautiful shrine dedicated to my earthly Mother, the Queen of the Universe. For I am calling upon you now, as well as I am calling upon all brothers and sisters, to take this moment in time to reflect on the events that are happening around the world. Recognize that this is also a time now to allow yourselves to get away from the turmoil that life entails - in order to find yourselves centering in prayer and meditation - for these are the times that are most difficult for all of you on your journey through your lives.
I am certain that all of you recognize that your lives are being affected by turmoil and change now more than ever before. This is happening because of all the events that are happening around the world, as well as the events in your own personal lives.
You are now in a period of time for humanity, when much about the world in which you live no longer makes sense, because of all the turmoil, the chaos, and the confusion that reigns in the world in these times. This is because the adversary of your Redeemer, who is also your own personal adversary, is hell bent on capturing as many souls as he possibly can, as he breathes his last gasps of fire and brimstone upon humanity.
He clearly knows that his time is short to reign here on earth, and he is taking this opportunity to bring failure and misfortune to as many of you as he can. You probably are aware of his evil works within your own families, in your relationships with each other, as well as with your extended family members and friends in your communities as well as around the world.
The world is in a state of flux now. Everything seems to be destabilized, and more and more, you are seeing that natural events are happening that are affecting you geo-physically, as the planet is experiencing a great shaking that will bring about a renewal of mankind’s journey here on Earth. Thanks be to God the Father in Heaven, who is manifesting Himself in these times more fully to all of humanity, and particularly to those of you who have been called upon to lead humanity into a future world which is the plan of the Father in Heaven, and not the accursed plan of satan and his minions, who are attempting to control all of you under the banner of the New World Order.
I am asking all of you to become ever more vigilant to the plans of these evil doers; many of whom are under the illusion that they are actually working for the betterment of mankind, because they do not recognize who their boss truly is – the master of all lies.
Therefore, there are many reasons for all of you, my brothers and sisters, to seek places of refuge and safe havens to which many of you have been called. The time to prepare is now for relocating to these safe places as you discern such calls through your own discernment as well as through the heavenly messages that are being promulgated to you from many brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, who have remained open to receiving these messages.
I do not want you to become alarmed or in fear that I make this call to you now. There is time for you to make these changes in your daily lives, if you believe you are being called to do so. However, if you believe that you are being led to a place of refuge for the future times when such refuges become necessary for many of you, now is the time to set aside your normal plans in life to focus on the longer plans that you have been called to follow, because you have been drawn to seek a place of refuge, a safe haven that will be necessary for many of you during the worst of times in the transition of your earth from a place that is suppressed gravely by the activities of the evil one to a place without his dark reign, a place where brothers and sisters in Christ can live in harmony to get through the most difficult period of transition during these end times.
For today, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters to set aside a period of time to journey to a nearby place of peace and solitude, so that you may have the time to reflect upon the importance of this message for you.
I ask you particularly to journey to places that have been designated as shrines, where you can take time from your busy schedules to reflect, not only on the next life, but on the beauty of the natural world that you have been provided within this life. For in nature, God has worked miracles in creating the world in which you live. The world is still a place of beauty, bringing you serenity and peace when you travel and journey to these shrines and places of worship, where God can be found not only in the edifices that have been erected for you to worship, but also in the natural surroundings where you can spend time now in prayer and meditation, and in discernment to recognize and understand what it is that the Father in Heaven is asking you to do to be part of the Father’s plan to save mankind from its own destruction.
Recognize that this is a serious call to you individually from the Son and Redeemer to alter your daily lives in these times to recognize the importance of the times in which you live. For events have been happening quite rapidly, and more events will continue to happen more rapidly; events of the End Times that the world needs to experience in order for the New Heaven and the New Earth to be ushered in for all of humanity.
So you must recognize that your mundane and repetitive daily activities must be altered to a certain extent, so that you can give credence to my call to you to prepare yourselves for the End Times events that will continue to evolve.
In order for you to prepare, I ask all of you to bring yourselves to places of peace and serenity, so that you may communicate in prayer and meditation with the Father in Heaven, the Son and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, so that you may prepare yourselves, and then your family members and friends to deal more prayerfully with the future events that will be impacting and affecting all of you.
Take this time now or in the not-too-distant future, for the Father is growing impatient with many of His sons and daughters, who do not even believe in His existence. You may recognize among your own family members and loved ones that there is a loss of faith, particularly among many of you who have fallen for the deceits of the evil one and his new world order to subjugate humanity to a state of feudal enslavement.
The evil one, who resides in the dark realms, would not have been successful as he is here on earth, if it were not for his minions who have turned their lives over to his dominion, and who have been rewarded in ways that are temporary and fleeting and that will disappear over time, especially for those who have been doing the evil one’s work, but who in their blindness, do not actually realize who is the architect of their work.
For those of you who are living in the light of the Father in Heaven, you are already aware of the battle of good versus evil that is being waged in these times, so your mission to convince others of the deceit of the evil one becomes even more important now because of the times in which you live.
Therefore, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters, to pray powerfully now for the discernment to understand what it is that God the Father in Heaven wants of you. I expect that all of you will join with me in this journey now to defeat the evil one and return him to the bowels of perdition. When you are successful as you will be in the not-too-distant future, you will have contributed to the greatest spiritual transformation of humanity since the beginning of time. So be it!
Message ended 1:20pm
Jesus of Nazareth
Visit - DAILY!
Great Tribulations Coming
February 28, 2012
word is open and honest for all the world to see. There is great
tribulations coming to your world.
One in which will impact many people. So all of you must pray hard and
open yourselves to my word so you will be saved. The devil will try to
stop you in this mission. You must ignore every temptation from him to
despair. Remember always my temptations in the desert. I understand how
hard this can be, how painful. Come to me and my Father for rest from
these temptations. I fasted in order to rebuke the devil. You must
do this too. You can complete your mission and I will help you. I am
always here with help and love. My word is an open book when calling out
for help. Please turn to me when you are in need of aid. I will satisfy
your needs. I promise. Please believe me. All is well in the kingdom
because all of you are completing your missions for me. Thank you.
said in Way of Divine Love to encourage souls and give them peace and
to show the astounding, wonderful love Jesus has for us!
104 ~ "A soul
will profit even after the greatest sins, if she humbles herself. It
is pride that provokes My Father's wrath, and it is loathed by Him with
infinite hatred."
109 ~ "Ah, if souls only understood how ardently I desire to
communicate Myself to them! But how few do understand...and how deeply
this wounds My Heart." "I am the one joy of souls. Why do they go
away from Me? I would condone their falls... and I am not unmindful of
their wretchedness, but what I want is that they should not remain deaf
to My appeal and that they should not turn away from the arms
outstretched to raise them up. "
118 ~ He said to Josefa:
"I want you to comfort Me. Great is the coldness of souls...and how
many blindly throw themselves into hell. If I were unable to find souls
to solace Me and draw down mercy, justice could no longer be
restrained. My love for souls is so great that I am consumed with
desire to save them. But O! how many are lost, and how numerous are
those who are waiting for the sacrifices and sufferings that are to
obtain for them the grace to forsake their evil ways...However, I still
have many souls who love and belong to Me. A single one of them can
purchase pardon for a great many others who are cold and ungrateful. I
want you to throw yourself into My Heart and to make My glory your sole
Pg: ll9 ~ Our Lord allayed Josefa's fears, and gave her the secret of courage.
"Let your sole occupation be to love Me; Love will give you strength."
l20 ~ "Do not worry about your miseries; My Heart is the Throne of
Mercy and the most wretched are the best welcomed, as long as they come
to lose themselves in the abyss of My love."
234 ~ "There are souls who during life and for all eternity are called
to give Me not only the glory they owe Me themselves, but also that
which other souls who are lost should have given Me...In this way My
glory is not impaired and a just soul is able to make reparation for
many others."
235 ~ "Do not be astonished...In
spite of the number of offenses committed by sinners, My Heart is
consoled, for I have many who love Me. I do indeed feel keenly the loss
of so many souls...but this sorrow does not cloud My glory. Understand
this well, Josefa, when a souls loves Me, she can make up for many who
offend Me, and this relieves My Heart."
240~ "When a soul comes to Me for strength, I do not leave her to
herself; I hold her up, and if in her weakness she stumbles, I will
raise her
Pg. 241 ~ "If your unworthiness and your sins are great, come and
immerse them in
torrent of My Heart's Blood and let yourself be purified. Then accept
generously all the sufferings My will sends you, and offer them up to My
Heavenly Father. Your heart should burn with desire to console an
outraged God, and repair for so many sins through My merit."
242 ~ "Tell me, do you know a Heart more loving than Mine, and any
that meets with less response to Its love? Is there a Heart to be found
that consumes itself with greater willingness to forgive? And yet in
payment for so much love I receive only great outrages. Poor
souls...let us go and ask pardon, and repair for their sins." Prayer:
"O My Father, have pity on souls. Do not chastise them as they
deserve, but have mercy on them according to the entreaties of thy Son. I
long to make
reparation for their sins, and render thee the glory which is due Thee,
O God, infinitely holy! But cast Thine eyes on Thy Son, He is the
Victim who will expiate all these sins."
243 ~ "It was My intention, also, to show souls that I never refuse
grace even to those who are guilty of grave sin; nor do I separate them
from the good whom I love with predilection. I keep them all in My
Heart, that all may receive the help required by their state of soul..."
252 ~ "If I ask your love, do not refuse it. It is so easy to love
Love Itself. If I should ask you for things that cost, know that at the
same time I will give you all
the grace and strength you need to conquer yourself." " I hope to find
in you My comfort, therefore have I chosen you. Open your whole soul to
me, and if you are conscious of having nothing worthy of Me, say with
humility and trust: Lord, Thou knowest both the flowers and fruits of my
garden...come and teach me how I may grow what will please Thee most.
To one who speaks in this way and has a genuine desire of showing love,
I answer: Beloved, if such is your desire, suffer Me to grow them for
you...let me delve and dig in your garden...let Me clear the ground of
those sinewy roots that obstruct it and which you have not the strength
to pull up...Maybe I shall ask you to give up certain tastes, or
sacrifice something in your some act of charity or
patience, or self-denial... or perhaps prove your love by zeal,
obedience or abnegation; all such deeds help to fertilize the soil of
your soul, which then will be able to
produce the flowers and fruit I look for: your self-conquest will
obtain light for a sinner...your ready patience under provocation will
heal the wounds he inflicted on Me, will repair for his offense and
expiate his fault...a reproof accepted patiently and even with joy will
obtain for a sinner blinded by pride the grace to let light penetrate
his soul and the courage to beg pardon humbly." "All this I will do
for you if you will give Me freedom. Then will blossoms grow quickly in
your soul, and you will be the consolation of My Heart. "Yes, My
beloved, even your falls comfort Me. Do not be discouraged, for this act
of humility which your fault drew from you has consoled Me more than if
you had not fallen. Take courage, go forward steadily, and let Me
train you."
I know this is long, but one can apply sooo much to come closer to Our Beloved Lord,
Jesus! Peace and love
Clarification: Messages are in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church Maria Divine Mercy
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 @ 01:55 pm
Maria wishes to make it clear to all that she is a Roman Catholic.
also wishes it to be known that the teachings of the Catholic Church
are fully supported within the context of these messages.
In the messages she believes to be from God the Father it is clearly stated that the Catholic Church is the one true church.
people choose to interpret the messages in that they are not in
accordance with the Catholic Church then this is completely outside of
her control. All messages are in line
with the teachings of the Catholic Church according to the various
Catholic theologians who support these messages.
Holy Love Feb.27,2012
February 27, 2012
St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus."
are many treasures people seek in the world today - financial security,
freedom, power - to name a few; but the treasure people should seek is
Truth. Truth uncovers the enemy of every soul and redirects souls onto
the path of righteousness if it
is accepted in the heart."
is the answer to the economic and political mayhem gripping the heart
of the world today. Truth calls people to personal holiness, righteous
wisdom and true discernment as opposed to rash judgment. Truth calls
people to prayer. It does not scatter but unites. Truth is like a
filter which separates good from evil. Truth is the grace of living in
Holy Love."
February 27, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born
brothers and sisters, if you have Holy Love in your hearts, it is
easier for you to accept My Father's Will in the present moment; but if
the Holy Love in your heart is weak, it becomes most difficult to
surrender. Therefore, I encourage you once again, pray for deep virtue
of Holy Love."
"Tonight I am imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
God the
Father: The balm you so desperately need to calm your souls
Sunday, February 26th, 2012 @ 09:45 pm
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 01 - Experience this peace
remains among us until the end of the world. He dwells on so many
altars, though so often offended and profaned" (St. Maximilian Kolbe).
Mother Teresa -
Jesus said, " Learn of me for I am meek and humble of
The naked truth is the magnet to draw hearts
Meditations by Padre Pio -
with simplicity in the ways of the Lord and do not torment your spirit.
Your must hate your faults, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and
restless. We must be patient with them and gain from them through holy
humility. Without that patience, instead of diminishing, your
imperfections will increase constantly, as there is nothing that
nourishes our defects like restlessness, and the haste to drive them
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How we have lowered the moral bar
growth of democracy has done much to do away with a false social
snobbishness and to keep men humble in their external relations. But it
has also, from another point of view, weakened the respect for Goodness
and Truth, inasmuch as the masses of people are generally inclined to
equate morality with the general level of society at any given moment."
St. Faustina's diary -
to You, Eternal Love, my Sweet Jesus, who have condescended to dwell in
my heart! I salute You, O glorious Godhead who have deigned to stoop to
me, and out of love for me have so emptied Yourself as to assume the
insignificant form of bread. I salute You, Jesus, never-fading flower of
humanity. You are all there is for my soul. Your love is purer than a
lily, and Your
presence is more pleasing to me than the fragrance of a hyacinth. Your
friendship is more tender and subtle than the scent of a rose, and yet
it is stronger than death. O Jesus, incomprehensible beauty, it is with
pure souls that You communicate best, because they alone are capable of
heroism and sacrifice. O sweet, rose-red blood of Jesus, ennoble my
blood and change it into Your own blood, and let this be done to me
according to Your good pleasure. (1575)
my Jesus, if You yourself do not soothe the longing of my soul, then no
one can either comfort or soothe it. Your every approach arouses new
raptures of love in my soul, but also a new agony; because, despite all
Your approaches to my soul, even the most exceptional, I am still loving
You from a distance, and my heart dies in an ecstasy of love; because
this is still not the complete and eternal union, although You commune
with me so very often unveiled
[as if face to face]; nevertheless, You thereby open in my soul and
heart an abyss of love and desire for You, my God, and this bottomless
abyss, this total desiring of God, cannot be completely filled on this
earth. (1600)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Our Lady speaks of peace in this monthly message:
Children, today I thank you and I want to invite you all to God's
peace. I want each of you to
experience, in your heart, this peace which only God can give. I bless
you with God's blessing and beseech you to live, dear children, in the
way I have shown you.
I love you, dear children, which is why I do not count the number of times I have called you—and continue to call you.
thank you for all you have done according to my wishes. Help me,
please, that I may present you to God and guide you to salvation."
(Monthly Message June 25, 1987).
And in John's gospel, Christ gives his peace to his disciples:
the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to
you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to
you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not
let them be afraid. (Jn 14:26-27)
effect of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is often a deep and
lasting peace. Unlike the world's peace, which is only the absence of
conflict, this peace lives in us as a confident assurance in all
circumstances. With Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the past,
present, or future.
today on this
line from the philosopher Baruch Spinoza: "Peace is not an absence of
war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence,
confidence, and justice."
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 28 - Experience in your heart, this peace
Bl. Angela of Foligno, Widow & Mother (Italy) 1248-1309—Feast, February 28
with love for us, [Jesus] You desired to give Yourself to us and took
up Your dwelling in the consecrated Host, entirely and forever, until
the end of time. And You did this, not only to give us a memorial of
Your death which is our salvation, but You did it also, to remain with
us entirely and forever" (Bl. Angela of Foligno, Third Order
Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for you."
Mother Teresa -
Holiness is the greatest gift that God can give us because for that reason He created us.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
for the wicked, pray for the lukewarm, pray even for fervent souls, but
pray especially for the Supreme Pontiff, for all the Spiritual and
temporal needs of Holy Church, our most tender Mother. A special prayer
for all those who are working for the salvation of souls and for God's
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
What goes up must come down!
all moments of high sensible exaltation are followed by a
period of depression. This is particularly true in any experience which
has to do with the flesh. Drunkenness is followed by the hangover,
excesses by disgust, the dream stage of opium by disenchanting
depression. The body cannot sustain continued pleasure. Even tickling
can turn into pain."
St. Faustina's diary
that moment, love for Jesus was enkindled so strongly in my heart that,
offering myself for ungrateful souls, I immersed myself completely in
Him. When I came to my senses, the Lord allowed me to taste a little of
the ingratitude which flooded His Heart. This experience lasted for a
short while. (1538)
Lord said to me, I am delighted with your love. Your sincere love is as
pleasing to My Heart as the fragrance of a rosebud at morningtide,
before the
sun has taken the dew from it. The freshness of your heart captivates
Me; that is why I unite Myself with you more closely than with any other
creature... (1546)
O Everlasting Love, Jesus, who have enclosed Yourself in the Host,
And therein hide Your divinity and conceal Your beauty,
You do this in order to give Yourself, whole and entire, to my soul
And in order not to terrify it with Your greatness.
O Everlasting Love,
Jesus, who have shrouded Yourself with bread,
Eternal Light, incomprehensible Fountain of joy and happiness,
Because You want to be heaven on earth to me,
That indeed You are, when Your love, O God, imparts itself to me. (1569)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Our Lady speaks of peace in this monthly message:
Children, today I thank you and I want to invite you all to
God's peace. I want each of you to experience, in your heart, this
peace which only God can give. I bless you with God's blessing and
beseech you to live, dear children, in the way I have shown you.
I love you, dear children, which is why I do not count the number of times I have called you-and continue to call you.
thank you for all you have done according to my wishes. Help me,
please, that I may present you to God and guide you to salvation.
"(Monthly Message June 25, 1987).
And in John's gospel, Christ gives his peace to his
the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to
you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to
you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not
let them be afraid. (Jn 14 :26-27)
effect of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is often a deep and
lasting peace. Unlike the world's peace, which is only the absence of
conflict, this peace lives in us as a confident assurance in all
circumstances. With Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the past,
present, or future.
today on this line from the philosopher Baruch Spinoza: "Peace is not
an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for
benevolence, confidence, and justice."
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 27 - Ask then, for all that you need
Message of February 25, 2007
children! Open your heart to God's mercy in this Lenten time. The
Heavenly Father desires to deliver each of you from the slavery of sin.
Therefore, little children, make good use of this time and through
meeting with God in confession, leave sin and decide for holiness. Do
out of love for Jesus, who redeemed you all with His blood, that you
may be happy and in peace. Do not forget, little children: your freedom
is your weakness, therefore follow my messages with seriousness. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
Message of February 25, 2006
children! In this Lenten time of grace, I call you to open your hearts
to the gifts that God desires to give you. Do not be closed, but with
prayer and renunciation say `yes' to God and He will give to you in
abundance. As in springtime the earth opens to the seed and yields a
hundredfold, so also your heavenly Father will give to you in abundance.
I am with you and love you, little children, with a tender love. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
Our Lady of the Eucharistic Heart, I
beg you to give Jesus to souls!"
morning, at the end of my meditation, I was suddenly given to
understand clearly that my duty now, and my task in eternity, until the
end of the world, is and will be, through the Blessed Virgin, to send
forth rays from the Heart of Jesus on all souls." (Bl. Dina Belanger)
invocation responds better to the immense desire of my Eucharistic
Heart to reign in souls than: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, may your
kingdom come through the immaculate Heart of Mary." (Words of Jesus to
Bl. Dina Belanger)
Mother Teresa -
Whatever you do, even if you help somebody cross the road, you do it to
Even if you give somebody a glass of water, you do it to Jesus.
Such a simple little teaching, but it is so important.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
don't be afflicted to the point of losing your interior peace. Pray
with perseverance, trust, and a serene and calm mind.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Only God can promise and provide perfect bliss!
all human love it must be realized that every man promises a woman, and
every woman promises a man, that which only God alone can give, namely,
perfect happiness. One of the
reasons why so many marriages are shipwrecked is because as the young
couple leave the altar, they fail to realize that human feelings tire
and that the enthusiasm of the honeymoon is not the same as the more
solid happiness of enduring human love."
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
The following message was given to Marija while she was in America in Nov.1988 :
invite you to pray and to give
yourselves completely to God. I will give you strength and help you
whenever you are in need; ask then, for all that you need, for I will
intercede for you in God's presence. " (Special Message November
trusting Our Lady to give us all that we need, we will find at the same
time that our trust in God will grow ever stronger :
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
A stronghold in times of trouble.
And those who know
your name put their trust in
For you, O Lord,
have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9
Reflection :
Lord never forsakes those who seek and trust him; nor can Our Lady, who
is forever faithful as her Son. Although loss of suffering may wound us
deeply, our God is as close as a whispered prayer. We can trust him to
heal us.
This is the spirit of trust that John Cardinal Newman expressed in the following prayer :
"God created me to do him some definite service; he has committed some work to me which he has not
committed to another. I have my mission—I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.
am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not
created me for naught. I shall do good. I shall do his work. I shall be
an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not
intending it—if I do but keep his commandments.
wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my
sickness may serve him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve him; if I
am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve him. He does nothing in vain. He
knows what he is about. He may take away my friends, he may throw me
strangers, he may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my
future from me—still he knows what he is about. Therefore I will trust him.
Applications :
Simply reflect on Cardinal Newman's prayer once more today. You may wish to offer it especially in anxious or troubled times.
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 26 - COME TO MASS
"Behold this Heart which so much loved men, that it spared nothing, even to
exhaust Itself, in order to give them
testimony of Its love...," (words of
Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque when He appeared to her before the
Blessed Sacrament). As Jesus spoke, flames burst from His Heart symbolizing
His burning love for us and His great desire that we love Him. Jesus
promised to extend great love and mercy to those who adore and honor Him in
the Holy Eucharist! (From our June 2002 "Could You Not Watch One Hour With
Me?" newsletter. The entire text may be viewed at the Newsletters section of
the website at
Mother Teresa -
His love for us led Christ to Gethsemane and to
Meditations by Padre Pio -
regards what you tell me you hear when meditating, you can be sure that
the deceit is diabolic. Therefore, be careful and vigilant. Never fail
to meditate as a result of this, otherwise you can be sure that you will
be beaten later on in everything.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Only God can promise and provide perfect bliss!
all human love it must be realized that every man promises a woman, and
every woman promises a man, that
which only God alone can give, namely, perfect happiness. One of the
reasons why so many marriages are shipwrecked is because as the young
couple leave the altar, they fail to realize that human feelings tire
and that the enthusiasm of the honeymoon is not the same as the more
solid happiness of enduring human love."
St. Faustina's diary
the love of God is transporting me into the other world. I am all
immersed in love; I love and feel that I am loved, and with full
consciousness I experience this. My soul is drowning in the Lord,
realizing the great Majesty of God and its own littleness; but through
this knowledge my happiness increases... This awareness is so vivid in
the soul, so powerful and, at the same time, so sweet. (1500)
love, pure flame,
burn in my heart ceaselessly and deify my whole being, according to
Your infinite pleasure by which You summoned me into existence and
called me to take part in Your everlasting happiness. O merciful Lord,
it is only out of mercy that You have lavished these gifts upon me.
Seeing all these free gifts within me, with deep humility I worship Your
incomprehensible goodness. Lord, my heart is filled with amazement that
You, absolute Lord, in need of no one, would nevertheless stoop so low
out of pure love for us. I can never help being amazed that the Lord
would have such an intimate relationship with His creatures. That again
is His unfathomable goodness. Every time I begin this meditation, I
never finish it, because my spirit becomes entirely drowned in Him. What
a delight it is to love with all the force of one's soul and to be
loved even more in return, to feel and experience this with the full
consciousness of one's being. There are no words to express this.
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Today Our Lady speaks of love and the Eucharist :
Children, I wish to tell you that this is a special time for you and
the parish. During the summer, you said that you had a great deal of
work. But the work in the fields is now finished, and so I call you now
to work on yourselves! Come to Mass, the time is now
children, there are many who come to Mass, even in the worst weather,
because they love me and want to prove their love. Now I call you to
show me your love by coming to Mass. The Lord will reward you abundantly
(Weekly Message November 21st, 1985)
St. Paul also speaks of the Eucharist :
I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord
Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when
he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body that is for
you. Do this in remembrance of me. " In the same way, he took the cup
also, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood.
Do this, as often as
you drink it, in remembrance of me. " For as often as you eat this
bread and drink this cup, your proclaim the Lord's death until he comes
(1 Cor 11 :23-26).
Reflection :
Mass has come down to us as the greatest gift God could give his people
: the gift of himself. Once Vicka, one of the visionaries of
Medjugorje, was asked to identify the most important thing in her life.
She responded :
Blessed Mother has led me to understand that the center of my life is
the Eucharist, which is Jesus, who is God. In the Mass, we are receiving
Jesus, who is alive. In this sacrament we are really receiving Jesus,
his own body and blood. We must be prepared to receive Christ alive.
We must do this consciously, knowing what it means to receive him
alive. Then we can experience Jesus' real presence within us and around
reverence for the Eucharist extends to the point that, when once asked
if she had to choose between an apparition of the Gospâ or receiving
holy communion, she responded that she would choose the Eucharist, for
that was the gift of God himself.
Application :
does your devotion to the Eucharist compare to that of Vicka's? Given
the great importance of this gift, could you participate in it more
frequently ?
Medjugorje - Our Lady's February 25, 2012
Message, 25. February 2012
children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the
heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and
meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life
for you
My daughter to those of My children called
proclaim My Holy Word to prepare the earth for the Coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ I have this to say.
My children, who know Me, your beloved Father, must fight against the
temptations placed before you every minute of the day.
have been filled with the Holy Spirit through a special blessing given
to the world by My Son on 10th May 2011 you must understand the
responsibilities you now face.
Because you are joining as one army which will form the beginning of My remnant army on earth you will be
attacked on all sides.
Your faith and allegiance to Me, your beloved Father and My precious Son Jesus Christ will be tested beyond your endurance.
You will, by following My Son, have to bear the weight of His cross and this won’t be easy.
You will be filled with doubts, interior sufferings and trials and, at times, you will want to turn your back.
Many people
in whom you trust may try to discourage you.
will be told that you are imagining things, that you suffer from
delusions and then you will be mocked, sneered at and rejcted.
You may even find that you will succumb to lies and deceit which will be designed to persuade you to reject these messages.
will require tremendous faith and courage to take up your cross and
follow My Son to help prepare humanity for His Glorious Return to earth.
You will be tripped and traps will
be set.
Never fall into the trap of being asked to judge people if they don’t accept these messages.
Never fight another when defending My Holy Will.
Love each other.
Show patience to those who not only sneer and find fault with these messages but who pour
scorn on you as a person.
Remain silent. Show patience. Show love to those who profess to speak in My name.
Never judge another in My name for you do not have the authority.
Never slander another in My name. When you do this you break My Commandments.
Pray for those who hurt you, even when it is in My name.
Children I need you to unite as
Throw all your indifferences aside.
The poor souls who need your attention are not those who are already converted but those who do not know Me at all.
Pray now for all of My children who know nothing about Me.
for those who do know about Me but who refuse to acknowledge Me, their Creator, their beloved Father who loves them tenderly.
I wish to unite all of My children.
I urge you to drop all your weapons of fear, anger and impatience and allow Me to take you on the journey to Paradise.
journey will be torturous but the love and peace you will find at the
end will be the balm you so desperately need to calm your souls.
Calmness children is
Patience is needed.
for one another, including those who hurt or offend you, is essential
in order to enter the Reign of My Beloved Son in the New Heaven and
Earth in the Paradise I promised you so long ago.
Your Beloved Father
God the Most High
February 25, 2012 Medjugorje Message
Today, February 25, 2012, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Marija and delivered the following message:
children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the
heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and
meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life
for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your
peace and the joy of
living. Thank you for having responded to my call."
There will be no death. No illness. No sin in the New Paradise
Friday, February 24th, 2012 @ 03:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter you must never forget that, despite My stern warnings to humanity, I hold a
very special love in my heart for all of My children.
It is necessary to purify the earth now for were I to return now it would not be fit for Me to walk upon it.
When mankind has been purified only those with love for Me and My Eternal Father will remain.
My chosen generation will be with Me for eternity. This Paradise will offer 1,000 years of peace, love and
After this period the second resurrection of the dead will take place.
Only then can eternal life be offered to all souls with the light of God shining through them.
Why do you hesitate My daughter don’t you know that these prophesies have been foretold?
Let no man misunderstand. You, children of this generation, will be given the gift of living in the
Paradise, even more beautiful than that prepared for Adam and Eve.
Age will be non-existent as man will live in peace with families of generations.
So much love and enjoyment will be an everyday occurrence. Finally you will be accorded true lasting peace in your souls.
would this not be possible? This is the earth that was planned by My
Father whose Divine Will, will at last finally be realised on earth as
it is in Heaven.
Rejoice all of you. The New Paradise is to be
welcomed with excitement and anticipation.
There will be no death. No illness. No sin. You will be given the gift of eternal happiness.
for those who, through sin and disobedience, will forfeit any claim to
their rightful inheritance which was planned by My Eternal Father since
the beginning of time.
Your Beloved Jesus
edjugorje Day By Day Feb 25 - Shine for others
reference to the Blood
that flowed from the wounds of the Crucified Christ, especially from
the wound in his side, evoke[s] the significance of the Eucharistic
Sacrament. The Church 'de Eucharistia vivit' (lives on the Eucharist),
because from that Blood she comes into being and draws vigor for her
daily commitment to the task of announcing the Gospel." (Pope John Paul
II, February 19, 2005)
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"O Heart of God, adorable Heart!
Heart, object of my total love,
Worthy of boundless love Thou art
Who lovest me all bounds above....
"Pardon, O Sacred Heart, those who
Thy Blessed Sacrament....
Pardon my lack of quickened sense
To savor well Thy banquet spread,
My languid, dull indifference
Though by the Bread of Angels fed....
"I love Thee, Heart all lovable;
I long, yes ardently I thirst
To love Thee wholly, knowing well
That Thou indeed didst love me first."
(From the hymn "Reparation to the Heart of Jesus," by St. Louis de Montfort)
Pope John Paul II
Cardinal Kuharic - Primate of
Croatia - "The Mother of God ? as Queen of Peace has called in
Medjugorje for conversion and peace? In her messages in the Church and
in the world the Blessed Virgin Mary calls Jesus' call to awareness:
"The time is fulfilled!" ? We want now to entrust, devote and consecrate
ourselves to her, the Queen of Peace!" Medjugorje and the Church, Sr
Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 22
Mother Teresa
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Truth
Jesus is the Life
We too must be:
the Light of Charity
the Truth of Humility
the Life of Sanctity
Meditations by Padre Pio -
am absolutely unable to consider, in an indulgent manner, your
neglecting Holy Communion, not to mention holy meditation. Remember that
the only way to gain salvation
is through prayer; you cannot win the battle without prayer. So the
choice is up to you.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Hate the sin and offenses, but love the sinner and offender
has been my lot to spend much time with men who have suffered in
prisons, death marches, Siberia, concentration camps and other forms of
Communist tortures. But I have never known any one of them who ever said
a harsh word against his persecutors. Like some trees which bathe with
perfume the ax which cuts them, they had nothing but pardon for those
who did them violence. They hated Communism, but they loved the
St. Faustina's diary
my most sweet Master, good Jesus, I give You my heart. You shape and
mold it after Your liking. O fathomless Love, I open the calyx of my
heart to You, like a rosebud to the freshness of dew. To You alone, my
Betrothed, is known the fragrance of the flower of my heart. Let the
fragrance of my sacrifice be pleasing to You. O Immortal God, my
everlasting delight, already here on earth You are my heaven. May every
beat of my heart be a new hymn of praise to You, O Holy Trinity! Had I
as many hearts as there are drops of water in the ocean or grains of
sand in the whole world, I would offer them all to You, O my Love, O
Treasure of my heart! Whomever I shall meet in my life, no matter who
they may be, I
to draw them all to love You, O my Jesus, my Beauty, my Repose, my sole
Master, Judge, Savior and Spouse, all in one; I know that one title
will modify the other - I have entrusted everything to Your mercy.
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Blessed Virgin calls us to be a light for others "Thank you for the
things you have
renounced during Lent. Most of all, renounce sin. Be a light so you can
shine for others. Encourage them to pray, fast, and do penance. Give
your love to others (Visionary Prayer Group Feb 22, 1988)
Ephesians also calls us to light :
once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as
children of light?for the fruit of the light is found in all that is
good and right true.
Try to find out
what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of
darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention
what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light
becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore
it say, "Sleeper, awake! Rise form the dead, and Christ will shine on
you " (Eph 5 :8-14)
Reflection :
most celebrated lighthouse of antiquity was the one erected by Ptolemy
Soter on the island of Pharos, opposite Alexandria. The historian
Josephus says it could be seen at a distance of 42 miles. It was one of
the 7 wonders of the ancient world. A holy life produces the deepest
impression on others. Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine. And so
Our Lady urges us today to, "Be light, shine for others, " and St. Paul
asks that we, "Live as children of light. " How ? By living the
messages of the Blessed Mother, the basic gospel message. For there are
two ways of spreading light : to be the candle, or the mirror that
reflects it.
Application :
For meditation today : "To reflect God in all that
is, both here and now, my heart must be a mirror empty, bright and clear " (Angelus Silesius).
Message, 25. February 2012
children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the
heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and
meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life
for you
Holy Love Feb.24, 2012
February 24, 2012
St. Rita of Cascia says: "Praise be to Jesus."
have come to state yet again that the more the soul surrenders to God's
Divine Will, the deeper his holiness. The journey through the Chambers
of the United Hearts is the path of surrender to God's Will."
greatest barrier to this pathway is disordered self-interest, for this
is what opens the soul to sin. No sin is committed outside of this
inordinate self-love; that is to say, Holy Love opens the heart to
recognize sin and to avoid it. Holy Love takes the
off of self and directs the soul's attention towards God and neighbor.
This is God's Divine Will."
February 24, 2012
Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and
within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
brothers and sisters, throughout this Penitential Season, embrace the
crosses you are given so that I can reach all hearts with the Truth;
then, once it is exposed, it can be acted upon."
"Tonight I am imparting to you My Blessing of
Divine Love."
Blessed and Broken
if the fig tree does not bloom and the vines have no grapes, even if
the olive tree fails to produce and the fields yeild no food, even if
the sheep pen is empty and the stalls have no cattle…even then, I will
be happy with the LORD. I will truly find joy in god, who saves me.”
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (GWT)
In Matthew
15:32-37 the story is told of when Jesus fed many….with very little.
Seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. When Jesus took the bread,
offered willingly by the young boy in
crowd of thousands, He blessed it. He broke it. The little boy had no
idea he had just been selected by the Sovereignty of God to be used in
this miracle of feeding thousands…
we pray the prayer that I’ve heard countless times, “Lord make me
broken bread and poured out wine”, we should do so with the confidence
that our Father will do just that—break us into the usable.
What if that breaking means no job to work, no harvest to reap, no children to love, no shelter for sleep?
if that breaking means that we must walk away from all we hold dear in
order to “be” what He purposed for His chosen ones on this day?
we bow to Him in grateful reverence and join the prophet Habakkuk and
say, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in
the God of my salvation!”
that takes more than words. That takes a soul died and buried to Him–in
Him. And that takes allowing Christ alone to live and rule–in every
matter of our lives.
It takes an action. That action takes determination to see it complete–in Him.
looking back at last year’s memorial stones that I erected to mark the
way He brought me as a testimony to others as they travel onward. There
were so many God appointments.
I paused today to consider, what if I had put “my” plans and goals in front of that divine appointment?
would have passed me by. My bread offering would have come too late.
The multitudes would have feasted on the food of the world rather than
the Word.
He chooses for His work
and His name sake daily, those standing at the ready. Willing to be
truly broken–giving all they have, whether that is much or little…its
the heart condition that matters most to Him. And dear one, He knows
our condition…whether we offer in full trust, or if we stand there
offering the obligatory words…or bread.
What’s given freely, He will bless before He breaks.
We have reason to rejoice! In Christ alone!
Never reject the prophets of the
Friday, February 24th, 2012 @ 09:45 pm
My daughter it is imperative that you remain silent as the persecution begins.
Holy Word of My Eternal Father will be rejected by those very sacred
servants who claim to proclaim the truth of His Most Holy Word.
The Catholic Church is
one true Church.
All Churches will unite to become one Holy and Apostolic Church at My Second Coming.
that happens every word from My Father, given to a spiritually dry
world, will be either ignored, challenged or fiercely opposed.
Those who will fiercely oppose My messages given to you, the 7th messenger for the end times, will be divided into two camps.
Those who follow Satan through new age fortune telling and witchcraft.
The others will be those who are spiritually blind but who believe they are divinely inspired with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Both will reject the word of God given to you through the Holy Trinity and My beloved Mother.
good priests, forbidden to publicly endorse these messages, will feel
it is justified to vilify My Holy Word for all the world to hear.
With little true humility in their hearts they will set out to undermine this call from Heaven which is being given to help
These priests, clergy and other self-appointed apostles who claim to know Me will try to encourage souls to reject My word.
They have no shame for they will arrogantly pull My Book of Truth apart as it is being revealed to all of mankind.
Then, they will shred the
contents with venom in their
They do not want to hear the truth for it will upset and rattle the cocoon of false security within which they wrap themselves.
Oh how they offend Me.
How much damage they will cause and, yet, they do not realise this.
that these souls, blind to the truth through the influence of the
deceiver will open their hearts and accept the Word of God as it is
presented to them today.
have no right to publicly dismiss these messages without discerning
them with a clean soul which must be humble in all things.
God allows the sufferings experienced by his visionaries on earth to
ensure that souls are saved He will not tolerate the abuse of his
anointed prophets.
You, My daughter are a prophet.
You accept suffering
as a gift to me.
But this is not about you for you are nothing without Me and you know and accept this.
God My Father speaks to the world through His prophets.
It is His word you reject when you publicly slander His prophets.
For this is a sin in His eyes.
Never reject the prophets of the Lord.
Never hurt or harm His prophets in any way.
Remain silent at all times if in doubt and pray for them.
Attack the true prophet and fire will pour forth upon you from the Heavens in punishment by the Hand of My Father.
No man will stop the Word of the Lord from being
to His children.
This is the promise made by My Father since the beginning.
Hear His voice.
Accept that you are in the end times.
Pray that these messages will be heard so that all of God’s children will have eternal life.
Your Teacher
Redeemer of all Mankind
Jesus Christ
We live in a rebellious house. The whole earth is Babylon. Nobody calls it SIN anymore.
We live in a rebellious house. The whole earth is Babylon. Nobody calls it SIN anymore.
We are reliving many of what we read in the old Testament.
Readings from
Ezekiel, chapter 9
Slaughter of the Idolaters.
he cried aloud for me to hear: Come, you scourges of the city!2And
there were six men coming from the direction of the upper gate which
faces north, each with a weapon of destruction in his hand. In their
midst was a man dressed in linen, with a scribe’s case at his waist.
They entered and stood beside the bronze altar.a3Then the glory of the
God of Israel moved off the cherub and went up to the threshold of the
temple. He called to the man dressed in linen with the scribe’s case at
his waist,b4c and the LORD said to him:* Pass through the city, through
the midst of Jerusalem, and mark an X on the foreheads of those who
grieve and lament over all the abominations practiced within it.5To the
others he said in my hearing: Pass through the city after him and
strike! Do not let your eyes
spare; do not take pity.6Old and young, male and female, women and
children—wipe them out! But do not touch anyone marked with the X. Begin
at my sanctuary. So they began with the elders who were in front of the
temple.d7Defile the temple, he said to them, fill its courts with the
slain. Then go out and strike in the city.
they were striking, I was left alone. I fell on my face, crying out,
“Alas, Lord GOD! Will you destroy all that is left of Israel when you
pour out your fury on Jerusalem?”9He answered me: The guilt of the house
of Israel and the house of Judah is too great to measure; the land is
filled with bloodshed, the city with lawlessness. They think that the
LORD has abandoned the land, that he does not see them.10My eye,
however, will not spare, nor shall I take pity, but I will bring their
conduct down upon their heads.
11Just then the man
dressed in linen with the scribe’s case at his waist made his report: “I have done as you commanded!”
* [
Ezekiel emphasizes personal accountability; the innocent inhabitants of
Jerusalem are spared while the idolatrous are punished. An X: lit., the
Hebrew letter taw.
a. [9:2] Ez 10:2; Dn 10:5; 12:6; Rev 8:2; 15:6.
b. [9:3] Ez 11:22.
c. [9:4] Ex 12:7; Rev 7:2–4; 13:16.
d. [9:6] Gn 4:15; Ex 12:7.
Ezekiel, chapter 12
1The word of the LORD came to me:2Son of man, you live in the midst of a rebellious house; they have eyes to see, but do not
see, and ears to hear but do not hear. They are such a rebellious house!a
Ezekiel, chapter 13
Against the Prophets of Peace.
word of the LORD came to me:2Son of man, prophesy against the prophets
of Israel, prophesy! Say to those who prophesy their own thoughts: Hear
the word of the LORD!a3Thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to those prophets,
the fools who follow their own spirit and see nothing.b4Like foxes among
ruins are your prophets, Israel!5You did not step into the breach, nor
repair the wall around the house of Israel so it would stand firm
against attack on the day of the LORD.6False visions! Lying
divinations! They say, “The oracle of the LORD,” even though the LORD
did not send them. Then they expect their word to be confirmed!c7Was not
the vision you saw false? Did you not report a lying divination when
you said, “Oracle of the LORD,” even though I never spoke?8Therefore
thus says the Lord GOD: Because you have spoken falsehood and seen lying
visions, therefore, for certain I am coming at you—oracle of the Lord
GOD.9My hand is against the prophets who see false visions and who make
lying divinations. They shall not belong to the community of my people.
They shall not be written in the register of the house of Israel, nor
shall they enter the land of Israel. Thus you shall know that I am the
10Because they led my people
astray, saying, “Peace!” when there is no peace, and when a wall is
built, they cover it with whitewash,*11say then to the whitewashers: I
will bring down a
flooding rain; hailstones shall fall, and a storm wind shall break
forth.e12When the wall has fallen, will you not be asked: “Where is the
whitewash you spread on it?”
thus says the Lord GOD: In my fury I will let loose stormwinds; because
of my anger there will be flooding rain, and hailstones will fall with
destructive wrath.f14I will tear down the wall you whitewashed and level
it to the ground, laying bare its foundations. When it falls, you shall
be crushed beneath it. Thus you shall know that I am the LORD.15When I
have poured out my fury on the wall and its whitewashers, it will fall.
Then I will say to you: No wall! No whitewashers—16the prophets of
Israel who prophesy to Jerusalem and see visions of peace for it when
there is no peace—oracle of the Lord GOD.g
Ezekiel, chapter 14
Idolatry and
Just Cause.
word of the LORD came to me:13d Son of man, if a land sins against me
by breaking faith, and I stretch out my hand against it, breaking its
staff of bread and setting famine loose upon it, cutting off from it
human being and beast alike—14even if these three were in it, Noah,
Daniel, and Job,* they could only save themselves by their
righteousness—oracle of the Lord GOD.e15If I summoned wild beasts to
prowl the land, depopulating it so that it became a wasteland which no
one would cross because of the wild beasts,f16and these three were in
it, as I live—oracle of the Lord GOD—I swear they could save neither
sons nor daughters; they alone would be saved, but the land would become
a wasteland.g17Or if I bring the sword upon this land, commanding the
sword to pass through the land cutting off from it human being and beast
alike,h18and these three were in it, as I live—oracle of the Lord
GOD—they could save neither sons nor daughters; they alone would be
saved.19Or if I send plague into this land, pouring out upon it my
bloody wrath, cutting off from it human being and beast alike,20even if
Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live—oracle of the Lord GOD—they
could save neither son nor daughter; they would save only themselves by
their righteousness.
21Thus says the
Lord GOD: Even though I send against Jerusalem my four evil
punishments—sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague—to cut off from it
human being and beast alike,i22there will still be some survivors in it
who will bring out sons and daughters. When they come out to you and you
see their ways and their deeds, you shall be consoled regarding the
evil I brought on Jerusalem, everything I brought upon it.23They shall
console you when you see their ways and
their deeds, and you shall know that not without reason did I do to it
everything I did—oracle of the Lord GOD.j
[14:9] The ancient Israelites thought that God could use deception as a
means of promoting divine justice; cf. 2 Sm 24:1–3; 1 Kgs 22:19–23.
[14:12–23] According to Ezekiel, the people in Jerusalem deserve
destruction because they are corrupt. Yet he admits an exception to the
principle of individual responsibility when he affirms that some of
those deserving death will survive and be reunited with family in exile.
The depravity of Jerusalem testifies that the punishment of Jerusalem
was just and necessary.
* [14:14]
Noah, Daniel, and Job: righteous folk heroes whom Israel shared with
other ancient Near Eastern cultures. Daniel was the just judge
celebrated in Ugaritic literature, perhaps the model
for the hero of Dn 13.
a. [14:1] Ez 8:1; 20:1.
b. [14:6] Is 2:20; cf. Ez 18:30; 33:11.
c. [14:9] cf. 1 Kgs 22:23; 2 Chr 18:22.
d. [14:13] Lv 26:26.
e. [14:14] Ez 28:3; Dn 1:6; cf. Gn 6:9; Jb 1:1.
f. [14:15] cf. Lv 26:22.
g. [14:16] cf. Ez 18:20.
h. [14:17] Lv 26:25.
i. [14:21] cf. Rev 6:8.
j. [14:23] Jer 22:8–9.
Ezekiel, chapter 18
Personal Responsibility.
1The word of the LORD came to me: Son of man,2what
is the meaning of this proverb you recite in the land of Israel:
“Parents eat sour grapes,
but the children’s teeth are set on edge”?*
I live—oracle of the Lord GOD: I swear that none of you will ever
repeat this proverb in Israel.4For all life is mine: the life of the
parent is like the life of the child, both are mine. Only the one who
sins shall die!
5If a man is just—if
he does what is right,6if he does not eat on the mountains,* or raise
his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel; if he does not defile a
neighbor’s wife, or have relations with a woman during her
period;b7c if he oppresses no one, gives back the pledge received for a
debt, commits no robbery; gives food to the hungry and clothes the
naked;8if he does not lend at interest or exact usury; if he refrains
from evildoing and makes a fair judgment between two opponents;d9if he
walks by my statutes and is careful to observe my ordinances, that man
is just—he shall surely live—oracle of the Lord GOD.e
if he begets a son who is violent and commits murder, or does any of
these things,f11even though the father does none of them—a son who eats
on the mountains, defiles the wife of his neighbor,12oppresses the poor
and needy, commits robbery, does not give back a pledge, raises his eyes
to idols, does abominable things,13lends at interest and exacts
usury—this son certainly shall not live. Because he practiced all these
abominations, he shall surely be put to death; his own blood shall be on
14But, in turn, if he begets a
son who sees all the sins his father commits, yet fears and does not
imitate him—15a son who does not eat on the mountains, or raise his eyes
to the idols of the house of Israel, or defile a neighbor’s wife;16who
does not oppress anyone, or exact a pledge, or commit robbery; who gives
his food to the hungry and clothes the naked;h17who refrains from
evildoing, accepts no interest or usury, but keeps my ordinances and
walks in my statutes—this one shall not die for the sins of his father.
He shall surely live!18Only the father, since he committed extortion and
robbed his brother, and did what was not good among his people—he will
die because of his sin!19You ask: “Why is not the son charged with the
guilt of his father?” Because the son has done what is just and right
and has been careful to observe all my statutes—he shall surely live!20i
Only the one who
sins shall die. The son shall not be charged with the guilt of his
father, nor shall the father be charged with the guilt of his son.
Justice belongs to the just, and wickedness to the wicked.
if the wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed, if he
keeps all my statutes and does what is just and right, he shall surely
live. He shall not die!22None of the crimes he has committed shall be
remembered against him; he shall live because of the justice he has
shown.23j Do I find pleasure in the death of the wicked—oracle of the
Lord GOD? Do I not rejoice when they turn from their evil way and live?
if the just turn from justice and do evil, like all the abominations
the wicked do, can they do this evil and still live? None of the justice
they did shall be remembered, because they acted treacherously and
committed these sins; because of this,
they shall die.k25l You say, “The LORD’s way is not fair!”* Hear now,
house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair? Are not your ways
unfair?26When the just turn away from justice to do evil and die, on
account of the evil they did they must die.27But if the wicked turn from
the wickedness they did and do what is right and just, they save their
lives;28since they turned away from all the sins they committed, they
shall live; they shall not die.29But the house of Israel says, “The
Lord’s way is not fair!” Is it my way that is not fair, house of Israel?
Is it not your ways that are not fair?
Therefore I will judge you, house of Israel, all of you according to
your ways—oracle of the Lord GOD. Turn, turn back from all your crimes,
that they may not be a cause of sin for you ever again.31Cast away from
you all the crimes you have committed, and make for yourselves a new
heart and a new spirit.
Why should you die, house of Israel?n32o For I find no pleasure in the
death of anyone who dies—oracle of the Lord GOD. Turn back and live!
[18:2] Parents…on edge: a proverb the people quoted to complain that
they were being punished for their ancestors’ sins; cf. Jer 31:29.
* [18:6] Eat on the mountains: take part in meals after sacrifice at the high places.
[18:25] The LORD’s way is not fair: this chapter rejects the idea that
punishment is transferred from one generation to the next and emphasizes
individual responsibility and accountability.
a. [18:2] Jer 31:29; cf. Ez 21:19.
b. [18:6] Lv 15:19–24; cf. Hos 4:13.
c. [18:7] Ex 22:26; Is 58:7; Mt
d. [18:8] Ex 22:25; Lv 25:35–37; Dt 23:19–20.
e. [18:9] Lv 18:5.
f. [18:10] cf. Ez 22:6–9.
g. [18:13] Ex 22:25; Lv 20:9–11.
h. [18:16] cf. Ez 16:49; Is 58:7–10.
i. [18:20] Dt 24:16; 2 Kgs 14:6; cf. Mt 16:27; Jn 9:2.
j. [18:23] cf. Ez 33:11; 2 Pt 3:9.
k. [18:24] cf. 2 Pt 2:20–22.
l. [18:25] cf. Ez 33:20.
m. [18:30] Jer 35:15; cf. Mt 3:2; Lk 3:3.
n. [18:31] cf. Ez 11:19; 36:26.
o. [18:32] cf. Ez 18:23;
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Light of the World
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John
spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
So the Pharisees said to him, "You testify on your own behalf, so your
testimony cannot be verified." Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if
I do testify on my own behalf, my testimony can be verified, because I
know where I came from and where I am going. But you do not know where I
come from or where I am going. You judge by appearances, but I do not
judge anyone. And even if I should judge, my judgment is valid, because I
am not alone, but it is I and the Father who sent me. Even in your law
it is written that the testimony of two men can be verified. I testify
on my behalf and so does the Father who sent me." So they said to him,
"Where is your father?" Jesus answered, "You know neither me nor my
Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also." He spoke these
words while teaching in the treasury in the temple area. But no one
arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.
is the first Friday of Lent and I will go to our Parish Church this
evening to join the parishioners for the Way of the Cross and afterwards
I will concelebrate Holy Mass with the parish priest. It was after the
Way of the Cross in the Tignish Parish some years ago that an image
appeared on the veil of the tabernacle. It was the image of Our Blessed
Mother and I see Her as Our Lady of Prince Edward Island. We can only
see Her face. Thousands of people came to that church to see this
wonderful image. The image is still there today and people still go and
see it almost every day.
(Below you will find the message
of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all
over the world, to come close to Me for I am the light of the world. I
teach the whole truth that can enlighten your minds and fill your
hearts. Those who are not with Me live in darkness and often they are
lost. They do not know where they are going and they cannot see the way
either. I am the way, the truth and the life. I have all power to
enlighten the way you should follow and to help you understand the
truths that I am teaching you. You do not have to look elsewhere for
other teachings because all that does not come from Me is false. The
evil one is the father of lies. Watch out, he can lead you away from the
truth and into the hell of fire. Come follow Me
My Church and you will reach your true home, which is in heaven with
Me. In order for the light to reach you, you have to read passages of
the Bible, especially the New Testament, almost every day. Spend time in
contemplation and I will fill you with My gifts and you will be My
special friends. I spent time in contemplation every day with My
Heavenly Father when I was on earth and these was the greatest moments
of My earthly life. Come now and follow Me."
Father Melvin
reference to the Blood that flowed from the wounds of the Crucified
Christ, especially from the wound in his side, evoke[s] the significance
of the Eucharistic Sacrament. The Church 'de Eucharistia vivit' (lives
on the Eucharist), because from that Blood she comes into being and
draws vigor for
her daily commitment to the task of announcing the Gospel." (Pope John
Paul II, February 19, 2005)
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The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Newspaper"
"O Heart of God, adorable Heart!
Heart, object of my total love,
Worthy of boundless love Thou
Who lovest me all bounds above....
"Pardon, O Sacred Heart, those who
Neglect Thy Blessed Sacrament....
Pardon my lack of quickened sense
To savor well Thy banquet spread,
My languid, dull indifference
Though by the Bread of Angels fed....
"I love Thee, Heart all lovable;
I long, yes ardently I thirst
To love Thee wholly, knowing well
That Thou indeed didst love me
(From the hymn "Reparation to the Heart of Jesus," by St. Louis de Montfort)
Pope John Paul II -
Kuharic - Primate of Croatia - "The Mother of God … as Queen of Peace
has called in Medjugorje for conversion and peace… In her messages in
the Church and in the world the Blessed Virgin Mary calls Jesus' call to
awareness: "The time is fulfilled!" … We want now to entrust, devote
and consecrate ourselves to her, the Queen of Peace!" Medjugorje and the
Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 22
Mother Teresa -
Jesus is
the Light
Jesus is the Truth
Jesus is the Life
We too must be:
the Light of Charity
the Truth of Humility
the Life of Sanctity
Meditations by Padre Pio -
am absolutely unable to consider, in an indulgent manner, your
neglecting Holy Communion, not to mention holy meditation. Remember that
the only way to gain salvation is through prayer; you cannot win the
battle without prayer. So the choice is up to you.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Hate the sin and offenses, but love the sinner and offender
has been my lot to spend much time with men who have suffered in
prisons, death marches, Siberia, concentration camps and other forms of
Communist tortures. But I have never known any one of them who ever said
a harsh word against his persecutors. Like some trees which bathe with
perfume the ax which cuts them, they had nothing but pardon for those
who did them violence. They hated Communism, but they loved the
St. Faustina's diary
my most sweet Master, good Jesus, I give You my heart. You shape and
mold it after Your liking. O fathomless Love, I open the calyx of
heart to You, like a rosebud to the freshness of dew. To You alone, my
Betrothed, is known the fragrance of the flower of my heart. Let the
fragrance of my sacrifice be pleasing to You. O Immortal God, my
everlasting delight, already here on earth You are my heaven. May every
beat of my heart be a new hymn of praise to You, O Holy Trinity! Had I
as many hearts as there are drops of water in the ocean or grains of
sand in the whole world, I would offer them all to You, O my Love, O
Treasure of my heart! Whomever I shall meet in my life, no matter who
they may be, I want to draw them all to love You, O my Jesus, my Beauty,
my Repose, my sole Master, Judge, Savior and Spouse, all in one; I know
that one title will modify the other - I have entrusted everything to
Your mercy. (1064)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book
based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Blessed Virgin calls us to be a light for others "Thank you for the
things you have renounced during Lent. Most of all, renounce sin. Be a
light so you can shine for others. Encourage them to pray, fast, and do
penance. Give your love to others (Visionary Prayer Group Feb 22, 1988)
Ephesians also calls us to light :
once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as
children of light—for the fruit of the light is found in all that is
good and right true.
to find out
what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of
darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention
what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light
becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore
it say, "Sleeper, awake! Rise form the dead, and Christ will shine on
you " (Eph 5 :8-14)
Reflection :
most celebrated lighthouse of antiquity was the one erected by Ptolemy
Soter on the island of Pharos, opposite Alexandria. The historian
Josephus says it could be seen at a distance of 42 miles. It was one of
the 7 wonders of the ancient world. A holy life produces the deepest
impression on others.
Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine. And so Our Lady urges us
today to, "Be light, shine for others, " and St. Paul asks that we,
"Live as children of light. " How ? By living the messages of the
Blessed Mother, the basic gospel message. For there are two ways of
spreading light : to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.
Application :
meditation today : "To reflect God in all that is, both here and now,
my heart must be a mirror empty, bright and clear " (Angelus Silesius).
Urgent Wednesday 29 Feb worldwide day of prayer to avert nuclear war
29th February 2012: worldwide day of prayer
to avert a nuclear war in Iran
Because of the urgent message of the Holy Virgin Mary to the Seer Divine Mercy, we call all brothers and sisters
to a global day of prayer,
to prevent a nuclear war.
The 29th February was recommended by the visionary Maria Divine Mercy. On this day
all should pray ALL of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary,
to avert a nuclear war in Iran.
For more informations, see the message:
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 24 - Even the smallest prayers
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 24 - Even the smallest prayers
are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church' . . . 'Feed my
lambs . . . Tend my sheep'. This invitation of Jesus' is especially
alive in my soul when I contemplate the Eucharistic mystery. I entrust
all the People of God to Him, the Good Shepherd, in this Lenten walk
towards Easter" (Pope John Paul II, February 20,
Let people know about Medjugorje through
The daily "Its Time Email" (free)
The weekly "Its Time" radio broadcast Sat 6-8am MDT 91.3FM or
The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Webpaper" (free)
The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Newspaper"
Contact ItsTime@...
Outside the Eucharistic celebration, the Church is careful to venerate
Blessed Sacrament, which must
be " the spiritual centre of the religious and parish
community" (Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei, n. 68).
Pope John Paul II -
Cardinal Colasuono -
Nuncio, Italy - "Medjugorje represents the event of the century!" p 20
Mother Teresa -
True love for our neighbor is to wish him well and to do good to him.
Padre Pio -
who does not meditate is like a person who never looks in the mirror
and therefore does not bother to be tidy when he goes out, since he can
be dirty
without knowing it.
The person who
meditates and thinks of God, who is the mirror of his soul, tries to
discover his defects, attempts to correct them, controls himself and
straightens out his conscience.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Pity can be misplaced if one does not see the whole picture
Our Lord was being led out to Calvary, the pious women came to console
Him, but He addressed them saying, 'Weep not for Me, but weep for
yourselves and your children.' In other words, 'Your pity is misplaced.
It is not for Me that you should mourn, but rather weep for those who
send Me to death. Shed
no tears for the Crucified, but for the crucifers. I go to a momentary
sorrow, but there is a glorious Resurrection from it. In every flame
there is a point of quietness and repose where a match may be inserted
without igniting; so too within My heart, already so crowned with thorns
of sorrow, there is an oasis of joy which no man can take from Me.'"
St. Faustina's diary
there is genuine virtue, there must be sacrifice as well; one's whole
life must be a sacrifice. It is only by means of sacrifice that souls
can become useful. It is my self-sacrifice which, in my relationship
with my neighbor, can give glory to God, but God's love must flow
through this sacrifice, because
everything is concentrated in this love and takes its value from it.
I am coming out of this
retreat thoroughly transformed by God's love. My soul is beginning a new
life, earnestly and courageously; although outwardly my life will not
change, and no one will notice it, nevertheless, pure love is [now] the
guide of my life and, externally, it is mercy which is its fruit. I feel
that I have been totally imbued with God and, with this God, I am going
back to my everyday life, so drab, tiresome, and wearying, trusting
that He whom I feel in my heart will change this drabness into my
personal sanctity. (1363)
O Eternal
Love, who enkindles a new life within me, a life of love and of mercy,
support me with Your grace, so that I may worthily answer Your call, so
that what You Yourself have intended to accomplish in souls through me
might indeed be
My God, I see the
radiance of eternal dawn. My whole soul bounds toward You, O Lord;
nothing any longer holds me back, nothing ties me to earth. Help me, O
Lord, to bear the rest of my days with patience. The sacrifice of my
love burns incessantly before Your Majesty, but so silently that only
Your divine eye sees it, O God, and no other creature is capable of
perceiving it. (1365)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of prayer from the heart
"Dear Children, today I call you to pray with the heart. Throughout
this season of grace; I wish each of you to be united with Jesus. But
without unceasing prayer, you cannot experience the great and beautiful
graces which God is offering you.
little children, at all times fill your hearts with even the smallest
prayers. I am with you and I keep watch unceasingly over every heart
which is given to me. (Monthly Message Feb 25, 1989)
James advises : If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives
to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in
faith; never doubting, for
the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the
wind (Jas
1 :5-6).
Reflection :
emphasizes that our prayer should be confident and hopeful, for God
will deny nothing that is good to his children. And the Blessed Virgin
stresses the importance of "even the smallest prayers, " for they too
are an encounter with her divine Son.
The following is a special "small prayer " for inner peace which seeks the intercession of St. Therese, the Little Flower :
Jesus, inspired by the example of St. Therese, I place all my trust in
your Sacred Heart, and surrender myself to your will. Come into my life,
drive away my fears, stop my restless strivings, and show me
new ways of pleasing you. Teach me to discern
the good in others, and to love them with an affectionate smile, a gentle touch, a patient ear, and an affirming word.
Therese, pray that I may become alive again with awe, the appreciation
of truth, and the courage to oppose evil. Remind me always that I am
created for happiness, for the joy of living in the presence of God. St.
Therese, pray that I, and all God's people, may have the inner peace
that comes form confidence, surrender, and affirmation. Amen.
Application :
reflecting on this prayer, you may wish to copy it on a mall piece of
paper and tuck it into your wallet or purse for use in troubled or
anxious times.
Three Prayers: To Jesus Forsaken ~ To Jesus, Cross Carrier ~ Prayer for Daily Neglects ~
Sweet Jesus! For how many ages hast Thou hung upon
Thy Cross and still men pass Thee by and regard Thee not!
How often have I passed Thee by, heedless of Thy great
sorrow. Thy many wounds, Thy infinite love!
How often have I stood before Thee, not to comfort
console Thee, but to add to Thy sorrows, to deepen Thy
wounds, to spurn Thy love!
Thou hast stretched forth Thy hands to raise me up and I
have taken those hands and bent them back on the cross.
Thou has loved me with an infinite love, and I have taken
advantage of that love to sin the more against
My ingratitude has pierced Thy Sacred Heart, and Thy
heart responds only with an out-pouring of Thy love in
Thy Precious Blood.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, have
mercy on me.
O Jesus, by that Wound which Thou didst suffer on
shoulder from carring Thy cross, have mercy. I
entreat Thee, on those who have secet sorrows which
only Thou canst know. May the memory of Thy painful
Cross - bearings give them strength to carry theirs, with
courage and loyalty to the end. May the thought of that
secret Suffering, Thou didst endure, teach them to
sanctify their hidden sorrows that they may be fruitful for
Thy Glory. Amen.
Eternal Father, I
offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
with all Its love, all Its sufferings and all Its Merits.
First - To expiate all the sins I have committed this day
and during my life. Glory be the Father, and to the son
and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now,
and ever shall be - world
end. Amen.
Second - To purify the good I have done badly this day
and during all my life. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Third - To supply for the good I ought to have done, and
that I have neglected this day and during all my life.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
A Poor Clare Sister, who had just died, appeared to her
Abbess, who
was prying for her, and said to her, "I went
straight to Heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited
every evening, I paid all my debts."
Holy Love Feb.23, 2012
February 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
have come to help you see that besides being the path of holiness and
union with My Father's Will, Holy Love is also your
defense against evil. When the soul is weak in Holy Love, he opens
himself to Satan's temptations and suggestions. He gradually loses
sight of the difference between good and evil; then the soul seeks
self-gratification over and above love of God and neighbor."
you see, every present moment becomes a battle of good versus evil -
God's Will versus free will. Holy Love needs to be your defense - your
motive and inspiration - in order to ward off Satan's attacks in the
present moment."
February 23, 2012
St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus."
God's Will is not what the soul would choose for himself, but the
soul's acceptance of God's Will in the present moment sanctifies the
moment at hand. This is the only way to unity with the Divine Will. It
is in this acceptance - this surrender of the free will - that the soul
finds his peace."
that are motivated by greed, envy, love of the temporal cannot fully
surrender to God's Will. All of these and more are like chains that
hold the soul back spiritually."
is why the First Chamber of the United Hearts is so crucial.
Purification in and through Holy Love is the way and the means to
surrender to the Divine Will completely."
on this night, God illuminated His message, and He gave a sign that you
would know. The same voice that explained the "sign of Jonah" has also
"If you turn your backs on Me,
I will turn My back on you."
and over throughout history, God has outlined this message to the Jews.
Over and over again the Jews would not listen
and were almost annihilated. Do we, as Americans, believe we should
fare better? We began as a Christian nation, and God has blessed it.
Slowly with time our nation has become more and more corrupt to the
point we are aborting babies to enjoy a promiscuous sex life that
schools endorse and enable. Now we teach children homosexuality and how
to pray to Allah, to participate in any and all religions except that of
His Son, Jesus Christ. Atheists are fighting to remove the Ten
Commandments and the Supreme Court is defying our Constitution to bow
down to the ACLU. Does America think itself so proud that it can snub
it's nose at God?
about the crash of Columbia? What about the single Bible page found at
the World Trade Center, one frail yet intact page found in the ashes?
This single page was left
as a message to America, but the media snubbed the message. On the page
was written the story of the Tower of Babel, where God chastises man
for being so proud that he would build a tower to the skies to honor
man's glory. How strong of a message does America need to see the folly
of man?
said He would never leave nor forsake us, and He won't. There is not a
thing that will happen in the Christian life that He is not intently
aware of. He never stops thinking about us. Yet He said we would suffer
in this life, but He would be with us through it. If we keep our eyes on
Him through the storm, we can walk on water.
when we finally go home to be with Him,
He will have a place prepared for us. This is not our time, this is
God's time. Time for those who do not know Him to learn about Him
through the Holy Spirit, through the Bible and through us.
God will not leave us, but as a nation, we are about to reap the
whirlwind. Our only chance for more time is revival. Will we, as a
nation, turn around? Will we stop being led by the liberals down
corrupted perverted paths? Will we continue to defile the land?
hope for future grandchildren. I want my sons to know the joy of
having children, as my sons have been such a joy to me. But without
revival, if our nation continues in the destructive path that
we're on, then God can and will turn His back on us. Don't blame the
Muslims, don't blame N. Korea, don't blame other nations, and don't
blame God. We are bringing it on ourselves.
the Israelites repented and returned to the Lord, He welcomed them with
open arms. Will we repent and turn around? Or will we face certain
destruction of our own doing? Will we continue to sacrifice our
children? Study history. It has always been that when cultures began
sacrificing their children, God has said ENOUGH. God has said "ENOUGH"
to America. Will America listen? I pray we do.
- Jen, January 30-31, 2003
2011: Three days before Mohammed Bouazizi was humiliated by a female
municipal officer in Tunisia and set fire to himself, touching off the
uprising that spreads over all of the Middle East, God laid it on my
heart to post Blow the Trumpets, Weep for our Children!
months ago, on the anniversary of 9/11, a scorpion crawled out from
beneath my minivan, pointed at me in attack mode as God whispered in my
ear, "What do you see?" and showed me... Mosques, Muslims & Minivans
years ago I posted a dream about sprinklers of fire that described
gas line explosions of San Bruno and our failing economy. I was told
not to try to stop what was coming. Up until this time,
has stood as a warning that if we turned our backs on God, He would
turn His back on us. I wrote continually about the coming of Islam,
warning our schools to stop requiring our children to get on their hands
and knees and pray to Allah, that such was an offense unto God as so
many other practices have been in public school.
The warnings were ignored by the majority of this nation. We were warned.
teach our children to bow to other gods and when the nations of those
gods surround us, we are astonished. We call out to the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but He will not hear our leaders who have
taken us to such blasphemous places and then call out His name and
pretend to know Him! Before the smoke has cleared we return to our
idolatries, our games, our vain occupations and say the Lord will accept
us because we are worthy.
provoke our own death and destruction! Do not blame the Muslims or the
Chinese or the Russians or the North Koreans, Iran or Iraq or the
nations that gather against us. As a nation we are guilty before God! We
have brought what is coming on ourselves! If you know Him, stand fast
in what you have. If you don̢۪t know the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, if you have not reconciled yourself to Him through Jesus Christ
who suffered, died and rose again to purchase you that you could be
His…now is a good
time to start.
urge you, call to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while there is
still time. Though they claim victory in the name of Allah, it is not
Allah who empowers them. For years we have been calling down death and
destruction upon ourselves. God will deal with those who celebrate in
our sorrows, and even so, we must pray for them and share the Good News
of Jesus Christ, even in the face of gloating and persecution.
we are with Jesus Christ, even in the midst of suffering, we have
Everything. Pray for those who do not know Him. Though they may seem to
gain the upper hand, their grasp is empty.
God is everything. And Jesus Christ is the only way to Him. Forgive your enemies, seek Him and live.
A New Fasting Practice For Yourselves
February 23, 2012
want you to write
my divine will. There are only a few ways to achieve this. You must
desire this from your hearts and fast and pray to obtain this. You must
be very diligent and strict in your efforts. Your soul is an entity of
grace and humility. This is what I intended it to be. It has become
corrupt by the evil one. You must work to take back my holy will in your
lives. It is not an easy task. It takes much work and effort on your
part. Fasting helps you to obtain this obedience. It is a great time,
this lent, to start a new fasting practice for yourselves. My mother has
asked that you fast especially on Wednesdays and Fridays. This will
come as you practice. It will take some time to have this come naturally
for you. But through my grace you will obtain the strength you need. It
is apparent that the world is struggling in so many ways today. My
divine will must enter back into the picture. The more lives that follow
my divine will, the less tragedy will occur. You
say it is not easy my child. I know this, but I will help you. Lean on
me when you struggle with fasting. Get on your knees in prayer and we
will fight the temptation together. I promise you that you can do it. I
know you are doubting yourself at this time. The more effort you put
into your fast, the easier it will get. Lean on your family and those
around you to pray for you to keep you strong. Then do the same for
others who are also struggling. The fasting will help to learn my divine
will for your lives. It will also save many souls and nations. Thank
you for your efforts. I love you.
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 25 - Shine for others
reference to the Blood that flowed from the wounds of the Crucified
especially from the wound in his side, evoke[s] the significance of the
Eucharistic Sacrament. The Church 'de Eucharistia vivit' (lives on the
Eucharist), because from that Blood she comes into being and draws vigor
for her daily commitment to the task of announcing the Gospel." (Pope
John Paul II, February 19, 2005)
"O Heart of God, adorable Heart!
Heart, object of my total love,
Worthy of boundless love Thou art
Who lovest me all bounds above....
"Pardon, O Sacred Heart, those who
Neglect Thy Blessed Sacrament....
Pardon my lack of quickened
To savor well Thy banquet spread,
My languid, dull indifference
Though by the Bread of Angels fed....
"I love Thee, Heart all lovable;
I long, yes ardently I thirst
To love Thee wholly, knowing well
That Thou indeed didst love me first."
(From the hymn "Reparation to the Heart of Jesus," by St. Louis de Montfort)
Pope John Paul II -
Kuharic - Primate
of Croatia - "The Mother of God … as Queen of Peace has called in
Medjugorje for conversion and peace… In her messages in the Church and
in the world the Blessed Virgin Mary calls Jesus' call to awareness:
"The time is fulfilled!" … We want now to entrust, devote and consecrate
ourselves to her, the Queen of Peace!" Medjugorje and the Church, Sr
Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 22
Mother Teresa -
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Truth
Jesus is the Life
We too must be:
the Light of Charity
the Truth of Humility
the Life of
Meditations by Padre Pio -
am absolutely unable to consider, in an indulgent manner, your
neglecting Holy Communion, not to mention holy meditation. Remember that
the only way to gain salvation is through prayer; you cannot win the
battle without prayer. So the choice is up to you.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Hate the sin and offenses, but love the sinner and offender
has been my lot to spend much time with men who have suffered in
prisons, death marches, Siberia, concentration camps
other forms of Communist tortures. But I have never known any one of
them who ever said a harsh word against his persecutors. Like some trees
which bathe with perfume the ax which cuts them, they had nothing but
pardon for those who did them violence. They hated Communism, but they
loved the Communists."
St. Faustina's diary
my most sweet Master, good Jesus, I give You my heart. You shape and
mold it after Your liking. O fathomless Love, I open the calyx of my
heart to You, like a rosebud to the freshness of dew. To You alone, my
Betrothed, is known the fragrance of the flower of my heart. Let the
fragrance of my sacrifice be pleasing to You. O Immortal God, my
everlasting delight, already here on earth You are my heaven. May every
beat of my heart be a new hymn of praise to You, O Holy Trinity! Had I
as many
hearts as there are drops of water in the ocean or grains of sand in
the whole world, I would offer them all to You, O my Love, O Treasure of
my heart! Whomever I shall meet in my life, no matter who they may be, I
want to draw them all to love You, O my Jesus, my Beauty, my Repose, my
sole Master, Judge, Savior and Spouse, all in one; I know that one
title will modify the other - I have entrusted everything to Your mercy.
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Blessed Virgin calls us to be a light for others "Thank you for the
things you have renounced
during Lent. Most of all, renounce sin. Be a light so you can shine for
others. Encourage them to pray, fast, and do penance. Give your love to
others (Visionary Prayer Group Feb 22, 1988)
Ephesians also calls us to light :
once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as
children of light—for the fruit of the light is found in all that is
good and right true.
to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the
unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is
shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything
exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes
visible is light. Therefore
it say, "Sleeper, awake! Rise form the dead, and Christ will shine on
you " (Eph 5 :8-14)
Reflection :
most celebrated lighthouse of antiquity was the one erected by Ptolemy
Soter on the island of Pharos, opposite Alexandria. The historian
Josephus says it could be seen at a distance of 42 miles. It was one of
the 7 wonders of the ancient world. A holy life produces the deepest
impression on others. Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine. And so
Our Lady urges us today to, "Be light, shine for others, " and St. Paul
asks that we, "Live as children of light. " How ? By living the
messages of the Blessed Mother, the basic gospel message. For there are
two ways of spreading light : to be the candle, or the mirror that
reflects it.
Application :
meditation today : "To reflect God in all that is, both here and now,
my heart must be a mirror empty, bright and clear " (Angelus Silesius).
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 24 - Even the smallest prayers
are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church' . . . 'Feed my
lambs . . . Tend my sheep'. This invitation of Jesus' is especially
alive in my soul when I contemplate the Eucharistic mystery. I entrust
all the People of God to Him, the Good Shepherd, in this Lenten walk
towards Easter" (Pope John Paul II, February 20, 2005).
Mother Teresa -
True love for our neighbor is to wish
him well and to do good to him.
Padre Pio -
who does not meditate is like a person who never looks in the mirror
and therefore does not bother to be tidy when he goes out, since he can
be dirty without knowing it.
person who meditates and thinks of God, who is the mirror of his soul,
tries to discover his defects, attempts to correct them, controls
himself and straightens out his conscience.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
can be misplaced if one does not see the whole picture
Our Lord was being led out to Calvary, the pious women came to console
Him, but He addressed them saying, 'Weep not for Me, but weep for
yourselves and your children.' In other words, 'Your pity is misplaced.
It is not for Me that you should mourn, but rather weep for those who
send Me to death. Shed no tears for the Crucified, but for the
crucifers. I go to a momentary sorrow, but there is a glorious
Resurrection from it. In every flame there is a point of quietness and
repose where a match may be inserted without igniting; so too within My
heart, already so crowned with thorns of sorrow, there is an oasis of
joy which no man can take from Me.'"
St. Faustina's diary
there is genuine virtue, there
must be sacrifice as well; one's whole life must be a sacrifice. It is
only by means of sacrifice that souls can become useful. It is my
self-sacrifice which, in my relationship with my neighbor, can give
glory to God, but God's love must flow through this sacrifice, because
everything is concentrated in this love and takes its value from it.
am coming out of this retreat thoroughly transformed by God's love. My
soul is beginning a new life, earnestly and courageously; although
outwardly my life will not change, and no one will notice it,
nevertheless, pure love is [now] the guide of my life and, externally,
it is mercy which is its fruit. I feel that I have been totally imbued
with God and, with this God, I am going back to my everyday life, so
drab, tiresome, and wearying, trusting that He whom I
feel in
my heart will change this drabness into my personal sanctity. (1363)
Eternal Love, who enkindles a new life within me, a life of love and of
mercy, support me with Your grace, so that I may worthily answer Your
call, so that what You Yourself have intended to accomplish in souls
through me might indeed be accomplished.
God, I see the radiance of eternal dawn. My whole soul bounds toward
You, O Lord; nothing any longer holds me back, nothing ties me to earth.
Help me, O Lord, to bear the rest of my days with patience. The
sacrifice of my love burns incessantly before Your Majesty, but so
silently that only Your divine eye sees it, O God, and no other creature
is capable of perceiving it. (1365)
These thoughts for a day are
taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of
Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of prayer from the heart
"Dear Children, today I call you to pray with the heart. Throughout
this season of grace; I wish each of you to be united with Jesus. But
without unceasing prayer, you cannot experience the great and beautiful
graces which God is offering you.
little children, at all times fill your hearts with even the smallest
prayers. I am with you and I keep watch unceasingly over every heart
which is given to me. (Monthly Message Feb 25, 1989)
James advises : If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives
to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in
faith; never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the
sea, driven and tossed by the wind (Jas
1 :5-6).
Reflection :
emphasizes that our prayer should be confident and hopeful, for God
will deny nothing that is good to his
children. And the Blessed Virgin stresses the importance of "even the
smallest prayers, " for they too are an encounter with her divine Son.
The following is a special "small prayer " for inner peace which seeks the intercession of St. Therese, the Little Flower :
Jesus, inspired by the example of St. Therese, I place all my trust in
your Sacred Heart, and surrender myself to your will. Come into my life,
drive away my fears, stop my restless strivings, and show me new ways
of pleasing you. Teach me to discern
the good in others, and to love them with an affectionate smile, a gentle touch, a patient ear, and an affirming word.
Therese, pray
that I may become alive again with awe, the appreciation of truth, and
the courage to oppose evil. Remind me always that I am created for
happiness, for the joy of living in the presence of God. St. Therese,
pray that I, and all God's people, may have the inner peace that comes
form confidence, surrender, and affirmation. Amen.
Application :
reflecting on this prayer, you may wish to copy it on a mall piece of
paper and tuck it into your wallet or purse for use in troubled or
anxious times.
God the Father: Call to Catholic Church to accept New Era of Peace on Earth
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 04:42 pm
I am God the Almighty Father, Creator of all things, God the Most High
My daughter it is important that those who follow
the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church accept the millennium as promised to all of My children.
The words contained in My Holy Book, the Holy Bible do not lie.
My promise is contained in the Acts of the Apostles.
the Evangelist was also told about the glorious return of My beloved
Son when He will reign in the new Era of Peace for 1,000 years.
Why do those who profess to understand My Holy Word refuse to accept part of it but not the other?
To those sacred servants of mine I say to you now to open the Book of Truth.
You have a duty to proclaim the truth.
You must not listen to those within your ranks who twist the truth in relation to the New Era of Peace on earth.
What motivates your brothers within My Roman Catholic Church who deny the truth?
You have confused My children.
of their loyalty to the one true Church, The Roman Catholic Church, you
are denying them the chance to prepare their souls for My Son’s reign
in the New Paradise on Earth.
Your duty is to inform My children of the truth.
To My children, you must never deny the truth contained in the Holy Bible which contains the true word.
You, My children must accept the promise made by My Son after His Glorious Resurrection from the dead.
He said that he would come again.
This time, for the Second Coming of My Beloved Son on earth, is drawing close.
If you believe in the promises made by My Son then you will know that He means what He said
When He comes again, he comes to rule and take up His rightful throne in the New Paradise I have created for you all on earth.
Never doubts the words from
the Divine lips of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Know that I, your Beloved Father, wnt you all to join as one family with My Son in Paradise.
Accept the truth. Do not twist it, or adjust it to suit your flawed interpretation of the truth
I am the truth.
You cannot change Me or who I am.
The truth will set
you free.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High
Australian Locutionist - 24-26 November 2012
Reflections – By His Wounds You Are Healed: Prayers and Reflections in Honour of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus
MMP – Marian Movement of Priests : To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons
DM – Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina
Thursday 24 November
Reflection 173 – On the Cross I let My Heart be opened for you and I will never close it again
the breaking of the Bread I have opened My living Heart to you for all
you will ever need for nourishment. Gaze into the depths of My opened
Heart to see Its pulsating Love that never dies. Yes, My little one,
bring all you meet to see and know this Love is for them too. Lead them
and show them the way to eternal peace, love and joy. Come, little one,
and share this joy with Me.
Just as
the rains fall down to water the earth, so too, do My Graces fall down
to nourish their hardened hearts. Be My Eyes to make them
MMP – 327 – A Spirit of Joy and of Consolation
DM – Jesus spoke the number 711
Thursday 24 November 2011
into the Treasury of all graces and love. Go into the Heart and Source
of My Love for mankind. Go and seek all wisdom of God’s heavenly
Kingdom. Go to the Spirit of total Love. Yes, My little one, a book on
the Trinity is for him.
Friday 25 November 2011
Reflection 129 – So many souls are in deepest need and danger
The Breath of Heaven, My Breath, is speaking to you
clearly, My little one. All things will be revealed to you in time, My time.
essence of time is drawing closer with each breath you take. Have no
fear, you will know exactly all that I ask of you to do and say, My
little one. Stay with Me in prayer. You will know and understand clearly
My Will for you, My precious one.
MMP – 575 – My Motherly Plan
DM – Jesus spoke the number 1111
Saturday 26 November 2011
Reflection 20 – In these days of such great temptations and trials you need the protection of My Sacred Wounds
the silence of your heart beating, you hear My Words
spoken to you, My little one. Words of expectations, joy and happiness.
Words of truth that I promised you to come. These will be no longer
words but action and reality, each day coming closer to My glorious Plan
of justice and mercy.
Yes, My
little one, you will see these days unfolding before your eyes. Truth
and justice will reign over all evil. Believe in Me as you do always. It
is I Who is speaking to you.
MMP – 311 – Instruments of My Peace
DM – Jesus spoke the number 1108 (29) (12) (5)
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 24 - Even the smallest prayers
are Peter and
upon this rock I will build my Church' . . . 'Feed my lambs . . . Tend
my sheep'. This invitation of Jesus' is especially alive in my soul when
I contemplate the Eucharistic mystery. I entrust all the People of God
to Him, the Good Shepherd, in this Lenten walk towards Easter" (Pope
John Paul II, February 20, 2005).
Mother Teresa -
True love for our neighbor is to wish him well and to do good to him.
Padre Pio -
He who does not meditate is like a person who never looks
in the mirror and therefore does not bother to be tidy when he goes out, since he can be dirty without knowing it.
person who meditates and thinks of God, who is the mirror of his soul,
tries to discover his defects, attempts to correct them, controls
himself and straightens out his conscience.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Pity can be misplaced if one does not see the whole picture
Our Lord was being led out to Calvary, the pious women came to console
Him, but He addressed them saying, 'Weep not for Me, but weep for
yourselves and your children.' In other words, 'Your pity is misplaced.
It is not for Me that you should mourn, but rather weep for those who
Me to death. Shed no tears for the Crucified, but for the crucifers. I
go to a momentary sorrow, but there is a glorious Resurrection from it.
In every flame there is a point of quietness and repose where a match
may be inserted without igniting; so too within My heart, already so
crowned with thorns of sorrow, there is an oasis of joy which no man can
take from Me.'"
St. Faustina's diary
there is genuine virtue, there must be sacrifice as well; one's whole
life must be a sacrifice. It is only by means of sacrifice that souls
can become useful. It is my self-sacrifice which, in my relationship
with my neighbor, can give glory to God, but God's love must flow
through this sacrifice, because everything is concentrated in this love
and takes its value from
it. (1358)
I am coming out of this
retreat thoroughly transformed by God's love. My soul is beginning a new
life, earnestly and courageously; although outwardly my life will not
change, and no one will notice it, nevertheless, pure love is [now] the
guide of my life and, externally, it is mercy which is its fruit. I feel
that I have been totally imbued with God and, with this God, I am going
back to my everyday life, so drab, tiresome, and wearying, trusting
that He whom I feel in my heart will change this drabness into my
personal sanctity. (1363)
O Eternal
Love, who enkindles a new life within me, a life of love and of mercy,
support me with Your grace, so that I may worthily answer Your call, so
that what You Yourself have intended to accomplish in souls through me
might indeed be accomplished.
God, I see the
radiance of eternal dawn. My whole soul bounds toward You, O Lord;
nothing any longer holds me back, nothing ties me to earth. Help me, O
Lord, to bear the rest of my days with patience. The sacrifice of my
love burns incessantly before Your Majesty, but so silently that only
Your divine eye sees it, O God, and no other creature is capable of
perceiving it. (1365)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Today the Blessed Mother speaks of
prayer from the heart
"Dear Children, today I call you to pray with the heart. Throughout
this season of grace; I wish each of you to be united with Jesus. But
without unceasing prayer, you cannot experience the great and beautiful
graces which God is offering you.
little children, at all times fill your hearts with even the smallest
prayers. I am with you and I keep watch unceasingly over every heart
which is given to me. (Monthly Message Feb 25, 1989)
James advises : If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives
to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in
faith; never
doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and
tossed by the wind (Jas
1 :5-6).
Reflection :
emphasizes that our prayer should be confident and hopeful, for God
will deny nothing that is good to his children. And the Blessed Virgin
stresses the importance of "even the smallest prayers, " for they too
are an encounter with her divine Son.
The following is a special "small prayer " for inner peace which seeks the intercession of St. Therese, the Little Flower :
Jesus, inspired by the example of St. Therese, I place all my trust in
your Sacred Heart, and surrender myself to your will. Come into my life,
drive away my fears, stop my restless strivings,
and show me new ways of pleasing you. Teach me to discern
the good in others, and to love them with an affectionate smile, a gentle touch, a patient ear, and an affirming word.
Therese, pray that I may become alive again with awe, the appreciation
of truth, and the courage to oppose evil. Remind me always that I am
created for happiness, for the joy of living in the presence of God. St.
Therese, pray that I, and all God's people, may have the inner peace
that comes form confidence, surrender, and affirmation. Amen.
Application :
reflecting on this prayer, you may wish to copy it on a mall piece of
paper and tuck it into your wallet or purse for use in troubled or
anxious times.
Apostolate of the Green Scapular Feb.22, 2012
Anna Marie: My Lady, I hear you calling me. My Lady may I ask...will you bow down and adore God your Divine Son,
Jesus of Nazareth, Who is the only begotten
of God the Father; was born of a virgin, suffered, died and was buried;
descended to the dead, arose and ascended into heaven where He now sits at His Fathers’ right hand side to judge the
living and the dead?
Mother Mary: Yes daughter, I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down before my Divine Son,
Jesus of Nazareth, Who was born of the virgin, from my holy womb. Who was taken and tortured for all mankind’s
sins. Did die on a cross and descended to the dead, arose and then ascended into heaven where my Holy Son now sits
at His Fathers’ right hand side to judge the
living and the dead.
Anna Marie: Yes my Holy Lady, Queen of heaven and earth, please speak for your sinful servant is listening.
Mother Mary: Preparing this year for my Son’s Lenten and Easter celebration should begin today. Reflecting on the
great sufferings and tortures He endured for all mankind’s sins is paramount for all to understand. Look at my Sons
burial cloth. Look at the holes in His hands and feet. Loot at the pierced side. Look at his tortured head. Do you see?
Do you see what He did for you, for all humanity? If you
can truly understand the horrific pain He endured for love of
you, for each of you, can you not then ask my Son to forgive you? Can you not then humble yourself and ask forgiveness
of your own sins? Why can’t many repent? What is it but your PRIDE which stands in your way. I ask every citizen
of the world to turn to God our Father in heaven and ask Him to forgive you, to forgive your family of all their sins.
Please children, time is short so repent now while you still have time to do so. I love you all and will help walk you
through this years Lenten season so you can prepare appropriately for the Awakening and the trials which will follow.
Your loving Mother, Mary of the Blessed
Anna Marie: Thank you Mother for coming and speaking. We all love you Holy Queen, Merciful Mother. All Apostles
around the world are praying more than ever and we love you and thank you for helping each of us in our daily lives.
(Given to Anna Marie by God the Father on March 13, 2009. We were asked to recite this beautiful prayer
parents as a Novena during Lent for nine days and to be recited on First Saturday’s all other months.)
Oh Heavenly Father, through the death and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus of Nazareth, I plead to You for
mercy for a mother and father, who knowingly or unknowingly committed the gravest of all sins, murdering
their unborn child. I plead to You Merciful Father, to have compassion for them and turn Your just anger
away from their merited punishment, but instead, receive my prayers of sorrow and love to be applied
to their souls during their life on earth and lead them both to repent
of their actions.
I pray this little prayer in hopes of Your grace pouring down upon them, to open their eyes and heart to
realize they have offended the true nature of our human existence; to know, love and serve You Father,
Jesus, Your Son and the Holy Spirit. I ask our Heavenly Mother to bring about the conversions of these parents
through her Immaculate Heart, always leading souls to her Son, Jesus Christ the Savior and Redeemer
of souls. And I praise You Father for the grace of my life, for not being aborted, so that I could praise You
this day for Your constant love for me. I love You
Father, I praise You Father alwaysuntil I am joined withYou, Your Son, Your Spirit in Heaven with the Angels and Saints. Amen.
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Light of the World
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (8:12-20):
spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life.” So the Pharisees said to him, “You testify on your
own behalf, so your testimony cannot be verified.” Jesus answered and
said to them, “Even if I do testify on my own behalf, my testimony can
be verified, because I know where I came from and where I am going. But
you do not know where I come from or where I am going. You judge by
appearances, but I do not judge anyone. And even if I should judge, my
judgment is valid, because I am not alone, but it is I and the Father
who sent me. Even in your law it is written that the testimony of two
men can be verified. I testify on my behalf and so does the Father who
sent me.” So they said to him, “Where is your father?” Jesus answered,
“You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my
Father also.” He spoke these words
while teaching in the treasury in the temple area. But no one arrested
him, because his hour had not yet come.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all
over the world, to come close to Me for I am the light of the world. I
teach the whole truth that can enlighten your minds and fill your
hearts. Those who are not with Me live in darkness and often they are
lost. They do not know where they are going and they cannot see the way
either. I am the way, the truth and the life. I have all power to
enlighten the way you should follow and to help you understand the
truths that I am teaching you. You do not have to look elsewhere
for other teachings because all that does not come from Me is false.
The evil one is the father of lies. Watch out, he can lead you away from
the truth and into the hell of fire. Come follow Me and My Church and
you will reach your true home, which is in heaven with Me. In order for
the light to reach you, you have to read passages of the Bible,
especially the New Testament, almost every day. Spend time in
contemplation and I will fill you with My gifts and you will be My
special friends. I spent time in contemplation every day with My
Heavenly Father when I was on earth and these was the greatest moments
of My earthly life. Come now and follow Me.”
Father Melvin
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Ministering to a Great
Dear Friends,
Please read this passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew (4:23-25):
went around all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming
the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among
the people. His fame spread to all of Syria, and they brought to him all
who were sick with various diseases and racked with pain, those who
were possessed, lunatics, and paralytics, and he cured them. And great
crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea, and from
beyond the Jordan followed him.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to
Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you all to follow Me into the desert especially you, My brother
Melvin, and all My brothers and sisters living all over the world. It is
time to leave your sinful ways and return to practice of the virtues
and to live a humble and Christian life. After My forty days in the
desert, I began My public life calling the people to come and enter the
Kingdom, which I had brought to them. I called them to love God with all
their heart and to love one another. They were to love even their
enemies and pray for them. To show them that I have great power I healed
the sick from all kinds of diseases. I gave the blind their sight;
those paralyzed began to walk again; those who were mentally
sick were completely healed; also many who were possessed by evil
spirits came to Me and I chased all these evil spirits away from them. I
was very busy every day helping the people in different ways.
I spent much time teaching the people how to live as the people of God. Come, My people, and follow Me. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert
Dear Friends,
Please read this passage from St. Matthew's Gospel (4:1-11):
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.
He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was
hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, "If you are the Son of
God, command that these stones become loaves of bread." He said in
reply, "It is written: 'One does not live by bread alone, but by every
word that comes forth from the mouth of God.'" Then the devil took him
to the holy city, and made him stand on the parapet of the temple, and
said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is
written: 'He will command his angels concerning you and 'with their
hands they will support you, lest you dash your
foot against a stone.'" Jesus answered him, "Again it is written, 'You
shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.'" Then the devil took him
up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the
world in their magnificence, and he said to him, "All these I shall give
to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me." At this, Jesus
said to him, "Get away, Satan! It is written: 'The Lord, your God, shall
you worship and him alone shall you serve.'" Then the devil left him
and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.
we begin the season of Lent, a very important 40 days in preparation
for the great Feast of Easter. Spend the days of Lent in the spiritual
desert in prayer.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to
Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
you begin the season of Lent, I call you all to follow Me into the
desert, especially you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters
spread throughout the world. This is in imitation of Me as I spent 40
days in the desert in prayer to My Father without eating or drinking.
You know that the Jewish people spent 40 years in the desert after they
left Egypt. It was there in the desert that they became the People of
God. My forty days was in preparation for My public life and how
important it was that I have a strong union with My Father. I am both
human and divine and I had to prepare Myself for My mission. I was also
tempted by the devil three times.
too, My brothers and sisters, come to the desert with Me
and spend time in silence to come to know Me. This is a time of prayer
especially Contemplative Prayer, and through this prayer your
relationship with Me will grow daily. You need to experience My love, My
peace and My joy. Your life will be blessed. But offer yourselves to Me
and come and obey all that I have taught you. I died for you because I
love you."
Father Melvin
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Discussion about the Origin of the Messiah
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of John 7:40-52.
in the crowd who heard these words said, “This is truly the Prophet.”
Others said, “This is the Messiah.” But others said, “The Messiah will
not come from Galilee, will he? Does not scripture say that the Messiah
will be of David’s family and come from Bethlehem, the village where
David lived?” So a division occurred in the crowd because of him. Some
of them even wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him. So the
guards went to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, “Why did
you not bring him?” The guards answered, “Never before has anyone
spoken like this one.” So the Pharisees answered them, “Have you also
been deceived? Have any
of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? But this crowd,
which does not know the law, is accursed.” Nicodemus, one of their
members who had come to him earlier, said to them, “Does our law condemn
a person before it first hears him and finds out what he is doing?”
They answered and said to him, “You are not from Galilee also, are you?
Look and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.”
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
am your Savior and I bless you all, including My brother Melvin and all
My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. One of
the big questions that the Jews raised about Me is whether I was the
Messiah (the Savior) as promised in
the Old Testament. The Father had made it known to the Jews and it is
written in the Old Testament that He would send the Messiah to save the
people of the world. Now at times some of the Jews proclaimed that I was
the Messiah but others rejected this for all kinds of silly reasons.
Some said I was not the Messiah because I came from Galilee but they did
not know that I was born in Bethlehem and that I belonged to King
David‘s family. If they had inquired, they would have found the truth.
The common people had no trouble accepting Me as the Messiah but the
leaders and the chief priests with the Pharisees never accepted Me.
Although they refused to believe in Me, I did the work I was called to
do and, by dying on the cross, I redeemed you all. Now I call you all to
believe in Me and to follow all that I have taught you, and you will
indeed be in heaven one day. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Bishop and martyr
was born around 200 AD in North Africa, of pagan parents. He was a
prominent trial lawyer and teacher of rhetoric. Around 246 he became a
Christian, and in 248 was chosen Bishop of Carthage. A year later the
persecution under the Emperor Decius began, and Cyprian with many of his
people went into hiding.
the persecution had died down, it
remained to consider how to deal with the lapsed, meaning with those
Christians who had denied the faith under duress. Cyprian held that they
ought to be received back into full communion after suitable intervals
of probation and repentance, adjusted to the gravity of the denial. In
this he took a middle course between Novatus, who received apostates
with no probation at all, and Novatian, who would not receive them back
at all, and who broke communion with the rest of the Church over this
issue, forming a dissident group particularly strong in Rome and
Antioch. (Novatus, somewhat surprisingly, ended up joining the party of
Novatian.) Cyprian, who held the same position as the Bishop of Rome on
the treatment of the lapsed, wrote urging the Christians of Rome to
stand with their bishop.
the question arose
whether baptisms performed by heretical groups ought to be recognized
as valid by the Church, or whether converts from such groups ought to be
rebaptized. Cyprian favored re-baptism, and Bishop Stephen of Rome did
not. The resulting controversy was not resolved during Cyprian̢۪s
the reign of the Emperor Valerian, Carthage suffered a severe plague
epidemic. Cyprian organized a program of medical relief and nursing of
the sick, available to all residents, but this did not prevent the
masses from being convinced that the epidemic resulted from the wrath of
the gods at the spread of Christianity. Another persecution arose, and
this time Cyprian did not flee. He was arrested, tried, and finally
beheaded on 14 September 258. We have an account of his trial and
of his writings have been preserved. His essay On the Unity of the
Church stresses the importance of visible, concrete unity among
Christians, and the role of all the bishops in guaranteeing that unity.
It has greatly influenced Christian thought, as have his essays and
letters on Baptism and the Eucharist.
she was not told anything about when to say the rosary. She assumes
that we say all 4 mysteries and that we can break them up during the day
or say them all at once.
Virgin Mary: Pray that Nuclear War can be averted in Iran
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 04:00 pm
My child it is time for my children to join as one in deference to My precious son so that nuclear war can be averted in Iran.
This war is very close and you must pray hard to stop it because it will kill millions of God̢۪s
Satan and his demons are working to cause terrible destruction.
If they kill souls before they are given a chance to redeem themselves in my Son̢۪s eyes, then they are lost.
This is the evil one̢۪s plan.
He seeks so many souls to
them from entering my Father̢۪ Kingdom.
My Holy Rosary can, when recited by saying all the mysteries in one prayer, prevent war children.
Unite now for one day and recite my Holy Rosary to stop this nuclear war which is now being planned.
Pray for those poor souls, not just in Iran but in countries who become embroiled unwittingly.
Pray also for those poor
countries who are being used as pawns in the wicked game of lies being planned by groups, not of God, my Eternal Father.
Go now my children and bring all of my children together to pray in order to mitigate this great atrocity against humanity.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Mari vision of someone in danger
Let us remember how powerful ..that doing that special blessing..Jesus King of all Nations..and those devotions ...are..
wonder since Rick used the word cataclysmic in his speech it was not
symbolic warning to all of us..that he knows something of that nature is
near now with God the Father's Just Hand falling..upon this nation..or
maybe he did not even plan on using that term and our Papa used
warn all of us because i feel an event possibly near by now. This
being Lent who
knows..what might happen..
STILL RECOOPING FROM FALL..and of course gladly to have something to
offer up esp..during Lent..) VERY DIFFICULT TO EVEN TYPE RIGHT NOW..SO
second time this whole area was damaged. May have to go for more xrays
Again and again thanks again..over and over..for all your prayers for us and for everyone ..the whole world..
Keep up the good work for heaven..
Holy Love Feb.22, 2012
February 22, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
have come to help you understand the significance of this particular
penance season. Change is being promoted in your nation, in the world
and within long-standing institutions. Please pray and sacrifice that
all change results in God's good."
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Feb. 22, 2012
with the letter to the church of Smyrna, Ignatius wrote to its bishop,
Polycarp. One of the most distinguished figures of the Early Church, who
crowned his old age with
martyrdom, Polycarp had given Ignatius a generous welcome which the
latter mentions in other letters (Eph., ch. 21; Mag., ch. 15). This is
an intimate and personal letter — the shortest of them all. Polycarp was
the younger of the two men, perhaps in his early forties, and Ignatius
is characteristically forthright in his advice. That the latter was most
highly regarded by the bishop of Smyrna is clear from his own letter to
the Philippians and from his making a collection of Ignatius’
correspondence (Polycarp, Phil., ch. 13).
The sense of Christian solidarity which bound together the local
churches is evident from the various delegations which Ignatius received
in Smyrna. The suggestion, however, in the letter to the Philadelphians
and repeated in this one to Polycarp, that the churches should send
delegates as far as Syrian Antioch to
congratulate the Christians on the cessation of persecution, is a
telling witness to the universal consciousness of the local
congregations. In a day when travel was neither easy nor free from
danger, the dispatching of such messengers reflects the deep unity of
the Christian brotherhood.
greetings from Ignatius, the “God-inspired,” to Polycarp, who is bishop
of the church at Smyrna — or rather who has God the Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ for his bishop.
While I was impressed with your godly mind, which is fixed, as it were,
on an immovable rock, I am more than grateful that I was granted the
sight of your holy face. God grant I may 118never
forget it! By the grace which you have put on, I urge you to press
forward in your race and to urge everybody to be saved. Vindicate your
position by giving your whole attention to its material and spiritual
sides. Make unity your concern — there is nothing better than that. Lend
everybody a hand, as the Lord does you. “Out of love be patient” with
everyone, as indeed you are. Devote yourself to continual prayer. Ask
for increasing insight. Be ever on the watch by keeping your spirit
alert. Take a personal interest in those you talk to, just as God does.
“Bear the diseases” of everyone, like an athlete in perfect form. The
greater the toil, the greater the gain.
It is no credit to you if you are fond of good pupils. Rather by your
gentleness subdue those who are annoying. Not every wound is healed by
the same plaster. Relieve spasms of pain with
poultices. In all circumstances be “wise as a serpent,” and perpetually
“harmless as a dove.” The reason you have a body as well as a soul is
that you may win the favor of the visible world. But ask that you may
have revelations of what is unseen. In that way you will lack nothing
and have an abundance of every gift.
as pilots demand winds and a storm-tossed sailor a harbor, so times
like these demand a person like you. With your help we will get to God.
As God’s athlete, be sober. The prize, as you very well know, is
immortality and eternal life. Bound as I am with chains that you kissed,
I give my whole self for you — cheap sacrifice though it is!
You must not be panic-stricken by those who have an air of credibility
but who teach heresy. Stand
your ground like an anvil under the hammer. A great athlete must suffer
blows to conquer. And especially for God’s sake must we put up with
everything, so that he will put up with us. Show more enthusiasm than
you do. Mark the times. Be on the alert for him who is above time, the
Timeless, the Unseen, the One who became 119visible for our sakes, who
was beyond touch and passion, yet who for our sakes became subject to
suffering, and endured everything for us.
Widows must not be neglected. After the Lord you must be their
protector. Do not let anything be done without your consent; and do not
do anything without God’s, as indeed you do not. Stand firm. Hold
services more often. Seek out everybody by name. Do not treat slaves and
slave girls contemptuously. Neither must they grow insolent. But for
God’s glory they must give more devoted service, so that
they may obtain from God a better freedom. Moreover, they must not be
overanxious to gain their freedom at the community’s expense, lest they
prove to be slaves of selfish passion.
5 Flee from such wicked practices — nay, rather, preach against them.
my sisters to love the Lord and to be altogether contented with their
husbands. Similarly urge my brothers in the name of Jesus Christ “to
love their wives as the Lord loves the Church.” If anyone can live in
chastity for the honor of the Lord’s flesh, let him do so without ever
boasting. If he boasts of it, he is lost; and if he is more highly
honored than the bishop, his chastity is as good as forfeited. It is
right for men and women who marry to be united with the bishop’s
approval. In that way their
marriage will follow God’s will and not the promptings of lust. Let
everything be done so as to advance God’s honor.
Pay attention to the bishop so that God will pay attention to you. I
give my life as a sacrifice (poor as it is) for those who are obedient
to the bishop, the presbyters, and the deacons. Along with them may I
get my share of God’s reward! Share your hard training together —
wrestle together, run together, suffer together, go to bed together, get
up together, as God’s stewards, assessors, and assistants. Give
satisfaction to Him in whose ranks you serve and from whom you get your
pay. Let none of you prove a deserter. Let your baptism be your arms;
your faith, your helmet; your love, your spear; your endurance, your
armor. Let your deeds be your deposits, so that you will eventually get
back considerable savings. 120Be patient, then,
and gentle with each other, as God is with you. May I always be happy
about you!
News has reached me that, thanks to your prayers, the church at Antioch
in Syria is now at peace. At this I have taken new courage and, relying
on God, I have set my mind at rest — assuming, that is, I may get to
God through suffering, and at the resurrection prove to be your
disciple. So, my dear Polycarp (and how richly God has blessed you!),
you ought to call a most religious council and appoint somebody whom you
regard as especially dear and diligent, and who can act as God’s
messenger. You should give him the privilege of going to Syria and of
advancing God’s glory by extolling your untiring generosity. A Christian
does not control his own life, but gives his whole time to God. This is
God’s work, and when you have completed it, it will be yours as well.
For God’s
grace gives me confidence that you are ready to act generously when it
comes to his business. It is because I am well aware of your earnest
sincerity that I limit my appeal to so few words.
I have been unable to write to all the churches because I am sailing at
once (so God has willed it) from Troas to Neapolis. I want you,
therefore, as one who has the mind of God, to write to the churches
ahead and to bid them to do the same. Those who can should send
representatives, while the others should send letters by your own
delegates. In that way you will win renown, such as you deserve, by an
act that will be remembered forever.
to every one of you personally, and to the widow of Epitropus with her
children and
her whole family. Greetings to my dear Attalus. Greetings to the one
who is to be chosen to go to Syria. Grace will ever be with him and with
Polycarp who sends him. I bid you farewell as always in our God, Jesus
Christ. May you abide in him and so share in the divine unity and be
under God’s care. Greetings to Alce, who means a great deal to me.
Farewell in the Lord.
Barnabas Nwoye - Gift of the Seal
Greatest Devotion in our time.
we have now entered the much-awaited hours of darkness, foretold by
many Catholic prophets, the true children of God face the toughest
challenge they have seen yet. As of now the Catholic Church is suffering
its greatest betrayal as subversive saboteurs (masons) infiltrate and
alter the authentic doctrine and teachings of the church to create the
ultimate apostasy (cf. Daniel 9:21, Matthew 24:15 and 2 Thessalonians
2:3). Now as never before there is the rush for a One World Government
and the ‘need’ to identify everybody in the world with a universal mark
(microchip – the forerunner of the Mark of the Beast). In the secular
world, political and social injustice reigns above all, with greed
avarice, lust and a general
hardening of hearts to the things of God. With all this glaring signs,
the final showdown between good and evil is set. The Eternal Father,
knowing what His remnant are going to go through, has outflanked the
powers of Hell by introducing THE PRECIOUS BLOOD DEVOTION.
all the places chosen by Heaven to plant a seed of holiness where the
Church’s final victory would commence, Nigeria was chosen. Since July
1995 to the present, Our Lord Jesus Christ has been appearing to a
university student called Barnabas Nwoye from Olo, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Through this visionary, Our Lord has introduced the final weapon for
all His children to endure and overcome the Great Chastisement
July 1995, at the hour of Divine Mercy (3pm), Our Lord called for the
first time Barnabas Nwoye, a 17-year-old teenager from Olo, Enugu State,
Nigeria during a school class. Our Lord appealed to Barnabas to adore
the Precious Blood and console Him for all the outrages committed
against it. Ever since then, messages have been streaming from the
Blessed Mother Mary and a host of Angels and Saints such as St. Joseph,
St. Michael the Archangel, St. Uriel (another archangel who stands with
six others before God), St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bridget of Sweden, St.
Pio, St. Gertrude, St. Jude Thaddeus and many others. On several
occasions Barnabas has seen the
Trinity simultaneously blessing congregations, as priests pronounce the
final blessing at the Mass. A set number of the messages were powerful
prayers dictated by Heaven for the devotion to the Precious Blood. They
are as follows:
1. The Chaplet
first component was given to Barnabas on the 5th July 1996. After
witnessing the whole Passion of Our Lord from Gethsemane to the
Resurrection, Jesus appeared to him and handed over a Chaplet honoring
the Precious Blood. The Chaplet was strung like a Rosary except the
decade was 12 beads long and red in color, while the
beads separating the decades was white. The Chaplet, to be recited
immediately after the Holy Rosary, consists of five mysteries relating
to the five wounds of Christ.
2. Consolation
second component of the devotion was given on the 23rd June 1997; these
prayers are specifically directed to the Eternal Father and His only
begotten Son. This second part of the devotion seeks to appease the
Father and Son, for the world’s ingratitude, blasphemies and neglects of
the Precious Blood that take place in the church, in our lives or in
society at
3. Adoration
the third part of this devotion, the Adoration prayers compromise of
the seven prayers that adore, glorify and make petitions to the Precious
Blood. Our Lord gave these prayers on the 23rd June 1997 along with the
Consolation Prayers. The petitions are for the Catholic Church, its
hierarchy, the clergy and the entire faithful. Appeals are also made on
behalf unrepentant sinners, Holy Souls in Purgatory and aborted babies
that they may be accorded to the benefits of the Precious Blood.
4. Reparation
fourth part of this devotion was dictated in a vision of the crucified
Jesus, on 10th December 1998. In seven anguished appeals Jesus describes
the sins, which have kept Him crucified mystically for the last 2000
years. This sins include grievances at Holy Mass, neglect of the
Sacraments, immodesty in fashion, greed, avarice, lust, etc all causing
millions to troop into Hell. This component consoles Blessed Trinity for
the offences they are subjected to in this world.
5. Intercession
fifth part of the devotion is where special intercessory prayers called
the ‘Mystical Prayers’ are recited. These are very efficacious prayers
taught by Our Lord during the month of July 1998. Our Lord revealed to
Barnabas these prayers as being the very same prayers uttered by Him
during His passion and final breath for humanity. There key intercessory
prayers for the defect of the Antichrist, endurance during the
chastisement, protection from the sin of the flesh and sustenance of
6. The Seal
this devotion, Heaven has
attached a precious and powerful gift for devotees of the Precious
Blood. The seal is a spiritual mark, which Precious Blood devotees carry
against the seal of 666. This seal gives the devotee a spiritual
strength to resist all temptations of Satan and withstand the sufferings
brought about by the Antichrist. The seal is achieved by the devotee
remaining a state of sanctifying grace, especially in the periods
specified by Our Lord when the Angels tour the earth to place it.
7. Gethsemane Hour
Our Lord is calling on all his chosen to be with him
every Thursday 11pm to Friday 3am (or at least one hour between this
period). This is where all five components of the devotion are observed
along with Holy Mass and Benediction (if possible). It is here that all
devotees share in the agony felt by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
The intention is to obtain grace to endure the Great Chastisement and
steadfastness in faith.
prayers, invocations, hymns and choruses that were dictated by Heaven
to Barnabas Nwoye from 1997 to 2001 constitute the Precious Blood
devotion. Each component was blessed by Jesus with graces that can be
found in the official prayer manual. The prayers and promises have
imprimatur of Rev. Dr. Ayo Maria, Bishop of Illorin Diocese, Kwara
State, Nigeria (June 17th 2000).
bulk of these messages were received during exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament in the visionary parish church of St. Joseph in Enugu State,
Nigeria. The messages received are always vetted by Barnabas’ spiritual
director (Rev.
Boniface Onah) before being read out to those present during the
apparitions. The messages of 1997 – 2000 were reviewed by a Theological
Commission set up by Bishop Anthony Gbuji of Enugu State. They have
received the Nihil Obstat of Rev. Fr. Stephen Obiukwu, Chairman of the
Propagation of the Faith:
pray much for my Holy Church. Pray harder for My Pope. Soonest, My Holy
Pope will be driven out of Rome. The Wicked Man will drive him out,
where he will be killed. Pray the Chaplet for him. Pray that he may hold
firm his
Jesus Christ, 14th January 1997
child, listen. I have warned My people that the hour to save is short
and that the days are numbered. You have seen what will happen to My
children who trust in Me, My faithful children. That is why I came and
gave you My Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood and promised to save
through My Precious
Blood. I promise to also save any sinner who calls on My Precious
Blood. I will allow a drop of the Precious Blood to fall on their hearts
so that they will get converted before the day of forsaking…”
Jesus Christ, 16th January 1997, after showing Barnabas a fearful vision of the torture of the remnant by the Antichrist.
son, I tell you only
one fourth of My Priests will be left after the Great Chastisement… My
son, pray your Holy Rosary always as My Mother has ordered you. Pray the
Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood immediately after your Rosary. You
must do this because the hour of salvation is short.”
Jesus Christ, 19th January 1997, after showing Barnabas the final massacre of Priests.
children, this Chaplet of the Precious Blood of My Son combines all the
devotions of My
Son’s Passion. In Heaven, this prayer is one of the greatest prayers
that ceases the anger of the Eternal Father and bring mercy to the
Our Blessed Mother, 29th January 1997
children, during your hour of meditation,
think about My Crucifixion, the sweat of Blood, the scourging, the
Crown of Thorns, piercing of My Body and the three hours I hung on the
Cross. If you love Me, have mercy on Me.”
Jesus Christ, 4th February 1997
wicked spirit has caused war in the Holy Church, in families, in
schools and in companies. Cardinals fight against Cardinals,
Bishops fight against Bishops. War in the spirit increases. They have
caused spiritual lukewarmness in many souls.”
St. Michael, 14th July 1997
children, when the world held My right hand and pierced it with a long
nail, I cried in great pains. With love, I remembered you and offered My
pains for your healing and salvation. Meditate on My agony
for your sake. Think how I love you.”
Jesus Christ, 4th July 1998
children, do you know that iniquity is fast, growing every minutes of
the day? As sin of the world grows, My agony grows. That is why I am
looking for someone who will console Me.”
Jesus Christ, 24th July
number of daily aborted babies and innocent children is too large.
Their blood disturbs My agonizing heart and increases My agony. Console
Me through your preaching and teaching of these messages.”
Jesus Christ,
July 1998
son, I remain for you in the Sacrament of Love, waiting for you
patiently where I am in prison for you. You rarely approach Me because
you do not remember Me, who is in prison for you. My son, My agony
greatly pains Me when I see the coldness, the mindlessness and neglect
with which you approach the Holt Trinity whose presence fills the Holy
Jesus Christ, 10th December 1998, in one of the Anguished Appeals composing the
Reparation prayers.
I am in Gethsemane for you and all My people in the whole world. I am
in Gethsemane always because of the hour that is coming, the sorrowful
hour, so fearful and terrifying. Children, how many will survive? For
the love I have for you and for all men, I am here in Gethsemane calling
you to come and watch with Me. Remain in Gethsemane with Me so that you
will not give up when
hour comes.”
Christ, 15th March 1999, appealing to all His children to spend some
time with him every Thursday between 11pm to 3am Friday morning in the
‘Gethsemane Hour’.
sorrow is great, join Me in the battle against the wicked dragon, all
who are sealed with the Blood of the Lamb. Fight with Me against the
heresies that destroy the
foot of the Church. Fear not their great number. Through the Blood of
the Spotless Lamb, the faith of the true Church, of the true doctrine
and of holiness will soon be restored.”
Our Blessed Mother, 7th May 1999
many are calling the Blood but not adoring it… All who adore My
Precious Blood console My Father who mostly loves the Son. As you
adore My Blood, the pains of My Sacred Heart get lesser. The Sorrowful
Heart of My Mother will also be consoled.”
Jesus Christ, 22nd July 1999
faithful to Jesus. When you meet what is able to let you fall, hold
firm your faith. This hour might be as one of the hour of disappointment
and hour of dryness. Know that Jesus has opened the
gate and no one has the power to close it, except Him. If this hour
comes, pray harder. Know also, the hour of joy is at hand.”
St. Michael, 28th July 1999
“The Holy Mass which is My Calvary way of your redemption is what the enemy is turning to a mere service…
agony is great
when I see many of My Priests who leave My Sacred Body and Blood to the
non-consecrated priests to serve My people…. My agony is great when I
see people receiving the Holy Communion in the hand…*
agony is great when I see My Holy Temple being defiled: driving out the
glory of God. Son, disastrous abomination has filled the Church,
sitting up in the Holy Place…
agony is great when I see the plan of the evil man
destroying My Church with the ordination of women as priests. My agony
is great for seeing the enemy filling the hearts of My Priests with the
desire from hell to marry…
agony is great when I see a large number of My people who belong to the
cult, son, even among those who consecrate themselves to Me…
agony is great when I see the millions of souls who depart daily and
nearly all go to Hell because of sins of the flesh. My son, I suffer
more greatly for the flow of blood of unborn babies that increases
everyday. Their blood disturbs heaven more than the
blood of Abel.”
Jesus Christ, 12th November 1999, in a lengthy appeal expiating on the sins that he is agonizing over in our times
*Concerning the issue of Communion in the hand, Pope John Paul II states:
eloquently the rite of anointing of the Priests’ hands in our Latin
ordination tells a special grace and power of the Holy Spirit is
necessary precisely for Priest’s hands! To touch the sacred species and
to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege
of the ordained.” (Domincae Canae, February 24, 1980)
is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the
consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should
hand them from one to another.” (Inaestambile Donum, Holy Thursday, 3rd
April 1980)
you must obey the Church not the evil one. Anyone who comes to destroy
the Church is against the Church. The Church is My Body. I plead with
you not to quarrel with My clergies. Rather, pray for them. I am the one
who chose them and put them in their positions.”
Christ, 5th January 2000
Mother has come many times to you to warn you about the hour. She saw
the coming destructions that are coming upon you. She wept for you. She
wept bloody tears for you; yet you cannot understand the hour. I in
turn, sweated blood in great agony for you. I also wept a stream of
tears and blood for love of you. Still you cannot understand the times.”
Jesus Christ, 7th April 2000
obedience gains much grace. Those who understand among them will enjoy
their suffering and their persecution. Because in suffering of the Holy
Cross is true happiness. If they understand and pray for more suffering
and persecution, they will hasten the Glorious Reign. As their suffering
increases, the hour of peace approaches.”
St. Francis of Assisi in conversation with other saints, 15th July 2000
name is written in the Book of Life. I will remove millions of years
from your Purgatory days in any truth that comes out of your mouth. In
the same way, millions of years are added to your Purgatory days for
every lie that comes out of your mouth.
Children, I appeal to you: receive from me the Royal Cross of Truth.”
Jesus Christ, 24th July 2000
if the days fall in the hour of the great confusion, you are called to
come. Even if the days fall in the hour of forsakenness, you are called
to come. Even if it is your sorrowful days, I call you all to come.
Children, pray that you will come. Get everything ready before the days
come. The hour is already at hand.”
Jesus Christ, 7th August 2000
the loss of My dear ones, Joseph and my beloved Jesus, Satan tempted Me
to despair. I conquered not by human energy, or by violence, or by
shouting but by the Fire of Purity and by the Power of Humility. I am
the Woman who crushed the head of Satan.”
Our Blessed Mother, 28th June 2001
I say, there is no valuable thing in that place of pleasure and
enjoyment. There is no valuable thing in that easy way of life. All the
precious treasures; I mean, the treasures of Heaven, are hidden in the
thorny way of life. See, I chose the
Calvary way, the way of sorrow, the bloody way, full of pains and
agony, for your salvation. There is no other way of salvation I found,
than the painful way of salvation. Children, do not reject the Calvary
way. Though the way is painful, the end is full of happiness.”
Jesus Christ, 12th September 2001, during a five days reparation programme in the month of September.
Jesus said, “Barnabas, look!”
relates, “Our Lord pointed to the east, I saw a huge beast with seven
heads and ten horns coming out of the sea. As I was watching, the beast
turned and formed into a man, looking like a soldier. At this time, the
vision passed. I came back to myself.”
Vision received on the 15th September 2001, during a five days reparation programme in the month of September.
gift of the seal has caused a lot of interest amongst the faithful and
so needs exactitude in its explanation. One reads in the Bible, when the
Israelites of old left for the Promised Land, they were instructed by
the Lord through Moses to splash the blood of lambs and kids on their
doorposts. This blood served as a ‘seal’ of protection from the Angel of
death, sent to chastise the Egyptians (Exodus 12: 21-28). A seal
in a spiritual sense is the earnest of the Holy Spirit on a person to
withstand the attacks and trials brought about by Satan and his agents.
In the messages of the Precious Blood devotion, Jesus revealed to
Barnabas of a precious gift that would be endowed on all devotees. On
11th December 1998, Barnabas witnessed a vision of Jesus coming down
with a chalice, with a tongue of fire at the top. Divine rays flowed out
of the chalice. Jesus said,
“My children, receive this; this is My Blood, the Blood of your redemption. Open your Heart for My Great Seal.”
explained that He wished to create a living tabernacle in our hearts to
reside in it. The offering of a heart to Him is of great importance,
since in the end times, when many tabernacles shall be desecrated
and closed, it will be our hearts that keep the presence of Jesus in
ourselves. The times ahead will also be of severe testing and suffering,
as many have been prophesised to be spiritually blind and fall into the
dragnet of the Antichrist. In order that we remain steadfast in our
faith, the gift of the seal is also a source of strength and grace to
draw from. Jesus said to this effect on 9th July 1999:
your seal now so that you will not be dry, when you enter the desert of
dryness. At that time, all of you who are sealed will be strengthened
by My Most Precious Blood. Their weak souls shall be courageous.”
Expiating on how a sealed soul is surrounded by heavenly hosts, Jesus said in the same message:
Jerusalem, for in you the tabernacle of My love was built. The ocean of
My Most Precious Blood will flow out and renew the world. You are
surrounded by the Hosts of Heavenly Angels, who will guard you day and
night. No one has the power to destroy you again.”
devotee receives the seal by the arduous struggle to remain in a state
of sanctifying grace, especially in the periods specified for the seal.
Jesus instructed that the seal be distributed every Friday of the year
between the seal hours of 12 to 3 pm, especially in the following
Second Friday of December, continuing all Fridays of the month, till the first Friday of
First Friday of April, continuing all Fridays, till the first Friday of May.
Every Friday of the great month of July (The month normally devoted to the Precious Blood).
receiving the seal, a devotee is expected to try to perform five
consecutive months of Gethsemane Hours, where all the prayers dictated
by Jesus are said. Then in a votive mass of the
Blood, the devotee is consecrated and through the blessings of the
priest, a soul is sealed. Any priest can perform the special
consecration dictated to Barnabas and the seal is received anywhere in
the world. Our Lord instructed that the sealing mass be said on the
third Friday of the month between the seal hours of 12 to 3 pm, if
is also important for a devotee to renew their seal time to time. The
renewal of the seal can be personally conducted every Friday in the seal
hours. What matters is that a person should be in a prayerful and pious
mood whether it is in a church or at home. However if one is at work,
then Jesus simply asks that the person work in a spirit of
mortification. A grand prayer group renewal can be conducted at an
period in the periods specified. The formula for the consecration is
found in the official prayer manual* of the Precious Blood
avoid losing one’s seal, one must try with all effort to avoid all
occasions of sin. This is why it is important to renew one’s seal from
time to time. One must also remain faithful to the devotion.
*Prayer manual and chaplet is obtainable from Queenship Publishing: or you nearest Catholic Bookstore
Lord was to also bestow on the Precious Blood devotion, a very powerful
sacramental, which He promised would be a key weapon against all
the 5th January 2000, Barnabas witnessed a vision Jesus walking alone
in a desert. The visionary relates that as Jesus came closer, He held up
crucifix to Barnabas saying,
“Barnabas, take this.”
After handing the crucifix over, Jesus continued,
is your crucified Lord who loves you. He is the one whom you daily
crucify. Accept it from Me, carry it always. Show it the world; let all
men have it also. Children this is what your sins do to Me.”
visionary taking the crucifix closer, observed that the difference was
that the wounds and scourges of our Lord’s body appeared well. Blood
oozed continuously from it. On the crucifix was written the inscription:
‘I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who loves you.’ Our Lord granted many
promises to the crucifix, which included that in the days of the
Antichrist, any house that possessed this sacramental would be protected
from any harm and that much healing and deliverance would be performed
through the crucifix.
The Agonizing Crucifix is received by a devotee at their consecration, along with
their badge to remind them of their seal.
The Mystical Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ
be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the
whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of
the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers
of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in
the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you
may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put
on the breastplate of righteousness, and
having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace;
besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench
all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of
salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray
at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that
end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the
saints ---"
following are the Mystical Prayers that Our Lord Jesus gave to Barnabas
Nwoye (1) - They carry both the Imprimatur and NIHIL OBSTAT. Note: The
highlighted phrases of each prayer were bold type in the original.
We encourage you to share them with as many people as
God bless you and your families,
Ron & Ben
Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
prayers, revealed by Our Lord as His petitions to His Heavenly Father
during His Passion, were dictated to Barnabas for us to pray daily.)
Prayer to Vanquish Satan and his Agents
(5 July 1998)
is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy.
Children, simply offer the Wounds, Pains and Blood of My left Hand for
their downfall; you will see them disappear like ashes --- I assure you,
many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in the twinkle of an eye.
Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save.")
you great number of enemies of the Holy Death of my Master Jesus Christ
on the Cross of Calvary, the prince of darkness and iniquity, the
father of all
liars. I
stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains,
Wounds, and the Precious Blood from His left Hand to the Eternal Father
for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious
Blood of my Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all
men. Amen.
Prayer for the Protection and Unity of the Flock
(6 July 1998)
children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of my
Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer My Father will let it
come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost, when My prayer will be
fulfilled that all shall be one --- All who carry out this devotion
will rejoice greatly when My Kingdom comes. I will protect them
Father, I offer You all the Wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from
the Sacred Feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children
who are wondering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying
forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that
they might be one, and united in the same way as the nail held fast the
Feet of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Precious of Jesus
Christ - reign forever. Amen.
Prayer for Refuge in the
Sacred Side of Jesus Christ
(7 July 1998)
children, these evil days will swallow many souls. That is why I teach
this mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My
Sacred Side is open for all men. Pray it and make it known to all men.
All who teach this prayer to others will be protected. I love you all.
Run for your lives ---")
Loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the
Israelites of old in His Holy Wings in the dryness of the cold and hot
desert; I offer You the Holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus
Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the
world. May the Blood and Water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us
that we might find home in
the Sacred Side of Your Son which opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side
of Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen.
Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
(8 July 1998)
children, pray it and make it known to the whole world. All who are
under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their
curses. Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by
their forefathers, and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer, will
be freed. All who break a covenant and who are supposed to die shall be
saved and also be released from their curse if
they constantly say this prayer and repent.")
Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and
kind. Look at Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy. I
offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His Wounds and Blood
for all Your people who are living under the weight of the curse due to
the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the
covenant they made with You. May You set us free through the scourging
of Your Son, heal us through His Wounds and save us through His Precious
Blood. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - release us from curses.
Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ - heal our wounds. By Your scourging - seal
us. Amen.
Prayer for the Sustenance of the Faith
(9 July 1998)
I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew greater when I
remembered their unfaithfulness. I also remembered the period that is
coming is terrible and fearful; that many will betray Me like Judas,
while others will deny that they know me --- Children pray this prayer
always for faith and make it known to the whole world before the
perilous era comes in full force. If you have little faith, even as
small as the mustard seed, you will overcome this period. This
mysterious prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world. I love you
and Omniscient God, God of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred
Head of Your only-begotten Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your
people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the Wounds and the
Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Son for all Your children
who are living in these perilous times. Strengthen our faith through the
mockery of Your Son Jesus Christ and save us through the Precious Blood
from His Sacred Head. May we through the sufferings of Your Son Jesus
Christ learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of
Jesus Christ - increase our faith. Amen.
Prayer for the Manifestation of the Divine Will
Agony --- grew worse and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at
my people and saw that they were asleep while their enemy was fast
approaching and gaining ground --- my Agonizing Heart broke out with
these words "Why are you sleeping, can't you watch with me even one
hour? Pray that you will not fall into temptation." When I knelt down
again in prayer the burden of my death weighed me down. "Father, take
this cup away from me, but not my will, rather yours be done." ---
Finally, I looked up and prayed to my Father thus --- make it known to
the whole world for the reign of my Father on earth.")
Father, You are the Creator and Author of life. You love the world You
made. That is why You sent Your only-begotten Son to come for its
so that Your Kingdom will come. Look upon Your Son and rise up in Your
throne. Raise Your right Hand and save Your people. I offer You all the
sufferings, pains, and death of Your only-begotten Son Whom You love,
for Your triumph and reign on earth. May You, through the Precious Blood
of Your Son, make a new covenant and bring all Your children back to
Your Holy Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever.
Agonizing Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer for Endurance through the Coming Chastisement
(13 July 1998)
children pray that this period
you are living in now will be shortened. Pray also that your faith will
not fail. Be on your guard. Be alert and watch always --- How many of
you will fight and drive back my adversary, conquer, and bring the
captives home? --- My children learn this prayer and pray it always
especially during the hour of trials --- When my people rejected me and
condemned me and said "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" I looked up to heaven
and prayed to my Father and said ---")
and Loving Father, Your wish is that all men should be saved. Kindly
look on Your rejected and condemned Son Who suffered many tortures and
will suffer many tortures through the sins of Your people. Look and see
what sin has done to your only-begotten Son. I offer all people who are
living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains,
rejections, and shame of Your Son Jesus Christ to
You, for faith to withstand trials and patience to withstand long
tortures. May they through the sufferings of Your only Son fight to the
end. Amen. Our Lord’s torture - increase our faith. Precious Blood of
Jesus - save us. Amen.
Prayer for Fallen Sheep and Against a Fall in Faith
(22 July 1998)
envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and how they will
constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pains grew in
intensity when I saw how hard it will be for them to return --- Many
there were who would stop on the way because they thought the way
was too hard and too long --- How large the number of My people who
will lose hope and fall --- I say to you, My children, wake up and stand
firm! During My fall, I remembered all these things and offered them to
My Father through this prayer --- Through it, My Father will pour on
you all the needed graces to endure until the end. All who pray it
devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be
obedient and humble.")
and Loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son. See the heavy
cross they prepared for Your only Son and have mercy on Your people. I
offer You all the pains, sufferings, and the Precious Blood of Your Son
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel; for all Your people who have abandoned their
faith and will abandon their faith in the mountainous hills and deep
valleys of this world. May they through the falling of Your Son
under the Cross have strength to rise again and stand firm in the true
faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross on
the streets of Jerusalemstrengthen all who are eager to do Your Will.
Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - strengthen our weakened souls.
Prayer for the Reign of Glory on Earth
(27 July 1998)
manifestation of the Red Dragon and the Antichrist in this last hour of
this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and even
more when I was about to breathe My last on the cross. As I hung on the
cross, I
envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever --- I
silently offered My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of
the cross --- My children, through this prayer the Antichrist and the
Red Dragon and his agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The
more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth.")
Loving and Merciful Father, all knowing and all powerful, the Alpha and
the Omega, the Eternal Father Who created all things, that You should
forsake Your children, Your nature forbids. Look kindly on Your begotten
Son Jesus Christ Who came to save men and bring Your Kingdom down on
earth. We offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains, and the Precious
Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ for the defeat of all the enemies of the
Holy Cross of Salvation, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon who are
fighting against the
truth now and in the end of the age. May they, through the Precious
Blood of our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam
exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom may quickly come on earth.
Amen.Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh
(28 July 1998)
you know that I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall
defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of
fornication and adultery? Children, my adversary used this sin to claim
all men to himself --- Any sinner who
constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance --- The more you
pray it the more many will return to me and leave fornication and
adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work
hard to save souls ---")
and Merciful Father, Your only-begotten Son is standing naked in the
sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your Holy Law.
Accept my humble prayer for all Your people who are living under
iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and
disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for
repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your
Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance
and be saved and through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen.
Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies
(29 July 1998)
the blood of innocent children has filled Heaven. Their number is too
great, too great; the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on
mankind -- Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My
agony --- Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies
will be saved; pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who
teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in Heaven will not let them
become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling
into mortal sin.")
Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean
of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus
Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly
bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and
baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and Water from the
Sacred Side of Your Son, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation,
in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May
they, through the Holy of Jesus Christ gain everlasting life, through
His Wounds be healed, and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to
rejoice with the Saints in Heaven. Amen.
Prayer for Sins Committed
Against the Precious Blood
(8 February 1997)
children, let me explain to you how to pray and what heaven wants from
you. My Son listens to you always. He wants to hear from you always. Oh
my loving children, pray this prayer always --- at least 500 times a
day." -- Our Blessed Mother):
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.
Rev. Fr. Stephen Obiukwu
Censor Deputatus
Chairman, Doctrine and Faith Committee
Archdiocese of Onitsha, Anambra State 430001
1st July, 1999.
Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O.P.
Bishop of Ilorin Diocese
Ilorin, Kwara State 240001 NIGERIA
17th June, 2001.
(1) The mystical occurrences of Barnabas Nwoye have
yet-to-be-approved by the Church.
the numerous requests and quiries about the Precious Blood devotion and
the Seal of the Living God, USA representatives for the devotion have
been established :
Mr. Stephen Banaszak (contact for Nevada and Wisconsin)
South Hill Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Tel: 608-231-2915
Fax: 608-238-6767
Mrs. Debra Landry (contact for Virginia)
2208 Ardmore Ave.
Virginia 23324 -1912
We also have other representatives around the world:
Precious Blood Devotion
Padre Pio Bookshop (Kathy Kelly, National Convener)
264 Vauxhall Bridge Road
Telephone No. 02078345363
Cecilia Hon
9, Greenmead
Hillcrest Park
Singapore 289402
Tel: (065) 64664365
Mrs. Eileen Raman
3 Norfolk Crescent
Coffs Harbour 2450
For more information on the devotion to the Precious Blood, please contact:
Headquarters: Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Land of Adoration (Rock of Gethsemane)
Olo, Ezeagu Local Government Area
Enugu, Enugu State
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 121, Iwollo,
Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Tel:(234) 08033792866
http://www.Muestrario de Palabras
Crusade Prayer (34) My Gift of Fasting to Jesus
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 @ 07:00 pm
O My Jesus
Help me in my own small way
imitate your life of sacrifice in order to save mankind
Allow me to offer you the gift of fasting one day a week
Throughout Lent to save all of humanity so that they can
Enter the gates of the New Paradise on Earth
I offer you dear Jesus My sacrifice
With love and joy in my
heart to show you the extent of my love
Through this sacrifice I beg you for the salvation of every soul who may
Have fallen from grace.
Fasting is important for your souls
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 @ 07:00 pm
Message received by Maria Divine Mercy during Adoration of the Holy Eucharist
My dearly beloved daughter tell My children that this time of Lent is a time of quiet reflection, of personal
sacrifice and an opportunity to pray for the mitigation of war in the world.
Emulate My fasting in the desert by making small sacrifices.
is important for your souls. It cleanses the spirit and gives Me great comfort.
You can save many souls by fasting just once a week.
This can be according to your desire. All that matters is that you offer up this day for souls.
Use this
time to help Me in My battle for souls.
Reflect on My life on earth and the gift I bestowed, by My death on the cross, to provide all of My children with Eternal Life.
These few weeks of Lent must be used to prepare your souls and those of your brothers and sisters.
Please prepare for Holy Week and Easter by reciting this Crusade Prayer (34) My Gift of Fasting to Jesus
O My Jesus
Help me in my own small way
To imitate your life of sacrifice in order to save mankind
Allow me to offer you the gift of fasting one day a week
Throughout Lent to save all of humanity so that they can
Enter the gates of the New Paradise on Earth
I offer you dear Jesus My sacrifice
With love and joy in my heart to show you the extent of my love
Through this sacrifice I beg you for the salvation of every soul who may
Have fallen from grace.
Do not
allow fear to cloud your hope of eternal salvation children. The purification will be swift.
You, My followers who accept the Seal of the Living God are blessed.
You must not worry.
You must be strong.
You must be hopeful and focus on Me at all times.
Only then will you rise and walk the thorny road without hesitation.
I will guide and lead you on your journey every step of
the way.
Your beloved Jesus
Why do you reject My warnings to prepare for My Second Coming?
Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 @ 07:45
My dearly beloved daughter how you suffer in My name and that of My beloved Father.
must be strong as these messages will provoke outrage in some quarters
although they will inspire and give strength to other souls.
My Holy Word was rejected by learned men during My time on earth.
I was dismissed as a fraud by the priests and those who claimed to be holy men.
Those of you who say that the treatment meted out to Me was barbaric would be right.
That people who lived in those days were uneducated, coarse and wicked.
That they were cruel in their treatment of Me their beloved Saviour.
may say that they were ignorant and knew nothing of Holy Scriptures.
But this is not true. Because those living in the world today, although
they are more educated and knowledgeable, are no different.
Those whom you would expect, fully
versed in the Holy Bible to be alert to the teachings therein, are blind to the truth.
For all their understanding of My Father’s Holy Book they have failed to prepare for the time when I will come again.
When did they think they would be accorded this
The time is drawing very close to My Second Coming on earth.
Yet, mankind has not prepared themselves for My arrival.
Even My sacred servants do not preach of the importance of this most glorious event. Why is this?
Have you learned nothing? What is it that I have to do?
When did you think I might come and why do you think that the time is not
What is it that blinds you and blocks your ears to the sound of My voice?
Drop your cloak of gold, silver and riches and accept that you are nothing without Me.
Without My graces you cannot prepare your souls for My glorious return.
My beloved Father always sends prophets to prepare His children. He has been doing this since time began.
Why then do
you reject My warnings to prepare for My Second Coming?
I beg you to listen to Me.
I cannot command you to listen for you have been given the gift of free will.
I can never force you or give you the command to take action. For this is
My Father will never interfere with your free will.
But he will never hesitate to warn you, guide you and flood your souls with graces to make you strong.
For those with open hearts He will give them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Those guilty of pride, religious snobbery and arrogance will find it impossible to open their hearts because they lack the most
important quality of all. Humility.
Without humility and generousity of heart you cannot come close to My Sacred Heart.
Come to Me children. Let Me take you into My flock so like a good shepherd I can lead you to safety.
Your Jesus
Redeemer of Mankind
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 22 - THE CHAIR OF PETER
September 25,
"Dear Children! Today I invite
you to fall in love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore
Him, little children, in your Parishes and in this way you will be
united with the entire world. Jesus will become your friend and you will
not talk of Him like someone whom you barely know. Unity with Him will
be a joy for you and you will become witnesses to the love of Jesus that
He has for every creature. Little children, when you adore Jesus you
are also close to me. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Mother Teresa -
We need to be someone for the destitute who not
only lack a roof over their heads, but who are deprived of having someone who cares, someone to belong to.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
cannot at all believe and therefore dispense you from meditation for
the sole reason that you feel you gain nothing from it. The holy gift of
prayer, my good daughter, is in the right hand of the Saviour, and to
the degree to which you are emptied of yourself, that is, emptied of
love of body and your own will, and that you continually become more
well-rooted in holy humility, the Lord will communicate this to your
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The difference between the penitent and proud
the other case of those who suffer unjustly but with faith and love of
God in their hearts. They may have a sadness in their hearts from pain
and torture, but never remorse. They end in penitence or a making up for
guilt by bearing patiently the trials of others. This is illustrated in
the case of Judas and Peter. There is much similarity between the two,
up to a point. Our Lord warned both of them that they would fail; He
even told them that each would be a devil."
St. Faustina's diary
light from the morning meditation: Whatever You do with me,
Jesus, I will always love You, for I am Yours. Little matter whether
You leave me here or put me somewhere else; I am always Yours.
is with love that I abandon myself to Your most wise decrees, O God,
and Your will, O Lord, is my daily nourishment. You, who know the
beatings of my heart, know that it beats for You alone, my Jesus.
Nothing can quench my longing for You. I am dying for You, Jesus. When
will You take me into Your dwelling place [cf. John. 14:1-3]? (1145)
long as we live, the love of God grows in us. Until we die, we ought to
strive for the love of God.
have learned and experienced that souls living in love are
distinguished in this: that they are greatly enlightened concerning the
things of God, both in their own souls and in the souls of others. And
simple souls, without an education, are outstanding for their knowledge.
I have heard these words: My daughter, delight of My Heart, it is with
pleasure that I look into your soul. I bestow many graces only because
of you. I also withhold My punishments only because of you. You restrain
Me, and I cannot vindicate the claims of My justice. You bind My hands
with your love. (1193)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
In the first weeks of the apparitions, the Blessed Virgin kissed an image of the Pope and said :
"He is your father, the spiritual father of all. It is necessary to pray for him. " (First Years November 8,1981)
in March of 1982, smiling at two large pictures of the Pope that had
been brought by a woman from Osijek, Our Lady said : "He is your father,
my angels. " (First Years March 2, 1982) In Matthew's gospel, Jesus
responds to Peter's faith in these words : And I tell you, you are
Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, an the gates of Hades
will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Mt 16 :18-19)
Reflection :
the cross, Jesus gave us his mother to be our own. In a like manner, in
today's message, Mary in turn points to the Holy Father and gives him
to us as "the spiritual father of all. " The Chair of Peter is a gift
from God who never leaves us without a shepherd to guide and teach us.
It has been
the charge of the Popes through the ages to hand down the body of faith
which Christ gave to his apostles and followers, to preserve it in its
integrity for future generations. Through the calm and turbulence of
2000 years, that legacy of faith has now come down to us and to the
present Pope, who in turn will teach and preserve it. No other
institution of any kind has so survived the ages, a sign of the Spirit's
presence with the church , once called "Mother " to signify its mission
of nourishing God's children. As Christians and Catholics, we give
thanks today for this priceless legacy and for the successor of Peter
who is "father of all. "
Fair use 17 U.S.C. for religious and
educational purposes for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be so exposed.
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr
Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Vision of Peter
Dear Friends,
Please read this passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:9-16):
next day, while they were on their way
and nearing the city, Peter went up to the roof terrace to pray at
about noontime. He was hungry and wished to eat, and while they were
making preparations he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and
something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered to the ground by
its four corners. In it were all the earth's four-legged animals and
reptiles and the birds of the sky. A voice said to him, "Get up, Peter.
Slaughter and eat." But Peter said, "Certainly not, sir. For never have I
eaten anything profane and unclean." The voice spoke to him again, a
second time, "What God has made clean, you are not to call profane."
This happened three times, and then the object was taken up into the
Jesus spoke to Peter in a vision, He also spoke to me many times. You
read about my meeting with Jesus at the age of twelve, the encounter
with Jesus in Africa, and
now He has something else to tell me. I have had many encounters with
Jesus during my life. He has always been close to me and He has always
asked something of me.
(Here below are the words of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus gave him this message.)
address you again, My brother Melvin, this morning and I bless all My
brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. My brother, you made a
thirty-day retreat in Jerusalem some years ago and I spoke to you often
during those days about the two religious societies. I told you that
what is primary in the life of these religious is their relationship
with Me. They need to have an intimate and loving relationship with Me
and this will come about through prayer and service. This will be
expressed in a
daily loving relationship with the members and with the people they
meet every day. They will take to heart My commandment: Love one another
as I have loved you. This will show itself by an active community life,
zeal for the Kingdom, perseverance in prayer, loving service, prompt
obedience, purity of heart and love for the Church. I call you, My
brother, to begin these religious societies as soon as possible. I bless
you and all My brothers and sisters."
Father Melvin
The Vision of Cornelius
Posted on February 29, 2012 by admin
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Vision of Cornelius
Dear Friends,
Below read the passage from the Acts of the Apostles (10:1-8):
in Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of the Cohort
called the Italica, devout and God-fearing along with his whole
household, who used to give alms generously to the Jewish people and
pray to God constantly. One afternoon about three o’clock, he saw
plainly in a vision an angel of God come in to him and say to him,
“Cornelius.” He looked intently at him and, seized with fear, said,
“What is it, sir?” He said to him, “Your prayers and almsgiving have
ascended as a memorial
before God. Now send some men to Joppa and summon one Simon who is
called Peter. He is staying with another Simon, a tanner, who has a
house by the sea.” When the angel who spoke to him had left, he called
two of his servants and a devout soldier from his staff, explained
everything to them, and sent them to Joppa.
dy is welcome.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
continue again today to speak to you, My brother Melvin, and I want you
all, My brothers and sisters, to listen to My words. As Cornelius had a
visit from heaven, this happens also today. Melvin, My brother, you
will remember what happened one early morning at 3:00 a.m. in 1977
in Africa. You had slept very well that night but you woke up at 3:00
a.m. hearing somebody calling you, “Melvin, Melvin.” You looked all
around your bedroom but there was nobody there. Then you heard your name
called a second time. You answered, “Who is calling me?“ I, Jesus,
answered you saying, ”I am Jesus who is calling you. Get up right away
and come to the parish church and sit before Me in the tabernacle.“ You
got up, washed and dressed and before 3:30 a.m. you were sitting before
the tabernacle. I spoke to you for three hours. I especially told you
the state of the world and how bad it would become in the future. I
called you to begin two religious societies: the Contemplative Brothers
of Jesus and the Contemplative Sisters of Jesus. I spoke to you that
they would be partly contemplatives but they would work to evangelize
the people wherever they lived. These religious men and women would be
blessed in a very special way. I also told
you how to instruct them and what they were to follow. I am now
waiting, Melvin My brother, that you begin these societies as soon as
possible. I bless you, My brother and all My friends.”
Father Melvin
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Last Supper
Dear Friends,
Read the passage below from St. Matthew’s Gospel (26:17-19,26-29):
On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, the disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?” He said,
“Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The teacher says, “My
appointed time draws near; in your house I shall celebrate the Passover
with my disciples.”‘” The disciples then did as Jesus had ordered, and
prepared the Passover. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said
the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and
eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to
them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the
covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of
sins. I tell you, from now on I shall not drink this fruit of the vine
until the day when I drink it with you new in the kingdom of my
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
address you again, My brother Melvin, and at the same time I greet all
My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. My
brother, I called you when you were only twelve years old to become a
priest and this idea was always with you. Indeed when time came you
applied to go to the seminary and you finished all your studies. The
great day came on June 22, 1968. On that day I gave you very special
graces and you were filled with great joy when you were ordained to the
priesthood. I had called you to be a missionary priest in Africa where
you spent 29 years. You have been united with Me in a special way
through the practice of
contemplation. I asked you to write a book about contemplation and you
did write it. It is called, ‘The Art of Contemplative Prayer.‘ This is
the prayer I love because it builds up a very close union with Me. I
call all My friends to learn this prayer. I love you all.”
Father Melvin
Monday, February 27, 2012
Revelation to Samuel
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the
First Book of Samuel(3:1-10):
the time young Samuel was minister to the LORD under Eli, a revelation
of the LORD was uncommon and vision infrequent. One day Eli was asleep
in his usual place. His eyes had lately grown so weak that he could not
see. The lamp of God was not yet extinguished, and Samuel was sleeping
in the temple of the LORD where the ark of God was. The LORD called to
Samuel, who answered, “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am.
You called me.” “I did not call you,” Eli said. “Go back to sleep.” So
he went back to sleep. Again the LORD called Samuel, who rose and went
to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You called me.” But he answered, “I did
not call you, my son. Go back to sleep.” At that time Samuel was not
familiar with the LORD, because the LORD had not revealed anything to
him as yet. The LORD called
Samuel again, for the third time. Getting up and going to Eli, he said,
“Here I am. You called me.” Then Eli understood that the LORD was
calling the youth. So he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are
called, reply, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” When
Samuel went to sleep in his place, the LORD came and revealed his
presence, calling out as before, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel answered,
“Speak, for your servant is listening.”
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
wish to speak to you, My brother Melvin, and I would like all My
brothers and sisters to listen to what I have to say to you today. You
remember, My brother, what happened the summer you were twelve years of
age. It was in the month of July on a Sunday afternoon and it was a
sunny day. You had gone walking on your own towards the seashore that is
only a few kilometers from the home of your parents. You were walking
in the woods and all of a sudden you heard a voice. You stopped and
looked around trying to find out who was calling you. As you did not see
anybody around, you started to walk again. You only walked a short
distance when you heard your name called again like this: Melvin,
Melvin. You stopped in your tract and looked up and called out, ‘Who is
calling me?‘ Then you heard my voice as I spoke to you these words, ‘I
am Jesus and I am calling you to be a priest.‘ These words of mine, I
know, penetrated deeply into your heart and they never left you. You can
hear them even today. After that you had no doubt what your vocation
would be as an adult. Indeed you followed My
words and became a priest. I called you for a special reason, which you
will soon find out. I am always there with you every day. I bless you
and I bless all My brothers and sisters spread all over the world. I
love you all.”
Father Melvin
Fr. Doucette: 941] Sun, Feb 26, 2012: Jesus, the Father's Ambassador
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr./
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Jesus, the Father's
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (8:21-30):
said to them again, "I am going away and you will look for me, but you
will die in your sin. Where I am going you cannot come." So the Jews
said, "He is not going to kill himself, is he, because he said, 'Where I
am going you cannot come'?" He said to them, "You belong to what is
below, I belong to
what is above. You belong to this world, but I do not belong to this
world. That is why I told you that you will die in your sins. For if you
do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins." So they said to
him, "Who are you?" Jesus said to them, "What I told you from the
beginning. I have much to say about you in condemnation. But the one who
sent me is true, and what I heard from him I tell the world." They did
not realize that he was speaking to them of the Father. So Jesus said to
them, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I
AM, and that I do nothing on my own, but I say only what the Father
taught me. The one who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone,
because I always do what is pleasing to him." Because he spoke this way,
many came to believe in him.
(Below you will find the message of Our Savior and Lord given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you all to believe in My divinity, especially you, My brother
Melvin and all My brothers and sisters scattered all over the world.
When Moses asked Our Heavenly Father at the burning bush His name, He
told him these words, 'I AM WHO AM.' I gave the Jews the same name
telling them that I was the I AM. These words 'I AM' expresses My
divinity as I am God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You know
that there are three Persons in the Blessed Trinity: the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit. We are one God in three Divine Persons. My dear
friends, I want you all to believe that I am truly God and that I know
everything and I
all power. I love My Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit for we are
One. I came on earth at the request of God the Father to do His will.
Everything I taught came from the Father and it is the absolute truth. I
came into the world because of you, My brothers and sisters. I love you
all and I gave My life to atone for your sins and to open heaven for
you. I won many graces for you so come and believe in Me and follow Me
and I will give you all the help you need. Remember that the Father and I
are One. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Our Blessed Mother at the Foot of the Cross
Posted on February 25, 2012 by admin
Saturday, February 25,
Our Blessed Mother at the Foot of the Cross
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (19:25-27):
by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the
wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the
disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold,
your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from
that hour the
disciple took her into his home.
(Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words.)
bless you, My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters living in every
country of the world. You are now in the season of Lent, a time to
return to your Lord and Savior and to repent of all your sins.
My Son, Jesus, hung upon the cross, I was standing near His cross and
suffering very much seeing Him in such horrible pain. I was there when
they nailed Him to the cross and when they lifted the cross and planted
it in the ground. If the Father had not given Me the strength to support
all this, I surely would have fainted, but
He strengthened Me to bear this pain together with My Son. I knew that
He had to suffer this terrible Passion to atone for all your sins and to
open heaven for you. You cannot thank Him enough for all that He did
for you. The way to thank Him is to come and follow Him every day. Be
men and women of prayer who love Jesus with all your heart.
period of Lent will bring you to Good Friday, the day that Jesus was
crucified and died on the cross, but after three days He was raised from
the dead. Give Jesus your whole life so that He can make use of it the
way He thinks best. He loves you as I love you. I am praying for you all
every day.”
Father Melvin
The Light of the
Posted on February 24, 2012 by admin
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Light of the World
Dear Friends,
Please read the passage below from the Gospel of St. John (8:12-20):
spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
So the Pharisees said to him, “You testify on your own behalf, so your
testimony cannot be verified.” Jesus answered
and said to them, “Even if I do testify on my own behalf, my testimony
can be verified, because I know where I came from and where I am going.
But you do not know where I come from or where I am going. You judge by
appearances, but I do not judge anyone. And even if I should judge, my
judgment is valid, because I am not alone, but it is I and the Father
who sent me. Even in your law it is written that the testimony of two
men can be verified. I testify on my behalf and so does the Father who
sent me.” So they said to him, “Where is your father?” Jesus answered,
“You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my
Father also.” He spoke these words while teaching in the treasury in the
temple area. But no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father
Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)
call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all
over the world, to come close to Me for I am the light of the world. I
teach the whole truth that can enlighten your minds and fill your
hearts. Those who are not with Me live in darkness and often they are
lost. They do not know where they are going and they cannot see the way
either. I am the way, the truth and the life. I have all power to
enlighten the way you should follow and to help you understand the
truths that I am teaching you. You do not have to look elsewhere for
other teachings because all that does not come from Me is false. The
evil one is the father of lies. Watch out, he can lead you away from the
truth and into the hell of fire. Come follow Me and My Church and you
will reach your true home, which is in heaven with Me. In
order for the light to reach you, you have to read passages of the
Bible, especially the New Testament, almost every day. Spend time in
contemplation and I will fill you with My gifts and you will be My
special friends. I spent time in contemplation every day with My
Heavenly Father when I was on earth and these was the greatest moments
of My earthly life. Come now and follow Me.”
Father Melvin
Great Tribulations Coming
February 28, 2012
word is open and honest for all the world to see. There is great
tribulations coming to your world. One in which will impact many people.
So all of you must pray hard and open yourselves to my word so you will
be saved. The devil will try to stop you in this mission. You must
ignore every temptation from him to despair. Remember always my
temptations in the desert. I understand how hard this can be, how
painful. Come to me and my Father for rest from these temptations. I
fasted in order to rebuke the devil. You must do this too. You can
complete your mission and I will help you. I am always here with help
and love. My word is an open book when calling out for help. Please turn
to me when you are in need of aid. I will satisfy
needs. I promise. Please believe me. All is well in the kingdom because
all of you are completing your missions for me. Thank you.
said in Way of Divine Love to encourage souls and give them peace and
to show the astounding, wonderful love Jesus has for us!
104 ~ "A soul will profit even after the greatest sins, if she humbles
herself. It is pride that provokes My Father's wrath, and it is loathed
by Him with infinite hatred."
109 ~ "Ah,
if souls only understood how ardently I desire to communicate Myself to
them! But how few do understand...and how deeply this wounds My
Heart." "I am the one joy of souls. Why do they go away from Me? I
would condone their falls... and I am not unmindful of their
wretchedness, but what I want is that they should not remain deaf to My
appeal and that they should not turn away from the arms outstretched to
raise them up. "
118 ~ He said to Josefa: "I want you to comfort Me. Great is the
coldness of souls...and how many blindly throw themselves into hell. If
I were unable to find souls to solace Me and draw down mercy, justice
no longer be restrained. My love for souls is so great that I am
consumed with desire to save them. But O! how many are lost, and how
numerous are those who are waiting for the sacrifices and sufferings
that are to obtain for them the grace to forsake their evil
ways...However, I still have many souls who love and belong to Me. A
single one of them can purchase pardon for a great many others who are
cold and ungrateful. I want you to throw yourself into My Heart and to
make My glory your sole occupation."
ll9 ~ Our Lord allayed Josefa's fears, and gave her the secret of
courage. "Let your sole occupation be to love Me; Love will give you
l20 ~ "Do not worry about your
miseries; My Heart is the Throne of Mercy and the most wretched are the
best welcomed, as long as they come to lose themselves in the abyss of
My love."
234 ~ "There are souls who during life and for all eternity are called
to give Me not only the glory they owe Me themselves, but also that
which other souls who are lost should have given Me...In this way My
glory is not impaired and a just soul is able to make reparation for
many others."
235 ~ "Do not be astonished...In spite of the number of offenses
committed by sinners, My Heart is consoled, for I have many who love Me.
I do indeed feel
keenly the loss of so many souls...but this sorrow does not cloud My
glory. Understand this well, Josefa, when a souls loves Me, she can make
up for many who offend Me, and this relieves My Heart."
240~ "When a soul comes to Me for strength, I do not leave her to
herself; I hold her up, and if in her weakness she stumbles, I will
raise her
Pg. 241 ~ "If your unworthiness and your sins are great, come and
immerse them in the torrent of My Heart's Blood and let yourself be
purified. Then accept generously all the sufferings My will sends you,
and offer them up to My Heavenly Father. Your heart should burn with
desire to console an
outraged God, and repair for so many sins through My merit."
242 ~ "Tell me, do you know a Heart more loving than Mine, and any
that meets with less response to Its love? Is there a Heart to be found
that consumes itself with greater willingness to forgive? And yet in
payment for so much love I receive only great outrages. Poor
souls...let us go and ask pardon, and repair for their sins." Prayer:
"O My Father, have pity on souls. Do not chastise them as they
deserve, but have mercy on them according to the entreaties of thy Son. I
long to make reparation for their sins, and render thee the glory which
is due Thee, O God, infinitely holy! But cast Thine eyes on Thy Son,
He is the Victim who will expiate all these sins."
243 ~ "It was My intention, also, to show souls that I never refuse
grace even to those who are guilty of grave sin; nor do I separate them
from the good whom I love with predilection. I keep them all in My
Heart, that all may receive the help required by their state of soul..."
252 ~ "If I ask your love, do not refuse it. It is so easy to love
Love Itself. If I should ask you for things that cost, know that at the
same time I will give you all the grace and strength you need to
conquer yourself." " I hope to find in you My comfort, therefore have I
chosen you. Open your whole soul to me, and if you are conscious of
having nothing worthy of Me, say
with humility and trust: Lord, Thou knowest both the flowers and fruits
of my garden...come and teach me how I may grow what will please Thee
most. To one who speaks in this way and has a genuine desire of showing
love, I answer: Beloved, if such is your desire, suffer Me to grow
them for you...let me delve and dig in your garden...let Me clear the
ground of those sinewy roots that obstruct it and which you have not the
strength to pull up...Maybe I shall ask you to give up certain tastes,
or sacrifice something in your some act of charity or
patience, or self-denial... or perhaps prove your love by zeal,
obedience or abnegation; all such deeds help to fertilize the soil of
your soul, which then will be able to produce the flowers and fruit I
look for: your self-conquest will obtain light for a sinner...your ready
patience under provocation will heal the wounds he inflicted on Me,
will repair for his offense and expiate
his fault...a reproof accepted patiently and even with joy will obtain
for a sinner blinded by pride the grace to let light penetrate his soul
and the courage to beg pardon humbly." "All this I will do for you if
you will give Me freedom. Then will blossoms grow quickly in your soul,
and you will be the consolation of My Heart. "Yes, My beloved, even
your falls comfort Me. Do not be discouraged, for this act of humility
which your fault drew from you has consoled Me more than if you had not
fallen. Take courage, go forward steadily, and let Me train you."
I know this is long, but one can apply sooo much to come closer to Our Beloved Lord,
Jesus! Peace and love
Clarification: Messages are in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church Maria Divine Mercy
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 @ 01:55 pm
Maria wishes to make it clear to all that she is a Roman Catholic.
She also wishes it to be known that the teachings of the Catholic Church are fully supported within the context of these
In the messages she believes to be from God the Father it is clearly stated that the Catholic Church is the one true church.
people choose to interpret the messages in that they are not in
accordance with the Catholic Church then this is completely outside of
her control. All messages are in line with the teachings of the Catholic
Church according to the various Catholic theologians who support these
Holy Love Feb.27,2012
February 27, 2012
St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus."
are many treasures people seek in the world today - financial security,
freedom, power - to name a few; but the treasure people should seek is
Truth. Truth uncovers the enemy of every soul and redirects souls onto
the path of righteousness if it is accepted in the heart."
is the answer to the
economic and political mayhem gripping the heart of the world today.
Truth calls people to personal holiness, righteous wisdom and true
discernment as opposed to rash judgment. Truth calls people to prayer.
It does not scatter but unites. Truth is like a filter which separates
good from evil. Truth is the grace of living in Holy Love."
February 27, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
brothers and sisters, if you have Holy Love in
your hearts, it is easier for you to accept My Father's Will in the
present moment; but if the Holy Love in your heart is weak, it becomes
most difficult to surrender. Therefore, I encourage you once again,
pray for deep virtue of Holy Love."
"Tonight I am imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
God the Father: The balm you so desperately need to calm your
Sunday, February 26th, 2012 @ 09:45 pm
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 01 - Experience this peace
remains among us until the end of the world. He dwells on so many
altars, though so often offended and profaned" (St. Maximilian Kolbe).
Mother Teresa -
Jesus said, " Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart."
The naked truth is the magnet to draw hearts
Meditations by Padre Pio -
with simplicity in the ways of the Lord
and do not torment your spirit. Your must hate your faults, but with a
quiet hate, not troublesome and restless. We must be patient with them
and gain from them through holy humility. Without that patience, instead
of diminishing, your imperfections will increase constantly, as there
is nothing that nourishes our defects like restlessness, and the haste
to drive them away.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How we have lowered the moral bar
growth of democracy has done much to do away with a false social
snobbishness and to keep men humble in their external relations. But it
has also, from another
of view, weakened the respect for Goodness and Truth, inasmuch as the
masses of people are generally inclined to equate morality with the
general level of society at any given moment."
St. Faustina's diary -
to You, Eternal Love, my Sweet Jesus, who have condescended to dwell in
my heart! I salute You, O glorious Godhead who have deigned to stoop to
me, and out of love for me have so emptied Yourself as to assume the
insignificant form of bread. I salute You, Jesus, never-fading flower of
humanity. You are all there is for my soul. Your love is purer than a
lily, and Your presence is more pleasing to me than the fragrance of a
hyacinth. Your friendship is more tender and subtle than the scent of a
rose, and yet it is stronger than death. O Jesus, incomprehensible
beauty, it is with pure souls that You communicate best, because they
alone are capable of heroism and sacrifice. O sweet, rose-red blood of
Jesus, ennoble my blood and change it into Your own blood, and let this
be done to me according to Your good pleasure. (1575)
my Jesus, if You yourself do not soothe the longing of my soul, then no
one can either comfort or soothe it. Your every approach arouses new
raptures of love in my soul, but also a new agony; because, despite all
Your approaches to my soul, even the most exceptional, I am still loving
You from a distance, and my heart dies in an ecstasy of love; because
this is still not the complete and eternal union, although You commune
with me so very often unveiled [as if face to face]; nevertheless, You
thereby open in my soul and heart an abyss of love and desire for You,
my God, and this bottomless abyss, this total desiring of God, cannot be
filled on this earth. (1600)
thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria
Our Lady speaks of peace in this monthly message:
Children, today I thank you and I want to invite you all to God's
peace. I want each of you to experience, in your heart, this peace which
only God can give. I bless you with God's blessing and beseech you to
live, dear children, in the way I have shown you.
I love you, dear children, which
is why I do not count the number of times I have called you—and continue to call you.
thank you for all you have done according to my wishes. Help me,
please, that I may present you to God and guide you to salvation."
(Monthly Message June 25, 1987).
And in John's gospel, Christ gives his peace to his disciples:
the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to
you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to
you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be
and do not let them be afraid. (Jn 14:26-27)
effect of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is often a deep and
lasting peace. Unlike the world's peace, which is only the absence of
conflict, this peace lives in us as a confident assurance in all
circumstances. With Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the past,
present, or future.
today on this line from the philosopher Baruch Spinoza: "Peace is not
an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for
benevolence, confidence, and justice."
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 28 -
Experience in your heart, this peace
Bl. Angela of Foligno, Widow & Mother (Italy) 1248-1309—Feast, February 28
with love for us, [Jesus] You desired to give Yourself to us and took
up Your dwelling in the consecrated Host, entirely and forever, until
the end of time. And You did this, not only to give us a memorial of
Your death which is our salvation, but You did it also, to remain with
us entirely and forever" (Bl. Angela of Foligno, Third Order
"Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for you."
Mother Teresa
Holiness is the greatest gift that God can give us because for that reason He created us.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
for the wicked, pray for the lukewarm, pray even for fervent souls, but
pray especially for the Supreme Pontiff, for all the Spiritual and
temporal needs of Holy Church, our most tender Mother. A special prayer
for all those who are working for the salvation of souls and for God's
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
What goes up must come down!
all moments of high sensible exaltation are followed by a period of
depression. This is particularly true in any
experience which has to do with the flesh. Drunkenness is followed by
the hangover, excesses by disgust, the dream stage of opium by
disenchanting depression. The body cannot sustain continued pleasure.
Even tickling can turn into pain."
St. Faustina's diary
that moment, love for Jesus was enkindled so strongly in my heart that,
offering myself for ungrateful souls, I immersed myself completely in
Him. When I came to my senses, the Lord allowed me to taste a little of
the ingratitude which flooded His Heart. This experience lasted for a
short while. (1538)
Lord said to me, I am delighted with your love. Your sincere love is as
pleasing to My Heart as the fragrance of a rosebud at morningtide,
before the sun has
taken the dew from it. The freshness of your heart captivates Me; that
is why I unite Myself with you more closely than with any other
creature... (1546)
O Everlasting Love, Jesus, who have enclosed Yourself in the Host,
And therein hide Your divinity and conceal Your beauty,
You do this in order to give Yourself, whole and entire, to my soul
And in order not to terrify it with Your greatness.
O Everlasting Love, Jesus, who have shrouded Yourself with bread,
Eternal Light, incomprehensible Fountain of joy and happiness,
Because You want to be
heaven on earth to me,
That indeed You are, when Your love, O God, imparts itself to me. (1569)Holy Love Messages: February 28 & 29 and March 01 2012
February 28, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Do not be fearful of these times in which you live, nor for the unfolding of events long predicted. The more mankind suffers, the quicker My Return and My Triumphant Reign."
"Do not be distracted by supposed dates of impending disaster. These are not of Me; rather, sanctify each present moment by surrendering to My Father's Will through Holy Love. This alone will bring peace more than any worldly preparation. This alone will lead you in trust."
February 29, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I desire that people see My Father's Will as their Refuge during the storms of life. My Father's Will is comprised of His Love and His Mercy. It is through His Love and His Mercy that He orders all things Mightily; thus, He ordains, permits and provides."
"It is through this same Divine Will, Justice comes - always Loving, always Merciful, always providing for each soul's salvation."
"The sanctification, then, of each present moment lies in the soul's recognition and cooperation with My Father's Divine Will. Cooperation lies in your surrender and thus your acceptance of all that occurs in each present moment."
"This surrender is complete through Holy Love which is the source of trust."
Messages to John Leary Feb.15-28,2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have complained about the new Health Law that your President and the Democrats have forced on you. Little by little the effects of this law are taking their toll. The latest forcing of handing out birth control devices on all of your religious organizations is just the beginning of your problems. As your government looks to make cuts in your Health plans, you will see rationed care, especially less care to be given to the elderly. Eventually, these same authorities will try to force mandatory chips in the body on you for your identification. You will soon need this chip for your Health care, and any government entitlement as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare. Even food stamps will require such a chip in the body. My faithful need to be prepared to refuse this chip in the body, even if it means not receiving health insurance or entitlement aid. Once mandatory chips in the body are required, the evil ones will come to your homes to implement this edict. If you refuse to take this chip in the body, they will place you in detention centers, and you may be tortured and killed. This is why I will warn you to leave for My refuges before these one world people come to your home. Mandatory chips in the body were in your original Health Bill, and it is just a matter of time before these chips in the body will be forced on you. Do not take this chip in the body because the black box in the vision will send voices to your chip to control your free will and make you into a robot. It is better to die for your faith, than to lose control over your mind and soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have plans for a war in Iran and possibly Syria. They will be using the media to drum up support for this war. There may even be a fabricated false flag that could be created to bring the US into such a war. It is ironic that the same people, who are cutting your Defense budget, are the same people who will be calling for such a war. Iran’s army and missiles are much more numerous and sophisticated than what America faced in Iraq. Any war in this region of the Middle East will affect oil deliveries, and that will precipitate high oil and gasoline prices. If Russia and China become involved, then you could be on the brink of a world war. A miscalculation on either side could start a war that may be hard to finish. Because America is still dependent on foreign oil, you will be involved in any war in this region. Such a war could strain your National Debt into bankruptcy. Your people need to pray that this war does not start, or you could see some nations destroyed by nuclear weapons.”
Thursday, February 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, volcanoes, as you know, can erupt with great violence, smoke, lava, and fire. Volcanoes are active all over the earth, but at times there are huge eruptions that spew smoke and ash for miles into the sky. These large eruptions can even cause visibility problems where planes have to be rerouted, or their jet engines may cease operating. Even weather can be affected if enough sun is blotted out. You have seen several recent articles speaking of the possible eruption of some super volcanoes that could greatly change your landscape. The Gospel speaks of My calling St. Peter, Satan, because he did not want Me to suffer death on the cross. This was against My plan for saving all of mankind, which is why man’s ways are not My ways. There is another evil that will be entering your world. I mentioned before that the demons are increasing their presence on earth as they leave hell and come out of these volcanoes. You are seeing evil things increasing in power before the Antichrist comes into his reign. Do not lose heart because evil will have a short reign before I return to defeat the demons. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, so have no fear. Rejoice that you are living in a time soon when all evil will be conquered, and you will see My Era of Peace.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are fighting for your religious freedom where you do not want to be forced to do something against your faith as handing out birth control devices. Tomorrow you will soon be struggling for your life as you will be persecuted for just believing in Me. Right after My death, all Christians were at risk of being killed for their faith as St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred. As the evil people gain in power, your persecution will worsen because the one world people will be trying to eradicate Christianity. My faithful will have to seek My refuges for protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, today you are complaining about not enough jobs, and poor pay for non-manufacturing jobs. In the future reign of the Antichrist, you will become like slaves again to satisfy your one world masters. A world government is coming, but the Antichrist will become a tyrant like many of your dictators. Do not take his mark or a computer chip in your body, and do not worship him. My faithful will be hiding at My refuges, but those, who take the chip in the body, will be slaves in doing the bidding of the Antichrist. Trust in Me that these evil ones will be defeated, and My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people do not want to believe that the tribulation of the Antichrist is about to take over. They think with enough prayer and sacrifice that the tribulation could be avoided. Unfortunately, this coming of the two beasts in Revelation is what is foretold, and it will happen accordingly. Prayer may shorten the time, but the world will be tested by this evil. The choice will be to stay with Me in faith, or some will choose the evil one and they will be condemned.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s world with so many temptations abound, it is hard to remain faithful to My Word. It takes spiritual courage to go against the political correctness of the worldly people. There is also a risk of your rights and your life to openly fight the one world people who control this world. It takes spiritual stamina from My sacraments to stand up for your faith in Me. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, while others will be safe at My refuges. Even if your life is threatened, never give up your belief in Me. Anyone, who gives in to following the Antichrist, is on the broad road to hell with no spiritual backbone. Be strong in the faith, My people, for your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are standing up for their religious freedom, should be commended for not backing down and not taking the easy way out. When you believe in Me, you may have to come out of your comfort zone to stand up for your freedoms. Your current administration has taken away many of your freedoms guaranteed by your Constitution. It is about time that your people realize what is going on, and now they are speaking out against your President’s edicts. If you do not take a stand for your religious freedom, then all of your freedoms will be taken away when these evil ones bring in the North American Union. Be prepared for a heavy handed battle against your rights.”
Jesus said: “My people, for years the one world people have chosen your Cabinet leaders no matter which party controlled the Presidency. It is this money and control of your media that shapes your candidates and the polls that are taken. If your people can discern the truth, this should be directing your vote. It is difficult to fight this one world power in your government because money and corruption have ruled for many years. You will not see true justice in your world until I come and defeat the evil ones of your society. Have patience at My refuges until you see My return. It is then that I will treat these evil ones with My justice for their evil actions. My faithful will be vindicated for your faith in Me, and you will be rewarded in My Era of peace and later in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, the season of Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday. This is a beautiful time to try and improve your spiritual life with more prayer and fasting than usual. Try to work on any sinful addictions of your more frequent sins that you confess in Confession. Make some Lenten resolutions that you could maintain throughout all of Lent. Write them down and work everyday on your goals. You need to keep reminding yourself of your intentions and check frequently on your progress. Do not feel down if you fail at times, but pick yourself up and keep trying to fulfill your resolutions. I do not condemn sinners for their sins, but if you stop asking for My forgiveness, then it is hard to justify souls with cold hearts to My love. So keep coming to Me in frequent Confession with a firm purpose of amendment to stop committing the same sins.”
Saturday, February 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusual weather this year in warm temperatures and less snowfall in some Northern States. You have seen floods, tornadoes, and various cold spells in Europe that have killed hundreds of people. At times you see the disasters, but they are happening with more severity as when you saw the worst damage that you have seen last year more than any other years. This violence in your natural disasters is a reflection of the violence of your wars and your violence in killing My babies with abortion. The Israelites worshiped foreign gods, and they were exiled and banished from their land as a punishment. So now America is becoming a pagan nation with your sexual sins, homosexual acts, abortions, and the worship of money, possessions, and sports. Because you are turning your back against Me, your country will be taken away from you, and the one world people will take it over as a punishment for your sins. You will be in exile also where My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection. Only those faithful with My cross on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. Repent of your sins in Confession as all of you will suffer this persecution at the hands of the Antichrist and the evil people. Trust in Me and you will be protected.”
Sunday, February 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how many events are leading up to the time of the Antichrist’s declaration. Before he comes into power, I will send My Warning experience to everyone on earth all at the same time. I love My people, and I will give everyone an opportunity to be saved. This illumination of conscience will bring all of you to Me as a brilliant light. Then I will give all the people a life review of all of their actions. There will be a focus on the unforgiven sins, and at the end of their life review, there will be a mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. Many will have a strong sense of sorrow for having offended Me, and there will be a strong desire for Confession. This experience will help people prepare their spiritual and physical lives for what is to come during the evil reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation. Take advantage of your Lenten devotions to get your spiritual life in order so you will have spiritual courage to carry out My mission in bringing My faithful to My refuges of protection. My angels will help shield you from the evil ones, and they will bring you daily Communion, food, and water for your needs. Have no fear of the evil ones who I will conquer and cast into hell. Be faithful to your daily prayers, daily Mass when you can, and help your neighbors in their physical and spiritual needs. Events will move quickly now, and even more so after My Warning. I love all of you, and I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies and those who persecute you. Your persistent prayers will be needed in bringing your families and friends back to faith in Me.”
Monday, February 20, 2012:
Jackie said: “I am happy to be free as the birds that you are seeing because of the suffering which I had to endure. I am with My Jesus, even as I suffered with Him on the cross as a victim soul. I want to thank E. and all of my care givers for helping me in this life. I will be praying for them and My family. Having a free spirit is such a release from all of the demands of this earthly body. One day you will all appreciate this freedom as well. I love you all, and keep close to my Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have demons among you in the masons within My Church. It is My Light that will expose who they are, and I will cast them out of My Church as I cast out the demon from the young boy in the Gospel. You will see a division in My Church between the evil schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be possessed by demons, and they will teach New Age which is an abomination inside of My Church. Once these elements are divided, I will no longer be Present in the Masses or tabernacles of this schismatic church. My faithful need to avoid these false teachings and idol worship that is not of Me. By their works and false worship, you will recognize them. Call on My good angels to defend you from the demons in this evil church that will teach sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Trust in Me to give you discernment of the evil ones in My Church before this split. Those, who proclaim false teachings, are not to be followed in any heresies, no matter how high they are in My hierarchy.”
Tuesday, February 21, 2012: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, you are travelers on this earth and you are on a journey from this life into My Era of Peace. My Blessed Mother has promised you a time of her victory over Satan when she will crush his head with her foot, and you will see the coming Era of Peace. This is why you see her altar in your transition from this life of tears into the next age of My glory on earth. I held a little child before My apostles, and I want everyone to become like a child with humility and with a child-like faith in order to enter into heaven. Come to Me, My children, and I will give you all that you need. Trust in Me, and show Me your love as I showed you My love on the cross. You will soon be starting another Lenten season of prayer and fasting. Let your Lenten devotions improve your spiritual life so you can become child-like in your love for Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many people asleep in sleeping blankets at this place where My faithful will be protected. I could see a miraculous spring of water to provide for your needs. You will have an angel of protection who will place a shield of invisibility over all the faithful who come here. Your hostess has spent many hours of preparation on this refuge, and I will reward her by sending people and angels to help her. Fear not this coming time for My angels will protect you and give you daily Communion. Keep active with your prayer groups so you can be connected with My faithful prayer warriors.”
Wednesday, February 22, 2012: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, you received the ashes which are a reminder of your mortality and how your dead body will turn into ashes. As you start your Lenten devotions, your prayers and fasting for forty days will remind you of My fasting in the desert for forty days. I used that time to prepare My human side for My three years of ministry that would culminate with My death by crucifixion on the cross. You have a time in Lent to prepare yourself spiritually for My Resurrection celebration. Use your penances and suffering of fasting to change your life by involving Me more in your life. Once I finished My fasting, I was able to withstand the three temptations of the devil. By prayer and fasting, you too, will be able to withstand the temptations of the devil. Make some good resolutions that you can keep all throughout Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, your weather has been hot and cold, which is why most of your snow has melted quickly. Because your lakes have not frozen over, any cold spell coming over the Great Lakes could give you some heavy lake effect storms. Your moisture levels have been above normal, but you have had more rain than snow. You also have not had any recent ice storms with temperatures at freezing. This track could change quickly when cold temperatures could last for longer periods of time. Your weather patterns will continue to be erratic because of the manipulation of your jet streams. When man uses machines to change the weather, you may get more disasters than you are planning on. Pray that the people in Europe will get some warmer weather, or you could see more deaths from the cold.”
Thursday, February 23, 2012: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Moses speaks to the people who are about to cross the Jordan into the land of milk and honey from the desert. He proposes a choice to follow the Lord’s Commandments and receive a long life of prosperity, or those, who disobey and follow other gods, will receive a curse of punishment. The Israelites did follow other gods, and they were exiled into Babylon. This same choice is given to everyone and every nation. Those people, who disobey My laws, are welcomed back when they seek My forgiveness, but there is reparation needed for their sins. Even America will be suffering a loss of its freedoms as a punishment for your abortions, and worship of money, fame, and possessions. In the Gospel I call everyone to pick up his or her cross, and share your suffering with Me on My cross. The last line asks you what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul in the process? You are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me, and not just to accumulate wealth for yourselves. Your soul is your most prized possession because the soul lives on forever. Therefore, take advantage of this Lenten season to work on perfecting your spiritual life, so you will remain on the narrow road to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are two times when it will be necessary to have some extra food and water. The first time is at your homes before you come to My refuges. I have asked My faithful to store about one year’s supply of food for the coming world famine, and when people will be required to have a chip in the body to buy food. You can store dried food, meals ready to eat (MREs), or canned foods. You may take some food with you on your way to My refuges. The second time for storage is at My refuges during the tribulation. The food is to be shared and not hoarded, and it will be multiplied according to your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you cannot survive without drinking water. This is why I have suggested that every refuge should have an independent source of water. It could be a river, lake, pond, or a well. A well may require a mechanical pump since there may not be any electricity. If no water is available, I will provide a spring of water just like at Lourdes, France. You may want to have a silver filter to clarify any pond water into potable water.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are starting refuges may have to plan for some farm animals as chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, or other farm animals for meat in addition to the deer that I will send to you. You will also need to plan for the feed necessary for them to eat. At My refuges everyone will be working to help as a community in feeding the animals, collecting eggs, and preparing food for the people. Any food that is available will be multiplied for everyone to have enough to eat.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you have some land for growing vegetables, you could plant your heirloom seeds, so you could collect some seed for the next growing season. Greenhouses could help to lengthen your growing time for at least two crops. Growing food will require some planning for fertilizer and a means of tilling the soil. Again your crops will be multiplied, and vegetables will give you a balanced diet.”
Jesus said: “My people, your refuges are independent, so you will need to find ways and people with skills and tools to make what you need. You will need a source of wax for candles, lard and lye to make soap, wool from sheep to make clothes, and many such every day needs as sheets and bedding. Buildings will be multiplied to provide room for dormitories for sleeping. Sewing, cooking food, washing dishes and clothes, and cleaning floors will be shared and rotated jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as I provided the manna for the Exodus in the desert, so I will have My angels give you daily Communion in this coming modern day Exodus. You will also have round the clock Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at an altar and tabernacle. My angels will also protect My people from the evil ones by leading you to My refuges, and making you invisible to those who want to kill you. Only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, at every refuge I will place a large luminous cross in the sky so you could look on it, and be healed of any infirmity. You have seen luminous crosses in several places of refuges where there are places of healing as well. There will also be healing spring water as at Lourdes, France, not only for drinking, but for some bathing. Just as Moses raised a bronze serpent to heal the snake bites, so My faithful will be healed of their infirmities by these crosses and springs. You will not need doctors and medicines except for broken bones or cuts that need immediate stitches. In all of these messages I am providing for all of your needed materials, but it will be up to your community to plan how to provide for each other’s needs. You will be praying more and working harder to help each other survive.”
Friday, February 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, your Lenten devotions of fasting between meals, abstinence of meat on Fridays, and eating smaller meals is at first hard to get used to. The focus is not so much on keeping your weight down, but it is on making an extra effort to control your body’s appetites and earthly desires. Many times you desire snacks at night or in the afternoon, so it is a restraint to
stop something that you crave. Many of you already are praying a lot, but you can add a special Lenten devotion of praying the Stations of the Cross, especially on Fridays. There are also more opportunities to go to Confession, so there is no excuse not to go at least once a month. Another focus in Lent is on trying to restrain any bad habits as anger or swearing. If sexual sins are a problem, then this is another area to restrain during Lent. Lent is a time to focus on how to improve your spiritual life, so you are more pleasing to Me in keeping a clean soul. If you do not make a firm attempt at stopping your sinful habits, then it will be hard to make any spiritual progress. Call on My help in your prayers and fasting to keep struggling to restrain your sinful habits. Be grateful that you have this special time of Lent to get closer to Me in your love relationship.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are holding off on drilling for more oil until the price of oil rises back to $150 a barrel. America has the capability of producing enough oil for its needs, and oil could be had through a pipeline to Canada. In order to cause a war in the Middle East, the one world people need to keep us dependent on oil from that region. Oil prices could rise on speculation over the threat of a war with Iran. Some people have remarked that Iran could have trouble selling its own oil if it blocked the Persian Gulf. The one world people want a war with Iran, and they will be stepping up their media barrage to get the people to back such a war. Even the fear of such a war could drive gasoline prices over $5 a gallon which could cause America to go into another recession. A high price for gasoline could cause many people problems in getting to work, and it could even inflate the cost of many products that require trucking. Causing such a war with Iran will make the one world people rich on fuels, and it could even be a means for taking over America by bankruptcy of the government. When you see who profits the most from higher gasoline prices, you will see that they are the same people who are causing your wars.”
Saturday, February 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I called Levi to be one of My apostles, so I call all peoples to follow Me in faith. I love everyone, and I do not discriminate on any groups. My call is to pick up your cross of trials in this life, and bear it out of love for Me. My way of love is difficult because I ask you to give up your free will to let Me be the Master of your life. It is not easy to conform your life to follow My Commandments since the devil is tempting you every day with worldly things. I call sinners to repent, which means all of you, because you are all weak to sin. You need My help, so do not be self-righteous as the Pharisees were. Do not think that you are better than others because your sins are not as severe as theirs. You all are called to carry your cross and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Without the forgiveness of sins and making Me Master of your life, then you cannot follow Me to heaven. As you see Me in the vision leading My faithful up a stairway behind My cross, this is your only means to heaven through Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, the plan of the rich one world people is to keep Americans poor and controlled by gasoline prices. The rich can control America easier by taking the good paying jobs overseas and keeping their profits off shore to avoid taxes on their profits. They are stripping the middle class of their wealth by low savings interest rates, stock manipulations, and low income jobs. They are controlling you through high gasoline prices, and deficit spending that is bankrupting your country. Your entitlement programs are about to go broke because of the mismanagement of the funds that were supposed to fund them. The constant wars perpetrated by the one world people, are deepening your debts, and keeping gasoline prices high by war speculation. Your energy programs have not helped to make America less dependent on foreign oil. The policies of your government are leading your country closer to bankruptcy by the plan of the one world people. Pray for some dramatic changes in your policies before your country’s economic system comes to a crash. You have committed so many sins in your abortions and sexual sins, that you are calling My justice down on America where your enemies will be allowed to take you over as a punishment.”
Sunday, February 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel from St. Mark (1:12-13) is very short, but the Gospel of St. Matthew (4:1-11) goes into more detail of the three temptations from Satan. These temptations are worthy of an explanation because the devil tempts you with similar means. I had just fasted for forty days without food in the desert as a preparation for My beginning ministry. Satan tempted Me to produce bread from the stones because My human side was exhausted and hungry. I remarked that man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Here in Lent you are fasting between meals, so My people need to restrain themselves from eating when their bodies may be tempted to eat food. This is a reminder not to be so focused on food, clothing, and a place to stay. You should be focused more on trusting in Me to provide for your needs. The second temptation was to throw Myself down on the rocks, but I remarked to Satan that he was not to tempt the Lord, Thy God. This is a temptation to not have faith in My protection, and it is important to not be tempted by apostasy that could lead you away from Me. Hold fast to your faith in Me, and you will have your reward in heaven. The third temptation is when Satan wanted Me to bow down to him, and he would give Me control over all of humanity. I told him to begone because it is the First Commandment to worship only Me, and I am the only One that you should know, love, and serve. This temptation comes as the devil tries to make you seek money, fame, possessions, and anything earthly instead of worshiping Me. Do not give worship or idolize any of these earthly things because I should be first in your life as Master over you. I give you free will, so you need to choose to worship Me instead of following your own way. Ask My help and ask that I send you My angels to help you in fighting off the devil’s daily temptations. By staying close to Me in grace by Confession, you will have sufficient grace to refuse the devil’s temptations. Be grateful for all that I do for you in leading you to be with Me forever in heaven.”
Monday, February 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision and in the Gospel you are seeing Me as the judge of mankind. You have been given the Commandments from the time of Moses, so you all know deep in your hearts about My laws of love. It is one thing to say you believe in faith, but it is another thing to prove what you are saying by your actions. I have told you many times that you will know a good tree from a bad tree by the fruit that it bears. So if you truly believe in Me, you will show it by the good works that you do for people. When you help someone, you are helping Me in them. So do not be like the lukewarm who say Lord, Lord, but their actions do not justify any belief in Me. You may have to go out of your comfort zone to help people. This means that you will need to donate some money, time, or talent when they need you in inconvenient times. By doing good works for others out of love for Me, then you will be storing up heavenly treasure for your judgment. You do not want to come to Me in judgment with empty hands without any good deeds. Lent is a good time for prayer and fasting, but it is also a good time to help others. When you desire to love Me, you must also love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your troops being withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan so they can be ready to be deployed in a new war in the Middle East. The one world people are planning America’s next war, most likely in Iran where they are making nuclear weapons. There has been a respite to see if sanctions can bring Iran to the negotiating table. As long as Iran can sell its oil to China and other countries, they will continue their nuclear bomb goal. If Israel starts a unilateral bombing of nuclear sites in Iran, then America may get drawn into a new conflict. Israel is fighting for its survival because Iran’s president said he would destroy Israel. Some people and the one world people will be encouraging this war, even if America cannot afford the expense of another war. The Congress should be the voice of the people that decides on where to fight wars, if at all. If the President tries to involve the U.S. in another war, the people should have a say in approving such an action. I have shown you before that such a war could bring America into bankruptcy. Keep praying that America does not get into such a risky war.”
Tuesday, February 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel focuses on prayer in the Our Father. Your daily prayers during Lent are a link to sharing your requests and feelings with Me. Many of your everyday problems can be annoying, and they can disturb your peace. The challenge is to not let things get you so upset in your possible anger with these problems. The last part of the Our Father deals with forgiveness. I gave you one parable when a master forgave a worker his whole debt when he pleaded with him. Then later that worker demanded a fellow worker to pay back a smaller debt. Even when that fellow worker pleaded for time, this man had him put in jail. The master then asked the first worker why he did not have compassion in forgiving the smaller debt. I have forgiven many debts from you in Confession, so you should also be willing to forgive others in a similar manner. This sin of not forgiving others, if it is not satisfied, will cause people to suffer in purgatory to purify this loss of love and compassion. You have seen this situation in your own experience. So I warn people to forgive each other as I have forgiven them, or there will be a punishment for the reparation due for this sin. I love everyone, but My justice must prevail when you disobey My laws.”
Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter the souls of those with hardened hearts?
Thursday, March 1st, 2012 @ 05:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter the timing of My Father’s will is not for your knowing.
My followers must be patient as everything in the world will evolve as prophesised in My Father’s Book.
All of this will be according to My Father’s timing and the effect that your prayers will have in helping to avert global wars.
It is not long for all My promises to be fulfilled.
You, My followers, must trust in Me, your beloved Jesus.
Pray for souls and leave everything in My hands.
Never forget to pray to My Father as often as you can for the Seal of the Living God in order to protect you and your families.
Crusade Prayer (33) to ask for the Seal of the Living God and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.
O My God, My loving Father
I accept with love and gratitude
Your Divine Seal of Protection
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer you my deep love and loyalty
To you my Beloved Father
I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal
And I pledge my life to your service forever and ever
I love you Dear Father
I console you in these times Dear Father
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son
In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all your children.
Ensure also that you encourage others to pray the seven day Crusade Prayer (24) to seek redemption for your sins.
O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.
To those who challenge this special gift of prayer in which I offer total absolution you must know this.
I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and have been given the authority to forgive all sins.
My sacred priests have also been given the power to forgive sin through the Holy Sacrament of Confession.
I request that you accept My gift of absolution for the benefit of those who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession or for those who are not members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Would you deny these precious souls the right to My gift?
Why would you try to discourage those souls who accept My Divine Word from receiving absolution? Would you rather they did not redeem themselves in My eyes?
You must show love to your brothers and sisters and be happy that they are being given this special gift by Me their beloved Jesus.
Even if they never read My messages given to you, My daughter, every sinner has the right to ask Me to forgive them once they show true remorse in their souls.
Open your hearts and pray for the gift of humility.
Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter the souls of those with hardened hearts?
Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ
Medjugorje Day By Day Mar 01 - Experience this peace
St. Gabriel Possenti, Patron of Clerics & Youth (Italy) 1838-1862
"There is more sweetness in one hour of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament than in all the world's crowded theaters, and brilliant drawing rooms, and giddy diversions, and social gatherings" (St. Gabriel Possenti).
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"He remains among us until the end of the world. He dwells on so many altars, though so often offended and profaned" (St. Maximilian Kolbe).
Pope John Paul II -
Pope John Paul II to Archbishop Benitez Nov 1994
"Authorize everything that concerns Medjugorje." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 21
Mother Teresa -
Jesus said, " Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart."
The naked truth is the magnet to draw hearts
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Walk with simplicity in the ways of the Lord and do not torment your spirit. Your must hate your faults, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and restless. We must be patient with them and gain from them through holy humility. Without that patience, instead of diminishing, your imperfections will increase constantly, as there is nothing that nourishes our defects like restlessness, and the haste to drive them away.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How we have lowered the moral bar
"The growth of democracy has done much to do away with a false social snobbishness and to keep men humble in their external relations. But it has also, from another point of view, weakened the respect for Goodness and Truth, inasmuch as the masses of people are generally inclined to equate morality with the general level of society at any given moment."
St. Faustina's diary -
Hail to You, Eternal Love, my Sweet Jesus, who have condescended to dwell in my heart! I salute You, O glorious Godhead who have deigned to stoop to me, and out of love for me have so emptied Yourself as to assume the insignificant form of bread. I salute You, Jesus, never-fading flower of humanity. You are all there is for my soul. Your love is purer than a lily, and Your presence is more pleasing to me than the fragrance of a hyacinth. Your friendship is more tender and subtle than the scent of a rose, and yet it is stronger than death. O Jesus, incomprehensible beauty, it is with pure souls that You communicate best, because they alone are capable of heroism and sacrifice. O sweet, rose-red blood of Jesus, ennoble my blood and change it into Your own blood, and let this be done to me according to Your good pleasure. (1575)
O my Jesus, if You yourself do not soothe the longing of my soul, then no one can either comfort or soothe it. Your every approach arouses new raptures of love in my soul, but also a new agony; because, despite all Your approaches to my soul, even the most exceptional, I am still loving You from a distance, and my heart dies in an ecstasy of love; because this is still not the complete and eternal union, although You commune with me so very often unveiled [as if face to face]; nevertheless, You thereby open in my soul and heart an abyss of love and desire for You, my God, and this bottomless abyss, this total desiring of God, cannot be completely filled on this earth. (1600)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Our Lady speaks of peace in this monthly message:
"Dear Children, today I thank you and I want to invite you all to God's peace. I want each of you to experience, in your heart, this peace which only God can give. I bless you with God's blessing and beseech you to live, dear children, in the way I have shown you.
I love you, dear children, which is why I do not count the number of times I have called you?and continue to call you.
I thank you for all you have done according to my wishes. Help me, please, that I may present you to God and guide you to salvation." (Monthly Message June 25, 1987).
And in John's gospel, Christ gives his peace to his disciples:
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. (Jn 14:26-27)
The effect of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is often a deep and lasting peace. Unlike the world's peace, which is only the absence of conflict, this peace lives in us as a confident assurance in all circumstances. With Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the past, present, or future.
Reflect today on this line from the philosopher Baruch Spinoza: "Peace is not an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, and justice."
March 1, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to help you understand how too much self- interest overshadows the Holy Love in any heart. Self- interest, if it is disordered, leads to worry. Worry is the symptom of lack of trust. Lack of trust grieves Me, for it is a sign of weakened Holy Love."
"The soul whose heart is over-shadowed by inordinate self-love cannot be united to the Divine Will of My Father. His Heart is too compromised and does not resemble Divine Mercy and Divine Love."
"The soul, to be holy, must make a sincere effort to imitate Divine Mercy and Divine Love. If he is consumed by self- interests, he will let temporal pleasures, anger and unforgiveness stand in the way."
"Souls must ask for My Assistance in overcoming these blockades to living in the Eternal Divine Will. I will never refuse such a request.
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Feb. 29,2012
The newest released messages from
March 2 Medjugorje Message
Today, March 02, 2012, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana and gave the following message:
"Dear children; Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him – the High Priest. Thank you."
God the Father: Warning about satanic cults and new age doctrines
Friday, March 2nd, 2012 @ 12:20 am
My daughter the trials of mankind will intensify during the final cleansing required before the Second Coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
The earth is being prepared for this glorious event promised as the greatest gift by Me since the creation of Paradise.
Await this event with great anticipation for this new Paradise is what every man, woman and child will strive for.
Prepare yourselves so that you, your families and friends are fit to walk the ground in My New Kingdom, which will be under the reign of My dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Ignore this request children and you will forfeit your rightful inheritance.
Were sinners to glimpse just one minute of this glorious creation they would fall to the ground and beg for mercy to enter the gates.
Only those who hold a simple and pure love for Me, their Heavenly Father and My beloved Son Jesus Christ will be able to enjoy this new peaceful and glorious existence.
Sadly, Satan has blackened the souls of many of My children so they will be unable to discern truth from fiction.
My daughter terrible lies are being perpetrated by satanic cults and new age doctrines.
My poor children , seduced by lies which are couched in a colourful mirage, believe in a new planet.
They are being promised a different a different kind of paradise. But it does not exist.
When satan seduces and wins the hearts of those who believe in him he torments them for eternity.
If you saw the terror in their faces when they, after death, find themselves in the clutches of satan it would tear your heart in two.
So wretched are they that it is important that you warn these souls of the torment that lies ahead.
Pray for them. Never stop. In many cases only the suffering of victim souls can save them from hell.
To those who believe in Me, God the Father, I call on you now to denounce false gods, false idols, false doctrines, fortune tellers and new age doctrine all of which amount to nothing.
All have been created by the king od deceit, satan, a cunning liar.
He will stop at nothing to draw away from Me, My precious children.
I beg you children to pray for these souls as a consolation for Me your beloved Father.
Comfort Me. In time you will understand the mystery of My Heavenly Kingdom.
In time the mystery of My Divine Will, will be revealed.
In time you, through your loyalty and love for Me, will help Me unite My family at last in the Kingdom created for all of My children in the beginning.
Thank you, My daughter for your suffering. Thank you My children for responding to My call from the Heavens.
I give all My Blessing now but you must ask me
“Heavenly Father help me to become little, as a child, in your eyes.
I ask for your graces to fall upon me so I can respond to your call to save all of your children.
Your beloved Heavenly Father
God the Most High
Making reference to the Blood that flowed from the wounds of the Crucified Christ, especially from the wound in his side, evoke[s] the significance of the Eucharistic Sacrament. The Church 'de Eucharistia vivit' (lives on the Eucharist), because from that Blood she comes into being and draws vigor for her daily commitment to the task of announcing the Gospel." (Pope John Paul II, February 19, 2005)
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Let people know about Medjugorje through
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The cross is to the creature as the bridle to the horse. What would happen to the horse if man would not use the bridle?
"Jesus in the Eucharist, we glorify You, above all, in union with Mary Immaculate, Queen of Heaven. We offer You through her, her homage of boundless love and fervent reparation. Yes, adorable Jesus, it is in union with her that we come today to praise Your infinite mercies; with her we wish to weep over
Your mystic agony in the Tabernacle where You are forsaken and saddened by the ingratitude of so many!" (Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey).
Pope John Paul II to Bishop Hnilica
"Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America." Medjugorje and the Church, Sr Emmanuel & Denis Nolan p 18
Mother Teresa
The fruit of Silence is Prayer.
The fruit of Prayer is Faith.
The fruit of Faith is Love.
The fruit of Love is Service.
The fruit of Service is Peace.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Don't be upset when you are unable to meditate, receive Communion or carry out all the pious practices. In the meantime, try to make up for this in different manner, by keeping yourself united to Our Lord with a loving will, with ejaculatory prayers and Spiritual Communions.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
It takes courage to follow your convictions
"Humility is required to challenge mediocrity; one must be ready to brave the taunts of those who knock anyone in the head who raises himself above the masses."
St. Faustina's diary -
Act of total abandonment to the will of God, which is for me, love and mercy itself.
Act of Oblation
Jesus-Host, whom I have this very moment received into my heart, through this union with You I offer myself to the heavenly Father as a sacrificial host, abandoning myself totally and completely to the most merciful and holy will of my God. From today onward, Your will, Lord, is my food. Take my whole being; dispose of me as You please. Whatever Your fatherly hand gives me, I will accept with submission, peace and joy. I fear nothing, no matter in what direction You lead me; helped by Your grace I will carry out everything You demand of me. I no longer fear any of Your inspirations nor do I probe anxiously to see where they will lead me. Lead me, O God, along whatever roads You please; I have placed all my trust in Your will which is, for me, love and mercy itself.
Bid me to stay in this convent, I will stay; bid me to undertake the work, I will undertake it; leave me in uncertainty about the work until I die, be blessed; give me death when, humanly speaking, my life seems particularly necessary, be blessed. Should You take me in my youth, be blessed; should You let me live to a ripe old age, be blessed. Should You give me health and strength, be blessed; should You confine me to a bed of pain for my whole life, be blessed. Should You give only failures and disappointments in life, be blessed. Should You allow my purest intentions to be condemned, be blessed. Should You enlighten my mind, be blessed. Should You leave me in darkness and all kinds of torments, be blessed.
From this moment on, I live in the deepest peace, because the Lord Himself is carrying me in the hollow of His hand. He, Lord of unfathomable mercy, knows that I desire Him alone in all things, always and everywhere. (1264)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The Blessed Mother was in tears when she gave this message to the visionaries:
"So many people who have been here, and have started to pray, to be converted, to fast, and to do penance, quickly forget when they return home, and resume their bad habits." (Special Message April 24, 1984)
Our Lady's implicit call to repentance is echoed by the prophet Joel:
Put on sackcloth and lament, you priests; wail, you ministers of the altar. Come, pass the night in sackcloth, You ministers of my God! Grain offering and drink offering Are withheld from the house of your God. Sanctify a fast, Call a solemn assembly, Gather the elders And all the inhabitants of the land To the house of the Lord your God, And cry out to the Lord. Joel 1 :13-14
Reflection :
Lent is a time for renewal and repentance, for turning back to God with our whole heart. Although we may have stepped backwards in our spiritual journey, now is the time to rearrange our priorities, to recommit ourselves to the Lord. Of this renewal, Pope Paul VI wrote :
We must aim above all at an inner renewal, a liberation from the mere following of conventions, a new departure in our way of thinking. More than anything else, we must lament our shortcomings before God, and the community of our brethren. We must renew the self-understanding each must have of himself or herself as a child of God, as a Christian, as a member of the Church. May our Lenten renewal reward us with a deeper share of God's love and peace at the feast of Easter.
Application :
Remembering Our Lady in tears, reflect on how you can deepen your spiritual life during these remaining days of Lent.
Holy Love March 2, 2012
March 2, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"These days your security in God-given rights - even in worldly situations and commodities - is being challenged. From your weakened economic systems to your right to worship as you please, your secure rights are under speculation."
"This is why it is so necessary to place your trust in God's Mercy. It is Divine Mercy and Divine Love alone that are your safe Refuge. Your borders are not secure geographically nor spiritually; but have become very vulnerable. But no one can challenge the Holy Love you hold in your heart unless you allow them to do so."
"Stand firm, then, in faith, hope and love, trusting in My Mercy which will deliver you from the hands of the enemy."
March 2, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"It is what the heart embraces that affects the whole world. If it is violence and hatred, then you have violence, terrorism and war around you in the world. If it is every sort of debauchery, then you have moral degeneration. If, however, the heart embraces Holy Love, then you live in peace, love and joy. The world around you experiences the positive assets of your heart."
"What you think, say and do is a reflection of what you embrace in your heart and, therefore, affects the entire world."
March 2, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, consider all the persecution heaped upon you because you believe in these Messages and this Mission, as a sign that Satan has high regard for all that is going on here and knows its worth."
"Therefore, be encouraged when you are persecuted and know that I am supporting you and protecting you."
"Tonight I am extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
An Instrument Of Christ
March 1, 2012
I want people to persevere with fasting and prayers to become instruments to the world. The only way to bring me to others is to become an instrument of my love to other people. So many people are in need of my love and don’t know me. You may be their only hope for them to find me in their lives. Please believe me that this is the case. So few of you bring my love to others in need. I can see a bright light when you show your fellow brothers and sisters my love. This light will keep growing as that person in turn brings my light to another. It can light up the whole world. Children make up a big part of this joy and abortion must stop. A light shown to a mother contemplating abortion may be all she needs to reconsider. That is all it takes my child. A little love toward a fellow brother or sister goes a long way. You must fast and pray even harder to make yourselves an instrument of my love. It will not be easy at times, but I will help you. Let’s get started today with a fasting and prayer to help others on their journey of life.
Dear Jesus,
Help me to be an instrument of love to bring you to others. Help me to always fast and pray to become an instrument of Christ. Let my light shine in the world so others will know your name. Through Jesus Christ. Amen
Love, Jesus
204. The Soldiers of Peace
Why the delay when so much hangs in the balance? Can they not see what is on the horizon and how the forces of destruction grow stronger? Has armed might brought peace? Has it subdued the enemy of destruction? Look at Iraq and what is happening. That is the lesson for you. Hold it before your eyes. Learn its lessons. Satan uses weapons of war for his own goals. He does not care who is wielding them as long as suffering and death are flourishing. This I have taught you time and again. Satan loves suffering, destruction and death. In this way, earth resembles his hell and the human race is changed into his image and likeness. Woe to the person who unleashes the forces of war! Blessed is the person of peace!
Only in Mary’s Hands
Learn this lesson also. Peace does not lie in the hands of man. Peace lies only in my hands. I am the Queen of Peace and my Son is the God of peace. Did he ever take up a weapon? Did he ever instruct his disciples to strike back? Did he believe that the Romans should be overturned? This was not his agenda. He was a man of peace who saw the true means of peace. This message has been rejected and now war is everywhere and arms, even nuclear arms, proliferate.
Mary’s Army
I will raise up an army, yes an army. My soldiers will have a totally different vision. They will seek peace. They will hunger and thirst for peace. They will see the causes of war long before any conflict begins. (It takes a spiritual heart to sense the injustices that lead to war.) They will fight these injustices. They will convene people to speak about the issues, not about how to wage war but how to prevent war. They will expose the arms dealers, those merchants of death, who count their profits even while their products deal destruction.
More Difficult Than War
I do not say that peace is easy. I say this, “It is easier to fight your wars than to bring about my peace. It is easier to drop your bombs and send your drones, than it is to protect, to settle a people and to address the issues. I will raise up an army of soldiers of peace.
Comment: So many train for war. Who works for peace?
205. The Convulsions of 2012
The whole world shakes, like a man with a high fever. Remedies are useless for the causes are beyond human understanding and human power. Yet, no one turns to me, the great antidote. Even one swallow of my love would lessen the burning fever and a full acceptance of my love would clear out this great affliction totally. All I ask is that mankind open its heart and receive the divine fire that burns so deeply in my heart.
When the fever reaches its highest pitch, convulsions take place. The body can no longer retain the fire. That is what you are seeing, the first convulsions, like the beginning pangs of birth. If these are the first convulsions, what will the final convulsions be like? What destruction must happen until these evil forces are spent and people realize that so much has been destroyed?
The Convulsions
This is what faces mankind in the year ahead, the convulsions of war, economic collapse and massive destructions. These are inevitable unless man listens to me. I say this now so that as the convulsions continue people will remember my word and will gain a measure of hope. They will say, “Our heavenly Mother foresaw all of this. She warned us that this would happen. We must go to her and find refuge in her Immaculate Heart”.
The convulsions will begin in the Middle East. The uprisings have removed the obstacles to Satan’s plan. The forces of Muslim radicalism can now be joined even more. They will begin to claim control of countries where they had been suppressed. They will have access to more money and to a more open communication. As the American influence lessens, they need not fear any military might coming against them.
A Shift of Power
They have moved to control Egypt and will do the same in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The whole face of that region will change very quickly. Dark clouds will surround Israel, which is their primary target. You must understand. Destroying Israel would vindicate radical Muslims. They would have achieved by their destructive means what years of peaceful negotiations could not. Even moderate Muslims would have to concede their victory. All the power will shift and will no longer respect national borders. There would arise a new multi-national Muslim reality that is drunk on Jewish blood. That is what the world is facing and why I am speaking so clearly.
The Antidote
The antidote is to turn to my Immaculate Heart. The turning must be with the whole heart. It begins with believing my words. It continues with calling on my name. It is nourished by the Rosary, but it is only completed by a complete change of life, a total turning away from all darkness and toward a life that is free from every sin. Is the world capable of this? Is America ready for this? The antidote that I am offering is strong medicine but nothing else will have any effect. The time is so short!
Comment: This is Mary’s most complete description of what will happen. She also describes a full turning to her.
Mary’s Pastoral Plan
I would gather my people, but all are scattered. They are consumed with other tasks. “What I am doing for the Church is important”, they say. “I am carrying out an important work of evangelization”. They go off in their own directions. They are scattered children, each carrying their little light that is quickly swallowed up in the darkness.
I must call my children together. I must say to them “Put away the lights of your own minds and your own wills. Take my light. It seems small now but if you but hold it in your heart and lift it high for all to see, this little light will grow. This light contains within it unique powers”. I will explain these images.
The Problem
The Catholic Church has many, many good people who are sincerely interested in its welfare. However, they are scattered. They are not drawn together. They preach and work very hard but the results are meager and they grow disheartened. They turn to others for advice. They go to workshops to learn what the experts are saying. One year they try one thing and the next year they try something else. Their efforts are sincere but the good effects flow away like rain water down a sewer. Why does this happen? Because they turn to their experts instead of turning to me. They work according to the ideas of man instead of by the light which their heavenly Mother has provided. That is what I mean when I say “They are scattered and concerned with other tasks”.
The Answer
My plan is to gather them and to give them my light. Many have set me aside. They have relegated me to “Marian devotions”. They have never learned the central truth of Fatima. At this moment in the world’s history the heavenly Father has decided to exalt my Immaculate Heart. This century will see the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. That is the Father’s pastoral plan and it contains all wisdom and all power. Yet, many sincere workers in the Church set aside this plan. They substitute their own. This is why the Pope must call a year of Fatima. All the Church evangelists, preachers, pastors, catechists and people must get on the same page. They must get on my page because their page is useless.
Comment: Mary begins to outline her pastoral plan for the Church.
The Muslim Takeover of Egypt
The forces of Satan clash with one another. This is what happens in hell where there is no peace, only constant warfare. When the fires of hell descend upon a people, there are clashes. People are caught up in what they do not understand. They only know that there is some superior force that is getting them to protest and then to turn violent. The violence leads to destruction and what has been built for years is torn down in one day. The people can never go back. They cannot put together what they have broken.
This is what is happening in Egypt. Families and neighborhoods are shattered and no one can go back. The doors to the past have been closed off. Now all face these uncertain futures. Troubles can begin quickly. When the protests and violence have been unleashed, when people have been stirred by this force, when they have tasted the power that can topple a regime, are they ready to return to peace, to a daily patience, to a routine that nourishes a family and builds a nation?
I know that this was their dream. They wanted a nation freed from a dictator. They wanted to freely choose their way of life and to elect those who would lead them. These are the legitimate aspirations of all people, but the powers of evil have used your aspirations for their purposes. They foresaw the situation that would exist after you toppled the dictator, the vacuum of power that would be created and the forces that would take advantage. They also saw that the spirit of protest was placed in so many hearts and that this spirit will rise again and again. The means of stirring up protests lay in the hands of those who did it the first time.
Where is the stability of the new order? What good flows from it? People will say that this is to be expected after a revolution but I say to you that these were revolutions planned by Satan to throw your countries into even greater darkness and to prepare you for a takeover by Muslim extremists. They are the ones waiting in the wings. They are Satan’s people whom he has prepared.
Comment: Overthrowing a cruel dictator is certainly a legitimate goal but Satan will use this overthrow in Egypt for his purposes.
Nuclear Arms and the Radical Muslims
The various events come and go, but each one leaves its mark and prepares for the wave that follows. This is the course of human history which never stops. One era flows into another. Each age hands over to the following age a different world than the one it received.
What will the current age hand over to those who will follow? Will it be a world destroyed by violence and subdued by terrorism? Will it be a world that cannot pay its debts and cannot control its spending? Will it be a world of moral darkness, where all the lights of Christian ideals have been extinguished?
The answers lie in the events which will decide the future of the world. Everything hangs in the balance. The stakes are high and no one knows what will happen. That is why I teach you.
Millions of people lie at the mercy of those few who hold in their hands the destructive power of nuclear war. This is the great question. Into whose hands will these destructive powers fall? Who will gain access to these nuclear arms? How will the power in the world shift when this happens? I say this before it happens. When nuclear arms fall into the hands of the radical Muslims they will not limit their frenzy nor will they act rationally. For decades, they have sought this unholy grail. They know where the weapons are and have plotted the means to attain them and no one is sounding the alarm, even though it is happening before your very eyes.
Once they have gained these treasures, where will they stop? With Israel? With Europe? With America? They want to control the world and they will use violence to gain their goal.
O Church, can I not awaken you? It is too late to speak to the nations. They give me no hearing. But you, O Church, whose mother I am, can I not expect you to listen? The nuclear peril is real. The destruction of millions is a distinct possibility. You have in your hands the light of Fatima. Let that light shine. Do not keep it hidden. All the world will be grateful for the destruction you have prevented. The Holy Father knows this is true.
Comment: The world is in great peril but if nuclear arms fall into the wrong hands, the peril becomes catastrophic.
The Worldwide Evil
Let the warning go forth that the great turmoil is about to begin. Until now, there have been skirmishes. Satan has probed at the defenses, the obstacles to his plans. He knows where to plan his attacks and the forces that he has for a gigantic breakthrough that he hopes will set the stage for his future conquests. The greatness of this breakthrough cannot be overestimated. It will give him a foothold into new territory that he does not yet command. His eyes are on the whole world and no area is safe, even those countries far removed from the Middle East.
I say all of this so you can see that nothing is safe, even those areas which seem to be far distant. Each area has its own problems. These problems are doors which Satan uses to enter and gain a stronghold. He then solidifies his position and plans his next move.
He is doing this in Mexico with the drug cartels. His presence there is obvious. There are all the signs: drugs, violence and money, deaths, tortures, intimidation and the breakdown of law enforcement. This is what he always looks to – people whom he can use because they are buried in vices and welcome his assistance.
He will do the same in other areas of the world, finding selfish and vicious people whom he will teach how to organize to gain their evil goals. Then evil becomes incarnate, takes on a form and grows.
“Where did this come from?” people ask. I explain so clearly. Evil takes different forms according to the evil intents in people’s hearts and according to the cultural setting. Evil has many forms. It is not the product of the culture but discovers what evil the culture is open to.
If the evil is worldwide, then the purging of hearts must also be worldwide. Let the message be clear. First, hearts must be purged, then the evil can be cast out. How ready I am to bring about this worldwide purging but the heart of the world must be prepared. That is why I want a Year of Fatima proclaimed by the Holy Father to prepare for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Let him not delay!
Comment: Mary explains how evil takes on different forms as Satan uses people in different cultures.
A New Year of Great Uncertainty
The doors open up to a new year of great uncertainty. What lies ahead for the world and the Church? Let me take each one separately.
The foundations of the world are not firm and they can ill afford a renewal of all the problems. Yet, these problems are still present. They have not been resolved and no solution is in sight. So, the prognosis for stability and progress is very poor. Added to this fragile foundation will be all the new, unforeseen problems, many of them surprising. In America, the fight over taxing the rich will escalate, while many of the other issues will be sidelined. America will just sink further and further into debt. A great morass, a cesspool of inaction will paralyze the legislature and the President will delight that he can blame the other party. All of this will weaken American more quickly than anything else. Only the election will determine America’s future because nothing will be accomplished before that.
Europe will continue battling its debt crisis with inadequate reforms, postponing the inevitable when the collapse will come. Egypt will come more and more under Muslim control. Even now, they envision a complete control of the elections. They know their goals and will act quickly while everyone else protests to no avail.
Israel realizes the changed nature of the region and that it stands alone. It is not really favored by Washington and is the object of hatred of its closest neighbors. It will turn to its military might but in vain. The forces of destruction are too great.
China will move to greater global power. America does not understand her designs to conquer the world but the Spirit of God is moving in the house churches. With America’s economic debt, China feels it always has the trump card. America is weakened by its severe economic problems.
Iran will move against its neighbor, Iraq, and will control as much as possible. Iraq will suffer much from all the internal struggles and the external incursions. I weep over Iraq to see it dismembered and helpless.
Afghanistan will not stand. Everything will fall. The regime will be toppled and chaos will exist. The Taliban will grow strong and feel that they have no one to oppose them now that America has withdrawn.
Pakistan will become the biggest problem. Its borders will be porous and evil will flow freely, back and forth. The military will assume more control. Civilian leadership will be very weakened and ready to collapse. Al-Qaeda will be waiting in the wings. This will be its greatest prize – to control nuclear arms. The stage is set for such a scenario.
All of these are the forces that are in place as the New Year begins. Russia is tottering and those now in control have to readjust their sights and take a step backward. However, do not be fooled, Putin is a clever leader who has many high officials in his back pocket. He is not ready to give up, now that he sees so many of his goals in sight. He has forged many friendships. He has ingratiated Russia into the hearts of many leaders. He is trying to outmaneuver the United States, no matter what. The question of right and wrong does not disturb him. He seeks only that Russia regains its place as a world power.
That is the review. The picture is a dark one, with few rays of light. This is the path which the world has chosen, led by darkness instead of light. It need not be this way. It could have been much different, but the choices have been made and this is where they have led.
Comment: Mary gives her overview of the world scene.
A Future Papal Election
As the door opens on this new year, the scene is familiar. The old problems carry over, refusing to be left behind. Now I must speak about my Church which carries the burdens of the centuries of sins that have weighed her down. She troops on valiantly, trying to free herself of the recent darkness, but unable to put all the stories behind her. Just when it seems that the scandals are over, new ones surface and are told everywhere. Such is my valiant Church, always trying to keep its light on the goodness of my Son, Jesus, but enduring the pain that the light is too often cast upon its own sins.
Yet, she remains my Church, the one I clutch to my heart and the Church that preaches my prerogatives. This will be her greatness. Let her not be ashamed to proclaim my Immaculate Heart. Let her exalt this heart and tell the world that it can be safe only in my heart. Let this devotion come to the foreground because those who come into my heart will find the Blessed Sacrament and the warmest devotion to my Son’s Real Presence.
The door opens out upon a new year filled with the unknown. How I want to guide mankind more than any other year. This year will begin the open confrontation between light and darkness, between the kingdom of my Son and the kingdom of Satan. I say “open confrontation” because the battle has always been going on, but this year the hidden forces will come out into the open. Satan wants to sweep away entire nations and he cannot accomplish this in hidden ways. Also, it will serve his purposes. Those who are committed to his darkness will rejoice in these victories and will look forward to their own victories.
The Church will have her own shakings. There will be the scandals, but these will be secondary. Much will come to light. Much will be uncovered. All of this is to purify, not to chastise. Only a purified Church can be my instrument in this special year.
Now I will come to the central point so there will be no mistake. The Cardinals will meet to elect a pope but an extraordinary intervention of God will occur that will alert the whole world to the special nature of this office. They will seek to discern this intervention, to grasp what is the will of God, but everything will not be clear at first. Some, however, will speak in divine wisdom and the search will begin to find the one whom God wants to raise up. He will not come forward at first, even though he knows that he is chosen by God. He will wait until the discussion is concluded and the Cardinals are settled. Then new manifestations will occur which will signal clearly the one whom the heavenly Father wants as his Pope. This will be a complete surprise to the world and to the Church but not to the one upon whom the mantle falls. This is my chosen son, the one whom I have picked. I want all of this to happen in a startling manner so the world and the Church know that this one was chosen by heaven, by God and not by men. He will be prepared because I will have prepared him. He will be the pope of Fatima and bring to fruition all of the gifts of Fatima, just in time to prepare the Church and the world for the Satanic onslaught.
Comment: The whole world pays great attention to papal elections. The next election will have some added signs of God’s hand.
Chaos, Chaos, Chaos
When the door to war opens, who will close it? Who will put down their arms and cease to fire? This is not the only way it happens. Death determines the end not the love or goodwill of man. This is my point. When the doors of death open, when war begins, then what limits war? Do not the competing sides try to find more resources to emerge the victor. In the meantime, so many are killed and so much is destroyed.
Wars have wearied the nations and wasted their resources. Wars have killed their young, in the very fruitful time of their lives when they should be involved with births not deaths. Notice the inversion. The young die when their life is just beginning.
People believe that nothing can be done, that there is an inevitable cycle of war and peace. The heavenly Father did not make war a part of his original plan. He has plans for your peace. Weeds have been sown amid his wheat, and wars spring up everywhere. The seeds of war and violence are sown into so many hearts and the weapons of war are gladly sold and easily bought. Armies can be raised up overnight.
As this year begins, the world is an armed camp, awaiting only a call to arms. This call to arms will come frequently. It is going on even now as the year begins. The calls will get louder and the weapons will get greater. Where does it all end? The forces that used to police the world – the peacekeepers they were called – are now so limited. It is every nation for itself or even, every people within a nation for themselves, or every tribe within a people for themselves.
The structures that were in place, which gave the people an identity have been taken down. The identity of the nation is destroyed and many new identities arise, vying with each other, trying to grab the limelight. This is called a power struggle and as long as this power struggle takes place there is no peace and no identity. These shifting sands are places of chaos and confusion where little can be built and many grow confused. How I weep for my children in these countries of armed struggle and revolution. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos everywhere. This is Satan’s work and he has labored long and hard to bring it about. This is the fruit of his labors.
Comment: Mary describes the world scene – chaos.
The Inner Stream of Fervor
Begin now to prepare. A building is not constructed in one day nor is a city built in a week. All takes time but I will help everyone who listens to my word. The ways of the Holy Spirit are quite different from the ways of man, so I must teach you quickly.
First, I must draw you away from the world with its ceaseless entertainments that only waste this precious time. Yes, this time is so precious and every moment must be used well.
Second, I must draw you into a great solitude within your heart. There I will visit you. Without this inner solitude, you will be lost and have no guidance in the darkness. You must cultivate this solitude now. Do not wait. Find a chapel. Find a place where you can be alone. If you do, I will come. Even if your efforts seem so weak, I will help you.
Then I will open up the gigantic door, the great stream of interior graces that will carry you along. I will place the gift of fervor in your heart, so that place of solitude will mean so much to you. You will be drawn to that place and look forward to the moments when we meet there. You will have found the true spring of living water and you will thank me for this teaching.
Before this experience, all my words were outside of you, given to you from others who preached to you or from books that you read. Now the words are inside you. You hear them from my lips. You taste them in your heart. This stream was always there but you did not know to search and to find. Now it is released in you, a very personal inner stream. You realize now what others have explained but which you never experienced. Let this stream of inner experiences flow freely. It has a name. It is called fervor. It will bring forth great fruit. Find others who seem to enjoy the same inner stream. Confide in one another and support each other. Seek out someone to guide you, if he is available. Do not neglect this inner stream of my presence. It is a great gift.
Comment: What a clear teaching. Mary will bestow the gift of fervor if the person is committed to daily mental prayer.
Mary’s Thousands of Arks
I go on and on, describing the present situation only because I believe and trust that men’s hearts can be changed and much can be averted. There will be disasters and catastrophes but there need not be a total collapse. There is always a remnant that can be saved. How large is that remnant is depends upon the personal response to my messages. How I save each one varies according to their spiritual and physical needs. So let me say this.
There will be a special saving action of the Holy Spirit. This saving action has already begun in the many stirrings of the Spirit in the Church, like the Charismatic Renewal. The stirrings have continued in my many appearances and in the growth of Marian devotions. This is due to the many people who have spread my word and the many who have received my word. My word is life and draws to life, calling people away from all that is destructive. Some of these movements are large. Others are small. However, as you look at all of these stirrings and all that has happened in these quiet, often overlooked, movements you can see much life. They contain great life and they are centered on the Eucharist. These I will use to form my remnant. These are the groups that I have prepared. They stand waiting to serve. They want others to join them. So, I use these words to encourage them. This is a message of great encouragement to those who have heard my call and have been so faithful. To these I speak. Let them listen to my clear words.
I have placed in your midst a gift of my presence and a gift of service to the Church and to the world. You are very, very important to me and your little group is a precious jewel in my sight. Do not worry about numbers or about how many gather with you. Be concerned only with the gift I have placed in your midst. How have I called you together? What is your identity? How are you faithful to my action in your midst? These must be your concerns – fidelity to whatever I have done. How did you begin? What is your history? Whom have I raised up to help in this task?
See what I have done through the many stirrings in your hearts. See the years of fidelity to your movement and all whom you have tried to help. Now, just persevere. You are a life-giving remnant and when others begin to search, they will find you and rejoice to join you. You will welcome them. You are part of the Ark of my Immaculate Heart. This is the reason I brought your little group into existence and why I have blessed you all these years. I need thousands of little arks because my people are scattered everywhere. They are drowning in this sea and will be glad to find a place of rescue. Thank you for your fidelity to the call. Expand your ark for many others will soon join you.
Comment: In these decades, many groups, faithful to the Church and to Mary, have begun. Mary has a special purpose for them
Building Your Own Ark
Everyone wants to know about this event or that event but I do not speak to satisfy curiosity. When I speak of events it is to point out the forces of evil or to call my children to actions that need to be taken now. The source of these words is the love in my Immaculate Heart. Through these words love can go forth and all can drink from its stream. So, let us begin.
As the events of this year unfold, many will grow anxious, asking, “What are we to do?” and “How will we rescue our children?” You are all aware that the resources have shrunk and that the future is clouded in uncertainty. You look at the children and wonder what their lives will be like. What future do they face? This is an important question.
Some will try to provide for them financially but this road is limited by the worldwide economy. Others will provide them with the best of educations. The real solution is much more within the grasp of everyone.
Look at your children. They will face the most uncertain of futures. What will the world be like in ten, twenty or thirty years? It cannot be imagined. So much power has fallen into the hands of those who would destroy. So much power has been taken away from the family and placed in the hands of government. Who will be making the decisions? Great forces will shape the society. These are the future. What can you do for your children?
Call them to me. Teach them the mysteries of faith. Deepen your own faith because it is far too shallow. Look at your day. What consumes your time?
When a flood is coming, do you not build an ark? Is it not wise to prepare? An ark is already built – my Immaculate Heart. There are thousands of little arks – people who gather to foster devotion. You did not see this as important. Now your eyes must be opened. You, yourself, can build an ark. Just gather a few of your devout friends and I will help you. Draw your children into the warmth and light of devotion. This is the best preparation for the decades ahead. Begin now. Do not delay.
Comment: Mary returns to this theme of the saving arks.
A New Jesus Movement Among the Young
There is a constant shifting of reality, as forces that once were strong grow weak, and new, surprising forces emerge on the scene. This has happened so quickly in the modern world. The new forces of technology have captured a large audience and the traditional forces of the Churches have receded. More and more, the young are formed by the new forces and are barely touched by the traditional forces. The younger population is able to use the new technology very well but they have no roots in the traditional beliefs. They are uprooted and floating, so to speak, drawn into a new world that cannot answer the deepest questions of their hearts and which does not give them companions in faith.
Swept Out of Churches
This is the great danger, which is happening before everyone’s eyes. The whole younger generation is swept out the door of the churches, never rooted in faith, and is caught up in the mesmerizing powers of the new technology.
Do I not have a place in my Immaculate Heart for these young people? Are they not my children? Should I not reach out?
Dear young person, as you read these words, know that your heavenly Mother is reaching out to you. Ahead of you are severe disappointments and the cruelest of trials. Technology has drawn you, ensnared you and trapped you. The images are endless but they are just images. They are not flesh and blood.
Flesh and Blood
I gave flesh and blood to God. Jesus is no image. He is your Lord and Savior. He is risen and is in your midst. I call you to an awakening, to a new Jesus Movement. When your friends begin talking about Jesus, do not criticize them but accept them and join them. This is your only hope. His love for you is real. He is flesh and blood and has all power to help you.
Let us not wait. Let us begin now. Open your heart. Say this prayer with me, “Jesus, I am a sinner and I believe that you can forgive my sins. I believe you are the Savor of the world and that you want to save me. I open my heart to you and I invite you to enter it. Amen.” Keep asking Jesus to come. I will be at your side.
Comment: The original Jesus Movement happened among the hippies in the 1960’s. It saved many from drugs.
Becoming a Child of the Light
I watch over all my children but if they do not turn to me for light, then my protecting power is limited because I lead them mainly by light. Man has a free will but this is so often limited by the darkness of his intellect. In that darkness, the will sees only a few choices, none of them good. The will cannot choose what the intellect does not see. This is human nature, rational in seeing the possibilities and free in choosing among those possibilities.
However, if the possibilities are limited to earth, then the will can choose only earthly goals. By this constant choosing of earth, the darkness comes. The clouds cover over the heavenly realities. The person no longer sees a God who helps and enlightens. Man is left on his own, limited to an earth that cannot fulfill his dreams.
Piercing the Clouds
So, I come and I speak of heaven. With those words, a new light pierces the clouds. I am piercing the earthly clouds and revealing a new world. Let me describe this heavenly world that offers man the light that he needs to live in hope.
Man, you are not alone. You have a heavenly Father who created you. He wanted to come close to you so he sent his Son, Jesus. I am the mother of Jesus. He is real. I gave birth to him. He entered a very dark world but he brought a kingdom of total light. He brings out of darkness and into light whoever believes in him..
Removing Great Darkness
The greatness darkness is your sins. You carry that darkness within you. My Son will forgive your sins. His name is Jesus which means “One who saves from sins”. Once your sins are forgiven, you possess a great inner light. You see that you are a child of God, with a very important dignity. Your eyes are opened. You see the works of darkness (some which you yourself committed) and you no longer want to share in those works.
You are new, a child of the light. Once Jesus transforms you, your intellect is in light and your will has many new choices and you desire only the things of light. Do not worry about the darkness that is outside of you. Let Jesus remove the darkness that is inside of you and all will be light. I will be there for you.
Comment: Mary is correct. We have no control over all the darkness in the world but Jesus can cast out our inner darkness.
Baptizing With the Holy Spirit and Fire
As I speak, the waters of mercy flow from my Immaculate Heart, going forth to all whose hearts are open to receive. I speak so more hearts are open and can receive. Let us begin.
As my words first touch the heart, it seems hopeless. The water seems so frail and the obstacles seem so great. How will such a tiny stream even cleanse this heart that has been filled with so many sins or with so many disappointments, failures and heartaches?
Just the Beginning
But the stream is just beginning. The person has heard only the first words. Even here, some little problems are removed and new freedom comes.
The person begins to see the power of this stream. They see what they can do, what sins they can remove. Suddenly, my words and their personal efforts accomplish much. The person sees changes and new hope.
Then comes the next step, the sorrow for their sins and a seeking out of the priest. This does not happen at first. There is too much darkness. But when the light enters and hope springs up, then the person is ready.
Continue to Read
There is so much more. They will continue to read these messages. The words will mean so much more because I have drawn them close to my heart. Progress becomes quite rapid. It is no longer the water of my words, but the fire of my heart which is purging them.
When they have reached this divine fire, they are at home. They have arrived. No need to go any further. They will just remain in that divine fire and be made holy. John baptized with water but my Son baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Comment: What a consoling locution. A gradual purifying. First, water and then fire.
The Father Searches For You
All the doors are open. No limit exists to the mercy and goodness of the Father. This is what I come to preach. This mercy will reach into the greatest darkness. Those who feel they have no opportunity for forgiveness will experience the warmth of divine love.
This is the new era which I am announcing to those hidden in the greatest darkness of sin, to those who for so long have given themselves over to the worst of vices, to these and many, many others, I proclaim that a new day of God’s forgiveness is dawning.
The Father’s Voice
No one will hold back this divine stream. It will flow everywhere. You will hear the heavenly Father’s voice saying, “Do not be afraid. I have come for you”. The merciful Father of the Prodigal Son waited and looked for his return. When he saw him afar off, he ran and embraced him. But even this is not enough. In this great time of darkness when so many of his children have left his house, the heavenly Father cannot just wait and look. He must go forth. He says, “I will search for my lost sons and daughters. I will find them wherever they are. Some are sick, burdened and despairing. Others are strong but their hearts are empty. Others know that they have lost the faith that they had as children.”
Search for You
The Father will search for you, O lost soul. He will not wait for you to come to your senses and say, “I must return to my Father’s house”. He will not stay at home. He will go forth. He will come into your world. He will show up at your door and he will say, “Come back. I will restore you to your place in my kingdom. I will once more give you the divine life which you have squandered”.
Already he is knocking at the door of your heart. Listen. Open the door and return. I will be there to help you.
Comment: In these days when so many have left the Father’s house and have set aside the practice of faith, God increases his mercy even beyond the parable of the Prodigal Son.
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