Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
62 Holy Priests of Africa, martyred by the Arians. Dec. 8
7 Children at Antinoe, Kemet, Antinoe (313 A.D.). Martyred in Africa in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian beheaded with Bishops Sergus,
8 companion martyrs with Lucentius, Paulus, Successus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Januarius, Florida, and Theocosia, martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. or 19 Jan in some dioceses.
18 companions and 23 others with Rodus, Parmenas (Parmenius), Heraclus, Elias, Apollo, and Tirinus, martyred at Alexandria. 7 July
8,140 companions of Ischyrion and Aesculapius, Martyrs of Achmin (Panopolis), Kemet. 8 Jan.; 25 Dec. Abyssinian Church.
868 others with Rufinus. Martyred at Alexandria, 22 June (23 June). 21 June.
884 Martyrs of Thmuis, in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian, 8 May. Coptic Calendar.
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Third Section Luminous Mysteries
Fifth Section Luminous Mysteries
[Fr. Doucette: 420] Sat, Feb 06, 2010: "He is your great friend
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.AfrSaturday, February 06, 2010
"He is your great friend"
Dear Friends,
The True Family of Jesus
While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers appeared outside, wishing to speak with him. Someone told him, Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you.But he said in reply to the one who told him, Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother. (Matthew 12:46–50)
Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Joseph. She spoke to him in these words,
My dear brother, I bless you and I bless all My children living in every country in the world. I was chosen as the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, who is the Savior of the world. As a mother, I love Him wholeheartedly and I wanted to be with Him at all times.
I knew He was chosen to establish His Kingdom and to found His Church and at the end He offered Himself in sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of all the people of the world. It was on the cross before He died that He chose Me to be your Mother. It was also at the cross that the sword pierced My heart because of the terrible suffering I underwent in seeing My dear Son dying in such horrible pain.
At times when My Son Jesus was traveling in different parts of Israel I would go and meet Him. It was the great longing of My heart to see Him again. I also came to know the Apostles He had chosen who would be the leaders in His Church. I would travel with Jesus’ brothers whom you would call cousins, as they were the sons of Joseph’s brothers.
I call you, My sons and daughters, to renew your love for My Son Jesus. Read the Bible especially the Gospels where you have the very words of Jesus. He came to teach you the truth and what you are to do to be His disciples.
Obey Him in all things and you will be blessed. My mission is to bring each one of you to Him, that you believe in Him with all your heart and be men and women of prayer. He is always ready to listen to you if you come to Him with great faith and full of love. He is your great friend.
Father Melvin
[Fr. Doucette: 419] Fri, Feb 05, 2010: "Through them I show you My love
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr
"Through them I show you My love"
Dear Friends,
The Answer to Prayers
Jesus said, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.(Matthew 7:7:12)
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him these words,
If you believe in Me, My friends, you will ask Me for what you need in prayer. I always listen to every prayer and I answer them but not always in the same way you ask. Sometimes I will delay My answer to see if you have perseverance but when you do, then I will give you what you need if it is according to the Father’s will.
The Father is always ready to give you the graces you need if you open your heart to Him. Before you come to ask for what you need, it is good that you repent of all your sins and desire to follow the Ten Commandments given to you by the Father. The Father blesses you if you are humble and if you repent of all your sins.
When I was on earth many people came to Me to ask for a healing. I would place My hand on each one’s head and simply say be healed and the person was healed. I have given to some the gift of healing and I want you to go to these people and ask them for what you need.
They will lay their hands on you and pray for whatever healing you need. I listen to such prayers and I grant to many an important healing. You know that these have the gift of healing when people with whom they pray are healed. Respect such people and come to ask them for their prayers. Through these healers I am working all over the world to cure those in need. Through them I show you My love.
Father Melvin
Urgent Message to Louise Feb. 9, 2010
Message to L.,V+J
February 9, 2010- - -1:25 P.M.
Feast of St. Apollonia
L. began to receive a message from our Father and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other prayers of testing the spirits)
Then God our Father spoke, "Children everywhere this is an urgent call from Heaven!
Prepare your souls, bodies, minds, hearts and homes for a dreadful disaster is about to strike! There will be winds in excess of 60 to 100 miles per hour, blinding snow storms, blizzards, rain, fires, asteroids, comets, terrorists attacks, bombings, missile attacks for Satan's reign is upon you!
I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY OWN!!! But I tell you- - -BE READY- - -PRAY- - -FOLLOW ME!!!"
Message to Louise Feb. 7, 2010
Message via L., V+J
February 7, 2010- - -Divine Mercy Hour
L. began to receive a message from our Father and said,
"Please Jesus cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." ( and other numerous prayers of testing.)
Then our God of Love spoke,
"Most of today’s medicines have deadly toxins therein! They will not heal but destroy life.
Your water too is full of chemicals destined to cause havoc in all bodies- -human and animal.
The air carries many various poisons that fill your lungs, your bloodstream with diseases unlike any seen (known) before.
Food is tainted. Absolutely NOTHING is safe!
Start each day by asking My blessing on all that in any way enters your body. At the end of each day thank Me for all I've done for you.
Life is delicate- -HANDLE WITH CARE!
Amen, My words are true! All IS NOW HAPPENING! Daily ALL WILL WORSEN!!!"
2nd Message to Louise Feb. 7,2010
2nd Message via L., V+J
February 7, 2007- - -6:45 P.M.
L. began to receive a message from God the Father and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and again...other numerous prayers of testing)
Then Father God spoke, "Reconnaissance planes are flying over your country and unmarked vehicles are searching for the perfect day and hour to begin a massive surprise attack which will cause mayhem. No one will know where or when the next attack will take place.
This is being made ready by your enemies. TODAY- - -NOW!!!"
Note: We here in our state have already heard numerous groups of planes going over our farm and two friends in nearby town heard them also and two other friends in two other states told me they had heard them too.
Message to Louise Feb.3, 2010
Message via L. V+J
February 3, 2010- -10:25 A.M.
L. began to receive words from our Blessed Mother and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other numerous prayers of testing)
Then Mother Mary spoke, "Dear children, you do not realize all the catastrophes that could be lessened or completely done away with IF you'd love, honor and obey your Lord, God and Savior.
Prayer is your powerful weapon against satan and all evil. If you push God out of your life He will soon remove His Divine Mercy. His Mercy endures forever to those who love Him and daily seek to do His Will. His Love too is everlasting to those who love Him.
Return to my Son Jesus and return to your Father God. Praise Them! Thank Them! Give Them all your love- - -your fiat.
God has given humanity extra time to repent and to return to Him yet, humankind seek only monentary, sinful pleasure- -pleasures of the body, wealth, prestige. Very few people are humble.
End time signs are all around you yet you refuse to see them. Open your eyes children. Change your lives, your desires, your thoughts.
Repent! Time is extremely short before God ends His Hour of Mercy. Hear His loving call. Don't be one of those left out of the 'final roll call'! Return while there is yet life within you.
Call to me, His mother, and I will assist you by leading you on the road - -narrow road- -to sanctity.
I love you my children and want to lose NO one of you.
Your mother, mother of God- -Jesus,
Message Thru Marie January 30, 2010
Jan 30 Saturday 8"15 am joyful mysteries
Mama Mary: write about your dream, it is ok my child.
Me: This morning i was shown a very Huge wave,
nothing like ache. Then I got the number
9 (nine), 9 stories high? 9 buildings high?
Since I was dreaming I didn't question yet
so it was 9 buildings high !
It was when I woke up that I said to
myself impossible - that's ridiculous, that's too
high, too much water. Since I wasn't shown
where this took place - what coast, I just shrugged it off.
Anyway, they say prayers can mitigate, delay,
reduce, severity of pending events. I urge
everyone to pray to reduce if not totally
stop such an event from happening. Kindly help me with this.
Mama Mary: What you dreamt my child was real.
It will occur in your imminent future so pray to reduce this
Pray while there is still time.
Go back to my Son. Any other path you
pursue will mislead you.
I heard your prayers for X, continue praying for X.
end of message
Messages to John Leary. Jan. 19-Feb.1, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Jesus said: My people, a church will succeed where the priests and the bishops are inspired enough to make it work. You have two major problems in a shortage of priests, and a dropping attendance from the laity. There are plenty of vocations that I send to each diocese. If you are lacking in vocations, then you need to examine those who are operating your priest formation and those who are choosing your candidates.
There also needs to be a proper fertile ground of holiness with prayer and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament to encourage vocations. If you can inspire more vocations, then that part of your problem would help keep more lay people coming to church. When you do not have a pastor, then your people will leave to go to a church that has one. General attendance at Sunday Mass has been dropping because of the evil age that you are living in and because of the many distractions that are taking people into other faiths. My people need to be encouraged in their prayer life and their sacramental life. You have Me in Holy Communion and in My forgiveness in Confession.
Use My graces and sacramentals to protect yourself from your daily temptations. It is spiritual laziness that is affecting your vocations, and your attendance at Mass. Pray for the lukewarm to be re-converted and for conversions of your young people who are leaving your churches. Pray for your priests and for vocations to stop the shortage of priests.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010: (St. Fabian)
Jesus said: My people, it is one thing to complain and sit idly by watching life go by you. It is another thing to stand up to your persecutors and still proclaim the Gospel by fighting in peaceful demonstrations against your abortion court decision. When the people rise up against their evil-minded leaders, you can see how the pro-death candidates can be defeated.
This latest Health Plan in all of its backroom deals has infuriated the people, and they are taking action against the current administration’s plans to force a bad bill through the Congress. Even as David defeated Goliath, so the death culture people have lost a crucial Senate seat, halting their 60 vote majority.
Now you are seeing that the will of the people can still override the one world people if you take action as a group over their power. Call on My power in prayer and you can even move political mountains.
Jesus said: My people, to create a need for a National Emergency, the one world people could use various terrorist plots to either destroy some major buildings, spread a deadly Swine Flu virus, or poison your water. These attacks on your air, water, or your electric grid are your most vulnerable targets. This is why the elite have their underground bunkers so they can protect themselves from any means of cutting down the population.
The death culture people are planning to reduce the population dramatically, and the quickest way is through a highly contagious and deadly pandemic virus. This could be spread by release through chemtrails or spreading the disease by putting live virus in the flu shots.
The evil ones already have an antidote vaccine to protect themselves. This is why I have told you, when you see many people dying from a new virus, it is time to go to your refuges by calling on Me to lead you with your guardian angels. You will be healed by looking on My luminous cross at My refuges. Trust in My protection when martial law will be declared.
Thursday, January 21, 2010: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: My people, the people of America are speaking loud and clear to their elected officials through the ballet box that they are opposed to your government’s favoritism in the latest Health bill. Pushing through major Stimulus and Bailout spending has only bailed out the banks and the rich who stole the money from the people in the stock market. These central bankers are not loaning enough money to small businesses, and their low interest rates are hurting your savers.
The corporations have sent many jobs overseas that will not return at the expense of your own workers. While the rich are getting huge bonuses for failing, the everyday worker’s wages and benefits are dropping, in addition to high unemployment. It is no wonder that the people are backlashing the overspending and the increasing National Debt which is out of control.
One thing is clear that the voice of the people is even making the one world people give pause for their agenda that is ruining your country. If your people do not take back your country from the evils that are going on, then America will fall very quickly into the one world people’s control. Pray for your people in government to change their ways, and pray for the poor and unemployed who are suffering to survive.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, in the early days of your nation’s founding, freedom had a different meaning from today. Most of the people who came to America were fleeing persecution, and they wanted to be free of any English tyranny. Your people here have been free of big government to some extent.
Now freedom means more about freedom from the threat of big government and chips controlling your lives. Chips in the body will take away your free will, so your people are fighting to keep your freedoms instead of someone taking them away. Pray for spiritual freedom from the evil ways of your earthly society.
Jesus said: My people, some people have had visions of angels and souls traveling up holy stairways to heaven. I have shown you how each day is another step toward heaven as you perfect your spiritual life. This working on your perfection over the course of your life can be a struggle to keep climbing every day to meet your goal to be with Me. But once you reach heaven, you will be thankful that you strived to keep on track to follow Me. Continue on your path, and work to bring souls with you on your way to heaven.
Jesus said: My people, a few weeks ago you were enjoying a time without much testing from world disasters. Now your heart goes out to help the poor and hungry people who are suffering from the earthquakes in Haiti. People in California and elsewhere are suffering from severe flooding and mud slides. When your homes and survival are threatened, you start to realize what is most important in your life, and that is your faith and trust in Me. Call on My help in prayer, and give your donations to help these people through their trials.
Jesus said: My people, when you were suffering blizzard snow and some had no power, it was very difficult to manage a normal life. Once the snow has melted, you are getting a respite from your winter weather. No matter where you live, there can always be some kind of trial or disaster that you will have to bear. It is comforting to know that other people will come to your aid when you have to endure hard times. Even some are having bad financial times with high unemployment and a recession. Pray for My help and reach out to help others when you have the opportunity.
Jesus said: My people, it is one thing to have your physical life threatened by natural disasters. It is another thing to prepare for a time when your spiritual life will be in danger as well. During the coming tribulation you will experience an evil that you have yet to see. Demons will be testing you all over, and you will need to seek My protection at My refuges where My angels will do battle for you against the evil ones.
Be thankful that you will have safe havens to go to as the evil of this world brings about the reign of the Antichrist. Have trust in Me and patience until I will defeat the Antichrist and cast the evil ones into hell. I will prepare a place for you both in My Era of Peace and in heaven for all those who remain faithful to Me.
Jesus said: My people, when you read or see such tribal people offering up their infants as sacrifices, you think that they are very brutal and inhumane to do such things. Yet, when you kill your babies in the womb, you are no better when you offer their lives up to your gods of pleasure, lust, and convenience. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your court decision that legalized abortion in America. I tell you that you may have evil laws as this, but you still are committing a grave sin of murder against My Fifth Commandment for every abortion. It is this blood on your hands that is condemning your country to your coming destruction. Pray to stop abortion both in America and in other countries as well.
Jesus said: My people, there are some couples, that are childless, and they are praying to have a successful pregnancy. Yet, other mothers are discarding the miracles of conception that some would love to have. Even if these mothers gave up their babies for adoption, it would be far better than taking a life against God’s plan. Encourage mothers to avoid abortion and teach them how valuable every life is and how precious each life is to Me who created that soul and life.
Friday, January 22, 2010: (Row vs. Wade Anniversary)
Jesus said: My people, in the Early Christian era you were sought out and killed if you practiced your Christian faith. Even today in some communist countries you risk jail or martyrdom for being a Christian. Many of these early martyrs became saints and were canonized by My Church. Also today, you have new martyrs in all of the babies being killed by abortion.
Your society, by its laws, has little respect for life in the womb and even life at the end in old age. Any kind of killing is not acceptable behavior in My eyes. Self-defense and just war situations may be justified in self-preservation, but any other killing is against My Fifth Commandment.
When you are allowed to kill by abortion or euthanasia, your society does not appreciate how precious life is to be honored. Your marches for life on this day of the court decision bring to mind every year how brutal and inhumane your people are in killing their own children. You have read studies of the increased abuse of your children, but killing them is the ultimate abuse.
If people can be tried for murder in killing their born children, why should they not be tried for murder for killing their unborn children? Your laws in this area are not consistent, and they are against My laws which is more important. Work to stop abortion in your prayers and actions. Even if people persecute you for being outspoken about murdering My babies, be willing to stand up for a greater good against your evil society.
Jesus said: My people, as adults you are already alive and you see some mothers having abortions that you are praying would have their babies. Too often abortions are performed to hide affairs outside of marriage or when married people do not want to have any more children.
If you were the soul in a forming baby that was at risk of being killed, you would be praying for loving parents who would not even consider having an abortion. If you were a forming baby who was being aborted, it would seem like an unexpected terror to be killed by your own mother. Mothers need to think of life as precious, and babies are too valuable to be slaughtered like an animal that you would use for meat.
These little ones are defenseless and vulnerable in needing care for their survival. You should only have the marriage act if you are married and are willing to bear any children that result from your relations. Adultery and fornication are mortal sins requiring Confession, but abortion compounds these sins with a worse sin of murder.
All unborn babies are human beings and not just flesh only. Each unborn baby has a soul and a body that the parents are responsible for. When you think about abortion from the baby’s point of view, abortion becomes a much more serious crime. This is why your society is very evil when it thinks that these lives are expendable. Pray for all mothers to avoid abortion at all costs, even if having a baby may be embarrassing to the parents.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Jesus said: My people, when I was on the earth in human form, I took many liberties to do My mission, and My life is an example to all Christians not to be afraid to step out in faith. When you were baptized, you were given the grace to carry out your own mission and help save souls.
When people are paralyzed with fear to fight the political correctness of your society, then they will refuse to fight against abortion. Many times even in My own efforts, I did things to show the hypocrisy of many of the actions of the religious authorities.
It takes spiritual courage to stand up for the morally right decisions. Taking a correct stand by My laws will gain you a reward in heaven, even if you will suffer in this world. Whenever you are faced with making decisions, always take the morally high road, despite any repercussions.
Jesus said: My people, I have given you several messages on the Swine Flu shots with an emphasis on not to take it. Every time another wave of disease comes out, the authorities start offering free Swine Flu shots. They are not truly free because your government pays the drug companies to distribute the shots. Many of these diseases are man-made, but the vaccine shots can damage your immune system and cause other problems for years.
Some develop Gulf War type reactions to the shots, while others do not see any immediate effects. The mercury preservative and the squalene in some shots are the most damaging to your health. These diseases and viruses, that are being spread, are meant to reduce the population as part of the death culture plan to make an easier takeover of your country.
The Health Plan is part of their grab for power to control your medications and operations. This plan will now have a harder time to pass through the Senate without enough votes to by-pass the Republicans. The people are waking up to the threat against their freedoms. They are finally taking some action to block your president’s plan to push an unfavorable bill through by backroom trickery. Pray to protect your health and freedoms from the one world people who want to control you.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jesus said: My people, you have read in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 4:18-19) The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me; to bring good news to the poor He has sent Me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense. After reading this passage from Isaiah, I sat down and said: (Luke 4:21)
Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. The people of Nazareth at first did not realize that I was declaring Myself the Messiah. Later, they understood when I made it clear that I was sent from God, but they could not stand hearing what I proclaimed, and they tried to kill Me. I walked through their midst because it was not My hour. This is another acknowledgment that a prophet is not accepted in his own town because they have little faith. Trust in My words and imitate My actions in your own life.
Monday, January 25, 2010: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: My people, what you are seeing in this vision is a spring time experience with blooming flowers. Sometimes your life is like the winter weather where all the plant life seems dull and dead. This is when you need a retreat or a spiritual awakening to put some spirit back into your life.
If you truly believe in your Christian faith, then you should look forward to every day as a new opportunity to do something for Me and your neighbor out of love. If you do everything only for yourself, then your life will be dull. Conversion, as with St. Paul, can wake you up to your real purpose on earth to know, love and serve Me. Wake up out of your complacency, and you truly will feel alive in the Spirit.
Jesus said: My people, you would be amazed to see the process of how your money is created through bonds and Federal Notes. The documents are all debt instruments that make up a part of your trillions of dollars of the National Debt. People from here and various countries buy these notes and bonds, expecting to be paid back interest in more debt notes.
As long as people accept these notes as backed by the taxpayer and your net worth, these notes have value. The larger your National Debt is as a percentage of your GDP, then the value of your money decreases. The more the Federal Reserve monetizes your debt, the more chance that they are going to inflate your dollar. In days past you had real money in gold and silver as a currency. Once you accepted Federal Notes, there is no intrinsic value to your paper money.
This has allowed your central bankers to control you by the loans you are making to the Federal Reserve, which is not a part of your government. Once people stop buying your Treasury Notes, you will go into bankruptcy with no market to sell your debt and interest. This is why gold and silver will always be more valuable than your paper promises to pay. This bankruptcy could happen any time, and everything denominated in dollars will become worthless as the one world people will use ameros to replace your dollars.
Do not put faith and trust in your money or your possessions because they can be stolen, devalued, or lost. Put your faith and trust in Me because I can always be trusted to treat you fairly and protect your souls. Keep close to Me in your prayers and your obedience to My Commandments.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)
Jesus said: My people, this vision of a great divide in the rock of the mountains is a sign of the coming division in My Church. Even as you are seeing the early structure in My Church in the readings, there were problems that caused divisions in My Church before. Wherever you see division and confusion, you know that Satan is there trying to destroy My Church.
Because of My promises, I will always defend My Church from the gates of hell. The coming division I have given you many times in My messages, and there will be such a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age which is not about God, and that the sexual sins are no longer serious sins.
My angels and the Holy Spirit will be guiding My faithful remnant, even when you may need to celebrate Mass in the homes and later at My refuges. Trust in My leading you even throughout the coming tribulation.
Camille Remacle’s birthday (Carol’s father): He said: I want to comfort My family that I am still praying and watching out for all of you. Continue to watch over Lydia and Vic, for they are in need of your help. My signs around you will be less frequent, and more around my day of death than my birthday.
Jesus said: My people, after the earthquake in Haiti, there were massive problems with dead bodies and looting. The American military has helped a lot in aid distribution and keeping order. Some countries are concerned that America could be an occupying army in a takeover of Haiti.
Seeing the military in a disaster situation brings back memories of the military in keeping order in New Orleans. You can see how a natural disaster or a man-made disaster could precipitate a larger takeover in America, under the pretense of a national emergency or martial law.
The military could easily be called in to manage such a crisis. This is the opportunity that the one world people are looking for to bring about their North American Union. All of these events will be leading up to the Antichrist taking over these unions. Trust in My protection and My providing for your needs at My refuges.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: My people, My parable about the sower of seed is all about how people receive Me in My Word. When I was on the earth, the people only heard the parables without the explanations that I gave My apostles. But today My Word in the Bible is available to everyone who wishes to read it in various languages. The seed in the parable is the Word of God, and how it is received, will determine how everyone will bear fruit.
Those, who do not have deep roots of faith, or those, who are choked by the cares of the world, will not bear much fruit because Satan steals the will to believe out of their hearts. But those, who listen and act on My Word, are the ones who bear fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.
Those, who truly love Me and desire to be with Me, are the ones who receive Me in Holy Communion often and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. This alternating vision of Me and My Sacred Host is to emphasize My Real Presence in every consecrated Host.
This gift of My Presence with you is how I strengthen you with My graces so you can resist the temptations of the devil. You have Confession when you fail, so you always have an opportunity to be with Me. Go forward and share My Gospel of love with all those that you meet so they can have the same experience of My loving Presence.
Jesus said: My people, it was the rich hedge funds and Wall Street derivatives that really were the culprits of your latest bank system failure. Then when they lost money on speculative home loans that had more risk than was made public, the rich had the government and AIG bailout their losses as too big to fail.
There was little or no regulation of these derivatives or risky home loans. A combination of bank and stimulus spending, along with near zero interest loans from the taxpayer have bailed out the banks on their bad debts. This was a created economic crisis to cause a recession and high unemployment as a means to bankrupt your economy.
Even though many lost money, it was the man in the street who saw his investments stolen, his job taken, and his house devalued. But the rich were allowed to regain their losses at the taxpayer’s expense. These are the injustices that I will hold the cheaters and swindlers on Wall Street accountable for at their judgment.
The one world people will reign over you for a short time with the Antichrist, but I will come and cast this whole evil lot into hell for all of their greed and killing. Then I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Have patience for now as you go to My refuges of protection, because you will be happy with Me, but the evil ones will languish in hell with the devil tormenting them.
Thursday, January 28, 2010: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: My people, I have invited My faithful to take time to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament in contemplative prayer. After you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass, you usually do not have a lot of quiet time to hear My words to your heart. That is why at Adoration you have more time for meditation and listening to what I want you to do.
Also, your time in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is a preparation for what it will be like in heaven as My saints and angels are always praising Me in song and adoration. Give thanks to Me for My two great gifts of My salvation in My death on the cross, and My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. My sacraments are the fullness of the faith that are missing in other religions. So enjoy this intimate closeness with Me that you have in My Blessed Sacrament.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: My people, it has been a tragedy in Haiti where many have lost their lives in the rubble from the earthquake. Another tragedy is how many young children, who were fortunate to survive, are now orphans because their parents have either died or they have been separated from each other. Some orphans have been adopted in America, but the rest will need help to continue surviving. Pray for these people and continue your donations for their basic needs.
Jesus said: My people, driving in blizzard snow is very risky, and you have seen some major pileups in your recent storms. Sometimes it may be better to avoid driving in real bad weather if it can be put off. Pray for the safety of your workers who have to battle the storms to make a living. Living in the North has its trials in dealing with the snow, ice, and windy cold.
Jesus said: My people, at times wearing gold jewelry may be tempting someone to steal any valuable jewelry. You have seen such theft in Venezuela on one of your trips to Betania. In certain places it is prudent not to wear such an expensive necklace. You have noticed how many are turning in their gold things because they are more valuable now.
The gold maintains its buying power, but it is your dollar that is losing its value. When commodities such as gold increase in price rapidly, then you can see how quickly your dollar’s value is deteriorating due to your rising deficits. Trust in Me more than any of your valuables.
Jesus said: My people, it is this time of year that many start taking vacations in warmer climates. Older people or retirees have more opportunity to live down in the Southern states in the winter. Those, who endure the winter cold and snow are hearty and may not have the time or money to travel to the South.
Every area of your country has its risks to live in. The South must bear hot summers and possible hurricanes. The North has its cold, and the West endures fires, mud slides, and earthquakes. Pray that you live in as safe an area as possible. Offer up your pain and suffering for souls, as everyone is tested by trials in this life.
Jesus said: My people, at times in history you are blessed with some gifted doctors of the Church in their writings. St. Thomas has left you with many valuable books and even some beautiful hymns to honor My Blessed Sacrament. You sing these hymns often at Adoration, as St. Thomas had a great love for Me in My Divinity. When you come to heaven, you will hear all kinds of beautiful music that gives honor and glory to Me.
Jesus said: My people, your business people are always using various holidays and occasions to sell their goods to those who prepare for these special days. Earthly love is part of your St. Valentine celebration. Marital love is a needed cornerstone for your families which are under attack in your society.
Many enjoy a good love story and it is good to see couples in love getting married. There is also a spiritual love for Me and your neighbor. Think of sharing valentines of love with Me as I show My love for you as well.
Jesus said: My people, think of how the world glorifies earthly things in this world with all of your high profile advertising. Your businesses try to entice you to buy many things that you do not need, and these things do not make you happy just to own them.
The real valuable things are those gifts from heaven as life itself and your faith. Desiring to lead good lives in preparation for heaven is a lot more rewarding than buying the latest things being advertised. Helping your neighbor with food, clothing, and shelter is again more rewarding than keeping your wealth just for yourself. Loving and sharing is what you should be doing instead of focusing on just your earthly desires.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Jesus said: My people, in the everyday course of doing your mission, some people have offered to help you. It is part of having a generous spirit to be able to welcome help from others, even when you could have done something yourself. I have asked people to be charitable in helping others in their needs, but when you have a need, then others might be willing to step forward in assisting you. So there is a twofold response to charity. One is being open to help others when the opportunity arises, and the other is being generous in accepting another’s offer to help.
By helping one another, then all of your missions can be fulfilled and people will feel satisfied that they could contribute to another’s needs. This is the spiritual reward that you receive from your charity, even when there was no physical reward. You would much rather store up heavenly treasure than be paid in earthly treasure.
Jesus said: My people, it is hard for people of faith to understand what would make a mother want to kill her own child by abortion. The numbers of abortions in America are staggering in even its effect on your population.
The repercussions of these killings are leading America down a path to your own destruction. I have asked you repeatedly to pray to stop your abortions, but your people seem to have no pity in their hearts for all the unborn babies who are being killed. Just because you do not see the dead babies, some may think it is easier to put them out of your mind.
This vision of hundreds of dead babies is real, and the disposal of these little lives does not even honor their deaths. They are many times treated as human garbage where some have to be incinerated to avoid an evil smell of dead bodies. If Americans do not heed My words to stop your abortions, then you are bringing your own destruction upon yourselves. Do whatever you can to close the abortion clinics without violence, and encourage your mothers to have their babies.
Saturday, January 30, 2010:
Jesus said: My people, you are celebrating the life of Loretta as a very loving woman of faith who helped many people in her many activities. She was always doing all that she could do for her family and her friends. She was also a faithful daily Mass person and she spent many hours at Adoration. I have mentioned in other messages how My adorers are My special lovers, and they have a special place in My Heart.
The reward that I have for My adorers in heaven is a special place that I have prepared for them. Know that she is with Me in that place right now. Her life is a great model to imitate both in her physical and spiritual life. She is happy to be with Me and her husband.
Jesus said: My people, at the Mass you have the bread and wine that are later consecrated by the priest into My Body and Blood. I have told you many times that if you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you cannot have eternal life. Those, who partake of Communion every day, are that much closer to Me in My Blessed Sacrament. A time of persecution is coming when you may have to defend My Blessed Sacrament from the evil ones by carrying Me to a safe place. You may also have to take care of a priest and make a place for him to stay so you can have the Mass and My sacraments. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges and you will have no worries.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Jesus said: My people, many times your path to improving your spiritual life has been blocked by your complacency to take any action to improve it. The idea of this vision of a door blocking your way is a challenge to decide how to act and when to act. Until you open the door from the inside of your heart to Me, I cannot enter. So the first step to improving your life is to be open to My grace and change in your life.
The second step is to have enough belief in your faith that you are willing to reach out and try to understand your faith better with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A third step to improving your spiritual life is to learn how to love Me and your neighbor more as you love yourself. You should have the intention in your heart to do everything out of love for Me without worry about the cost of how you will be viewed by the world.
I am love itself, and you were created out of love. So love should be in your make-up by the life I give you as your inheritance. In order to accomplish any improvement in your spiritual life, you need a good prayer life and be humble in all that you succeed in doing. You are to give glory to Me for all of your accomplishments, and not just give all the credit to yourself.
When I ask you to love everyone, I want you to love even your enemies and your persecutors because My Light of grace shines on the good and the bad. See Me in every person so that it is this part of loving Me in them that will help your faith grow.
Listen to My words and let them touch your heart so you can truly grow and improve your spiritual life. It is this searching for perfection that will lead you on your path to sainthood. Remember that only saints can enter heaven, so ask Me to give you the grace to achieve your crown in heaven.
Jesus said: My people, all of these skulls represent how many babies are dying from abortion every year. The avalanche is a sign of how many abortions are being done in America which is in the thousands. If man cannot hold back all of these abortions from being performed, then I cannot hold back My arm of justice that will strike your country. All of these slain babies are martyrs who are having their reward in heaven. All of My faithful need to struggle to save your brothers and sisters from being murdered. Unless you do everything that you can to stop these abortions, then they will continue to condemn your land. If you truly love Me, then you will fight to save these lives from being killed. I love all of My people so much, but you must wake up your country to all the horrors going on in your abortion clinics.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Jesus said: My people, you have been blessed with having My Mass present to you, even daily for those who desire to come. The rain on the Mass represents the devil’s attempts to take you away from Me with sin and the world’s distractions. But his temptations only last a while and My sun comes out to protect you.
The other vision of a galaxy of souls circling around My Host in the monstrance represents how I will draw My faithful remnant to My places of refuge. It also is a little like heaven where everything revolves around Me, and is focused on Me. Many people do not fully believe that I created the universe and that I control all of the movements of the stars and the planets.
For those, who do believe, you are the ones that also see My hand in all of your lives and how you are dependent on Me for everything. Give praise and glory to your Lord and continue to accept Me as Master of your life in following My mission for you.
Give thanks to Me for all that I do for you and My unconditional love for you. I only ask that you love Me and share My love with your neighbor as well. By keeping focused on Me in daily prayer, you can see how your life revolves around Me in all that you do.
Holy Love Messages: February 6, 7, 8, 2010
February 6, 2010
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Once again I come to tell you that world peace will not come to you through man's attempts to be united with one another. Man must first and foremost be united with God; then unity amongst all people and all nations will be genuine and long lasting."
"If humanity attempts to unite under love of power, money or control, the union will be under the auspices of Satan himself. Such a union is not under My Finger of Protection and will not survive the ravages of time, the violence chosen by free will or freakish acts of nature. Such unions will be stripped of their power, riches and rights. These things mankind calls upon himself and are permitted by the Divine Will of My Father. As such, it is the ongoing process of the purification before My Triumphant Return."
"By your efforts, turn back the Hand of Judgment. Pray and sacrifice most especially for an end to the evil of abortion. This sin alone calls upon the wrath of God. He will act, if you do not act, to appease His Heart."
"Recognize the value of every present moment. In eternity you will fully realize the power of your free will choices for or against Holy Love in every moment. Since there is no time in eternity, you will no longer have the power to choose good over evil."
"I tell you these things now as a fair warning. Never oppose good, such as prayer, out of self-interest. Your agendas will come to naught and you will be stripped of your power."
February 7, 2010
St Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I have come to underscore the greatest temptation in the world today. It is the temptation which is the very foundation of all sin. It is the temptation which destroys nations, pulls souls to their perdition and attempts to undermine Heaven's intervention here. I speak of the temptation to compromise the truth."
"Remember, Satan is the father of lies. He makes evil look good, and good to appear evil. He inflates egos as a way of promoting his own agenda. He fosters the need for control, power and money in hearts by distorting the truth. Once truth is compromised, the soul is vulnerable to any temptation."
"Take, for instance, the sin of abortion. Satan convinced the general public that life does not begin at conception. Once this truth was challenged, the groundwork for abortion was laid."
"Let us look now at this particular Mission. It has changed many lives and has the potential to change a multitude more. So, of course, Satan challenged the truth of the Messages and the Mission itself. There is nothing confusing about the Mission or the Messages, but the enemy of all souls has made it seem so by compromising the truth."
"The truth is compromised in every heart that willingly makes choices outside of Holy Love. The truth is compromised when the soul does not trust. In lack of trust in Jesus, he is trusting only in human effort, not Divine Providence."
"So you can see the great weapon Satan has when he tempts a soul to compromise the truth. This is the cause of the loss of salvation."
February 8, 2010
St. Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Once again I come to speak to you about temptation. It is always the pride of self-love that opens the soul to the compromise of truth. While no one should judge another's motives, it is good to understand why any soul would embrace untruth. It is in this way temptations can be avoided."
"The heart opens itself to Satan's lies through the love of some sin, such as greed, lust, love of reputation or power. Once the truth is compromised, the sin seems reasonable and is embraced. Therefore, each heart needs to recognize where his affections lie and what ports of entry Satan uses to pull him into sin."
"If a soul is unable to see the ways that Satan attacks him, he is weak and vulnerable to evil suggestions. The more the soul recognizes this, the stronger he becomes spiritually. To know your spiritual weaknesses is to increase your spiritual strength."
"Every soul should pray to be shown this knowledge daily."
"Say this prayer:"
"Dear Jesus, show me the ways Satan is attacking me in this present moment. Be my armor, and strengthen me against his attacks. Amen."
The following prayer given by Jesus on July 13, 2007 should be said with the above prayer:
"Your words, Lord, are Light and Truth. Your Provision, Your Mercy and Your Love come to me clothed in truth. Help me always to live in Your Truth. Assist me in recognizing Satan's deceit in my own thoughts and in the thoughts, words and actions of others. Do not let humility elude me, as I know humility is truth itself.
February 8, 2010
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I desire that you have full understanding that no one can enter Divine Love outside of the Truth of Holy Love. This is why entrance to My Heart, which is Divine Love, is always through the Heart of My Mother, which is Holy Love. Do not compromise what I have told you. Live in Holy Love."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
[Fr. Doucette: 422] Mon, Feb 08, 2010: "I bless you all
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr
Monday, February 08, 2010
"I bless you all"
Dear Friends,
The Cleansing of a Leper
When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And then a leper approached, did him homage, and said, Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean. He stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, I will do it. Be made clean. His leprosy was cleansed immediately. Then Jesus said to him, See that you tell no one, but go show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.(Matthew 8:1:4)
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him these words,
When I was on earth and after I began My public life, many sick people came to Me to ask for a healing. Many were suffering very much especially those who had the sickness called leprosy. This disease attacks the nervous system and causes great pain throughout the body. I had great pity for those who suffered this horrible sickness and it was My joy to heal them completely.
There is such a thing as spiritual leprosy, which is a sickness of the soul. Those who sin grievously bring about this spiritual leprosy upon themselves. Their soul is in darkness and is dying and they cannot do anything for themselves. There is a great heaviness, which they feel all the time.
This is why I instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession so that people such as these could have their sins forgiven and be healed of their spiritual leprosy. They will feel very light and their hearts will be filled with joy.
My brothers and sisters, do not forget that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the sacrament of the Mercy of God. You should never be afraid to receive this sacrament and you should go to receive it at least once a month. All I need from you is that you be truly sorry for all your sins and you promise with My grace never to sin again. I bless you all.
Father Melvin
[Fr. Doucette: 421] Sun, Feb 07, 2010: "Give Me your 'yes' now"
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr
Sunday, February 07, 2010
"Give Me your 'yes' now"
Dear Friends,
The Two Foundations
Jesus said, Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock. And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. And it collapsed and was completely ruined.When Jesus finished these words, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not
Here below is the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him these words,
My dear brothers and sisters, I have given My whole life for you in sacrifice because I love you. I have won for you the forgiveness of your sins and all the graces you need to follow Me. I am ready to give you all the gifts that you need if you open your heart to Me. If you say â “yes” to My call and invite Me to come into your heart, then you will become My beloved and a very special relationship will begin between us. I will guide you every day so you may grow in holiness in the power of the Holy Spirit.
However, if you say “no” to My call you will not be able to receive what I have for you. You will remain in your sins and live in darkness. You will not succeed in your life; in fact you will be a failure. There are so many everywhere today who have rejected Me and they are to be pitied.
There is no joy in their hearts; they are often depressed and so many do not wish to live anymore. How many today commit suicide because they cannot cope with life on their own. There is still time for them to turn around and to believe in Me and say yesto My call. Today is the day for you who are far from Me to accept Me as your Savior and to begin this New Life I am offering you. Give Me your “yes” now.
Father Melvin
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Feb.7,2010
2010 - The Start of Fatima Chastisements - From a Filipino visionary
(fair use, 17 USC)
Marian Visionary Warns 2010 Start of Fatima Chastisement
Contributed by Rick Obrien on Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:13:40 AM
More stories from this contributor
A visionary from the Philippines, Duke Puntalangit, warns that the Fatima chastisements will begin this year 2010. According to the visionary, the Middle East crisis will eventually result into an all out war in that region, afterwhich, a revolution originating from Russia, will engulf Europe.
This series of events will cause chaos and bloodshed in all major cities in Europe, the global economy will plunge deeper, consequently giving the window of opportunity for Russia and China to execute militarily against Europe and the US.
Puntalangit warns that mankind has entered a point of no return and that the chastisements are now non-conditional. He however emphasis that the Virgin Mary's prophesied victory will definitely happen but will be realized only after the annihilation of several nations and the election of a new pope who will accomplished the request of the Virgin Mary for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
The visionary gives the following which he said are the immediate signs prior to an unexpected revolution in Europe which will usher in World War III:
1. A papal visit to Russia.
2. The signing of an agreement, military in nature, between US and Russia.
The above events, Puntalangit states, are the immediate signs of the looming human catastrophe. In addition to the above, Mr. Puntalangit advices everyone to focus on current events directly associated with the Catholic Church, the Middle East, and US-Russia arms negotiations, as awareness of these may help the faithful to become vigilant and prayerful.
The visionary further warned that only one-third of mankind will survive the war and out of this one-third only one-fourth will survive the three days of darkness which will occur a few years after the World War. Hence, he claims, we can expect only five hundred million will be alive to witness the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Holy Love Messages: January 29; February 1; 2; 4,5, 2010
January 29, 2010 Public
St. Thomas Aquinas says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to help the world to see that just as there are Chambers of the United Hearts and seasons in the world, there are also seasons in the soul - seasons which mark the soul's relationship to God."
"In the world, the seasons are measured by earth's relationship or proximity with the sun. In the spiritual life, the seasons are measured by the soul's relationship with God and how closely he follows the Divine Will."
"In the world, there are four named seasons. You have Spring when there is an awakening and a budding of new life. Then comes Summer when all is in full bloom and reaches its greatest potential. Then comes Fall when an abundant harvest is the reward for hard work. Finally you have Winter where this is not much life and all seems dormant."
"In the spiritual realm the soul starts out in the Winter season. His relationship with God is dead or nearly dead. There is no apparent closeness to the Divine Will - to God - or attempt in living in Holy Love."
"Next the soul comes into the Springtime of his spiritual journey. His spirit is awakened and comes alive. He forms a budding relationship with God, and is eager to overcome any error or weed on his path of holiness."
"After Spring comes Summer. The soul blooms and reaches its fullest potential. It influences its environment with the aroma of sanctity."
"Next the soul passes into the autumn of his life. If he has pursued personal holiness he bears an abundant harvest that will bear favor in this life and the next."
"Although this comparison may seem tedious at first, I invite the listener to realize that as there are many variants in the environmental seasons, there are also many influences in the spiritual journey."
"Holy Love in the heart is the way to stay your course. It fertilizes personal holiness making the soul healthy and warding off any disease of Satan."
January 29, 2010 Friday - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, please realize that Holy Love is as important to the soul as air is to the human body. It is the sustenance with which the soul grows, and thrives and reaches salvation. Therefore, open your hearts to the joy of evangelizing these Messages. I will help you."
"I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
February 1, 2010 Monday - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
Jesus is nodding at the priests here. He says: "Thank you for answering My call to come here."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I remind you that it is only free will choices in the present moment that pull you away from Divine Love. Always choose in favor of Holy Love no matter how difficult it may be; then I will take you deep into My Heart of Hearts."
"I love you, My little children."
"I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
February 2, 2010 Public
St. Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I am Peter, and first in the succession of Popes. The Heavenly Father sends me to begin a series of messages on temptation."
"All sin is the direct result of disordered self-love - a condition every human is threatened by. When the sinner begins to love the sin more than he loves God and neighbor, he opens himself to the temptation. Herein lies the importance of every present moment; for it is in the present moment the sinner decides for or against Holy Love - for or against evil."
"To love God above all else means you love God more than any pleasure, more than any self-gain, more than reputation, money or power. In this, you must look into your own heart and learn to recognize the avenues of temptation Satan is using, and how he is tempting you. Now realizing the evil one's purpose, you have a solemn duty to avoid and to block these ports of entry into your heart. To do otherwise, you have an open heart to temptation and to sin."
February 4, 2010 Public
St. Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to help you understand the inner depths of each present moment. Each moment carries with it the gift of grace and the trap of temptation. Very often the soul cannot ferret out the difference. This is because Satan clothes his temptations in seeming good. At the very least, temptation fulfills some form of gratification. This is why the soul must learn to put his own needs and desires last; God and neighbor first. As he practices Holy Love, he will become more adept at recognizing temptations."
"The grace to overpower temptation is always present to each soul in every present moment. The more the soul is purified in the Flame of Holy Love, the wiser his choices in the present moment, for it is Holy Love that carries with it the seed of wisdom which cultivates holiness."
February 4, 2010 Thursday - Conversion of all Priests, Religious, Bishops and Cardinals that they are convicted in, and live in the truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come tonight to ask each one to cooperate deeply with the Divine Will of My Father. When you accept the grace and the cross of the present moment, you are living in the Divine Will; then I can act positively through you, turning souls towards Heaven. Just as I changed the water into wine, I can transform hearts by your efforts to live in the Divine Will."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
February 5, 2010 Friday - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I offer you My Heart, which beats in unison with the Heart of the Eternal Father. Oh, if only the heart of the world were united to Our United Hearts. You must free yourselves of all self-interest so that you can be My true missionaries in a world whose heart is set upon sin."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Message Thru Marie - February 1 and 2
Feb 1 message Monday 8 am joyful mysteries..
Jesus: you viewed in a magazine on this model who was so
beautiful on the outside, but she was holding a UV photo of
her face and it showed the UV damage beneath the skin - several
black spots scattered all over her face.
Yet few of you think to see the damaging
effects of sin on your souls. You can get a cream
now to remove the damage done by UV. Yet few of
you go to confession to remove the stains of
sin on your souls. You do not need to spend
money to clean your souls. Time and effort and
true repentance is all I ask of you.
While there is still time, go to confession.
You see on the news so much changing:
weather, unresolved wars, escalating tensions
between countries, countries on the brink of
economic collapses.
What many of you do not see yet is the
connection between your spiritual state and
how it gets mirrored/spread in all directions
affecting weather, economy, ....
You are at the cusp of a great
many events to herald in my coming -
super-volcanoes will erupt,
tsunamis greater than aceh will occur,
droughts all over, famine will follow,
nuclear war will ensue,
plagues, disasters, accidents,
crimes will be common - more violent,
more heartless than at present.
These are the pains you will need to
endure before my return.
You have fallen so far that the climb
back up is steep and riddled with so
much traps. Hold on to my mother's rosary,
go to mass, confess often, live my LOVE,
love your neighbors, do acts of charity,
love in thought
love in word
love in deed
so simple but so few follow it.
Remember that love endures, love forgives,
love hopes.
End of message
Feb 2 tue 7:30 am, after sorrowful mysteries
Yesterday while waiting for a business friend,
I had more than half an hour to wait so I
said a rosary. I'm asked to talk about that now.
I was told that when Jesus was 12 yrs old, he
already had the wisdom, maturity of a 30 year old man.
He could already start his ministry
but GOd the Father had appointed a later time.
Had he started to make his sacrifice then
he would be little understood. So Jesus stayed
hidden. He obeyed perfectly the will of the
Father to continue to grow his physical form
until adulthood. When he reached his
prime (30) he was then given the signal to
begin his public life.
Since he came to save men, He conformed
to our laws and thus at 30,
he was now considered an adult by men.
When he laid down his life at 33, it was
done in complete obedience and
out of a burning desire to save men's souls. He offered
himself at his ripe, mature, perfectly strong phase
of his life - and most men's.
Had he done so at 50 or 60, there would be
some who would say, well, he is already
past his prime so offering his life is not
really worth much, He has already lived out
the best part of it...
Jesus: I gave you a lesson yesterday so you
would understand better my crucifixion.
I was ready to offer myself at 12 yrs of age
but my Father had not yet approved the
time. I was already burning with desire to
save men's souls but obeyed and patiently
waited for the time of my Father's choosing.
Because I took on flesh understand
that I too understand the desires of the flesh.
I too understand the impatience that grips
you when you want to attain something now,
this moment, instead of patiently waiting for
the right time.
Hence, when you pray for something, whether a healing of body,
of a relationship, of a soul etc, remember that
I too subjected myself to that
long wait until my Father's appointed time.
Patience is a virtue, it is as your spiritual retreat leader
said, "Patience is the willingness to suffer. You shall be given
the grace to act more wisely and surrender to my
Father's perfect will."
Patience is the willingness to continue to
suffer until all is readied by the Father.
The Father knows what is best for you so
trust Him.
end of message
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Feb. 3, 2010
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