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Fr. Doucette Sat, Jul 30, 2011: Mary at the Foot of the Cross
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Rich Young Man
Dear Friends,
Now someone approached Jesus and said, "Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." He asked him, "Which ones?" And Jesus replied, " 'You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor your father and your mother'; and 'you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
The young man said to him, "All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew 19:16-24)
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,
"I bless you, My brother Melvin, and all My brothers and sisters living in every country of the world. As the passage above shows, I am calling you all to follow the 10 Commandments of God. It is in doing this that you show your love to Our Heavenly Father and to Me, the Son of God. I was very pleased when the young man came and told Me that he followed all the commandments. However, when I called him to follow Me, he refused because he had too many possessions. Today many young men and women refuse My calling because they are so attached to the things of the world and their faith is weak. I call you all to pray every day that the young may have the strength to answer My call to the priesthood and religious life. I call many every year. I love you all my friends."
Father Melvin
Message to Eileen Renders July 31, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Jesus Gives Us The Power Over Darkness!
At the 8:00 AM Mass at my parish, I made small offerings to Jesus and
Mary and prayed for all with special needs and intentions.
Prior to receiving the gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the
sacrament of Holy Communion, I made an Act of Contrition. After receiving
the most sacred Host, I knelt in commune with Jesus and prayed; “Speak Lord
(if it be Your will) Your servant listens.”
I began to see much darkness as in a tunnel with a ceiling and covering
of white. Jesus then spoke saying; “I give you the power to eliminate
darkness in your life by simply looking up and reaching for The Light! I AM
always there and in reaching out to Me, you will enable a blanket of My
Light to be released over darkness.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Continue to pray for your
brothers and sisters. Amen.”
Warning website July 30,2011
You do not belong to Satan you belong to Me and My Eternal Father
Saturday 30th July 2011 15.30
My dearly beloved daughter there are times when you think you will not be able to endure the trials you receive because of My messages but you must not fear. Fear is not something that you need to feel. If you can first let Me take away your fears by trusting in Me completely you will be free.
Oh how My children have forgotten the power of the divine realm My daughter. If they could only, for one moment, put down their shield they would be able to see clearly parts of My divine plan for mankind unfold. This shield, the shield of human intelligence driven by human logic, which in turn is ignited by the advances that man has made through science, is nothing but hay. It seems solid but it is empty of substance. Yet man believes that it provides protection against the truth, the truth of God’s divine presence.
Your shield, My children, which blocks Me and My teachings from your life will be your downfall. It will, in time, offer you no protection and will burn so fast, so instantly, just like straw that you will become naked. Your nakedness will eventually reveal to you the deceit of Satan and all his empty promises of worldly security which does not really exist. Man’s stubbornness to accept the existence of My Eternal Father will be the cause of his banishment into the darkness.
When you see My light, the flames of My love, materialise in the skies shortly let you be in no doubt. This will not be an illusion. It will be a reality and you must humble yourselves to open your eyes to the truth. Do not turn your eyes away or cower in fear. My presence must be greeted by you as your last chance for salvation. It is I who comes to envelop you in My arms. It is I, your Saviour, who once again comes to bring you back from the brink of darkness and despair. I have told you I will never forsake you. I will never leave you at the mercy of Satan for you do not belong to him. You belong to Me and My Eternal Father your creator.
When you see My flames of glory in the skies be joyful. Any doubts you ever had about the existence of God the Father will disappear. To benefit from the graces that The Warning will bring to your soul so that you can be saved you must appear little in My eyes and ask Me to forgive you for your sins. My love will then flood your soul and you will come back to Me and your rightful home.
Resist My mercy out of arrogance or intellectual reasoning and you will be lost.
Await now My mercy with joy and enthusiasm for you will become whole again. You will be reborn.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Resend Message to Christina Gallagher March 29,2009
Message to Christina Gallagher March 29,2009
NOTE FROM JOYCE: Message follows the recap of events since Blessed Mother first appeared to Christina..
It is now over 20 years since Our Blessed Mother's first apparition to Christina Gallagher. Our Lady's call was not new. It was simply the call of Her Son in the Gospel - a call to come back to God, a call to repentance. It was a call to prayer from the heart through Her most beautiful Rosary. In the course of the past 20 years, however, God has powerfully upheld everything announced by Christina in Our Lady's message. She was frequently shown world events before they took place and all events shown Christina have invariably been fulfilled:
Earthquake in IRAN
As related in her autobiography (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.11), she was shown an earthquake three weeks before it took place in Iran, killing 5,000 people. She told her spiritual director. When it occurred and was shown on television news, Our Lady explained to Christina that she had "been shown the calamity before it took place, not to prevent it but to prepare the souls of the people for God."
In early 1993, one year before the horrible war in Rwanda, Christina received an apparition (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.11) in which she was asked by an African boy (unknown to her) named Emmanuel Segastashya, "Pray for me and my country, Burundi." - a country she had never heard of. It was only the following year when the slaughter of the war in Rwanda broke out and engulfed neighboring Burundi and among the countless victims of the massacres was Emmanuel - a visionary in Church - approved apparitions there - that the reason became clear to Christina.
On December 26, 1992 Christina had an apparition of the war that broke out approximately two years later inChechnya. She made known, as usual, in advance what was shown to her. (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, p.262).
While in New York to address a Rosary Rally at Battery Park on September 11, 1999 Christina prophesied that theTwin Towers would be destroyed. She made the statement in the presence of a number of people including a USjudge, a Canadian attorney, a radio broadcaster, and her spiritual director. One of these, Judge Dan Lynch, an American Judge, wrote an article on the matter and made it more widely public.
Tsunami in the INDIAN OCEAN
On a number of separate occasions, the first being eight years before the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster - the massive undersea earthquake which smashed into nine countries across Asia on December 26, 2004 killing approximately one quarter of a million people - Christina was shown the exact tsunami scene taking place on a beautiful sandy beach with the wave washing in over houses and leaving corpses strewn on the beach as it swelled out again to sea. She did not have the word 'tsunami' as it was not in ordinary use then but she published what was shown her in her biography which appeared as far back as 1996. Christina would lament and cry bitter tears on seeing these scenes in advance for she knew how Our Lady had been trying since the beginning of Her apparitions to warn the world on how to prevent such disasters. Her calls were widely ignored and even ridiculed. On CNN News and on RTE news bulletins in Ireland, December 29th and 30th scientists were quoted as saying, “All we can say is that the sea-bed shifted from its axis”. They were actually using the exact words of warning Our Blessed Mother had spoken to Christina on July 16, 2002 (published then on the web-site) ‘...I tell you the world has been drawn short of its axis. It is clinging to the Hand of God to uphold it through Jesus...' Not only did the foretold happening occur but was even described afterwards by scientists in the very terms predicted by Our Lady.
Weather changes throughout THE WORLD
Long before weather patterns began to alter, Our Lady was warning us of what has now become widespread throughout the world. As far back as January 1, 1995 She declared, '...My daughter, the world is in its decline! World purification has begun. It will intensify more and more. The weather will be so changeable: heat to cold to ice: rainstorms like the world has not witnessed: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries: mudslides, disasters throughout the world will increase when the Hand of My Son covers the world...’ This message's widespread fulfillment is, of course, a matter of historical record.
Collapse of the STOCKMARKET
On January 23, 2006, Christina was told by Our Blessed Mother that the works She had desired 'should be completed at once as there will be a collapse in the stock market'. This message, given to Christina by Our Blessed Mother at the height of the economic boom in 'celtic tiger' Ireland as it was then called seemed incredible even to some devotees of Our Lady's message! Ireland was the economic envy of the world because of the enormous strength of the national economy and its highest-ever living standards. We were being held up as the perfect example of material prosperity and for anyone to speak or even think of economic collapse seemed absurd and ridiculous. Yet, against all the odds and despite the complacency of experts the message of Our Lady to Christina was, as always, once again resoundingly fulfilled.
ONE WORLD Government and ONE WORLD Church
As far back as 1992 Christina was made aware by Our Blessed Mother that a uniting of currencies would come about in Europe (Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross, pg. 329) and following that, in the world. The former has of course already occurred and as of March 2009, a number of world political leaders are calling for a one world regulation of banking, and even a single world currency. We can, therefore, now see a global bank and uniting of currency about to come into being. Swiftly we will see a total control of people being put in place through the use of the “chip” which will be nothing other than the “mark of the beast” mentioned in the Scriptures (Book of Revelations, chapter 13). Those who take it will be lost spiritually.
Message upheld by HEALINGS
Over 500 healings have been recorded. These include 10 different forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of blocked carotid arteries among several other conditions. Some already have received exhaustive in-depth analysis and been found by consultants and medical professors to have 'no human, scientific, medical or psychological explanation' .
Message upheld by the Gift of Knowledge of SOULS
God's gift of seeing a person's state of soul was given to Christina as she ministered to priests. It is probably best summed up by a Jesuit theologian from London who first visited her 20 years ago. He later wrote of his experience, 'This remarkable Irishwoman demonstrated beyond any doubt that she possessed a sort of x-ray vision into my private world of conscience and moral striving. She could read the secrets of my heart. She could witness within me that hidden arena where, as is the case with everyone, warfare is waged non-stop between good and evil, truth and falsehood, light and darkness. Though aware that other priests had a similar experience, I was nonetheless bowled over when Christina Gallagher proceeded to discern with clinical precision the weaknesses and strengths of my world within'. (Dr. Richard Foley, S.J., Preface, The Sorrow, the Sacrifice and the Triumph by Dr. Tom Petrisko)
The following is the latest experience given to
Christina from Our Lady Queen of Peace
on 29 March 2009
The birth-pangs are over. The world is handed over to the anti-Christ.
There will be civil war in the United States. People will fight and kill each other. 'Nests' of foreigners have already been placed in the U.S. The sight of what it will be like - the weapons being used and the blood flowing - was almost too much for Christina to look upon.
The impact of a bomb which will be dropped on America was experienced by Christina. It is horrific.
She was aware that an earthquake will also take place.
The events in the US will filter throughout Europe. A great suppression will come about.
Many Church leaders will go willingly in union with the anti-Christ because of the control he wields. Christina was shown how God in His plan desires to protect the handing on of the faith throughout the time of the suppression. Christina was made aware of how the Holy Father is deserted. There is much rebellion and hatred against him within the Church. She was then shown the global Church descending into a great blackness and exuding misty vapor. This scene was surrounded by a multitude of angry demons wanting to get rid of the Church and Christianity.
Christina was then shown Blessed Michael, clad in red and gold and holding his sword upright. Behind him could be seen Our Blessed Lady and a multitude of angels in red, in haste to do battle with the adversary.
Pestilence will accompany the civil war and the suppression. Mosquitoes will carry all kinds of new diseases. Locusts such as have never been seen before will form a plague: it will seem as though they themselves have an evil intent, almost as if they have an awareness that they are to wreak destruction.
The only hope is for people in the U.S. to go to pray in the Chain Houses of Prayer and uphold them - now, beforehand - to gain the graces of protection. That is their only hope. It will be too late for them when these events have begun to happen.
As messenger, Christina says it is heart breaking for her to give this message, but she has no option. She gives it and for those who wish to accept what is given, it is their own choice.
God love you,
Marita Delaney Wojdak
http://www.christin agallagher. org/en
Our Lady's words to Christina for the anniversary, July 16th 2008,
"Everyone of you can see around you the disintegration of faith in God and the decline of the world.
I desire that you study My messages in which I prepared you for these times and foretold what has now come upon you.
I desire My children to read those messages in which I tried to protect you from the dangers which now surround you.
There is nothing more to be said."
Medjugorje Day BY Day July 31 - ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA
"Now when we have received our Lord [in the Blessed Sacrament] and have him in our body, let us not then let him alone and get us forth about other things . . . but let all our business be about him. Let us by devout prayer talk to him, by devout meditation talk with him" (St. Thomas More).
Mother Teresa -
The mission of proclaiming Christ, through action or through words, is one mission, the mission of love and compassion.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Strong and generous hearts do not complain except for strong motives, and even then they do not allow such motives to penetrate too deeply within (MC 57).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Passion is not unconscious!
"The eye has a reflex action when someone is about to thrust his finger into it, but passion is a conscious affair; it is something that happens to a creature endowed with reason and free will."
St. Faustina's diary -
Today I said to the Lord, "When will You take me to Yourself? I've been feeling so ill, and I've been waiting for Your coming with such longing!" Jesus answered me, Be always ready; I will not leave you in this exile for long. My holy will must be fulfilled in you. O Lord, if Your holy will as not yet been entirely fulfilled in me, here I am, ready for everything that You want, O Lord! O my Jesus, there is only one thing which surprises me; namely, that You make so many secrets known to me; but that one secret-the hour of my death-You do not want to tell me. And the Lord answered me, Be at peace; I will let you know, but not just now. Ah, my Lord, I beg Your pardon for wanting to know this. You know very well why, because You know my yearning heart, which is eagerly going out to You. You know that I would not want to die even a minute before the time which You have appointed for me before the ages. Jesus listened with wondrous kindness to the outpourings of my heart. (1539)
O my God, I am overcome with great longing for You today. Oh, nothing else any longer occupies my heart. The earth no longer contains anything for me. O Jesus, how strongly I feel this exile, how very prolonged it is for me! O death, messenger of God, when will you announce to me that longed-for moment, through which I will be united to my God forever? (1573)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
On the anniversary of the apparitions in 1990, Our Lady gave the following message :
Dear children, today I want to thank you for all your
sacrifices and prayers. I give you my special motherly blessing.
I call you to decide for God and through prayer discover his will for you day by day. I call all of you to full conversion, dear children, so that you may know joy in your hearts (Monthly Message June 25,1990).
Christ also speaks of conversion, of being born again from above :
Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. What is born of flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be astonished that I said to you, "You must be born from above" (Jn 3 :5-7).
Reflection :
St. Ignatius of Loyola underwent a remarkable conversion to God through the written word. Born in 1491, he spent his early years at the Spanish court and as a soldier. While recuperating form injuries received in battle, he asked for books to read on his favorite subject : tales of knight-errantry. But no books of that sort could be found, and so he was given instead a life of Christ and a collection of the lives of the saints.
By constantly reading these books he began to be attracted to what he found narrated there. He began to ask such questions as, "What if I should do what St. Francis or St. Dominic did ?" Finding that these reflections gave him a special joy, he resolved to dedicate his life to the Lord he had come to know so well in his borrowed books.
Clearly the grace of God can work through any medium to effect conversion. For St. Francis it was nature; for St. Martin de Porres it was the poor. Grace requires only, as Our Lady as Our Lady has often said in Medjugorje, an open heart.
Today, pray that the process of conversion may continue in your life as your heart is kept open to God.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Mary at the Foot of the Cross
Dear Friends,
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. (Passage from the Gospel of St. John 19:25-27)
I will celebrate Holy Mass this morning at the Little Shrine of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island at 9:30 a.m. As it is Saturday the Mass will be celebrated in honor of Our Blessed Mother. Whenever it is possible, the Saturday Mass is in Her Honor.
In a few days we will be in the month of August. I have a number of commitments during the month. I will celebrate Holy Mass on August 5 in the afternoon for the 50th Wedding Anniversary of my sister Esther and her husband, Leo. On the same day in the evening, I will have a Healing Mass starting at 7:30 p.m. and the rosary at 7:00 p.m. And I will have an English Retreat starting on August 16 at 2:00 p.m. and finishing on August 18 at noon. Then on August 27, I will be in Bouctouche, New Brunswick, for a Healing Mass at 7:00 p.m. I go there every August to celebrate Mass at the home of a French couple who are in charge of a vineyard. This will keep me busy.
Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words,
"I am always praying for you, My son Melvin, and for all My sons and daughters in the world. I want you all to follow My Son, Jesus, who is your Savior. He gave Me to you as your Mother just before He died on the cross; John the Apostle was standing in for all of you. You know that I suffered greatly as I stood at the foot of the cross of My Son. May His great sacrifice bring you to repent of your sins and to listen to Him and follow Him. He wants the salvation of you all and that is My prayer at all times. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior and live in close union with Him. If you do this, one day you will be with us in heaven. Open your hearts to receive the graces He has for you. I love you."
Father Melvin
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Healing of a Boy with a Demon
Dear Friends,
When they came to the crowd a man approached, knelt down before him, and said, "Lord, have pity on my son, for he is a lunatic and suffers severely; often he falls into fire, and often into water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him." Jesus said in reply, "O faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring him here to me." Jesus rebuked him and the demon came out of him, and from that hour the boy was cured. Then the disciples approached Jesus in private and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" He said to them, "Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew 17:14-21)
We have a nice sunny day today but it is not hot. All of July, the temperature here in Prince Edward Island has remained in the 20s Celsius. The people are able to work without discomfort. I expect it will get warmer in August.
I hope you have checked the new website at, which a great friend of mine who lives near New York City set up for me. I wish to thank him for doing this. I am sure you will enjoy it.
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,
"I bless you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. You have all been tempted by the evil one but if you remain attached to Me Satan will not be able to cause you to sin. Many today are possessed by the devil because they have been involved in the occult such as New Age and Wicca. The evil one has taken control of them and now they are slaves of Satan. Even the youth can be taken by the devil and I had to chase the evil one from a boy one day. Once the devil was chased away, then the boy became normal. This shows that even young people can be possessed. You, My brother Melvin, chased an evil spirit from a boy on the Island some time ago after his father came and begged you to help his son. After you prayed he was completely liberated and never had any more trouble. This boy was possessed because he was watching some sort of occult on television.
If anyone is possessed, he or she needs to go and see a priest who will pray with that person and he or she will be freed. It is dangerous for lay people to pray for such people who are possessed. It could happen that the evil one will enter the person who is praying and he or she will be in an awful state. The priest has been given the power by Me to do this. You have to tell the person who is freed to follow Me every day and to pray regularly otherwise seven worst spirits will possess that person and the last stage will be worst than the first. If you remain with Me, there is no way that you can be possessed by evil spirits. Remain then in close union with Me. I love you all."
Father Melvin
What has Jesus said in His Lessons on founder St. Ignatious' feast?
do not be preoccupied with things and issues
f yourself, but focus all attention on your
Jesus. I am your Savior. Do not lose the moment
by dwelling on a topic regarding yourself. Look>to Me and see all the wonders of creation I have
set before you. Do not lose the moment by
thinking about issues centering around your very
self. Just live and be happy in the simplicity
of My Love. Reflect on all the good and wondrous
marvels I created for your happiness. Time in
this world continues on with or without you.
Enjoy the time of life in My Love. My Mercy is>endless. Broaden your scope and horizon by
focusing on the breadth and depth of My
unconditional Love, My Love for you, My gifts
for you, My treasures for you, My Mercy for you
and My Life given in love for you….” (JOM, Vol>V, #13, May 30, 1995 All I Created for You)
AM Your Jesus of Mercy:
May 30, 1989...
Novena and Consecration to the Father of All Mankind
Apostolate of the Green Scapular
THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Anna Marie: My Lord may I ask are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: Beloved one, it is I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Dear Jesus, may I ask please, will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Holy Merciful Father,
Who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life of all that is seen and unseen?
Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Savior Jesus of Mercy will now and always bow down and adore My Holy
Eternal Merciful Father in Heaven, Who is the great I AM. The giver of all life, seen and unseen.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, please speak for your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear one, although many citizens in your nation have begun to awaken to the upcoming events,
still more than ever, they refuse to listen to the sound of the beating drums. Imminent danger is at your
door steps, ready to harm many for the sake of killing innocent others. Prayers have increased by some, yet
others continue in their slumber.
Jesus: Why America, do you refuse to acknowledge the signs that so many have prophesied to you? Why
do you continue in your obstinacy? You refuse to see the state of depravity that your nation is finding itself
in. Greed and disobedience to the Father is the reason for your economic losses. Those who have intentionally
placed your economic prosperity in this land…….will not go unpunished by the Almighty Hand of the Lord.
You have chosen to enslave your citizens in poverty, loss of employment, loss of hope.
Jesus: For those I am speaking of, who have lost so much over the last few years, I say turn back to your
Savior who loves you. Turn back to me and I will help you through your difficult trials. For anyone who has
the ability to help those in greater need—you will receive my blessings ten-fold. Give to one another. Help
those who have lost much. Go into your communities and serve the least of your people. You can do so in
groups, church groups can serve those in need when the “Lost” have no other place to turn to. Be strong my
children and pray. Ask my Eternal Father to show you the way. Pray in your homes, pray in your churches.
Let a flood of prayers be received in heaven as an Ocean of Mercy for all citizens of your nation. Every
country has enough “PRAYER WARRIORS” to help mitigate the soon, upcoming events of financial, economic,
food and natural disasters!
Jesus: Now will you pray? How many hours of your day can you offer your Savior? How many prayers can
one person pray to stop the foreseeable tragic events that will surely destroy more lives? Please my children,
hearken to your Savior’s request and store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven because all that you
have can be taken from you in a blink of an eye. Go my daughter, and pray now. Pray for peace and mercy
on your land, for it will not withstand the great battle of what is yet to come.
Anna Marie: Yes, my Lord; I will. My Lord, do you have a Scripture to accompany this message?
Jesus: Isaias 13, Isaias 15:9, Isaias 16:4, Daniel 10:14, Daniel 11:10-15. That is all.
Anna Marie: Thank you my Lord for your mercy, we all love you, dear Savior and Mother Mary too!
End of Message
ISAIAS 13 (The desolation of Babylon)
1) The burden of Babylon, which Isaias the son of Amos saw.
2) Upon the dark mountain lift ye up a banner, exalt the voice, lift up the hand, and let the rulers go into the
3) I have commanded my sanctified ones, and have called my strong ones in my wrath, them that rejoice in
my glory.
4) The noise of a multitude in the mountains, as it were of many people, the noise of the sound of kings, of
nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts hath given charge to the troops of war.
5) To them that come from a country afar off, from the end of heaven: the Lord and the instruments of his
wrath, to destroy the whole land.
6) Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is near: it shall come as a destruction from the Lord.
7) Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every heart of man shall melt.
8) And shall be broken. Gripings and pains shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain as a woman in labour.
Every one shall be amazed at his neighbour., their countenances shall be as faces burnt.
9) Behold, the day of the Lord shall come, a cruel day, and full of indignation, and of wrath, and fury, to lay
the land desolate, and to destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10) For the stars of heaven, and their brightness shall not display their light: the sun shall be darkened in his
rising, and the moon shall not shine with her light.
11) And I will visit the evils of the world, and against the wicked for their iniquity: and I will make the pride of
infidels to cease, and will bring down the arrogancy of the mighty.
12) A man shall be more precious than gold, yea a man than the finest of gold.
13) For this I will trouble the heaven: and the earth shall be moved out of her place, for the indignation of the
Lord of hosts, and for the day of his fierce wrath.
14) And they shall be as a doe fleeing away, and as a sheep: and there shall be none to gather them together:
every man shall turn to his own people, and every one shall flee to his own land.
15) Every one that shall be found, shall be slain: and every one that shall come to their aid, shall fall by the
16) Their infants shall be dashed in pieces before their eyes: their houses shall be pillaged, and their wives
shall be ravished.
17) Behold I will stir up the Medes against them, who shall not seek silver, nor desire gold.
18) But with their arrows they shall kill the children, and shall have no pity upon the sucklings of the womb,
and their eye shall not spare their sons.
19) And that Babylon, glorious amoung kingdoms, the famous pride of the Chaldeans, shall be even as the
Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
20) It shall no more be inhabited for ever, and it shall not be founded unto generation and generation: neither
shall the Arabian pitch his tents there, nor shall shepherds rest there.
21) But wild beasts shall rest there, and their houses shall be filled with serpents, and ostriches shall dwell
there, and the hairy ones shall dance there:
22) And owls shall answer one another there, in the houses thereof, and sirens in the temples of pleasure.
For the waters of Dibon are filled with blood: for I will bring more upon Dibon: the lion upon them that shall
flee of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land.
(The prophet prayeth for Christ’s coming. The affliction of the Moabites for their pride.)
My fugitives shall dwell with thee: O Moab, be thou a covert to them from the face of the destroyer: for the
dust is at an end, the wretch is consumed: he hath failed, that trod the earth underfoot.
But I am come to teach thee what things shall befall thy people in the latter days, for as yet the vision is for
DANIEL 11:10-15
(The angel declares to Daniel many things to come, with regard to the Persian and Grecian
kings: more especially with regard to Antiochus as a figure of ANTI-CHRIST)
10) And his sons shall be provoked, and they shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and he shall come
with haste like a flood: and he shall return and be stirred up, and he shall join battle with his forces.
11) And the king of the south being provoked shall go forth, and shall fight against the king of the north, and
shall prepare an exceeding great multitude, and a multitude shall be given into his hand.
12) And he shall take a multitude, and his heart shall be lifted up, and he shall cost down many thousands:
but he shall not prevail.
13) For the king of the north shall return and shall prepare a multitude much greater than before: and in the
end of times and years, he shall come in haste with a great army, and much riches.
14) And in those times many shall rise up against the king of the south, and the children of prevaricators of
thy people shall lift up themselves to fulfill the vision, and they shall fall.
15) And the king of the north shall come, and shall cast up a mount, and shall take the best fenced cities:
and the arms of the south shall not withstand, and his chosen ones shall rise up to resist, and they shall
not have strength.
SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2011 @ 11:55 P.M.
Mother Mary began calling Anna Marie and so she tested and discerned that it was the Holy Mother, Queen
of Heaven and Earth. Mother Mary requested Anna Marie to visit her son, Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament
of the Altar, praying for God’s mercy upon the U.S. because a great trial was to take place in three days
and that Anna Marie should pray for the mitigation of this event. The message from Mother Mary was completed
after midnight on June 19, 2011. The event was to take place on Thursday, June 23, 2011.
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011 @ 3:04 AM
Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: Beloved one, it is I your Savior Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, may I ask please. Jesus will you bow down and adore God your Eternal and Holy
Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is seen and unseen?
Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your beloved and Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow
down and adore God my Eternal and Holy Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all
life, of all that is seen and unseen.
Anna Marie: Speak my Lord, for your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear one, do not forget my Mother’s request. A grave trial will fall upon your nation this very
week and it is very important that you get others to pray with you. Call upon your friends and ask them to
pray with you. Please inform your spiritual director, it will take place and that you are asking for his prayers
as well.
Jesus: Great sorrows will befall your nation soon, there is no time to waste. The threats are upon you all.
And every citizen of your good country will soon taste the sorrows of My Father’s JUSTICE. Now go, go and
pray daughter. Come and visit me in the Blessed Sacrament of Love and I will make My presence known to
you. That is all.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, thank you for coming and speaking to me today. I love you Jesus.
Jesus: I love you too.
End of Message
PLEASE NOTE: These two private messages were not published because they were private to Anna Marie.
Private messages are normally not published, but we have posted them because Jesus makes it clear that
“Great sorrows will befall our nation soon”. We need your prayers now, we need serious PRAYER WARRIORS
to join ours in praying for our nation and all nations around the world! We believe the event referred to in
this message was the flooding in Minot, North Dakota which is still in a horrific state. Please continue to pray
for those who have been affected by the floods in the mid-West and fires & drought in the South, Southwest.
Messages to Christina Gallagher March 15, & 18, 2011
Message from Jesus to Christina
March 15, 2011
My little one, I bless you and give you this message for the world - a world that has rejected and found fault with the Love and Mercy which I have offered. I have called the world’s inhabitants to respond to My many messages and to those of My Immaculate Mother.
I am your Lord, the Lord of Life. I desire you listen and take to heart every word I tell you today through the messenger of My Sacred Heart. Your world will witness many disasters from earthquakes to mudslides, hail storms and tornados beyond natural proportions. The devastation of such painful destruction which you are now witnessing in Japan and other places, will also take place in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The four angels of the Apocalypse are at the corners of the earth. The censer is burning. The chalice is overflowing. The world as you know it is being plunged into the depths of its own sin. I desire you purge yourselves of sin through the sacrament of Penance.
Forgive your enemy. Turn with open hearts to Me while you still have time. My dear people, as the arising of him who is anti of Christ is with you, and his powers are suffocating and blinding many, many of My people, I tell you listen and do as I ask you for the good of souls. I have told you the waters of death move quickly: many are being blinded and caught in the web in the evil: and many merry in its seduction. I request you pray, pray and return to the Fold of Life through Me, otherwise you will experience and get caught in the evil web. I call you to ensure that every home have the picture of My Mother with the great promise I have given Her as She pleads for each one of you Her children. Pray before this picture and have My cross depicted in your homes. Look at it and plead through My merits for your souls. Unite with My Immaculate Mother in the prayer of the Rosary offered from the heart. Through meditating on its Mysteries, permit the Rosary to become a living reality for the benefit of your souls. It will be a means of great protection for you. I bestow upon you this day great graces and healing of heart. I desire you permit Me pierce your souls so that I can renew life in the souls of many once again.
My people, there are many false prophets in your midst. Do not enter their camp but pray for them that they may receive the Light of Truth. Otherwise, through the power of the evil one you, too, may experience blindness and fail to recognize Truth. My vicar in the See of Peter is in great danger and there are those who yearn to bring his reign to an end. Pray, pray for him for he is despised by some among those who surround him. It saddens My Heart that true reparation has not been made for the sins of immorality against the innocents. Death will follow the failure to carry out true reparation for such acts. My Mother has pleaded for parents to unite with their families in the prayer of consecration that was written by My son Gerard. I guided his every word in this consecration prayer so that it would serve as a means of great protection for the youth, and especially against suicide. Today I must warn you that there is much to befall the world through each one of you being subjected to the workings of anti Christ. It saddens Me that the time is upon you for those who desire to trample upon and destroy Christianity and enforce upon you an ungodly existence. Many, to their shame, have already turned from Me and united themselves with all that is anti of Me. My people, your safety exists only in bearing My Life. Those of you, My people, who are filled with pride and self-will and desire to take from My Mother’s houses which I had placed for the protection of souls, will endure My wrath. Those of you who have rejected My Mother’s Houses and My poor messenger will endure My justice because of the souls who are and will be led away from Truth through your actions.
My messenger has been persecuted beyond your understanding. I desire you uphold her and take care of her every need for the time is fast approaching when you will need her and the guidance I give you through her. The evil spirits rebel against her and My dear brother Gerard. How pleasing they are before My Heavenly Father. I am well pleased in them. Their loyalty will be repaid before MY Father. My people, I want to prepare you for the many disasters that are about to devour your world. There will be many cries for help, but you can only receive help through the Life in Me. If you choose to be like the foolish virgins, then you will receive their reward - I cannot help you. The deterioration of the world as you know it - of which My Mother has many times warned you - has begun. Soon there will be many parts of the world unrecognizable. But for those of you who have taken to heart the truth of My call for your protection, you have nothing to fear - even in the midst of ever - unthinkable evil befalling your world. The Americas, Europe and Asia are about to experience great earthquakes with much destruction and death - death forever for many. The weather will become even more changeable. What you have witnessed in the death of many forms of wildlife is merely a warning of the death coming to humanity as a consequence of sin and denial of Me.
My people, be at peace. My peace I impart to you this day. I desire you fill My Mother’s Houses and pray. Only in that way will you receive the graces needed. Uphold My Mother’s Houses with great joy through prayer and their upkeep. Do it with an open heart and joy in your offering. Your money will soon be of little use to you. I will guide you through My messenger if you permit Me. Some of you will have hearts full of wrong judgment as many times before. Do not draw down upon yourself judgment in My Justice. Cling to My Mercy. I desire mercy for each one of My people throughout the world, not My justice. I bless you in the Fountain of Grace in My Sacred Heart, in My Father through Me, His Beloved Son and in the working of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Jesus to Christina
NOTE FROM JOYCE I see the ? marks in this one. it is due to software or whatever the message was typed in. I may miss taking some out of them so don't question the ? marks if there are some still in message
Friday, March 18, 2011
On Friday, March 18th, 2011 Jesus spoke to Christina on her journey to the US.He said, "Be at peace. I am with you. I understand the struggle you make to come and deliver My message.? ?Nations, I prepare to impart My justice for you refuse My mercy. Why do you refuse My mercy? What a magnitude of grace will be given in Minnesota! I desire you make known to My people not
only in Minnesota but throughout the world the desire of My Heart: if they fail to respond to My mercy, nothing but My justice remains.
In My Mother's House in Minnesota, there will be great graces and protection. The non-believers will believe, the diseased will be healed and those who are persecuted by evil spirits will be set free. (This place with its chapel and surrounding district was dedicated to St. Anthony by a person of great devotion. Great is his reward and blessed are his descendants.)
There will be great unrest in Minnesota with people being pressurized by Eastern sources.Fear not. I am with you in a strength beyond the power and capability of the evil that wants to destroy you but you must observe what I tell you. You are a people I love. You are a people who uphold My commandments. You are a people of My Heart but when this catastrophe comes upon you, you will be pressurized to take a direction not of Mine.
I am advising you now to follow everything I am telling you now - always keep close to Me through the refuge I have placed in your midst. There you will find the strength necessary to uphold you in your need. How My mercy abides with you. Uphold My House in which My mercy flows for you and those who come here. The unrest leading to war - to the third world war - causes Me great pain. There will be much pain and cries from the little. Poverty will follow the unrest and war from country to country, then illness and death. There will be several disasters throughout the world to add to the pain of many. I am the Lord but I must permit this in My justice on account of the great sin of the world.
My little one, do not allow your heart to experience the pain of rejection in deceit and lies because you only experience that for bearing Truth as you follow in My footsteps. Merit upon merit will await you and My son Gerard for the horrendous nature of what you endure. Nothing goes unnoticed and nothing goes unrewarded. Know that I am He who is in The everlasting life of the Alpha and Omega. For those who seek Me, I am there.
My dear little one and My son Gerard, I thank you and bless you for responding to My desire to come to the refuge of Minnesota. When I say 'refuge', I mean 'refuge' for that is what it will be. It is hallowed ground blessed by Me and those who serve and pray here will experience this reward. All who participate in the workings of My Houses will receive from the abundant graces of the Godhead that will touch and pierce the souls of all the inhabitants of My Houses. Great is their reward but little is their knowledge.
I bless you through My Sacred Heart in the Godhead of My Father and in the union of The Holy Spirit and in the love of My Immaculate Mother, your Queen.
Holy Love July 29,2011
July 29, 2011
St. Teresa of Avila says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come this morning to tell you that hope is the catalyst of perseverance. It is the glimmer of hope in the heart that spurs the soul on in seemingly irreversible situations."
"It is hope that seasons prayer with faith. It is hope that founds trust in God's Eternal Will."
"When hope is challenged, discouragement moves in. Always remember, discouragement is Satan's hallmark - confusion the enemy's signature. Therefore, it behooves the soul to keep hope alive in his heart. In so doing, he will focus on God's Plan and God's Divine Will for him."
July 29, 2011
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I come once again to call you into the unity of Holy Love. In Holy Love, you will find peace - an abiding peace - that cannot be put asunder by any actions or words of the enemy. Be refreshed in Holy Love and abide in My Peace."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Holy Love Ministries
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
Message to Marie -Mid June 2011
mid June 2011 message thru marie
Mama Mary: The seed (image of God) has already been planted within each of you.
But it is a race. If you read the word you know that victory has been given to Us.
The spirit of fear is great if you focus on the absence of a Divine Vision.
If you put your focus on the crashing waves as the storm
rages,yes you will toss and turn in all directions, grow weary,
and drown eventually. But if you focus on My Son, I will
help carry you closer to the depths of the ocean of Mercy and
Grace, Love and Light. In the depth of my son's unfathomable mercy,
lies your greater peace in these times. Trust in Him for in Mercy lies your
greater peace in these times. Trust is something you need to plumb to
the very depths of your soul.
It is no accident that you first were introduced to the Mass and the Rosary as a child,
then led to various novenas after mass. God had planned all out of love
for your soul's journey back to Him. In your struggles, you were then led
to devotion to Jesus' Divine Mercy (about more than a decade ago). It is
no accident that last year, your were introduced finally to the devotion to
God the Father. As one friend told you, these are divinces or divine
coincidences. Ponder on your journey for a moment.
Lastly, it is no accident that you were invited on a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary
of the Luminous Cross of Grace. Even its location is a divincent because
the place of Agdangan, means, Stairway and when you went up this Chalice
shaped structure, you found yourself blessed a thousandfold. This sanctuary
blesses infinitely the humble country of the Philippines. It will shine for its
purity and gentle humble structure pleases the Father! This sanctuary shall be used
to accelerate the transformation of God's children.
Being a structure consecrated to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
and marked by my Motherly blessing as you enter, it now is lighting up
within each of my children who have physically experienced going there. Do not wonder
at the gifts being poured upon you for you are not alone. These gifts help you
to be instruments of healing, saving and rebuilding the Living Church.
Arise my children, from your slumber for the enemy attacks at night and
may suffocate you in your sleep.
Fill your lantern with the holy oil of a life lived in faithful service to the Lord for
his coming is so near.
Bring all your actions to a greater focus on my Son through a great
trust in the Vision of a New Jerusalem here on earth. Hold this vision
a little while longer. in your Divine Patience you will begin to see the
sanctuary light up fully!!!
Our Lord: The most humble of all creatures is my Mother!
In your journey back to the Father she it was you always turned to since
the start.
Me: Yes, reciting the Holy Rosary is my daily vitamin!
Our Lord: And her mission is to bring all closer to the source of life giving
water that I am. In drinking of my presence, you will not thirst. Instead
shall you experience at first a trickling stream within that now has become,
through your constant striving, a greater limitless ocean of grace.
There is within you, a new thirst, a thirst to bring all back to the source.
In living in the Spirit, your sanctuary alights in My Love.
I love you. We love you. Continue to reach out and strive to bring all to me.
Me: Grant me the graces and your tender mercy as I strive to daily draw
souls closer to you. So many are tired and thirsty, I feel a time pressure
of late to hurry, hurry hurry. My fear is that it took me so long to get
here, to this point and I still fall, I still feel weak. Yes, I shall show all that the
simplest surest way to reach you is through your mother. and the way to
trust you is to get to know you in a deeper way, by living the way of the cross
through grace, through humility, through a deeper love...Let me respond
to the depths you have taken my soul, to live in true charity, a deep life
of prayer, practicing and living out the trust you have brought me to as I welcome
and witness the renewal of the Father's kingdom.
Mama Mary: The hour is late. The world covered in darkness. Many are lost, blinded
by the false treasures of this world. The spirits of the sly one has managed to
cover many of my consecrated priest sons in sins of the flesh! Many have fallen!
The church of st peter is already eclipsed by evil. Pray much, pray always for
my son Pope Benedict. he too shall be a saint!
Pray because many of your brothers and sisters need so much shielding
and intercessory prayers *
The hour is late. The task to re evangelize and rebuild the Sanctuary, is NOW.
Hurry my children and enter my Immaculate Heart so i can enfold you in
His Peace and His love.
The hour is late. The nights are darker and many many of my children must
convert soon for time is short and the more my children delay their
spiritual transformation, the harder for them to climb up calvary, the distance
they must traverse is that much farther. But the Father is still, in these times,
so good to all His wayward children. In order to traverse the great distance
that is needed for your growth in the Spirit, access to a greater amount of
mercy and grace has been released for these times - through a simple
vessel - trust - trust - trust. Trust in My Son's mercy. The expressway is my
Son's divine mercy which is open, so open and overflowing so you can
journey faster, as though you had struggled as much and
as long and hard as your predecessors.Amazing grace! Amazing Mercy!
Remember, in these times, you have an accelerated link to reach Heaven
through two devotions - the Divine Mercy and Chaplet to God the Father.
*St benedict prayer, St Michael, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet, Precious blood,
Glory be, Prayer to guardian angel, Sacred Heart, Consecration prayers, healing prayers.
and more...
2 Messages from The Warning website July 28, 2011
Message Virgin Mary ‘Victim Soul’
Thursday 28 July 2011 14.25 hours
My child it is with great joy that I come to help guide you in your mission to help My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save even more souls. Your final surrender to offer to the Most High, God the Father, your agreement to become a victim soul is accepted with great joy in the Heavens.
You, My child, are now going to help save those souls who would otherwise have been destined for the pits of darkness. This offering will be rewarded with special graces to give you the strength to endure trials with greater ease. Your spirit, my child, will now be strengthened so that matters pertaining to the materialist world will matter little in your eyes.
Always call on me, your Mother and mentor, to bring you into the bosom of My precious beloved Son, Jesus Christ and God, the Most High. Pray now to prepare adequately to consecrate yourself properly for this important challenge.
I will always cover you with my Holy mantle and you, my sweet child, will always be close to my heart.
Your beloved Mother
Queen of the Angels
Pray for the souls of those facing damnation who will not survive The Warning
Thursday 28 July 15.30 hours
My daughter the spiritual dryness you have been going through over the past few days when you found it impossible to pray was The Deceiver trying to pull you away from Me.
Now that you have given your final pledge to become a victim soul to My Eternal Father to help Me save souls you will now be offered extra protection to prevent The Deceiver from distracting you.
The time now has come for a great amount of prayer in this your final chance, Children, to help save those souls who will not survive The Warning. Please heed MY call to pray hard for those poor lost children during the month of August designated Salvation of Souls month.
Spread the word to prayer groups everywhere to follow My instruction for daily Mass, daily Eucharist and one day’s fasting a week for the entire month. Do not underestimate the power that your prayers will have when it comes to saving souls.
Start by praying for those members of your own family who are in sin or who are non-believers. They include close friends and acquaintances who have turned their back on My teachings willingly and who inflict injustice on others. They need your prayers now.
Now is the time for quiet reflection as the day for The Warning draws nearer. Silent, uninterrupted prayer and devotion is called for and I command that My sacred servants everywhere lead My children to pray for the souls of those facing damnation. Only prayer can help them now especially the recital of My Divine Mercy chaplet.
Unite in love for Me.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
NOTE when the visionary took down this message she assumed that the term “souls facing damnation” was the same as saying ” souls of the damned”. Jesus has since requested that his children understand that ALL souls facing damnation can, in fact, be saved through praying the Divine Mercy on their behalf. He has instructed Maria to change the phrase Souls of the damned to read souls facing damnation.
Holy Love July 28, 2011
July 28, 2011
St. Teresa of Avila says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to give you hope - hope that all you feel inspired to pursue will be realized. Hope is the courage to persevere. Without hope, God's Will cannot come to fruition the way He most desires it to do so."
"Hope is like an invisible thread that binds the human free will to the Divine. It is the courage to pursue righteousness and the truth. Hope is the weapon against Satan's discouragement."
"Hope is the mother of courage. Without hope, discouragement wins out."
Holy Love Ministries
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
Messages to John Leary July 13-26,2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how a signal light works. When the light is red, you are to stop, and when it is green, you can go. When you look at My Ten Commandments and My Church laws, these are My guides to leading a holy life. Some laws are to do things out of love as in loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. You are asked to come to Mass on Sunday, honor your parents, and to help support your local church. The other laws deal with things that you should not do as no swearing, no killing, no lies, no stealing, and not coveting or being envious of your neighbor’s goods or his wife. These dos and don’ts are similar to the signal’s green and red lights. It is one thing to follow My laws out of obedience, but it is even better to follow them out of love for Me, and your desire not to offend Me in your actions. I asked My disciples and My people to follow Me and imitate My life as a model for their behavior. Many of your choices involve a desire to let Me lead your life, instead of wanting to do everything according to your own ways. It is this conflict between My ways and man’s ways that test your soul every day. If you follow Me in all that I ask you to do, then you will be assured of your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the last hundred years or so there have been many people who received visions and messages from My Blessed Mother. There have been many faithful believers that think heaven is sharing messages with visionaries. You have seen many sites in the mountains where My Blessed Mother has appeared. Not all of these places have been approved by My Church leaders. My people need to test the words given, and any good fruits that are coming from these places. Some people have seen miraculous healings both in physical bodies and spiritual healings. Some have seen the spinning sun in various colors, or even rosaries changing colors. The most important fruit is that many souls have had their spiritual lives healed and enhanced by coming to places of Marian apparitions. You, yourself, had a healing of a computer addiction, and you were given a mission to prepare people for the tribulation time. These conversion stories are signs of the good fruits that are coming from these places of apparition. One of the other important uses of these sites, is that they will serve as places of refuge to protect My people from the evil ones. In addition to these sites, there are many holy ground places that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, along with some monasteries. Even caves will provide safe havens for My people. Give thanks and praise to God for enabling these refuges to be provided for your protection. Listen to the words of the messages given, and you can discern the true refuges where My Blessed Mother has appeared.”
Thursday, July 14, 2011: (Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, when Moses asked God the Father what His name is, the reply was: ‘I AM who AM.’ (Exodus 4:14) This name was to signify that God has always existed, even before creation. It is spoken in the present tense also to mean that God’s existence will always exist. It is difficult for man to describe or know God fully, so this description in a name gave people a small sense of who He is. Moses told the people this name, and he went on to lead his people out of Egypt to the promised land. I used this same expression when the Jews questioned who I am. I told them that Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and they could not believe that I could have seen Abraham. Then I said to them: (John 8:58) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.’ This was the same name that God the Father used, but We are both persons of the Blessed Trinity, so I spoke the truth. The people then tried to stone Me to death thinking that I blasphemed. I am truly a God-man, but the people of My time could not accept that I was the Messiah and God at the same time. Today, My people accept Me as a God-man by faith, as you know that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is over regulating your businesses to the point that small businesses are struggling to survive. Your Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is now about to attack your vitamin and herbal supplement businesses by demanding so much regulation to approve their products. It is their intent to ruin this source of alternative medicines and supplements as this will indirectly help your large drug companies. Many natural products can prevent diseases, but the FDA is determined to allow only doctor approved regimens. I have warned people to stock up on their supplements before they may not be available.”
Jesus said: “My people, for a long time it has been the American dream to have a new home. Your housing market has been under duress ever since the housing bubble broke. Many homes have lost value to much less than the original mortgage. Because of lost jobs and bad loans to people who could not afford them, you are still seeing many foreclosures. It has become difficult to get housing loans as banks are more reluctant to loan money. Until the supply of available homes can be reduced, this industry will drag down your economy. Pray for all those people who are having difficulty in securing some kind of a shelter.”
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many debt limit meetings between the President and your Congress, but little substance of an agreement has been reached. One side does not want any new taxes and the other side does not want any changes made to the entitlements as Social Security and Medicare. The Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and even the bond rating agencies have voiced their fears if the debt limit is not raised, and some deficits reduced. Even some are suggesting a possible stoppage in delivering Social Security checks. The inability to reach a compromise has now endangered America’s credit rating. Unless some changes are made soon, there is a risk of a default on your National Debt. Pray that a compromise can keep your country from going into default.”
Jesus said: “My people, America’s creditors are knocking on your door to demand your country start controlling its deficits without creating more bonds made from thin air. They are telling your Government that your interest rates will be raised when your credit rating is reduced. Greece and other nations are now paying more interest for their junk bond status. America’s Government better heed these warnings, or bad things will happen such as painful austerity budgets. Your budgets are out of control, so pray that your lawmakers can make some needed corrections.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you had many areas that were getting more rain than usual. Now, with droughts and little rainfall in the last two months, your crops are being threatened. I keep warning people to stock up on at least one year’s supply of food in case world food reserves decrease to a dangerous low. Water will also need to be stored. Pray that more rain may come to your parched lands before many crops could be lost.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a growing concern over your current 9.2% unemployment rate because unemployment checks are ending and these unemployed workers are losing their skills without working. Your government stimulus programs have not supplied many jobs because generating jobs needs to come from the private sector. With cutbacks in government programs, your federal and state governments are actually laying off people. Pray that your uncertainties can be removed so your companies can hire more workers.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are all dependent on Me for all of your needs, whether it be your employment, your food, or paying your bills. More people are coming to Me with their prayer petitions which is a sign of how many families are dealing with financial problems just to survive and make ends meet. Some are working multiple part-time jobs because full time jobs are not always available. Keep working the best that you can because this life is going to change to My Era of Peace. Pray for My protection as you will be safe at My refuges.”
Friday, July 15, 2011: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given My faithful many messages about preparing refuges and taking things to My refuges. Those, who do not go to My refuges after I warn you, will be picked up by the UN troops dressed in black and brought to the prisons at your detention centers. Those, who refuse to take the chip in the body, will be gassed and cremated as the Jews were in Germany. The one world people will kill all those who do not want to support their new world order. The Christians and patriots will be their targets. Just as in the Gospel, there were Jewish leaders who harassed the people for not following the least letter of their laws, which were sometimes mere human precepts. My people need to follow the spirit of the law out of love for Me. Even today various governments are harassing their people with rules and regulations that are nearly impossible to follow. This is the way your leaders and czars are holding authority over you. When your laws are too complicated to live by, they will be hard to enforce. But these controls over you will become so stifling that they will control you like robots. When these evil ones try to demand mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to refuse such chips, even under threat of death. If you do not, these chips will control your free will. Leave this society to go underground at My refuges where I will provide for your needs and your protection. This time of persecution will last less than 3 ½ years when I will bring My victory, and these evil ones will be cast into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given My faithful many messages about preparing refuges and taking things to My refuges. Those, who do not go to My refuges after I warn you, will be picked up by the UN troops dressed in black and brought to the prisons at your detention centers. Those, who refuse to take the chip in the body, will be gassed and cremated as the Jews were in Germany. The one world people will kill all those who do not want to support their new world order. The Christians and patriots will be their targets. Just as in the Gospel, there were Jewish leaders who harassed the people for not following the least letter of their laws, which were sometimes mere human precepts. My people need to follow the spirit of the law out of love for Me. Even today various governments are harassing their people with rules and regulations that are nearly impossible to follow. This is the way your leaders and czars are holding authority over you. When your laws are too complicated to live by, they will be hard to enforce. But these controls over you will become so stifling that they will control you like robots. When these evil ones try to demand mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to refuse such chips, even under threat of death. If you do not, these chips will control your free will. Leave this society to go underground at My refuges where I will provide for your needs and your protection. This time of persecution will last less than 3 ½ years when I will bring My victory, and these evil ones will be cast into hell.” Jesus said: “My people, microwaves are very powerful electromagnetic radiation that can be dangerous to humans, animals, and even insects. These towers in the vision are transmitting powerful signals to both satellites and cell phones. You use microwaves to heat things in a short time, but they can be harmful to your bodies as well. Holding cell phones to your head could possibly cause brain cancer over time like cigarettes affect your lungs. It is better to use ear pieces to avoid being close to the microwave source. You have been sending out microwave signals for your TV transmissions for many years. But now you are placing cell towers all over the world so you can have a wireless signal. This is an added pollution of microwaves to all of your environment. This could affect insect and animal orientation for direction. The cell towers were set up to send phone and data messages. They can also be used to track people’s whereabouts through your cell phone, even when it is turned off. In order to avoid being tracked, you can store it in aluminum or remove the batteries. This hiding with aluminum can also be used with any chips in your driver’s license or chips in your passport. Your electronic technology is very helpful, but it can be used against you for surveillance. By leading a simple life without cell phones or chipped devices, you can avoid being tracked and controlled by these microwave devices.”
Saturday, July 16, 2011: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
St. Therese said: “My son, you have not heard from me in a while, but I wanted you to make an extra effort to get a chain or leather piece so you can display your relic of the true cross of Jesus at your talks. Even several saints have asked you to display it on the outside of your clothing. Today is a great celebration for Carmelites, and you have been faithful in wearing the Blessed Mother’s brown scapular. You also should remember to keep bringing scapulars to your meetings for the people. You are following Our Lord’s request to spread His messages in your books, the internet, and when you go out speaking. Remember also to add a little more fervor to your prayers without allowing so many interruptions in your prayer time. Even kneeling could help you keep focused on praying to Jesus. Thank you also for being faithful to your prayer time. It is important to keep close to Jesus so your gifts can be used and protected.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come into My Presence at My places of Adoration, this is how I want to greet all of you: (Matt.11:28-30) ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’ I truly give you rest in your souls, and I give you My abundant graces to strengthen you in your mission. I call you to be evangelists to save souls by bringing them to Me in faith. My burden is light in your daily cross that I ask you to carry. I will give you what to speak to souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. The more souls that you can bring to Me, the fewer souls that could be lost to hell. I thank you for coming to Me in My Eucharist, and you will be rewarded for your work of love.”
Sunday, July 17, 2011: (Missionary priest from India)
Jesus said: “My people, this Vincentian order of Priests in India are doing a great missionary work for Me. In the Gospel you are seeing life as it is in this field that had wheat and weeds. The evil people are represented in the weeds, and the good people are represented in the wheat. They are allowed to live together, and some evil people may be converted by the good people. At the harvest there is the judgment when the weeds are thrown into the fire, and the wheat is gathered into My barn. This parable represents the evil ones who are cast into hell, while the faithful are welcomed into heaven at My Wedding Feast. This is why missionaries are needed to bring souls to heaven. This is represented in the vision where people are being led up to heaven on the stairs going up. Today, you are contributing money to help the seminarians and their work. Pray for their work so that the evil one will not mislead these priests.”
Monday, July 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your land is being refreshed with life-giving rain. Many are joyous to see rain in the midst of a drought. Much of your vegetation has dried out into a dormant state, so it requires longer rain days to revive it. Be thankful for every rainfall, even if it is just a little. In the first reading the Egyptians are trying to get revenge for losing their first born, but this army later gets drowned. Moses was faithful in leading the people through the Red Sea and eventually to the promised land. My people also need to be faithful, and know that I will protect you as I did with the Jews in the desert. Just as the Egyptian army was defeated, so in this coming modern day Exodus I will defeat your enemies, and bring you into My Era of Peace which will be your new promised land.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to see a sign from Me, but I told them that the only sign I would give is that of Jonah, the prophet. As Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man would lie in the tomb for the same time. These people did not realize that I was telling them My Resurrection from the dead would be the most important sign for all of mankind. It was My suffering and death on the cross that gave salvation to all those who accept Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins. The Scribes and Pharisees eventually would crucify Me, but they did not want to believe in My Resurrection. They did everything to cover it up by bribing the soldiers. I spoke to them of the greatness of Jonah and Solomon, but I told them that they had someone greater than these people by referring to My own greatness as God. In the Gospels My people have the grace of seeing all that I had accomplished on earth, and you now believe in Me even though you cannot see Me. Those, who believe in Me, will receive a prophet’s reward.”
Tuesday, July 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jews were frightened by the charging chariots of the Egyptians, but Moses said that they would see them no more. At first the large flame kept the Egyptians from attacking, while Moses put his staff over the Red Sea to divide it. Once the Jews traveled across on dry land, the Egyptians were released to go into the divided sea. Then the sea closed upon them and the soldiers were drowned. This same faith in Me is needed to protect you from the evil ones of this age. During the tribulation, I will be fighting for My people, and My angels will protect you at My refuges. Just as the Egyptians were drowned, so I will send My Comet of Chastisement and My plagues to kill all the evil ones and cast them into hell. So have faith in My protection when I call you to come to My refuges.”
I could see a bright orange and yellow flashing sign that said ‘GET FOOD’. Jesus said: “My people, food and water are your basic necessities, but people do not realize how hard it will be to find them during a world famine. I have asked My people to store one year’s supply of food per person when it is possible. Many people are going to bed hungry already as droughts and disasters are causing food shortages. Food insurance is even more important than having gold or silver because you cannot eat these coins. This food is not for hoarding, but to be shared. You may need this food because of the coming world famine, and you do not want to take a chip in the body to buy it. Many people do not envision the coming problems when gangs will be searching for food once your money system collapses. At one point when you will be threatened by the evil ones, you will need to come to My refuges. Before it is time to leave, having a food storage may be necessary for your survival. The vision emphasized this need to have some supply as soon as possible.”
Wednesday, July 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading talks about how the people received the manna in the morning and the quail at night. This Exodus story is a flashback to the unleavened bread that the Jews had at their Passover Meal when they ate this as a food eaten in haste without yeast. The vision of the blood on the lintel and doorposts was the saving blood for the Jews so the angel of death passed over their houses. This connection of the saving blood is a prefigure of My own sacrifice of blood on the cross that has brought salvation to all of mankind. This bread and wine of the Passover Meal is the basis for the Mass and My Eucharist. This manna of the Exodus has now become My very Body and Blood in the Mass at the Consecration. The bread and wine are consecrated into My Body and Blood of My Real Presence. Rejoice that I am feeding My people with My Eucharist at every Mass. Even during the coming tribulation, My angels will be feeding you My heavenly manna every day at all of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, on that night when I agonized about the cup that I was about to drink, I even shed drops of blood in My sweat. My human side was testing Me, but in the end I submitted My life to the Will of My Father. It was difficult as a man to give up My life, but I had a world to save, and I had to fulfill the Scriptures that prophesied My suffering and death. I am giving you this insight because My people are tested many times by the same conflict between doing things according to man’s ways, or according to My Will. When you accept Me as being Master of your life, this means that you should be obedient to My ways and My laws as you give your will over to Me. Giving up your will so you can allow Me to lead you, takes grace that I am willing to give to everyone. It is only by My help and grace that you can overcome your worldly desires. Be strong as I was strong in accepting My Father’s Will on earth, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told you that you should not let anything control you or your time. Many people are sports enthusiasts, whether as a player or as a spectator. Sports are good exercise for the body, and watching sports can be a part of your entertainment. The problem comes when it becomes too much of an obsession, and it takes up a lot of your time when you could be praying to Me instead. Even gambling on sports events can cause problems in your family’s finances. Sports in moderation is acceptable, but do not let it become an idol for you that takes away your prayer time. Some sports organizations have their events on Sunday morning and Saturday night which makes it difficult to even get to Sunday Mass. If you cannot schedule your activities around Mass times, then maybe you are involved in too many sports events for their own sake. If this involves children, then it could even prevent them from getting to Mass also. The Third Commandment asks you to honor Me on Sunday by your worship of Me. At one point you need to decide whether you are going to worship Me, or are you going to worship your sports. Those, who worship sports and are indifferent to Me, are risking the fires of hell.”
Thursday, July 21, 2011: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the people in the desert complained about the manna that they received without any meat. (Numbers 21:4-9) They were sent seraph serpents as a punishment for grumbling against God’s gift of bread. They then asked Moses to take away the serpents. He was instructed to make a pole with a bronze serpent and he held it up in front of the people. All those, who were bitten by the serpents, had to look on the bronze serpent, and they were healed. This is another prefigure of Me in the Exodus because I am the greatest Healer, better than all of your modern science. When I was on the earth, I healed the sick, cured the blind, and even raised some people from the dead as Lazarus. This putting a bronze serpent up on a pole is symbolic of how I was held up on a cross as a sacrifice for all of your sins. This healing of souls is even more important than just healing the body. My healing of people reached out to heal the whole person, both body and soul. I also have been preparing My people to come to My refuges of protection during the tribulation. I will place My luminous cross in the sky over all of My refuges, and when My faithful look upon My cross, they will be healed of all of their health problems. This will be a much better treatment than any of your doctors could perform. Give praise and glory to Me for taking care of you at all times.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of men walking as soldiers and carrying candles represents My faithful who are My ‘Soldiers of Christ’. When you received the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation, you were graced with His gifts to inspire you to be evangelists of My Word. My faithful can live holy lives and give example to others how to live a good Christian life. There are many distractions and evils in this world, and you need My help and the power of the Spirit to overcome them. Keep faithful to loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen wars in the Middle East before, but these current uprisings of the Muslim Brotherhood seem directed at removing all the heads of state in the Muslim countries. This uprising has been funded by the one world people who are secretly conducting these war plans with the intention of disrupting world oil supplies. If this plan is carried out in Saudi Arabia, there could be a created world oil shortage that could raise the price of oil to twice today’s price. Pray that these hostilities could be brought to an end so there could be peace in this area.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of the one world people worship the devil and they take their orders from him for all the evil being brought on this world. Much of the occult influence is led by the devil and people worship Satan in their black masses and even various gods are worshiped at Bohemian Grove. Money to sponsor the culture of death helps support abortion, euthanasia, viruses, and even wars. I am more powerful than all of these evil ones and their plans. Call on My help to support those who struggle to protect life.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Congress and your President have had many months to come to a compromise agreement on cutting your deficits and raising your debt limit to pay for your bills. All that you have seen is nothing but grandstanding each side’s positions, but with no substance of an agreement in sight. Even with various deadlines of risking defaults or a downgrading of your Treasury Bonds are not changing Congress’ actions. Many in Congress are playing with a dangerous destruction of your economy. Pray that the necessary decisions are made to keep your country from falling into default.”
Jesus said: “My people, this new national health plan will cost billions of dollars to implement and it could take away care from some elderly that some committees could even ration who could live and who should die. Implementing chips in the body was in the initial bill, and I have warned My people not to take any chips in the body where people could control your mind. Once these authorities try to implement mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to call on Me to have your angels lead you to the protection of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, your novena prayers to St. Anne are being heard as you pray for your petitions. Your trip to the Shrine of St. Anne is very fitting to the end of your novena. Many graces will be poured out on all those who are making this pilgrimage. Pray for a safe trip as I will send My angels to protect you from any harm.”
Jesus said: “My son, today is the 18th anniversary of the beginning of your messages. I have enabled you to receive My messages in your locutions after Communion and at Adoration of My Eucharist. I have also helped you in distributing My messages in your books, on the internet, and at your speaking engagements. You have been faithful to Me over these years, and you have traveled many places to preach My message and bring souls to conversion. Remember to guard your peace and keep faithful to your prayer life.”
Friday, July 22, 2011: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, when My apostles came to see My empty tomb after I resurrected, it was hard for them to understand how I could rise from the dead. So I left many personal encounters behind to prove that My Body had truly returned with My wounds from My crucifixion. I appeared to St. Mary Magdalene when she came to the tomb so she could tell My apostles that I truly had risen. She at first did not recognize Me in My glorified Body until I called her by name. It was this personal encounter that was a gift to her for her faithfulness even to come to My cross. I also visited My disciples on the road to Emmaus and they did not recognize Me either until the breaking of the bread at supper. Then I appeared to My apostles twice in the upper room, and in Galilee. These appearances showed Me eating with My apostles in My human body so they could fully believe in My Resurrection, and be able to spread this teaching of their experience. I told you before that My Resurrection is the greatest sign that I could give to My faithful. Another gift of My Eucharist is how I will be with you until I will return on the clouds.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that the devil can appear to you as an angel of light, and he can take many other forms as well to entice you into his evil ways. There will be false prophets as the Antichrist to try and make you believe that they are Me returning to the earth. Do not be fooled or deceived by these evil ones who can perform seeming miracles, but they are using the power from the dark side. My true prophets will speak only in My Name and call on Me alone as any source of healing power. I will come on the clouds and there will be no doubt that it will be My miraculous Presence. Rejoice when I will come in victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, man’s pride is always leading him into some foolish competition. Some may seek to have the tallest building in the city, while others may seek to have the best stock on the stock market. It is amazing what people will do to make themselves seem to be the smartest, best looking, or richest person in the neighborhood. This pride is one of the seven capital sins, and it may be directing your life more than you think. You should be focusing on how best to serve Me in saving souls, instead of trying to gain fame and recognition by how much money you have accumulated. Do not seek to be recognized by others, but in a quiet manner strive to do good works for people, so you can store up treasure in heaven. As St. Paul said, it is better to boast about Me than to boast about yourself. Ask My grace to overcome your pride, and seek only to do My Will.”
Saturday, July 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is like a precious pearl that a man sold all of his possessions to own that pearl. The Kingdom of God is like a beautiful piece of land that a farmer sold everything in order to buy it. In reality My Kingdom cannot be purchased by anything of this world. Instead, you must give up your free will to Me and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Offer up all of your good works to Me, and I will store them in your heavenly treasure box. I give everyone the opportunity for salvation, but you must take My love to heart and love everyone equally. By doing everything for My glory, I will welcome you into the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of God is upon you in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. Rejoice that you can receive Me daily into your soul.”
At St. Brother Andre’s tomb: I felt the tingling sensation of the holiness of this saint. St. Brother Andre said: “I thank you for honoring me here on your pilgrimage. I also will present the petitions of your candles to Jesus. Many people have been healed through my intercession. I am sending the healing graces of Jesus upon those that you are praying for. These people need to believe that Jesus can heal them, and they will be healed.”
Sunday, July 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a brief vision of heaven where there is an organ playing beautiful heavenly music. Then there were large buckets of liquid gold that represented My Blood and graces that I pour out on My faithful abundantly. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving a touch of heaven when I come into your soul. When you are worthy and open your heart to Me, you receive My abundant graces. Relish these few moments of My Real Presence with you. This is your real treasure, to have Me with you at all times. In the Gospels I have told you where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. Some people’s treasure is only of this world’s things, but it is an empty treasure that will disappear tomorrow. Those, who seek only these things, are on the broad road to hell. But those, who seek to be with Me as your treasure and store your good works in heaven, will indeed be rewarded by being with Me in heaven. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you become one with Me. But when you are cleansed to come into heaven, it will seem that you will be in the middle of Me, and you will be wrapped completely in My love and My peace. Then you will rejoice in My beatific vision.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to warn you against spiritual pride for yourself. I gave you a message before about not being prideful in physical things to gain fame or acknowledgment of your riches and possessions. This was so you are not prideful in things for yourself only. Spiritual pride is also a problem if you are doing things as prayers and Masses for your own pride for people to notice you. Do not allow the devil to slip into your groups to divide you with any pride or competition for any human glory. When you do things for Me, give Me all of the glory for your accomplishments. When people acknowledge your holiness or gifts, tell them it is by the grace of God that you do things for Me. St. Paul only boasted of his weaknesses, and he was thankful to God for his mission. He also boasted in Me. So, My people, you should love one another with no division. When anyone offends you, forgive them, and do not seek ways of revenge or getting even for any injustice. If you cannot love one another despite your imperfections, then how can you be My disciples? I am love, and I want you to love everyone without discrimination for any reason. I love everyone unconditionally, and I want My people to love in this way the best that you can. You must become like little children with complete trust in Me.”
Monday, July 25, 2011: (End of Novena to St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, the false Christ, the beast, the Antichrist will come before Me to try and impersonate Me. Do not be deceived by him and do not look at his eyes because he will be possessed by a demon, and he will declare himself which will start the tribulation time. This will be the time when you will be protected at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation you will see Me come in gold on the clouds. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement which will kill two-thirds of humanity, and it will start the three days of darkness. Before the comet strikes the earth, My angels will lift up My faithful into the air so they will not be killed by the comet. The evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth with My plagues before they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the face of the earth, and I will lead My faithful back down to the earth, and they will experience My Era of Peace. Rejoice, My people, that you have been selected to live at this time of My victory.”
For the priest who asked about how voices will come from the chip into people’s hearing. Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, even under pain of death. This chip, during the tribulation, cannot be removed, and it truly will control your free will with voices controlling you as a robot. A signal will be sent by satellite or cell tower that will activate the chip in your body, and truly you will hear voices, and you will be controlled as one under hypnosis. Search these capabilities out on the internet to show people that this truly is possible as some have witnessed.”
(Vigil of St. Anne) Jesus said: “My people, freedom and your rights are very special and respected. If you hold them dearly, you will do everything to fight to keep them, as many wars were fought to maintain your freedoms. Religious freedom is also important to maintain against the evils of the devil, and the evils of the one world people who want to steal your rights and force you into their new world order. These evil ones want to take away your sovereignty rights to bring the United States into their North American Union. They will destroy your dollar and replace it with the amero. Even in the spiritual world, you must follow My laws and Commandments. I am the Truth of all knowledge, and if you follow Me, the Truth will set you free. I have come to die for your sins, and My sacrifice has set you free from the bonds of your sins. If the Son of Man has freed you, you will truly be free. Rejoice in your freedoms while you still have them. Pray for My protection and give thanks and praise to your Lord who has died for your souls. My sacrifice has washed your sins from your souls.”
Tuesday, July 26, 2011: (St. Anne’s feast day)
St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am so happy that you have been praying your novena intentions to Me as intercessor for you. Just as Jesus listens to his Mother Mary, He also listens to His grandmother. I have given your requests over to Jesus. I also want to thank all of you for your long trip to visit My Shrine. I know such travel is long and difficult, but we in heaven have been guarding your safety. You have seen the vigil of pilgrims as they have walked these grounds at night with your candles. These are all beautiful tributes to my presence here. Your pictures of my relic should be shared with your friends back home because many miracles of healing have been received here. Our Lord has granted all of you many graces for your pilgrimage, and your reward will be stored in heaven. Go now in His grace as we will continue to watch over you in your daily works.”
New Word to Prayer Warrior July 29,2011
7/29/11....8:10 a.m.
Heard "Oklahoma"
rayer to Save America
>During these critical times in U.S. history as
well as in salvation history, the Foundation
will be including this prayer on all enewsletters.
O merciful God, we cry to Thee for pardon and for mercy.
We are an unbelieving and perverse generation.
We are disobedient, disloyal and ungrateful to Thee.
We have excluded Thee from our homes, our schools, our places of business.>We are no longer worthy to be called Thy children.
Merciful Father, spare America!
Forgive us!
Save us from the scourge we deserve.
Teach us Thy law, and move our wills to serve Thee today and everyday.>Merciful God, please spare America!
O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Pray for us!
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