Black Spirituality with African Black Saints, Black Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox Christians of Oceania, America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Rim, Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Solomon, Marianas, Marshall Islands,
New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and New Zealand
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE (Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jesus)!
SATURDAY/MONDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
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Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Oceanus, Trophimus with Eustorgius. Martyred at Alexandria, 18 Sept.
Octavious, Solutor, Adventor. We were martyred in Turin; our unit was the Theban Legion. We retreated from Agaumum, Switzerland, Adventor, and Octavius, were caught and beheaded. I, Solutor, escaped, and was finally captured near Ivrea, and beheaded. 20 Nov. (20 Jan translation of relics).
Octavius, Paulus, Solutor, Alexander, Theodulus, Theohilus, Petronius, and Manilus, Martyrs at Carthage, 15 March
Oeconomus, Papias, Dioscurus, Heron, Potammon, Pethacus, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and Ammonius, We were crucified martyrs who preached Jesus in Western Kemet. 18 May with Paul.
Olympius, Deacon Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Or, I was an ascetic monk in the Nitria Mountain, and especially St. Melania, visited me, as she did so many other monks and nuns in the desert, providing for my and their needs. God has graced me with a tradition that I never lied, swore, and did not in my lifetime abuse any person. I wished no one evil. And I said nothing, which had no effect. I did not speak without it being necessary to do so.
I was able through God’s grace to reclaim swamplands, so that the brothers might grow their own provisions.
God graced me to administer the gathered monasteries containing a thousand brother monks and priests. The Almighty allowed me long life. At 90 years of age, my strength sill endured.
Herbs and roots, and sparse drinking water proved my sustenance. The psalms and prayers my real food for grace.
An angel once appeared to me to inform me of God’s plan, that through His work in me, 10,000 salvations of souls, people would gain faith. The angel told me I would not be lacking for anything, God would provide even up to death, as long as I called upon the Almighty.
At first, I could not really read. But God allowed me the grace to memorize the Scriptures, and then actually read them. The Good Lord graced me to expel evil spirits.
When brother monks visited, I would provide for their hospitality, and resting place, water, and building materials.
Orestes,Tryphon, Cyrion, Eulogius, another Cyrion, Menelaus, Porphyrius, Apricus, Justus, Julianus, Hemerion, and Julius, martyred at Alexandria 3 July.
Orion with Thyrsus, martyred in Alexandria, 16 Aug.
Orion, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Orion, with Paul, Recumbens, Rastanus, Sarmatas, Proteas, Collotus, Didymus, Plesius, and Aratus. Martyred by beheading for preaching Christ in Northern Kemet, 18 Jan.
Orion, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Colluthus, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan.
Orsisius, (I am also known as Orsisius, Arsisios, Oresiesis-Heru-sa Ast, Orsiesius of Tabenna) I am the 4th century Kemetian Abbot Monk of Nile Island, Tabennisi Monastery at Tabenna, Upper Kemet. Chosen Tabenne abbot in 347 A.D., following Petronius. Though a Pachomius disciple, I resigned for Theodorus (Theodore the Sanctified), Pachomius favorite to replace me. I finally succeeded on the advice of St. Athanasius, becoming hegumen. I assisted Pachomius establishing his monasteries rule(s). 15 June.
Pachomius, Abbot, Soldier, (349 A.D.), 4 Sept.
Pachomius, Arsenius, Agatho, Longinus, and other Kemetian desert fathers. 17 Jan
Pachomius, the Elder. Founded community life (other than monastic worship, called Cenobitism) in Kemet. I was born around 276 to 292, in the south of Esnah, in the Upper Thebaid. My parents were not Christian. I was baptized when I served in the army, 314 A.D.
I followed Saint Palaemon, three years later, in the north of Thebes, east shore of the Nile. I founded a monastery at Tabennisi. 100 monks worshiped God in a simple community rule.
I founded another monastery at Pheboou (Faou), it was there I lived. I had God’s grace to tie many groups of hermits into nine monasteries. There existed also two monasteries for women, at Tabennisi. Was one with Maryam, my sister administering.
I saw the sunset of my life 9 May, 346 A.D. at Pheboou. 14 May in Kemet, Coptic Church Calendar, 9 May.
Pachomius the Younger (also known as Posthumus) (end of 4th century).
I was born at Memphis, Kemet. My entry into the life of Christ’s through baptism was at or about 30 years of age.
Saint Macarius (the disciple of Saint Anthony), had me administer more than 50,000 monks. Some say I am the same as elder Pachomius.
Pachomius, died, according to his Life, Pachon 14 (May 9), in an epidemic which attacking the community after Easter.
Pachomius and Serapion. (Abbots) We are celebrated in the Abyssinian Coptic Church, 24 Aug.
Pachomius (Bidjimi) and Bartholomew, We are bishops in Kemet. 11 Dec. Coptic Calendar.
Pachomius, martyr with Theodore, his disciple.
Pachomius, I am with the Virgin martyr in Kemet, Tolosha, and 18 Dec.
Paesis (Pausis), Romulus (subdeacon) of Diopolis, Alexander of Kemet, another Alexander of Gaza, Agapius, and Dionysius— beheaded after declaring their Christianity. (In Palestine) 303 A.D.
24 March,
Paisis, Cotilas, Ardame, Moses, Asi, Baraclas, another Cotilas. We are hermits and martyrs on Mt. Tana, Kemet. Killed under the persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian at Alexandria. 23 June. Coptic Church calendar.
Paisius the Great. I am the abbot. I was born in Kemet. I chose to become a monk in the Scete desert, Kemet. I followed Saint Pambo. When Pambo died, I founded a 4th century monastery at Nitria desert.
19 June, (5th century)
Paisius and Isaias. Our father was a Kemetian merchant who did business in Spain. We were brothers. I, Paisius, gave my inheritance to the poor. My brother Isaias constructed a monastery, where I became a monk. 4th century.
Paisi (Amba Isa), sister of (with) Thecla, Virgin martyr, 4 Dec.
Palaemon. I was a Thebaid anchorite. Many followed my simple life rule, Pachomius among them, whom I followed to his Tabennisi monastery. I died there, about 330 A.D. 13 Dec. and 11 June, Coptic Calendar. Kemet, 13 Feb.
Palaermon Hermit,
Palapius. Hermit,
Palladius, writer and a resident at Cæsarea. Among the Holy Folk.
Palladius, I am a Coptic/Ethiopian friend of God, 11 Jan.
Palladius, I was a monk, and lived at Alexandria, 500s A.D.
Palladius. Martyred in Alexandria with Paliconus, 23 June.
Pallamon of Kemet (4th century), 12 Aug.
Palatianus (Fabian) Coptic pope, 8 Feb.
Paliconus. Martyred in Alexandria with Palladius, 23 June.
Palmus. Martyred in Alexandria with Patamon, 18 May, or Serapion, 19 May.
Palus. Martyred in Africa with Heraclius, 26 May.
Pambo. Martyred in Kemet with Hyperechius, 5 June.
Pambo (Panbis) , Hermit of Kemet . I am the confessor and abbot of the Nitrian desert. I was a disciple of Saint Anthony. I practiced silence. I won martyrdom at Alexandria. Saint Melania and Saint Athanasius came to me for spiritual matters, and counseling.
I died in Saint Melania’s presence, 393 A.D. 27 Aug. (Latin), 18 July. Counted among the Nitria Mountain desert fathers and monks(Same as Pambo, Hermit of Kemet, ABBA PAMBO. I am the teacher of Dioscuros, the Bishop, and of Ammon, Eusebius, and Euthymius. My steward was the theologian who fell into error, Origen, nephew of Dracontius.
I detested material things, such as silver and gold. I had built my cell, and worked for years with my hands.
Isidore, priest and xenodochus brought St. Melania to visit me, when she first came to Alexandria from Rome.
She told me that Isidore had escorted her to Pambo's secluded cell. When Melania brought hundreds of pounds of silver implements, I kept working bade Origen to distribute to the poor brothers and monasteries in Libya and Islands. At 70 years, I died while creating a basket. Aug. 5).
Pamin (Poemen), Martyred at--no blood effusion--) in Kemet.
I was born in the vicinity of Oshmunein, Kemet. I managed the property of a wealthy patron. But I decided to become a monk, in the monastery near Ansina.
The persecution of Roman Emperor Diocletian saw me suffer torture, and jail. Constantine‘s reign set me free. I died peacefully in the monastery.
I worked many miracles through the grace of God, 5 Dec/. Coptic Calendar.
Pamphalon. Solochon (Solon) with Pamphamer, Martyred Kemetian soldiers. Our post was at Calcedon. We were killed with clubs, under Maximinian. Solochon lived through the brutal beating, but died of his injuries in a Christian house. 17 May.
Black Saints Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
from such as Seers, OLOE, ERA OF PEACE, J.Leary, and Fr. Doucette, Anne Hidden Lay Apostle, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Lousie Tomkiel, Carol Ameche, and others.
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Historic and Geologic Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such,
Fr Doucette - Sat, Feb 14, 2009: "Walk with Me on the right road"
"Walk with Me on the right road"
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dear Friends,
When Jesus came to the other side, to the territory of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs who were coming from the tombs met him. There were so savage that no one could travel by that road. The cried out, What have you to do with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the appointed time?
Some distance away a herd of many swine was feeding. The demons pleaded with him, If you drive us out, send us into the herd of swine.
And he said to them, Go then!They came out and entered the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea where they drowned. The swineherds ran away, and when they came to the town they reported everything, including what had happened to the demoniacs.
Thereupon the whole town came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him they begged him to leave their district. Matthew 8:28 34
Here is another message from Our Lord and Savior addressed to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, At the time of My public life in Israel, many people were possessed by evil spirits. Today I present you these two demoniacs who were so savage that no one could travel by that road.
The evil spirits recognized Me and called Me the Son of God. They asked Me to send them into the herd of swine that was feeding not far away. I told them to go and they all came out of these possessed men and entered the swine.
The whole herd rushed down the steep bank and drowned in the sea. When the people of the town were told what had happened, they came to see Me in great fear and asked Me to depart from their district.
These two demoniacs were possessed by many evil spirits as the whole herd of swine was filled with them. Once they were freed, these two men became normal and anybody could speak to them. They left the tombs and went home.
Today many people are possessed by evil spirits because they have rejected Me and no longer pray or go to church. They have taken the wrong road and are suffering especially from these spirits. Do not let yourselves be possessed by them. I am the only one who has the power to free you and to keep you free. Walk with Me on the right road.
Father Melvin
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Message from The Father to Daughter of Zion, Feb. 12,09 Life of Jesus Prayer group
Approved by Spiritual director
2/12/09 NOON at Yahweh Shalom
It is I, your Mother. Child, write:
Child, I come this day at the request of the Most Blessed Trinity. (At this point Mother moved over and touched child’s left hand and She looked toward the East. Child then saw, in vision, the moon which was full, but all black. Mother then continued.)
Child, this has been spoken of in prophecy and it will be fulfilled. The days are upon you when the blood of the unborn and those who have died from genocide, famine and from the greed and pride of those who say they are powerful, will cry out to God and the very earth will shake and roll. You have permitted, invited, darkness of soul through lack of love for God and neighbor. You will experience physically what you permitted spiritually.
My children, I have not come here to frighten you, but to arm you with knowledge and truth.
My children gathered here, and those who read these messages, the Lord warned you several years ago that plagues, famine and genocide were caused by your sins. He told you that these things would escalate and the very earth would turn against you if you did not repent and return to Father God.
The Lord said that your world was being polluted and destroyed by your greed. When He said it, few believed and now everyone knows. He told you a few years ago that the greed and pride of this nation was out of control and that the Father would bring you to repentance through the collapse of your economy.
Almost everyone laughed or dismissed His warning and now you are living it. Everything given here on this holy mountain has come to pass and now I’m sent to warn you again.
Will you listen this time?
Those strong in faith must grow stronger through acts of love for God and neighbor. Those who have been weak, being hot today and cold tomorrow toward God and neighbor, must no longer be lukewarm or ambivalent. And those who did not repent, who would not listen at all, I plead with you to repent today.
All of you, your acts of repentance and love for God and neighbor can mitigate the approaching catastrophe. Believe in God. Trust in God. Love Him and your neighbor and I promise you that if you heed and obey, the worst can be avoided. Do not fear, but act upon My Words.
No one acted immediately and with faith to My warnings at Fatima. God has sent Me to help you. Listen to the pleas of this Mother, I beg of you. I bless you.
Virgin Victorious
From The Father to The Daughter of Zion, Feb. 5-10, 09
Visit our website and send prayer requests:
approved by spiritual director
From The Father to The Daughter of Zion, Feb. 5-10, 09
Feb. 5th, 9:00 a.m.
Children the times are ready to change and all will be out of control except you, My remnant. You have been trained very well and will excel in all you do and touch.
I, Your Father, give you warnings so you can be prepared, for when it comes there is no time for preparation. Remember, My illumination and days of darkness have been foretold for many, many years and even come close, but prayers still stall everything; so you pray lovely children for there to be peace in America and now.
Your Father who loves you.
Feb. 6th, 8:30 a.m.
You are hearing the words of your priest, Holy as I AM, to prepare you spiritually to be conquerors in these days ahead. Do not take his words lightly and put them in your heart to be strong for your Father who has such great plans for you.
Be ready for your grand opening. These stores are in My ministry will be all over America and other parts of the world for My just purposes.
Pray in the store without ceasing for My Glory to administer. Lovely children pray for your land and people in trouble.
Your Father forever.
Feb.7th, 1:30 p.m.
Hear what you Father says to you lovely children of the Most High. You are called, appointed and anointed for these days coming to turn all My children's hearts toward Me. You all are being trained for such a purpose. The store is a middle ground. Speak your words as given by the Holy Spirit. You all will be sensitive to hear My voice at all times. Only good fruit comes from you My lovely ones.
Your Father who loves you.
Feb. 8th,
My children the words coming from My messengers are correct. Please be prepared in your hearts for the evil to be in the earth. Your Father cannot stop this for so many evil things done to the young ones and the babies. It has gone too far and must be stopped. You must pray for this to stop and peace in your land.
Your Father giving you dire instructions.
Feb. 10th, 9:15 a.m.
you who are staying so close to Me, Your Father, I have blessed you beyond measure. Receive healings in your bodies; prosperity of your spirits and finances. I AM in charge of you. I bring all things to you. I have a great purpose for you, Your I AM, Your I AM, now and forever beside you lovely ones.
Your Father in heaven and on earth.
Feb 10th, 3:00 p.m. just before Divine Chaplet and Obama's bill passed.
The horizons will become invisible as My Son comes to you in this new year. Are you ready to see Him. Prepare your hearts for the mysterious event I AM sending to My children. They will all know it is their God for no machine could ever produce what you shall see. Lovely ones, so obedient, do not tarry in giving Me your whole heart.
Your Father forever.
My babies are being killed every minute. The disasters are now upon the earth. Your Father cannot hold back the evil any longer. Your President has now crossed the line and the evil is mounting every minute overtaking the whole earth!
Your Father's heart is broken and I cannot express the sorrow I feel for the land. My Blessed Mary cannot be consoled.
Pray children, Pray.
O. Ann S. Hoernschemeyer
Shalom Catolic International Evangelism
books upon request
Message from JESUS of MERCY to littlest of servants February 13, 2009
MY children why do you prefer MY JUSTICE?
I reach out to you with MY WOUNDED HAND and you push it away.
I offer you MY HEART and you turn away from it.
I send MY PROPHETS to you and you persecute them calling them liars and accusing them of being insane.
I send MY MOTHER to you and you ignore HER or soil HER IMAGES while laughing at them.
I wish to give MY LOVE and MERCY but you push it away preferring the love of material things.
I again offer you MY LOVE and MERCY and you prefer the love of fame and fortune.
I offer you HEAVEN and you prefer the world and this will only lead you to HELL.
WHY? WHY, MY little children do you PROVOKE YOUR LOVING GOD? WHY do you turn away from ME in such GREAT NUMBERS?
It is not I AM who wishes to give you JUSTICE it is you MY little children who are demanding it by your actions!!!
I will announce to you my little, little children that soon your LOVING GOD will have you make a DECISION.
Daily messages from the Father to Daughter of Zion Jan. 29, - Feb. 4th, 09
approved by spiritual director
Life of Jesus Prayer group
Jan. 29 - Feb. 4th, 09
Daily messages from the Father to Daughter of Zion
Jan. 29, 09
Yes, things are excelling very fast. Children pray as never before. The time is short. My messengers are so faithful and nothing shall be left out. Be aware of all things around you. Your Holy Priest has covered you mightily with his prayers that touch My heart, Your I AM, Your I AM.
Jan. 30, 09
Your Father is here with you this day guiding you in all your projects. People will be coming around you that are not of Me. Just flow with Me and keep your pearls to yourself. They will appear they truly care, but are not of Me. My children, My remnant, be so careful with your words.
Your Father who loves you.
Jan. 31, 09
My lovely ones, you are all in My Jesus' peace. How your Father loves you. I watch every step you take and cover you with My unending grace and My love that abounds in your heart. Keep Me intimate in your hearts, worship and praise Me and give Me your thankfulness for what I have already done for you and what glorious things are about to come quickly because of your obedience.
Your Father in heaven and on earth.
Feb. 1st, 09
Children of the most high, do you spend hours intimately with Me everyday. The things coming upon the earth and your prayers that can lessen these things are much, much needed by Us. We work through your prayers.
Can you arise a little earlier, can you give up an hour during the day for Us. I thank you, My remnant, for you are all I have and it has become less than more these trying days. Pray for all to come back to Me and their Jesus and their Blessed Mother.
Your Father forever.
Feb. 3,09
My chosen disciples, you shall be so surprised at what is in store for you, My remnants. My heart stays in such joy inexpressible to you for the obedience you have shown Me. All of My messengers are being faithful even with a word they do not want to hear.
Pray diligently children, for your President and his cabinet, that all decisions are correct and no one can push our President to do what he is against. Come to My Throne Room and see Your Father's heart. How I desire to bless you in all confusion around you. When money is no more, I become your sole provider. I AM your Jehovah Jireh. Put this into your hearts, lovely ones.
Your Father forever to love and care for you.
Feb. 4,09
My children, I have stayed beside each one of you and will continue through all adversity. Chosen ones look to Me. your Father, whose Son you will see soon. They say look up to the sky and you will see your Jesus, Yes, you all will. Repent remnant, receive My Son and His Passion. It was done for you.
My Apostles are coming forth, My son's of Valor, My Daughters of Zion and My Holy ones. Remnant receive them. The disasters coming faster and pray for all the children in trouble that they ALL run into Me, their Father, who so desires their love. Pray as never before against My little ones being taken before they are born. Pray as never before.
I love you My remnant. Stay so close to Us, Your trinity and Blessed Mary.
O. Ann S. Hoernschemeyer
External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, February 1, 2009
My very dear children, I am the Holy Spirit of God, the One Who sanctifies you now to the level in the Father’s plan that was always meant for you. Hear this and accept this with humility, with gratitude, as a child would take a cookie from his mother with pure delight, tasting one of his favorite treats! It will be thus for each of you in the entire world who hears these words, who accepts them, who accepts this gift, who praises the Father and thanks Him.
Yes, My dear ones, you are correct that the Father’s plan moves forward more quickly now as you hear more events unfolding, as you yourself receive new gifts, as you yourself are brought to a greater focus on the world, on your leaders, praying for them, begging the gift of conversion in their lives, praying for safety for this country and the entire world.
Plead the blood of Jesus once again, My dear ones, on the entire world, especially those who are the enemies of the Father and His creation, especially on the little ones, especially for aborted babies and their mothers and their fathers, especially upon those who will come to you in the near future to take refuge, for whom you have been praying and planning and preparing and waiting for many years, this greatest mission from the Father for everyone in the world who prays.
My people, I pour Myself out upon you now as you listen and believe. I give you the greatest trust you have ever had, because it is needed now. You will see many things that will look like the end.
The Father had explained this years ago to you. It will look like the end of everything; and yet it will turn out to be a new beginning, so I remind you that before there can be a new beginning, there must be an end of the old ways.
Remember that, always remember that when you see change, when you see new things, when you are moved around, when you are taken out of your comfort zone as you all like to say when something didn’t go the way you had hoped and prayed it would. Let it go, My children, let it go for it is the Father’s Will you see unfolding and what is best for that time and for all of His people.
Trust everything that occurs as the Father’s Will and His caring for you and His bringing out of you all of the gifts He has given to you, all of the strength. Being there for others, this is your mission, My children of the world. Being what others need you to be. Nothing in a selfish way, but practical deep down goodness you will offer them, practical help for their physical and emotional and spiritual and mental needs.
Read these words often, My people everywhere. They must impact your lives at a deeper level now as you are raised to a higher level. Let your gratitude flood yourself.
Let your mind ponder and keep all things sacred and holy in your heart as did the Holy Mother. Ponder My words. Feel connected to them and changed by them. Feel the new strength that courses through yourself, your entire self, all of who you are, and have become.
Feel everything I have said, embraced with love, with who I am. I pour out love on you today, My dear, dear ones everywhere; and I bring you the gift of the peace of Jesus, for you must have peace and joy to survive the future and your place in it. You are soldiers, warriors, faithful ones, remnant people.
Rejoice, for victory will come to the Father, the Son and Myself, their Spirit, and all of you wherever you are. Remember, your God is your buckler and shield. Nothing is impossible to Him. He is victorious and so are you. Amen, My children. Thank you for listening with all your heart this day. Amen."
Carol Ameche
External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, January 25, 2009
"My precious children, I am your Mother, Mary: the Mother you love with all of your heart, the Immaculate One of God. I say these words, not that you love your own mothers less; but it is a special relationship we enjoy, My special, chosen ones everywhere in the world.
I speak to you today with great tenderness, with great longing for the return of My Jesus that will signal the end of great suffering for the entire world; but which will aid the Father in delivering the world from evil and allowing those who are in the Father's Will to remain through the Era of Peace, to make it, to be there, to be faithful, to persevere. How faithful you are, My dear ones!
I am filled with such gratitude today. I know your struggles. I know the worries you have. I tell you this and I wish you to follow along with the gift of your imagination, 'the moment at which Jesus was raised upon the cross before all those present,
He was completely without clothing, completely naked, completely at the mercy of the crowd. I was horrified and heartbroken anew. I sent My shawl to cover Him. It was accepted, and His shame was less; and He was protected from the haughty, jeering eyes of those gathered.'
I tell you, My dear ones, I promise to protect you from the shame of your own lives, from the time in your journey when you were less than focused on the Father, when you were more in the world and of the world. I promise to cover you as I covered My Son from the jeering eyes of others.
You understand what I am saying to you, My children. It is a great gift I am offering; because everyone by their human nature goes through a time of sin unless you are especially chosen by the Father not to, and that would be so very few.
Your earthly nature has great power to pull you down, and, of course, that is the plan of Satan, and he will never stop trying; so I will always be with you to protect you from falling into degradation, from falling into habits that chain you in the past.
I cover you with My love and with the strength I have been given and by the power given Me by God Himself, especially for these times; and I lift you up within the Father's plan. I dress you with My love. I adorn you with the roses of My delight for you. I hold you high that the Son might shine upon you more powerfully, more directly, more piercingly; that you might shine as the vessels of hope and mercy you are.
Be confident in My gifts, in My love, in My protection, in My gratitude for each one of you everywhere, even though you fall again, even though you spend time in sorrow or discover new sins you had forgotten, and you run to the Sacraments to confess them. This is part of the Father's gift to everyone.
I say these words not to make you uncomfortable, but to make you stronger and more confident. Do not dwell in your weaknesses, My children; and as I say that, I lift you up. That is exactly what is happening now. My Jesus blesses each of you everywhere. Whenever you hear or read these words, so it will be.
You are blessed by all of Heaven once again. Continue to live in this manner, more cautious yet relaxed and at peace with the peace of My Jesus. All will be well, My dear ones. Believe that and rejoice. I love you, My darling ones. I hold you in My heart. Amen." Carol Ameche
External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, January 11, 2009 in word
My dearest children, I am your God and Father. I am your Creator. Again I remind you that I sustain you every second of your life, in My love, in My creative power and by the might of My arm.
I bring you good news today, My children. Everything that is said by Heaven is good news. I remind you of this, so that you will learn better and more deeply to accept all that is told to you in preparation.
I bring you the gift of My Son’s peace today. I bring you the gift of trust again. Tension mounts, My dear ones, within the entire world. There is nothing you experience alone. It is shared by all the faithful, and you need to pray for each other more.
You see what is wrong and hurtful and harmful in others. Look to your own heart, My children. My Jesus and I and Our Spirit are there, are with you. We are waiting to heal you more. Remember the journey into My perfect will is always about more.
Whatever it is you seek, continue, especially the healing, the peace, the tenderness, the protection of Heaven. You know it is there. You need to remember once again, there is nothing I will deny you if it is in My Perfect Will. There is no strength you will not have as you journey along this path together. You are given to each other everywhere in the world, all of your groups, all of you who pray and try to change. Work more at changing yourselves, My little ones. It is your biggest task.
Please know that you are entered more deeply into My perfect will this day. Remember your humility, your weakness, your own vulnerability; and, of course, I remind you that this is the best practice for those who will come to you in the very near future, and again I remind you they will have no patience. Ponder that, My dear ones everywhere who listen and pray and attempt to change.
They will have no patience. They will be suspicious of you because of their state of fright and fatigue. Your preparation for them outside of supplies and water and blankets and pillows and clothing and yourself, outside of that preparation, they will need you to be so patient. I do not chastise as I mention these things. I remind you as a loving Father, for you are closer to needing them, to using them, to being all you are needed to be, not perfect but practice and practiced.
O My dear ones, how I love you! How I count on you! How I bless you today and every day and every night, but more today as I am speaking. Your courage is astounding, all of you everywhere, as you attempt to be all you understand you need to be; and I salute you everyone in the world who prays, who loves their Triune God and Holy Mother so deeply, as you are loved. Know that all is well, still, and always for each of you. Amen, My little ones. Remember you are Mine and I love you. Amen. Amen." Carol Ameche
Hi and Happy days again. It's even cold here, I can just imagine how bad it is for so many of you, and am praying for your comfort and warmth. Carol Ameche
External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, January 4, 2009
"My very dearest ones, I am your Jesus of Mercy, your Savior and your King, and your newborn Babe Who has been born again in your hearts this Holy Season. There are tears of joy in My heart and on My face for your holy voices, your sincere prayers, the joy in your hearts, the delight that you feel at coming together again to pray for the world, to beg mercy of the Father; to seek more strength, more perseverance, a greater sanctity and trust, a new "Yes" for this New Year and all you have become through all of these years of dedication and consecration and commitment to the Sacred and Immaculate Heart to the Father's Divine and Perfect Will and through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, to your precious Mother and Mine.
Remember, My dear ones that while I was on the earth, She was My Mother alone; but now that She is in Heaven and so united to the Trinity, She is all things to all of Us in the Trinity. Pray to Her in that way for you yourselves, and those you remember and over which you rejoice as so united in the Trinity now.
Rejoice, My precious children, for all things, all suffering comes to an end; but all joy and all holiness climbs into the Will of the Father, eagerly awaiting My return, eagerly seeking mercy in your hearts, in your lives and in the hearts and lives of everyone you know and for whom you pray.
The world doesn't know this, but it's a better place because of you and all of you who pray everywhere in the world. Even though darkness descends in a greater amount, in a greater hurry; even though Satan's plans come to fruition in so many lives and in so many plans, there is light. There is hope. There is Our Presence with each of you, and there is always hope. Oh My dear ones, how I love you!
Thank you for accepting Our presence with you with such joy. Thank you for accepting and inviting all the people in Heaven to pray with you each time you pray. Thank you for strengthening and inhabiting with all of your hearts the great Communion of Saints. Thank you for being who you were created to be. I love you. Amen, My children." Carol Ameche
Message from The Father to Daughter of Zion, Feb. 12,09
For the remnant:
Children of the Most High do you love Me enough to be obedient even if you don't understand. Please take the one step at a time. The ones commissioned Weds. night; they must do this daily, and if the one step is not made I, Your Father, cannot bring you to the purposes I have already ordained for you.
Lovely children I need you in the fold. Pray for your priest; pray for the organization that is ready to explode in My mighty works in the land. Believe My arm is not too short. It stretches out to the whole world.
Pray for the peace on the earth, now.
Your Father who loves you.
O. Ann S. Hoernshcemeyer
Shalom Catholic International Evangelism
Books available upon reques
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 14 - ST. VALENTINES DAY
"Our Lord finished His work, but we have not finished ours. He pointed the way we must follow. He laid down the Cross at the finish, but we must take it up. He finished Redemption in His physical Body, but we have not finished it in His Mystical Body. He has finished salvation, we have not yet applied it to our souls.
He has finished the Temple, but we must live in it. He has finished the model Cross, we must fashion ours to its pattern. He has finished sowing the seed, we must reap the harvest.
He has finished filling the chalice, but we have not finished drinking its refreshing draughts. He has planted the wheat field; we must gather it into our barns. He has finished the sacrifice of Calvary; we must finish the Mass. The Crucifixion was not meant to be an inspirational drama, but a pattern act on which to model our lives.
We are not meant to sit and watch the Cross as something done and ended . . . What was done on Calvary avails for us only in the degree that we repeat it in our own lives" (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Calvary and the Mass).
"I have a burning thirst
to be honored by men
in the Blessed Sacrament,
and I find hardly anyone
who strives, according to my desire,
to allay this thirst by making
me some return of love."
(Words of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary)
Mother Teresa -
Be not afraid of the life of sacrifice.
Padre Pio -
The prayers of the saints in Heaven and of just souls on earth are perfume which will never be wasted.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
A kind person is one of a kind!
"Because kindness is related to love, it follows that the kind person loves another not for the pleasure the other person gives, nor because the other person can do us a kindness in return, but because the other person is loveable in himself. The basic reason why everyone is lovable is because God made him."
St. Faustina's diary
In the evening, a great longing took possession of my soul. I took the pamphlet with the Image of the Merciful Jesus on it and pressed it to my heart, and the following words burst forth from my soul: "Jesus, Eternal Love, I live for You, I die for You, and I want to become united with You."
Suddenly I saw the Lord in His inexpressible beauty. He looked at me graciously and said, My daughter, I too came down from heaven out of love for you; I lived for you, I died for you, and I created the heavens for you. And Jesus pressed me to His Heart and said to me, Very soon now; be at peace, My daughter.
When I was alone, my soul was set afire with the desire to suffer until the moment when the Lord would say, "Enough." And even if I were to live for thousands of years, I see in the light of God that is but one moment. Souls...[unfinished thought]. (853)
During the morning meditation, I felt an aversion and a repugnance for all created things. Everything pales before my eyes; my spirit is detached from all things. I desire only God himself, and yet I must live.
This is a martyrdom beyond description. God imparts himself to the soul in a loving way and draws it into the infinite depths of His divinity, but at the same time He leaves it here on earth for the sole purpose that it might suffer and die of longing for Him.
And this strong love is so pure that God himself finds pleasure in it; and self-love has no access to its deeds, for here everything is totally saturated with bitterness, and thus is totally pure.
Life is a continuous dying, painful and terrible, and at the same time it is the depth of true life and of inconceivable happiness and the strength of the soul; and because of this, [the soul] is capable of great deeds for the sake of God. (856)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
On this Valentine's Day, the Blessed Mother asks for our hearts:
Dear children, today I invite you to offer me your hearts so that I can change them to be like my own. You ask yourselves why you are not able to satisfy my requests? You are not able to because you have not entrusted your hearts to me, so that I can change them. You give me words, but you do not act. So then, do all that I tell you. Only in that way can I be with you (Weekly Message 5-15-86).
On this feast of St. Valentine, Our Lady asks for our hearts, "so I can change them to be like my own." Once we give them, they are filled with God's own life and love; indeed, they are made eternal:
See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is (1 Jn 3:1-2).
This is the great inheritance of love, a gift beyond imagining -- to share in the very life of God.
This is also the reason Our Lady asks for our hearts today, that she can begin to transform them into the image of her Son's. We can then begin to live the life of heaven while on earth, embracing others with the divine love that has been given to us. As St. Teresa of Avila wrote:
O soul in God hidden from sin,
What more desires for thee remain,
Save but to love, and love again,
And all on flame with love within,
Love on, and turn to love again?
In prayer today, simply ask the Lord to deepen his love within your heart.
Medjugorje Day By Day Feb 13 - DEVOTE YOUR PRAYERS TO ME
"Lent this year, according to the Holy Father's invitation, emphasizes our essential rapport with the Eucharist. ... I would like to summarize in three points our Lenten commitment:
1.The liturgy of the Church ... is the first instrument of authentic evangelization;
2. On Sundays we rediscover the Eucharist; and
3. With the Eucharist we rediscover the rapport between liturgy and life" [which demands] "resolute witnessing to true values: the family, personal honesty, commitments deriving from marriage, priestly celibacy and religious life ... without which there is no true spirit of poverty" (Cardinal James Francis Stafford, Feb. 9, 2005).
Found this item which will go into our parish bulletin:
Fr. Rawley Myers of Colorado Springs writes: The greatest thing
that has happened to me was the discovery of the daily Holy Hour. This
has been my salvation. I go to the church worried, but once there,
before the Tabernacle, I find peace.
Before the Tabernacle nothing
matters except Jesus. I sometimes feel like the Apostles before
Pentecost, cowardly and confused, but Jesus in the Eucharist has taught
me not to be overly concerned but to put all my trust in God. And a great
burden is lifted from my shoulders.
Mother Teresa -
The humbler the work, the greater should be your love and efficiency.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Prayer must be insistent since insistence denotes faith.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Embracing the etimology of kindness
"The word `kindness' is derived from kindred or kin, and therefore implies an affection which we bear naturally to those who are our flesh and blood. The original and archetypal kindness is that of a parent for a child and a child for a parent, an idea which is preserved in the German language where Kind means `child.' Gradually the word gained in extension until it embraced anyone whom we are to treat as a
St. Faustina's diary
Jesus, my Love, today gave me to understand how much He loves me, although there is such an enormous gap between us, the Creator and the creature; and yet, in a way, there is something like equality: love fills up the gap. He Himself descends to me and makes me capable of communing with Him.
I immerse myself in Him, losing myself as it were; and yet, under His loving gaze, my soul gains strength and power and an awareness that it loves and is especially loved. It knows that the Mighty One protects it. Such prayer, though short, benefits the soul greatly, and whole hours of ordinary prayer do not give the soul that light which is given by a brief moment of this higher form of prayer. (815)
I have come to understand today that even if I did not accomplish any of the things the Lord is demanding of me, I know that I shall be rewarded as if I had fulfilled everything, because He sees the intention with which I begin, and even if He called me to himself today, the work would not suffer at all by that, because He himself is the Lord of both the work and the worker.
My part is to love Him to folly; all works are nothing more than a tiny drop before Him. It is love that has meaning and power and merit. He has opened up great horizons in my soul-love compensates for the chasms. (822)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
From a monthly message in 1988:
Dear children, again I call you to prayer and complete surrender to God. You know that I love you, and have come here out of love so that I could show you the way to peace -- and to salvation for your souls.
Do not let Satan corrupt you -- obey me in this. Satan is very strong and therefore I ask you to devote your prayers to me, so that those who are under his influence may be saved. Witness by your lives. Sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world.
Know that I am with you and am grateful to you' in heaven you will receive the Father's reward, as he has promised. And so, dear children, do not be afraid. If you pray, Satan cannot harm you in the least, for you are God's children and he watches over you. Pray, and let the rosary always be in your hands as a sign to Satan that you belong to me (Monthly Message 3-25-88).
In Matthew's gospel, Jesus also calls us to prayer. Note that the Our Father contains a prayer against Satan as well: "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." In Matthew, this petition is expressed in these words: "And do not bring us to the time of trial, but deliver us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13).
At times we may notice that our prayer has become too self-centered. This is an opportunity to again focus on others, on "we" rather than "I", which is the spirit of the Lord's Prayer.
In this vein, Charles Thompson writes:
You can not pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say "I."
You can not pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say "My." Nor can you pray the Lord's Prayer, and not pray for another; for when you ask for daily bread, you must include your brother.
For others are included in each and every plea: from the beginning to the end of it, it does not once say "Me."
Review the focus of your prayer today. Is it weighted more to yourself or to others? How can you correct the imbalance?
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I"
Part II"
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
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Part II
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Attorney James Wesly Smith is a writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II, detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at
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