Lear 56,000 or more Black Saints and martyrs int he early African Church,
See www.booklocker.com/3088
The Rev. Fr. Melvin
Doucette, M.Afr.
November 27, 2011
Resurrection of Jesus
Dear Friends,
At daybreak on the first day of the week the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were puzzling over this, behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground. They said to them, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.
Remember what he said to you while he was still in Galilee, that the Son
of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third
day." And they remembered his words. Then they returned from the tomb and
announced all these things to the eleven and to all the others. The women were
Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James; the others who accompanied
them also told this to the apostles, but their story seemed like nonsense and
they did not believe them. But Peter got up and ran to the tomb, bent down, and
saw the burial cloths alone; then he went home amazed at what had happened.
from the Gospel of St. Luke 24:1-12)
Today is the First Sunday of Advent as we begin our preparation for Christmas. We are today entering a new period in the liturgical calendar of the Church. Tomorrow I will leave for Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, in order to take the plane on Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. The next day I will be in the Holy Land, where Jesus was born and were He lived and died. I already spent three months in Israel in the past. I was able to take time with our group to visit many places. I spent a whole week in Nazareth for example and visited many places all around this town. I will be back on December 9. Please remember me and the whole group I will be traveling with for ten days.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"Rejoice, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world. Remember I came back to life on Sunday and that is why Sunday is the Day of the Lord for My followers. I had announced that I would suffer and die and be buried but on the third day I would rise from the dead never to die again. All Christians will remember this great event with joy because, through My resurrection, I showed that I had conquered everything and that I was truly the Son of God. My resurrection is the great proof that what I have taught the Apostles, what I had foretold them was the truth. Only a divine person could bring about such a great miracle and in fact that is what I am.
Come, My brothers and sisters, and believe in Me with all your heart. Know that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who put on human nature and lived among you. I experienced everything that a human person experiences but I never committed any sin. I am an example to you and the one who can strengthen you. I am your Savior."
Father Melvin
Today is the First Sunday of Advent as we begin our preparation for Christmas. We are today entering a new period in the liturgical calendar of the Church. Tomorrow I will leave for Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, in order to take the plane on Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. The next day I will be in the Holy Land, where Jesus was born and were He lived and died. I already spent three months in Israel in the past. I was able to take time with our group to visit many places. I spent a whole week in Nazareth for example and visited many places all around this town. I will be back on December 9. Please remember me and the whole group I will be traveling with for ten days.
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"Rejoice, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world. Remember I came back to life on Sunday and that is why Sunday is the Day of the Lord for My followers. I had announced that I would suffer and die and be buried but on the third day I would rise from the dead never to die again. All Christians will remember this great event with joy because, through My resurrection, I showed that I had conquered everything and that I was truly the Son of God. My resurrection is the great proof that what I have taught the Apostles, what I had foretold them was the truth. Only a divine person could bring about such a great miracle and in fact that is what I am.
Come, My brothers and sisters, and believe in Me with all your heart. Know that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who put on human nature and lived among you. I experienced everything that a human person experiences but I never committed any sin. I am an example to you and the one who can strengthen you. I am your Savior."
Father Melvin
From: "Immaculee Ilibagiza" <lefttotell@ymail.com>
If you are having trouble viewing this message, please go to http://community.icontact.com/p/immaculee/newsletters/immaculee/posts/november-28-heavens-arms-will-be-opened-to-you
November 28 - Heaven’s Arms Will Be Opened To You
This November 28, 2011, will be the 30th anniversary of Mary’s first visit to Kibeho, Rwanda. Please remember to ask for her help and protection. She listens to you no matter where you are. Many blessings are offered on her feast day. She is our Mother—a treasure Jesus gave us while He was on the cross, to love and assist us!
Throughout history, Mary has come to visit earth, bringing us
messages and blessings from God for our own good. Kibeho is not the
first place Mary has visited.
In Fatima, in 1917, under the title "The
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary," she appeared to 3 children: Jacinta,
Francisco and Lucia. She requested that we pray the rosary every day
for peace—peace in our lives and in the world. In testament in support
of the seriousness of Our Lady’s messages, God allowed Jacinta’s body to
become incorrupt. To this day you can still see her body in Fatima.
In Lourdes, where Our Lady appeared as well, the body of visionary
Bernadette was also found incorrupt years later. Mary came under the
title "I am the Immaculee Conception." She requested that we convert our
hearts and pray for sinners. Before she left, a healing spring erupted
at the place of the apparitions; it is still there to this day and
millions have been healed of spiritual and physical sicknesses through
that water.
In Guadalupe, Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego as "Our Lady of
Guadalupe." Our Lady told him the words I keep dearly at heart,
especially when I find myself worrying. His unclear was dying "…Am I
not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not
your health? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by
anything. Do not be afflicted by the illness of your uncle, who will not
die now of it. Be assured that he is now cured." In the same place,
Our Lady left a miraculous image of herself on a cloth called a "tilma"
that Juan Diego was wearing. It has been more than 500 years since that
miracle but the cloth and the picture are still intact. [...]
Hers is a voice of a mother speaking to her children with unfathomable love and concern for their well-being.
In Kibeho, she warned us about the genocide and she tried to
prevent it. In those apparitions, she said "My message does not concern
only Rwanda, not just Africa, but the whole world." In all of her
messages, what I remember most is her incredible tender LOVE and
affection she has for each one of us. On Nov. 28, especially remember
this love, and entrust your families, children, loved ones, projects,
health, and future to Her. Heaven’s arms will be opened to you.
Immaculee Ilibagiza | PO Box 4075 | New York, NY 10163
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Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 27 - YOU ARE MINE
Message of November 25, 2007
"Dear children!
Today, when you celebrate Christ, the King of all that is created, I
desire for Him to be the King of your lives. Only through giving,
little children, can you comprehend the gift of Jesus´ sacrifice on the
Cross for each of you.
Little children, give time to God that He may transform you and
fill you with His grace, so that you may be a grace for others. For you,
little children, I am a gift of grace and love, which comes from God
for this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Message of November 25, 2005
"Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until
prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special
way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith
will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you.
Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love
you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
"The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble because it has
God as its object; it is the most profitable for salvation, because It
gives us the Author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is
Sweetness Itself." (Pope St. Pius X)
Mother Teresa -
Through prayer I become one in love with Christ. I realize that praying to Him is loving Him.
For me, prayer means being united to the will of God twenty four hours a day, to live for Him, through Him, and with Him.
Through prayer I become one in love with Christ. I realize that praying to Him is loving Him.
For me, prayer means being united to the will of God twenty four hours a day, to live for Him, through Him, and with Him.
Meditations by Padre Pio - We must become accustomed to the
sufferings which Jesus will be pleased to send us. Jesus, who cannot
bear to keep you in a state of affliction at length, will come to help
and comfort you, by instilling new courage in your spirit.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Blessed are the merciful!
"Humility as it relates to others is a golden mean between blind
reverence on the one hand and an overbearing insolence on the other.
Humble people are not rigid exacters of things to which they have no
undoubted right; they are always ready to overlook faults of others
knowing that they have so many themselves. Neither are they greatly
provoked at those slights which put vain persons out of patience,
knowing that as we show mercy to others so shall we receive mercy from
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html
- When, at the beginning of my religious life, following the novitiate,
I began to exercise myself particularly in humility, the humiliations
that God sent me were not enough for me. And so, in my excessive zeal, I
looked for more of them on my own, and I often represented myself to my
superiors other than I was in reality and spoke of miseries of which I
had no notion. But a short time later, Jesus gave me to know that
humility is only the truth. From that time on, I changed my ideas,
faithfully following the light of Jesus. I learned that if a soul is
with Jesus, He will not permit it to err. (1503)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Our Lady gave this message of warmth to the two young locutionists:
I hold all of you in my arms. You are mine. I need your prayers so
that you may be all mine. I desire to be all yours and for you to be all
mine. I receive all your prayers. I receive them with joy (Locutionists
Jelena & Mirijana February 23, 1984).
And from Psalm 4:
I will both lie down and sleep in peace; For you alone, O Lord, made me lie down in safety.
Psalm 4:8
The Blessed Mother gives such assurance. She will place bread in
our hands tonight. It will be there tomorrow. What we have to hold onto
is her Son. We can be at peace.
In Psalm 23 we hear, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
Other translations say, "The Lord is my shepherd, therefore I shall lack
nothing." Our faith is based upon trusting the Shepherd, resting in his
arms, and knowing that we will be nourished and fed. We are safe with
the bread of trust in our hands.
"I hold all of you in my arms," the Mother of God says today. "You
are mine. I need your prayers so that you may be all mine." Today, offer
all your prayers to Mary for her intentions.
I do not reveal dates
Sunday, November 27th, 2011 @ 03:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter you must keep calm and composed and place all your trust in Me.
The time for The Warning is almost here and you must be patient. Pray My daughter that all of humanity can be saved through My gift.
Please do not guess dates for I have told you many times that I do not reveal dates.
They are not for your knowing. Be patient. The time for the Warning will be according to My Holy Will.
Place all your trust in me and leave everything in My hands.
Your beloved Jesus
Daily Messages to Maria of Divine Mercy
Sunday, November 27th, 2011 @ 03:49 pm
Maria Divine Mercy would like to make it clear that while she receives daily messages and uploads the majority of them there are a number which are not for publication. This is why there are days and gaps where no message is upload. We hope this answers people’s queries.
Fr. Doucette: 872] Sat, Nov 26, 2011: Our Blessed Mother at the Cross of Jesus
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Our Blessed Mother at the Cross of Jesus
Dear Friends,
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares, a share for each soldier. They also took his tunic, but the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece from the top down. So they said to one another, "Let's not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it will be," in order that the passage of scripture might be fulfilled that says: "They divided my garments among them, and for my vesture they cast lots." This is what the soldiers did. Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. (Passage from the Gospel of St. John 19:23-27)
(Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words:)
"As the Gospels reveal, I followed My Son, Jesus, along the Way of the Cross right up to the place of His Crucifixion. My Heart was in great agony at seeing Him in such suffering. He was bleeding all over His body and was very weak as He fell three times on the way to Calvary. I met Him at one point and tears came to My eyes to see Him in such horrible pain. When He was nailed to the cross, I stood very near the cross and I thought I would die from seeing Him in such torture. The words of Simeon in the Temple, when we brought the Baby Jesus to offer Him to the Father, were indeed fulfilled.
My dear son Melvin and all My sons and daughters living all over the world, I want you to contemplate the last words of Jesus addressed to Me and the Apostle John before He died. My Son, Jesus, told Me, 'Woman behold your son,' and to John He said, 'Behold, your Mother.' These are very important words as the Apostle John stood for every one of you. With these words I became your Mother for all eternity. You are My dear sons and daughters whom I love with all My heart. As My children I pray for you all the time that you will have the graces and strength to follow Jesus, My Son, so that one day you will be with us in heaven. Remember, your Savior is My Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for you to atone for your sins and to open heaven for you all. Remain close to Him."
Father Melvin
Holy Love November 25, 2011
November 25, 2011
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today there is much commotion over a special shopping day termed 'Black Friday'. People race to the stores to stock up on material goods. The stores accommodate the mood of the season by opening long and unprecedented hours in order to gain more profit."
"But I come to invite you to open your hearts to the storehouse of grace available to you in every present moment. There are no special hours in which you are allowed to patronize this storehouse - the door to grace is always open. All that you gain can be taken with you into eternity. No grace given in the present moment will be the wrong size or color. Each present moment offers the perfect gift of deeper holiness and salvation."
"Do not be, then, so much a part of the hustle and bustle of the world and its allurements during this season."
"Pause and take time to reflect upon the storehouse of grace in the present moment. This is the perfect present."
(second message
November 25, 2011
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, as the season of Advent approaches, I desire that you take into your own hearts My own special intention; that is, that every heart open to Holy Love; then you would have peace in the world."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 26 - SURRENDER YOURSELVES TO ME
Message of November 25, 2006
"Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray. Little
children, when you pray you are close to God and He gives you the
desire for eternity. This is a time when you can speak more about God
and do more for God. Therefore, little children, do not resist but
permit Him to lead you, to change you and to enter into your life. Do
not forget that you are travelers on the way toward eternity.
Therefore, little children, permit God to lead you as a shepherd leads
his flock. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Honor in Mary, at the foot of the Tabernacle, all the mysteries of her life,
for all these were stations, as it were, leading to the Cenacle. In Mary's
life there you will find the model and the consolation of your own life. In
the Cenacle, this august Queen kneels as adoratrix and servant of the Most
Blessed Sacrament: kneel at your Mother's side and pray with her, and in so doing, you will continue her Eucharistic Life on earth." (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
Dear Friends,
I would like to share with you some quotes from Fr. Zlatko Sudac, and Mirjana Soldo regarding the importance of living in this present moment.
In the 1999 Winter issue of Medjugorje Magazine, Fr. Zlatko, who belongs to the diocese of Krk in Croatia, was interviewed by the editors of Medjugorje Magazine. Here are some excerpts from that interview:
"...God does not love you in the past or in the future. He only loves you right now. If you always live in the past or in the future, you will never experience the love of God."
"...I asked myself and I ask you, 'Do I ever live in this moment? Do I ever live in this present moment?' I understood that the answer was no. I always feel guilt about the past and I carry concern in my heart about the future. It's the truth that I don't live in the present moment. But God is an experience of now. God is something to experience now. You can immerse yourself in Him only in this present moment."
"You're seeking spirituality. Do you know how to tell how spiritual you are? When the amount of your spirituality is equivalent to the amount of truth which you can endure about yourself without escaping it, this is a sign of deep spirituality. That's how transformation of the heart happens. Only truth can free us. And then we'll be true adorers of the Lord. We will adore the Lord in spirit and in truth."
Take care and God bless, Mike (Sumner, WA) - from http://www.iipg-queenofpeace.org
(1800 members)
As the family was sitting down to dinner, Jennifer, who was in kindergarten at a Christian school, turned to her younger brother and then pointed at their dad. "That's not your real father," she said, startling the whole family.
"Yes, he is!" Andy said.
"No, he's not," Jennifer said. "God is your heavenly father." Then pointing at their dad again, she said, "That's your homely father!"
Mother Teresa -
Who is the church? You and I.
The church are those who follow Jesus.
Meditations by Padre Pio - There are such sublime joys and such deep sufferings that words cannot express them. Silence is the last resort of the soul in ineffable joy as in extreme oppression.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
No one is better than the next!
"The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil than we, we falsely believe that we are somehow better `than the rest of men' (Luke 18: 11)."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
However, I asked my confessor what to do: whether I should continue to suffer this for the sake of sinners or ask the superiors for an exception by way of milder food. He decided that I should ask the superiors for milder food. And thus I followed his directions, seeing that this humiliation was more pleasing to God. (1429)
Today, the love of God is transporting me into the other world. I am all immersed in love; I love and feel that I am loved, and with full consciousness I experience this. My soul is drowning in the Lord, realizing the great Majesty of God and its own littleness; but through this knowledge my happiness increases... This awareness is so vivid in the soul, so powerful and, at the same time, so sweet. (1500)
I never cringe before anyone. I can't bear flattery, for humility is nothing but the truth. There is no cringing in true humility. Although I consider myself the least in the whole convent, on the other hand, I enjoy the honor of being the bride of Christ. Little matter that often I hear people say that I am proud, for I know that human judgment does not discern the motives for our actions. (1502)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today Our Lady speaks of one of the primary messages of Medjugorje:
Dear children, I wish to tell you that I have chosen this parish. I guard it in my hands like a little flower that does not want to die.
I beseech you to surrender yourselves to me so that I can present you as a gift to God, fresh and without sin. Satan has destroyed part of my plan and wants to possess all of it. Pray that he does not succeed, for I wish you for myself so that I may continue offering you to God (Weekly Message August 1, 1985).
And from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians:
For whoever was called in the Lord as a slave is a freed person belonging to the Lord, just as whoever was free when called is a slave of Christ (1 Cor 7:22).
There is glory and joy in surrender to God. When we surrender to other masters we are crushed, shamed, and defeated. But when we give our lives over to God, we are glorified and find victory. An unknown poet knew the honor in this submission: "Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free."
When we abandon ourselves totally to God, we stand before him with nothing: nothing more, nothing less, and nothing other than his Divine Will. Richard Baxter, a great religious writer, died with these words on his lips: "Lord, what you will, where you will, and when you will."
When we submit to God's complete and total control, we become "God-intoxicated", filled with his own life. There is no other way but the way of abandonment and surrender, as the Virgin emphasizes today. It can be hard, but it is essential to a fulfilled life.
In prayer today, live Our Lady's message: "I beseech you to surrender yourselves your selves to me, so that I can present you a gift to God."
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Friday, November 25, 2011The Sentence of Death
Dear Friends,
Pilate then summoned the chief priests, the rulers, and the people and said to them, "You brought this man to me and accused him of inciting the people to revolt. I have conducted my investigation in your presence and have not found this man guilty of the charges you have brought against him, nor did Herod, for he sent him back to us. So no capital crime has been committed by him. Therefore I shall have him flogged and then release him." But all together they shouted out, "Away with this man! Release Barabbas to us."
Now Barabbas had been imprisoned for a rebellion that had taken place in the city and for murder. Again Pilate addressed them, still wishing to release Jesus, but they continued their shouting, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
Pilate addressed them a third time, "What evil has this man done? I found him guilty of no capital crime. Therefore I shall have him flogged and then release him." With loud shouts, however, they persisted in calling for his crucifixion, and their voices prevailed. The verdict of Pilate was that their demand should be granted. So he released the man who had been imprisoned for rebellion and murder, for whom they asked, and he handed Jesus over to them to deal with as they wished. (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 23:13-25).
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world, to take time today and every day to come to contemplation with Me. See what I have suffered during My Passion. I was taken to Pilate, the Governor of the Jewish State, and although he did not find that I had committed any crime, he still condemned Me to death because of the insistence of the people who were prompted by the chief priests and the elders and scribes. They shouted very loud these words against Me, 'Crucify Him! Crucify Him!' So at the end I was sentenced to death on the cross. This was indeed the first Good Friday.
On this Friday, My friends, I would like you to take time and look at the crucifix and see how I suffered with nails piercing My hands and My feet. I hung there for three hours and then died. I agreed to offer Myself in sacrifice to God the Father for your salvation. My suffering shows how horrible sin is that it caused Me so much pain and at the end death.
Come and repent of all your sins and make your commitment to Me to do all you can with the help of My grace to avoid sin in the future. I bless you all."
Father MelvinThe Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Thursday, November 24, 2011Jesus before the Sanhedrin
Dear Friends,
When day came the council of elders of the people met, both chief priests and scribes, and they brought Jesus before their Sanhedrin. They said, "If you are the Messiah, tell us," but Jesus replied to them, "If I tell you, you will not believe, and if I question, you will not respond. But from this time on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God." They all asked, "Are you then the Son of God?" Jesus replied to them, "You say that I am." Then they said, "What further need have we for testimony? We have heard it from his own mouth." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 22:66-71)
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I bless you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters spread throughout the world. During My Passion I was taken early on the first Good Friday to stand before the Sanhedrin, the council of elders, and to answer questions. They wanted to know if I was the Messiah, the Savior of the world. I knew they would not believe if I told them I was the Messiah. Then they asked Me another question, 'Are you the Son of God?' I answered that I was the Son of God. At that they agreed to bring Me to Pilate and have Me condemned to death.
My friends, you are Christians and you believe with all your heart that I am indeed the Son of God, the Savior of the world. That was the purpose why I came on earth sent by My Father. I accepted to suffer and die on the cross for your salvation. I call you all to believe in Me all the days of your life. I want to live in your heart and give you all the graces and strength that you need to conquer sin and to follow Me. Do not be afraid to suffer because of Me. I am always there to help you. I am your Brother who loves you."
Father MelvinThe Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Tuesday, November 22, 2011The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Dear Friends,
While Jesus was still speaking, a crowd approached and in front was one of the Twelve, a man named Judas. He went up to Jesus to kiss him. Jesus said to him, "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" His disciples realized what was about to happen, and they asked, "Lord, shall we strike with a sword?"
And one of them struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. But Jesus said in reply, "Stop, no more of this!" Then he touched the servant's ear and healed him. And Jesus said to the chief priests and temple guards and elders who had come for him, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?
Day after day I was with you in the temple area, and you did not seize me; but this is your hour, the time for the power of darkness." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 22:47-53)
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I love you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters scattered throughout the world. It was out of love for all of you that I agreed to be arrested, to suffer and to die on the cross for your salvation. What was so painful for Me was that one of the twelve Apostles betrayed Me to the authorities. Judas had lived with Me for about three years and he had seen all the miracles I had done and he had heard all My teachings, and yet he could betray His Savior.
My dear friends, every person who commits grievous sin acts like Judas and insults Me. You turn your backs to Me and cause Me great pain. You know how much I suffered during My Passion and death. Yet I would suffer this all over again to save you because I love you and I want you with Me."
Father Melvin
Wednesday, November 23, 2011Peter's Denial of Jesus
Dear Friends,
After arresting Jesus they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest; Peter was following at a distance. They lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat around it, and Peter sat down with them. When a maid saw him seated in the light, she looked intently at him and said, "This man too was with him." But Peter denied it saying, "Woman, I do not know him." A short while later someone else saw him and said, "You too are one of them"; but Peter answered, "My friend, I am not." About an hour later, still another insisted, "Assuredly, this man too was with him, for he also is a Galilean." But Peter said, "My friend, I do not know what you are talking about." Just as he was saying this, the cock crowed, and the Lord turned and looked at Peter; and Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, "Before the cock crows today, you will deny me three times." He went out and began to weep bitterly. The men who held Jesus in custody were ridiculing and beating him. They blindfolded him and questioned him, saying, "Prophesy! Who is it that struck you?" And they reviled him in saying many other things against him. (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 22:54-65)(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in the world, to join Me in My Passion. I was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and taken to the house of the high priest and there I was mocked, beaten and blindfolded.
Meanwhile Peter was in the courtyard sitting around a fire and three times they said that he was one of the disciples of Jesus. Every time he denied this, saying that he did not know Me. When the cock crowed, then Peter remembered what I had told him at the end of the Last Supper. Then he went out and repented in tears.
My friends, please learn from Peter. He committed sin but when he realized what he had done he cried. You too are sinners but what is important is that you repent of all your sins and I will absolve you through the Sacrament of Penance. I suffered to take away all your sins and so if you are sorry for what you did, all those sins will be taken away. You will indeed be My friend and I will bless you with love and many graces. I love you all."
Father Melvin
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick November 23, 2011
Come to the foot of the altar. Here graces will be showered upon all, great and little, who ask for them. Graces will especially be showered upon those who ask for them." (Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure).
Mother Teresa -Jesus knows the countless hungers of man, and He gives of Himself.
What a gift!
What proof of His love!
What assurance for us!Padre Pio -I hate sin! Our country would be fortunate if, as mother of our rights, it would perfect the laws and customs in the light of honesty and Christian principles.Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
If you want freedom, exercise your free will as God wills"People talk most about their health when they are sick, and most about liberty when they are in danger of losing it. Despite all the pleas for liberty, it must be remembered that every flight from responsibility is a flight from liberty and every denial of personal guilt is also a denial of freedom."St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
Bring to me the meek and humble souls and the souls of little children, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who would keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. Only the humble soul is able to receive My grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence. (1220)O humility, lovely flower, I see how few souls possess you. Is it because you are so beautiful and at the same time so difficult to attain? O yes, it is both the one and the other. Even God takes great pleasure in her. The floodgates of heaven are open to a humble soul, and a sea of graces flows down upon her. O how beautiful is a humble soul! From her heart, as from a censer, rises a varied and most pleasing fragrance which breaks through the skies and reaches God himself, filling His Most Sacred Heart with joy. God refuses nothing to such a soul; she is all-powerful and influences the destiny of the whole world. God raises such a soul up to His very throne, and the more she humbles herself, the more God stoops down to her, pursuing her with His graces and accompanying her at every moment with His omnipotence. Such a soul is most deeply united with God. O humility, strike deep roots in my whole being. O Virgin most pure, but also most humble, help me to attain deep humility. Now I understand why there are so few saints; it is because so few souls are deeply humble. (1306)Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day The Church in Vietnam is alive and vigorous, blessed with strong and faithful bishops, dedicated religious, and courageous and committed lay people... The Church in Vietnam is living out the gospel in a difficult and complex situation with remarkable persistence and strength. -Statement of three U.S. archbishops returning from Vietnam in January 1989Today's Tidbit The word "Christ" comes from a Greek translation of the Hebrew term "Messiah." This title of Jesus means the "anointed of God."
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
NOV 24 - CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARYGiven to the young locutionists, Jelena and Mirijana:I give you my heart. Accept it! I do not wish to distress you, nor to stop talking to you, but know that I cannot stay always with you. You must realize this. In the meantime, I wish to be constantly with you, with the heart. It is necessary to pray a great deal, and not to say, "If we have not prayed today, it is nothing serious" (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana October 29, 1983).And from Luke's gospel:But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart (Lk 2:19).
Reflection:Our Lady had spoken of her heart and her love for us many times in Medjugorje. "Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart," she said in August of 1983. And in December of the same year: "Tomorrow [Feast of the Immaculate Conception] will be a truly blessed day for you, if every moment is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart." "My heart is full of grace and love. My heart is the gift I give you," she said in June of 1987. There is great peace as well as great power in the consecration, for as we give our hearts and lives to the Blessed Mother, she gives her own life and all that this entails to us.
Application:Putting Our Lady's words into action, let us now consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart, using the prayer she dictated to Jelena for that purpose:O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing with goodness, show us your love. May the flame of your heart, O Mary, descend upon all people. We love you so very much. Impress true love in our hearts. May our hearts yearn for you. O Mary, sweet and humble of heart. Remember us even when we sin. You know that we are all sinners. Through your most sacred and motherly heart, heal us of every spiritual illness. Make us capable of realizing the beauty of your maternal heart, and in this way, may we be converted by the flame of your heart. Amen
Holy Love Nov.24, 2011
November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving Day (U.S.A.)
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today, My brothers and sisters, I have come to express My sincere thanks to all those instrumental in moving this Ministry forward. I address each one who works here or propagates the Messages or even just believes in the Messages. I speak most especially to those who pray for the Mission. Each one of you is a vital link in the coming of the New Jerusalem."
"I am thankful for all of you who believe despite opposition, lies, character assassinations and misunderstandings. I am thankful for your faithful perseverance in continued belief despite persecution from those you love."
"I am thankful for every moment that you surrender to Me in trust. Your trust is the secret weapon of this Mission, and of your own salvation. Your trust is more important to the future of the world than any weapon of mass destruction."
"I desire that all be united in a concerted effort to transform the heart of the world into Holy Love through Holy Love. Never be discouraged in the propagation of these Messages or believe that you are not allowed to do so. Let your hearts be gladdened by My words to you today. Be encouraged in your every effort to bring Holy Love to the forefront."
The world will be changed forever
Thursday, November 24th, 2011 @ 09:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter do not fear for the time is upon you and the whole world.
This journey has been intense for you My daughter during what has been such a short period of time.
You have obeyed My Holy Will right from the start although you had your doubts. Despite being mocked in certain quarters and, in particular, by those who profess to be holy disciples of Mine and that of My beloved Mother, you have never hesitated in imparting My holy word to the world. Ignore all this hurt for it has now passed.
Now that I come with My great mercy all My children with true faith will fall in humble thanksgiving to welcome Me and accept My mercy. The truth will now be revealed.
Rise all of you and await with joy My arrival.
The world will be changed forever.
Remember it is because of My deep love for all of you, including those of you who mock My holy word or who deny Me, that I come to save you once again.
Your Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Change Is Coming
I had a really restless last evening and woke up in the wee hours of the morning and could not go back to sleep, even after praying. I found out today that many others also felt it, so I began to seek the Lord about what we were sensing. This is what He said.
This land has known a time of ease and prosperity and prosperity made fools of many who found the world too alluring to resist. I shall began to tear down the false gods My people have chosen over Me and reveal their powerlessness one by one.
Some of you will weep as you see your false gods destroyed but this must be done, that you may know Me as the one true living God. Your false gods are only illusions the enemy has devised to steal your worship away from Me.
Many of you have felt a stirring in the spirit of late. You have felt weeping in your soul for the lost, those who do not know Me. You have felt My grief at those who will be lost in the end.
The time has come for My judgments to be rendered in the earth. Many lives shall be lost in what is coming. Many souls will be lost to the enemy if My people do not obey Me in this time. I desire My people would pray focused prayers - for the lost, for their cities, for their nations, that I may show mercy. If My people do not obey Me, some of the lost will be among their own families and loved ones. They shall suffer greatly for their lack of obedience in this time.
Tell them. Tell them I am coming. Tell them to be ready to hear My commands. Tell them to start praying and not cease until it is over. Tell them I am coming.
You shall see fearful sights. Men's hearts truly will fail them in what they see. A change is coming. Things will not ever go back the way they were after this change. This change will not appear the way you think it will. It will come softly, but it is a big change, behind the scenes, and the impact will be high. The change will not be evident immediately, but over time. Once it has taken place, however, it will not revert. You will not be able to miss this change once it has taken place, and you will know what it is.
You must tell My people how to prepare for this change. Tell them I love them (I heard such incredible sadness and grief in His voice when He said that He loves us!) Tell them My judgments are righteous and those who are judged now have time to repent. (There are people in whose lives God's hand of judgment is already beginning to fall - I saw in my spirit that these were the ones He meant here).
Those who are judged later will not.
Tell My people to pass before Me (I saw His throne in my spirit and felt He meant to pass before His throne by praying) and repent of every sin they know of they have and let Me help them. The time to turn from your sins is now - do not wait, My children! Do not wait, for time is much shorter than you think. Come before Me and confess your sins now for My judgments are coming to your land and many of you will not have time later. (I felt a really terrible heaviness in my spirit when He said that.) You must not neglect to do this. Even sins you think of as small must be confessed that I may forgive you now and you must turn from them. What is coming in this next year will create a rocky path for many of you to walk on, your times will not be easy. Difficulties shall abound all around you.
The changes you see happening now are only the very beginning. Some of you believe everything will return as it was and that it will be (what we call) "business as usual," but it shall not be so. Change is here to stay.
In coming months, you shall feel as if you are standing on shifting sands for there will be constant change. Some of these changes you may suspect are coming, others will be complete surprises to many of you.
It is time to move forward, My people, for time is short.
Psalm 96:5: For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.
Psalm 106:36: And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.
Luke 21:25-26: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; (26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Joel 2:13: nd rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
NEW...AMAZING! True Life in God Prophecies & Warnings
Subject: True Life in God Prophecies & Warnings
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Crusade of Prayer (7) Prayer for those who refuse Mercy
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 @ 08:00 pm
Prayer for those who refuse Mercy
My dearly beloved daughter My arrival to save mankind yet again before the final judgement is so close. My joy is tinged with deep suffering because of those souls who will reject My Mercy.
You, My daughter must fight along with My army of those beloved children of the cross to save these souls. This is the prayer they must say to beg for mercy for souls in darkness.
“Jesus I urge you to forgive those sinners so dark of soul who will refuse the light of your mercy.
Forgive them Jesus I plead with you in order to redeem them from the sins which they find it so difficult to extract themselves from.
Flood their hearts with your rays of mercy and allow them the chance to return to your fold.”
Your beloved Jesus
http://www.revelacionesmarianas.com/english_version.htm .
You'll find the message below a little ways down the page. I located the seer via "After the Warning" website at http://www.afterthewarning.com/WebPages/BeforeTheWarning/MessagesFromHeaven/TheLightOfMary.aspx which itself has a wealth of information.
See "Before the Warning" in the left sidebar and then go to "Messages from Heaven." God Bless,
OCTOBER 21, 2011
Brothers and sisters, in the Unity of the Blessed Trinity:
I have received this Divine Word, and I do not feel I should keep it to myself while the world drowns in its own unconcern.
As Our Lord well reiterates, it is not causing fear that moves us to attract souls, or what moves us to share this Word, rather it is that we all reach that Love that the Sacrosanct Trinity keeps for us, humanity.
If everyone cried out to Heaven for help, and did not deny what we should not deny, if everyone would repent instead of taking advantage of Divine Mercy in order to sin, if everyone instead of pretending to limit Heaven its power over all of creation, would recognize it, if man did not continue immersed in degeneration… How different would our future be!
If we would not massacre ourselves, not only physically but in spirit, with vain fights that do not lead anywhere but only to the disunity of the children of God. If we ceased to feel like masters of evangelizing groups, masters of the People of God and if we ceased to divide ourselves… How different we would be!
A loving Jesus amorous of His People, that sees human stubbornness, that sees that His People do not awaken. A God that sees that His People humiliates Him, insult Him, profane Him…;
I feel that this is one of the few very urgent calls so that man does not continue forgetting that God is God and we are God’s children.
A call to the Church so that the Shepherds care for their flock, and speak to it of the sin that superabounds, and of the multiple masks it is disguised with by the great multinationals and the governments themselves.
The Lord asks His Church for an instant of courage, and that sin be called sin, sin and not something else.
The Lord asks fathers and mothers of families for an instant of courage to illuminate our children, so that they are not lost. An instant of lucidity to the human being so that he/she makes a stop on the path. And to whomever the Word of the Lord does not seem right, let him reconsider and pray, that he/she comes out of his/her own misery, and begins a radical change, remembering that there does not exist a repentant sinner to whom Jesus does not open His Heart.
In this lies the great MYSTERY OF GOD’S INFINITE LOVE, and that is why man does not understand it.
My beloved Jesus has kindly shared His Divine feelings with me and has told me:
Man has misused the means I gave to him for his survival, turning them into a means of self-destruction, not only physical, but moral and therefore spiritual.
The cloud of violence spreads throughout all the Nations. And these in turn, reject obedience and purity, carrying pain to every Region, through natural means. Water maintains a great significance in humanity’s history. Water purifies, and in this instant it also purifies humanity, so that once sin is washed as much as possible from the Earth and taking it to its core, the decisive events to which I am going to refer can gestate:
Humanity waits for a being that says: “I am the antichrist,” and that proclaims himself as the antichrist. They expect him to appear making miracles. But the miracles he is already carrying out little by little through all the modern methodologies, such as technology, misused science, nuclear energy, projects to destroy the earth and the alteration of human biology. He has used the powerful governments to create his nets and strategies to manipulate the masses, leading them closer to war every time. His greatest appearance has been to carry out his plan to annul Me from every place and close My Temples. The following strategy will be to close My Shrines and places where My Blessed Mother appeared.
Humanity has succumbed to spiritual denial, to the denial of My Surrender and of My Cross. The vices of this generation are not fought with physical weapons. They must be fought with prayer, penance, fasting, offering, the Sacraments and the Holy Rosary. In this instant the battle is spiritual, not one of arms.
The world will live from anguish to anguish, heat will be taken to where it was cold and the cold to where it was hot. The animals, upon changing their habits and dying suddenly, will make man think, but men will remain without seeing reality.
A great part of humanity will follow closely the events that evil will bring forth. In the fury of the instant they will find themselves wrapped up in the seductions, and like robots they will follow the masses, incorporating into their life the seal of the wicked one, in an unrecognizable humanity, worn and aged.
The contaminated wind will bring death. My children will suffer a shortage, which would not be as dire if more faith existed and you would open yourselves to the help of My House.
My Mother pilgrimages without rest, and Her calls are not heard, but mocked and persecuted. The announcement of the Warning causes some human beings laughter, but this, children, is a truth, as My Mother’s Word that proclaims the Trinitarian decrees is true. When this happens, those who mocked this Divine decree will feel themselves be consumed in their own sin. We have called you to be aware of the seriousness of the moment in which you live. But like those who mocked Noah, so they will groan.
The Warning, cosmic and spiritual, does not wait, and it will be fulfilled. I invite My faithful Priests to call their sheep to reconsider and to recognize and to carefully avoid the sin that sinks, enslaves an leads to eternal death.
How many will give very scientific explanations, once the Warning has passed… and will continue in evil! A new lesson will be necessary then so that man is not lost even more.
My children’s faith will be tested and My Angelic Legions will quickly go to rescue you. I will not leave you, I will not leave you alone, I will remain beside those who are Mine.
Every instant has been shortened, preparing My Second Coming. I will come with glory and majesty, with all My Power, with My Legions… The Heavens will shake, the earth will move, the waters will be agitated, announcing My Coming to all of Creation, to all of Humanity.
Everything that exists in the Heavens, in the earth and under the earth, in the sea and under the sea, the stars and everything seen and unseen: WILL KNOW THAT THE KING COMES.
I call you to proclaim My Name, to love My Mother, to be blessing on earth for your brothers and sisters and for all of creation.
Humanity does not persevere in faith or in towards neighbor and causes My Heart and My Mother’s Heart great pain.
My Holy Remnant will be victorious lead by My Mother. My Church will triumph and purified from top to bottom, it will be renewed. Evil will not prevail against My Church. The just one will live forever and will come to My Table to dine with Me.
You, My dear daughter, make reparation, make reparation and unite yourself to Me in My Passion so that united, we may be a single echo of Love for all of humanity. Come to My Cross and in It let us make reparation for the sins of all men.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 23 - I CALL YOU TO OFFER SACRIFICES "Make a daily Holy Hour in the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament that Christ may reign in the hearts and souls of men." (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen)
St. Monica, Wife, Mother, North Africa, (332-387), Feast, Aug. 27
Wife of a pagan and mother of three, one a prodigal son. Through her devotion and intercessory prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist, her husband converted shortly before he died. Her wayward son became St. Augustine, due to her faithful perseverance in prayer.
Mother Teresa -http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/crusade-of-prayer-8-the-confession/
Love, tenderness, and compassion are real justice.
Justice without love is not justice.
Love without justice is not love.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Why is there evil in the world? Listen carefully. There is a mother who is embroidering. Her son sitting on a low stool sees her work, but upside down. He sees the knots of the embroidery; the tangled threads, and says: "Mother, what are you doing? Your work is not at all clear?"
Then the mother lowers the embroidery frame and shows the right side of her work. Each color is in its place and the variety of threads form a harmonious design.
So, we are seeing the reverse side of the embroidery. We are sitting on the low stool.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Promises of materials turns into imprisonment of self
"Communism swept one-third of the world into the grasp of the Iron Bear simple because it promised pie in the sky after hatred had overthrown the existing order. The great fallacy of all revolutionary movements is that the value of great lives is nullified, either through persecution or character assassination, in the interests of fallacious promises and illusory hopes. Our world is slow to learn that those who turn out the lights of Heaven, bay that very act turn out the lights earth. Influences are born of moral stamina but promises, like spider webs, are woven from the bellies of materialism."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
June 30, 1937. Today, the Lord said to me, I have wanted to exalt this Congregation many times, but I am unable to do so because of its pride. Know, My daughter, that I do not grant My graces to proud souls, and I even take away from them the graces I have granted. (1170)
It so happened that I fell again into a certain error, in spite of a sincere resolution not to do so-even though the lapse was a minor imperfection and rather involuntary-and at this I felt such acute pain in my soul that I interrupted my work and went to the chapel for a while. Falling at the feet of Jesus, with love and a great deal of pain, I apologized to the Lord, all the more ashamed because of the fact that in my conversation with Him after Holy Communion this very morning I had promised to be faithful to Him. Then I heard these words: If it hadn't been for this small imperfection, you wouldn't have come to Me. Know that as often as you come to Me, humbling yourself and asking My forgiveness, I pour out a superabundance of graces on your soul, and your imperfection vanishes before My eyes, and I see only your love and your humility. You lose nothing but gain much... (1293)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day Charity unites us to God... There is nothing mean in charity, nothing arrogant. Charity knows no schism, does not rebel, does all things in concord. In charity all the elect of God have been made perfect. -Pope St. Clement I
Today's Tidbit The word "Eucharist" comes from Greek roots meaning thanks giving.
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today Our Lady speaks of one of the core virtues of Christian life:
Dear children, today I thank you again for everything that you have accomplished for me during these past days. I thank you especially, dear children, for the sacrifices you have offered this last week. Dear children, do not forget that I desire sacrifices from you so I can help you and keep Satan at a distance. And so I call you again to offer sacrifices in special reverence toward God (Weekly Message September 18, 1986).
In Hebrews, Paul speaks of the effects of the greatest sacrifice:
But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, "he sat down at the right hand of God," and since then has been waiting "until his enemies would be made a footstool for his feet." For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified (Heb 10:12-14).
In Pompeii the body of a crippled boy was found with his lame foot. Round his body was a woman's arm, bejeweled. The great stream of fire suddenly issuing from the volcano had driven a terror stricken crowd for refuge. The woman had evidently taken pity on the cripple. Only the arm outstretched to save was saved itself.
The arm of the Lord protects his people. He draws us to himself to save all of us. We are never too insignificant for his rescue. A saying goes: "If you were the only person left on earth, Christ would die for you alone." Every soul is priceless in the sight of God.
Each of us belongs to the creator, we are his flesh and blood. His salvation is directed to every one of us. No one is left out. As St. Paul writes: "For as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in Christ" (1Cor 15:22).
With the sacrifice of Christ as our great example, let us try to live Our Lady's message today: "And so I call you again to offer your sacrifices in special reverence to God."
Crusade of Prayer (8) The Confession
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 @ 10:30 pm
I, Jesus your King and Saviour now present My prayer for confession.
This prayer should be said to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin during and after The Warning.
“Dearest Jesus I ask your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused to others.
I humbly pray for the graces to avoid offending you again and to offer penance according to your most holy will.
I plead for the forgiveness of any future offense which I may partake in and which will cause you pain and suffering.
Take me with you into the new era of Peace so that I may become part of your family for eternity.
I love you Jesus.
I need you.
I honour you and everything you stand for.
Help me Jesus so that I may be worthy to enter your Kingdom.”
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Apostolate of Green Scapular -private Message of 11/17/11 on The Warning
Jesus gave Anna Marie a private message on 11/17/11 at 2:30 a.m. regarding the Great Warning! Jesus calls it the "Just Awakening" from His Father, "This will be the last attempt for my many to return to Me and turn away from evil in their lives." Our Apostolate recommends all attend Sacramental Confession and remain in the State of Grace. Anna Marie believes this may take place before Christmas, however, Jesus never gave any date. (This note was posted 11/23/11)
Hope Does Not Always Come EasyNovember 22, 2011
I want you to write a message about hope and the prayer life. Hope does not always come easy my child but it is quite a virtue. Hope can come at anytime day or night and sustain you. Sincere fasting and prayer can increase your hope. Hope will lead you to eternal life.
When contemplating hope, think about trust. Trust will lead you to hope. Hope in all good things. It will never disappoint you. My hope on earth is what kept me going. I hoped in my Father’s will and love for me. An ounce of hope will beat all despair. When praying for hope, know it may come gradually. Hope in the valley of your darkest fears. It will get you out. It will help you to rise above the darkness.
You will fear no evil. Advancement in hope may come with age. So know that your hope can always increase. This should give you much hope in itself. Hope is light and can heal a weary soul. And when you hope in me, I will never let you down.
It is not possible. Trust in me with all of your hopes and fears and I will give you rest. You must believe in my words for they are not in vain. Hope in me with all of your body, mind, and soul. Blind faith requires hope in the Lord.
This is what carried many of the saints. You cannot hope in this life. It will let you down. Hope in the next because it is a given. Hope in the fact that my love will never let you go. You are safe with me. Safe for eternity. Practice your hope in me and your faith will grow. I love you.
Fr. Doucette: 867] Mon, Nov 21, 2011: The Agony in the Garden
The Agony in the Garden
Dear Friends,
Then going out Jesus went, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him. When he arrived at the place he said to them, "Pray that you may not undergo the test." After withdrawing about a stone's throw from them and kneeling, he prayed, saying, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done." And to strengthen him an angel from heaven appeared to him. He was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground. When he rose from prayer and returned to his disciples, he found them sleeping from grief. He said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you may not undergo the test."(Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 22:39-46)
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"Come and join Me, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world, as I undergo My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. I used to go to this place at night to sleep with the Apostles and so on Holy Thursday we all went to this place. I did not sleep but I went forward to where there was a stone and I fell on My knees and prayed. I was filled with great fear and anxiety, as I knew that the next day I would be killed. I asked the Father to take this suffering away from Me but I said that I did not want to follow My own will but His will. My suffering was so great that I was sweating blood and an angel was sent by My Father to help Me.
My dear friends, I asked you today to take time to be with Me for I have suffered horribly to save you. Yes, I was whipped, beaten, forced to carry My cross and I fell many times on the way to the place where I was nailed to the cross and died. I accepted all this for you so that you could be saved and be with Me forever in heaven. Come, My friends, and follow Me every day and do not be afraid to carry your cross for every person has a cross to carry. Pass some time before My crucifix and see what your Lord and Savior underwent to pay the price for your sins. Now repent of your sins and I will take them away. I love you all."
Father Melvin
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Nov.20,2011SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2011
Pelianito blog November 14 - 20, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
During the MaryTV broadcast of Ivan's apparition:
BVM: "Little one, I am sending you as a lamb among wolves, but you are not a lamb
without a shepherd. You are a lamb whose Shepherd cannot be defeated. Be at peace."
Here I am Lord. Fiat!
Same day during adoration after the apparition and mass:
Jesus: “Be at peace my child. I have sent my Mother to you to call you back to me. Her
efforts have borne golden fruit in but a few, silver in many more, but some of you are
content with fruit of bronze or clay. Strive for the higher gifts, my children. You
will have great need of them as the days darken. Do not settle for clay when the
golden fruit of the Holy Spirit is offered to you. Men of clay, why do you hesitate?
My love can raise you higher than you can imagine! My love is the wind that bears you
up. My glory longs to enfold you, but you resist. Enter into my joy, dear children.
The peace and joy of heaven, the golden fruit is within your grasp. Pray, be
converted, offer your sacrifices and do it all through the perfection of the
Immaculate Heart. In this way the fountain of glory will be opened to you and you will
bear much fruit, the golden fruit of the kingdom. Does this surprise you, dear
children? Do you find it unbelievable? That is because your gaze is fixed on your
self. Fix your gaze on me, for in me all things are possible, and glory flows
unimpeded. Do not be an impediment in the flow of glory, but by your total surrender
to the will of God, become a living conduit of grace and glory in the world. Imagine a
spigot. It may be turned low, or higher or fully on. Let your spigot never be anything
less than fully on. Examine what prevents you from opening the flow to its greatest
capacity. Root out sin and unhealthy attachments. My children, let my grace and glory
flow! I long for it. I bless you my children. Ephphatha—be opened!”
Jesus, glorious Lord of love, beloved of the Father, we adore you and praise your
glory. May all you desire be accomplished in us for your glory. Help us to root out
all that is in us that impedes the flow of grace and glory into the world. Jesus,
Beloved, Father, Beloved, Holy Spirit, Breath of Love, we adore you. Mother of God
intercede for us always. Amen.
I asked for a Scripture passage for this message and was given:
Mark 7:32 And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged
him to lay his hand on him. 33 He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put
his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; 34 then he looked up
to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Ephphatha!" (that is, "Be opened!") 35 And
(immediately) the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he
spoke plainly.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
2 Peter 2:1 There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be
false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the
Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.
“My beloved, my children, these are the days to test everything. Do not be deceived,
but take every thought captive to Christ. Keep yourselves pure and humble. Avail
yourselves of the sacraments. Read Scripture and the lives of the saints. Read holy
books rather than subject your soul to deception. These are days for caution, my
children. Spend your time wisely in holy pursuits. Do not give the devil a chance to
work on you. Work out your own salvation through prayer, fasting, and true conversion
of heart. If there is any pride in you, root it out. Indignation, anger,
self-righteousness, these are all manifestations of pride. Let the saints guide you on
the path of humility—most especially our pure and lowly Mother. Ask her and she will
guide you. Children, my peace I give you. Do not trade it away for a counterfeit. Rest
in me. I am near.”
Jesus we trust in you and rest in your merciful heart. Mother most pure, keep us safe
from the deceptions of the evil one and never let us fall into error or serious sin.
Thank you Jesus for your gracious care of our poor souls. We love you! Amen.
MedjugorjeInspirationals] Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 22 - CONTINUE TO GROW
Jesus Christ the King:
"Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).Mother Teresa - We are all called to be saints.
We all have been created in the image of God to love and to be loved.
"How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the
gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?" (Pascal).Meditations by Padre Pio - Place all your worries in God alone, because He has the greatest care of you, and those three angelic children with whom he has blessed you. By their conduct, these children will be a consolation to you during your lifetime. Take care, not so much of their scientific as of their moral education. And you should take this very seriously, and guard it as the pupil of your eye. As you educate their mind with good studies, assure the education of their hearts, along with that of our holy religion; one without the other causes a mortal wound to the human heart.Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Himself to death in order to save others." Those who trust in God will avoid the venom of the serpent
"The unfortunate characteristics of our day is that propaganda has taken the place of personal influence. Politics has become so primary in modern life, that the masses are more moved by promises than by fulfillments."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -Today, as God's Majesty swept over me, my soul understood that the Lord, so very great though He is, delights in humble souls. The more a soul humbles itself, the greater the kindness with which the Lord approaches it. Uniting himself closely with it, He raises it to His very throne. Happy is the soul whom the Lord himself defends. I have come to know that only love is of any value; love is greatness; nothing, no works, can compare with a single act of pure love of God. (1092)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To order email soroka@sasktel.net or 1-866-726-5865Nov 22 - CONTINUE TO GROW The following was given to the young Locutionists for their prayer group:
Each member of the group is like a flower; and if someone tries to crush you, you will grow and continue to grow even more. If someone puts you down even a little, you will recover. And if someone pulls a petal, you will continue to grow as though you were complete (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana June 21, 1984).
And from Paul's letter to the Galatians:
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up (Gal 6:9).
Sometimes we are lamps without light, extinguished, but with possibilities not realized. Well, I have come to light a flame in your hearts, should the disappointments you have suffered, the expectations that have not come true, have put it out. I want to say to each of you that you have capacities, often unsuspected, sometimes made even greater and more vigorous by hard experience.
These words of hope form Pope John Paul II speak of a great truth that hope , far from being some vague, ethereal virtue, is instead a product of practical, learned experience.
Experience is not just the best teacher; it is the only teacher. As we look back at our trials and hardships, we realize that, rather than being tragic and destructive, our difficulties have given us endurance, resilience, and patience. This is the direct outcome of going through trials. This is where hope comes from. This is where God sheds his love right where we always need him the most. It is why we have "unsuspected capacities," as the Holy Father says, why we have hope.
Today the Mother of God gives us a message of profound hope: in times of trial or suffering, we will not be crushed, but will recover even stronger "and continue to grow more and more." Today, give over to her any present difficulties, trusting in her help.
His Plans Are Perfect
His Plans Are Perfect
My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV
"Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female" (Gen. 7:2-3, NIV ). Just how big was Noah's assignment? We know that there are more than eighteen thousand different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians today. If the number is doubled to include two of every kind, with several thousand extras added to make up the five additional pairs of each "clean" species, then double all of that to include any that have become extinct, the total figure is about seventy-five thousand animals!
According to the dimensions given, when Noah had all the animals assembled on the ark, only 60 percent of the available space would have been occupied. The remaining 40 percent would be available for food storage and living quarters for Noah's family. It all worked, as impossible as it had seemed!
God knows what He is doing! His plans are perfect! You can obey His instructions with confidence!
Anne Graham Lotz
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 20 - WHEN MY SON WAS DYING
Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its
subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).
Sunday, Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her
parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim. Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate.
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).
Read and meditate on the following.
Then whenever hardships arise just say
"Praise God" "Thank you Lord"
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10
It is always astounding to people of small imagination that their ancestors could hate, persecute and kill saints. We imagine that we are 2000 years smarter than the people who put Jesus to death. We think ourselves wiser than the people who despised Lincoln, or St. Thomas Aquinas, or Joan of Arc.
But the reality is that saints often come to us in very repulsive forms, challenging our deepest and most cherished bigotries. They are antidotes to the popular poisons of the age. And because they are antidotes they are often mistaken for poison and hated for it. Jesus endured just such hatred. He and His followers were assured by all the leading authorities that His lot was with the wicked and that anyone who followed Him would share His fate among the "accursed" who hung from the tree of the Cross.
But God had an altogether different opinion. He called Jesus His Beloved Son and gave Him kingship, not only over heaven, but over the whole universe as well. We shall share in that kingship, if we remain with Him. And the paradoxical sign of our share in that kingship will be our share in His sufferings and the hatred of the enemies we are called to love and forgive. Even such hate cannot touch our union with Him.
Mother Teresa -
Each one of us is what he is in the eyes of God.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Courage, courage, children are not nails.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The treasures of self-sacrifice
"The best influences in life are undeliberate, unconscious; when no one is watching, or when reaction to the good deed was never sought. Such is the long-range influence of a mother in a home; fulfilling of daily duties with love and a spirit of self-sacrifice leaves an imprint on the children that deepens with the years. St. Francis has done much to influence painting, though he was not an artist. Great artists have influenced millions to love beauty, though their intention was never to be so remembered."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
I must never speak of my own experiences. In suffering, I must seek relief in prayer. In doubts, even the smallest, I must seek only the advice of my confessor. I must always have a heart which is open to receive the sufferings of others, and drown my own sufferings in the Divine Heart so that they would not be noticed on the outside, insofar as possible.
I must always strive for equanimity, no matter how stormy the circumstances might be. I must not allow anything to disturb my interior calm and silence. Nothing can compare with peace of soul. When I am wrongfully accused of something, I will not explain myself; if the superior wants to know the truth, whether I was in the right or not, let her find out from others rather than from me. My concern is to accept everything with a humble inner disposition. (792)
I have experienced how much envy there is, even in religious life. I see that there are few truly great souls, ready to trample on everything that is not God. O soul, you will find no beauty outside of God. Oh, how fragile is the foundation of those who elevate themselves at the expense of others! What a loss! (833)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To
On Good Friday in 1990, the Virgin gave this message to the visionary's prayer group:
Dear children, I am happy to see you tonight. You know, dear children, that when my Son was dying I was alone with him with only a few other women, but tonight I am happy that so many of you are with me. Tonight, when you return home, pray a rosary in front of your crucifix and be thankful (Visionary Prayer Group April 13, 1990).
Speaking of the crucifixion, St. Luke writes:
And when all the crowds who had gathered there for this spectacle saw what had taken place, they returned home, beating their breasts. But all his acquaintances, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood, at a distance, watching these things (Lk 23:48-49).
When the H.M.S. Birkenhead sank, Alexander Russell, a young officer age seventeen, was ordered to command one of the boats which carried the women and children. As they were pushing off, a sailor who was drowning clasped the side of the boat, but there was no room for even one more. A woman in the boat
cried, "Save him! He's my husband."
Today, simply heed Our Lady's request in her message: "Pray the rosary in front of your crucifix with great thankfulness."
MedjugorjeInspirationals] Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 21 - THE PRESENTATION OF MARY
As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim. Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate.
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).
"When I am before the Tabernacle, I can say only one thing to Our Lord: 'My God, you know that I love you.' And I feel my prayer does not tire Jesus; knowing the helplessness of His poor little spouse, He is content with her good will" (St. Therese, The Little Flower).Mother Teresa - We should realize that poverty doesn't only consist in being hungry for bread, but rather it is a tremendous hunger for human dignity.
We need to love and to be somebody for someone else.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Take comfort then, my dear lady, take comfort, because the sustaining arm of the Lord has not been shortened. Oh yes, He is the Father of all, but He is more so for the unhappy and even more so for you who are a widow, and a widowed mother.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - We must learn from the Humblest of Servants "Unconscious influence is never superior. As Our Divine Lord said: `I am among you as One Who serves' (Luke 22: 27). From that basic humility came the advice to His disciples, that one who would be greatest among them should be the least of all (Matthew 23: 11). At the same time, He was never so royal as when He committedSt. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -Today, Jesus is bidding me to comfort and reassure a certain soul who has opened herself to me and told me about her difficulties. This soul is pleasing to the Lord, but she is not aware of it. God is keeping her in deep humility. I have carried out the Lord's directives. (1063)
That beautiful soul who is spreading this work of divine mercy throughout the world is, by his deep humility, very pleasing to God. (1083)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Nov 21 - THE PRESENTATION OF MARY
On this day when Mary was presented, or consecrated, to God at the Temple in Jerusalem, she calls each of us to a consecration as well:
Dear children, today I am happy because many of you want to consecrate yourselves to me. Thank you. You are not mistaken, my Son, Jesus Christ wishes, through my intercession, to bestow very special graces on you. He rejoices in your consecration to him (Weekly Message May 17, 1984).
When we are consecrated to God and Our Lady, we are given a mission as well.
From Isaiah:
The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me:
He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61 :1-2
Our Lady once recommended to the visionaries that they read an account of her life entitled The Poem of the Man-God by the mystical writer Maria Valtorta (1897-1961). In chapter 8 of this work, Valtorta describes her vision of Mary's presentation at the age of three.
As background: Having been childless, Joachim and Ann had vowed that if they were blessed with a child, they would consecrate her to God at childhood, when she would then reside at the Temple with other consecrated souls, to pray and glorify the Lord in a cloistered setting, until she reached maturity.
In this scene from the book, the child Mary and her parents are at the entrance of the Temple, where the high priest has come to receive her:
The high priest looks at the little girl and smiles. Then, he beckons to Mary. And she departs from her mother and father, and as if fascinated, climbs the steps. And she smiles. She smiles in the shade of the Temple, where the precious veil is hanging. She is now at the top of the steps, at the feet of the high priest, who imposes his hand on her head. The victim has been accepted. Which purer victim had the Temple ever received?
Then he turns around and holding his hand on her shoulder as if he were leading the immaculate little lamb to the altar, he takes her to the Temple door.
Before letting her in, he asks her: "Mary of David, are you aware of your vow?"
When she replies "Yes" in her silvery voice, he cries out: "Go in, then. Walk in my presence and be perfect."
"Today I am very happy," Our Lady says, "because there are many who want to consecrate themselves to me. Thank you." Today, in the spirit of the Presentation, consecrate yourself again to the Blessed Mother, using either your own words or the prayer found for November 24.
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Polish Prophet given at Holywell, Wales. Wednesday 16th November 2011.
" My dearest Children of the world, I would like to inform you of the dangers that you are in, in the present moment in the history of mankind.
To rescue you from this great danger your Saviour is prepared to come, for the second time, as foretold in My Holy Book.
My Father has completed His Holy Plans to rescue you from the darkness of evil and man.
My Bronia today finished her mission, given to her by My Father, for the Day of My Coming.
Do not worry, My Children of the world, your Merciful Saviour is victorious. You are all in the Bosom of My Eternal Father.
Pray and sing thanksgiving to the Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
Your Jesus, Saviour of mankind.
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Saturday, November 19, 2011The Lord's Supper
Dear Friends,The BetrayerWhen it was evening, Jesus reclined at table with the Twelve. And while they were eating, he said, "Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me." Deeply distressed at this, they began to say to him one after another, "Surely it is not I, Lord?" Jesus said in reply, "He who has dipped his hand into the dish with me is the one who will betray me.The Son of Man indeed goes, as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been born." Then Judas, his betrayer, said in reply, "Surely it is not I, Rabbi?" He answered, "You have said so."The Lord's SupperWhile they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew 26:20-28)
(Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words:)
"Greetings, My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters scattered all over the world. Although I was not present at the Last Supper I know very well what happened that first Holy Thursday. At the beginning My Son announced that one of His disciples was going to betray Him. It was a shock to them but Judas knew what he had decided to do.
After My Son Jesus said that it was Judas, he immediately left the room and went out. After Judas left Jesus then took bread and said these famous words, 'This is My Body.' Then He took the cup filled with wine and said, 'This is My Blood of the covenant.' By these words, Jesus consecrated the bread and wine into His Body and Blood. This is the Holy Eucharist, the Living Jesus, whom you are called to receive every Sunday and on the weekdays if you can. Have a great love for the Eucharist and come to adoration often.
You all need to have a great friendship with Jesus, My Son. As your Mother, I call you to believe with all your heart that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist and He is there for each one of you. Remember the Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift you can receive today because when you receive this gift Jesus comes into your heart and lives there.
I want all My sons and daughters to go to Holy Mass regularly and to receive Communion every time. Repent of all your sins. I love you."
Father Melvin
Fr. Doucette: 864] Fri, Nov 18, 2011: Exhortation to be Vigilant
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Friday, November 18, 2011Exhortation to be Vigilant
Dear Friends,
"Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man."
During the day, Jesus was teaching in the temple area, but at night he would leave and stay at the place called the Mount of Olives. And all the people would get up early each morning to listen to him in the temple area. (Words of Jesus from the Gospel of St. Luke 21:34-38)
(Below you will find the Message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I call you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living all over the world, to avoid the trap that the evil one and his followers have set up to catch you. They want you to forget thinking about My Second Coming and instead to look for pleasure in the world. They are pushing drugs, alcohol, sexual pleasure, pornography and sexual films.
They hope by these you will forget about Me and you will not worry about sin. I repeat it again, this is a trap by Satan and his henchmen. Come out of this wrong road and return to Me your Savior and Lord.
You have to repent of all your sins and to be people of prayer. Be vigilant at all times so you will not fall in the trap. Be close to Me so you have the strength to escape the persecution and the tribulation that is coming. If you do you will stand on the right hand of the Son of Man and be saved.
I call you to go to Church every Sunday and during the week if it is at all possible. Pray your rosary every day at home with your family and teach your children the moral law and the truths that I have left My Church.
You are to forgive every member of your family if they have hurt you in any way. You are also called to love your neighbor and to forgive them too. You are all called to be saints so you have to work with My help to achieve this great goal. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Tuesday, November 08, 2011The Day of the Son of Man
Dear Friends,
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "The days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. There will be those who will say to you, 'Look, there he is,' or 'Look, here he is.' Do not go off, do not run in pursuit.For just as lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. But first he must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man; they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage up to the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot: they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building; on the day when Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all.So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day, a person who is on the housetop and whose belongings are in the house must not go down to get them, and likewise a person in the field must not return to what was left behind. Remember the wife of Lot.Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. I tell you, on that night there will be two people in one bed; one will be taken, the other left. And there will be two women grinding meal together; one will be taken, the other left." They said to him in reply, "Where, Lord?" He said to them, "Where the body is, there also the vultures will gather." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 17:22-37)
Below you will find the message of the Son of God, who is Our Savior, given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,
"As I greet you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters scattered all over the world, I warn you to always be prepared for My coming. You do not know the day or the hour I am to return to earth to judge the living and the dead.However, I wish to remind you never to believe a person if he or she gives you a day, or a month, or a year when I will return to earth. Anyone who utters a time for My return knows that it is false as it is written in the Bible. I could come tomorrow or in one hundred years from now.No one on earth knows the time of My return. I ask you, though, to be prepared at all times so that I will not take you by surprise and you will be found in mortal sin. Remember I am the only Redeemer so all have to believe in Me and follow Me. In fact I often call you to strive for holiness with My help. If you imitate Me and do what I have told you, indeed you will be holy and you will be brought to your home in heaven.Do not put it off, but work hard every day and you will be blessed. If you follow what I have told you, you will be on My right and I will take you with Me to the promise land. You are all My brothers and sisters and I want you all with Me. I give you the graces you need to advance every day. Cooperate with Me. I love you."
Father MelvinOur Lady of All Graces Message for the week
A MESSAGE FOR THE WEEKThe Arise, Jerusalem, Arise Ministry has decided to post a weekly message from Our Lady of All Graces archives. Our Lady of All Graces has asked all of Her children to take the time out to go back and re-read the messages because we did not heed the guidance and warnings expressed in these messages.
Although Our Lady has stopped giving private messages to Alix for the ministry, as spiritual director She is still guiding him and She also promises to be closer to us if we open our hearts and minds to Her. Everything Our Lady inspires us to do now is to help us to help you in your spiritual journey.With the Holiday Seasons approaching, the AJA Ministry decided to post a message of hope during these discouraging times. We must remember that with God there is always hope.STAY MOTIVATED TO PERFORM MIRACLES
July 12, 2011
Arise, Jerusalem, Arise voracious
Dear Holy Mother, Our Lady of All Graces, please pray for us, your children, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen
My dear child Alix, Jesus is with you. He has told you the things that need to be done, because He intends to help you finish your work. It is very comforting to Jesus when He sees His people arduously busying themselves doing what He recommends.
This is being said so that you may know that your Father in heaven is prepared to honor His promise to you. The promise is the guarantee that your prayer will be answered, even as you progress with the task at hand.
Dearest children, I, your heavenly Mother who comes to you as Your Lady of All Graces rejoices in the positive way you fulfill your mission which is to propagate the Let There Be Life Message to one and all. So far, the response is slowly coming.
As time goes by, surely the Lord’s Message will find its home within many more hearts than expected because, the Holy Spirit is at work calling all the people whose heart is already open to receive the word of the Lord to all His children all over the world.
Dearest children, remember that you do not labor alone. Our Father in Heaven is working assiduously by your side to give you strength and perseverance. This is the beginning of what can be expected to become a massive and positive response to the ills of the nations of the world.
It means so much to Jesus that more people are continuing to honor God, the Creator so as to sooth His just anger. Let no one take lightly the pending warning of the fate of this nation and all the others no longer under God.
Dearest children, would I come to you so often, speaking of disasters and ruins if this was not urgently needed for you to understand the urgency of the situation? I am the Woman who loves you as if you were born of My very own womb, feeding you with My very own milk.
I am quite intent on protecting you, reminding you that you are to make every effort to succeed in protecting the nations of the world, and their sinners. I am also working alongside of you, guiding you through the Holy Spirit growing within your hearts, hoping that you will be able to spare the world the specter of major catastrophic events.
Dearest children, there are already enough of you, even at this time, motivated to perform miracles and save lives endangered by the sinful ways this nation allows people in Government to promulgate very damaging laws without strong challenges. They place no resistance to the actions of unscrupulous politicians trying to gain votes at any cost, forgetting these laws are causing the ruin of this nation.
Dearest children, some of you, not all, are called to be politicians. You need to be reminded clearly that today’s politics are no longer for people who consider their faith in God to be Sacred, something very precious to protect. To compromise with the world is to lower yourselves to the level of those who compromise with the devil, the fierce enemy of God.
Dearest children, I call you to live your faith according to the teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and categorically reject all that compromises the faith and moral standing of this nation. As you stand united, making every effort to cleanse the world of Demonic spirits, spreading their vices, you will be facing fierce challenges from the people of the world so controlled by these demonic forces. These Demons live within the hearts and souls of so many people on earth that, knowing this is enough to make so many of My dearest children lose the strength to resist their attacks.
Dearest children, I am the Mother of all the children of God and I pray, pray and pray ceaselessly that My children may retain enough courage in the power of God to resist all that is in contempt of God’s will because, the life of many nations rests on this alone. Thank you, dearest children, for responding to My love and to the love of Jesus for all the children of the earth. Shalom - Shalom - Shalom...
Holy Love November 18,2011
November 18, 2011
Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I tell you, the more you spend the present moment thinking of Heavenly things, the closer you are to union with the Omnipresent God. This is God's Will for you; that the focus of your life and the center of your heart be on God."
"No one can surrender his innermost spirit and be filled with union with God unless he first empties his heart of self and all worldly concern. These are all obstacles to union with God."
"God does not impose; rather, He is always present - ready to fill the most destitute heart. First, the heart must open."
"Pray this way:"
"Open my heart to a deep and abiding love of You, Heavenly Father. I realize that this is the way to a deeper union with Your Divine Will."
"Empty my heart of any worldly concern; then fill me with love of You and love of my neighbor. I know this is the lasting peace You desire for me and for all mankind. Amen."-------------------------November 18, 2011
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, today once again I invite you to realize that My Heart is an Open Furnace of Burning Love ready to welcome all of mankind."
"Yet, My invitation is greeted with neglect and indifference. This is why Heaven pleads for prayers for the heart of the world."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
Act of Reparation for World History
This Prayer is requested by Our Blessed Mother for each day of Advent.
[By Myriam-van-nazareth]
Dear Mother Mary, Dawn of true hope, ever since the original sin, man has allowed the sanctifying effects of the sun from God's Heart to miss their goal. Within the souls who were created as trees of Divine Life, leaf after leaf is withering, and but few fruits still reach the ripeness of true heavenly food for God's Works.
Because all Works of Divine Justice and Mercy, of God's Love and Wisdom, are timeless, their effects are like waves irrigating all centuries with the water of Divine Life. Therefore O Mistress of all souls and Bridge between Heaven and Earth, I lay at Your feet the history of all mankind throughout the ages, and I beg You:
Bury in Your Immaculate Heart all sins, confessed or not, which human souls have committed against God and His creatures throughout the ages.
Bury in Your Immaculate Heart each expression of hatred, egoism, vengefulness, irreconcilability, discord, and any form of physical and moral suffering that souls have inflicted upon one another throughout the ages.
Bury in Your Immaculate Heart each occasion on which souls in all centuries have succumbed to temptations and misguidance in any form whatsoever.
Bury in Your Immaculate Heart all wars of all times, and all injustice and misery which have ensued from them.
Bury in Your Immaculate Heart each expression, throughout the ages, of resistance against the signs of God's Light.
I entrust to You: all blood which has ever been shed by human souls, and any act and any word through which human souls throughout the ages have turned themselves or others away from God's Law, from His Plans and Works and thus have surrendered God's Kingdom to the works of destruction wrought by the darkness.
O Mary, Immaculate Queen of Heaven and Earth, I consecrate to You all human souls of all times, all paths of human lives and any derogation from God's Law throughout the ages, and I beg You to wield the infinite power of Your compensating Love.
Please do immerse all of this in the redeeming Blood of Jesus Christ and in Your co-redeeming Tears, so that satan may even now be robbed of the indeterminable fruits he has reaped in the souls' gardens throughout the ages, and that the effects of his works of darkness may still be annihilated in the omnipotence of Divine Love and Divine Light.
For this pleading to be heard, and as an act of reparation for the innumerable sins of the world of all times, I surrender to You my entire being and my whole life in total, unconditional and everlasting consecration.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 19 - WHEN YOU NEED ME, CALL ME
"Do not, therefore, regard the bread and wine as simply that, for they are, according to the Master's declaration, the body and blood of Christ" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem).
"If we truly understand the Eucharist; if we make the Eucharist the central focus of our lives; if we feed our lives with the Eucharist, we will not find it difficult to discover Christ, to love him, and to serve him in the poor" (Bl. Teresa of Calcutta).
Mother Teresa -
This is a sign of the joy of loving God: sharing that love with others.
Meditations by Padre Pio - May God's blessing accompany, sustain and guide you! Form a Christian family if you want a little bit of peace in this life. May the Lord give you children and then the grace to direct them on the way to Heaven.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Words are cheap when there is no conviction behind them
"Whenever we set out to give `good example,' we generally do not give it. The best example is given when we are off duty and are not acting `professionally,' such as the minister or rabbi or priest when he comes down from his pulpit, the womanizer after he has finished his discourse on the `necessity of recognizing the rights of women,' the politician when he has finished his television oration on `my profound interest in social justice and my love of the common good.' When Peter told Our Lord that though others failed Him, he would never fail, the Savior retorted that within twenty-four hours Peter would deny that he even knew Him. What we say is less important in the way of influence than what we do."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
Jesus gave me to know the depth of His meekness and humility and to understand that He clearly demanded the same of me. I felt the gaze of God in my soul. This filled me with unspeakable love, but I understood that the Lord was looking with love on my virtues and my heroic efforts, and I knew that this was what was drawing God into my heart. It is from this that I have come to understand that it is not enough for me to strive only for the ordinary virtues, but that I must try to exercise the heroic virtues. Although exteriorly a thing may be quite ordinary, it is the different manner [in which it is carried out] that only the eye of God catches. O my Jesus, what I have written is just a pale shadow of what I understand in my soul; these are purely spiritual things, but in order to write something of what the Lord gives me to know, I must use words with which I am totally dissatisfied, because they do not express the reality. (758)
Always and in all circumstances, yield the first place to others; especially during recreation listen quietly, without interrupting, even if someone tells me the same thing ten times. I will never ask questions about something that interests me very much. (789)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
In the first weeks of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother told the visionaries:
Pray, my angels, for these people. My children, I give you strength. I will always give it to you. When you need me call me. (First Years August 23, 1981).
And from Luke's gospel:
When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost" (Lk 15:5-6).
One of the most popular stories of recent years is called "Footprints in the Sand." It is the Reflection of a person who is puzzled that, although Christ's footprints normally appear next to his own in the sand, as they walk together through life, yet when he is in special need or trouble only one set of prints can be seen. And so he asks, "Where were you, Lord, when I needed you most?" To which Jesus replies: "Ah, but there were only one set of footprints because it was then that I carried you!"
This is a thought of great comfort, and yet to be picked up and carried is difficult for many of us to accept. Thoughts like, "I'm too heavy," "I'm too embarrassed," "I'm not helpless," or "I'm not worthy," fill our minds. But eventually we have to admit: "I am too tired; I am too sick," or "I am too scared." To surrender and submit to the strong arms of a Savior humiliates the proud but brings joy to the weary. What keeps us from being helped is our fierce self-sufficiency.
Today, surrender yourself to the Good Shepherd in prayer. Be alert to others around you that need to be carried for a while in your own arms
Jesus King of All Nations Devotions message of June 6
The Feast of Christ the King
November 20, 2011
“Christ's kingship over the world can be prevented insofar as men and women refuse to let Him reign over their hearts.” - Pope Benedict XVI
Dear Friend of Jesus King of All Nations,
As we approach the great Solemnity of Christ the King, let us be reminded of Pope Benedict’s words to the Church: “Historical kingship does not matter to God; but He wants to reign in peoples' hearts, and from there, over the world: He is King of the whole universe but the critical point, the zone in which his Kingdom is at risk, is our heart, for it is there that God encounters our freedom.”
We are living in decisive times. Jesus King of All Nations has pled with each one of us, “My children, please return to your God.” “…and I will welcome you in, and will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord almighty.” (2 Cor. 6:18).
I would like to share with you the latest and urgent message of Jesus King of All Nations to His Secretary when He prophesied a Great Chastisement.
Sister Dorothy Chongo wrote to me from New Jersey: "Thank you very much for this message. I bought the medal a few years ago and I wear it all the time. I wish I could share with you the graces I received through this great Devotion of Our Lord. God Bless you.”
Urgent Message from Jesus King of All Nations!
Jesus King of All Nations gave His message [which is edited below] to His Secretary on June 6 by interior locution and guided her to the scriptural citations contained in the message that confirmed it. Jesus warns us of a Great Chastisement about to fall upon this sinful world in order to “correct the conscience of mankind as a whole”. This Chastisement will be an act of His Perfect Justice tempered by His Infinite Mercy.
Jesus asks us to embrace His gift of the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion. Through the practice of His Devotion, we will receive graces of conversion, healing and protection.
Great is the chastisement that is ready to descend upon this sinful world to correct the consciences of individuals and the conscience of mankind as a whole! My Sacred, Kingly and Eucharistic Heart which burns as a conflagration of Divine Love for mankind urges Me on to Mercy, yet the weightiness of mankind's sins compels My Perfect Justice to be poured out.
My Perfect Justice however is always tempered by My Infinite Mercy. It is indeed Itself an Act of Mercy whenever My Justice is accomplished for I AM Mercy Itself and there is no action either within or without the Divine Godhead that is not imbued with Mercy as it is part of My very Nature as God. It is in fact the crowning glory of all of My Divine attributes.
Those who are filled with My Spirit of Love understand well this Divine science but those filled with the spirit of this world, the spirit of self-indulgence and of prideful arrogance cannot grasp how the very Justice of God is in fact merciful. I correct My children out of Love for them.
Until the heart of man changes the world will not and cannot change. Greater and greater will be the catastrophes in nature which itself rebels against the sinfulness of the children of men. The earth itself writhes in horror at the weight of corruption and uncleanness it supports. It cries out for justice against its inhabitants.
Violence, wars and hatred will grow yet greater until finally mankind will bring upon himself a great punishment, then will follow the chastisement that will fall directly from Heaven.
Embrace My devotion of Jesus, King of All Nations for it is a great Mercy given by your God for these most perilous times. Contained within it are gems of all-manner of grace given through the mediation of My Immaculate Mother. Graces of forgiveness, healing and renewal of minds and hearts.
Why are My people not taking advantage of this gift of Mine?
Yours is the choice. I leave you free to accept or reject both My admonition and My gift.
Click here to read the complete message with its scriptural confirmations. http://jkmi.com/june6messageofJKOAN.asp
Pope Benedict XVI said, “We, and we alone, can prevent Him from reigning over us and hence hinder His Kingship over the world: over the family, over society, over history. We men and women have the faculty to choose whose side we wish to be on: with Christ and His angels or with the devil and his followers, to use the same language as the Gospel.”
Please accept the gift of Jesus and embrace His Devotion of Jesus King of All Nations to prevent His prophesied chastisements from nature, from man, and from Heaven itself. Please order the remedies of Jesus contained in the Chastisements booklet, the Journal and the promises of His Novena and medal.
Jesus promised that each time we say His novena prayers, "I will mitigate the severity of the chastisements upon your country." (Journal 41).
Help Spread the Devotion
You can do as Jesus requested and embrace His Devotion, especially by hosting His Visitation Image; leading Holy Hours of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection and by helping to spread what He called "gems of all-manner of grace given through the mediation of My Immaculate Mother." You can help spread the Devotion to Him in this time of mercy allotted by God.
Jesus showed His Secretary the many graces and miracles He will grant to souls who come before His Image of Jesus King of All Nations. She saw visions of miracles of conversion, physical healings, and the touching of each heart. He also spoke about His priests when He said, “My priests who come before this particular Image of Mine, will receive from My Sovereign Kingship a singular grace.”
Holy Love Nov.17,2011
November 17, 2011
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I invite you to understand that every soul in Purgatory and every soul that has slipped to his perdition, did not search out and embrace the truth. In some way and in some area of their life on earth, the truth was compromised, virtue weakened or betrayed, and Satan's lies accepted."
"Untruth is never acceptable in My Eyes. There is never a justifiable reason to live in untruth or to encourage others to do so - not to gain any merit in the world - reputation, power, money or control. All of these are passing."
"Today souls do not make an effort to be in touch with their inner spirit - to be united with the Will of My Father - and to embrace personal holiness. The trappings of the world get in the way. When this occurs, it is easy for the truth to be denied."
"The soul sets goals for himself which are not in line with My Father's Will but are worldly in nature. This, in itself, is an embrace of untruth."
"My Father's Will is always that you live in and embrace Holy Love. This is truth itself. If you ask for the grace not to deny this truth, it will be given."-
Our Lady's messages received by Darly Chagas 25 Sep - 1 Oct 2011
September 25, 2011
Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
September 25, 2011 – Sunday
Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.My children, I feel a great joy to find you gathered here in prayer responding to God's call to strengthen those who called and taught that with prayer, you can win every battle.Here in this house where God has chosen, He hath sent Me to help you praying with you and revealing the message that He sent you, which you must listen with an open heart, you should taste it with joy to be freed from hunger in the big time of tribulation that will come into the world. Therefore, you must always remember that the Word of God is Life, and Salvation.Listen, plant and cultivate in your hearts the Holy Gospel that reveals to you every day of your pilgrimage on earth.The Holy Word of God reveals to you today that you must answer His call, because He is calling you to conversion so that you may one day enter into His kingdom and live happily with Him.The Kingdom of God is near, rejoice for you will see to fall of your hands, the handcuffs that His enemy, the devil himself, put on you and bringing many to idolize the sin. Many children drop out of true happiness and become slaves of illusion, do not worry about the future of their souls.The Good Son is the one who stops and thinks about what needs, to repent of their sins and ask God for forgiveness.God is patient and merciful, still allowing time for all Christians to repent of their sins and hasten the conversion.Who do not rush, can be caught suddenly and struck with a terrible event and on that day will not be given to the man, more time to ask God for forgiveness of their sins.My children, listen to the Will of God, come all to help build peace in the world. It is the Holy Rosary and believing in the Holy Gospel that you will be comforted in the days of the tribulations that lie ahead.Let's get ready for the encounter with the Holy Spirit that will come soon purifying you and liberating of everything that keeps you in sin.Shortly after the coming of the Holy Spirit, you are going to prepare for the Coming of the Divine King, Jesus Christ that will come to establish true peace in the world.This is what I come to reveal to you today for your conversion.Convert, convert before it is too late, you know that one day may be is too late, because everything will happen in the blink of an eye.Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Benedict the XVI, for all the clergy, for religious men and women, for all mankind.Pray for the atheists and pagans, work, work, be bridges to Heaven and many will reach Heaven because your bridge was firm, did not collapsed.Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity and prayer, all firms in the faith, increase it every day, the faith that God has given you, but you must cultivate it every day leaving no doubt born in the middle of it.Doubt is a weed that grows easily and mitigates your faith. God does not force anyone, but gives you wisdom so you can begin to cultivate faith and rip out the doubt that deviates you from the Way of Heaven.The Way is only Jesus Christ, I am not the Way, I am just your Heavenly Mother, your Mediator, I give you advice that will give you growth in faith, hope and trust in God.Help the Holy Father in your prayers, he needs much help because the persecutions are increasing.God strengthens you if you want to overcome the difficult battles of your journey on earth.I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.You Brazilians, trust in what I reveal, and so you will conquer.All nations, prepare, there is a terrible world event, stay alert praying with the heart.I appreciate your presence and My children who welcomed Me here in this house blessed by God. I count on your presence at the next meeting.Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ and the Savior of the world,Mary, the Immaculate Conception.You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Matthew 21: 28-32.October 1, 2011
Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
October 1, 2011 - first Saturday
Dear children, with love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.My children, I feel a great joy to meet you gathered in this home blessed by God to carry out the great prayer meetings to help save the world at the moment when the big and terrible things are about to happen and he (the world) is not ready to win.Today, a day dedicated to the souls in Purgatory, so they can move from Purgatory to Heaven, because they are releasing spiritual debts and can receive the joy to enter in the Eternal Home, I thank you much for your prayers for them and I tell you they are praying for you so that everyone pays their debts on the earth and have not to go through Purgatory.Every sinner must struggle to get to the Heaven, this is not presumed, want to go direct to the stairs to Heaven, the best place to repair the errors and ask forgiveness of God is here on earth, on earth, the climate is more favorable for reparation, but most leave it to pay in Purgatory.Oh! My children, how sad the time in Purgatory is! Make efforts now, repair, repair to avoid passing through Purgatory.Today is also a day dedicated to St. Theresa, she was so young, she was able to live in holiness, she is in Heaven and helps a lot to sinners. You must always seek help from the saints, do not do like your brothers of other faiths who do not believe in the power of the saints, who have special gifts, they do not let them to help those who need help.Look at the lives of the saints and see that it is not difficult to reach the holiness, just is enough that your hearts become humble and meek.My children, God's Holy Word takes you today to meditate on your mission to respond to His Call and do the works that He wants everyone to do before leaving this earth world in the direction to God.God wants holy deeds, deeds of mercy, He gives you the power to be merciful to one another as He is. A selfish person is not merciful, the person who wants to live alone to avoid being disturbed by others, also this is not merciful, then you need to know love, know to donate, know to contribute to a less electronic world and more fraternal.God gives you so many Gifts, but you are forgetting, because you are living in an age when man has become like machines. Machines cannot think, do not have feelings, no heart. But there will come a day when God will bring down the technology and people will have to use their mind, their hands and will have to learn from the overnight that need the help of his brother. The rich will need the beggar and the beggar will need the rich. All you're going to discover inside the heart that you should live like brothers, you have to start digging the earth for what to eat and drink.God will correct the rebellion of His children and they will have to get off the pedestal and be equal as those who were always poor.I come every day to talk to the world what God sent Me to say, and today especially, I am here to tell you: be faithful to your mission, take the Holy Gospel and know the Eternal Happiness.The hunger will pass, thirst, war, disease, and a new man will be born, a man obedient to God, humble and simple.The hour is approaching, you must fight for peace, do not let anything in this world take your peace away, be obedient to God and you will have all what you need.There is coming, a terrible event for the world and those who wish to lead the arks built to house people that are in place of danger, they can begin to prepare their families.There will be a great demand, but this concern is not necessary because those who believe in God will endure the suffering and even having to stay where they are because they will have protection.Once the secrets are revealed, the world is going to lose its balance, except those that are part of My Army. Be faithful till the end, you need not fear any evil, God is with you.This is what I reveal here in this message of conversion.WHEN FAITH INCREASES, FEAR is decreased, you can keep praying asking God to increase your faith, your hope in Him.Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Benedict the XVI, for all the clergy, religious men and women, for all mankind.Pray for the atheists and pagans, God will reward you.Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, try to remain in a state of grace to receive the Holy Eucharist, this is the best Food you need.Assist the Holy Father the Pope, it is approaching to him the hour of martyrdom. Help him to find souls for God. The persecutions will increase, but you must pray the Rosary to bring down all the persecutions.I love you so much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. Who wants protection, enter under My Mantle. Brazilians prepare, prepare, terrible storms come there for you.I thank everyone here today to pray for world peace, for peace in the family.I ask that you to call the missing, time is serious, come all to pray with Me to win every battle.Pray for all nations.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Luke 10: 17-24.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 18 - DO NOT GIVE INSt. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr (d. 107), Syria?Oct. 17
"Be careful, therefore, to take part only in the one Eucharist; for there is
only one Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ and one cup to unite us with His Blood."Mother Teresa -
We need to work for Christ with a humble heart, with the humility of Christ.
He comes and uses us to be His love and compassion in the world in spite of our weaknesses and frailties.Meditations by Padre Pio -
Jesus and your soul must cultivate the vineyard together. It is for you to pick up and carry away the stones, to pull out the thorn bushes. It is the task of Jesus to sow, plant, cultivate, to water.Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
To hype without sincerity is fleeting "Influences are of two kinds: conscious and unconscious. Conscious influence is one in which we deliberately seek to mold character or the mentality of another. This kind of influence is not always sound, it is too closely related to advertising. Almost all the great impacts on the characters of others have been made indirectly, not directly. He who starts out to `edify' others almost always makes a fool of himself."St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
Today, I heard these words: You see how weak you are, so when shall I be able to count on you? I answered, "Jesus, be always with me, for I am Your little child. Jesus, You know what little children do." (722)I have understood that at certain and most difficult moments I shall be alone, deserted by everyone, and that I must face all the storms and fight with all the strength of my soul, even with those from whom I expected to get help.But I am not alone, because Jesus is with me, and with Him I fear nothing. I am well aware of everything, and I know what God is demanding of me. Suffering, contempt, ridicule, persecution, and humiliation will be my constant lot. I know no other way. For sincere love-ingratitude; this is my path, marked out by the footprints of Jesus.My Jesus, my strength and my only hope, in You alone is all my hope. My trust will not be frustrated. (746)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Early in the apparitions, the Virgin spoke to the visionaries of endurance:
Do not give in. Keep your faith. I will accompany you at every step (First Years November 10, 1981).Paul also speaks of endurance:Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, so that they also obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. The saying is sure:If we have died with him, We will also live with him; If we endure, we will also reign with him (2 Tm 2:10-12).
Reflection:Many years ago two men were on board a sailing ship, going back to their home on a far-off Pacific island, when one of them noticed a little grain of corn at his feet. He picked it up and examined it. "It's a grain of corn," he said. "If it were a sackful it might be of some use!! And he threw it away again carelessly.But the other man picked it up, put it in his pocket and treasured it until they reached their island home. Then he sowed it. It grew into a plant, and yielded a tiny crop, so small as to be laughable. But he planted that in turn, and the next time the result was enough to give a few grains to each of his many friends. So the crop grew, and in the end it yielded an abundant harvest. The little seed was the means of introducing corn to the Pacific islands.When the seed of faith first comes into our lives with its love and power and we feel its great energy, we treat it with great reverence. As time goes by, however, we may begin to take it for granted. We can get lazy, tired, and careless. When that begins to happen, we are in danger of sliding into lukewarmness. And so Our Lady says today, "Do not give in. Keep your faith;" and in Revelation: "[This] is a call for endurance and the faith of the saints."One of the great values of the Medjugorje messages is that they renew and energize our faith, guarding us from lethargy. As long as we heed the messages, our faith cannot help but deepen and bear an abundant harvest.
Application:Simply offer the following prayer today: Mother Mary, your messages have meant new life to me. They have given me healing and hope, deepening my faith. Please keep me attentive and truly careful about what I hold most dear. Amen"Do not, therefore, regard the bread and wine as simply that, for they are, according to the Master's declaration, the body and blood of Christ" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)."If we truly understand the Eucharist; if we make the Eucharist the central focus of our lives; if we feed our lives with the Eucharist, we will not find it difficult to discover Christ, to love him, and to serve him in the poor" (Bl. Teresa of Calcutta).
Mother Teresa -This is a sign of the joy of loving God: sharing that love with others.Meditations by Padre Pio - May God's blessing accompany, sustain and guide you! Form a Christian family if you want a little bit of peace in this life. May the Lord give you children and then the grace to direct them on the way to Heaven.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Words are cheap when there is no conviction behind them "Whenever we set out to give `good example,' we generally do not give it. The best example is given when we are off duty and are not acting `professionally,' such as the minister or rabbi or priest when he comes down from his pulpit, the womanizer after he has finished his discourse on the `necessity of recognizing the rights of women,' the politician when he has finished his television oration on `my profound interest in social justice and my love of the common good.' When Peter told Our Lord that though others failed Him, he would never fail, the Savior retorted that within twenty-four hours Peter would deny that he even knew Him. What we say is less important in the way of influence than what we do."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - Jesus gave me to know the depth of His meekness and humility and to understand that He clearly demanded the same of me. I felt the gaze of God in my soul. This filled me with unspeakable love, but I understood that the Lord was looking with love on my virtues and my heroic efforts, and I knew that this was what was drawing God into my heart. It is from this that I have come to understand that it is not enough for me to strive only for the ordinary virtues, but that I must try to exercise the heroic virtues. Although exteriorly a thing may be quite ordinary, it is the different manner [in which it is carried out] that only the eye of God catches. O my Jesus, what I have written is just a pale shadow of what I understand in my soul; these are purely spiritual things, but in order to write something of what the Lord gives me to know, I must use words with which I am totally dissatisfied, because they do not express the reality. (758)
Always and in all circumstances, yield the first place to others; especially during recreation listen quietly, without interrupting, even if someone tells me the same thing ten times. I will never ask questions about something that interests me very much. (789)
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.- Nov 19 - WHEN YOU NEED ME, CALL ME
In the first weeks of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother told the visionaries:
Pray, my angels, for these people. My children, I give you strength. I will always give it to you. When you need me call me. (First Years August 23, 1981).
And from Luke's gospel:
When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost" (Lk 15:5-6).
One of the most popular stories of recent years is called "Footprints in the Sand." It is the Reflection of a person who is puzzled that, although Christ's footprints normally appear next to his own in the sand, as they walk together through life, yet when he is in special need or trouble only one set of prints can be seen. And so he asks, "Where were you, Lord, when I needed you most?" To which Jesus replies: "Ah, but there were only one set of footprints because it was then that I carried you!"
This is a thought of great comfort, and yet to be picked up and carried is difficult for many of us to accept. Thoughts like, "I'm too heavy," "I'm too embarrassed," "I'm not helpless," or "I'm not worthy," fill our minds. But eventually we have to admit: "I am too tired; I am too sick," or "I am too scared." To surrender and submit to the strong arms of a Savior humiliates the proud but brings joy to the weary. What keeps us from being helped is our fierce self-sufficiency.
Today, surrender yourself to the Good Shepherd in prayer. Be alert to others around you that need to be carried for a while in your own arms
MedjugorjeInspirationals] Medjugorje Day By
St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15
She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!
Mother Teresa - The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you."
God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.
Meditations by Padre Pio - There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty.
The Christian wife must be a woman of sound piety towards God, an angel of peace in the family, dignified and pleasant towards others.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions "With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79). More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7).
Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good. Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." "
(La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God. When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God.
And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it. If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul. At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart. A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)
My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self. -St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS
The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:
Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).
And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.
We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.
A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen
Medjugorje Day
By Day Nov 16 -
How the Bridegroom ComesFrom this infinite Being in three persons I proceed, the Divine Word made flesh, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit in power, wisdom, kindness and every other attribute. I come to embrace fallen humanity, taking on your nature to bring you up to heaven.Only a God could satisfy the offense to God, and love, love alone made me offer myself to the Father / for your good and descend into the womb of a Virgin, the straw of a manger, the sweat of a carpenter shop, the affronts, the sufferings and the humiliations of Calvary, to death on the cross and to be a perpetual victim on the altar for as long as there would be someone to feed on my body, my blood, and my life itself.God touched you, enveloped you but you could not come close to him! That is why I came to make myself Eucharist, to live at your side, hiding my splendor, descending into your heart to enrich and transform it. Creation, redemption, and communion are proofs that I am love, that I have always been and will never cease to be love.Come then to your Savior, to your Jesus, who has made himself bread to feed you. Come to the God of your hopes. Come, and like Moses, adore your God and Lord.VENERABLE CONCEPClON CABRERA DE ARMIDA (CONCHITA)St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15
She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"Mother Teresa - Your vocation, as well as mine, can be summed up this way: to belong to Jesus, to love with the conviction that nothing and no one can ever separate us from the love of Christ.
Meditations by Padre Pio - The principal self-denial takes place in the home.Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Two sides to Democracy "The growth of democracy has done much to do away with false social snobbishness and to keep men humble in their external relations. But it has also, from another point of view, weakened the respect for Goodness and Truth, inasmuch as the masses of people are generally inclined to equate morality with the general level of society at any given moment."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - O Holy Trinity, Eternal God, my spirit is drowned in Your beauty. The ages are as nothing in Your sight. You are always the same. Oh, how great is Your majesty. Jesus, why do You conceal Your majesty, why have You left Your heavenly throne and dwelt among us?
The Lord answered me, My daughter, love has brought Me here, and love keeps Me here. My daughter, if you knew what great merit and reward is earned by one act of pure love for Me, you would die of joy. I am saying this that you may constantly unite yourself with Me through love, for this is the goal of the life of your soul.
This act is an act of the will. Know that a pure soul is humble. When you lower and empty yourself before My majesty, I then pursue you with My graces and make use of My omnipotence to exalt you. (576)
Jesus, You know how ardently I desire to hide so that no one may know me but Your sweetest Heart. I want to be a tiny violet, hidden in the grass, unknown in a magnificent enclosed garden in which beautiful lilies and roses grow. The beautiful rose and the lovely lily can be seen from afar, but in order to see a little violet, one has to bend low; only its scent gives it away.
Oh, how happy I am to be able to hide myself in this way! O my divine Bridegroom, the flower of my heart and the scent of my pure love are for You. My soul has drowned itself in You, Eternal God. From the moment when You yourself drew me to yourself, O my Jesus, the more I have known You, the more ardently I have desired You. (591)
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYOh my adorable and lovely Savior, consume my heart with that burning fire with which You are inflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your Love, and let my heart be so united with Yours, that our wills may be one, and mine in all things conformed to Yours. May Your Will be the rule alike of my desires and all my actions. Amen -St. Gertrude the Great
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Nov 16 - HERE YOU RECEIVE BLESSINGSThe following was given to Marija and Ivan when they were on Mt. Krizevac with their prayer group:
You are on a Mt. Tabor. Here you receive blessings, strength and love. Carry them into your families and into your homes. To each one of you, I grant a special blessing. Continue in joy, prayer, and reconciliation (Visionary Prayer Group June 24, 1986).
And from John's gospel:
Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing (Jn 15:4-5).
The great Russian novelist, Leo Tolstoy, told the story of a man who stopped to give alms to a beggar. To his dismay he found that he had left his money at home. Stammering his explanation, he said, "I am sorry, brother, but I don't have anything." "Never mind, brother," was the beggar's answer, "that too was a gift." It seems that the word "brother" meant even more to him than money.
One of the finest things about our church is the care and concern we often have for one another. In a real sense, we all brothers and sisters. We have a stake in each other's salvation, and we have learned from the gospel to value and strengthen each other. Our church becomes our family, our fortress, and our refuge.
There is a wedding prayer that says, "Now our joys are doubled, because the happiness of one is also the happiness of the other. Now our burdens are cut in half, since when we share them we divide the load." As members of the universal as well as the church, we double our burdens in half. We become a family, the Body of Christ, instead of isolated individuals.
Today, resolve in prayer to do what Our Lady asks of us in her message: to bring blessings, strength, and love into our families, homes and church.
Medjugorje Day By Day
Nov 15 -
"Acts of private devotion [adoration] are quite necessary if we are to receive in abundance the supernatural treasures in which the Eucharist is so rich, and to pour them out upon others, according to our powers, in order that Christ our Lord may reach the fullness of His power in the souls of all" (Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei).
St. Gertrude the Great:
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. AMEN." (Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great)
Mother Teresa - The fruit of our work, as well as the ability to carry it out, comes from prayer. The work that we accomplish is the fruit of our union with Christ. We have been called to give Jesus to the peoples of the world, so that they can look at Him and discover His love, His compassion, and His humility in action.
Meditations by Padre Pio - In family life have strong convictions, smile in the face of self-denial and in the constant sacrifice of your whole self.Archbishop Fulton Sheen- Those who trust in God will avoid the venom of the serpent "The serpents that sting us are from within and not without, we carry them in our own bosom - this is the tragedy. When the earthy treasures are swept away, those who trust in God have everything left."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - There will be no distinction between the sisters, no mothers, no reverends, no venerables, but all will be equal, even though there might be great differences in their parentage. We know who Jesus was, and yet how He humbled himself and with whom He associated. Their habit will be like that worn by Jesus during His Passion, and they will not simply wear the robe [He wore]; they must also seal themselves with the marks He bore: suffering and scorn. Each one will strive for the greatest self-denial and have a love of humility, and she who will distinguish herself most in this latter virtue will be the one who is capable of leading the others. (538)
Work. As poor persons, the nuns themselves will do all the work in the convent. Each one should be glad when she is given some work which is humbling or which goes against her nature, as that will greatly help her interior formation. The superior will often change the sisters' duties, and in this way help them to detach themselves completely from the little details to which women have a great attachment. Truly, I often find it amusing to see with my own eyes souls who have forsaken really great things only to attach themselves to fiddle faddle; that is, trifles. Each sister, including even the superior, shall work in the kitchen for a month. Every one should take a turn at every chore which is to be done in the convent. (549)
Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -
Quote of the Day The greater and more persistent you confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask. -St. Albert the Great
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Nov 15 - EVERY BARRIER WILL DISAPPEAR
In this weekly message from 1986, the Blessed Mother spoke of conversion and reconciliation:
Dear children, again I call you to prayer with the heart. If you pray with the heart, dear children, the ice of your brothers' hearts will melt and every barrier will disappear. Conversion will be easy for all who want to accept it. You must obtain this gift for your neighbor through prayer (Weekly Message January 23, 1986).
And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:
We have spoken frankly to you Corinthians; our heart is wide open to you. There is no restriction in our affections, but only in yours. In return I speak as to children with wide open hearts also (2 Cor 8:11-13).
In the second century, a Christian priest of Antioch, named Sulpicius, had steadfastly refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, even under torture, and was being led away to be beheaded. This was the age of relentless persecution of Christians.
On the way, a secret Christian named Nicephorus ran up to him. He had quarreled bitterly with Sulpicius and now sought reconciliation. "Martyr of Christ!" he said, on his knees, "Forgive me, for I have wronged thee."
But Sulpicius refused to speak to him, even at the place of execution. But when the moment came to kneel under the executioner's sword, he turned pale. " No, no! I will obey the Emperor. I will sacrifice to the gods. " Again Nicephorus ran up to him and implored him not to lose his martyr's crown at this last moment. But it was in vain, and Sulpicius went off to sacrifice. " Then I will take his place, " said Nicephorus. "Tell the Governor I am a Christian. " And so Nicephorus won the martyr's crown and Sulpicius turned coward, and all the Christians said it was because he would not forgive.
It is hard to know Christ if we cannot forgive and let go of the hatred and resentment we hold toward others. Pardon and peace go hand in hand. In life, little serenity is possible without the beauty of forgiveness.
Today, pray that Our Lady may teach you to forgive and forget the hurts and bitterness of the past, that you may experience the fullness of Christ's peace.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 14 - THEY ADORE IDOLS
On October 15, while leading 100,000 First Communicants and others in Eucharistic Adoration, Pope Benedict explained that to adore "is to recognize that Jesus is the Lord, the center of our lives. To pray is to say: Jesus, I am Yours, I never want to lose this friendship, this communion with You.""My soul, if you wish to be intimate with Mary, let yourself be carried
between her arms and nourished with her blood . . . . Let this ineffable, chaste thought accompany you to the Banquet of God and you will find in the Blood of the Son the nourishment of the Mother" (St. Albert the Great).
Mother Teresa - Lord Jesus,
We know that you became poor for our sake.
We ask that you make us to be poor in spirit, to imitate your own confident dependence on your Father.
Padre Pio - May the Lord bless you and render the family yoke less heavy for you. Always be good. Remember that there are difficult duties in wedlock that only divine grace can facilitate. Always be worthy of this grace and the Lord will preserve you unto the third and fourth generation.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - We are responsible for our own woes " By constantly seeking pleasure of self, the tone has been ruined. So many of our cares today are of our own making. Never before were there so many woes manufactured by our own hands. `Made by me and made within' could be stamped on most of the trials and difficulties that people endure. God gives us the strength to bear the sorrows of our own. Those who make their own trials are also those who never call upon Him for aid; those who have sorrows laid on them by God always do."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - This Thursday, when we were having nocturnal adoration, at first I could not pray; a sort of dryness engulfed me. I could not meditate on Jesus' sorrowful Passion. So I lay prostrate and offered the most sorrowful Passion of the Lord Jesus to the heavenly Father in reparation for the sins of all the world. When I got to my feet after this prayer and walked to my kneeler, I suddenly saw Jesus next to it. The Lord Jesus appeared as He was during the scourging. In His hands He was holding a white garment with which He clothed me and a cord with which He girded me, and He covered me with a red cloak like the one He was clothed with during His Passion and a veil of the same color, and He said to me...Fix your eyes upon Me and live according to what you see. I desire that you penetrate into My spirit more deeply and understand that I am meek and humble of heart. (526)
After Holy Communion, I saw the Lord Jesus, who said these words to me: Today, penetrate into the spirit of My poverty and arrange everything in such a way that the most destitute will have no reason to envy you. I find pleasure, not in large buildings and magnificent structures, but in a pure and humble heart. (532)
Quote of the Day To abstain from sinful actions is not sufficient for the fulfillment of God's law. The very desire of what is forbidden is evil. -St. John Baptist de la Salle
MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Nov 14 - THEY ADORE IDOLS
The following was given to Jelena, the locutionist:
Pray, pray! So many have followed other beliefs or sects and have abandoned Jesus Christ! They create their own gods, they adore idols. How that hurts me! If only they could be converted! There are so many unbelievers!! But that can change only if you help me with your prayers (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana February 9, 1984).
And from Paul's letter to the Romans:
I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12:1-2).
Human beings instinctively worship. We bow down and devote our energy and loyalty to something. It is our nature to believe in some important cause, ideal, or person. The tragedy is that we sometimes choose such false and unreliable gods. The first commandment of the law is " Thou shalt have no other gods before me. " Only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, only the God and Father our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of worship. Only the creator, redeemer, and sanctifier the only God is worthy of our devotion.
Only he can heal us. Wealth, fame, pleasure, power, or knowledge cannot substitute for Christ. These things may come our way, but not by worshiping any of them. Christ has said: " Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours besides. " (Mt 6:33).
Our Lady has said that some of her children " create their own gods, they adore idols. How that hurts me! " She also gives the means to help: " That can change only if you help me with your prayers. " Today, then, dedicate your prayers to this intention.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 13 - ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI
"Our Father Who are in Heaven in the heaven of the Eucharist . . . may we in all humility and zeal make You known, loved and adored by all men in the Holy Eucharist . . . Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Eucharistic Kingdom. Rule Thou alone forever over us for Your greater glory through the power of your love" (St. Peter Julian Eymard).
Mother Teresa - Jesus offers His lifelong, faithful, and personal friendship, embracing us in tenderness and love.
Meditations by Padre Pio - Be totally resigned in the hands of our Lord, giving Him your remaining years, and begging Him always, to fill them with preparations for a life which is pleasing to Him. Don't worry about useless promises of tranquility, enjoyment or merits, but present your hearts to your divine Spouse, totally emptying it of all other affections, except His chaste love. And beseech Him to fill it purely and simply with actions, desires and a will which pertains to His love, so that your hearts, like mother of pearl, do not conceive anything, except with the dew of Heaven and not with the water of the world.Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Fleeting self-praise is governed by fantasy "Our real good is that which we work most earnestly to preserve, and which saddens us most when we lose it. Hence the frequency with which we praise ourselves because of the money we made, or the oil wells we dug. As the sunflower turns toward the sun, the magnetic needle to the polestar, so the egotist turns to his fantasy. Such persons are really still infants, for the characteristic note of an infant is that it wants everything it sees and it cries when it does not get it."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - When a reluctance and a monotony as regards my duties begins to take possession of me, I remind myself that I am in the house of the Lord, where nothing is small and where the glory of the Church and the progress of many a soul depend on this small deed of mine, accomplished in a divinized way. Therefore there is nothing small in a religious congregation. (508)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY
When my intentions are not recognized, but rather condemned, I am not too much surprised, for I know that it is only God who scrutinizes my heart. Truth will not die; the wounded heart will regain peace in due time, and my spirit is strengthened through adversities. I do not always listen to what my heart tells me, but I keep asking God for light; and when I feel I have regained my equilibrium, then I say more. (511)
The day of the renewal of vows. The presence of God flooded my soul. During Holy Mass I saw Jesus, and He said to me, You are my great joy; your love and your humility make Me leave the heavenly throne and unite Myself with you. Love fills up the abyss that exists between My greatness and your nothingness. (512
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.Nov 13 - ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI
The Blessed Virgin speaks of humility today:
Your humility must be proud. Your pride should be humble. If you have received a gift from God, you must be proud, but do not say that is yours. Say, rather, that it is God's.
Our example of humility is Christ himself; as St. Paul writes:
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself (Phil 2:5-7).
The American saint, Frances Xavier Cabrini, was originally from Italy; she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in 1880, and in the United States established schools, hospitals, and orphanages for the care especially of immigrants and children. She died in 1917 and was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1946.
Her life and writings exemplified the humility of which Our Lady and St. Paul speak of in today's readings.
Application: The following Prayer for Humility, written by St. Frances Cabrini, would be appropriate to offer today:
Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you may fortify me with the grace of your Holy Spirit, and give your peace to my soul, that I may be free from all needless anxiety and worry. Help me to desire always that which is pleasing and acceptable to you, so that your will may be my will.
Grant that I may be free of unholy desires and that, for your love, I may remain obscure and unknown in this world, to be known only to you.
Do not permit me to attribute to myself the good that you perform in me and through me, but rather, referring all honor to you, may I admit only to my infirmities, so that renouncing sincerely all vainglory which comes from the world, I may aspire to that true and lasting glory which comes from you. Amen.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 12 - WITHSTAND EVERY TRIAL
"If you wish to strengthen your faith, you must nourish yourself with the blessed Eucharist, which is the 'Mystery of Faith' and fortifies faith" (Francis Xavier Cardinal Nguyen Van Thaun).Mother Cabrini, and her sisters, made several Holy Hours of Adoration before the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus every day, despite their very demanding schedule. She said, "Pray always with Jesus, always remembering that a soul united with Jesus can do everything."Mother Teresa - It is a wonderful thing that God Himself loves us tenderly. Knowing this should give us courage and joy for living.
Meditations by Padre Pio - I beseech you, for the love of God, do not fear God, because He doesn't want to do you any harm at all. Love Him a great deal because He wants to do you a great deal of good. Walk simply, with certainty in your resolutions, and reject the reflections of spirits concerning your suffering, treating them as cruel temptations.Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Too many politicians can't be trusted because they lack humility "From the spiritual point of view, the basic trouble with people who were pampered early in life is pride, egotism or selfishness. Their complexes are due to a great extent to a want of practice of the virtue of humility.
They have developed the wrong treasures, and therefore the heart is in the wrong place. As Our Blessed Lord said, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6: 21; Luke 12: 34). It makes little difference whether we possess the treasure or not; what matters is that we love it. In this case, the treasure is the exalted opinion we have of self, or having our own will satisfied. If this be the treasure, then all the affections, desires and feelings we have intertwine about our ego."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - During a meditation on humility, an old doubt returned: that a soul as miserable as mine could not carry out the task which the Lord was demanding [of me]. Just as I was analyzing this doubt, the priest who was conducting the retreat interrupted his train of thought and spoke about the very thing I was having doubts about; namely, that God usually chooses the weakest and simplest souls as tools for His greatest works; that we can see that this is an undeniable truth when we look at the men He chose to be His apostles; or again, when we look at the history of the Church and see what great works were done by souls that were the least capable of accomplishing them; for it is just in this way that God's works are revealed for what they are, the works of God. When my doubt had completely disappeared, the priest resumed his conference on humility.
Jesus was standing, as He usually did during each conference, on the altar and said nothing to me, but with His kindly gaze pierced my poor soul which no longer had any excuse. (464)
Jesus, Eternal Light, enlighten my mind, strengthen my will, inflame my heart, and be with me as You have promised, for without You I am nothing. You know, Jesus, how weak I am. I do not need to tell You this, for You yourself know perfectly well how wretched I am. It is in You that all my strength lies. (495)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To order email soroka@sasktel.net or 1-866-726-5865Nov 12 - WITHSTAND EVERY TRIAL
Speaking of trials, the Madonna once said in a weekly message:
Dear children, today I wish to tell you that God wants to send you trials which you can overcome by prayer. God is testing you through daily difficulties. Thus, pray to peacefully withstand every trial. From God's testing you will emerge more open and loving (Weekly Message August 22, 1985).
And from Peter's first letter:
Yet if any of you suffers as a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace, but glorify God because you bear his name (1 Pt 45:16).
There is a legend about a monk who was walking in a monastery garden alone, thinking of the Passion of Christ. It was Holy Week. As he slowly paced along, he saw something lying in the path, and picked it up. The voice of Christ told him it was the crown of thorns that he had worn.
He reverently placed it on the altar. Needless to say, never had Holy Week been so meaningful, for the sight of that crown of thorns made the monks realize the sufferings and love of Christ more than they had ever done before.
As Easter Sunday dawned, the monk rose early for his Easter prayers of thanksgiving, and came into the chapel. As the sun shone through the window, it played upon the altar and rested on the crown of thorns, but something miraculous had happened. There in the Easter sunlight the thorns had blossomed into a rainbow of budding flowers.
There are thorns of sufferings and trials in every life, and it seems that only a spirit of acceptance can bring peace in these situations, acceptance, and turning to Christ for solutions and healing, as the Virgin recommends today. Running in circles or complaining rarely helps. But recourse to the Lord of Peace always will.
Application: Today, offer this prayer for times of trial:
Dear Lord, please help me to accept my trials and seek the serenity of your grace so that I might triumph over them, and not wear yourself out by straining or complaining. Amen.
Fr. Doucette: Thu, Nov 17, 2011: The Coming of the Son of Man
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Coming of the Son of Man
Dear Friends,
Jesus said to them, "... There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand." He taught them a lesson. "Consider the fig tree and all the other trees.
When their buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near; in the same way, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 21:10a,25-33)
(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words:)
"I bless you, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living in every part of the world. As Advent is fast approaching, I wish to speak to you about the end of the world once more. When the time for the end of the world has arrived there will be many signs in the sky with the sun, the moon and the stars. There will also be signs in the seas too.
When you see this happening, you should be full of joy because your salvation is at hand. You will see Me coming on a cloud with the angels and I will come with great power and glory. You will all be gathered in Jerusalem and there you will be judged by Me.
Those who have followed Me with be told that you are to come with Me to heaven. I will drive away all those who refused to believe in Me and to follow Me. The judgment will depend on how you lived your lives on earth. At the judgment day there will be no more mercy only justice.
My dear brothers and sisters, I call you now to prepare yourselves for that great day. Make a heartfelt resolution to leave the path of sin behind and to embrace the way I have shown you. Follow Me and indeed you will come with Me to heaven. Accept Me as your Lord and Savior who died for you to pay the price for your sins. I am calling you now to be My friends and to follow Me every day. I love you all."
Father Melvin
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS
St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain?Oct. 15
She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"
Mother Teresa -
The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you."
God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty.
The Christian wife must be a woman of sound piety towards God, an angel of peace in the family, dignified and pleasant towards others.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions
"With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79). More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7).
Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good. Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." " (La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God. When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God.
And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it. If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul.
At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart. A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)
My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:
Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).
And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.
We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.
A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen
Holy Love Nov.16,2011
November 16, 2011
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today the present state of the world - politically, economically and socially - can be summed up as the refusal to accept the truth and the willingness to accept Satan's lies. This is true in every walk of life. Satan's suggestions appear much more pleasing - easy to attain and appealing to the senses; but in the long run, the truth comes out and there is a great price to pay both in society and spiritually."
"It is then that souls are discouraged from running to My Mercy. They are convinced that they are too unworthy - in a sense, unforgivable; but My Mercy is from age to age. It is an open door to salvation. When the sinner repents, he falls into My Arms of Mercy. I embrace him and make him new. Satan does not want sinners to know this truth; so, I have come to give it to you. Believe in My Mercy."
Virgin Mary :
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 @ 08:00 am
My child there will be fierce fighting as the battle for souls commences. Pray for all those poor souls who need the protection of My Son’s Mercy.
The Evil One will do all he can to turn children away from My Son’s hand of mercy.
So many of my poor lost souls have no idea of the battle which has already commenced and which is led by the Evil One. His days are short now my child but you must do all you can to help My precious Son to save these people before it is too late.
You, my child, must continue to ask me for protection because you are now becoming a real thorn in the Evil One’s side. Be on your guard at every moment. Prayer is important and you must ask others to pray for you.
Pray for Pope Benedict especially now for he too is under attack. Never falter in your work for My Son for you, my child, must endure to the very end in order to fulfil prophecies foretold so long ago.
Remember I cover you with my holy mantle at all times.
Your heavenly Mother
Queen of the Roses
(note this message was received after a full apparition of the Blessed Mother which lasted 20 minutes in which she appeared very sad) “Maria Divine Mercy”
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Nov. 16,2011
FYI of your eternity
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
The Warning and illumination of conscience as Jesus sees our soul is going to happeen at any time now, as predicted by Jesus. Please get ready by frequent reconciliation, Holy Mass and Holy communion and adoration infront of The Most Blessed Sacrement. Please pray the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy often for the conversion of our families, friends, all hardened sinners and idoletrers,communists, atheists and free masons etc.. We, His chosen children must pray, pray, pray; repent,repent,repent; fast,fast,fast; do penance, penance, and penance, as instructed by Jesus,Eternal Father, Their Most Holy Spirit and Jesus' Most Holy Mother who is our Mother, for the conversion of humanity and in reparation for the horrible sins committed against the ever loving Holy Trinity. Otherwise many people who does not know the True God will march into hell. This is very painful to our Loving God and The Mother of Jesus.
As predicted by Jesus, you can notice the weather changes, the global wars, unrest, sins committed against innocent people worldwide. Very soon, Eternal Father as He planned will wage the FINAL BATTLE against the anti Christ and put an end to his reign of terror. And bring His children to, 1000 years of peace, which Jesus calls The Era of Peace, when heaven will merge with the earth, which was crated by God to be the garden of Eden. The Holy Cross will appear in the sky, then everything will be quite when Jesus reveals the state of our soul to us. This is the time to fall on our knees and ask for pardon from Jesus, if we have not done so until then. Then the stars in the sky will explode in the sky!!!!!!! It is going to affect the world and its normal ways!!!
Jesus has instructed us to procure at least two weeks emergency supplies, including blessed candles for every room in the house and Holy water. Sprinkle Holy water on four corners of the house. Have a blessed St Benedict medallion Cross and Holy scapular on your body at all times. Holy Rosary is also recommended by Jesus.
Do not look on the spinning sun without a sun glass. Otherwise you will burn your retina. Do not look at the sun too long either. You can see the spinning sun like a disk and different colors spreading around the sun in the sky now. This is a warning sign for His children. Let His children hear if they have hearing and let them see if they have sight. Please go to the: http://wwwthewarningsecondcoming.com website, Jesus has given us for more information.
Be strong, be brave and be in peace and joy.
Love and prayers. Jesus' humble servant, Vilasini Tharakan.
Preparations are now complete
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 @ 08:30 pm
My dearly beloved daughter take heed now. Please reassure all My children that faith will ensure their salvation. That is all that matters now.
Love for Me and one another will be your route to Paradise.
If you love each other the way I love you it must be unconditional. You must accept each other’s faults. Forgive children. Fighting does not spring from Heaven. It is caused by the deceiver to create disruption.
Rise now and pray, pray, pray for My Great Mercy as time is almost upon you.
Preparations are now complete.
You simply wait now.
Prepare your souls and pray for one another. Just accept My Holy will My daughter.
Do not ask for explanations. Follow My instructions and show obedience at all times. Do not fall into traps being set for you to encourage you to fall. Satan wants you to fall so he can trample on you but I must again remind you to keep silent. Suffer any indignation with eyes bent downwards in complete humility.
Imitate Me daughter in all you do. Once you do this Satan cannot engage with you successfully.
Go now and wait. For I am coming soon.
Your Loving Jesus
Saviour and Redeemer of all Mankind
Latest released messages to The Two Patricks
Friday 14 October 2011
The more that I go into this Journey with Jesus, the more I begin to see the Truth of His Words. When we allow our bodies to be in control, then we become blinded to the things of the spirit. The Words that Jesus speaks take on a new light, a new understanding. When He says, look at the Truth and see how this world blinds you, I could never fully understand what He meant because I thought I was looking. But now I understand how blind that I have been.We block Jesus in so many different ways and most of these are small but, we have to remember, many small bricks can build an impenetrable fortress. For instance, one of the greatest blocks is never truly getting to know Jesus. Yes, we go to Mass and say our prayers but we don't think of the real Person, the Person who Suffered and Died for us. Yes, He Breathed and felt Pain, was happy and sad, felt hungry, just the same as each one of us. Jesus is a real Person and He is with us, begging us to see the Truth and turn away from the lies of this world.Look around, this world does not believe in Jesus. If we mention the Name of Jesus in public, people will laugh at us and look at us as if we had two heads.Why do we think that is?If people do not believe in Him, why do they react so hostile to His Name? Why do we feel so embarrassed about speaking His Name in public? The truth is that lucifer does all in his power to eradicate the Name of Jesus for, even he, must get down on bended knee when he hears the Name Jesus. It is time to look at the truth: we are in a spiritual battle. Everyone talks about the modern age; the modern age has only been here for fifty or sixty years. lucifer gave man wealth for he knew that this would turn him away from Jesus. When man was poor, he had time to think about and understand his God but, now, man has no time for God for he is too busy trying to make more and more money.
Jesus:Truth is what I seek, children, from those who follow Me. Unless you die to self, you will never truly see or understand the Truth. The more that you turn away from this world and its ways, the more you will begin to understand My Truth, My Ways.Clean and dirty water cannot flow from the same pipe but this is the way that you follow Me. You try to follow Me and follow the world! A servant cannot have two masters for you will love one and hate the other. This is why many change My Scriptures and My Laws so that they can say that they are following Me but all the time they are following the lies of lucifer in this world.Open your hearts, My little ones, and begin to deny self. Remember, “...need and not greed...” is My Way. There are many things that you strive for in this world that you do not need: they are simply greed.Look at your houses, your cars, your bank accounts, your debts, your lifestyle, how much of this is for Me and how much of it is for greed? Look at the Truth, children, and do not blind yourselves any longer. When you begin to tell yourself the Truth about your own life, it is then and only then, that you can begin this Journey of Love with Me. I ask you to simply look into your lifestyle and see what you can change. Simplify your lives, children, then you will have time to follow in My Footsteps and this world will no longer have a hold over you. I Love you, My little ones, I Love you.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Patrick:When we follow Jesus, we should always be looking forward to our deaths with great joy in our hearts, the same way we would be looking forward to going on holiday. When we are going on holiday, we prepare for the journey. We make sure everything is in order before we go.It is the same for when we die, we should be preparing every day for our deaths for we do not know when it will happen and, yes, it could happen in a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, or ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty years: we do not know so we should always be preparing for that Journey towards Jesus. For that day is the greatest holiday we will ever prepare for, for it will go on for all eternity.It is time for us to wake up and see the Truth and pull ourselves away from this world and its ways for they are only distractions that keep us away from our preparation of going to Jesus.
Jesus:Look, My little ones, and see the Truth of these Words:First, I am the Lord, your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me.This world and its ways is a strange God.Come away from the deceit that is like a great fog that sweeps across the face of this earth.Come into My Light and allow Me to guide you in the Truth so that one day you can enter the Kingdom of My Father where you shall live for all eternity in the Light of Our Love.Come, My beloved children, and follow My Footsteps on this Path of Truth. I am calling out to you this day, in Love. I Love you.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Saturday 15 October 2011
Patrick:We must look at the Truth of what Jesus is saying in these Words. He is asking us to cast off the burdens of this world and follow Him in truth. We allow ourselves to be guided by this world, instead of our God. This we do not realise we are doing for we have a tendency to follow whatever the trend is at the time, without thinking about it. We do not want to be the odd one out, we do not want to be the one that stands out in the crowd. So, we fall into line, follow the trends of this world and the trends of this world always lead away from God.What Jesus is saying in these Words is to break free, stand back and see what is happening around us. See what our lives are becoming, see how we are being led away from the Path that Jesus wants us to travel.Yes, it is hard for us to open our eyes and see the Truth. I know I can only speak for myself and Jesus has helped me and shown me the way to control self in order that I can see. It is only through self denial that we can begin to understand the Ways of our God. The more that we deny self, the more we begin to see.I started this Journey by not eating after six o'clock in the evening or seven, if the meal is late and offering this to Jesus as a sacrifice. The first week or two was very hard for my body cried out for those evening snacks.Through this, I have begun to understand self denial. Our bodies cry out for things that we do not really need. In order to control self, I have used the rules that Jesus gave: “need and not greed.” Through this, I have begun to understand how we allow sin to control our lives. We accept sin and do nothing about it. But, through self-denial, I have found that sin can also be controlled by just simply denying ourselves and not entering into the sin.Yes, our minds and bodies will complain because sin has become so much a part of our lives. Gossip, anger, lust, greed, blindness, lies, deceit, coveting, judging, these are just a few of the things that we allow into our everyday lives and do not recognise them as sin. But, they are blocks between us and our God.Jesus wants each one of us to open our eyes and see the Truth: the more the scales fall from our eyes, the more we will understand Him and the more we will see the Path that He wishes to lead us upon.If we are unwilling to shake the baggage of this world off then we shall remain blind to the Truth and wander aimlessly through our lives, never producing good fruit and always wondering what Jesus is talking about and saying things like: Jesus would not want me to deny myself these things: I do nothing wrong, I hurt no one, I follow Jesus the best I can, I simply do my best.But, these are justifications in order to remain in our selfish lifestyles. There is so much more to be had from our lives with Jesus for, the more that we shake off the baggage of this world, the more Jesus is able to fill us with His Peace, His Love and His Understanding, we will begin to see this world in a different light, the more that Jesus is allowed to enter us. The understanding of life will penetrate our hearts and the peace that surpasses all understanding will be allowed to enter our souls which is Jesus. And, yes, we will fall many times on this Journey but we must get up and begin again, immediately. I know that Jesus is using me as an example to help others but I am a very weak person and I do fall many times but I know the greatest desire within my heart is to follow the One whom I love, who is Jesus. He is like an addiction to me. I look forward so much to the day when I will die and be born into New Life in the Kingdom of Our Father.
Jesus:Come, My beloved children, I hold out My Hand to you in these Words. They are a lifeline that will guide you on to the Path of Truth.Come, children, I will take you on a Journey that you could never believe possible.I shall show you the marvels of this world but, first, you must take My Hand and walk this Path with Me so that the scales of this world may fall away from you and My Truth dwell within your hearts.Come, My beloved children, walk this Path with Me and We, together, shall bring about a great change within this world.We, together, shall Breathe New Life into the dying and freedom shall be known and seen once again as My Love begins to shine new Light upon this earth.But, I need you, My children, in order to do this.I need your willingness to die to yourselves so that you may see My Truth and carry it as a precious stone within your hearts.I Love you, My beloved children, I Love you and I stand at the door of your heart knocking and waiting for you to open it to Me.I Love you.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Jesus:Come, look at My Words, My little children.These are Words of Eternal Life given to you directly from My Heart.You do not realise how much I care about you, My children.I have given My All for you so that you could have Life with Me in My Father's Kingdom.Come, now, My beloved children, and see the Words that I speak.See how much I will write My Love to you and them.See how I guide you into the safety of My Fold.Come, My beloved children, and listen to the calls of My Heart.Come, I await your response every day and watch and listen for any step you will take towards Me.Come, beloved children of My Heart, and respond to My calls.I Love you.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Monday 24 October 2011
I have been fighting now for about six weeks in the way that Jesus has shown me. I feel changes are beginning to happen. It is beginning to get easier to recognise the spirit world. I was working in the yard today and I could feel that there were many there along with me.I did not know who they were, Jesus? Angels? Saints?I did not know but I knew that they were from Heaven. This is beginning to happen quite often now. Even in the wind and rain, all seems to become peaceful. There is a quietness that can only come from Heaven.Yes, the fight is difficult but the more that I seem to be able to control my humanness and its desires, the more the spirit seems to be coming to the fore.The way that Jesus showed me how to begin fighting is like starting a fire but, in order for that fire to keep burning, we need to keep adding fuel to it.He showed me how to begin. I began by not eating from six o'clock in the evening to the next morning and this is the time when I like to have meals and snacks, late in the evening and into the night for I am rarely in bed before two o'clock.My body cries out for food in the evenings and my mind gives me every good reason why I should eat but, as Jesus says, we eat too much: more than our body needs. This comes back to the rule “need and not greed.”
As it became easier not to eat in the evenings, Jesus showed me that I must add fuel to the fire and He said the greatest fuel that we can add is sin. In other words, the list that we take to Confessions with us, we must begin at the top of that list and add each sin in its turn to the fire and no matter how tempted we are to commit that sin we must have the resolve to fight it. This is the fire of self-dying that will consume all darkness: it is our giving, our sacrifice to our Saviour.When the temptations become too much, I have learned to retreat into the quiet place that we all have within our hearts where Jesus resides. I know many will say: “but I cannot find this,” but, I tell you, we all can.Simply close your eyes and feel the place where your heart is, within your body for, this is the place where we feel love and pain. Feel it and let the Peace of Jesus flow freely. Block all thoughts that the mind may throw at you and simply say, “Jesus, I trust in You” and feel for Him. This, He cannot resist and you will feel His Peace.
The more that we do this, the more our souls will begin to waken from the slumber we have placed them in by denying the existence of that Peace through our actions in this world. The more that self is controlled, the easier it becomes to find Jesus and His Peace.
I am beginning to understand what Jesus said about the wheat grain falling into the ground and dying before it produces fruit. The more that we die to ourselves, the stronger the Presence of Jesus becomes within us and the easier it is to see His Ways are not ours.We must simply look at the Truth and see what Jesus is saying. We cannot produce fruit for His Kingdom when self is in control because, if we were allowed to use His Gifts without dying to this world, then we would use them for self gain: we would produce nothing for the Kingdom of Our Father.We all have been given the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation but they lie dormant within us because we do not resist the calls of self: whatever self desires we are only too happy to provide, if it is within our means. Yes, and even when it is not within our means, we will borrow, deceive and steal to provide for its needs.So, as Jesus is showing all of us, if we want to be His true followers, we must remove all self and all the blocks that are cluttering the path that allows Him to enter our hearts fully. When we say we can't, this is only a justification that self has learned to use. It is the defence mechanism we have given to ourselves. Yes, it is a fight; it is a great battle for, self will complain every second of every minute of every day until we learn to control its greed, its desire, its selfishness. It is like taming a savage beast: it cannot be done in a matter of days. When self is fully controlled, it will be our friend and will only look to be fulfilled with the Love of Jesus. This must be our goal if we want to be a true follower of Jesus and walk in His Footsteps.
This is My Truth that this world has forgotten. The more that you die to self, the more freedom My Spirit has to Work within you. The more of you that follow this Path, the more freedom I will have to Work among My people.This is My Battle Cry, children, I call you to war! This war will be fought with the Gifts of My Spirit but those who will use them must do so in Truth. My Love must be given freely to all My people, no matter what they have done or what they have said.Truth is My Way and I give you this Path so that you will know My Truth.Wake up now, My children, and come walk with Me and We, together, shall shine into the darkness of this world.We, together, shall lead many into the realm of My Father's Kingdom.Come, beloved of My Heart, and answer My call this day.Come, My beloved children, I await.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 26 October 2011Patrick:
If anyone is willing to walk this Path, be sure, now, and know that you will have to work hard for every step that you take. Self will rebel and make every justification in the book in order to break our resolve. It will search for every chink there is in our armour. For instance, if we are fasting and are attacked with temptations, self will say you must eat in order to be strong to fight the temptations but, be warned, if self is able to break us on one part, it will have a domino effect on the rest. So we must resist for our resistance will make us stronger.All the things that we have thrown upon the fire of dying to self must remain there for if we fail on one then the rest will soon follow after. We must remember that our greatest defence is finding the Peace of Jesus within our hearts. This is where we will become strengthened in order to fulfil this journey. So going to prayer to be with Jesus is very important every day. As Saint Paul has told us, we must remember that we are in a spiritual battle and the evil one will do everything in his power to break us.Again, our only defence against the evil one is Jesus. We must be willing to retreat as soon as we feel temptation come in.I can understand the piece of Scripture where Jesus said: …No man putting his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God. Luke 9:62, Douay-Rheims. If any man or woman begins this Journey and looks back, with desire, to his or her old life then he or she is not worthy for they do not truly love Jesus enough to give their free will up for Him as He did for us. If we are willing to walk this Path, Jesus has shown me that we will come to a point where self will fall like a great wall and then we will truly become the instruments of God. We will become empty vessels that God may fill and use to do His Work in this world for, finally, we will see the Truth and our only desire will be to follow the One who fulfils all things in Righteousness and Truth.It is not hard to begin the dying to self: we simply need an anchor point to begin. We need to give up something that we like and offer it as a sacrifice to Jesus. That something could be alcohol, cigarettes, not eating after six, television, or watching our favourite programme on the television or something else that we like. This is our anchor point; it is like the spark that lights the fire, we must get the resolve in our hearts to offer this to Jesus and not break this sacrifice for anything.When it becomes easy and we are not tempted as much to give up, then we must add another thing to the fire and so on.Remember, the greatest things that we can add to this fire is sin. Again, I must warn you, when you are tempted to give in to something that you have added to the fire, never break your anchor point for it will be like ripping out the foundations of a great building: it will all collapse.This is a lifetime commitment; this is the plough that Jesus spoke of.Do not enter upon this Path if you are not willing to see it through to the end for you will fall.It does become easier the further that we travel along the Path as this world relinquishes its hold upon us. The beginning of this Journey is the hardest. At the beginning of this Journey, we will have to fight ‘tooth and nail’ to stay on the Path.I want to paint a picture of reality in these words for, if you see that this Journey is hard to begin then you will not become downhearted when you are in it. This is the greatest Journey we will ever undertake within our lives; it will be the Journey that we could never have dreamed of within our wildest dreams. It is the Journey that will lead us to where we will see and feel the marvels of the Kingdom of Our Father: a Journey where human desire has no place but, simply, the desires of our God, our everything.
Look, My little children, I opened the gates to “A Walk With The Truth,” to you.Come, take My Hand and We, together, shall walk this Path.We, together, shall experience the joys, the pain, the wonders of this Journey.Walk this Path with Me and you shall understand the meaning of My Words for My Spirit shall flow through you and the scales shall fall from your eyes and the wonders of your God will become clear and, finally, My soldiers will be revealed and the darkness of this world shall be swept aside.Come, My beloved children, I call out to you this day to walk this Path with Me for I need your hands, your feet and your lips in order to do this Work, in order to spread the Light of My Love into the darkness of this world.It is only through you, My children, that I can do this for I cannot break the free will of mankind.It is only when you give Me the freedom to use you that this world will once again see the Power of its God: the blind will see: the lame will walk: the deaf shall hear: the dead shall rise for nothing in all creation can stand against the Power of your God.Come, My child, take My Hand and begin this Journey this day as you read these Words for We, together, have much Work to do and there is so little time to do it.Come, My children, feel the excitement of your God as I call My Warriors of Truth to the fore for We shall sweep the tide of sin aside and this world shall realise that I do exist.The scientists and scholars of this world will stand confounded. No words shall come from their mouths as they realise how wrong they have been. It is time, children, to show this world that their God is among them and that their lies have not diminished My Power.Wake up now, you children of this world, for soon My Army shall march and mankind shall know its wrongdoing.The Warriors of My Light are coming to the fore and you shall beat your breasts for what you have done.Repent of your evil ways now and return to Me and join My Army of Truth for no evil shall stand against them for the Power of My Truth will cut you down like a mighty sword and you shall fall headlong into the pit if you do not repent of your evilness.Be Warned, creation, be Warned! Your God has spoken and soon now My Army shall rise. I Love you.
Thursday 27 October 2011Patrick:
Jesus has asked me to tell you about my experience on this Journey of dying to self so that it will encourage you to walk this Path with Him. I am the worst disaster of an example for trying anything for I have always been a disaster at denying myself!I can understand the justifications for I have always justified to myself and told myself I was doing well whereas, in reality, I was not.Jesus has shown me on this Path how easy it is to deceive ourselves for a lot of the things within our lives that we believe are necessary are simply habit. Well, I will talk about the greatest pitfall to watch out for, for it could destroy everything that we are trying to offer to Jesus.Pride is the one thing that we must all watch out for, for when we begin this Journey with Jesus, the thoughts will begin to bombard you as they have done me: “Look, I am trying, they are not.” This is the evil one trying to break us in the sin of pride.On this Path with Jesus, we cannot look at anyone else, we cannot judge anyone else; we must simply look at ourselves. We must look at the things that are blocking us from Jesus.When we begin this Journey, we think that there are not a lot of things to die to but, I can tell you, from my experience, the further that we walk this Path, the more and more that we see and realise how much we place before Him. I can tell you now, from my experience, the first few weeks are the hardest and after that you will get the odd few days that are very difficult but, initially, in the first few weeks, every day, we are battered by self.In my first few weeks, I was battered with thoughts like, “Why should I do this? Nobody else is.” I was constantly looking at other people, thinking to myself, “This is very unfair! Look, they are allowed to do what they want, this is all nonsense, I am going to have to do this for the rest of my life.” Especially at night, when I could not eat, my mind and stomach would scream at me: “You are not getting enough nourishment, you are going to become sick, Jesus would not want you to do this, this is stupidity, you can eat something small like an apple, just think, you have to do this tomorrow night again, this is stupid!” But, after a few weeks of self crying out, it started to fade.Yes, every now and then my mind and my stomach do complain but I go and drink a glass of water and it all settles again. I have added quite a few other things to the fire and they all do the same, they all complain but fade and die away for a while. Jesus said to me, we must protect our anchor. My anchor is not eating after six and, about five weeks in, I ate three evenings in a row and I realised everything was about to come tumbling down and the fire would be extinguished. But I realised what was happening, through the Grace of Jesus and started again. For a few days my body and mind complained bitterly; the hunger pangs were horrible but it all settled back down again.Now I have realised that the anchor point is the most important part of dying to self. If we concentrate on the anchor point, we can constantly throw other things onto the fire and it will seem like nothing. This is why that if you decide to walk this Path, your anchor point must be something that is really strong, something that we really like and find difficult to give up for, when we can overcome it - our anchor - the foundation will be strong and the rest of the things that we give up will be simpler and the Journey will become much easier.Self is like training a wild animal, it will become used to going without, it will learn to endure hardship and will not complain as loudly. I thought I was going to be unhappy for the rest of my life doing this but I can tell you there is a peace within it. It seems to be the more that we deny self the more at peace we become.Remember, the evil one will be always trying to break us so do not do things that will make you unhealthy for he will try to trip us up in every way possible. Some people will have addictive personalities and could become addicted to giving the wrong things up. So, we must remember the things that we are giving up in our lives are the blocks, the sins, the things that waste time, like television. Sins like judgement, anger, gossip; we must try to become patient with others and see their point of view rather than always seeing our own.We must be constantly watching for little situations where we can show love rather than judgement, anger, gossip and pride. We must think, “What would Jesus do in this situation?” And, what He did when there was no love He placed Love and so found Love. These are the Footsteps that we must walk in.In order to become a Soldier of the Light, we must begin to spread the Love of Jesus like a farmer spreading seeds. Our dying to self is a sacrifice that we can offer to Jesus in order to gain the Graces so that His little seeds of Love will begin to grow within the people that we meet and so they too will begin to show love and sow seeds.This is what Jesus is talking about when He says, “This earth is parched and dry...” it hungers for the little droplets of Love that He places within us to spread to all mankind.Walk this Journey with Jesus and I can tell you, from my own experience, you will be surprised at what you find. I am surprised and I have not even been walking this Path for two months now. I am beginning to recognise so much about myself, things that I did not know even existed in my life that are unnecessary and, yes, are blocks between me and Jesus. I am finding it easier to listen to Jesus for many things that I blamed the evil one on, was actually myself being lazy and justifying in order for me not to see the truth.I can see now that we are liars and 99.9% of the lies we tell are to ourselves in order to live our selfish lives. The earth begins to take on a different perspective and it is easier to pray for people because I can see myself in them when they speak to me. I can recognise my own words in what they say. Things like: “I find it very difficult” or “I can't do this in reality.” What we are saying is: “I can't be bothered” and “I don't want to do this.” But, I can tell you, if you begin this Journey with Jesus, you will find Peace within your heart; the Peace that surpasses all understanding, this will become quite clear to you.Jesus has said in hundreds of Messages: “I give you My Peace, My little ones,” or, “feel My Presence within.” I never truly recognised what He was saying but, now, I am beginning to. It is as though my whole life I have been walking through trees looking for a forest and have never realised I am in the forest: that's how blind we are. I am walking this Path for only a short time now and, if you were to ask me what you should do, I would say, come, walk it for you will be shocked at what you find. It is like walking through a door into a new life: a life full of difficulties, just the same as the old one but a life with Peace.
Jesus:Come, My beloved children, and walk this Path with Me. I can tell you, My son, you have recognised little, you do not know what is before you: the Joys of My Kingdom which the walls of self are a barrier to. When the walls of self fall within you, it will be as though you lived your life in the darkness and have suddenly walked into the light. Trust in Me, children, trust in My Truth. These are not new Words, this is not a new Path, read the Words of My Gospels. This is the Path that My Disciples, My Apostles, have walked before you.Come, My little children, I call you to be My Disciples, I call you to be the Warriors of My Truth so that you can take Me out into this world and show My people that I am Alive in you.Come, beloved of My Heart, I call out to you this day to come, follow Me on this Path of Truth so that you find My Love, My Peace, within your hearts. Allow Me to fill you, My little ones, allow Me to become a part of you, allow this Weary Traveller to find rest within your heart. I Love you.
Patrick:Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Friday 28 October 2011
Patrick:To follow Jesus, we must be willing to look at each other with open hearts. We must never judge one another, we must never look ill upon one another. We must never wish harm upon another person but we must always treat one another with the Love and respect that Jesus has given to us in the Gift of life.Truth is what Jesus is looking for from each one of us and, if we say that we are His followers, we must be willing to look at His Truth and spread it to all those that we meet by our actions. People will come to believe in Him through us by our example. We must be willing to use the Gifts of the Spirit in our everyday lives.Jesus is not looking for supermen and superwomen running round healing and raising people from the dead. He is looking for people who are willing to spread His Love by example.Yes, Jesus may call upon some to use the greater Gifts but we must not desire them for self’s sake, because, if we desire them for this, then we are allowing self to take precedence over Jesus.We must remember that we are simple tools in a tool box that Jesus may lift out at any time to use. It is not up to us to question why or when. We must be simple, obedient servants of Love. If we are called to pray, if we are called to heal, if we are called to love, if we are called to serve then this is what we must become.
We must be humble in all that we do, never accepting praise for ourselves but always pointing to Jesus who is All. Jesus is our Master and our only desire should be to fill our souls with Him, our only desire should be to break away the shackles of this world and find the freedom of the spirit. If we are willing to do this, Jesus will fill our hearts with His Love, His Truth and sight, the scales will fall from our eyes.We, the children of God, will be able to see what He is asking of us; no longer shall we live in confusion. We are only confused because we bring it upon ourselves. We have allowed self to have so much control that we can no longer see the Truth of God. We have desired the things of this world and its ways for so long that we have blinded ourselves to the Truth of Jesus.
On this Path that He has set before us, He has taken us by the hand and is coaxing us along this Path so that we may see His Truth and no longer be controlled by the desires of self. The further that we go along this Path, the greater the fire should burn within us; that all-consuming fire that will burn away self.We must be adding things every day to this fire so that Truth may burn bright within our hearts. Everything that holds us back from Jesus must be consumed in the dying to self; it must become like a great inferno so that this world will see His Light shine from our hearts.Our eyes will burn bright with the fire of the One who Loves us; people shall know that we are followers of Jesus by our love that will shine forth from our souls.It goes back to Scripture, where He said that My Father and I shall come and dwell within you. His Light must be allowed to shine from us so that the darkness of this world is consumed in the Light. Truth is what we must be willing to look at: no more justifications for self’s sake. Only Truth for Truth’s sake.Jesus must be the All-Consuming Force within us: we must be willing to sacrifice ourselves for Him and His Truth then this world shall know and all sin shall be destroyed by the All-Loving Jesus.
Jesus:I do not desire that you be controlled by self any longer, My children. I wish to break the shackles of this world from you so that you will be able to walk this earth and see the Truths that I have put within it. So that you will become the beacons of light that will shine My Truth forth into this world. My Army is racing, children, come forward and walk this Path with Me so that you, too, may come to know the Fire of My Love that shall Burn bright within your hearts. Begin, My children, begin to break the shackles of this world: light the Fire of Truth and let it be consumed - that, that has held you back from Me for so long.I call to you this day, My little ones, to walk this Path. Come, My Warriors of Love, My Warriors of Truth, My Warriors of the Light, We, together, shall offer much to My Father and He shall be Glorified through My Work in you.All Glory be to Our Father, who is the Creator of all things and it is He who deserves the Glory. Shine your little light through Me to Him so that He will know that you are My servants and that His Love is spread through Me and so through you out into this world. Come, beloved of My Heart, and let My Love shine this day in you. I Love you.
Sunday 30 October 2011Children of this world, how do I make you understand? How do I make you see? I stand here as the Gate but you do not wish to see Me, you only wish to see what you wish to see.I am the Gate: I am open for you to walk freely in and out but you only wish to see and hear the thief and the brigand. My Way is open, theirs is closed. I lay down My Life for My sheep so that they are safe. The thief and the brigand do not.Every day, you see Me less; every day you give Me less. You take My Words and you trample upon them, you change them, you spit them from your mouths like rotten food.Embrace Me now, children, embrace these Arms that reach out to you. The clock of time is wound up tight and soon it will begin to unwind. I tell you the Truth: it will unwind very quickly, more quickly than you have thought.I told you of things that were being done in secret: I Warned you of these.Now, those secret things are here and it will go hard for you because you did not wish to see. You did not wish to see the way the world pushed Me aside in favour of stone gods: you did not wish to see or hear the blood spilled on the earth as it cried out to Me. You did not wish to hear of My Justice that would come on the earth, you did not wish to change from the lie you live to the Truth.I tell you, children, the Lord will exact His Justice.You fill your bodies with food as you should to keep you alive but you do not hear My Word, as you should, to keep your soul alive. The soul withers within you for lack of spiritual food. Feed your souls, My children, lest they perish!Look to the One who Saves!Look to the One who was raised on a Cross!Look and be healed.Look to the One who Loves incessantly.My Love remains the same: yesterday, today and forever.
Sunday 30 October 2011On the progress of the Houses of PrayerI am happy with the progress of some of My Houses, I feel Joy in your giving to Me. I can only progress in the same measure as you progress. When they are ready, I will be ready to bring My children to them. As a river begins with a tiny trickle then, by the time it reaches the sea, it has become a mighty torrent, so shall it be with My Houses. How it will appease the Pain in My Heart to see My children process through the doors of My Houses: safe refuges, great lights shining in the darkness; Love and Light come to earth and welcomed! More is to come. Progress, too, in your hearts towards Me, children, and I will bring all this to bear.
AppealFor weeks, we have been feeling the call of Jesus to do, urgently, the things that He needs done. These calls seem overwhelming when faced with the financial burden of all the things that He needs to be done in this world. Asking Him about these things, the answer that He gave is contained in this Message. He speaks of our (the Patricks’) fear and lack of faith:Tuesday 1 November 2011
Patrick:Jesus, why do I feel these things? They are beyond my understanding of what You want.
Jesus:My servant, I Love you. I call you in many ways. I call you in the depths of your heart and your heart feels these things. Within you I Am. You feel My Anguish that My children do not listen as they should, you feel the many things that I need to be in place and are not even begun, you feel the Pain that is in Me for the world.What you feel is the many places that call to you that need what I have given you both; you feel the time as it passes and nothing is done.Yes, My servant, you feel that you must go and go you must but you are too little to do all of it. What needs to be done, the pile reaches the Heavens. But, I tell you, I, alone, can do all things; the more that you give Me, the more that I can do.Your heart is open and, because it is open, you feel these things. I will show you where you must go. It is your fear and lack of faith that makes you not see. I Love you.We, the Patricks, thank you for your prayers and any financial help that you can give us at this time. We place you always in our prayers. May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus shower you with His Love.Holy Love Messages: November 07, 2011 (and October 30, 2011
October 30, 2011
Blessed John Paul II says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The saints would never have achieved sainthood if they had not desired personal holiness. Not only did they desire holiness, but they burned with the desire to increase in holiness. They were never complacent or self-satisfied in their spiritual journey."
"The difference today is a relative few nurture this desire in their hearts. When problems arise, they are consumed by the problem. God's Will is not part of their heart. Many prayers are rendered fruitless for they are offered out of fear and worry instead of trust."
"The desire for an ever-deepening relationship with God needs to begin with Holy Love, which calls for a surrender of free will. When free will is surrendered to the Divine, God inspires the soul to step away from love of the world, and all its entrapments, to love of God and neighbor. The more he surrenders, the more he desires holiness."November 7, 2011
Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to enlighten you as to the action of angels in your life and in the world today. Because we abide in Heaven, we are not constrained by time or space. This allows us to be in many places at the same time. We can move instantaneously between Heaven and earth. So it is, that your petitions are carried instantaneously from your heart to the Heart of God."
"We [the angels] are permitted to disguise ourselves as mortal beings in order to redirect free will or to initiate actions towards the fulfillment of God's plans."
"We most often counter evil forces that threaten eternal life, and help the undecided to determine the path of righteousness. We can bring to fulfillment God's plans, thwarting mankind's evil inclinations by our influence."
"The most important point I make today is that people need to believe in the angels. The greater your faith in us, the more power we have to act. Thousands upon thousands of angels are present here on this property. They often appear as glittering lights."
"Ask them to assist you."Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 08 - DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELVES
"This practice [of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament], repeatedly praised and recommended by the Magisterium, is supported by the example of many saints.
Particularly outstanding in this regard was Saint Alphonsus Liguori, who wrote: `Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us'. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace. A Christian community desirous of contemplating the face of Christ . . . cannot fail also to develop this aspect of Eucharistic worship, which prolongs and increases the fruits of our communion in the body and blood of the Lord." "Like the woman who anointed Jesus in Bethany, the Church has feared no `extravagance', devoting the best of her resources to expressing her wonder and adoration before the unsurpassable gift of the Eucharist" (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, Pope John Paul II, 25 and 48).
Mother Teresa -
I believe we must look for holiness, joy, and love in our own homes. We must make our home like a second "Nazareth" where Jesus can come and live with us.Meditations by Padre Pio -
Be like little spiritual bees, bringing nothing into their hives but honey and wax. May your homes be full of sweetness, peace, agreement, humility and piety as regards conversation.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
We can't educate our kids soon enough!"An educator was once asked by a mother of a child of five years of age, at what age she should begin educating her child. His answer was that `it is already five years too late.' This may be an exaggeration, but the best informed opinions are that the two ages which are most important in the education of the young are the ages between three and four for psychological development, and the beginning of the `teens' for ethical development."St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
On the eve of the retreat, I started to pray that the Lord Jesus might give me just a little health so that I could take part in the retreat, because I was feeling so ill that I thought perhaps it might be my last. However, as soon as I had started praying I felt a strange dissatisfaction. I interrupted the prayer of supplication and began to thank the Lord for everything He sends me, submitting myself completely to His holy will. Then I felt profound peace of soul.
Faithful submission to the will of God, always and everywhere, in all events and circumstances of life, gives great glory to God. Such submission to the will of God carries more weight with Him than long fasts, mortifications and the most severe penances. Oh, how great is the reward for one act of loving submission to the will of God! As I write, my soul is enraptured at the thought of how much God loves it and of the peace that my soul already enjoys, here on earth. (724)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Nov 8 - DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELVESSpeaking to the prayer group that Ivan and Marija had formed, the Virgin said:You will be happy if you do not judge yourselves according to your faults, but understand that graces are offered to you even in your faults (Visionary Prayer Group May 12, 1986).And of judging, Christ said in the gospel of Luke:Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven (Lk 6:37).
Reflection:Christ and Our Lady wish us to be truly free, but this is contingent upon our forgiveness of both ourselves and others, as our readings illustrate today.This freedom means release from the prisons for our own minds and hearts the capacity to receive the gift of peace. But we cannot receive this grace while bitterness and resentment towards other tears at our souls, doing more damage than any past transgressor could.And so the Blessed Mother calls us to release the bitter past, to let go of these old resentments, and to allow God to dispense justice in his own way and in his own time. She urges us to be cleansed and healed from the pain of the past so that it cannot poison the present and the future. She calls us to allow old injustices to be purged on the funeral pyre of Christ's redeeming love. This love is Christ's own presence, the gift of himself. It comes through surrender to the Lord of Peace who makes all things new.
Application:In prayer today, surrender the pain of the past to Christ and Our Lady, asking that they heal the wounds of bitterness and hurt.
Many miracles have been attributed to these prayers..Use them with the faith of a the grain of a mustard seed in the State of Sanctifying Grace..and watch miracles take place..
Wednesday there is speculation of planets lining up, an asteroid, a comet..and then the emergency testing which is first in history of American with any president. Will anything happen from all of these things..We know much is propaganda so this may be too..but it certainly sounds true. Only God knows. We can be at peace with no fear if we are living our Catholic faith. JPII said Be Not Afraid..countless times..He is with us from Heaven helping us to fight this spiritual battle which is increasing daily.
God The Father – Last Call to Atheists
Saturday, November 5th, 2011 @ 01:00 pm
My daughter mankind will now be shown the hand of My mercy as the arrival of My Son becomes imminent.
To all those tortured souls in disarray I say to you put your trust in Me, God the Father. I who created every one of you with love and compassion want to save every precious child of mine.
I do not want to lose one of you including those who sneer at Me. Prepare for the greatest gift which is being prepared for you. I will prevent Satan from snatching you if you will allow Me. I cannot force you to accept this Act of Mercy. What saddens Me is that many of you will reject this hand of My mercy. You will not be strong enough. Yet when you witness the truth as it will be revealed to you during The Warning you will attempt to grasp it like a lifeline.
You must ask Me for the strength to allow Me to save you from eternal damnation. I call on atheists especially one last time. Do not reject the truth when it is proven to you. If you do you are lost to Me forever.
God the FatherMessage to Carlos Lopez from OBM Nov.2,2011
Message from Our Blessed Mother to Carlos Lopez
November 2, 2011 Feast of All Souls St. Bruno's Church, San Bruno, CA
Dear children, Praised be Jesus!
I come this night with many souls from purgatory and with many others including many of your family members who today have entered into the Kingdom of heaven.
I come to bless you, to ask you and to beg you to pray, pray, pray for them so that they may also be released and, with the grace of God, come to see His Holy Face, come to see the eternal light forever and ever.
Give thanks to God with sincere gratitude and humility for the gift of having your Mother with you. God is that loving and merciful Father, who with His permission, desires that I continue bringing these messages of love, of peace and of mercy to the world.
Pray, pray, pray and give thanks to God. Pray without ceasing so that with His Divine Mercy I may continue coming to all of you.
Thank you, my beloved ones, for accepting, with humility, my messages from heaven. I, together with all the saints who accompany me and all the holy souls in purgatory bless each one of you, my beloved priests and my deacons who have helped me. May the peace of Almighty God be always with you.A SPIRITUAL WARFARE QUOTABLE
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.Saturday, November 05, 2011The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Dear Friends,
(After Jesus had ascended into heaven) They returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet... When they entered the city they went to the upper room where they were staying...All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. ... When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem.At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, "Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans?Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language? ..." They were all astounded and bewildered, and said to one another, "What does this mean?" (Passage from the Acts of the Apostles 1:12a,13a,14; 2:1-8,12)
Below you will find the message of Our Lady given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words,
"May the Holy Spirit fill you, My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters who live all over the world. I was present at the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Jerusalem. It was a very special holy day when we saw the tongues of fire come on the head of each person present.We all began to praise God in different tongues with much joy. It was the Father and My Son, Jesus, who sent the Holy Spirit upon the world on that day. So on that day a new era was born, for all who believed in Jesus, My Son, could be filled with the Holy Spirit and live in the power of God.The Holy Spirit as you know is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the Sanctifier so I call you all to work closely with the Holy Spirit and receive His power in you to do the work of God.It was on the day of the coming of the Holy Spirit that the Church founded by My Son came into being, because after the speech of St. Peter three thousand people were baptized and became members of the church.You know that it was through the power of the Holy Spirit that I was able to conceive and give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world. Live, My children, in the power of the Blessed Trinity and you will one day be in heaven with God, with Me and all the angels and saints. I bless you all."
Father MelvinNovember 2, 2011 Message to MirjanaToday, November 2, 2011, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana and delivered the following message:"Dear children, the Father has not left you to yourselves. Immeasurable is His love, the love that is bringing me to you, to help you to come to know Him, so that, through my Son, all of you can call Him 'Father' with the fullness of heart; that you can be one people in God's family.However, my children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake. Those who follow my Son think of the brother in Christ as of their very selves and they do not know selfishness.That is why I desire that you be the light of my Son, that to all those who have not come to know the Father - to all those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness - you may illuminate the way and that, with your life, you may show them the love of God.I am with you. If you open your hearts, I will lead you. Again I am calling you: pray for your shepherds. Thank you."*Visit http://www.medjugorjelive.org to discuss this message with other believers!
Fr. Doucette: 850] Fri, Nov 04, 2011: The Presentation in the Temple
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr.
Friday, November 04, 2011The Presentation in the Temple
Dear Friends,
When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, they took the child Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord," and to offer the sacrifice of "a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons," in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord. Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon.
This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the law in regard to him, he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying: "Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel."
The child's father and mother were amazed at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Passage from the Gospel of St. Luke 2:22-35)Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words,
"I bless you, My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters living all over the world. I am the Mother of Life as I brought Jesus, the Life, into the world. I am also the Mother of Life because I want every child who is conceived to be born. Every conceived child has the right to life. Therefore, I want you all to end abortion in the world.
Joseph and I brought the Child Jesus to the Temple when He was only a few weeks old and we offered Him to the Father. The holy man Simeon was present in the Temple and he took the Child in his arms and uttered a prophecy. As he spoke he turned to me and said that a sword would pierce My soul.
This happened when I was standing at the cross of My Son when he was dying in horrible suffering. My pain was extreme as I beheld My Son covered with blood and dying. I united Myself with Him in sacrifice for your salvation. It was during the suffering and death of My Son that He paid for all your sins and opened heaven to you. Believe in Jesus, My Son, and follow Him and you will be in heaven with us one day. I love you all."
Father MelvinPublic MessageOur Lady of EmmitsburgTo the Worldthrough Gianna SullivanOctober 5, 2008Respect Life SundayLittle children, praised be Jesus!Little ones, always remember that Almighty God is merciful, kind and compassionate. He is always there for you. Always remember this, because you have every opportunity at your hand at any moment you desire to give yourself totally to Him, to follow Him, to love Him, to suffer for Him, to be a vehicle of peace, to be Him, to live in Him, and to love as He loves.Time as you know it is quickly passing. What seemed a year ago to be a year away in your time, now has past. Quickly events and circumstances rush by you. It is hard to grasp even a moment, dwelling in the most perfect Love of God, without being distracted. Many events have unfolded, one after another, without even enough time to focus on one before another happens. Is that not what I have foretold to you?Make your house in order by prioritizing the necessities of life, those being purity and true love of God, by following Him, being detached, being at peace, removing vices that hinder your relationship with God, and by silencing all types of gossip, slander, malice, and unjustified rejections and persecutions. Be the Light of God!As you have witnessed, in a moment’s glance you could have all and lose all. What is the value of “life” to you? And to what means will you pursue your desires over that which God desires? You know the Commandments. You know what has been asked of you, morally, ethically, and family-wise. You have been given a gift. There is no need to seek anymore. Please, children, be the Light and love one another. Pray for wisdom and discernment.As parents, be responsible to bring up your children with good moral values. Help them to be responsible and accountable. Help them to have self-esteem by their doing what is right. Challenge them to achieve, and they will be proudchildren of God. They are only a gift to you. All those around you are gifts; and when God deems fit, they return to Him. Use your gifts wisely, and know that I am here with you. I am not leaving, even if you think I am far away. Be prepared. Pray with all your heart, and do not take “life” for granted.I take your petitions gratefully to God; and through His omnipotent, most glorious and adorable Love and power, all blessings from Heaven are upon you!Thank you for listening. Please respond.Reflection by Fr. John B. WangOur loving, wise, and solicitous Mother has once more given us some very precious guiding lights.She begins this message by reminding us of the transitory nature of worldly events. Things are ephemeral. Time passes and vanishes rapidly. All our possessions can be lost in an instant. Our Mother reminds us the only important focus in our own life is God for He is our Pivot, our Center, our Beginning and End. He wants us to live, love, and exist in Him, with Him and through Him. God’s mercy and compassion are always available and He is anxiously waiting for us to respond and come to Him.God has given us many gifts such as family, children and friends and Our Mother exhorts us to use them wisely. Of course, Our Lady of Emmitsburg is a very special gift. We are so grateful that She reiterates Her decision to not leave us as She continues to guide us.
Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 04 - OPEN YOUR HEARTS
The perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is an angelic service, an act of sublime faith and ardent love, a signal act of reparation to the Divine Heart of Jesus, a support for the Church Militant, a cause of special delight for the Church Triumphant and a source of indescribable relief for the members of the Church Suffering in Purgatory. It is not surprising, therefore, that the grace of an attraction toward the Holy Eucharist is considered one of
the greatest graces God can bestow upon a soul." (The Blessed Sacrament: God With Us)
"May I ever find in His adorable Sacrament the same ardent wish, the same fervent desire to be for eternity united with Jesus" (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton).
Mother Teresa -
Silence gives us a new outlook on everything.
We need silence to be able to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and through us. Jesus is always waiting for us in silence. In that silence, He will listen to us; there He will speak to our soul, and there we will hear His voice.
Padre Pio - In order to aim at perfection it is necessary to do everything possible to please God, to try to avoid even the smallest fault, and to do everything else with more generosity.Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Too many politicians can't be trusted because they lack humility"Our modern world has produced a generation of rich politicians who talk love of the poor, but never prove it in action, and a brood of the poor whose hearts are filled with envy for the rich and covetousness of their money. The rich who are humble help rather than use the poor to pave their way to power."St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
And again, I would like to say three words to the soul that is determined to strive for sanctity and to derive fruit; that is to say, benefit from confession.First word-complete sincerity and openness. Even the holiest and wisest confessor cannot forcibly pour into the soul what he desires if it is not sincere and open. An insincere, secretive soul risks great dangers in the spiritual life, and even the Lord Jesus Himself does not give Himself to such a soul on a higher level, because He knows it would derive no benefit from these special graces.Second word-humility. A soul does not benefit as it should from the sacrament of confession if it is not humble. Pride keeps it in darkness. The soul neither knows how, nor is it willing, to probe with precision the depths of its own misery. It puts on a mask and avoids everything that might bring it recovery.Third word-obedience. A disobedient soul will win no victory, even if the Lord Jesus himself, in person, were to hear its confession. The most experienced confessor will be of no help whatsoever to such a soul. The disobedient soul exposes itself to great misfortunes; it will make no progress toward perfection, nor will it succeed in the spiritual life. God lavishes His graces most generously upon the soul, but it must be an obedient soul. (113)MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Nov 4 - OPEN YOUR HEARTSToday the Madonna asks that we follow the lead of her Son :Dear children, open your hearts and let Jesus guide you. To many people this seems to be hard, but is really so easy! You need not be afraid for you know that Jesus will never leave you and you know that he leads you to salvation (Locutionist Jelena & Mirijana August 11,1986).In John's gospel, we are also called to follow the Shepherd :The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice (Jn 10 :3-4).Reflection:When in Florence every visitor seeks out Michelangelo's statue of David, the shepherd lad. It is a masterpiece in marble. It stands nine feet high, alert with all the wonderful expensiveness of artistic genius. The statue has a history that is remarkable and splendidly suggestive of today's readings. A 100 years or more before the time of Michelangelo, a magnificent block of Carrara marble was brought to Florence by an now unknown sculptor. He worked on it, blocking out the figure which was in his mind, but suddenly bungled his work by cutting a great slice out of the side, which made it useless to him, and so it was cast aside.There it lay for a century until the trained eye of Michelangelo rested on it. Immediately he caught the possibility that lay in the stone, and soon it was taking on form under his hand. Outlining and fashioning, carving and chiseling, a majestic figure was soon seen stepping from the marble, and even the mutilation which had rendered it useless to the original workman became part of the majesty of the new design." Open your hearts, " the Virgin says today, " and let Jesus guide you. " Like marble in the hands of a sculptor, we will be formed into his very image, regardless of our former sins and flaws.Application :Simply open your heart to Christ today, asking the he fashion it into the image of his own.
Weather will begin to show strange signs
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 @ 07:40 pm
My dearly beloved daughter the weather will begin to show strange signs as the earth moves to a new state in preparation for my Act of Divine mercy as I come to save you all once more.
Hatred is intensifying in every nation. Discontent is felt everywhere. Love of one another is weak while love of self becomes not only tolerated but is deemed essential in order to be accepted in today’s world.
I will wipe out hatred. I will stamp on man’s plans to inflict terror on his brother. I will wipe out the arrogance in your souls. All sin will be revealed to you as it appears in its raw ugliness in My eyes.
Why must so many kind hearted souls turn their backs today on My teachings of old? Why now? What it is about love of God the Father that becomes shameful in their eyes? I will tell you. It is because so many of My children have been side tracked by the pleasures of the world. Although many of the material goods they seek out are now beyond their grasp they still reject Me. The souls of mankind have been clouded with a darkness so thick that it will take time for My light to shine through and penetrate their souls.
How I cry tears of bitter sadness for these lost souls who are desperate for the peace of salvation they crave. They just don’t realise that only I can bring this peace into their weary hearts.
Oh how My love has been long forgotten. I am but a fragment in their minds of no real consequence. They want peace of mind and heart but they will not ask Me for this. It is only when they ask that I can respond. Don’t they know this?
For those of you who do love Me but who hate or resent your brother you too need My help. I do not want your loyalty if you don’t treat others with kindness. When you hurt your brothers and sisters for whatever reason you hurt Me. No matter how you justify your actions know this. I feel the pain of those you abuse. When you hurt Me like this you cannot show me true love from the heart.
Learn from this. Seek humility in all things before you come before Me to swear allegiance to My Holy Will. In this way you will be pure of soul and fit to enter My Kingdom.
You, My children, are very fortunate because millions of you will become part of My New Paradise. This is because of the times you are living in. So many of you in the world today children can now be saved in a way that previous generations could not have been.
Welcome this news and use this opportunity to accept My Divine Mercy with open and contrite hearts while you can.SPIRITUAL WARFARE QUOTABLE
Your Saviour Jesus ChristMessage Thru Marie - October 31, 2011
October 31, 2011 around 9:30 am…Message thru marie
As we were heading for batangas coming from tagaytay, mindful of praying for the souls in purgatory,I started on the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. This tends to be my focus most of the time lately,to say the sorrowful mysteries over and over together with the divine mercy chaplet. This also tends tobe my longest said because the reflections sometime take me to a deeper meditation on Jesus’ passionthat I can’t say it in my usual pace. Sometimes I have spent more than an hour on just this one mystery,the sorrowful.
At the first decade- agony in the garden, I began to reflect and interiorly I saw our Lord amidst the oppressivespirits of darkness and despair assaulting him from all sides, so many of them, they were suffocating him,wanting to stop him from what he had freely and willfully decided to do. They were tormenting him and weakeninghis resolve to complete the greatest act of Love, his life offering. As they bore down on Him ( I felt like sayingmillions but it’s more like a million pounds of pressure bearing down on him on all sides), I saw him almostcrushed to the ground, and his heart was tortured by their endless constant battering at him, bringing muchdoubt into what he had set out to do. This torture was pressuring our Lord that one normally would have diedat that point of mental and emotional exhaustion, a normal person would have died of a stroke I was thinkingor heart attack. And what did our lord do…, he implored the Father for help. He turned upwards with the littlestrength left in Him, he stretched out his arms, his soul faced the Father , he turned and focused all hisstrength on Abba and He prayed more earnestly, and as he did this, a beam of light from the Father fell on Him.
This beam of Light just penetrated his whole being, it illuminated his soul, his mind, his heart and it shone uponhim and enlightened and strengthened his resolve such that the evil spirits could not touch him anymore andthis greatly uplifted him such that he could now say, father…let this cup pass from me but, let not my willbut thy will be done..... I then turned to the times in my life when I felt crushed as well by the worries and anxietiesI went through and how this often was felt more in the evening or dark hours of the night and how I stayed theredrowning in the pressure of these worries. I realized how very miniscule is what I have gone through comparedto our Lord’s. I felt embarrassed to have worried so much and poured sleepless nights over my own ‘problems’especially when I saw what our Lord went through. I quickly recalled the agony of others' crosses(being a prayer warrior), one an unfaithful husband who continues to be addicted to the spirit of lust...another, a heart condition whenfinancially she has no regular job or family to turn to for assistance...and I started to do a short novena to His Sacred Heart ----
At this point, interiorly I heard our Lord say,
“when you pray, my daughter, instead of asking me for so many things,( for those in need, for healing of difficult
illnesses, for reconciliation of marriages, for the peace within families, for relief of souls in purgatory) ask mefor one thing only. I will tell you the secret to enter the chambers of my Heart.Ask me to bring you close to Me. Ask and desire only Me. Only to be fused to my tender heart. Desire this, first,desire this, only, desire this solely, and trust Me with everything. Ask this and you will possess everything.Ask this and My Light and My peace shall dwell within you. This is how you are to pray….This is how I prayed to Our Heavenly Father, and he gave me everything and so shall you possess everythingyou will ever need: Courage, humility, contrition, surrender, acceptance, contentment, peace. Once you enter mychambers, you shall receive an extraordinary grace that shall allow you to be guided by Me in all things, in allareas of your life. Surrender all your desires to Me. Be fused to me in all moments, highs and lows, both theperceived blessings as well as the trials that now abound for you. You encounter your agony as well, more sonow as this is the time of intense purification. Trust in Me and I shall grant you my peace.
Ask for Me and you shall have Me. Teach this to others. This is how to pray to My Sacred Heart.
Meditation on first decade ends…
Weather will begin to show strange signs
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 @ 07:40 pm
My dearly beloved daughter the weather will begin to show strange signs as the earth moves to a new state in preparation for my Act of Divine mercy as I come to save you all once more.
Hatred is intensifying in every nation. Discontent is felt everywhere. Love of one another is weak while love of self becomes not only tolerated but is deemed essential in order to be accepted in today’s world.
I will wipe out hatred. I will stamp on man’s plans to inflict terror on his brother. I will wipe out the arrogance in your souls. All sin will be revealed to you as it appears in its raw ugliness in My eyes.
Why must so many kind hearted souls turn their backs today on My teachings of old? Why now? What it is about love of God the Father that becomes shameful in their eyes? I will tell you. It is because so many of My children have been side tracked by the pleasures of the world. Although many of the material goods they seek out are now beyond their grasp they still reject Me. The souls of mankind have been clouded with a darkness so thick that it will take time for My light to shine through and penetrate their souls.
How I cry tears of bitter sadness for these lost souls who are desperate for the peace of salvation they crave. They just don’t realise that only I can bring this peace into their weary hearts.
Oh how My love has been long forgotten. I am but a fragment in their minds of no real consequence. They want peace of mind and heart but they will not ask Me for this. It is only when they ask that I can respond. Don’t they know this?
For those of you who do love Me but who hate or resent your brother you too need My help. I do not want your loyalty if you don’t treat others with kindness. When you hurt your brothers and sisters for whatever reason you hurt Me. No matter how you justify your actions know this. I feel the pain of those you abuse. When you hurt Me like this you cannot show me true love from the heart.
Learn from this. Seek humility in all things before you come before Me to swear allegiance to My Holy Will. In this way you will be pure of soul and fit to enter My Kingdom.
You, My children, are very fortunate because millions of you will become part of My New Paradise. This is because of the times you are living in. So many of you in the world today children can now be saved in a way that previous generations could not have been.
Welcome this news and use this opportunity to accept My Divine Mercy with open and contrite hearts while you can.
Your Saviour Jesus ChristHoly Love Nov.3, 2011
November 3, 2011
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to offer some guidelines towards personal holiness. Never seek to be important or held in esteem in the eyes of man. Let suffering and good works be always in the background. To be patient is a sign of great humility."
"Always be a good listener. Be generous in expressing gratitude and in offering compliments when they are due. Be prudent in the time and place, even of constructive criticism."
"Always search for ways to help others; not so as to receive their indebtedness, but so as to be 'Jesus' to them."
"Prayer is a generous gift to be given in the silence of your heart."BLESSED MOTHER’S NEXT PROMISED MIDNIGHT VISIT WILL BE ON THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, DECEMBER 12, 2011. Click for more...
Holy Love Ministries
Die To Yourself Daily
November 3, 2011
My peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. You must believe that you can have this peace on earth. But it won’t come from earthly things. Accepting all that God gives you on a daily basis will bring you true peace. You must accept God’s will completely in all trials and sufferings. God knows what is best, not us. The more acceptance you have of your condition, the more peace it will bring. Love God in all things and he will bring you peace. Do not try to find peace in earthly things. This will not happen my children. Call on me to bring you the peace you need. Strive for peace. It is what I want for you my child. Not anxiety and distress. I did not create you this way. Sin has made way to anxiety and stress. Peace is a gift from me that I want you to have. You can find great peace in suffering when suffering with me. It is the simple treasures as these where you will find your peace. Think not of your own suffering, but try to help others. This will bring great peace. Die to yourself daily and forget yourselves. Great peace will come to those who practice this. I did not walk the earth trying to help myself, but I searched to help others. This is what you must do as a mother, wife, and friend. Let this sink into your heart. Do not care much for your own well-being. Care for others and you will be taken care of. Trust me greatly in times of distress and don’t follow your emotions but follow your heart. Always ask, what would Jesus do, and you will find an answer. My peace is for you if you follow these simple steps. I love you.
Peace be with you,