African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
SATURDAY- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary
Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!
See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
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Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):
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Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html
Celsus, martyr at Antinoe, Kemet (313 A.D.). Son of Julian.
Aug. 5, (also 8 Jan. probably the same)
Censorianus, martyred with Victor, 28 Jan.
Cerbonius (Cerbonjus-probably the same), Bishop. I was with Regulus, who was a bishop and martyr, one of the 220 African bishops driven and exiled by the Vandals through the authority of King Thrasamund, 496- 523 A.D. I sailed with Saint Regulus and Felix to Tuscany at Populonia (Piombino). I lived a hermit’s life. I had to bury Regulus. 1 Sept.
Cerontius, Januarius, Saturninus, Successus, Julius
Chaeremon of Alexandria. Oct. 5 martyr
Chaeremon, Gaius, Faustus, and Eusebius of Alexandria (3rd century), Martyrs. 4 Oct.
Chaermon, Lucius, and Companions with Titus and Flavius, martyrs.
Chaermon, Bishop, and Others, martyrs
Chariton, monk at Tiberiopolis (361 A.D. 362 A.D.) martyr, 28 Nov.
Chenoufe (Shenuf) with my brothers, martyred in Kemet, 4 Oct.
Cherimon (Chaeremon) of Kemet (Egypt) Sept. 6
Cherimon (Chaeremon, Chearemon), monk, of Kemet (4th century). 16 Aug. (Probably the same as CHEREMON, I was found dead, sitting in a chair. My work—working for God till the end- was still clutched by my hands).
Chrispina (Crispinal), martyr,
Christopher the Sabaite, 14 April
Chronides of Alexandria, Sept. 13 martyr,
Chrysanthus Eunuchus of Queen Candace at Ethiopia, the Finance Minister who was reading Isaiah, when converted by Philip the Apostle.
Chrysogonus with Verocianus, martyred in Africa, 22 Nov.
Cittinus, Seperatus, Narzalea, Veturius, Acllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda. We are the Scillitan Martyrs. We were caught at Africa Proconsularis, Carthage, two trials, we authorities ordered us beheaded 17 July 180 A.D. under the authority of Vigellius. He was the first persecutor of Christians in Northwestern Africa. 17 July
Cirmidol of Kemet, martyr 18 Oct.
Claudianus (I had my legs whacked off), martyred with Victorinus, Victor the Ninivite, Ninivita, Nicoforus, Diodorus (I was burned alive) Dioscorus, Serapion (I was beheaded). Martyred in Kemet. Some confusion exists to actually where we were martyred. 24 Feb. 27 April in some Menology, 25 Feb. in others, Roman Martyrology says we were martyred at Diospolis, Kemet, 284 A.D.
Claudianus with Saturinus, Primus, Flavianus, Asterius, Carus, and Satur. We were martyred in Africa, 25 Oct.; Faustinus with Catulinus with Salunus. Martyred in Africa, 23 April. (Probably the same Salunus, martyr in Africa, 24 April)
Claudianus with Victor martyred in Hieropolis. 24 Oct.
Claudius with Stephen. Martyred in Africa, 3 Dec.
Claudius, martyr in Africa, Kemet with Victorinus, 5 April
Claudius, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Kemet (251 A.D.), martyr. 31 Jan.
Clement of Alexandria, I am Titus Flavius Clemens. I lived from 150 A.D. to in or about 230 A.D. In my episcopate (administration of the church), I used Platonian philosophy and Christian theology to exegetically show the meanings of Christ crucified. From around 199 A.D. to about 202 A.D. I was headmaster of the famed Catechetical School of Alexandria.
I was a writer of Protrepticus, Paedagogus, and Stromateis. The latter I did not complete.
I taught that we Christians must find out, know, and then practice a moral Christian life, to reach perfection, and thus God.
I said that knowledge and faith were imperative to find out learn, live, and to understand, and thus follow God’s will.
Cleopatra and her son John with martyr Varus in Kemet (307 A.D.), martyr, 19 Oct.
Cluthus. (Clithis?), a physician
Codratus with Ruffinus, and Saturninus. Martyred in Hermopolis, 9 March.
Cointha (Quinta), martyr
Coliondola. Rogatus, martyr in Africa with Catula, Autus, Victorinus, Saturninus, Salitor, Aprilis, Joseph, and 24 March
Colluthus, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Romanus, Saturninus, Pinutus, Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, and Ammonius.
We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, 18 Jan. (Probably the same as Collotus, Recumbens, Rastanus, Sarmatas, Proteas, Orion, Didymus, Plesius, and Aratus. Martyred by beheading for preaching Christ in Northern Kemet with Paul. 18 Jan).
Colluthus, Presbyter (Elder), likewise Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Comasius, martyr at Tiberiopolis (361 A.D. 362 A.D.), 28 Nov.
Comodus, Deacon Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Concordia, and Secundianus, the bishop with Jacobus, Marianus, Marina, Heliodorus, Saturninus, and Silvanus. We were martyred in Africa. 6 May.
Copri, (the monk Copres), with Patermuthius (Petarpemotis), and Alexander, we were martyrs.
Copres, I am called the holy monk of the desert, 80 years of age, and a Presbyter (Elder). I walked across the Nile on occasion with water only coming to his knees. I prayed to God to give a fellow monk three years to amend the monk’s life for transgressions.
In front of a crowd, I argued with a Manichean heretic. The heretic was the better speaker. I devised a test. Both would walk into flames. The one not burned should be believed. I went through the fire unhurt. The Manichean tried to back out. The crowd through him in. He was burned, and thus chased out of the city.
I, Patermuthius, was a 75 years old, Kemetian hermit. I was originally a robber. My follower and converter, (Copri) and I were arraigned by Julian the Apostate. Torture weakened, we were thrown into the furnace with Alexander, a soldier who had converted. 4th century, 9 July, 17 Dec.
Copres, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).
Black Saint Videos
Part I
Part II
Black Saints Videos
Black Saints Videos
Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!
Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.
Message from Jesus to Fr. Melvin Doucette Thursday December 11, 2008 @6:35 a.m.
Melvin, My brother and friend, I love you and I love all My brothers and sisters. I shower upon you all My Graces and Gifts and fill you with peace. Tomorrow is th Great Feast of My Mother under the Title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico almost five hundred years ago. Within a few years of Her Appearance, over 8 million people came to believe in Me, and entered My Church.
She still plays a great role today in Mexico and in the Americas. Spread Her Devotion everywhere. She will bring all those who are devoted to Her to Me and to the Church! Accept Her as your Mother and She will take care of you.
Today you will end My Novena For World Peace, which you carried out under Her Intercession. I was with you each day during this Novena and My Mother was also present. She is your Mother who loves you all as Her children. I bless you and I want you all close to Me and My Mother. Your Jesus of Mercy
2nd Vision to littlest of servants December 11, 2008
While praying in Church this morning after Mass I received the following vision.
I saw a major city and smoke was coming from several skyscrapers from what looked like terrorist attacks.
I then saw a huge wall of water rising and covering the entire city destroying it completely.
I then saw that there was nothing left, all the buildings were gone it was complete devastation.
JESUS then spoke and told me that this city was Chicago and that the city would be destroyed by both terrorist attacks and water.
That we needed to pray, pray, pray especially the ROSARY AND THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET.
Medjugorje Day By Day Dec 14 - LEARNING TO LOVE
These are words of Fr. Slavko from 5/18/85:
"Why fast? You can find a lot of reading on fasting, but I am telling you: just start. Fasting is like prayer, it is a duty for us as Christians because both Jesus, Mary and all the saints fasted. And St. Francis, do you know how many days he fasted? This fasting means: living on bread alone for a whole day.
This is very important, because one then gradually learns to live a simple life, one begins to realize that we have sufficient, that we do not have to worry, and to be anxious, and besides this, it is also a help to resist our continual longing always to have more. But the best thing to do is: start fasting, and then you will see. But in order to fast more easily, it is necessary also to pray. "
"We look forward to celebrating the first coming of Jesus at Christmas. We look forward with hope to the second coming of Jesus in his glory. We seek out Jesus here and now in the Mass, when he comes to us in the Eucharist" (Fr. Richard Veras).
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"We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors.... but they all have to learn to live in the same box."
Mother Teresa -
May we all have hearts overflowing with love as a reflection of God's love. God's love is what can save our families, our country, and the world.
Padre Pio - He who attaches himself to the earth remains attached to it. It is better to detach oneself little by little instead of all at once. Let us always think of Heaven.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - True tolerance extends love and patience
"There can be another form of tolerance which is right, such as one inspired by true charity or love of God. Even though the virtuous may hold absolutely to their philosophy of life, they do so, not because they look down on the views of others as not as good as their own, but because their own beliefs are so real to them that they would not have anyone else hold them with less reason, less love and less devotion."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -Once, the Lord said to me, My daughter, take the graces that others spurn; take as many as you can carry. At that moment, my soul was inundated with the love of God. I feel that I am united with the Lord so closely that I cannot find words to express that union; in this state I suddenly feel that all the things God has, all the goods and treasures, are mine, although I set little store by them, for He alone is enough for me. In Him I see my everything; without Him-nothing.
I look for no happiness beyond my own interior where God dwells. I rejoice that God dwells within me; here I abide with Him unendingly; it is here that my greatest intimacy with Him exists; here I dwell with Him in safety; here is a place not probed by the human eye. The Blessed Virgin encourages me to commune with God in this way. (454)
The day of the renewal of vows. At the beginning of Holy Mass, I saw Jesus in the usual way. He blessed us and then entered the tabernacle. Then I saw the Mother of God in a white garment and blue mantle, with her head uncovered. She approached me from the altar, touched me with her hands and covered me with her mantle, saying, Offer these vows for Poland. Pray for her. (468)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day Just as we can never separate asceticism from mysticism, so in St. John of the Cross we find darkness and light, suffering and joy, sacrifice and love united together so closely that they seem at times to be identified. -Thomas Merton
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
During Advent of 1984 Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children, you know that the day of joy is approaching but without love you will receive little. First, then, start loving your family and everyone in the parish; then you will be able to love and accept all those who come here. Let these seven days be a week of learning to love.
This Christmas will be unforgettable if you follow me. Disconnect your television sets and radios, and begin God's program: meditation, prayer, reading the Gospels. Prepare yourselves with faith; then, having understood love, your life will be filled with happiness (Weekly Message Dec 13, 1984).
The Blessed Virgin says, not surpassingly, that love is the whole context of Christmas, "the season of Joy", and it is prepared for simply by loving first or own family, and then our neighbor. "Learn to love", she urges us. But how? Today's reading from John's gospel is telling: "They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them."
Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is that you will reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?" Jesus answered him, "Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." (Jn 14:21-23).
How then "to learn to love"? Christ first speaks to us of keeping his commandments, of being fair and decent with all people. Second, his appeal to "love one another as I loved you" (Jn 15:12) means that Jesus' own life is our primary example for learning to live. Like him, loving means to help, to heal, to enlighten, and above all, to love even sacrificially, as his own life testifies.
The Gospels, then, which relate the life of Christ, are a canvas on which is painted the many hues and shades of his love. Our Lady asks that we carefully examine that portrait, and with her messages to help us, to live out her Son's love in our own lives.
Spend some time today reflecting on how you see Jesus loving in the Gospels. What were his actions of love? His words of love? How can I imitate his love in my own life? What action or word of love can I give to another today?
Medjugorje Day By Day Dec 13 - PREPARE YOUR HEARTS
Listen to "Mary did you know" at
"Guadalupe itself is now a world famous shrine visited by some 20 million pilgrims a year. The miraculous image, displayed above the high altar of the basilica, appears to look down adoringly on the tabernacled Lord below. The adjoining Adoration Chapel attracts large numbers, including many adorers making the Holy Hour . . . . The grace of the Lord's sacramental presence reaches far and wide." (Mary and The Eucharist, Fr. Richard Foley, S.J.)
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Mother Teresa -
Every human being comes from the hand of God, and we all know something of God's love for us.
Meditations by Padre Pio - It is by means of trials that God binds to Him the souls He loves.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Tolerance can take its toll
"Tolerance is not right when its basic principle is a denial of truth and goodness and when it asserts that it makes no difference whether murder is a blessing or a crime, or whether a child should be taught to steal or to respect the rights of others."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. From early morning, I felt the nearness of the Blessed Mother. During Holy Mass, I saw her, so lovely and so beautiful that I have no words to express even a small part of this beauty. She was all [in] white, with a blue sash around her waist. Her cloak was also blue, and there was a crown on her head. Marvelous light streamed forth from Her whole figure.
I am the Queen of heaven and earth, but especially the Mother of your [Congregation]. She pressed me to her heart and said, I feel constant compassion for you. I felt the force of her Immaculate Heart which was communicated to my soul. Now I understand why I have been preparing for this feast for two months and have been looking forward to it with such yearning.
From today onwards, I am going to strive for the greatest purity of soul, that the rays of God's grace may be reflected in all their brilliance. I long to be a crystal in order to find favor in His eyes. (805)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
During Advent of 1986, the Blessed Virgin spoke of purifying our hearts:
Dear children, today I invite you to prepare your hearts, for in these days the Lord wants above all to purify you from all the sins of your past. You cannot do it alone, dear children, and for that reason I am here to help you. Pray, dear children, for this is the only way in which you can know all the evil that dwells in you, and can then abandon it to the Lord. Then he can purify your hearts completely. So, dear children, pray constantly and prepare your hearts through penance and fasting (Weekly Message Dec 4, 1986).
The Gospa's message of purification and repentance is echoed in the Book of Daniel:
I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, "O Lord, great and awesome God, keeping covenant and steadfast love with those who love you and keep your commandments and ordinances" (Dn 9:4-5).
Both of our readings today speak of sin and repentance, appropriate topics for Advent, when we seek to prepare ourselves in a special way for the birth of Christ. However, Our Lady makes a distinction between what we can do and what we cannot. It is our responsibility to prepare our hearts for purification through prayer, fasting, and penance; but it is in the work of Christ to actually purify the hearts that have opened to him.
The process is similar to the sacrament of penance; we are the ones who acknowledge our sins, express sorrow and atone for them through penance. However, Jesus Christ is the one who actually forgives the sins. We can only dispose ourselves to receive his gift. As we prepare our hearts for God's purification, we can be assured of the help of Our Lady, who promises to do just that in today's message.
Simply put into practice the Madonna's message today on how to prepare your heart for Christ's purifying touch.
Medjugorje Day By Day Dec 12 - OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE
St. Juan Diego, Visionary of Guadalupe, Mexico (1474-1548)—December 9
"A peasant named Juan Diego saw before him, on the rugged slopes of Tepeyac hill, the Virgin Mary bathed in supernatural radiance. `I ardently desire'' she said, `that a church be built here.' Right from the start, then, God's
mother indicated the Eucharistic orientation of her mission. Very significantly, too, Juan Diego was at the time making his way to Mass" (Fr. Richard Foley, S.J.).
Mother Teresa -
Let's not live distracted lives.
Let us know ourselves so that we can better understand our brothers and sisters. If we want to understand those with whom we live, we need to understand ourselves first of all.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
To doubt is the greatest insult to the Divinity.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Treat your arguers with love
"The attitude to take toward those who differ with us. The answer is charity, love, benevolence and a recognition of the sincerity of motives and honesty of purposes of others. Sometimes this is called tolerance, but tolerance can be bad as well as good."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -August 5, 1935. The Feast of Our Lady of Mercy. I prepared for this feast with greater zeal than in previous years. On the morning of the feast itself, I experienced an inner struggle at the thought that I must leave this Congregation which enjoys such special protection from Mary. This struggle lasted through the meditation and through the first Mass as well.
During the second Mass, I turned to our Holy Mother, telling Her that it was difficult for me to separate myself from this Congregation... "which is under Your special protection, O Mary." Then I saw the Blessed Virgin, unspeakably beautiful. She came down from the altar to my kneeler, held me close to herself and said to me, I am Mother to you all, thanks to the unfathomable mercy of God.
Most pleasing to me is that soul which faithfully carries out the will of God. She gave me to understand that I had faithfully fulfilled the will of God and had thus found favor in His eyes. Be courageous. Do not fear apparent obstacles, but fix your gaze upon the Passion of My Son, and in this way you will be victorious. (449)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day When shall it be that we shall taste the sweetness of the Divine Will in all that happens to us, considering in everything only His good pleasure, by whom it is certain that adversity is sent with as much love as prosperity, and as much for our good? When shall we cast ourselves undeservedly into the arms of our most loving Father in Heaven, leaving to Him the care of ourselves and of our affairs, and reserving only the desire of pleasing Him, and of serving Him well in all that we can? -St. Jane Frances de Chantal Today in History
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
On this feast of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, patroness of the Americas, it is fitting that we reflect on a message that was actually given in America, to Marija, in January of 1989:
Dear Children, today I am calling you to the way of holiness. Pray that you may comprehend the beauty and the greatness of this way. Pray that you may be open to everything that God is doing through each one of you. I give you my blessing (Monthly Message Jan. 25, 1989).
St. Paul takes up the theme of holiness as well in his letter to the Thessalonians:
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you know how to control you own body in holiness and honor, not lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; that no one wrong or exploit a brother or sister in this matter, because the Lord's an avenger in all these things, just as we have already told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God did not call you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God did not call us to impurity but in holiness (1 Thes 4:3-7).
Today Our lady strikes a familiar theme, that of holiness, or godliness. She calls us to "the way of holiness", and advises us to pray "so that [we] may comprehend the beauty and the greatness of this way", which is, of course, the living of her messages, the living of the gospel.
"It is God's will", St. Paul writes today, "that you grow in holiness: that you abstain from immorality, each of you guarding himself in sanctity and honor." Holiness, then , is attainable; it truly God's will for us, and it is the fruit of deep faith. As we see in Guadeloupe's visionary, Juan Diego, holiness is often the great virtue of the humble and the poor.
On this feast day, let us pray that Our Lady of the Americas will guide us down this path, and that we might take to heart the advice of St. Paul:" Strive for peace with all men, and for that holiness without which no one can see the Lord" (Heb 12:14).
Holiness is not understood so much in reading about it as in actually seeing it in another person. Today call to mind a person you feel to be holy. What qualities do you admire in him or her? Which can you imitate?
Message to J.N.S.R. September 18,2008
The Eternal One speaks to us
September 18, 2008
THE ETERNAL ONE: The Lord is the Master of all destinies.
I created the world for your enjoyment, the Earth for your refuge.
Man has left his stead to Wolves.
And the Wolves, famished for pride, have devoured Life.
After them, the Earth lost much of its worth.
The cries of some, the terror of others
have turned it into an abandoned widow
who has lost her children who cannot now console her,
nor her resources that might attract them.
Tired of it all, she cried to Heaven:
"What have I done Lord, to have come so low?"
- You only gave until you were exhausted.
They will soon have only the rubbish to hide themselves
and My Wisdom to judge them.
I extended My Hand to them and they disdained it.
I brought you the Knowledge of My Word
which bears in itself the Fear of the Eternal One.
You have not held on to My Teachings;
nor did you obey My Commandments.
You refused My Counsel.
Whenever I opened the door of My Knowledge,
unconcerned and contemptuous, you have closed it .
With your laughter and your complacency, you have replaced Me,
with that accursed money of which I said to you:
"Push it away from you before it pushes you away from Me."
And you have sheltered it in your hearts,
believing that without it, you could not survive.
Substituting itself for God, it brings wretchedness,
it stresses many types of hunger and destroys the Intelligence of the hearts.
It is Division and Malediction.
Of its partisans, it turns them into enemies of Mine.
The Eternal One upholds the humble,
on His Mountain, He gathers them and makes them His friends.
As He did long ago, He satisfies their hunger with His Bread,
with one simple Multiplication.
Faith is the Gift of God.
God the Eternal One. †
"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of
God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father
through His Divine Son who died on the cross and
rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the
Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain
from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here
state your intention)."
Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.
Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!
BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Part I
Part II
Part I
Part II
For further information:
Black, African Saints
Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations
Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations
Black Saints Videos Part I
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
Part II
YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast
James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com
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